The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 31, 1890, Image 3

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FRIDAY. itCfOllKR 31,1000.
lr. J, R Invidiam la again nt)w to I
oul upon the street. The doctor haa
lavn seriously tit fur sometime, ami wt
are sure hi nmuy frleiuU throughout
the county will he glad to learn of hU
wvlwn, lie gave the Wwt
Sil'K oOUv a pleasant cull on but Mou
day evening, mui requested the rlvl-
lege of returning hi sincere thanks
through the niiHlUim of thli Journal
to kind friends who hud aiteudod hie
bcdtlde and mude light the couch of
ml during hla lute eevvre, Mow.
Mr. 11. W Murphy, one of our most
enterprising mid stiwasful farmers who
tlm annus Ihw utile eouth of this city
ho already dug nd garnered about
talOO bushel of Uurbank MHHllltlK po
tatoe Thl splendid crop of "spuds'
uink a huge pile sex'entceu feet wide,
aWtydve Uvl long, and el feet
ttth. Potatoes are uow worth HO cent
per bushel, with every prospect 6f a
rise In the market. Who say that po
tables culture doesn't pay In Orvgou?
Ir. W. F. I'ruden ami family, of
Prairie lily, Umnt county, Oregon, ar
rived In thl city last Tuesday evening,
The lVietor I hu old time friend and
school mite of our esteemed follow
loxvnsmuu V, K. Creasy, nd come
highly rcvHi unum to I a practitioner,
He contemplate m.kluii the Willam
ette Valley lil future homo, ana auy
couclude to locate permanently at lude
pcndoiicc, lie ha routed Mr. CroKny'e
O. It. Whltmore, grand ulticlal In
tractor of the "Ancient Order of Unl-
tint workmen," I In the city and will
give an add met at the oiera tuwmt on
next Tuesday at T p m. on the "nil.
at.m" of the order. Admission free
Kvcrrbody Invited. Organisation ou
The Wiwr SStiw acknowledge the
rvHvlntof "llieUiMor rivlllxntlon," a
Minauce of modem life, by Mm. M. A.
1'lttock. The writer la well kmiwu on
the I'mlrtc coast, and we cheerfully
recommend thin book to the reading
Mr, o. H. Whltmore, formerly pastor
of M. K. church at Kugeue City, but
now a rwddeut of MeMiiinvllle, and
grand ouJoUl Instructor for A. O. U.
W. ofOit'm and Washington, gave
this urtlce a pleasant call on Wednenday
Jut, Orr, from .'reacott A Wutwa,
losing camp on tue Lucklamute,
rcprta seventeen meu at work at the
apper ciamp and eleven at the lower.
Mr. Orr any they are getting out a
large annuity of logs, aude()wtt U lu
crew their force within a abort tltue.
J.k (illxMti, rvwp, real estate dealer
of thl city, gnve the Wasr St dm offlt
apleaouit call the flrt rt of the
week, lie had Jut returned from the
KxMwitlnn at TorlUtid, f nd aald that
he stayed with the Polk county ex.
bibit until the doxology wa Hung.
Iter. N, HlHtpp will prenoh next Sun
diiy at tue Culvsry cUuroh at 11 o'clock
.a. n.: Gree ebnrcb (CocUraa) at 8 p. ra
and at tbs Evaurfelioal obnroU tbia oily
at 7 .") p m. Sunday acbool at 10 a. m
at ttie viiiiilical obrrvh.
H;y! the roaila will be very bad In
the mturu, and It will be a good
Idea to call In at J. I). at out, and
lay in your winter supply of groeerlea.
Hi I selling way down.
Mrs. L. W. .Itobertnon, of this city,
and Mif Musgie Duller and Helen
lllhlmrd, of Monmouth, returned home
from the Mechanic falrou lat Mon
day. Kellglou ervliH at the M. K. church
next Sunday morning and eveulugaUo,
Hunduy w liool at 8 o'clock p. m., Kev.
K. E. I'lilpl's, pantor.
A. J. Illcliardaou, of Ihieua Vlata,
baa sold hi residence to a Mr. Hhlvea,
and will remove either to8alm or Tort
land. The bright, genial weather of our In
dian summer completely upsets the
faulty recollection of our weather proph
ets. MWt Hattie lavls, of Monmouth, re
turned home on last Wednesday from
Hiwkaiie Falls and Palouse City where
she has been sending the summer.
Mr. F. Hubbard, brother of Chas.
Hubbard, of this city, died In Iowa ou
last Thursday.
Mr. H. F. Whlteaker's buildings near
the school house block, are rapidly ap
proaching completion.
Mr. J. O. Crouch, formerly of Mon
mouth, but now of Puyallup, W.T., Is
visiting here this week.
Mr. Archibald Kirkland, late of
Alrlle, lui moved Into Mrs. M. Tucks'
new building ou D street
Invitation cards are out for the wed
ding of Miss Minnie Gibson and Dr.
Jamys K. Locke on Nov. Otli.
AV. K, Dulton's fruit dryer was de
stroyed by flro on last Saturday. Loss
f.j00. No Insurance.
Miss Lulu Waller, of Monmouth, has
returned homo from her recent visit to
.8 P. (,'rassinger, of Crassonger A Co.
Los Angles, Cal , in Independence
Friday on business.
Mrs. B. C. Dice has rcturnel home
from a two week's visit among relatives
In Corvallls. .
Mr. J. C. White, of Oak Grove, was
Mrs. I. Vanduyn, of Malein, was In
town on lust Wednesday.
Mrs. Peter Cook gave this office a
pleasant call one day this week.
Bave money by buying your groceries
of J. D. Irvine. ,
The Oregon Pat-lflo went Into the re
ceivers hands on last Wednesday.
The Wbst Bhb o(l:e atik now ledges
a pleasant call from Ilev. N. Bhupp.
Finest stock of gro!eriesln town at
Mrs Ell Young, of Allilna, is visiting
relatives and friends In this city.
Butter and eggs wanted at J. D. I.
Mr. J. P. Irvine Is somewhat "under
the weather" tills week, so to speak.
