THli WKST SIDE. 'KIt.V. IV I'OUKK 17. iBlHI, LOCALS. Jamo Oltwoii oaiuii up (Vittu IVrtlatuI Monday ami rvturiitHl WtMimxluy. He twy mtr cauililt I attrm'tliiir much attcullott, nl Unit wt almuM have our towu tv,witttil lu tht liuiiiltfrutloti morn at Port Urn), aul favor taking uur rwit vxlilUL tlirv. V think tlu mow a otto and Imv no iluit but tlmt tltu botknl of trail will (iimt atKl to (Im valun of the display. Mr. Isaac Kj(t-r, whlto aavtlug hIi lunibvr Ht tlio HutWr (Unit on tli I,tK'klaiuiit h m uiifuituiilao a to w hla Imml no Uutlly tlmt aiiiuta lion wa fivuuil tHHVMMiry of tlirt Hugtr. Hula gvitlltiK ftluiitf ulovly now. The uewly iwtU church' on Motv mouth m't nr IWhraiw wilt b dodlcaUHt ucst ISuu.Uy Oct. H'th, Ht II a. m. Itev, 8. P. rHtig of .Cleveland, Ohio, editor of the KvauKcllca.1 Mm ettgcr, will ortlcliite tu word ami cere mony. Itev. 8 P. rtjuutg will rHolt In Ui Kvaugcltcal church to-morrow vvuIiik Oct isth, Ht 1M p. n. There will be no 8 utuUy aehool next HimUy moru- lug at the Evangelical church on mo count of the iMIt'ittloti. The writer met R Koehler, of the Km thorn Pacific, at Salem I tut week and he UJ that material and rl;lit-f way were all ready for the IVrvalllii extetislutt, and thut ewrly In the 'rliij the road would be built. The Cltlua house nest to Kll John on livtry stable caught lire liwl Timi dity and but fur rmtt effort of cltl ten their iiilKht have Uen a serious cunflugrtkUott, liev. ThutttiMuii, of the Preabylerlnu elmrvh at CurvnllU, wan In town Tin, day looking after the lutci-cMta of the church here which In without a palur, Mr. A. It. iMgg luteiulu devoting hl personal (attention to hi butcher busiuen. A auoerlur u;tmlity of mint will he constantly kept on hand. Mr. ud Mrs. J. It, lKixr, W. W. William, M. Hide, Oeo. V. White aker, and It it. 1'attersoii, went to Uie Exuoaitiott NYedneadtty. Mr. lVter t'ook rcluraeU home Mon day from MoHCiiw, hlho, where he had been traveling for Z. T. Vright,of Port land. The Klrnt National Hunk of thin city did ' t'tl.tUl.-W worth of bitoltiea butt Wednesday, No wonder they are mlltug. Cy. Beuuett, well kuowu along the narrow gauge I braking on the down freight, of the weal Mo,of the Southern Pm-ltlo, Johu K. Cooper hut week purvha-d of Win. Joihw tbe alxty-elght aenn of Uud opMmlte town and will plaut It all Id hop. Mr. Jerome IKirnvlfe ttucticwl K, A. Pattermn a conductor on the motor line, taking hla place laMt Wediuwlay. J. F, 0'l)nnucllou Wedmday pur chawd the huuite and oue tot wliere M. ltcamcr Uvea, paying to0 for It. Head the prvmluin aiiuouiuwineuta of the Wttr iSidk. Help your friend by giving them youruhacrtptloiM. Itu't Independence a dniiily agri cultural lowu. Tlicre la no butter (better) anywhere. Itev. W. I Iteaumont will preiu'h Hunday morning and evening In the PrtMhytertuu church. Mr. Eli. Juhnniu w.e kicked by a horxe kvtt week aud la coiiric)ucntly walking on crutchcn this week. Judge ltoixe will tutdrewi Oak Grove Urange atUak (trove on Haturday, Oct. 25th. ludi'lH'iideucviteiit a pumpkin to the fair thl week weighing li pciundN. It wa rained by Wni. Jout. Mr. Henry Hill and P. W. Haley do nated some Hplciiilld Kaiuple of grain for our exhibit. Head the IctU-r from N. Kliupp In thin bwue lu the advertUlug coIuiuiim It. M. Smith, of Monmouth, left for Wilbur, WumIi., on Wednesday. Minn Minnie Weblajr returned from Halem on Wednedity. Justti Field of the U til led SUit auprume court la del. Klley Cooper atarted for the Bound country Monday. Mm. li.Dlce U vUitiug her in tther lu C'urvullin. The iU;t of the Halem bridge are aluking. Itead the udvcrtUiuutit of the WkmT Hidk premium lint. Mr. J. C. White, of Crowley, wan In town Wedtlenday. No butter In Independence. A fine line of tobiwjco at H. & W. Hawed and xliaved Hliinglcf at (lood miu 4 DoutvV. For panting on walln, placing under curiKjU, etc., get the old papem for aide by Wheelcr.- Now in the tliue to buy rubber giiodn, and J. L. Htocktoti bun a full and com plete ntoek. The Wkht Hidk office ha turned the "old paer" bunlnen over to W. 11. Wheeler, who will nell at the name prices. Heukle & Walker will nell you an many goodn an any other firm li Polk county for spot canh. Sayl Where did you get that watch? Why of courne I bought It of H. H. PatUirnon and on the ennUllment plan too No trouble to own a watch Hint way. Plow, bnrrown, eultlvatorn, drill, aoedcr, huckn, wagon, buggle, carlx, wheelbarrow, etc., at Uoodmnn & Uouty'. Blue vitriol for Male by Ileuklo A Walker. Htove and tinware at (ioodmun A Douty'a. You can npend a plciwant evening at Ba've (Jelwlck'n, a he hu a lirat-cla) pool table. M. K Pearnon, who 1 painting iiuch elegant sign ubout town, In the on of Itenril Pearnon, who wn once editor of the "Itenourees of California," and a contributor to leading in:iga.l no. All parties knowing themnelve In debted to Cooer Hron. will pleiwe call and iettle without further delay and nave cent. We mean what we ay. Call at Firt National bank for account ud note, Cowkb Buoh. KMt Itoli BY CORRESPONDENTS Heluilck Itroa. are Mug bothertd a gretd deal aUut the nhlmduu of their wheat on account f the abort um of cam. Ham Clark left for Oak lalo, Wanh Monday, Ml IVUord wa the happy alaver of large otter Hunday. Our little m' In phigrvwdug nicely under the guldlamv of MU Hwaun, Our de.t ha lavll remodehHl lunlde and paluUnl In a very attintlu tniuiuer. Hrldge earKnUm are (mlldlng an aqueduct under the railroad In oue of the tllU near here which la a dlltlcult plmv of woi k. Friday night Huver waa the aeone of what mluht have Uvn a great Mbln-ry. The thief or thieve indued an entrance to 1). fade tore by prying ott'part of tne loe to the front door and they then reimlred to the rear of the ton whern the aafc waa kaitted, aud after drilling uoie into me lock and Insert I m powder aud