The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 31, 1890, Image 1

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In Improvement will he made
in Independence aihI vicinity
during tlio year,
In ki:;iiiii Pi;:r.
Devoted to the best Interest of
Polk County.
vol; vn.
$2.00 Per Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 51.
1 HE
Wtrd at ! Ri ta Inilcaaedta,
nuu, a awMari clam ainuw.
One Year . . . .
Si Montfca l,c
Three atnuths jb
When uut paid la advance 1 50
IndapmUaa It Iaci4 at Ik W4 el -ua
(Iha kmuI iW Ik fMfl, M Uw William)
rWr, and Dm avtia Hm M ha Otaaui aaa
Oaltrtvuta ftsUiwaAi Mutd a ij1iie
HM) pwt-W. b Its. pffcMipal aaiMlaasataSto
lb Jm, whW k no 4 Imik M
mltb aud Urtakty yayskfa k Km trUis
. talk.?.
th ahMkin immn tweiuamai a n
ill to ) lui saaMaa II to bo,ou l Ma taai
Sin la ,
Latest and Best Styles,
Physicians & Surgeons.
U. S. Examining Surgtona,
9k.- tut tldt Mala K,
INriPENlinNtI, ... OMOOR
Physician and Surgeon,
oaw opiMiit rim National bask.
Physician and Surgeon.
Buena ViU, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Independence, Oregon,
Resident Dentist,
All work warranted to five th beat'
of 8tisCctioa.
Atlurney ami Onunudor at law.
All !al llu.lnicntrntI hi me will rvrelvr
Prompt Alii-tillen.
ontc In p'ra llnua. Independence, Or.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
OAe: Cor. Mala and Mania on la tU.,
:Dealer In:
D rugs and Medicines,
TTavitiff purchased the stock of Drnge
formerly owned by L. W. Robertson, I
111 prepared to meet all the okl custo
mers, and many more new ones. Fair
and couxleoui treatment to all.
Cash Grocery & Bakery
F" 'i f!r.-i. )'!' and I'akei on hand vry day
pll Similar.
. n. k-i.I lreuii'k nl oanned fnndi. Bmr.
wi ,, iu,at, rauillaa, elKr and tobacco,
U. B. TAVWIR, ProprlfW.
MliS. A. M. HURLEY, .
. Hullnsry Faacj Goods
Next to Indupcudcnra Katlonal Dank.
Ofllet! W th Hyde A DiiltJin, IndenMnlnc.
Will pay CAHH for all klnd of (lonntry
Produce. Wheat mid Oula a Hpixilulty.
Muln Ht., Inilcpcnilonce.
BhHVlnn, 15 cciitd. llnlr putting, ail. Hlinm-
pOOtlllf 2f CfilltB.
Durham Bros.
Choi Beof, Mutton. I'nrk and Voal ttlway
on hiiml.
Kcnili rcd tullow
Muln Ht., "
hat-cly from Portliind, hiia opened Drew
uiHkliiK 1'nrlornln the Nclwrn bulldlnir, on
Muln HI,, mid la now prepared to do oil work
In her lino. A . ,
Jasperson& Parker,
Architects, Builders and Cont'rs.
A lwny In Ihclr Himh and Door Factory, and
Will try to plKiinit nil. Give theina trial and IM
convinced ihut lliuy are worthy ol your pair
Arohltoet ani Oraur)temen,
CVIMMKHC1AL at, . HAI.r.M, Oil,
City Restaurant
on M4n HI., ohmII lnaOra htiua Indt
imwn, Mwit nnta. Hoard, P jii par
wva, tm irwua ana uyaiar in atauuti.
Table auiplli4 villi th hot Ui market f
piirua. cto vamiwa enitiuyea,
Vben TtJ I'aat to B'ij
-and Staple-
lock Bottom Prices for Cash
rnoDUCK go
Hyde & Balton,
tbtt Wnvkoin of llifih Priw iu
WLMM & Hi's
-Old .'Bland-
Mitlq St.,
a. b. aRiaas,
. T, Irrtit, cutter. Cfcoiee
WHitU ! Und. DovidMar'l
Of Independence, hnving a atwiiu
engine, a brick uutchlue and mjvenil
aerv of fineMteliiy, in now prepuml
to keep on hand ft fine quality of
Brick, which will be wUl nt reason
able prices.
in r - i irr n
Lewis Kelso,
Ladies and Bents Fur
nishing: Goods.
Mont Complete Stock of
Boots and Shoes
In the City
-Peulera In-
All kinds of Hai-new and Saddlery
Goods. CarriiiKe Triming and
Curry Combs, tlirco bars, 5 cento.
Bruslies, 10 cents.
Complete Bet of Team Harness,
$14.00. f
Diai.ia in-
Uonuracnts and Haadstones of All Stylet
Flrt-Clw Work and Price! 20 per cent.
lower tba any other inop in ine ewe.
Indrpandanne anil Monmouth MoUr l.lna
. lodeiMndMce.
, . t'M
lh."l ,
' 11:15
-- vm
:.' 1
Praeldant J. . OOOPIR.
Vla Preeldent. L. W. ROtlRTMN
Oaehler ....W. N. HAWLIY
x, r. jiataHMM, r. w.
