The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 24, 1890, Image 1

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J r ? ' I.
In improvement will be made
in Independent ih vicinity
during the year.
irljt;:;:st h;:
( Devoted to the teat interest of
Polk County.
$2.00 lVr Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 50.
riAr t i-rs
t.tvrd at the w elite lu Initia4nat,
invm uiav isuwr.
On Year . i,oo
Sta Month . . . ,M
Three Month 5s
Wheu uot paid lu advance. l.ju
IttdtMSllea ll hsMt4 Hi lh hi1 Hi !
stlloe tlw mm t lh y, n tlm WIIUmmk
nnr, utl m ih mtiu llu at ox an
(MUsrul IUIImwI. MMMua populaiinN ml
ww Mvpis, i in rinitxi aaipuiai auiai e
lb Jouttlf. uliloh I uti til Ih. U11H Mil
Mllht aud Ihtekly p,.i;illwl I lha Wlllani
MM tail?.
Th.aMa.tUv lamsaluf elwiilHn Iti In
an I .kiylu iiblM il In at lh Istst
w aat.riMiu; awmiua.
4- I TNI f
Litest and Best Styles,
Physicians & Surgoons.
U, S. Examining Surgcou.
0t: ut tM ostsia M.,
12. L. K.KTCHUM,
Physician and Surgeon,
onto rir.i Natii hmi,
Physician and Surgeon.
I)uen Vista, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Independence, Oregon.
Resident Dentist,
All work warranted to ifive the heat
of Satisfaction.
Attorney aud Coun.rlor l Law.
Alll.rgl Iiualntsntnited u rur will nss-lvr
Prompt AlUmtUui.
Offlc la Opera Mtwae. Independence, Or.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Off ft: Cnt, Mala and Monmouth St.,
wnmjfi, . orioon
7' .
:T)ealer In:--
J)rusand Medicines,
i:i, '"il I' ' stock of Drug
, . r.r. -V V. ',. '.V. Kolicrtnotl, I
.V,.,.,i ,., 1 ,'1; -I i'i old cimto
in 1!'- . ? '" oue. Fair
; , , . , o-...ii 10 nil,
Cash Grocery & Bakery
Frtatt r.rcwl, Plea aurt "le nn hand vory djr
. mi, ami fwh aira k (1 faiiried joiKla, flnur.
VM. I'uC'i), aunr, inuillna, litiir. and tiibaiicua,
U. B. TAYUHt, ProprlHor.
MBliaerj g Fancy Goods
Neit to Indepenilcuc Katlunal Unuk,
Indkpkndemck, OlHUO.
ArohlUct and Draughtamon,
KOOMN67 llliall-mtKVMAM III.OCK,
r-r m, , liny your tlnket Km of
Uit5M c' ',ntlin'l 1'"w",t
rata anil moat favor granted. Call at til
Wat Mil olltna.
City Restaurant
II ,k bean rcHincnort, by the MIhhii Konnella,
on Main Bt., oppoalto the Opera tinnae, Inde
pendenne. Meal V) mt. Hoard, H.80 per
week. Ice Cream anu uymnni in ai'iunm.
Table aupplled with the beat the mnrketuf
ford. No Cblneae employed.
, OO TO-
For Fine Job Printing.
J. D. Irvine
NVvcr wants for OiiMtomt'rA In-ruu
-His Trade is large.-
Xiivir mhmIm imiiit'v, liiit (ii.t
tomow ootiio in uiitl r.y llu'lr liilln,
lu his Stow, you ill llnd it l.u-jfii
Stot k of
Etc., Etc.
WLirh foSoM ut
Bedrock Prices.
Of lutlqH'MU'iitH', liuviii it htt-uiii
olivine, 11 brick limcliincitnil Hcvctitl
ucrttt of Iinit clay, in no juvpiiri'tl
to kfcp on hand u ftno imiity ol
Brick, which will lx wiM at rtswoti-
latllo priWH.
When Toa Want to Bo
-and Staple-
Rock Bottom Prices for Gash
- or PRODUCE go to
tbt Wrctkem of Higli PiiffH in
U k C:.';
-Old Stanil
Main St., Jmli-iMMiiIi'iieo.
OIIUw with Hyde iMH'iii, Iinlepcndi'iHii.
Will tiav t'AHM fi ir 1 1 klnrln:mnfr.v
1'rinUtiHs. Wheal and iiataa Hpuchiliy.
Main Ht., liidi!K!iidiinw.
Shaving, W celiW. Hair ciitllnu, ;5. Hliiim
poiiliiK'ftci'iita. Durham Bros.
(,'lmkw Hwf, Milium, 1'iiiltiind Veal ulwaya
on hand.
HiiuMtgo lu MliaHIIII,
llendiTiid tulliiw for aale. '
Main Ht., Indepmidem
l,atly froiri Porlland, hiw opnmul Dniaa
mukltiK 1'arloralii the KbIhoii bullclliiv.on
Main Ht., and I now prepared to do all work
Jasperson& Parker,
Architects, Builders and Cont'rs.
Alwaya In their Hash and Door Fatiry. and
in irv in iileaae all. (live them a trial and lie
convinced that they are worthy of your pia-
Inli)ii'ln and Monmoiilh Molar l ine
Hyde 1 Dak.
. m
l(l:ill .