due they plM Mr. Cadc'i toi'k of overall tmueutli and oil top and lu fact paddiM the aafe all around It wa upKiwM to deaden the nound of the bhud. They then act tire to the charge aud blew the lock and aafe door m-arly to pleeva aud aeattercd the cenient which tilled the door, all over Uie ftir. It appr that they could uot get the door open in lt aeattered condition aud they prtH-urwI a cord woihI ntlck fhuu a pile uear by to u a a pry. They alo entered Frank llrowcr' bbickmulth hnp and got ilrllt, crow tmr and a die plate, which they nearly ruined in the operation. The vainhl never ttik anything a there wan nothing in the nafe but a few Htauip and postal matter a Mr. t ado k.vp the jm-totlUv. The( t.,k place it Mug one mile 11 three aiu'inpuM r.oin-ry ohik puuv in tne j flVe. were: Dollle, by after mrt of the night niliee Mr. Cmle jtytir; J(,t( ,y MrrU. Vlu Ki i,y and m other heard the blast, but It j,,. lmuov, by lln-thwalte; Itrown uever exclll an aunplelon. hay mind prlnWi ,v Keiiruw.n: Htella I), bv filer and Dutch by Kay. In (he hhI Iktlllewild a llmt choice and Jet weeolld, j lt Heat - Jet lt, Imuw C. i-'nd, Win. piiMcd F.. :td, other four horwn dlnttiuced, thre mi nceiaint of breaking. Time, time, little Miinded aud read around time by title. Moved that the ordi imnceread "The Hiple ofthoeltyof IinleKndenee do ordain a follow, Ordinance, referred, Onlliuiuee viicatlng alley lu blin k ID known a actum) hoima blin k, Intro duced and read the tlit time. Hub uicudcd and had aicond lime by title, Referred to tommltlee on ordl Couiiiiunlcatlou read front F. F. Via tor nnklug that the city council eon tribute to the publication of a btk on Oregon and VahliigUui. On motion coiumunlmitioii wim laid on the table. Amcwiuicut of city of Indepeiideuee tuhiultttHl by recorder. Moved that Umrd of equnllxiitlon iiitHi Monday evening, Oct. S7lh to epmlUe the elty anacwimeut at ollle of city recorder lu theeouneil room. IUII of Mamlinl Macaulay for wage V; ai renting a drunk 9-. Onleml I lld, W. It Wheeler, Irnok aud stationery filS. lleferred. IUII or A. J. Whlleaker heame for J. Hum f 10, lleferred. IUII of F, llluiinlmrd for elenulug rouucll clminlH-r J l,.V onlerwl mld. INK UAl'fcN, The tlmt racing on the new ruce couoc in lalinagt) took place lat Hatunlay, The day wa plounaut, the truck lu very good condition and alMiitt bHW Krou prewnt The two feature of thu day were a trottlnu race, lu which all hornc having a ttHHird were ruled out. It In'lug Inleiided a a bwt of the merit of the buisgy home driven lu the county. The other wa a tulle aud rent running race for apuraeof fUHl. At I TiiKTiio'iTiNii hack. :..!0 the tlrnt heat of thl race have overtakeu them or they havettoleii oine uienduindine. W. P. Wright, of Ualhi. through our city Uvit Tuemlay, Mr. and Mm. KoUrt Hkalfe, of Hib Vertou, are vUlting friend uud relu tlvv here thl WiH'k, We are glad to record that Fred Tuner, who haa been very HI at Putttm I much Improved, and liope that hi (, ,ti ireuvrrjr may oc nnHiy, tJeo, C, tjoor ha rented the Jory pnirty. He will move hi family an n iu Sir. enl niovea out, wlilcti will Ik in a few day. Mri Havage and family Jut fioia Michigan are the guet of Mr. and Mr. C. Patrick. Mr. H. eoutcuiplatc remaining hereafter lu Ortgou, W. A. Pike brought to the city a wagon load of onions, wmtc welgh- ug from two to three pounds each. He old them for a dollar per buthel. There I more money In oulonn at tliat irlce than In wheat. Mr, and Mix Jdiu Walling, of Lincoln, Nuvd thntugh here lant Fri day afternoon oil their way to lhillic to Mrfonu the lust ad rite over the re main of their girl baby, which died Very auddeuly lant Thurmlay, We are tiifonued that the pier for the new bridge have nettled eighteen uche out of plumb. What tout that grand engineer to nay uUmt It now? No doubt farmers and store clerk would have done a much U tter job of it than he. The snow bird ha made hi appenr- ancc. lie tin UlUile III ail veut ralllcr early thl year. The front have come one month earlier thl fall thuii last year. Irfut fall we gatberrd lrlng beau from the vine Thankaglven day, but they are "done cimked'by Jack Frost lant Thursday morning. Are we b have a tnild winter? We are glad to ace the Wkht Hidk take the count' It In pursuing In regard to asnensment and taxation.' Kvery dollar ought to tar It equal proportion of the running exin'iise of the govern ment of county and ntute. Wo ulso think that the salary of county clerk and sheriff are ton high in proportion of our other county ofllwr. Our taxen ought to be ten than 17 mills, yet If Dalian had her way In regard to the building of anew court limine 20 or 21 mills w ould lie called for. They raised the cry almut the large crop aud good yield, but how about the price now? The Imttom price for wheat ban not Infii rewdied "and don't you forget It," We think It high time for the farmer to look out for their own Interest and not be led by politician who work on the prejudice "for self gain." iS;ti I SM Heat -Isaac 1st, Jet &l, Win, V. jSd. Time, a;tl. j !td Heat -Jet 1st, Isaac C. 2d, Win. K. !ld, Time, .lit. W Jleul-Jet 1st, Will. K. 21, Inaao Time, 311. Jet won tlrst money and Isaac C. aeeoud money. Thejiidke were It. F. Hiullh, I.. W. Itoliertnott and W. W. IVrclval, llt'N M Ml KAl'K, It wa I o'oliH'k U'fore the hors' wire brought Into Hue lu thl race. King, just before sinning broke away aud ran more than a mile before hi rider could stop him. Theciilrlc were: J'j D, by Itotiiiimin, Horrel Dick by Kays, Paddy Ityail by IVuiu ll, King by Tartar. Ill the khiIs Joe D, wa favorite over all other. Int Heat -Paddy Ityail 1st, Joe I). 