Trantaala riunl tantlat beataeaf.
aaa aaua aawaae aa i
IatmalU rMld wkt
laHladaia of dwoait. O.HaaM
M'M im tevweWe ma,
gaV-0e hm: I A. kt ta 4 r. M.
Hall't burflw areat tale maie ay Tale
National . Bank !
H. HIRS0H8BRQ, Prwetdent
W. P. CONNAWAV, - CaehM.
A t"ral baaklna tad etahaat aaalaiii
wauaadtad. awda: Mlla ataaaal:e
atandal afwiita r"4i 4aia rnidd
MmM amwat aaa,' M elwaki iMaraat paid
an uaM aapoaiia.
Joahua MoDanlal, H. H. Jepreon,
A. J. Goodman, H. Mlraohbery,
Abram Nelaon, T..U.
I. A. Allea.
Pw.Hpt. (tnrlland)
Vl ItmIiJvuI
.. I. A. turktiy
!. LCAMPHKl.t.
... L c. rwaau
Capital Stock,
Paid Cp,
a. VAfHi'. r. a powai.t.
K a rime. ihc m HiMt-aoN
v, 11. lit' 11 it a, a. h. ukiiK.a,
r. L CArHi,u
A Sanilnf biulnaai tnaaw4l. tla-
l.u nNvltad iul)wt In clitra, or on wrtlieat
1,1 ilrmnlt. 1H.iit nail, bill dlaraaulad.
M.,abouftilaudold, lulanal paid oa Una
Mv iia,
rin!rf vault and buntar Mool aala. Krd
or t ala Unn Im .
ClPOfll boun I a. av to 4 a, m,
(Batabllf tttl by National antliorily.
: THE -
Capital : National : M !
CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oa
SURPLUS, SI 8,000.
rrwMaat. Vtae rnaMMi
i. H. ALBERT, Oaahtar.
aa wtiaal aad oUwr aMachaolaAie
a a aa, aawar l an rata
Haaaam dkaa m Tart, eMaaaa,
Ifm raaaaaaf. roMfcaaJ, laaaaw, rwaa. Mia,
ieafEeaaa4 0laaa,
The Celebrated French Cure,
Warranted ' A DUDfiniTlaJr" or mnru t
loi-nre m liiiuuilllll. mluudad.
Ii goi.n na k
to enra any
Innn ol nerruui
dlMtifw, or aur
dlKinli'f nl tlia
aniMrntlro or
Rail) ol elthur
BtfOnt l.lur lrut the AFTER
i'1'..ivi' nwof huh'HI.uU, Tnlmrro or Dplura,
thriiiiKh y ctiitlilnl luilKcivllou, over liiduli
I'd, Ac, mch I dm nl Hraln 1'iiwcr. Waknlni'
nni, llvarliir down t'aina In tlia Hark, Ikmilnal
i.Akiiemi, llyilnrlH.Niirrnni Primtratliin Nm'turn-
t, li.nnl I'owiiraud Imnotvin'r, wlilrh II na
tltwtFd nltprl li'.'l to iirvinaturrnld ainann In, ml
xy. rnu ti.w a inii. d uaaai jor fo.uu rwut uy
II on rpi'pliit ol trl('t.
tar, to rvimiit the mniier II a I'arinauan.
cura li not onVrlml, Thuu.anili ol toMtlHioiilal.
iim old ami ymnir, nl bota miiiw, tiariiianriitly
cured liy ArnaoniTiNi. similar trim. Adilran
For sale by Banter k Locke.
pokthe com: or
.J'tltMlUM OrifKll.
Our offor toBiibaonbera of tlieWinHT
Sica ene year and American Farmer
ona year, all wr 8 auonia not ue mia-
nderstood, Tlie aubaorlptlon must dutf
from Jan. 1, '91 to Jan. 1, TO. All
arrearngea must be pnid to tbnt time,
and muat be onab in advanoe. Tbia u a
very liberal offer, and If you want it
NOW aond us 82.60 and get both papers
np to January '92,
M ai Lena Klnor, of Plillmnnlu li via-
lung nr aiatvr.
Mr. If. P. Wallor rvlurm from th
l,KKiltltni HuturUny.
A. Itrynnt, of Alliany, u lu town
on iNiiiiniiiy on ouHiiitwa.
Mm (lin, (lIlMoiiauddailKlitvr vImIIimI
(lie Mwiimiioa Knlr one ilny luat wifk
Mine Clura Irvine enphwmw liorwlf
wen plonatxl will) bvr aulionlal Lrowit-y
Jtlliiy t'oniH'r, of Kewjxirt, la vbltlug
mviiiia auu riauva in inn cuy lor
few day a,
J. It Y. Itutlr, II. J. Hutlor and N.
H. lluthr, of aliMiiiiuuili, were lu town
lam nauiruny.
.Tlia Rreat Iibaratl and Ida Unml of
Mkltlud luuaiolaaa at the opera In mm'
I nurwiajf iiiKnt.