Ml If,
ANtn iim m i Kit,
Vr liavn Jimlilinl to lot mini)' of oiir
CUHluiiiei win, wiah to lake Mill Wackly
(ii;niiiiiii iia.i In ooiijiim'iioii with tli
kmt hum, Our iiffur t na fulHiw: Fur
tlip aunt of odali In nilviinim wo will
mini yon Ui Vkt Hihk' tinm Jan. I, HI
to J in. I, iKi, nml nlau Ilia wcrltly Oro
oomi'iih. Wo oiuiiint m ika till olTor after
January l.H'Jt, nor hnvo aulwiriititina
atart tioforo that tlmo. Hav ymtr aul
triitmii until tlm U ot January.
I'tll Htl M Ol l f lt.
t)ur olT.'r to Nulta.Tili.iin nf the Wwt
Hum no your ami .tnierfcirt f'uiMifi'
otir ymtr, nil fur alniilil not (, mlr.
Uinli riiH.,. Tlmiiln'rli"ll innsf ilula
tnnu Jun, I. "Ill to Jan 1, VJ. All
arrvartiKV. Hunt Iw v.u to tint timo,
tij inuat Ih' mli iu nilviinw, Till a
vory ulVor, aitj It )uit wuul il
NOW anuil ua S'jfit) anil lvI hi'lli.iuprra
up to Janunry 'VI
And be Convinced.
12 Sti't'l tooth iron harrow, fJO.
"i ami tooth t'tiltivaloiM,
The l'.t oi'M nlnN-iiig,
Th lat ill
op Wood
E. E. Krengel's.
Sest price 'paid for
Old Iron and
Main St.,
Iulll'lH'lnll'IIC .
The Celebrated French Cure,
to cure miy
rtiocnoo, r any
ill ttr nf th
rt'itfrnllVd nr
Bttii ( either
)-itia (t.n (lis AFTER
f(rt'iwr me ri Hiiinulnuu, TiuttiiTn or Ophim,
nr llitiMiiili ymiihful iii'llum'tli 11, over liuUila
ci)rc, Ai',, mit h 1 . of Hmin I'uwer, Wnkpful
in, MfHfliiK l'wti ( ttttidtu Iho tH h, H(inlim)
Wt'HlttH", Hyultirlrt Nt'fvnu J'nwtrHtlnil NfK'hini
al Ktiitsmimi, UMii 'itrlMfa, .)UIium, W't-nk Mem
orv, I,oMnt invtr Htttl luiimifiicv, whirl. H iu
ffkrtnl nUvt 1 'H'l to )irpniflturotl( fifatut Iiimii
(ty. I'fU'fj ,Ai a In ix, 8 bolus (or V.W Hunt by
tun 11 nn rftflpl of vtUg
A W U I T T I : N (i I A IU NT V. R fr ov-ry A.0r
unlor, In ri'ftitid the nttnior l( a rrrtimnrn,
cinn In it ctlt-flwi, ThiMitdiuli u( twitimtm.nli
fnnuol'i ami yntuia.of Iwilh mxm, in'rtiiaiii'iitly
ruri-U hv AiMittoMTtNR. (Mri'tilai" frmi, Altri!
For uilo by Utiator k Looko,
,,. - i3
inactive: liver.
Fabcr's Golden Female Pills..
For Female Irrouular
111; liolhlinrllkeihoin
nu tlie market, Mrvrr
nil. Nueeeaaf'illy od
hy lunailiKMit lailliia
monnily. Unitrantreil
to relli'va anpprtaaed
Don't he hnrnhnneil,
Have Time, Health,
Runt tn any addreaa,
t aoe'.iro hy mall on ia
uol1tntprluu,.00. Aunruaa,
WontemUroui'U, Bo 37, 1'OKTLANll, OH'
I'or wile hy Dualer .a Uicke.
"B Eli D"
or mmirf
i 1 1 ' it
Tlmra lira lUmu onirro joukrvi In
Ilia country who re jmlil (rum I'i.flOO
to W,000 your. '. ;
Tin IihIUiii al flyittoiiw), N. Y., hnv goml touiilai'' IihI.'o Willi
Iglily-ltva llii'liilii'i,
A Jftmima irlnciiiui la in llorllu
atiiilylui; Ilia nmununimiiit of hjilll
ml clmrltalilo liiNtitiitloiia.
The Quoen of lb HiOlana I ouu of
tlielH'tiMiM'alnau lu that t'ountry.niul
can tlrlva a U-lu-liiiiii with gratia ami
anfnty, .i , , , '
The Kv. lr. VVIoknu of Maui'linaltir.
Vt., claim to he tliu olritial living (ftl
uuto of Vale. 11a I 03 ami rouvlvoti
hi itlpluuia lu ista.
JiinIImi I.ninar ia anltl to look ton
year olilor tliau ho ttUI two year aj(o,
ami he ha liit ao tmutlt on tlm tHitioh
that ha liaa Ikh'oiiio lo(i)-h(Hililoroil.
(iiHirt'o AtlKuatim Hal I imhl $I0,(KNI
a yiiar hv tlm Lomton Ttltijrnph for
wi lling four atlliortiil it wi)ik. Tha
aluiy aciiuu hi);, but Kngllali fttitorlala
are Ui go ami heavy,
Mi lli'lte hinlth, rueoiitly KiHillitiit
rualileul jihyali-lau at tha woman'
iriiu In Miorborii, Mu., I hut t
ynai old, Sim haa boon rai'llolug
inotlit'liia for two yoai.