2d, Horrcl lck ad, King dlstauccd. Time, ,VJ. 2.1 Heat-Puddy Hyan 1st, Ji D. 2.1, Horrid Dick 3d. Time, 37j. Paddy Ityail won Hint money and Joe D mooiiiI money It I the Intention to have othur sistiI iHintest lu the near future. The general opinion cxprccd to u I the race were on the nUnrt, and It should Is' the rule of those lu charge to rule out those who want to run any "dead uro" race. It bring discredit on tbe tnauiikem and disgust the pub lic. A nis-ed content, strictly oil merit in an exciting allalr, but when the winning horse I known Is'foro hand by t'vcrylssly, miles JiK'keylng in -noricd, to, the Inlcrmt i very mall Ix t un liavu gmsl stpiare race. . JHU.OI'SV. WAII SMIL T FAlil.i tltV. Commencing Thursday, Oct. 1U, IHWI, a dally mall will 13 carried dlruot from Fall City via Uwlavlllo, Monunaith tndeiiendeuce, ('ronton, to Halem, lenv lug Full City hIhuiI 5 oclmk In the morning, arriving at Monmouth alut 8 o'clock, aud Halem almut PJ o'clu k. lU'turnlng Icava Halem at 1 u'clm k, Monmouth, 6 o'clock, and arriving at Fall City alnnit 8 oVIis k, p. in. The advanbige of Mil route are va rum. A letter mailed at Fall City will reach IwInvIIIc, Monmouth, Dal lu, I ndi'iwudciice, Ituena N'lsla, or Halem, the aame luorulng II I mailed and admit of an answer which will reach Fall City at B p. ni. The mall route t art ut Fall City and end at Fall City. The beuellu of this route are greatly lit favor of Fall City, ami yet no point lu Polk county I damaged, and many are greatly ben efited. A large trattu will spring up between Fall City, l4'wlvllle, Mon mouth, I udcpeudeuiHi aud Halem. It I a natural ehaueluf trade. Person donlrlng to KUid a Hunday In roorea Men at Fall City, can leave Moiimoth at 6 o'cliH'k, and arrive at Fall City In a few hour. They can remain over Hunday and return to their place of bu lues Monday. Person at Fall City cati spend 9 hour In Monmouth, or H In 1 udcjiendence, ur 1 lu Halem, and return the name dy. Thene fact are Important one to be considered. The permanence of the malt route dcHiudn upou two thing, Flrt, will It y? Heeondly, do the people want It? Ap proval of the route lu writing tothe ismi- oftlce department will net be amis. The opwltlou I already at work. W(llll.l) FA IK, For Mill. Two lot In block 6 Henry Hill' ad dition to Independence for l 24 each, one-fifth down, Imlance next May with out Interest. Till In a bargain. F,n quire at Wkht Hihk ofllce. Notion to THHr. The board of equalization for the city of ludcpcudenee will nit an un Kquul, iug board in the council rooms, coni tnenclng at 7 o'clock Monduy evening, OctolMtr 27th, 1HW). Ail luU;rcnlcd per hoiih will please upimir at that time. II. M. LlNKH, Recorder. More Kitoln. On Thurnday, Oct. 80th, a trotting race bent 3 In 5 will bike place on Tul magernce track for untrained horse of the 3:.'!0 clans lu Polk county. En tries will clomi (Jet. 2Mb. Kntrance f 10 whlcli in added to purse. Friday, Oct. 81nt will be the race for three minute clans, best 8 In 6. Kn trance. fee f 10, F.ntrlea clone Oct. 30. CITV COUNCIL. Tuesday, Oct. 14. Council mot with Muyor Hliollcyin the chair and present Counellmon Wheeler, Krengel, Hunter and Pent land, Marshal Macaulay and Recorder Line. Minute of previous mooting read and approved. It wo reported that a city map could be had for f 20. Marshal reported that purtlc hud been notified to repair walkn and nearly uJl had been rcpulrod. Cross walk will bo built soon. Ordinance granting a franchlso to L C, Ullmore for water works rend first The people of thin part of Polk county are enterprising ami pushing ahead, but they do not attempt to build up by tearing down, Fair lioncrt exertion in lauduliic, but underhanded method are diwplsnlilc. The entabllnhnu lit of a mail route from Falln City via Lewln villu to Monmouth ban long been need ed, and lion at lant been nccurod. In securing this no etltlon asked that uuy mule Is' abandoned, A route from Falls City to Dalian was Increased to a trl-wcckly but last month, Not nnllsllcd with simply building them selves up, a petition wa circulated which emcnatcd from Nome Jculou hreast, asking that the recently ordered mall from Fall City to Monmouth he discontinued ami that the Dal la mall be made u dally. The people of Falls City very properly refused to sign It. The route from Falls City to Monmouth will uecoinislule a very largo section of country In more way than oue, uud at the same time take no benefit form Dallas. The person who cut out the petition evidently believed that Dalian wits entitled to all the privileges and It must refuse any of like kind to Its ncighhorn. That Is the sclllsh spirit which was nianli'cHtcd in the petition. I f a mail route was not needed from Fulls City to Monmouth, It would not have been asked for, and If needed Dal las should not ohject. Independence, Monmouth, Lowlsvlllo and Fulls City should lie on tlio alert. A movement Is on foot to discontinue the reoeutly ordered service. Action should bo ta ken at once to protect our Interest. Hlnlcnicnls sent to tho Hccond Ass't Post master (lencral, of a falso nature should beoHsctjby true diilcmcnt from tbe interested point. Dallas liua a jairfcct right to ask for a dally mall, but not the right to deprive other purls of the county of mall facilities. CAIH' VI. (TlTYJ MUlHKKY, I have a large and flrstclasn stock of apple, pear, plum, prune, cherry, (Kiacli and oilier stock which I will tell cheaper (quality considered) than any other roliablu nursery, I will give big bargains In apple and two year pear trees us I have a largo stouk of fluo trees. Catalogue sent free. Address, H, Lkach, Halem, Oregon. O. T. Waller has a neat store on the comer near ills residence in Monmouth and he Intends keeping on hand all the school books and school supplies re quired In any school in Polk county, either public, private or normal. His prices are the lowest, Mr. K. W. Kinder, of Kail Francisco, ho dcvlm-d a plan for California' con tribution to the (exposition lu the nov el feature