Mlaa Kva Intake la awUllnir Mlaa
Oiwirirla Klaor In liur tlmiunkliig
Mlaa Maynile Itryant, or Fall City,
la U'oohlng w'IkmiI at K IIwimhI, Mullnih
man county,
J II. Unroll and fuitilly. of Dlxla,
worr In town doing aouie alioppltiy
oil i uni itaiuniay.
Molilalia, la vlaltlnir rvlatlvM and
rrloiida lu thla city.
J. P. Irvine la duliiR Portlnud with
an eye U) calnlilUliliiit hluiavlt In bua
liuaa tliorc, If puMMlblo.
Two puna have Iwtui aulavrilied
for tlie Tint rw lay and Friday rnma, A
llwly titua la aulldtl.
FrodA. Dotityaud IIunryK Hmllh
vlaltod the Moulmuli'a Fair oue tiny laat
wevk. Tlioy n-jort bavliiK a aplenUld
II. M. Davltlaon, of Monmouth, In
vlaltliitf rvbttlvea aud fritmdaiu HI.,
ami rvHrta more rain there tliau lu
Prr I. I,. CatnpU'll and Hon. N. I.
Duller, of Monmouth, ihumhI tlirotiub
town liwt Saturduy ou their way to tlie
MUte Capitol.
('. (iuiiUI who wan former I v a eon-
diii'tor ou the Narrow (laiiira, la now a
oiinliielor on the train bvtween Poiidhv
toa aud Hpokaue Falla
HuiM'rvlwir Ionard liaaa lot of lenma
nuay aotitn or town. Mr. I,, la lode-rat
iRtihle and Mierwlie lu the performance
or l no ii u in oi ma onioe.
The iimlor Hoe will run next Friday
ulithl, nrovldlna thirty tlckela are our-
enuMHi ror tne emeruinment ai Mini
mum h. Tlcketa on anlo at the tmle-
pendenoe National bank.
We had the nlraaure of ahaklna
Hon. IWnl. Itayili'U. by the linml on
laat Hutunlny. The Juilire la an old
time iMilltioaf veteran, and one of Polk
oouuiya mau uotvu citueua.
0r old time friend HU'iilien Khmta,
ha., save uaa lileaaatileall laat rrlilay
eveuliiK. Air. hlniila, althoUKh iP'HIdh
along In yeara, haa liwt none of hta
erftlme brilliant converantloiinl ntial
I ne oui at. ti. ciiuri'ii la la-imr n-
prililliil.a much lielel luovallnu, Thin
oliureh la an old rellglnua land mark of
the city, aud we are glad to note that
our t'ltlaena donated tUlle liberally to
tne auiatcnption paper.
A ereat orowd or people nilod our
streela laat (Saturday, wlileh gave the
city aomeiningor a nieiriKiiiian apia-ar-
anee, m to ieak, I lie rtmli waa ao
lively that we began to think a bona
tide "boom" was right hero upou ua.
l u ii, ii ..i at... ....... ..i. i
from HixikAiie Falla ou Hutunlny, He
J IIKCIh "I WllllllliniVII, IV1UI lll
reporta the KxiMwItlon there a gnind
uixHtw.aml anya the vegetables arv hard
to excel, but our pruniw, aud wheal
mrileuliirly, excels that of Waxhliigton
u quality.
While muklng the rounda of the
town the other day we nolleod that the
sidewalks badly need repuiring lu
many plaoee. Nothing butter recom
meuila a city to the irood opinion of
stronger than neat oIcau-mIkkI alde-
walka. Juxt think or It! A atramn r
cornea to town, and, liefore he has gone
. i.i.ti. ttt..n,ltl,u. mil I anh, . I. . ui.1.1..
That fellow's opinion of the town Is apt
to be exproaaod In lunguiiKe more vlg-
orous limn polite.
Work on the new bank bulldlnir (In
dependence National) Is being piodied
ahead oulte briskly. The workmen
are now putting on the outalile coat of
cement, and wlien completed It will be
the I) newt btiHlneaa bulldlnir lu the city.
rare combination oruotlilo and Uor-
inthlan llnlah will oruameiit the front
part of the bunk.
Work on the new school Iioiiho Is
now proKrerwimr unite rapidly. Indeed,
It In beginning to aiwume, under the
skillful management of Jackson A
Hutcnens, very Interesting and tunica-
lie urniHiriioiiN, iv in iiiminy ruoiuo,
cornltHHl and etielnaed: and pliiNtcr work
will begin within a few days. Tlie
building when completed will bo
miignlliceut structure of architectural
art; an ornament to the city, a inouu
moot to the energy mid Intelligence of
our cKImiiis, and a legacy which they
oan wiin pruie uequoatn to posterity.
Boys arc proverbially destructive.
It la a part of their nature to delluht In
dealing out pulutothe helplesM little
aulmiil world around them. They will
Impale (lies on pin point, stone 'frogs,
torture the Iioiiho cut. chase tlie old
siieckled lieu up and down hill, and
shoot the meadow lurk and robin.