TltTitny, tha itiilllminlra Juwolor of
Now York, never wear a diamond,
although he ha tlintuwmU of the llneat
f:mi hi tha world to aolovt from. Ill
avoriie gm 1 the 0al.
At rt'ct'itt iinotlti( of a comnillloit
of tlm Kiiyal llurtloulturitl Motiioty a
plant wiu exhllilleil rovliijf (lint a ill.
tlnvl tleii ha Ixwin Hindu In the cultiva
tion of llitt dopjhbltM I'riiniiini.
The Car of Kuoala wear tli Inrpeat
ruby In tha world, valuml at tlno.OoO,
In lil crown, whirl) I nilti'r-lmx'il
and ha on Ita rreal a rro coiniioiuid
of live big dlaiiiond uuorlliif tha
l'rof. llonne of Imtlttna I'lilveralty
any that of B.AOO thiMilojii'al tuileut
In' tho I'ultod Htalo h' t tin it one
fouilh are oiillojjo Knohmh'i. All tha
otbor iri'udlialca inako a broak fur
Piirlngtlohl. Vl U the Inr-at town
to vlalm a iold initio worth oii.rttt!u.
Tlin tory kh'ii that ono ritliiu of tha
town amaaaml a fnrtuno from the gold
whli'li h wnahod out of tho aninl ol
(iulil llrook.
Illchitnl Vatm, tli lhmiooratl!) con
groiuimiin toauooooil Sam lliiudiill cliiiiim
to b the only Aniorioan who m-ar
dniiwil with (Jiii'uu Victoria, and ha
any her Mjt-iy wa one of tha worst
tlaiicor h vor tarLlvl.
King tlumbort U a prudent monarch.
Laxt year the civil for tlio royal
hotiM'hold waa lA,lLiO,oH) frnnr, and
the king iiil l.l,3-l'J.!Hi'J fianoa Vi
rputliue, leaving not ipille two crnU
to hi crt'illl for tho lumulng year.
Auailn t'orbln' wedding irrnt to
an old frlmnl In l'liilnduliihla wa tho
uw of hi maguillcouifv appointtiil
private cur for a trip to ,li"leo. 'J ho
car wa provided with everything need
ful, lucluilhig a corp of aervaut.
The tiaa of tha phnnugmph among
pertain lmllan tribe lend to tlm con
clnalon that tho main charaotorintlca
of their Inngnagu can In) recorded and
permanently prcrvmt either fortudy
or domonatrution with this Inatruuieiit.
Tha pliH'a of crown ghia.foriy iuclio
In diameter and two and a half Itu'he
thick, made lu I'arl for tho object
glaaa of a leleooio fir thf) l'nlvertlr
of 8outhern I'nllforulit, will ieUlro
two tear' labor to turn Into a llniahed
Lloyd (iitorito. a uow memborof tha
Kuglliili liouw of common, la the n
of a village cobbler, 1 In wua mlueitted
by III nuclei, a aclf-mado man, ami at
tho ai;o of lilli'cii took to outdooi
prcaclilng, which hna mndn him ipiilo
an orator.
John Swearer, who hit jiml been
grunted a pension of t'-'O a mouth, ia
officially tleelarod to have been the Hint
tnnu wounded In tho War of the Kobni
linn. There wero a good many other
awcarura In the army, but John la tha
tlrt to achieve diatitictlou,
Thero I it aiiiull, lmy In Unified, Mo.,
who hit a mania for 'clocks and goes
about iimpecllug nml comparing them.
Ho WMiin to lie poated on tho correct
time, mid If a clock la fnt or alow or
there la anything peculiar In Ita ap
pearance he 1 luru to cull attention to
Tho Zoological Park In Washington,
for which ground hit already ocen
broken, will be tho largest jloo lu lh
world, It will be aittiatcil on Hock
Crook. which run hotwoen Georgetown
and Wnxhliigtou.Hiid will be aaplendld
addition to the attraction of Washing
ton. A colored dentlat In Macon use no
Instrument except hi tiiigora In ex
tracting teeth. Hy nieitna of long
practice hi linger' liavu become a
strong a forceps, nml ho claim that
lie can pull tenth faster luid with le
pain than any dun 1 1st with limine
The climiile of China Is mild to bo
growing nut only colder, but drier.
Animals iiml plant nccuxloined to hot,
moist regions uro gradually retreating
southward. Two tlioinaml years ago
tho bamboo nourished iu the forests of
north China, but II cau no longer be
found there.
The total quantity of champagne for
warded from tlm clmmpitgnc district
for tho year ending March 111 amounted
to 28,324,671 bottle, being tin Increase
of 7l(i,W bottles as compared with
1HHD. Present stocks In casks and bot
tles equal about 10l),67o,7fiO, bottles, or
qnllo live years' cousiiiiipiion.
Thoro Is an old lady living lu. Polk
County, Fla., who is ipiitn a genius.