Unixs scuds at Irvl no's.
Best tobacco in town J. D. Irvine's.
Go to J. I).
I.'s tinil got a good cup of
In chant oT
Mr. Hlraia hat moved
into lm) He
T. Itaah inovwl into hi new uoum ou
last Haturday.
J.O.Worth itaMy deniiellnl
new reiiueuee.
I Oronnd M imgly iMooneed in hla
new mutlimoe.
Vtnt J.-M, IVweH now oeenuia bk
Lark Hall la Imildiim an .bl!ti... L
ui new bouse.
Home of oar student attended tha fit
ai I'urtland last week.
riwidenl llampbell and N. L Sutler
weai to Hslftu S.lurday.
Wm. Seller I oocodiiiu In usw rtm.
aene near Perry Murphy',
We begau III aaooud Mon Urro of nar
ehool no Monday with tioelUul iplriU
anu wen learned (j) Itwaou,
Mn Ella Whiteaker, o aad
Mia laingaor, of linen Vnta. atteuded
UM ohapel exuroUw. uer Mouday,
Hlndenu pleat observa that thl week
we take the advuw President Campbell
give n in abapei on day last week.
8ral of iht Normal iludeuU ttteo
dad the Taachet'a Inititut held at Dab
la lat Saturday, Au iiitt resuug lime
Ou, A drill twice each week on Men
tMy'i and Thursday'. The boy are now
almost able to diitiugnwh Ibeir left band
from their right.
r.Ticwuuy mo young gentlemen art
1...: I .i
taking great mtereat lu our dumbbell
xiie frote tbeway they (laud around
lb ohapel dar during the foreuoon
Itemember the ooucert to be giten In
the Normal ohapel Friday night. Ilia
given by Mia Barrett, proceed to go to
ward in support of Ui department of
muaio. All art iurited to ouuie and bring
their fr mm!.
Prof, Correct tbt aeutener:
Mother do you care If u girl bs
little donee In the parlor T" Mr
Mother da you ear it tbt girl and I
ban a little dance In (be parlor T" -"A"
grammar class.
A "lighluing ealoulator" by tb name
of vuiited lb Normal ou Mon
day, aim dfered to teaeb the student
and teacher ome abort method of coif
ing equation of a bltiher degree of ad-
itiua aud of fraetana, but oould And no
one desiring to learn any of hi new
Tb library aaaociatioo met Tueaitay
aud eleetett it officer. Keveral paper
re uow eomuig to tb reading room,
and we hope to bans at an early date.
the beat of literature in reach of the to
deut. We eannot think of a oonrse of
tludy a oouiplete union it b litera
ture in proportion to it mathematics,
language and agienoe. We mast bave it
it w are ymmetrioally developed. Each
Indent tuould take an active Interest in
(hi more.
A the Yertine do not wub to be
outdone by their brother the Eureka',
they al-si bave adopted I plan of giving
miuule peeobea in aocietr, and by per-
liitent effort wt nope by the time the
Inter month rr passed to bare tome
good oritur. The oommiltet who were
to report on tome book to read bare
asked for another week, a they were not
able to procure the book wanted. In a
few weeks we are to bave the Oral moiety
paper of tbt year. All the member are
requested to give auy item of iutoresl
they msy bave to the editor. We would
alio be glad to bave a communication
from the ttowery pen of Han.
Mr. 0. 0. Beck who ha beau quite ill
for tome lira, I now improving.
The Iliekrtsll mill are running uigbt
and day In order to (apply the demaud.
Work ha begun on the bridge at tbi
place, but uone too toon i it wa badly
Messrs. Uoodctl k Walkar have just
received a large (tuck ut good for the
fall trade.
Mrs. Win. Tatoin aud her sou Thomas
left (or the Hound oouutry on last Mon
ay, and will probably be absent tor
some time.
Mrs. L L. MoArtlmr, of Portland, is
visiting ber mother, Mrs. Nesniith, who
ha been in poor health for tome time.
Prof. PoWill'e Music etna is progress
ing flnoly.
Mr. Ed Cook, who is in the kiln Irymg
trnit bnshiest at tbi place, but already
dried 1(1,000 lb, of fruit.
Dixie i neither dead nor dying, but i
unt beginning to arouse itself from a
long sleep, Mr. H. V. Dumb bits reoeut
lr platted a new additioa consisting of
tix block. Mr. 3toner will pnt np two
new building toon a muteriiil oau be
Mr. Wrdf i busily engaged moving
ber household goods np from Portland,
Miss Belle Teal wat visiting nmong
ber many friends in Hazel Dell on last
J. B. Teal, oar gonial bridge contractor,
is engaged building mill dam for Mar
tin A Senra of Dallas.
Heboid, at the Teal school house, is
progressing finely nnder the management
of Miss Viola Itubel,
The steam sawmill is now mailing, and
there will soon be ou hasd a sufftaient
amount of lumber to supply tli demand .
There I talk of constructing a motor
line from Onkburat to anolt Lige Mar
tin' farm, Wm. Brown it to be con
duct or.
We are informed tbat Falls City isJ
kely to have an electric light plant. It
would be a benellt to people going heme
from church,
A petition is being numerously signed
by .jitizens of Falls City and vicinity in
favor of O. W. Grigg a postmaster.
Mr. G. i well and favorably known
here,and Uncle Bam't mall mutters could
be entrusted in no better hnuds,
Miss Annie E. Griggs, of Fnlls City,
who baa been quite low with typhus fever
it rapidly recovering, we are pleased to
Albert Cavltt, of Ftrn Parlrie, is visit
ing hit mother Mi. M. J . Cavitt.
Jj. Abramt, Linooln't popular mer-
obanL passed through our oily lust Tuea
oa DU way uonie irora roriiami,
Trot. J. P, Powell will organist a ting
ing olaat at thl place. All of our young
people unght to Improve tin oppor
tunity at the protestor la a Drat class
Mr, IIsrritKii and family, ot Balem,
bavt moved into Mr. Hunt' bouse, W
re glad to tee our oity fill up with good
people. Only one more empty bouse In
town. Who will be the next to more luY
Mis Emma Hughe hssflnwbed her
term of teaching In the Earnest school
district. Hb started lust Wednesday
moralug Kir tli GiMtaneck oountry,
where slit will take np a (our mouth
Elder Alton W. Hteert will com'
tnenoe a series of lecture on the pro
pheayt Haturday, Nov. Hth at 7 p. m.