There oucrht to bo a statutory litw
iiimiimt tlie wnntou dent motion of
Insectivorous birds. A dozen year ago
the vory uir was melodious with the
sweet notes of these little field warblers;
but now scarcely a lurk can ho seen
son rl uk In the air and sliiirlnir HhkIikI
song to tlie sun. The destruction of
lliew birds la a pecuniary as well aa un
lOHthotlo loss to the conutnlty. They
ure great protectors of fruit trees and
Hardens nguinst the-ravages of destruo-
tive insects.
lln nrift nuaittriaT. TimllmnnUls frtim sit
HiDdwurJsrInffminNl. BnnkslMrr
ritBK. R"tik mi Mtnllriailim in imf.
A LulMtM, ft; Fitib Ai, Nsw York.
Faber's 'Golden Female Pills..
For Female Irregular
Itlw; iiollilnuHliuthom
on tlia market, Nrvr.r
taiU Sin'comlully aiacKl
by piiiuilnnt laillim
mnnllily. Uuaranland
to rellnra mipunianid
Pon't bo humhnmred.
Bava Tlmo, Health,
aud mouoy .take nu otU
ar. Sent to any add rem,
mii'ire by mall ou it
WMtam Branch, B 27, PORTLAND, OB'
rUf BIUU Ujf fiirivvi Jwao,
f-T- mm mm llur vour tlokata Kaar
tanilU M. 0. 1'antlanU. lowest
rataa and moil favors granted.
Wait aide ottloa,
F.verylaaly on the Pm'lflo st who
haa aver beard of anything haa beard
of Polk county. Ita rolling hills, the
true exemplifications of Iloxanth'a line
of beauty, Ha looming grain fields, lis
orolmrds and cattle ranges aud hop
yards, Ita vast forcsta, Ita natural game
preeorvea and inouutalu streuma
stocked wllb as game .trout as ever
leaped to a fly or sulked under a ruck,
are mutter of guuural repute aud
Juatltlable pride, Cuustaut sutx-esalwns
of uufullliig I'Mps, a long "continuing
In abuiidaii(e," sueh as the Egyptians
kuvw before lh years of faniluo, have
made the PolklUaaa Indopeudiuit as an
Atlantic ooaatauiid-hlller lu the time of
a goixl run of herring, aud, as a con
sequence, Polk ootiuty, like several
otliera, aaan rntlly niakva no exhibit
at the Expoaltlou. Fine sjieclmens of
lieFgralna, fruits, liopa, etc,, however,
are dtstribiitod among the groat display
of tlie stale board of Immigration.
Hut as Yamhill county, although
making uo iudlvldual exhibit, found
lu puuiliwtplrltwl JNowberg a goucrous
adverllaer to bur wlulina to notice, eveu
ark, Polk ciKiiity has found a reprtwu
tatlve In the thriving young city of In
ilujruee. Hhortly before the Kxpiailtlou
opened, at the meeting of the Itidepeu
dotn JUstrd of Trade a oommlttee wua
appoluUrd to prejaire an exhibit for the
xpoaltlou. The oomiulttee were not
swift to act so Mr. J nines (1 11011, vice
prvaidunt of the board, aud Mr, K. C.
Peutlatid, editor of the Wkht Hidk, (ti
which should be W. W. Wll
Ham's name) took the matter lu hand
and the result Is aeeu lu a creditable
diaplay of products of grain field, lioj
yartl, truck garden and orchard, located
a' About the middle of the weal wall of
Machinery bull. The boja ahown are
of a line quality, and of delicate aroum,
tfop culture la taking a promliicut
place among th leading liiilualdea of
I'oik. The yield will average 2U0U
pounds per acre In good aeasona.
The auiwugo lutho county amounts
to about lino. Thla means SOU tons,
worth $000 per ton, at present at least
Two hundred times fKK) la IIJI.UOU,
Quito au llem. Polk shows giss) lkiit
corn, field turnlw, 0110 weighing Mlf
pounds, after three wtks of display
sugar beeta, raised from seed furuUlied
by the Htata Agrluultund eoltegu, aud
cultivated this year In quantities stiff)
dent for the purrxaw of testing the
amount and value of saccharine matter
contained III them. The champion
squash, aa round as, aud to all appear
ances blggi thau the harvest iiiwiii
weighing 121) Hiunds, challeugva com
pkitltlon; Ilurbank aoeflliug and other
potatiMw,' line toniutoen, twenty varlc
Ik of lliie-appearlug apples and five of
pears, aud attractive samples of wheat.
barley, outa aud rye make up the ex
liliilt. which, altiioitgn all rroin one
neighborhood, shows that Polk county
can do as well as her neighbors If she
trim. Mr. Ulbson, the gciitlcimin In
charge, Is a live business mail. He aud
his fellow workers of the 1 nilependeiicc
IliNtrd of Trade are determined to push
Polk to the front, and If they are as
active, energetic aud enthusiastic as tic
aeems to be, and doubtlcaa Is, old Polk
will Ik hcurd from aud aeeu at th Kx
poaltloti of 1KI In a way to make "old
folks admire,"
On lust Thursday evening the ojsrn
house had quite a respectable cmwd of
our cltUeiia lu altondunce at th Mer-
rill-Abt-Abbott combination. Owing
to Ita being very poorly advertised our
people did not give It (he usuid attend
ance. Those who attended were de
lighted and expressed a vory decided
approval of the entertainment, Muster
I'Mdio Abbott oH.ued the program
with aomo very clever, and some of
their aimixlng tricks, particularly
where the audience drank several kinds
of liquor from a bottle and when the
bottle was broken to expoae the ineeh
anlsm, a plii was found therein. Eddie
Ablxit is a Isiy marvel. He has perfect
stage preaencc, ready wit aud Is very
gentlemanly lu his behavior. Mr.
