The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 17, 1890, Image 1

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In improvements will be made
in Independence and vicinity
during the year.
Devoted to the best interests of
Polk County.
$2.00 Per Year.
Five Cents Per Copy..
NO. 49.
ef tutored it the Port-nHtce iu independence.
One Year
Six Months ...
Three Month . ...
When not paid in advance
Indeneudenes (s locsteH t the head of ui.
fitlou (the most ( the rest), on th WUUmette
river, hud on the aatu line of the Oregon ud
Ctltforuie KsHrosd; eonMlas a popnlatlon o4
MOO people; l( the prtaelpel shipping point tot
1X1 B SUUHfi WniVD 1. UU. Ul ID IMTg.HI. IBfW
wealthy and thickly populated la the Willanv
atte Taller.
The steadily Increasing circulation the Wan
BID la euJoTlng enablee It to be.ooe of the beat
af aaveruMug mewuiu.
latest and Best Styles,
Physicians & Surgeons.
s ' -
U. S. Examining Surgeons.
Office: eatt side oi Main St.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Opposite First National Bnnk,
Physician and Surgeon.
Buena Vista, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Independence, Oregon.
Resident Dentist,
All work warranted to give the best
of Satisfaction.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
All Legal Business entrusted to me will receive
Prompt Attention.
Office in Opera House. Independence, Or.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Oltice: Cor. Main and Monmouth Sts.,
:Dealer in: :
Drugs and Medicines,
Tlnvin? purrrisowl trie stock of Drugs
f.rnn-rto-.vd fcr U W. Robertson, I
nureiia-eil to meet all the old crtste-ltn-iv.
rtd many wmw new ones. Fair
.,' .n.,rrinu. treatment to all.
Cash Grocery & Bakery
Fresh Rrcad, Pie- and Cakes on hand every dar
excot't Sunday.
; iui' and fresh stock of canned goods, Hoar.
Spss. eotfoe, sugar, eandles, cigars and tobaccos,
D. B. TAYLOR, Proprietor.
Ml&iiy.F&ac? Seeds
Next to Independence National Bank.
Architect and Draughtsman,
rr:-i-ir-f ?" ftiJf
klsTWV&jsJsLSnt " v rwiMm.
nt tnd nof bnn pantd. Call t the
City Restaurant
Has been reopened, by the Misses Fennells,
on Main BU opposite the Opera bouse. Inde
pendence. Meals cento. Board, S3 30 per
week. Ice Cream and Oysters in season.
Table supplied with the best the market af
lords. So Chinese employed.
For Fine Job Printing.
And" be Convinced.
72 Stool tooth iron hurrow, $20,
5 and 7 tooth cultivators.
The best horse shoeing."
The best in ,
op Wood
Best price paid for
Old Iron and
M.iin St.,
The Celebrated French Cure,
to cure
Is Sold on a
to eure any
form of uerrous
disease, or any
disorder of the
RMierative or
gans of either
ma wht.liur
Islm from the AFTER
excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium,
or through youthful indiscretion, over Indulg
ence, &c, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful
ness, ju'HnuK aowu cams in me Hacic, nominal
Wi)!:nes. Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emissions, Incurrlicea, Dizziness, Weak MeiB
ory, ixwaoi rower anu impoiency, wnicn )t ne-
f lci'U'd often bad to prematnreold ace and iusan
ty. Price 1.(i0 a box, 6 boxes for J5.00 Sent bv
man ou receipt ot price.
order, to refund the money if a Permaiien.
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and vounir. of both sexes, nermanentlv
cured by Aphroditink. Circular free. Address
For sale by Buster & Locke.
ak's golden Fale Pills,
For Female Irregular
I ties; uorhinirlikethem
on llie niaraet. Never
(ail successfully ased
by pTomineht ladies
inonthlv. Guaranteed
to relieve s ippn-ssed
pon't be humbugged.
Save Time,' Health,
and money ;uute no oui-
secire by mail ou e
oeipt of price, J2.00.
tuc ipurd FnirtNF rniPlHY.
westemBiancb, Box JPOKJJ"' "B'
rur niw
asperson& Parker,
Architects, Builders and Cor.t'rs.
Always m Uimr ritawu eiisu iv-. , ' , ' ' TV
v; i ii fnxj tvim a tr ii and be
will iry w uiwy vss-
convinced that they are worthy of your pat
Lately from Portland, has opened Dress
making Parlors In the Nelson building, on
Main SL, and Is now prepared to do all work
U her line.
Main St., Independence.
Shaving, 15 cents. Hair cutting, 53. Sham
pooing. cent.
Durham Bros.
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork and Veal always
on band.
Sausage in season.
Bendered tallow for sale.
Main HU, - Independence,
Three Stories of Private Allen.
One of the aspirants (or his Brace -in
case it should be vacant a brillieftit
fellow named Riley, met him on' the
streets of Tnpelo with: "Look here,
Allen, are you going to run again or
notP I took your card to mean what
it said, and I thought 1 would be a
candidate if you were really outsat I
keep bearing that you're going back
after all. IM like to know about it,
because if you're going back I'll keep
out of it" "Well, now, Riley," said
Allen, 'Til tell. I meant every word
of that card. It was all true then; bat
since I've gotten down here I find my
self sort of in the hands of my friends.