She can write poetry and set It to music
and has written two books. She limits
phosphato, plants trues, oloar laud,
works In an ornngo grove, can knit
drosses, ninko neat shoes, plait hats, of
palmetto and muko. flowers out ol
shucks. .. . - , - v - v tt 1
-Tlie Kmporor of Germany Inis i'hi
cards liko other mortals, ,Thcy are
vory slninlo, allhoiigh thoso of the Her
man nobility are goncmlly vory highly
dncorated with crests and orow'ns. The
royal cards have absolutely no orna
mentation. In plain gnihlo'lettnrs they
readi 'Wlllieliti, (iormitn Kmporor and
King of Prussia,", ,. , . .
Cornell Unlvorslty's ncliobl of Jour
naliaui Istobodiscontinuod. During Its
two years' oxlstenoe II is snid 10 have
boon entirely successful and that It has
vindicated all' that hii been" claimed
for It. i Sovertholo, the abannonnietit
of tills Biuoh ailvot'llsud dopartmoni
rather goes to show that It line not
exactly till a long-felt want. , ':!
A now smokeless gunpowder has
just been produced at the royal gun
powdor factory at Wallhani Abbey, in
England. It Is called Wallhamlta, ami
Is said to have given startling results
on the government ranges at Eulleld
Look when fired, ia tbo new nmtrazlue
'..a' f n f
lino, me acenraey in snooting at nia
tan en up to 1,000 yard having been
soiiiotlilng marvelous. ;.
Some year ago Knropeiin" rlre b.
gnu to mniio lino vogue In Japnu for
women a well as fur tueu, hut a rose
tinu ha sot in, 'The Japnneie women
are not Ntnllslled with the ordinary
drea ityle of civilisation, but they are
unwilling to return to tholr old die,
and hence they have been making a
study of "rational dress" advocated by
the vnrlou feminine lru reformer.
Tho Kmpre Frederick is occupying
st Hamburg the anmowhat ramshackle
old Scliloa, which stand at the upper
end of the town, It old tower of
white plaier can bo seen for mile
around. Il I light and airy, but poor
ly ilnouiulwl, ami will not bear com
parison with even the snmlleat royal
residence lu Knghoul. Vet it wa the
favorite ummer resort of the late Km
poror Frmlnric.k who delighted in Ih
view from It windows over the Held
toward Frankfort.
lie Knew Only NU Men.
The other day, say Chattrr, a N. Y.
hoy naked hi father If he could not go
acroa the street and sit up with a play
toil! dead fntlw'l liody, , i i
Why do voudo thalf" ked the
parent, "That I not s nice thing for
S child to do,
' "Ab, well, father," said he, "Mr.
Jlelii eiia, though he wa o wealthy and
lived In such comfort, knew only all
( Knew only l men!" anld the
father; "what a foolUh loy you sirnl
How cuiild a man live In a city of 1,
fjOO.UOO pimple (in which y.UHI.OOO 'o
ple assemble dully) and know only sli
However, the hoy t tin two night
Ih that bouse of grief, ami the follow
ing ilny the father went to the funeral
aud Introduced himself to the Widow.
Ho had lived opjioalie her for twenty
your, but he took that opportunity to
'utrmluoe himself to her.
"Well," mild the. "my dear Mr.
Carl, you can scarcely estimate the
kindness you do to a poor woman in
presenting ymiwelf on this sad oc
flon. We will only have two coaches,
because my husband only knew sli
Only knew i men!" said Mr. Curl.
"How i that?"
"I do not know how It a," she said.
"He was born In this city, but he wa
the last of Ills rai'e, and he loved hit
violin and hi honks, and in the day
time he kept the account of a large
corporation dowu-lowu, In whose
ofllce he had a llltle glas bos w here
he snt at a duak, ami so he knew ouly
is men."
l Womon lluln Men.
Women are frequently accused ol
ruining their fathers aud husband hy
willful extravagance, with au euiphasn
on the adjective. They probably do
assist nt their downfall, lu repented in
mnoes, not from willfulness, but from
lack of understanding of the value ami
use of money. , The hriis of so nor
mal representative woman being so
malignant, or reckless, or Inconsider
ate aa to gratify her Uste, her love of
adornment, or her sense of luxury,
with any consclousnoa or suspicion of
such a result. Is preposterous, e
poeinlly when she Is supposed to es
teem and love tho man she deliberate
ly undoes. JSiu h s thing is so entirely
foreign to her nature as to lie beyond
hypothesis. She would not lie capable
ot It, if she were totally indifferent to
the man. Nothing but the densest
sullishnes, or the deepest malice would
furnish the motive for such an set,
which Is, as a rule, Incompatible with
woman's uaturo or woman s method.
Al any rate, 1 It not an exception
when a woman ruin a man financially,
or otherwise, Indeed f He is verv ready
to proclaim himself ruined by her; be
seem to think that the charge relieves
him. Ho is an constantly the cause of
her ruin that he 1 auxious to turn the
tables on her. Aud to tie ruined by a
woman sounds romantic, Is calculated
to excite pity nml sympathy, to put him
In the position of a martyr, especially
in the eyes of her own sex. Meu al
raost always ruin themselves, lu a
monetary sense particularly, but lack
the courage to avow It, Their w eakness
destroy them, and they dislike to ac
knowledge weakness; they prefer to
give it tho name of some piclutvsipie
wlckt'iltiesn. mwi'm Iknri llruwin; in
.aiii's' Home Journal.
A Florid Preacher' Ituggy.