Abbott as "Gumbo" gcta off many very
good things unil keeps bis hearers lu a
gixxl humor,
Mr. Abt with his views waa so well
received that our people will welcome
the news that not only will the dis
solving views be presented on a screen
fifteen feet lu dliunutvr,biit that some of
bis finest pictures will be shown. Ta
ken as a whole, Thursdays entertain
ment was an agreeable surprise to our
To Keep Flies off Gilt Fratues,-I!oil
three or four odious lu a pint of aaler,
and apply with a soft brush.
To Keep the Stove Uright.-A thin
coating ot three pnrts lard molted with
one port resiu, applied to stoves and
grates, will pi event their rusting in sum
mer. Paint or Varnlab Spots. Oil of tur
pentine or benzine will remove spots of
paint, varnish, or pitch, from white or
colored cotton or wooleu goods. After
wards wash them m soup suds.
Lump Wicks. Tomako sure of a good
ight, wioks oinst be obauge often, as
they got ologged, and prevent the free
passage of the oil. It improves the flame
to souk wicks iu vineger tweuty-fonr
hours before putting them in the lamps.
To Make Old Crape Look Nearly
New. Put a little water In a tea-kettle
and lot it boil till there is plenty of
steam from tbe spout: then hold the
otape in both hnnds, pass it to aud fro
several times throngb 'the steam, and it
will be oleau, and look nearly equal to
New Kettles, Tbe best way to prepare
new iron kettle for use is to fill 11 with
clean potatoes peelings, boll them for an
Hour or more, then wash the kettle with
hot watterj wipe It dry and rub it with
a little lard; repeat the rubbing for half
a dozen times after using.
Speaker Reed was 01 Out. 18.
The Australian strike is ended.
Parliament will convene Nov. 8.1.
Jnsfto) James' son runs an elevator.
Ex-Governor Noble of Wisconsin
Very HI.
llalfotir is making a tour throng West
ern Ireland.
Each charge for one of Krupp's guns
OtMU 11,000.
Judge William D. Hnellof Washington
D. U., 1 dead.
Apples are being ordered Id Vermont
from Michigan,
Sarah Bernhardt haa created a sensa
tion In Cleopatra.
The constitutionality of the MuKlnloy
bill la to be teatwL
The PaiuolllU bnalueas cost tbe Lon
don Tillies 180,000,
Tlia Hudaon river ta th highest It
been for forty years.
Tlie teats of armor plaba at Annapolis
nave resulted In a oornar In nickel.
Mexico has signod a contract to im
prove the harbor of Hon Bias on the Pa
Blavin and McAullffe are making big
money tn London In sparring exhibi
Lowell, Masa., la to hava a fc'oO.OOO
city ball aud a new $150,000 public 11
Tlie gob fields tn the Arbuckle moun
tains in Texas are attracting much at
A beet sugar factory is to ha eatab-
hahod at Boutb Hioux City, la., to coat
Eight varieties of grapea were grown
at the Kansas state agricultural farm
this year,
An alliance baa boon formed between
the Heading railroad and tbe Vanderbilt
The fl,0o0,0O0 public building in Chi
cago has h UIim' ao much that it haa been
Ex-Prmldent Haves denies the inter
view which n-prtjHBuU-d hi mat condemn
ing the McKiuley bill.
Ethel Chase Hprague, daughter of
Kate Cluwe Hpraguo, has Joined Richard
Manxnclus company.
United Htatea Benator Dhtckburn waa
thrown from his buggy and serioualy
hurt at Vemaillea, Ky.
Capt Michael O'Orwly, a prominent
Fenian, was burned to death in a tene
ment house Are In Brooklyn.
Albert W. Oxnard. treasurer of the
Johnstown, Pa., Lumber company, baa
disappeared and ao bus 30,000.
"An employe waa blown to aroma by au
exnloalontn the Lnlon atetaiuo Lrt-
ridge works at Bridgeport, Conn.
There are forty-eight saloons In King'
fisher, Oklahoma, and tlie peopla are
nearly all from prohibition Kansas.
Robert Helium, the oMent Mason in
Canada, died racontly at Kingston. Out
He was OV years and 10 months old.
Ex-Aiacnnan William P. Whelan of
Chicago was shot and mortally wounded
by George li. Hathaway, a gambler.
The entire business portion of Eaat
Pepperill, Mass., waa destroyed by fire
of Incendiary origin. The loss waa f-WO,-
The British government lias contracted
for the building of railroads In Ireland
In order to provide work for tbe deeti-
Becretary Noble hue instructed Indian
agents to permit the Sinters who are
teaching to live in aocluiion If they so
Tbe autobiography of urchell, the
murderer was sold at Woodstock, Ont.,
for 1,700 to a Toronto and a New York
In the seven yours from 1883 to 1890
the New South Walea government aiient
7:12,2416 on experiments to remedy the
rabbit pest.