Tb Elder it a fluent eaker. Let
tverylsHly turn out to bear him. AH are
oordially Invited hi attend.
Wt can plainly bear the blasting on
the Salem bridge pier. It seem hk a
lot ot school boy bttviug a bollidny, It
teem Ibst Marlon and Polk comity
oourl onglit to benshsm td ot lhaiutelve
In playing building aud then tear down
at the people eteiie.
Nt Ilayden and one of Hatem'
men went out gunning in our valley last
Sunday, disregarding trtHspss uoliesa
They earn serosa one (armor who was
not afraid thtm, He ordered Ibetn to
gel or b would have the oonntshla after
them in ihort order, It t ueedlcs b
say they left.
Engen Breyman, of Halem, was out
here last Hnltirdny hunting China phess
ante, lit came aenwa a drove ut boga
belonging to Charlie Phillips, uot being
aceuatomed lu oily cbasi, they raised
Ibeir brissels and went for bun and bis
dog. Htrsngt tossy Eugene outran his
dog, but the boga were to fssl for him
and were about to take bold ot blm when
men who were plowing near by came to
hi aid.
t'lTV I'Ut'NI IL.
Oct, 2H, lHtW.
Council met in City ball, Pttweut,
Mayor Hhelley, end octiociluien Buster,
Wbieler, Hliiuu aud Pentlnnil, Marshal
Macsulsy a id ltcoorilor Line.
Minute of prevamt meeting reed and
Third resiling ot ordiuitnce bill to
grant L. C.Uihtiore a fr.iuchise fur erect
idg water workt in ttie 3ity of Indepeii-
leuce, which was puastni with the follow
ing amendment to Hee. 1 added; And
tbat the sup nly of wster, and sim of
mulus shall be adequate for a reasonable
demand in the oily, which shsll be regu
lated by the oity eonneil In each portion
ar ease at it tball arise."
Ordinance vacating slley iu school
house block read third time and passed.
The realtor of oily aawwimaiil was quits
fully discussed.
It was moved that when the conned
adjourns, it sdjourn to meet next Wed
own! ay evening to equalise the city a
Application made (or licensing the
pert bouse by the year referred to Com
millet on flusnce.
Moved that eotamilb't on street and
public property report on advisability of
building ewer ou Moumoulb aud also
E street.
Movsd that city marshall sue Ibal side
walks in third ward are built as ordered.
Bill of Presoott A Tanma, HM tH and
W, II. Wheeler 12 1 ordered paid. A.
Whiteaker, hearse hire, ilin illoac f
Conucil s.ljourued.
Whereas, Mr. Bhnpp sud Ins adher
ents barn forced tbnirwsy Into tbt Kvim
gchcal church oontrary to Hie wishet td
majority of the noting nierubcra of the
said elinroh, and Whereas be, Mr. 8., bss
made hit appointments to they conflict
with Ibe sppoinlmeiitt of our pastor, D
V. Poling, on the Si at Hundsy eveniug
(notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Pol
ing' appointments were published first;)
and Whereas we do uot desire any con
flict of the services, whiah would be in
jurious to the Christ and foreign to the
spirit thereof: Therefore, Resolved thut
we will hold our service in the Presby-
terinu ulimch for the time being,
L II. D ivall. 0. L.; D. B. Boyditou,
rmileej A. J. Boydslou, Emaia Lee,
Supt,; Htnih Irvine, Jei.tne Williams,
ime Hedges, Ida Kstss, Ada Judson,
Gorfis Fluke, Alice Macnuluy, J, H, Fer-
gtisou, w. I'. Jriikms and wife, Alice
Buns high at the drug stores in this
place over Hystera Builder a everybody
i using it fur catarrh, ot stomach, dys
pepsia, oonstipation and impute blood,
and to build up the system it oertuinly
possesses wonderful merit when all npnHk
so well of it,
Wort than Ltproty
Is catarrh, and there is one but one pre
paration that doe cure that disease, and
that is the California Positive mid Nega
tive Electric Liniment. Hold by all
rnggists. It also euros neuralgia,
rheumatism, headache, sprains, bums
and all p tin. Try it and tell your
negthbor whore to got it.
Only on In the United States
Out of 11107 oongh syrups manufactured
iu the United mates, nut one has been
found tn be entirely free from opintes
and that is the California Positive and
Negntive Electric Cough cure, which Is
the best on earth for omighs, cold, croup,
etc. Hold by all drtiggisle.
The other evening we saw on exhibi
tion at Buster & Locke's drug store an
oil crayon portrait of rare merit. Upon
Inquiry we ascertained that Miss Etta
Whltcukcr was the gifted author of this
beautiful work of art. The delicate
touch and high Ideal conceptions of
the truo artist are everywhere manifest
In the contour aud shadings of the
picture. Miss Whitcaker'a perspective
ability la of a high order, and, with
application and study, alio is certain to
win distinction.
Notloe to the Public
I have this day disposed ot my de
livering outfit to the City Truck Co.,
(Messrs. Williams & Co.,) and ou the 1st
ot November tbey will begin delivering
goods for my ttore. Please remember
that your order will be as promptly de
livered in the future as iu the past,
- Yours truly,
J. D. IllVINB.
J. P. Irvine returned home from
Portland last Tuesday.
Suitable Orounet Loeate-Dolnat
f the Commltteee--Chleat
Wideawake-. A Stirring
Oobuhii, Or., OoleiW, IWW.