Not long ago a Florida minister went
to Perry county to hold services, and
soon aficr arriving nt the church an
old lien jumped out from under hi
buggy Heat and went away cackling nt
s high pitch. Tho man was some
what surprised at carrying a hen to
preaching, and was greatly surprised
when a crowd of boys went to the
buggy to look for a hen nest and found
two eggs ami a bottlo of whisky under
tho seat.
Do Alligators Hwallow Minora?
The Indians on tho hanks of tho Or
inoco rivcr.Sotiih America, asserts that
an alligator, previous to going iu
search of prey, always swallows a
largo Htoue that it may acquire addi
tional weight to aid il In dragging Its
prey tinder water, ltolivar, the trav
eler, related this to a companion, who
was solium hut inclined to disbelieve il.
To prove that there was really some
thing In the stories related by the In
dians, Hollvnr shot several "while In
the presence of his friends, and In, all
uf thorn rooks wore found weighing no
aordiiig to the sizu of the "'gator."
Duo I w mouse fellow, over seventeen
feet long, lunl a stone in his stomach
m largo as onu man could lift,
China's lireot Moetl.
A Canton (China) paper estimates
thai 7fi0,W() people ilio every year iu
China by lire and tlnod, btit'll is not
salisllcd. "Tho fact Is," It remarks
with cold-blooded cynicism, "the great
need of China is I he sudden removal of
two or three million. Inhabitants to
inaku elbow-room for tlioso who are
left. . . "
Juro of the Kar.
In childhood the ear should bo eared
for as much as the eye or other delicate
features. All sharp, loud noises should
be avoided, as far as praclicablo, siuce
the organization Is thou tender, and
liable to permanent Injury, Care
should also be taken that the outer cut
Is Dot bunt and disllguied, as often
happens through carelessness. Per
manent deafness Is often the result of
"eiifllug Ilio ears,"' and cases liavu
neon known of abscess in the brain,
causing death, which resulted from a
father's angry blows upou the ears of s
child.; It s souiulimos tho ease Hint a
child umy bo suffering from .deafuost
olthur his birthright or tin) result of tils,
ouso, which Is not suspected. Oeoii
llouni krcinna,
tub mm in lmiEF.
Piirllmont will enlivens next month.
Tbo Prim of Wales' health la poor,
Daniel 11 Wilson of Doeton killed his
Wifesnd himself.
The F'retich snthorttic are trying to
suppress gambling.
United Htiites Henator Morrill of Ver
mont bus been re-elected.
A strotis; effort 1 being mode to aboh
lah title or liability in France.
Peijimylvnnla has a population of 8,
and increase of t)o,3.
(Jen. David E McKiblx-u. U. fi A., Is
uyiug or camter st WashliiKlon.
According U a recent trial it is not a
inline to steal whisky In Kjuiuw.
A. M. Wright, ex-president of the
Uiliiigo I!uurJ or Trade, is d.mi.
At a recent bailout Balfour said bs
was proud of bis work In Ireland.
Dr. Cooke, the misting Chlostjo phy
sician, has bs'ii found In Ht, Luuui,
A dispatch Irom Rome states that
Mount jfctti is in a slate of eruption.
The Lehmd hotel at Syrs-nee, N. Y.,
Was buiiied and several lives were lost.
The iouiese lu the (termsa army and
navy oatlniates will U SU.UOO.UOO marks
John Austin AdauM, formerly chief
jualius of the supreme oonrt or Iowa, is
dead. "
The m t earning of tho Pullman Pal
ace Car eotupsny for the year were 3,
Uh,i;io. 'Die count of the population of the
country is about computed by the cen
sus bureau,
Frank Ward was stoMwd by John P.
OlblMiu In New York In a tight about
The revenue from the consumption of
tobacco In Krani e uow reaches,
000 aunmtlly.
The sultan of ZuiuiW lias sold his
rights on the African coast to Germany
Coiniiioiier Hidden or Loudon has
tfivfii i' to tho lrth fund of the Na
tional Liberal club.
The New York custom ofilw have
returnol Fay Teinpletoti, thewtrees, the
diumontl rvo-iitly seized.
Edison is to wjnip an air ship, which
will admit of the practical utility of
Ux-tricity for aerial travel.
The last days of Ueorge Bancroft are
approach in;. He hss failed rapidly
since bis illness last spring. '
Dispatches fnim Zars, Dulmatis, say
that tiie olive crop of that district hss
buen destroyed by haihttoriu.
The population or Texas is 2,333,220,
au inorease of 040,471. Tennessee has
l,;fl4,rjfl, an Increase or tll.WL
The KinutUlmr capital hill has passed
the OklnlKuna legislatnre, but it ia be
lieved the governor will veto it.
Llejt, (i. I. Turner is on trial at Fort
Clark, Tux., for einbessling 0U0 be
hinging the the regimental band.
The tug James A. (JarQeld was run
into and sunk in the Euet river at New
York. Six person were drowned.
Ward McAllietur, lender or New York'
Four Auudreil, bus issued bis book en
titled " Forty Years or tjochtl Lire. "
The New York Herald's Washington
corroqs nulent believes a extra seasiou or
Congress will be called next month,
A cotton mill at Dolton, Eng., was
hunted and 110,000 spindles deetroyed.
Paymaster Ueorge A. IM-ring or the
navy, on duty in toe coast survey,- was
found dead in bis bud at Washington.