A F. tlutchinga was summoned aa a
witness by his wife in a divorce auit
brought by her to prove that he waa un'
faithful to her.
Mrs. Eugene Dautorville of Astoria,
L. I., wishes to get a divorce from her
aecond husband became he eloped with
his stepson's wife.
Charles W. Robinson, a prominent
Boston broker, haa confessed himself a
forger to the amount of $85,000, He used
bis partner's name.
Dr. George Knowlcs, his wife and eon
have been convicted at Lanesville, Conn.,
of manslaughter for the killing of John
Walters on Aug. 9.
Queen Victoria's fortune was increased
to the extent of nearly 1300,000 laat year
through the "crown share" of esUtea
that have reverted.
The new criminal court building in
New York, just started, will cost fl,-
400,000 and will lie the finest building of
Its kind in America.
What is probably the largest rosebush
In the world grows in Mobile, Ala. It
was planted in 1813, and covers a house
and neighboring trees.
A man near Syracuse, N, Y., haa dis
covered an "electric" rock. He claims
that the stone will ring bells, etc, by
simply attaching a wire.
Duchesse d'Uaea ns still worth a
million, despite tho fact that aha has
spent millions in the Royalist oanse and
to promote Boulanger.
The Russian frontier guard fired upon
a party of Polos, who were trying to
cross into Russia, and killed six men,
two women aud a child.
A 17-year-old negro boy who killed a
white boy, near Miller, Ga.. was taken
from the sheriff by a mob, tied to a tree
and riddled with bullets.
Hamlin's team, Belle Hamlin aud Jns-
tina, beat the world's record of 8:15,
made by them, at Independence, la.
They made a mile in 8:181.
Official statistics show that 100,000
persons are out of employment in Lorn
bardy, 00,000 in Piedmont and 50,000 in
Romans and Southern Italy,
Von Moltke's 90th birthday, last Sun
day, was made the occasion of a grand
celebration at Berlin, The general re
ceived many congratulation.
The Indians in the Indian territory are
very restless and an uprising is expected.
The Hungarian born oitlzsns or tne
United States are ruisiuil a fund for ft
monument to the patriet, Louis Koeatith,
M. Rtanlnv has refused to live m
Africa, and her husband .has declined
the governorship of the UOtigo onereo
him by the King of Belgium.
Junk Powald of Svraouie. N. Y.. Daaww
his naturalization papers on the door of
his house. He had to take the door off
Its hinges and carry it to the registrar.
An eleoirio liifht on the Isla of Wlgnt
oan be seen forty-five miles, and paper
can be read by its'refleotors fourteen
miles. It gives e.000,000 candle power.
At Concordia. Kan.. A. R.BanMoft.
an ax-sheriff, took ont two twenty-rout
hour life insurance policies for $3,000,
and then shot himself through tbe heart
The New York Herald says that the
auit ut tlie Alaska commercial company
against the Nertb American company
(or iiw,ooo will result In scandalous
E. B. R. Bonghton has told the lone
Land and and Cattle company's ranch
Of 22,000 acres, in Laramie and Albany
counties, Wyoming, to aa English iyn
dtcate for $150,000.
A Philadelphia school teacher haa for
bidden her pupils to wear bracelet and
osher Jewelry to achool, because such
thing diatract attention and arouse van
lty aad envy in tbe pnplla.
Collsotor Erhardt of the port of New
York has been is Office eighteen months
and has been tu4 4,000 times. They
were friendly suits growing out of inter
pretations of tbe tiirlff law.
Gan, Grove, ene of Virginia's world's
fair commissioners, ha appointed Mist
Mildred Lee, daughter of Gen. Robert
E. Lee, a member of the board of lady
managers of tbe exposition.
Georgt Johnson, aged 70, and John
Phillips, aged 74, have been arrested in
London, charged with swindling. They
issued bogus hitter of credit on Drexel,
Morgan & Co. of Philadelphia.
Emit Berliner of Washington, the in
ventor of the transmitter nsed in 'the
Bell telephone, haa Invented a "gramo
phone, " by which the voice can be pro
duced more perfectly that in a phono
The pension bureau has made ft ream
titkmoa the treasury department for
$25,000 to meet the payment of pension
under the act of Jnne 97, 1890, a well
those under the old laws, for the next
two months.
A jury in London has returned a ver-
tict of manslaughter with a recommend
ation to mercy in the ease of Walter J.
Lyons, who killed Sergeant John
Stewart on finding him criminally inti
mate with hi mother.
Sheriff Mataon of Chicago knocked
down "Boodler" McOarigle when the
latter extended hie hand. McOarigle is
the man who escaped from tbe sheriff
when he waa permitted to ge into a
bathroom to take a bath.
Thomas J. Mine and Miss Gertrude
Pitman were married at the state fair at
Birmingham, Ala., in the presence of
10,000 people, and made their wedding
trip in a balloon, which landed on
mountain seventeen mile distant
London disjiatch: ' Th enormous stun
of 75,000 which a Frenchman wen on
a horserace at Cambridgeshire, produced
an effect never dreamed possible, liiia
wss nothing less than a full In the rate
of exchange between London and Paris.