Editoii WmstHiuii-I bavt lately re
turned home from my second trip to
t'lncngii, where I bave been attending
lit meetings ot the oommltsionei ot Hit
World's Columbian Exposition, aud
supposing your many reader would like
to know what progress bat boeu mad in
preparation for holding ot the World'
great fair, I will give the outlines of
what bos been done, ,
After a long aud earnest discussion ou
the psrt ut the eomtuiseionera, w bavt
accepted a location, which, iu our
opinion, it amply adequate for urn urt
gon exhibit; bnt the local board of Chi
cago was not ready with plan ot building,
etc,, nor was Hit hist five millions of
money yet ready. Now, to make this
matter as plain at ssible, it will he
t,menry B1 I" f,,f,'r I "'
oongress which mukes it the duty o( the
eommiasioiieratoteethat the ground ml
building olfured are lufuoieutly ade
quate tor all practicable purposes, and
Dial tht money proutiend is secured. It
tlieu become our duty to report to IU
president who will issue a proclamation
declsrsiug to the world that the United
Stales 1 to celebrate the four hundretb
anniversary ot lite discovery ot America
by holding the World' Columbian Ex
position nt Chicago iu lKUi).
Now as the local Ismrd of Chicago was
uot ready to rrportou plsn of buildings,
or upon tue iiud uve itiiinons prutniseu,
we bad tondjouru subject to a call of
the president of the board of eommtss
loners, which, I thluk will I e issued soon.
At our last meeting the twenty odd
committee were alt appointed and con.
Brined. No work will be don by the
committees until their next wceling. at
which lime tbey will perfect plan for
the great fair. Eucb committee lis full
Ooutrol ut its own special department.
NmW, slnee we have secured sufllmeul
lironnd for exhibit, 1 sin oouvineed that
Oregoii will bave due opportunity to
display ber wonderful resources, I say
wonderful resources, because 1 have seeu
our products planed tide by side with
uot only those ot other stab's, but, also,
with those ot other uatious, and have
found them equal, end in many rosiwots
suitor to the produclioi.a ot auy otlr
part of the world. We have a rare op
portiiiiily lo place the rich and diversi
fied resources of Oregon before the
world iu their true light: an opportunity,
peibspt, that will not occur mn again,
The pulriotisin of every citixen etighl
1 1 bo aroused in ill's matter. As for my
self, I feel proud lo have been cue among
many, who, banishing all (ear of dati(r
aud hsrdahia, has" Ibe courage to asstat
In reelutmiug Ibis fair land from the
sataje, sud opening up to civilisation t
uew com try on the IWiflo Cost. I am
proud ot having been a pioneer lu de
veloping the resource ot a country
which i detigned to become cue of the
weaitlilest emmonwealtlu in the greti
sisiprhisid i ( ststea. To loss this op
portunity of placing the resources of
Oregon before the world, simply for Ibe
want of sunloieiit meant, would be
equivalent to ssyiug that the indomitable
spirit which mode possible the early
settlement ot this country was nut only
dormant, but dead; aud that we, a t
people, bad ht our local pride, our
tale pride, and our national pride. Bui,
I know this spirit is not dead.
Your truly,
M. Wll.KIKS,
- - -
A IVauabl Plant---About Cem-pltsd---Capolty
100 Bblt.
per Day.
Mr. (ico. Skinner, lute id Moscow,
Idaho, Is the proprietor of these valu
able mills which will be in active
oktiiiIoii early iu November next.
Mr, H. hnsamrcd no exicuee In making
his plant complete In all of Its depart
ments. Hu hufl hud largo existence
ill his special line of business, and feels
competent to give entire satisfaction
This property la a valuable acquisition
to the htislncsa Interests of the com
munity at large, and Is particularly a
benellt to the people of ludeHlidciicc
and Immediate vicinity. This tiiugul
flccttt plant will have a capacity of loo
barrel of flour per day. The following
Is a statement of machinery1 now on
One splendid UxlU Porlcr-Alleu
engine of UK hame-powcr; live double
sets of Nordykc & Miirmon (Vs. roller
milts; eighteen stauds of elevators; one
Daisy Hour packer; six Improved flour
dressers Improved patent June 4, 1880;
two Smith's purlllcrs Nob. 1 and 2;
one Bcclal New Era scaljier; one Cran
ston scouring, polishing and 8cianilliiK
machine; one receiving separator of 800
bushels capacity per hour, and two
Cyclone dust collectors. The aggregate
storage capacity of the four lttrgo bins
is about lO.OlH) bushels.
Visko, Or,, Sunday, Oct. 20th, 1HIK), Mr.
Andrew Audcruon to Mrs. Emma J.
Prattler, both parties of Bucna Vista,
E. H. LongAore, J, P., ollluiiiting.
llolh the bride and bridegroom sro
well known and highly estoomcd iu the
community where they reside.
HASTINGS ELK1NS. -At the resi
dence of tlit bride's parents in Inde
petitionee, Tuesday, Oct, 2", 1800, Miss
Laura E. Elkins to It, VV, Hiisltugs,
both ot Independouoa, Kev, N, Hbnpp,
Many friends of the family live on the
Ltiflklnmiita aud in the Pee Dee vullcy.
We wish the young couple a long and
prosperous journey through life.
ADKIN8 HILL. At the home of the
bride's "parents iu Monmouth, Or.,
Thursday, Oct. 80, 1890, Mr. A. G.
Adkius, of Monmouth, to Miss Laure
Hill, Bev. Mr. Laye, ofllolating.
Miss Hill is one ot Monmouth's moat
accomplished young ladies, and Mr,
Adkina is a young geuMeman of worth
and character. ' They have the compli
ments of the Wehv Hiob.
t will null the fnllnwItiK properly tn tint
lilKlmnl blililur at my plwte itl IniltMwiiiicnve,
Oi'kkoii, Nov. tl, lWK), st ill o'ohsik i bus mare
aovfiii ynara old, I home Unt year old, two
llllldB llirce years ulit, 1 brood msru, 1 net hur
ni'K, 1 curt, nlo Terms of mile. All Hums
over 810 twelve months with approved
uciurlty with Interest. J, W. Hiciiamusun.