of an enormous ellptbnl panorama. Thl I alnml the dew-rlp-tloiioflt. Kxtendlng from end to end will Is' a Merle of mountain formed of rs ksaud aolt and partly covered with shrill. Hklrtlug thl diminutive mountain chain will be an deviled railroad, 20 feet from tho ground, jn-r-milling vtnltor to view from the ear tho painting of California landeaa on the wall, a they are (Mowed in suc cession. The elevated truck will be reached by car gradually awemllng tliroiiKha tunnel at one eud. lu Mil tunnel, milling operation can be shown. When the tunnel ho been panned, Oakland, Alameda, Han Fran clnco, Mount Taml)ut!, and theOold en late will first apjn'ar. The turn will win through the btstyof one of the "big tan." At appropriate point men will lie een gathering fruit aud engaged lu other principal Industrie of the Htate. Tudor all thl will be a vast en, Insure ciqmble of holding 40,000 people for concert or protection lu cam of rain. The eerie of painting will be alsuit feet lu circumference. "The ChlcagiiColuiubuUiwer" which Is to be em-ted In IHtKI will bo 1300 ftvl high by 40 feel at the base, constructed of steel and Iron and mipsrted by PI great arch leg. The architecture I of modem Hcnalnnatico style and wa do lgned by Mer. Kinket and Polk, of Chicago, It will require over 7,ouo bum of Htcel aud O.Ono ton of Iron. It entlmati-d cost I (iiKm,ooo, lu the centre will tie a dome 200 feet wide and 200 feet feet high. Till 1 Cal.'lllal.-d for (Hiiuvrt and theatrical purjionc, and will have a seating capacity of 2.'i,loo Hipl. The wait and canopy will l richly decoratwl In orleutul style. F.lKhti-ell elevator with a caiclty of AO inmple each, will make twelve trljm an hour. Only two elevator will run a distance of liVl feet. Many will take advantage of the trip. Here money will Mccure piumage, for at least, a short Journey In the direction which all would like to travel. At the lauding will be a large restaurant where the traveler can rent aud lunch before re turning to earth again, At the ukx will be a great globe of 33 fis t iu diam eter, provided with 10 powerful electric light which will lie ol i rvable 50 mile distant. Admission fee will be 23 cents; 50 wnts to 400 feet and f 1 to top. When completed It will lie 600 feet higher than the Klllel Tower In Paris, aud the greatest architectural construc tion erected lu the history of man. It will In) the pride of our nation and one of the inont attractive feature of the great cxponltlon. oik ichntv iiKAiigi'AKriits, IonTi,Nn, Or,, Out. 8, 1S00. Em roil Wkht Hum; The Breat North Piiciflo Industrial Exposition in still booming, a credit to Oregon and the whole Northwest, The exhibits n'e now all lu and we must sny that It in as creditable a displny tukeu n a whole, ni it lias ever been our 1 it to witnen.. We have neither thus nor spuee to mention any of them to-night as this in the nlghl of nights or "Wedding Night." It is now about 7:80 p. in. and people are flunking in by tuoicmmU, every stmt in the house is full und still they come. The wedding takes plitoe at 9 o'clock, the ceremony is to be performed over the tiuiHio stand. On the rimtio bridge n platform has been erected mid is being beiuitifuly decorated. A floral nroh ami wedding bell surmounted with white doves being the chief ornaments while elm-trio lights (limb from every sido. Everybody is on the qui vive tu tliul out who tlio couples are to be, but so fur otoii wo have not beeu Hhle to find out Oh! what a pity Independence and Polk oomity oannot have an exhibit worthy of them, It some of their business nieu could only spend a few days here and talk with some of the dorens and dozens of poople who flock nrouud us unking questions' in regard to Polk county aud its resources. Wa tire often more than astonished nt the ignorance displayed about one of the oldest and tbe best counties in the state. We are sony to sny that our display is fur below what our comity should have, although it is attracting attention from hundreds. During the duy we nave beeu pleased to meet the following people from Indo penduuoe aud Polk county: J, W. Bus tor, Mr. and Mrs. Stookton.Crnvou Bros., J, M, Vnuduyu, Mr. and Mrs. Johu Young, Mrs, J. A, Wheeler and daughter Kii tie, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Alexander, LATHII, 9:30 p. m. At last it isnver, ns all great events must needs be. The oeremony bus tnken pluoe and two happy oouplea have gone their way rejoioiug, They were Mr William Ilctiknr ami Miss Helen Htiriius, of Portluud, and Mr, L, 8, Wright and Miss I, Htniliniiiiliiui, of Et Portland, tli Her, Mr.Olinrmley oilleiNtlng. At 8:0(1 Llhsriitl striink tip tli wedding biitreli ut tli flint note of which the contracting couples wrro seen emerging from either wing, tli briiliw radiant and blushing, niliiod in cream with silk ht'iirietta trimmed with point lueoj the grooms mulling and liuppy drrasisl in the court n'iouul full eveinni dress amu of black bmud cloth, Aftxr taking their place uud being surrounded by a group of Ultimate friends the llev, Mr. Oliorniley iu his usual hiippy irnui ner proceeded with the onrviiiony at the Conclusion of which after oongriitiiliitimn by their friends and Jlieers from tli im mense crowd of Hjota!ori they were conducted through th building by Pre, Allen aud suite, ami shown the beautiful prcMtut dniiiitnd by the liberal knurled husiiiits uieu of the city, most aonspi diotisuf which were a Iwautlful oliurry bl riHiin set by Messrs, Furiosi & Itr den, til Slim in antique euk by Mimar. Jetiiihig Bros,, Messrs, Dekiiui liros, doiintiiigoneof their tuieqiiuled Hiipsrior owk styvn with a full set ot furniture, Mr, F, lt.Cliowue one Hue parlor heating stove, tha Mugui Yeiuit Co. on Webster uiiabrigded dietiotuiry, Englu Woolen Mills of Brownsville one pmr bliuikils, bpsidi- other presents Iihj iiiinieroiis to nislltiuN after which they depsrtoil for tliuir reiectiv home aoeompumed by the diner snd best wlslics of nil present. cm at cnnir. Htoiilfer J. liioHrs, Halo ut real estate of C. J. Cooper estate coutlrui ml. Itrport in fuse of the Mi. II. Tcthurow !te approved. Final account of Kit Pliuikuigtoii exlute approved, and to lie o listed as iihiu heir priwmit pristeiit receipts in full. In the .cnm of Not mid IU'Ishsia aimpsoii; acetniut of giuiriliitii lllml.niid he discliurgtt) as hi Norn. Tli fluid sctxmnt uf Hisitt Itiggs twlute motived and adiuiuistrntor tliselittrgt'il, mid the name iu ense of Jits, Kubity estuit-. In cuse of Price limrs, iHitilioa for sule of rettl estate grtisl, Nort'inbcr Sri set for hi Hrlng, and citation ordered. 