In view of the large number of work-
ingmea in Europe preparing te emigrate
to America in consequence of the Mc
Klnley biH, the United 8tate consuls
in the different citie are giving the
widest pnblicity to the provisions of the
contract labor (aw.
A women in Utica, N. Y., mixed some
"Rough on Rats" with flour meal in a
basin and placed it it the pantry to kill
mice. While she was absent from borne
her daughter made griddle cakes of the
mixture. One of her daughters, aged
p, la dead, and two others are very ill.
The Philadelphia Gas company ha
decided to discontinue furnishing gas to
the Pittsburg puddling furnaces. The
gas can be nsed to greater advantage in
private houses. The daily consumption
of gas at Pittsburg is 500,000,000 feet.
equal to 25,000 tons of coal
A Milwaukee dispatch says twenty-
two friars of St Francis Capuchin con
vent have registered to vote. Never be
fore have the Capuchin monks in Mil
waukee had sufficient interest in an
election to go to the polls, but now they
intend to oast their full strength against
the Bennet law.
Two young Democratic lawyers iu
Indianapolis were ordered to move by
their Republican landlady, whereupon
they got out an injunction restraining
the landlady from ejecting them. They
claim it is a trick to deprive them of
their vote as they cannot get another
boarding place in the precinct
The train bearing Governor Hill over
th Baltimore and Ohio had a narrow
escape from being wrecked at Wheeling
W. Va. The air brakes on the Chicago
express failed to work and the trains
came together. Had the governor's
train consisted of ordinary coaches it
would have been crushed like an egg
A woman named Mrs. Hobbs was
murdered in Hampstead, London, and
was so shockingly mutilated that it we
pronounced the work of Jack the Rip)er.
Upon investigation, however, a Mr.
Fiercely was arrested and charged with
the murder of his wife, Mrs. Hobbs and
Mrs. Hobbs' child. A bloody knife and
poker were found in fiercely s house.
The diary and letters of Muj. Bartte
lot have been published by Bartte! ofi
brother, who iu the book accuses Stan
ley of malignity, ingratitude, misrepre
sentation and desertion. Stanley in aii
interview, said that the truth had been
suppressed in his book in regard Mai
BiU'ttolot out of regard for the dead
man's family, but that he would give it
to the world if he was again 'attacked.
Stanley said that Battelot was not mur
dered nut shot and that any jury would
justify his slayer. Stanley and his wif
will arrive in New oik on Nov. 0.
Take It Before Breakfaat
The trout appettaer, tonic and liver reinilntor.
in ue lor more inuu ou yen 111 cukikuh.
Positive apenlHc Tor liver complaint. Had
ISHte In the mouth on arising ly the morning,
dull nulnH In t he head and back of the eye.
tired feeling, dlulnesa, kutgnnr symptoms of
IIVI-I ltllllMltlllli -... .. " ...,-
Ilsh Dandelion Tonic, Kelleves oonstlputlou,
sharpen the appetite and times up the entire
svHiein. (let the Ronnlna from your druggist
for tl, and luke aooormng w ainwiions.
Hliuken Oat of Gear,
Rr mnlnrlnl disease, the human machinery
mm not half perform Its oltlce. ltlKDstlon,
secretion, evaonntloa are disordered, the
blued becomes watery, tne nerves leeuie, tne
eiHintenaiieo ((hustly, sleep disturbed and
LMMUe capricious, ii-mumiBuii. uinhiw.,
lu em-MfiiMiices. There Is. however, a
known antidote to the mlaainallo poison, and
certain saicguara attinsr n. 111 innirions
ivctona of our Mouth and West, lu 8outh
Liuerlcu, Guatemala and on the Isthmus of
inmni.iui wnllu iii Imnsmnrlne countries
whore the soouruge exist, this Inlmlluhle pre
ventive and remedy, Hosteller's Htomach
Hitters, has, during the last thirty-five yeara,
bceu eonsuuilly widening the arsa of Its use
rulncus, and demonstrating Its sovereign
value. Liver eoAiplulnt. dyspepsia, oonstl-
gallon, kldnav trouble, rheumatism uud de.
Illly are all remedied by It.
NOTICE Is hereby alven thai the under
signed Eleanor Ferguson him been duly
appointed by the County Court of Pol
County, State of Oregon, executrix of t he last
will and UsUtnient ot Jacob Ferguson, de
ceased, All parties having claims against
wild estate present them duly verltled and all
parties knowing themselves Indebted U the
sumo are hereby notltied to settle the some
In six month from the date hereof.
a.iiE.A nuiv r niiuti'rtvFr.,
DALY, Sini.KV AEakin, Executrix,
Dated th Is wth day of September, 1880.
Ootid '
I (TherewM a $30,00011 re at the Mare lab
and navy yard.
! The American hotel a Ponton, Wash.,
haa been destroyed by fire,
j John McCoy fell from a wagon and
waa killed near Sprague, Wash.
Wong Chin Wei, the wealthiest Chi
nese merchant of Portland, is dead.
Still man, the Fresno murderer, haa
been sentenced to life imprisonment
: Farmer Wilbur of Oregon raised a
tweet potato that weighed 27J pound.
' Two Mexican sheepherddrs were mur
dered by Indiana near Silver City, N. M.