Theusmss of students attending Ibe
Of nu Hist Normal tchool at Mon
nmulb alapbsbetioally arranged:
Blrdi Anslyu, Albanyi O W Allrnan,
Nora Butler, A L Briggt, L Itidwell,
Laura Burnett, Monmouth; J Bridewell
Dallas; Hattie Urouson. Lswlivllle
Benjamin Butler, Olex: II Bushued,
Junction Citvj fearl Blackerly.Hllverton
T J Bailey, lllll.horo; It M Butler, Napa
Csl. 1! L Ballard. 11 Itoyd, Slaughter,
Wash.t Host B Coleman, Laura E Cole
man, Eugene Oily; Mary Coals, Berlb
Ciittron, Monmouthi Ella Currlu, Ci
rintvlllni E Carothert, Albany) A M
Condra, Msytville;lIattkCluw, Junction
Ciiy;W Douglas, Tygh Valley; 0 Devier,
Portland; J It Dimlck, Ang Dimlck
Hubbard; L.urt Davldsou.Ht Paul; R E
Edwards, Union Itidge) K J Elder, Ta-
ooms; Ella Emmett, Monmouth; A
Fulkeraon, Hulem; N J Praxer, Amos
Fletchei, McCoy; U Flint, Hob jIIs Ferry;
tlruee Fittwaler, Condon; F Farley,
North Yamhill; Adv Qrlgsby, Itlokre ill;
Nettie Ground, Blanch Ground, Mon
mouth; W A Oilrs ie, Vtiioouver; Frsu
eis Uttllswny, Weiseri Uudley Gibson,
Wells; Mary Qiuson, Jitcktonvllle: C
Gammon, Pomeroy; , Helen Hibhsrd,
Hilverton; W H Htmbree, MaMinuville;
D A Ilosg, Haver; Belle HibUnrd, A
Hihbard, Marquam; C'ohs lllgley,
Hsletn; F Harris, Husie Howell, Clara
Hall, Eldon llalev, Monmouthi lbtte
Hbuson, Eugeue; Mnry Hyde, Albany;
Jennie Hay, F Hnber, Olex; A B W
Hughe, BsHstoti; G A Hieiitt, Kuott
Mills; Ed Henry, CurriusvillejH Haasler,
Portland; F Hal), Welladale; H T Hub
bard, Pullman; E I Hadley, Newbnrg; B
H Howe, Wm Howe, Perrydsle) 0 Hen
kle, It W Hastings, Independence; O D
Ireland, Monmouth; 11 0 Jordan, At
bsnri Olivia Jacob, Mildred Jacobs,
Cleomi Nellie James, Moro; J Jordan,
Arlington; C H Jsckson, Cauyouvillc; N
0 Jnild, Bridal Veil; Hattie Jonea, Iude
iwndeuce; J Kelly, Pieasuut Hill; J B
Kiodall, Portland; L Klrkwisxl, Amily;
Fred Lucas, Nellie Iemmou,
F W liStiglitry, Moumotitb; Wm J La
eey, lndepeudeiiee; iKirs Laird, Pleueant
Hill; Anuie Lnaler.GleuwiMat; 0 Loudea,
Murray; Emily la-mon, Union; Josit
Licdell, VesS'r; Chester Murphy, Julia
MoCiilloc!, Cecil MeCalluob, 0 C Mul
key, I sirens Mulkey, Moumoalb; Muggu
McPberson, lliill.toii; Laurs Miller.
Wheatland, Omlle Mount, E T Morris,
Hilverton; J McIXiuuld, Portland; Hattii-
and VVlnnie Mulkey, Dot; E. J. Masters,
Huiumerville; C A MeGrew, Perrydsle;
E A Miller, Gervais; A G McDonald,
Scio; Isabel McArtbtir, New Era; A E
MoCnakey, Carlton; Msry A North tip,
Glencoe; A 8 Powell, Fred Powell, Al
bany; Kate Pooler, Halm8 H I'a'mer,
Naps. Csl.j Ada Bedford, Iextngtuii;
Mary lluldell. Maliel Btddell, Wm Hut-
doll Moeuiouth; J, A Bidings, Marquam;
WF lthra, Heppuer; Wm Itagtdule,
.Moro; D J Biding, Butte. Or.; iienja
miu Bichards, PhiUmnth; W N ltichsrd
son, L W Biohardaon, Hchi; A Himming
toil, Dallas; Alice Hnvage, N Yakima,
Cora Htnith, Moumoutb; May .Strong,
Junction City; IB Hlnrley, Moscow; It
B Hmilli, Arlington; Traoey Htatls, Lew-
isville, Maude Huhsbury, Oregon City;
Frank Htanlon, Hnlem; G P Hbedd, Al
bany; F, Hbsuks, ML Angel; Ida Boo
Held, Marshfleld; J W Hhinu, Lewlsville;
Miunie Hlanlon, Haiem; Cora Huell, In-
deiwndence; 0 Taylor, Corvidlia; Htells
Uuiphlelte, Aunty; W W Vauderpool,
Wells; Mand Wist, Beaaide; Msry Wist,
8capoote; W A Waun, Ballaton; Mand
Williams, Wheatland; Alice Wade,
Aumtville; EfUe Warren, Eatella Webb,
Heppuer; Lttella Wesson, Moro; Julia
White, Butte, Or.; Alice Williams, Inde
pendence; Luey Wade.Hummerville; Eva
William, Oukville; Manou Wtathorford,
Olex; 0 W Wuler, J H Waun, Ballaton;
J M Wood, Vancouver; T E Lieberg,
Monmouth. Total, 100.
Joaepti IWrry, of Huver, was lu town
Mrs. KUor, of Phlloniath, Is visiting
her daughter lu this city.
Alex. Holmes, Esq., of Mo 'oy, was
lu the city on last Monday.
Miss Beardsley, of Kola, la visiting
Miss Kate Wheeler of this city,
Mrs. E. U. Heath, of East Port hind,
Is vlslllug relatives lu this city.
Mr. Clark Furver, of New labauon,
Pen n.. Is the gilest of Mr. Jas. Gibson.