M. do Leesct lias published a volume
entitled "Uriguies du Cunal de Sues. "
It is having an enormous sale iu France.
The ultar in St. Stanislaus church
lu CbicHgo caught fire during service.
A panic followed and oue boy was lulled.
It ia stated at Koine, ou Vatican au
thority, that the pope will decline to re
ceive Dillon and O'Brien if they visit
that city.
The king aud queen or Dcuuiarkjind
meiuliers or the royal family were enter
tained en board the United States cruiser
Augustus I. CW.cldest sou of Admiral
C o, U, S. N was drowned while try
ing to recover a drifting boat near Prov
idence, U. I.
A dinpatch from Buenos Ay res says
the s.ipporters of ex Preuidcnt Celman
are intriguing with a view of returning
him to power.
- At a mass meeting at Woster, O., Me
Kiuley's district, the students or the un
iversity preseuted Speaker Reed with a
a silver gavel. 1
A man mimed Schaaf, living near Ber
lin, killed three or his children and fa
tally wounded bis wife and other two,
with a hatchet,
It is reported that Sir Henry Drum
moiid WoliI, the British minister to Per
sia, in addition to physical illness, has
become insane. ;
'Albert Veddor, au ex-Presbyterian
clergyman, was sentenced in New York
to live years' imprisonment for abduct
ing s young girl,
Nicolni Alexandrovich, thecrarowitch
of ltussia, is alsjut to visit the United
Slates incognito, lie is to make a trip
around the world.
The funeral of John Van Vulkonburg,
past supreme chancellor of the Knights
of Pythias of the world occurred at
Fort Madison, Ia.
Harry Reel of Emporia, Kas, accused
Hal Scroggins of undue intimacy with
his sister and tried to shoot him, but
was himself killed. , :
The new issue of Cuban 5 per cent,
mortgage bonds, amounting to 170,000,
pesetas, are snbscri lied for to throe times
the amount of the loan.
Dillon says that he and O'Brien will
remuin in America four months and
then return to England and surrender
themselves to the police.
Articles imported for use in the var
ious departments at Washington are now
subject to duty unless especially pro
vided for on the free list. . . ;
The superior court of Iowa has de
cided that the prohibitory law of the
state is null and void so fur as the sols
of original packages is concerned. :
After five at tempts Nichofas Schubert,
a wealthy real estate owner of Newark,
N. J., stusceded In ending his life by
jumping from a second story window, i
The entire plant of the Cherry-Morrow
Manufacturing company, situated
within tho walls of the state peniteutiary
at Nashville, Tenn., has been burned. '
George H. Lipe, son of a Denver mill
ionaire, has been indicted at Chicago for
forging his mother's signature to deeds
oonveylng IoOjOOO worth of real estate.
,Tbe Bhmkensiitp-Blakfl Muunfaotur
ing company of Dallas,, Tex., dealers in
jetuis aud cotton goods, have- assigned.
Liabilities, lW,0t)0 tweets, about equal
Stephen A. Caldwell, president of the
Fidelity Trust company of Philadehmia.
Aroppod dead at hi home, lis was one
of tha rsoelrers of the Reading railroad.
It 1 said that tha City of London Con
tract corporation hat marketed 80,o0d,
000 of securities based on American
jiropertles during tha past year and a
Mrs. William Wsnbausen and her 7-year-old
son wars drowned in well near
Marina City, Mich. The boy fell into
tho well and the mother plunged in to
rescue him.
The German government ia to erect
4n hooaea for workmen tn Noroh Berlin.
Emperor William is agitating cheap rail
way fare for tha workman living in
that section, .
Chariest C. Morgan of Syracuse, N. Y.,
son of the lata Gen. Morgan, eloped with
ht sister-in-law, Mrs. William Emerick,
who ia a grata widow. Morgan left a
wire behind him. , . . i
John Bulk lay and Bert Hakes, itodsnta
at the Cortland, N, Y. normal aohool,
fought torso rounds to ssttl a dkrpssks
abont a girl, who was courted by botft
Bulkley won thaight. j
Chief or Police Hennessey of New Or
leans waa assassinated while going from
his oflioe to his horn. About fifty meg
have been arrested who are believed to
be responsible for tha rim. All UM
men arrested are Italian.
Dr. William E. Ashton, obttatricau
at tha Philadelphia hospital, successfully
pwr formed a Caraarian operation. Tha
caa will go on reoord as remarkable
Incident or modern science.
A serious fight occurred between tb
town people or New Haven aad a party
of sophomores. Polioeman Haokett wa
atrnck on tha hsad with a champagne
bottle and seriously injured.
A reception in honor of the golden
jubilee of tha Rt Rev. John McLough
lin, bishop of Brooklyn has held. A
purse or 21,000 contributed by the laity
was presented to the bishop,
John IL Bolton, one of the most prom
inent Republicans of San Antonio, Tex.,
has fled that city with about fctt.OOO in
cash, which ha procured by fraudulent
means. He waa an alderman.
Canada is talking of imposing a tax of
S oajita per dozen on American eggs, in
retaliation ror the McKinley import
duty. Canada Imported 600,000 doxen
from the United States last year.
An eaphadon in Moorehead's rolling
mill at Sohd, near Pittsburg, killed three
men and Injured others. The men were
drawing coke from the ovens when the
hot dust blew out, enveloping alt .