11.11. Oraut ws appointed guurdiiui of M rile J. litibbiird, and Marin Smith wns iiiude gtiurdtnu of the Mury t'h'ini berlaiu koir. luveulory of T, J. Dickey estute liled and ssle of property urtleivd. Inventory of J, W, Huver indite fllvd sinl approved. Final honntig of N. WtKklwiird tnttitte set for Hitturdsy, November 8th, aud the same with reference to lb M, Kenmsly estate. Iu mutter of Filiunorris estate, ll'iu. liiJdlu was chosen cmciitor, aiidJolin Morau, Henry Hill rtti J Ditud Hue Disdr apt misers. txiuuinsiotiXits COIHT, Preiwiil -Judge HloHlTer, Coniuiis Sioner Mclieiicli and Hlll)Mon, Clerk Cosd ad HhorifT Wells, In nuittur of J. H. Pettyjohn roiid, ap praiser rtqnirt reitd, alluwitig Clin. Lid. .Ileit 100, Mr. Hmilli SIM), aud it whs ordered thut it Ihe petitioners my 1223 hi the county rleik b.'furo next term of court, the comity will pay the baliiuoe and hnre tho road estiiblislied, The J, M . Deunis road was eslublislivd. t'onlrnot for building Eels bridgr swsnliHl to Ht. Johu tiro, for &ISI. Tbe county tax levy is 8 nulls, aud the whole tax will be just about the ssmo as lost year, which win 17 nulls. BILLS ALLOWgll, T I. Puller, Mill 1'r.s-k lirlilun It i llriinl, ..r lirlilxu W (I t'limi'ls'll, 4M,s,trK it rinn'iiiv uilonn, iiMiuly lluu siirvvy. Jhs Mii 'nul.-y. . ... Win Kiimtmiii J us MnicruUer , . . is-Hlulii. II IM hlltU J 11'lVsl, laiuliTiimu lirlilHv ..... iMiuglity ,t Htiytler, print ititf . it It rumor, snlnry .. ........... ivrry i'iuoot, roiul vlowi'r. .......... H,,wi'H,v Hen, mini liiiiiiii'r......, l A Utltlirle, lyiyule m'tili. ....... ..,. f w niniili, boou vt.'lsm....... Mherirr Wvlls, sani . J t.t ollliis, niioriu'y's Iihw miiiia Wllllt'it Hi, moot! M-.iilrfeiiH'r.v vt t'o,, rosil linnlii'r... t V l.ytteli, reatiiiin: iU ilrlvor A ItliiMtutw, iih's, hi sif vm lli-unson .M t'uiti.(iinn' nail wliinw.i's hu, sauui.. t'mls slitle vs Psal ...... . VV A Wnsh, irliiliit inurswotstuily. ISnmlily Miiytlcr, iirliulni I'ri'iilt Jk 'stnss, liunlHr. ...... . I) U Evuns. muHT Bivnuiii. .... Hs.vli-riV llowt, stipptli's ... Jim I 'rovvlvy.Mliiiiilli'N .................. Win Knull, iiii'i-i'lmiiiUi' t'ionilH'll ft Hon, uinri'lmnilliHi . II Alt-t 'HVler, luuibnr ............ f II Itutyt'll, tenoning Kit 111111111', eoiniiy llmiiiiiinuinunu. W in Kinill, nulii' II M l.liim, oolllu for imupiir ...riUMii ... o in ... M I J 'i '1 "Z tthi ai in ... a 5n ... uni .. in an a in .. it ... Wi on ... ii i ... ... Sill ... f rti .. 17 n ... it in ... w w ... ii :u ... i , ... I ... 1U u ... 15 I I ... UII IV ... Will ... HU .... 111 . m su ... Ill 61 . iss; ... n ... u , ... si on 117 ill ... ! fV SU I I l ltlMll-AI. AMI 1NTKKKST. lNiuci-HNiiNt K, Or., Oct, 1:1, 18!K). F.niToit Ww Hum: I inustdlU'cr from you regarding our present assess incut law, The law Is well enough. The fault lies with the unnensor und the county court, The assessor takes un oath to assess at the true value and the county court takes an oath to equalize taxes. It In well known that that Is not done, What good will a new law do? You will have the siinie kind of assessors, and the result will ho the same, I itui lu favor of making the aHHcsnor pay a penally for assessing he low the true value, and when lie assesses too high let tho county court lower the assessment. 1 am In tavor of deducting for Indebtedness nnd taxing credits. It in the only honest method of iiMscnnicnt. Yon nay our assessment and usury law drives money out of Oregon, Let it be driven out if wo lutvo to pay fifteen percent, to get II. It is better for people not to get In debt, and tho stringency of a money market keeps tho people out of debt. I notice an ell'ort In your paper to boom mutter. It is wrong both lu principle uud practice. A boom is bound to have a reaction, and that means ruin to many, Let tho country grow gradually. It Is a bolter plan. Our present tax law may keep money out of tho slulo, and our own woullhy men Invest in Washing ton, but our state will conio out till right If you give her time, We need money lu Oregon for speculative purpose only. Speculation brings Inllallnn, and lullatliui must end with a collapse. Oregon has no Inflation, and consequently cannot lnvve a col lapse, I do not sco any evil tu com plain of when it hard to get In debt. I am from Now York where things go slow but sure, My neighbor hero from Chicago, Is like you, on the "boom" and ho says out- assessment law Is an outrage. Tlio strango part to mo Is that ho advooalc. taxing nothing hut tangi ble property, and without, indebtedness, 1 and yet if tlmt were (lie rule he would pay on almut iiWUO worth of pm'it.y, where Yuw h pays nothing; while 1 would (my en I ho wiiiiouk now, for I am net lu debt, nur ever exKt b) he, Yours, Caption, WAUKS IN f:t IKII-IC, MoNmopth, Dr., Oct, 11, lMrfi, F-niTna Wkst HiliKi In reply to the statement of Mr, Llvbe, of 2 IU Hturk street, who txinti'iulli'Ui wlutt I have said regarding wnge and the tins of scltbliidcr on Ihe continent. I wish here to reiterate what I staled lu my Idler to the Wkst Hihk a liclng In the