Hank Paris, who killed P. G. Thomp
son at Pioche, has been sentenced to
' William Bate, a tirakeman, was fa
tally hart at Geneva station, Coin
Daniel Thurston suddenly disap
peared from Tacoma owing a sewing
machin company $1,000.
Lloyd, the 15-year-old son of Capt. S.
W. Smith of Santa Ana, was fatally in
jured by the mdden fall of hi horse.
An Atlantic and Pacific train dashed
into a herd of cattle near Asa Fork, N.
M., and the entire train was derailed.
George Francla Train has left Tacoma
and will go to Chicago. He gave all hi
friends a Japanese coin before leaving.
Dr. Ferrer of San Francisco, probably
the best known physician and scientist
west of the Rocky mountains, is dead.
' Two men were killed and half a doien
injured in a collision on the Northern
Pacific at Stampede tunnel in the Cas
Hon. John Learr of Seattle has deter
mined to erect an orphans' home in that
city in memory of hi wife, whose death
occurred recently.
Some miscreant threw two stone
through the Leland Stanford, Jr., mem
orial window of bt Tanl' Episcopal
church at Sacramento.
George. J. Fitrpatrick of Seattle ar
rived hi Boston and was swindled ont of
$280 by a confidence man before he had
been in th city thirty minute.
A nsw raib-oad company has been in
corporated at Union, Or., with a capital
of $6,000,000. Its object I to build and
equip a railroad of the tingle track sys
tem. 4
Thirteen burglaries have been com
mitted at different points in Venture
county during the last two week and
th officers can get no track of the of
fenders, t
James Farrell, the well known mining
man, was shot and almost instantly
killed at Nogales, A. T., by a carpenter
named Rood. Farrel' horn was in San
Francisco. 1
Attorney General Johnson of Califor
nia has called the attention of the dis
trict attomies throughout the state to '
the non-enforcement of the law in regard
to the selling of lottery tickets. , -
A coroner's jury at Fairview, Or., has
decided that the recent accident on tbe
Union Pacific near there was the result t
of carelessness, and three employe have
been arrested and placed under $3,500
bonds. , 1
At Albany, Or., the 2-year-old child of
Jndge Campbell of Tacoma fell and a .
button hook she held in her hand pene-1
trated her face, near the eye. A surgeon
had to administer chloroform to remove
the hook. t
The Poso Irrigating district embrac
ing 88,000 acres in northern Kern county 1
has started a force of 100 men and 800
head of stock on the construction of a
canal twenty-five miles long, a large
dam and a number of reservoirs. , 1
Lena, the 10-year-old daughter of F.
G. Poenich, living near Corpus Christie, '
Tex., was bitten by a rattlesnake. She
killed the anake with a club and then '
lucked the wound until medical aid
reached her. Her presence of mind
saved her life. ' j
Articles of incorporation have been -filed
of the San Diego, Phoenix and Gal
veston railroad, which call for the build
ing of a standard gauge road from the
bay of San Diego to the eastern boundary
line of California, at or near Yuma. Tlie
capital is 1,900,000.
Charles E. Weinrich of Sacramento
was to have been married at Seattle, but
a draft with wich he paid for some jew
elry for the bride waa no good. ' The
bride gave up the $3,000 worth of pres
ents, Weinrich got ont of town to avoid
arrest, and the wedding is off. '
Carson, Ner. dispatch: United States
District Attorney J. W. Whitcher has
dismissed the timber suits of th United
States against the Eureka Consolidated
mining company and the Richard Min
ing company (limited) of London. ' The
amounts involved aggregate $10,000,000.
The 16-year-old daughter of William
Nichols, while returning to the ranch
from Folsom, N. M., was caught in a
blizzard, lost her way and was frozen to
death. She was found ten miles from
her home. She had managed to unhitch
the horses and turn them loose before
ehe was exhausted.
All cases of mail depredations or vio
lation of law by the expressess, or by
the foreign or by the illegal nse of poet-
age sramps.and all losses or irregulari
ties in the mails, where they occur in
California, Nevada, Oregon, Washing
ton and Alaska, should be reported to
the inspector in charge at San Francisco.
Vacaville established a legal precedent
recently. A prominent young man was
arrested on a charge of assault with a
deadly weapon. His brother is the dis
trict attorney of the county and another
brother is a leading lawyer. The latter
defended him, while the district attorney
prosecuted the case. The prosecution
left nothing undone. The defendant waa
A sad accident occurred at Lincoln.
A 8-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Pa
checo threw a bottle and struck an oil
lamp, causing it to explode. The mother
in her efforts her children and the house
from fire became enveloned in the flames
and was burned so badly that she died
in a few hour in great agony. Herhns
band was also badly bnrned. They were
very poor and had eight children, the
ldest but eleven yeara old.
M ULKE Y RIGGS. At the resi
dence of the brides' parents iu Salem,
Or., Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1890, Dr. 8.
A. Mulkey, of Moscow, Idaho, and
Miss Fannie MV Riggs, Rev. J. B.
Johnson, officiating. -Miss
Riggs is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Scott A. Riggs, .well known
in this couuty. - ,
We offer valuable premiums for those
who will work for the West Side.