Miss Hophlu Wolf, of Hilverton, Is
visiting with frleuds In this city.
There will be sociable at the
Kvaugcllcul church ut Cochrune next
Huturday eveunlng. Each ludy Is rt-
Ittestcd to bring a basket wl.h supp r
for two. Admission free.
Insects and Yortnin. -Dissolve tvo
pounds of alum in three or four quart
of water, Let it remain over uigbt, till
all the alum is dissolved. Then, with
brush, apply, boiling hot, to overy joint
or orevice In the oloset or shelve where
Oroton bugs, auts, oookronobes, etc.,
iutrmlo;also to tbe joints aud oreviccs of
bedsteads, as bedbugs dislike it a much
ot Crotou bugs, roaches, or auta. Brush
all tbe cracks in the floor and mop
boards. Keep it hot while using.
Holme Business College,
(if Portland, Oreiem will open Hupl. int. J, A,
W , the jostling penman of tint eoiutt, haa
liiMMiue a parlimrlu tliln mIichiI and will make
It tli Ixaitlng lliwInoHa lillese. Htmd for
Soma of tha Utet of Silk.
811k It an agreoablo and healthy
material. Used In dress, It retains the
electricity of our bodies; In the
drapery of our room and furniture
covert It refloats the sunbeams, giving
thorn a quicker brilliancy, and It
heightens colors with a charming
light. It possossos an element ot
cheorfulnoss, of which the dull aur
faoe of wool and linen are destitute.
It also promotes oleanllnoss, will not
readily Imbibe dirt, and doet not har
bor vormln as kindly at wool does.
Its continually growing use by man,
accordingly, Is bonoflolal In many ways.
Grace and beauty, even, owe some
thing to atlk. You can not stiffen It
like thlok woolen or linen without de
stroy Ing all its gloss and value. The
more silk , ribbons, therefore the
more silk korohtofa and robes are
used, instead of linen and wool the
more graceful becomot the outward
aspeot ot mankind. A number ol
strange, grotesque fashions, original,
ing in the use ot linen, would never
have been Invented during the more
general employment of silk. The
fluttering of ribbon, the rustling and
flowing skirts of silk, the tlllc kerohlof
loosoly knotted round the nook, have
materially contributed to make our
cubtemi more natural and pleating to
the eye, N. T. Ledger. ... .
DR. aborn'WHERE DO
i now ar eoHTuajo, ohxoon. I
s ry '
rv or 8
Iff gj
roi Tuoag who rmxoT roaaiiu exit m
rxaaAKMi i-tuuc.
The most speedy, oosltivt and perm
Dent cure for Catarrh of the f lead, Asthma,
and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affection,
Nervou Debility, etc. Consumption, in
its various ttaget, permanently cured.
Dr. Aaonw's original mode of treatment
and hi medicated inhalations give in.
ttantaneout relief, builds np and revltab
lies the wholt constitution and system,
thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous,
debilitated and broken-down constitu
tions, old and young. Invariably gain horn
ten t thirty pounds lu from thirty ta
ninety day.
Da. AaoaH'f phenomenal skill and mar.
velous cures bsvt created tbe greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing the past tweuty five yetrs. Asthma,
Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat Bron.
dual and Lung trouble 'nsUntly relieved,
and Deafness often cured permanently at
6ret contultstiou. Da. Aborn'i essay on
the "Curability of Consumotion." and
treatise on ''Catarrh of the Head,"
with evidence of some extraordinary
cure, mailed free. Call or address
rttrtfc as HsnlMs ts rartlsa, Onftt,
Nffrs. Horn tmlnurnt, Mcwtly neVd. Mai bv
SrpraH lo all putt ot Mm fultc Owl, tat uum whs
euiaa poMibly call In fntm,
Willamette Real Estate Co.,
Of Independence, Oregon.
Transacts a general Real Estate Builneta
bay and tell Property, affect
Insurance and doet a general
Conveyance Buatness.
Parties hiving Lands for tale will find
It to their advantage to
With thit Company, at Usty are daily
tending lists of land east, thut plac
ing desirable property before tbt red
dent of the Hast
J. W. KIRKLAND, President
House, Bign & Ornamental
Paper Hanging, Graining, Freacolng,
Etc. Paint rooms opposite Johnson t
Stsblet, Independence, Oregon.
aroe it now,
aooN it win. ax too utk.
1 hftvc bttn troubled rasar rtun with
4Imm ot Ou kHlarys uJ li tried
many atServat icm0iM and bavt
nuikt aid frutn diflrrrut phvatctaai
without rrlkt Abwt Uw IMS of Apill
I waa auArrtnt from rrrf violent
attack that atatoat pruatrated ma ta
aura a manner tuat i waa ueni orcr.
When I aat dawn a waa el moat Impouibla for mt
to ret up aluna, or to put en my clothe, when
kind ProTMence tent IW. Henley,
hotel. I Immediately commenced
sting the tea. II had so almoat
Bitrarutoua effrct, and to lha aaton
lahment ot aU tbe fucaU at the hotel,
la s few dava.1 am kauDV to Mate.
wub tbt
that I was a new niau. I will
recummend the tea to alt afflicted
SS 1 bars bees.
Proprietor OccUeotal Hotel,
Santa Koaa. Cal.
sft v j ty
A W W aJhV J&V eX KV . .
You ran spend a plcasitut evening at
D:tve (IcKvick'e, its lie has it llrst-clttss
pool table
All parties kuowinir thcmsclvua iu-
di litcd to Cooper itros. will please call
and settle without fttrtber delay aud
save costs. We mean wbitt we sny.
v'nll nt First National bank for accouut
and note. L'ooruK It uum, 10-4t
Itcud the atlvertlstiicnt of the Wkst
Siiik preiuluiu list.
Itcud the prcntitim ftmiouncenieuts
ortheWKST ISidk. Help your frleuds
by giving them your subscriptions.