liiuln quite correct, I did not say that nimi were working lu the harvest field for 8 cents s-r day, hut I sny again that I did see men working for 8 cent per tiny. Invito of It as Mug extreme cane aud these were the lowest wage that ciune under my olwrviitliui. Thirty cents -r day the amount cmitnuuded by un able bmlled man during harvest looks like very small wage to ft dweller of the Pacific crnuit, but when It comes to the Inllnltlslruiilly small amount of 3 cents sr day for itny kind of liilmr, I thought 1 would beg to be excused, la .regard to theself-bliiderii, there are perhaps. limited nuiulier lu those countries, but I :iy iigiiln that Imunume Ot prttetlml ww or tithmuUf vllher III France or Germany during my whole Journey through those countries. I presume they have Ihe self-binder Micro pro bably mi exhibition to be men by the uninitiated for a iioiulmil admission fee. But a Ilmd Urn IU lug fur several years In country where these mounter were quite common to be seen st.-i tiding pmnilstuctisly around In the ft-m-e Coiners, I did not bike the trouble evt n to li-'pilre the admission fee, I will suy In conclusion tlmt tlntc who are living amidst the plentiful luxurlm of Uie Pitelllo coust where nature so lavishly pours Into our hands every thing for the support of niuii's physi cal being rail have but little Idea how llertvly the warfare It waged In those old countries of Euro) for mire bread aud butler. The mily wonder to me Is the t-ininlgmtloii from those countries to America Is not ten lime greater thun It now Is, Yours very truly, Unir Lccas, - ... M.vriNai iniKii visiroit. Wednesday iiioriilug T. F. Oslmru, of the Portland ('hiuiilier of Commerce wired our board of tritdc that the com mission apsiluted by congress to estuli-llshanavi- yard on the I'aclllc coast, would paw through un the nflcniisai train, cxiuululng the rcsoiirtcs of Ore gon, A hurried notice wus given our peojilcbi ls'"l the train ut 2o'tl'-k. Mr. Henry Hill tisik ojtnonie of his line samples of gnilus mi 1 vegetables, Mr. W. Jl. Whttctikcr took out some of hU views of Polk ceuiily, and sunipk's of oak, ush, niiiplu, alder llr, cedar and pine were gitihercd. The motor line officer tendcretl un excursion to Mon mouth for the pitrty. The train was held twenty minute. The p-irty con sisted of President T. O, Helfrldge, Hefr. relar; I). W. Thompson, uf Indiana; lil soil, II. U. Thompson; Lieutenant A. C. Wykuff and Colonel Mond.dl, V. H, A., and also T, F. Oslsjrn, presi dent of the Portland ChntnU'r of Oim- uieiw; Charles II. Woodward and Jiiine Flower, At Monmouth the party walked up to the Normal school buildings, but time w.iuld not admit of a visit. The resources of Polk county were evident to the party and they expressed them selves as much pleased with what they hud seen. Hon. II. W. Thompson is now eighty-two years of age, but In net Ion Is us young its many of less mature years. Hon. L. ().. Helfrldge playfully asked whether we exiectcd to have the Navy yard established In Polk county and he wasanswerd "No, hut our fine ship Umbers both for hulls aud iluMilng are iu favors of establish ing the navy yurd oil the Columbia," The reason why this commission visitetl Polk futility may prove of Interest. As they were returning from a visit to Astoria one of the gentleman remarked, "I see you have a large city ut tne mouth of the river, and Portlmul ulso Is il prosperous city, but what, sup ports thciu'i ' At mice a trip whs planned up tho oust si,! to Albany, aero, to Curvalll and down the west side, and now the gentlemen know w hiit "n grand country Portland hits to back It. President T. F, Osborne re marked, "Wo need more such trips of Inspection from prominent visitors." Yes the very best part of Oregon es capes notice. W hen the Corvulll Junction road Is built wu hope to have our country on the West Hide better known. B0UN. JOll.NSON'.-On Friday, Oct. 10, lS'.Xl, a boy to the wife of Ell Johnson, CliITCllLOVS.--0n Saturday, Oct, 11, !Xi, to the wife of D. Critchlows on the Lut-kliiiuute, n bay, BROWN.-On Sunday, Oct. 12, 1SP0, tot he wife ol . C, Brown, a girl. MARRIED, IJUTTFHICK-HICHAKDHON.-At the residence of the bride's parents nt McCoy, Oct, 15, Mill, at 12 in by Itev. Jiuucs Campbell, of HUlsboro, Willluin Btitterlek and Miss Dora Illchnrdnou nil of McCoy, l;'.ly Is ono of our must energetic young farmers and Miss Dora Is one of our popular young ladles. They took the afternoon tritlu for Portland iimld the cheers of I ho crowd that giilherod at the depot to congratulate and wish them well on their voyage through life. DIED. HEUIIKN.-At Buonu Vlsui on Thurs ' day, Oct. 0, 181)0, Ethel, the eight months (laughter of Win, nnd Hose Hoi-run, Wits Interred at tho English graveyard, Rev, Plowman, olllclat lKi ' "The Joi-usy Lily," ANatRSRA OuTTAOB, b, U., July 2, GontUmicni Altho' It Is vnry iiiiusuhI ttir inn In uuy lot loos or wmluM, nUII. in su sh'im' to your reijooKl, 1 Imvti tried Wisilom's Violet, (li'twm unit ttalii'i'tliii.', Tim 1'iiriaei' I oonslilt'i- esponlally clltoimlnm la misiw of iiiiU'lmiwsol UiciKlua, nail I liiivo lipun using II. every liny for llio Inst, nii'lnlelil, t liiivo liiuiiil tlio HiiuiM'tlno un oxi','1 1 i'ii t iivimr. at ton tn eunos of Itui, suatuim, uie,, pinisoil by ioxposure to March winds nml a July tun. . yours fiiitlinilly, 1,1 1,1,1 Kl.ANlI'l'UY, To Jlessrs. Wisdom A Co, Holme Business College Of rorllnnd, Ore m will opon S,,pt 1st. J, A. Wi'M), the iMiitlnx Hnniiui of tliu coast, Ihih ikksiiiio a piiniiur in tins minoiii tuui w II tin) ltwliui Uuiilui'iM (Jolleue. C'lintlouuu. illlike Heiid lor WHERE DO YOU BUY Hlii'lf, Builder and Heavy H A R D WARE? Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Cutlery, Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows, Pumps, Pipe and Fittings, IT WILL PAY to call on J. F. O'DONNELL, (BueccHKor to CuOPER BROS.) and get Prices. Just received a New Stock of Shot Guns and Rifles including best makes known. All kinds of Metal ware made to order. Repair ing done on short notice. Oliver and Ctordeu City Plow, Monitor Drills, fitel King Bpring tooth Harrows, Indepo ence, - - Oregon. 1 THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH, MY BACK I TO IT NOW, OON IT Will II TOO UTC. I tun Wo trouMxl minr rmn wtth dUwut of iht bdoryi tad un triad Bwnv dlllcmit reunite 4 bav sil aid Irva dKimt phyakUs wltlsil rrM About lat M April I wu auflrrfsv hm wry viorral attack taal llmo pnatraud bm la iu h a auoBrr ibat 1 waa bant over. Won I att dowa waa tlawat Inpoatlbtc far M la id ap aluat, or to pul on ny dufers, wkn kliiil PnsrMmn Ml I. Hralrr, wltk Um OKKCUN KIUNXV TKA, lo aif botfi. I Immedtattlv oumnracrd Inr lh Ita. II had aa alaus BJiraailoiii rflrct, and lo Uit aalu- lumrni u all im fatal at u AuUI, I i few daya.l am aappy to a, iw I to l new tun. I will rtuimmrnd lb la lo all afflkttdl u I as bera, o. a. TvrrF.a, Froprirtor orrldrattl UoUL aaaia Huia. Cal, NO MORE BACKACHE! 1 anotukh orrKR. t Wo Litve tlcciiled to Ut many of our ouHtomor who wiab to take the wteVly Orrytmiun do to Id oonjunction witb the West Hiijr, Our offer u m folluw: For tlif nun of cash in idraoee we will mml you the West Sim from Jan. 1, '91 tojuu.l, '92, and alao the weekly On- qonUm, We cannot make tliu offur after Janimry 1891, nor bare aabaoriptiooa atiirt twfore that time. Hare your enb wriuliona until the lat of January. Itrttar Tli Oovammant Honda, The ordinary living oxiic of a family of five persons, living la tbe custonuiry manner of the American people, amount to uot lew than f 1500 per year. It would require nearly $40,- 0()0 lii govurnnieiit bond to produce llils Income. Ten acres of laud la the Wllliunctto valley planted to prune with au ordinary cmp at ordinary price will net more tliau $1500, after pitying for all labor placed thereon. Vou can buy the laud of the Oregon Luiul Coiiiiitiiy of Salem, Oregon, In tract of ten acre or more, at from 155 to$75 per acre, Addrew, the Oregon LiiikI Compaiiy of Salem, Oregon, lViirce A Line have lust opened an employ iiieiil ollleeou .Main itrect oppo site tne oix'ra House. Ail 1S.TSOHS ue- airing a situation should hat with us. turn all Mrona tteHiritig hrlp of all kinds will do well to cull ou ua. tf The finest Hue of heat lug stove can be found at lloodmau & Douty'a Cook stove, a fine line at Goodman & Douty'a. . Wanted attiikSaum Canweby. llriiilshaw and Columbia plum at $1 per hundred, other pliiina equally as good at tho same price. The large Ureen Huge at 75 cent toll per hun dred, I'ruuca (1.25 per hundred. Apple 50 ceut per hundred. Any kind of tipple will do an they are large enough to peel. Ikrtlett pear f 1 per liumtrcd, other pours, price a to quiility. Puiiili and pipe at Goodman & Douty'a. Mtusra. Shelly & Vnuduyu are getting iu a large full stock of goods, Kggs uud butter wauled tit II. & W. Dave Gelwlck alwaya has on hand fresh candle, Key West cigar aud tropical fruit iu aeaaou. On September 22d Goixliuau A Douty nnvlved the tint oar load of stoves ever consigned direct from the at to Indt'iH'udeuce. The car was composed of tho celebrated Acorn ranges, cook nnd healing Htove. The Acorn stove ui-o tlio U-st skilled labor aud money oaii produeo and present a handsome iipH'itranco. The Acoru range with veiitilutcd oveu la oue of their latest patents and renreseuts a rlrstclas range. It must be seen to beappre- euileil. inoir line oi Aooru neuiiug stoves is complete lu every detail, aud are all nicely decorated, These stoves are now on exhibition at their store whore It will pay you to call aud see for yourself. Their prleea are the lowest quality ot gtsHis eousiuereu. w A line lino of Oregon lurd at II, & W. Latest in tho shoe Hue, nt J, L. Stock tou's. Henkle & Walker'8 Savon aonp is the best lu the market. J, L. Stockton has found It necessary to still further enlarge his stock of clothing and furnishing good. He now has two attentive clerks. A RW CCUS Made ay Joy's TftaMa tamfaitaaaa Mn. Milan, aa ad and fatbla ltdr al M Uuon at, Ban Fruulioe, artar oUi down iMad 11; ior nouthi wai aoraflMaljr raitorad and la now wall and haallhr. J, H. Brown, topk-kMptr Fataluma. Cuiad entirely ot hla Isdltaitlon and couitlpallon. Mtu Clan Malrla, Ut Ketrntr attHt, 8. I., Cured ot an aggravated cut ot iatlgaiUon and Constipation, J. K, Fouratt, Chief WliirBugor. foot ot Clay atroet, B, F. Cured t palm In tha back, liver trouble and lick headaohea. tin, J. Lamphere, 15(2 Murltt itreet, 8. F., had boon under pbyilotani' eare lor two yeara (or Itreroomplatut With the third botUa ah i a luod hor old accustomed health, Fred, A. Blocker, Baldwin Hotel, 8. V., auSered toryoari with dyipepala. Felt btttor tho Drat week and ta now cured. Oustav Solomon ol 328 Valencia street, 8. F., cured ot alck headaohei aud liver trouble. Edward Ncstoll, 79 Everett atroet, 8. F., cured atpaluilnth back and ohronlo bUlouanaaa. And over 1000 others, WOOLI WOOLI The liliihost. murkot price paid for wool flr a Hliftrt Hum, tiy Ooo, E, Ui"y, M 8luiwd Ratal to Ik Xorthwmt Indoa trial KipmlllaD, Octobwr lat to Udohar Hat, For tbe Northwest Industrial Eioo- sitiou tii be held at Hpokaoe Fall, to union raoino win aeii ticket (ram all ticket stations on rail line of the l'aciftc D.rlaioo, from October lat to October Slat, ua Monday, Wednesday and Fn da) al tbe lot rate of one and one fifth fare for the round tup, with fifty oanta added fur admiaaion to tbe Exposition, Cull on any agent of the Union F&cifk System fur detailed information. T. W. LEE, :19 4t Oeo'l Pau, Agent. KOlll'K FOR I'lHLICATION. Und Once at Oregon Clty, Oregon, NotlwU hereby ctnB that the IVilIuwIu- uainwl wilier linn