A rumor la current that a French syn
dicate headed by tha Rothschilds has
bought the majority of tha stock of the
National bank of Mtxico and will take
charge of that limitation shortly.
The Unitad States minister to Russia
aays the reports of persecutions of the
Hebrews by the Russian government are
baseless, and he will prove it by produc
ing the testimony of Jews themselves. :
The powerful realism of a painting on
exhibition in Berlin, rspreaoating Christ
before Pilate, la said to be ao great that
scores of women have fainted at sight of
It It ia by a Russian artist, NioolaL
It. Q. Peters, a leading spirit in big
enterprises, and baron in the lumber and
salt trade at Manistee, Mich., hss failed.
The liabilitios are enormous and many
outside business firms will be affected.
M. Moreaux, a French astronomer,
has discovered a variation in tha mag
netic needle. He has found that the
declination of the needle to the west is
IS deg. M min. This surpass that of
Paris. , ,; . , ,,;.., , .
Father Gessin of Elii abethport, N. J.,
don't like low neck drfses. At a church
social he chased some bung girls out of
tha hall and told the- o go home and
dress themselves becsflse they appeared
in decollote costume.
The body of James T. Veach, a ma
chinist of Effingham, 111., was found on
the railroad track near Tnscanola, Miss.,
horribly mangled. He had bean mur
dered and his body placed on the track
to conceal the crime.
Washington's latest matrimonial sen
sation is the elopement of Miss Annie
Cuumiack, only daughter of Zohn Cum
mack, a wealthy and retired florist or
that city, with a blacksmith who kept a
small shop near her father's residence.
Mrs. J. a Miller, wife of a St. Louis
saloon keeper, became sqddenly insane
while entertaining company. She se
cured a pistol and fired at her husband
and the company. She fired four shots
but hit no one. She then fired a bullet
through her brain. ., . , i
John Peyton, a wealthy and aged far
mer Of Wilcox township, HI., is endeav
oring to obtain a divorce from his wife
on the ground that she attempted to
poison him with croton oil. She says
she put the oil in his whisky to cure him
of excessive drinking. ,
. William Singleton, a negro hackman,
was taken from the jail at Macon, Ga.,
and lynched. He committed an assault
on a young lady whose name was sup
pressed on account ot her social promi
nence. She is a granddaughter of the
late Chief Justice Lumpkin of Georgia.
Charles Miller, a 15-yeard-old boy of
Loonnrdville, Kan., has confessed that
he is the murderer of Fishbangh and
Emerson, tha two young men from St.
Joseph who were found dead in a box
car at Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept 87. He
was "beating" his way on a freight train
with them, and killed them while they
were asleep ror their money.
Take it Before Braakfaat
The great appetiser, ton to and liver regulator.
In use tor more than 60 years lu England.
Positive speclllo for liver complaint. Bad
tHsle In the mouth on arising ty the morning:,
dull p Una In the head and bark of the eyes,
tired f elliit, ritnlneaa, Iniigour symptoms of
liver o nnplalnt. Remedy Dr. Ileuley's Kng
ltsli 1 imlellon Tonic. Relieves oonatlpatlnii,
sharpens tlm nppetlts and tunes tip the entire
system, (let the genuine from your druggist
for 11, and tke aeoordiug to directions. ,
- Shaken Out of Gear,
By malarial disease, the human machinery
cannot half perform It office. Digestion,
BtH'iwIlon, evuenntion are disordered, the
blood beeomoa watery, the nerves feeble, the
eountenaiee ghastly, sleep disturbed and
appetite capricious, Terrible Is this disease,
fell It coo-sequencea. There la, however, a
known antldot U the miasmatic pulson, and
a certain safeguard against It. In nmlurlous
regions of our Hoiilh and West, In Month
America, Guatemala and on the Istliruu of
l'anmna as well as tn transmarine countries
where the oouritgeextsts, this Inimitable pre
ventive aud remedy, Hosteller's htonwoh
Hitters, line, during the hurt thlrty-ftve year,
been constantly widening the sr of It use
fulness, and demonstrating Its sovereign
value. Liver oomplnlliU dyspepsia, eon si 1
putlon, kidney trouble, rheumatism aud de
bility are all remedied by IU :
MO'TICK I hereby given that the imdcr-
signed Kleanor Verguaon has beeu duly
appointed by the txauity Court of Polk
County, (Slate of Oreon, eieotitrU or the last
will end testament ol Jacob Ferguson, de
ceased. AU parties having elalma against
said estate present them duly vertned and all
parties knowing themselves Indebted to the
sm are hereby uotlded to settle the anme
lu six months from tho date hereof,
DAI.Y, AKakin, Ksecutrlx,
Dated tills mh day of September, 1890,
ooutd 1 .
Port Angeles is now a port of entry.
Senator Stanford and C. P. Hunting,
ton are at San Francisco. . J
Willard Blawson was convicted of big
amy at Ellensburg, Wash.
The Newcastle Fruit company ha as
signed. Liabilities, 40,000.
Another cajload of colonists from Hol
land bar arrived at Fresno. .
Frank McOnire, a carpenter, was run
over by a switch engine at Fresno. ' '
The drying house of John Hunter at
Anaheim was burned to tha ground.
Dennis O'Neill was crashed to death
in tha Anaconda mine at Butte, Mont
Charles T. Boardinan county clerk and
auditor of Alameda county, has resigned.