(1. T, Waller has a neat etoro on the
corner near his lesidence in Monmouth
ami he Intends keeping on htuid all the
seiiooi ikkiks ami school supplies re
quired In any school In Polk county
cither public, private or normal. His
prices are the lowest.
lli'tloi- Than Uovi-iiiiir.iit llnuiU,
i ne ortiiiiary living espenses ot a
family of five persons, living iu the
ctiHtoauiry manner of tlio American
people, tiiiiounts to not less than f 1500
per ycitr, It would reiiulro nearly $40,-
(H)0 In government bonds to produce
t his Income. Ten acres of land In the
Willamette valley planted to prunes
with an ordinary crop at ordinary
prices will net more tlmu J1500, after
paying for all labor placed thereon
You can buy the laud of the Oregon
Lund Company of Sutem, Oregou, In
tracts of ten acres or more, at from $-55
to $75 per acre. Address, the Oregon
I.ttiul Company of Salem, Oregou.
Keep the Cellar Claim. A .good deal
of sicknesB comes from the oellur. It is
often full of bad air from partly decayed
vegetables, rotted wood and so on. Take
a day, now and then, nnd clesn out all
this stuff, brush dowu the oobwe' s, and
give the walli a good coat of wliite-wush.
It will svreeteu up the nir in the whole
house, and stive you from fevers and
1 I
1 k-a JV WWW
rAv-rp- Riv
Shelf, Buildcn
H A R D W A R B?
Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Cutlery, Wagons,
Buggies, Carts, Plows, Pumps, Pipe
and Fittings.
to call on
(SucMwsor to CXK)lEll BKOS.)
and get Prices. Just received a New Stock
of Shot Guns and Rifles including best
makes known. All kinds of Metal
ware made to order. Repair
ing done on short notice.
Oliver and Garden City Plows, Monitor Drills, Stonl King Spring tooth
Harrows. .
A Specifio
D3 HIUEB'8 riVORASTIWE RESTORATIVE, aumnuu, mtMiat. ps tb.
baud. Curat 0;aiwUtuaiHliMMraii.Uu. AptrtaotUaUaodltmctbbalUat.
Mat aud all Utr TrouUea, Chilit ani .r. aUarial rtiara, aod all Tjphold oondlttoaa
DR. HlttER'S CATARRH CURE. Curat AcuU Catarrh. Chroote Catarrh, and Catarrhal
lMaliwaa. UuaraJilatd to out Ui. aunt nates wben dlnctlura an follow ad, or moot; rvtundad.
DR. WIH ER'S COOflH CURE. Cam Cold.. Uoanenna, Coufha, BenohlUt, Pltorltr sod
twuumiia,ailriwtaaCutdUiapboa. CouUint no Optitt. CaraaCrouptolOulnatai. Trrtt.
bipUtMCi. a uj uuuut.l oui. ut mx tatoU ui troai 3 to 1 boon. Cunt Quiotj Is I dart,
DR. HILLER'S FEVER CURE. btdltpenaabU Is afl acuta dlataaea attended wKhltrtr.
litianu aud tuna Soar let r'.iw, Suar'iatioa. and Heaalaa. Motbtr abould bear (bit Is niod.
DR. HILLER'S NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. Curt. Ntto wkD-t, and Lot. of
Ivati. Nortt boia. stud tut I'liratt Ciivular lo miltr Ilruf Co., lao Praaolaoo, CtL
Ktura(ia, Uout, Lumbago, aod Baaboa, br uauiraiUiog Uia UooTatadt which ts&tt thtm.
DR. HTLLER'S TEETHING CURE. Aids tbt powth sod dtetlorsotot ol ebOdraa
sunns u.. leetuiif unlial. tneurt uainiait tatthirif aod totnd lotto, and prareotaaod curat
Spaauia, Hkaau, Uraio TtoulSat and Buwtl Couplauila. A ISattiuf to both suibtt aod obiid,
DR. HILLER'S WHOOPIHfl COUCH CURE. Pmosts tod Cora. Whooplog Ooofh.
Koto. -With tot exception at Dr. nbW. nrdrartlnt RtatoratlTt, Dr. MlOtr Kheamaaa
and Keuraltlc Cure, and Or. HiUerl CouibH.'ure. tin abort remedial ar put op in Tablet km,
tod, U out oUotnaUa tram jrout druKyuS, will bt tant traa bj naU, oo rttalpt ot prtoa.
$1.00 per Package. Six Packages (or $5.00.
Thtta remedlat an Uit ratuU of twentr-STt tear ol pracUnal prnlettlootl tmrteooa,
andare.inranuwdwrartwrwnaeuralapnsbla. Dr. Hitler'. S pact book ol direction, lor
bomt toaaUumt, onttainlni taluablt uwuctoot ts to b) giant aad diet, aantnuuosapUoaUoa
For Sale by BUSTER & LOCKE.
Wasteu. A neat healthy girl about
14 years of age for light house-work
with a family of two In Corvallls. Ap
ply at this ofTlce. oet24-ot
For Sol.
Two lota iu block 6 Henry Hill's ad
dition to Independence for fl 21 each,
one-fifth dowu, balunce ucxt May with
out tiitereat. This Is a bargain. En
quire at Wkht Sum office.
The American. Protective Tariff
league bus Just iassued lu pamphlet
form a complete refutation of
the claims of the Free-Traders tbat our
niamifucluml nroduet.t are sold to the
forclgh consumer at a lower price than
for luinic consumption. The subject or
Ibis document Is "Export Discouute"
and If you desire a copy enclose a two
cent atauin to the 'American Protective
Tariif lA'agnc, 23 V. 23d St., N.Y.
This Document Is o. 83. in ordering
use uumhvr only.
wer, tbat
jrreatest of
Novelists, and he
neve"- .poke more
truly, and he might
have added with equal force, that mtrit
it the essence of success. Wisdom'
Robertine is the synonym of merit, and
its history is success. The magical ef
fects of this preparation have been attest
ed by thousands of the leading ladle of
society and the stage. It is the only arti
cle ever discovered which give a Nature
at and Beautiful tint to the complexion,
at the Mine time removing all roughness
of the face and arm and leaving the
kin soft, smooth and velvety. It haa
long been the study of chemist to pro
duce an article that while it would beau
tify the complexion would also hare the
merit of being harmless, but these two
important qualities were never brought
together until combined in
506 $0BEVrHaH.