filed nutU of hit liilautton tu iikIiii llnal uniul In support of hla claim. aud Hint mid proof will m made before tbe Clerk of l'ulk Uuuoty, at Uttllaa, Uregnu, on Kommber t, leo. vis: William llerren nrniDtloii D. R. No. rutortbadKolSKor riecUTp ta, KI He name tbe folloainr wl naiM to nmra hla uiiiiinuoua mildem upon aud colilvutiau of, naid land, rli: Jamb W. Klmaey, SooU Heuniilt, of Kliig Valley, itenloa liounty, orefiiii; Kmnk Kw, of LewUvllle 1'ofk IVunty, Oregon; t'harlea Newmaa, or Kings Take It Bafor Brealifait The great appellor, tonic and liver regulator. In ue fur more Ui&u if) yeaun In Eugland. hmlllve apwlrlc for liver ooinplalnl. Bad tanleln Ui raoulb on arising ly tbe raornlug, dull palm In the head and buck of Ui eyea, tired feeling, dliElnew, huigjour ymploma uf liver notnplHlnt. Keuiedy lr. Henley's Eng. Hub liaiidellon Tonic, ltelleven conalltlun, almriwna the appellt and tone up Uie entire sv'Hlein, ut tiie genuine from your druggist ht ii, sua uutc aiw'im'g u oirecuuos. ghakan Out of Ooar, By malarial dineaie. the human machinery canniit hull perform lu outre. Ulgestkm, Msrellun, evacuation are disordered, Uia blond beninm wnlery, Uie nerve feeble, tbe ouunlenam jlmnlly, al-p disturbed and appetite mprlilouii. Terrible la this diseases, fell Ita ruwUi(ii, There la, however, known HMlitine tn the nlaaraUc polaoo, and a ivrlaln mfpjiiMrd against IU Id malartoua regions of our Hoiitb and Weal, In Houth Ainrrii's, uutiemsia ana on me ismmusoi I'miuiiis as well a In iransiuarlne countries where tbe wourageeiUtai, tills Inlmllable pre ventive and remedy, Moottlr'e Htoroach llllli'in. lua. durlni Ihe laat t hlrlv-flve yean. been mnilmitlv widening the arw of Ua lue fuliiem, and deraonalmUng tu aoverelgn value, Liver eomplainl. dyspepsia, eonntl. iwtlnn, kidnty trouble, rheuiutim and de. bUll)' are all remedied by Ik EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE Ii hereby given that tbe under lined Llranor Verguaon kai been duly upnoinled by Ibe I'ounly Court of Folk County, Stale of Oregon, esecutrix of the last will and teiiuuiient ol Jacob Ffrguaoa, de ii'KwkI. All parties having clalma against nam iime prwnt tnein amy vermea aud an mrlles knowlns tlieniselvea Indebted to tbe name are hereby notified to aetUe Ihe saute lu six months rrom me dat nenmi. ELEANOR FEKUU80N, Dau, A Laki.n, tseculrll. AtUirneys. Dated Ibln M day of September, 18)0. oeud SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of tha State of Oregon, lor tbe County of Polk. UP, KRAMER, rialntlfr, HARRIET KRAMKB, TfendnU J To Harriet Kramer, deleuilnnU N TIIE NAME OK TUB STATE OF OltE gnu, you are hereby required to appear and answer Ibeoompluliit tiled against you In the uuuve pittltled suit within wu dayslrom lbs dale of the service of this Summons upou you, If nerved wllhln this County; or, tf served In any other County of UUs state, then within twenty dnyi from tbe date of ihe service of lblHumn oniupon yon; and served by pub lication Uion by the lit day of t he next regu lar term of the Circuit Court of the Stale, of Oregon for Polk County to bo held on the 1st Monday iu uecemoer, to-wiu- December lit, 1890, and If you fall so to appear and answer, the lihUntlft will apply lo Uie Court lor the relief demanded lu tbe complaint to-wll; For a de cree uf the court Uiat Uie bonds of matrimony now exlutlng between plalnllt) and defendant be dlsaolved and for nis ousts and disburse meiibjoflhli iiilL This Summona Is published for six eon aecutlve week by order of publication lsaued out of Ihe circuit Court of aald County aud State and diilcd Heptember 2Mb, 180. A. Al. UlKlilil, oc!3 Attorney for 1'laiutltT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Dept. W, ISO, Notice Ii hereby given that the followimr- ntuiHHl settler baa Died noUce of luir Intention to iiiiiki' tlliHl proof In support of herolatni, und that said proof will be made before thu County Clerk uf Polk County at Uallas, Ore gun, on November It, 18SO, vis; Martin E, Robertson, Homestead Entry no, mm mr uie una I auu o ui Otto, , I V o, It 0 W, Mho nnmea the following witnesses to prove horomtlnuoiia residence anon and cultivation ol, wild land, vis: H. J. Onuit and T. U Bevens, of Kings Valley, Henlon County, Ore gon; James Turner and W. MuD, Turner, of Lowlsvlllo, Polk County, Oreiion. J. T. Al'l'ElUON, Register, SUMMONS. In the Justice Court of the Precinct of lade. pt'udene, Polk County, Oregon. A.J. WhIUiesker, PlalntlflJ W.L. Cnlbert son, IK'lenilant, To W, L,Culbertson, the above named de fondant: IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OP ORE 4gon, you are hereby required u appear be fore (lie undersigned a J ust toe of tlio lVaoe fur the product sforeauld ou Uie ttth day qf October, 1890, at the hour ot 10 'o'clock tn the foremxiu o anld day al Ihe office of said Justloe In said precinct to answer said plalntltt's elvll action. The defendiuit will take not ice that If he fall to nmwor the complaint herein, Uie plain tin will dike Judgement against htm for the sum ol'SiM, and costs and disbursements of this action aa prayed lor In the complaint In accordance with an order of publication made by said Court ou the isth duy of August, e-M Justice of the Peace, i DR. JORDAN'S A CO S. MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. Ill Market SU, Sun Francisco, Admission 25 oents. Go nnd learn how to avoid ttincase. Consultation and treatment personally or by let ter on apennaUvrhe or genital weakness and alldlseasesof men. Hend for book. Private ofllca ill Ueary Ht, Consultation lVea, Wliell VOIl want rlno alurn tuAelr rb.iia call on 81ilun's sign painter! Keauou, aoie pnoes ana tirsKilass work. . Your attnntlnn Is ralleil in (ha flno line of parasola aud umbrellas, for sale uy jj, BUKiKion. i ne line iu suk ia par ticularlv meutlonwl,