The sons of the late Governor Steven
son of Nevada will contest their father's
WilL '..,: ;,. . U '
. StiUman is on trial at Fresno tor tha
murder of Fluke. The defense is in
sanity. George W. Earrison, a Lot Angeles
veteran, committed suicide while in a fit
of blues. ,
The estate of Percy Williams, recently
killed at Fresno, is valued at $400,000,
and goes to his wife. .
Three plates of French plat glass, val
ued at I'M) each were broken by careless
handlers at Portland. .., :t m
Ah Gea Yung, a convicted Chinese
murderer, committed suicide by taking
opium In the Fresno jaiL '
Mr. Lain Batta f Ban Jose died in
convulsion after three hours' illness.
Cause of death unknown. ... , ,
J ames Simpson, a blacksmith is in jail
at l'resno charged with an attempt to
murder his divorced wife.
George Ward, a wealthy tanner living
near Ballard, Wash., waa killed by an
explosion of giant powder.
L. J. Sprague, tried at Portland for
the murder of Thomas Vaughn, wa
convicted of manslaughter. -
Douglas Bernard Hal of Mariposa,
Cala., wa married in London to Caro
tin Montgomery ot Boston. , ,
Twenty families from Kansas hav
bought land near Kipomo, Ban Lai
Obispo county, for a colony, .
Tha 12-year-old daughter of ' W.
Hnghea of Ellensburg, Wash., fell from
wagon and wa instantly killed,
Jose Baros shot and fatally wounded
Joaquin Yxuniaga at New Alameden in
a dispnt over $1. Baros ia in jail.
Arixona Is overrun with cattle buyers
from California and large shipmsnts are
being made to Southern California., '
Georg Rcmvich and Frank Baldwin,
accused of giving a racehorse poison,
have been acquitted at Victoria, E C
Out of 123 teacher in Humboldt
county only one wa absent at the meet
ing of the teachers' institute at Eureka.
The survey of a ship's canal to con
nect Lake Union, Washington ; and
Dwamish, Wash., ia to be begun at once.
Philip Briggs, secretary of Utah chap
ter, Royal Arch Mssons. committed sui
cide on the westbound fast mail near
Kelton. . ; ;
Miss Leslie Bushnellhas sued Will
iam C Williams, a Seattle capitalist, for
$25,000 for seduction under promise Of
marriage. , . ;s.:
George Shinn and Charles H. Thome,
two convicts who escaped from San
Quentin about a year ago, were captured
at Chicago.
Bridge 19 on the Boulder. Mont,
branch of the Northern Pacifio want
down with an entire train and seven men
were injured.
The residence of Adam Grant, twelve
miles south of Modesto, his granary,
wine press and private papers were de
stroyed by fire.
Lumber vessels plying between En
rols and San Diego ballast with water
melon and pumpkin on tha northern
trip. A large trade hat been established.
Boston, Galveston and California par
ties have organised a company and se
cured a grant of 10,500 acre of land in
Sonora, Mexico, upon which they pro
pose to placo colonies of Europeans. -
James Vance, aged 87, a nephew of'
Mayor Vance of Eureka, and manager
of a large lumber, railroad and steam
boat business at Mad river, fell from a
steamer and was killed by the wheel
In San Marclal, Sonora, Mexico, a coal
seam six feet thick has been struck sev
enteen feet below the surface, and at
eighty feet the Arillingjia in solid anthra
cite body, six feet deep and not through
the vein.
Capt Dixon of the steamer North Pa
cifio was was fined 50 and cost at Vic
toria, because he he could not produce
the eighteen Chinamen who had been
captured by Portland authorities and
who were sent to San Francisco.
Capt R. a Floyd, president of the
Lick trustees, died in Philadelphia. The
carrying out of the Lick trust relating
to the construction of the greatest ob
servatory of the world on Mount Hamil
ton was largely du to Capt. Floyd's skill
and management . , . ;
Gilbert Bell of San Diego, who left his
horn in Yorktown, Ind., fourteen years
ago, returned a few days ago and found
that his wife had married an old friend
and bore children to him,- and that his
own children were dead. ' His long si
lence had convinced his wife that he was
dead. .y , ,.:
The force now employed in grading
tha Coos Bay and Roseburg railroad will
be increased by the addition of 500 Chi
nese from San Francisco. Rails for
thirty miles of road are now on the way
from the East, and the company expects
to have thirty miles of road in opera
tion by April 1.
i The case of Mme Lillian Nordics, the
singer, against her brother-in-law G. L.
Gower, involving land at Tacoma, val
ued at $1,000,000, has been settled for
$40,000. Nordics claimed that the prop
erty was bought in trust for her hus
band, Frederick A. Gower, who disap
peared mysteriously after attempting to
cross the English channel in a balloon
several years ago, and who ia supposed
to be dead.
Severe discipline, Western Under
graduate "Don't you abominate col
lege dlsolplinef. So unnecessarily
severe, you know." Eastern Under
graduate "Yes, beastlyl What are
ome of your rulesf" .Western Under
graduate "Let me see. I can't re
member but two of then just now. One
is that no Btudent shall burn the col
lege buildings, and the other is that
under no provocation shall a student
shoot professor." Burlington Free
Press. .' ..'','.
We offer valuable premiums for those
who will work for the Wjsst Sips,