A flue line of Oregon lard at H. A W.
Latest in the shoe line, at J. L. Stock
ton's. Hcnklc & Walker's Savon soap is the
best in the market. .
J, L. Stockton hits found it necessary
to still further enlarge his stock of
clothing and furnishing goods. He
uow bus two attentive clerks.
Your attention Is called to the fine
line of parasols and umbrellas, for sale
by J. h. Stockton. The line lu silk Is
particularly mentioned.
. A fine line of tobacco nt II. & W.
For pasting on walls, placing under
carpets, etc., get the old papers for sale
by Sv heeler.
Now Is the time to buy rubber goods,
ami J. L. Stockton has a full aud com
plete stock.
Tito West Sidk office haa turned the
"old paper" business over to W. H.
VV heeler, who will sell at the same
Messrs. Shelly A Vanduyn are
getting In a large fail stock of goods.
Kggs and butter wauted at II. & W.
Dave Oclwlck always has on hand
fresh enndies, Key West cigars and
tropical fruits lu season.
Heitkle A Walker will sell 'you as
inunv iroods as any other Ann in Polk
county for spot cash.
Say I Where did you get that watch?
Why of course 1 bought It of H. H.
Patterson and ou the ensUillmuiit plan
too No trouble to own a watch that
way. .
and Heavy
Special Prescriptions.
Remedy for Each Disuse,
Notice of Final Settlement.
tn IhffmnltAenf thai flnal ulllamAHiA.l..
etot f C. J. Cooper, dfrooaed.
u i hjo, u nereoy riven mm a. m. Hurley
... fllajl hi lln.l 1 .. J ..
snit tbe time for huoriag the tame hsa own
act fur
becomber 1st, 1890,
at whlth time the betm next of kin, and all
persona lulereMted In told ettate, are not I Bed
Ij, aitlMU. a .1 Hla iihWUn. . . ... - i.
any Oiey hove, or the sinlnlatrator will apply
1. . ill .v ,11,-, fc.p ,,,, .4 .... I . ..ti
.w. s..v wniiciliru, ui BOtU
wti. A. M. H L' K LK Y.
Kept. 31st, ISM, AdinluUlmlor.
"Tbo Jere.jr Idly."
nll(t.An. lllhn' I. ,a . . . , j
- u. .rij, uu usual ,ur
mo U) ue auy lutlonsor washes, at ill, in su
iiwer to your requtwt, 1 have tried Wisdom's
VI.iIm, l-puum B...1 - 1'.. . w
" -w. .HruiiK, me runner
eousUler epwtally efflcacious tn cases of
mrMiii, auu i uave own using
It evi-ry day for the lael H)ruilght. I have
found the luthertinA .n a.M.r..n,
attou lu cHues ut tan, .unburn, etc.,
OHUMel by ;expuure to March windt sad a
Julytuu. Yours lalthfullv.
. .... . Ijlijs Lxsutrt.
To Messn. WlRtlom a Oo.
Land Offloe at Oregon City , Oregon,
., . . Oct.i, ima.
naiiii-U tet tier has Hied notice of hla Inteutiou
... , una, jm-.ii in auupon oi nis claim,
him! UiRtiwId priKifwIII be made before the
t lerk ol i'olk Couuty, at Dallas, Oregon, on
nureinbor l, 1890,
lw- u-niiu... ii ..
il.i2jrtheoSfeliH'rs.!HTprl, KI
He nsmes the following wl nee- to prove
IiIm ivtlil Hindu N.1HunMinu.n ....ji ....i....r..t
..... ......... up,,.. Bt,lMVUIII.,niJ
of.Krtid land, via: Jacob W. Ktmsey, Seott
l.cnnell, of kliim Vahev. Rentim ivinntv
trjrin; Fnuik Kaw, of lwliivllle. Pofk
tyuiily, Oregonj fliarli Newman, of Kings
. .vj , iwuwu vuuuvj', vreruu. Kill
Ill the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Polk.
L. P. KRAMER, PlalutlfT, 1 '
To lliirrli't Kramer, (lilcudnnl.
gun, .vou are hereby required to appear and
aiiwer the complaint Hied against you in the
above entitled suit within ten days from the
dale of the service of tills Summons upon
you, If served within this County; or, if served
in any other Couuty of Hits state, then within
twenty days from the date of the service of
thtKBumii'Ousupon you; sud nerved by pub
lication then by the 1st day of the next regu
lar term of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for I'olk County to be held on the 1st
Monday la December, to-wlu
December 1st, 1800,
and If you fall so to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded In the complaint to-wlu For a de
cree ot the court that the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plalntlt! and defendant
be dissolved and for his costs and disburse
ments of this suit.
This Summons Is published (br tlx con
secutive weeks by order of publication Issued
oul of the circuit Court of said County and
State sud dated Hepteuiber 21th, 18W1.
oct3 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Land OlHoe at Oregon City, Oregon. '
Sept. Is, ltSW,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of her Intention
to make (Dial proof tn support of her claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
County Clerk of I'olk County at Dallas, Ore
gon, on
November 11, 1800,
viE Martha E. Robertson, Homestead Entry
No, ttua for the lots 7 and 8 of Bee. a), T 9 S, R 6
She names the following witnesses to prove
her com lnuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vlr: H, J, Grant and T. O J
Hex-ens, of Kings Valley, Benton County, Ore
gon; James Turner and W, MoD. Turner, of
Lewlsville, Polk County, Oregon.
J. T. APPEIUON, Register.
751 Market SU, San Francisco,
Admission 25 cents.
Oo and learn how to avoid
disease, Consultation and
treatment personally or by let
ter on spermatorhea or genital
weakness and alldlseasesofmen.
Send for book. Private ottlce
'ill Geary Bt. Consultation free.
We have the finest line of stoves lu
Polk couuty, Goodman A Douty.
sihx avau xvoa
Blue vitriol for side by Heukle A
Walker, a