And I tell you, Riley, there's nothing
more dangerous in politics than a man
in the hands of his friends."
Allen had no special reputation as a
wit or orator when he hrst ran for
Congress, and so he had a time getting
tne nomination. He stumped the dis
trict with his competitior, a Gen.
Tucker, who opened the campaign with
a rhetorical rhapsody in which he allud
ed to his war services, and particularly
described a battle in which be had
commanded the Confederate side,' be
ginning "Fellow citizen, I slept one
night in a tent on the mountain tide
awaiting the battle on the morrow."
When he had finished Allen got up and
said: "Friends and fellow citizens:
It's all true what Gen. "Tucker told
you about his sleeping in his tent that
night before the - battle. I know all
about it, for I was guarding that tent
all night long in the cold and wet on
picket. And now I just want to say to
all of you who were Generals in the
war and slept at night in your guarded
tents like Gen. Tucker, you vote for
him. But all you fellows that guarded
the Generals' tents in the wet and cold
like me, you vote for private Allen."
It is needless, to say that Private
Allen was triumphantly elected, and
was Private Allen ever after. Like
most humorists, Allen has a face grave
almost to sadness in repose. Coming
up on the' train the other day two
strangers scraped up an acquaint
ance with him. . After observing
him with interest for a long time,
Allen, noticing their scrutiny, pre
served a wooden expression all the
while until they had gotten hira well
into conversation, when suddenly, he
smiled. "Here's your dollar," said
one stranger to the other, banding
over a silver certificate: "you've won.
He smiled." Then they all smiled.
Philadelphia Record.
Abuse of the Eyes.
Like every Other function of the
human frame, that of sight may be
abused aud neglected in euoh a man
ner as to deprive the possessor of much
of the comfort and assistance which he
should naturally derive from so useful
an organ. And it may not be amiss,
at the outset to remark that it does not
by any means follow that those eyes
which are most used are in the greatest
danger of early failure. The contrary
is true, and this for two reasons: First,
that their value is generally better ap
preciated by the possessor, resulting in
their better care; and also for the
general reason, . that any faculties, or
portions of the anatomy most used
are by the operations of nature strong
est, and capable of much greater ser
vice than those which are less culti
vated, and strengthened by constant
exercise. Good Housekeeping.
- Water as an Air Purifier.
Fresh cold water is a powerful ab
sorbent of gases. . A bowl of water
placed under tne bed of the sick-room
and frequently changed is among the
valuable aids In purifying the air. The
room in which the London aldermen
sit is purified by open vessels of water
placed in different parts of the room.
It can be easily inferred from this that
water standing for any. length of time
in a close room is unlit for drinking..
It has frequently been observed, that
restless and troubled sleep has been
corrected easily by placing an open
vessel of water near the head of the bed.
How Old Is She? ,
To tell a woman's age is one ot the
easiest things imaginable, despite the
fact that many brilliant ladies knock off
a few stories of their years without de
tection. ,
Observe well her hair!
Her bangs? . No; her black hair!
Now, don't sav it is- false. False or
real, you can count her years by the
threads time weares. Every year adds
a hair or two. and, no doubt if a woman
lived long enough she would become a
female Esau.
At twenty-five a Woman's back hair
begins to fall over her collar as a
pumpkin vine over a picket fence.
Note well the direction of . the hair.
Hair slants, and at thirty it takes an
angle of 50, at thirty-five 60, and so on.
Uf course vou cau't get near enougn
to apply a niet hematic tape measure.
But your practised eye will be enough.
Next note the quality. Hair at
twenty-five is moire, at thirty it is
sateenat thirty-five it is passe satinette,
at forty it is rops fit to hang any
man that gets noosed in its meshes.
Anybody can tell false or store, hair,,
no matter who the previous' owner
was. Tt i as -a .doeen.'t-belong-there
look, and all the pomades in the uni
verse cannot give it a permanent ten
ure of office .
. So you may reasonably conclude if a
woman has false back hair ; her age is
beyond the interesting point. Never
believe her to be under forty-eight, mi'
less Bill Jones or some equally reliable
person oan prove it. Boston Qlobe.
Birmingham Baths.
The city supports four public swim
ming baths in buildings, and one open
air swimming bath at Small Heath
Park. : The bath-houses are imposing
buildings of better than mere tasteful
designing. Thev cost, variously, from
160,000 to $100,000 (12,000 to 28,
000), and offer larger swimming facil
ities than the people of New York city
ever possessed witbin-doors in public
or private batbs, along-shore or in
town. The tanks are lined with tiling,
and the water,' clear as crystal, is ob
tained from artesian wells, One of
these tanks, for instance, measures
eighty-one feet by thirty-two feet, and
the water has a depth of from four to
six feet. Two of the bath-bonses con
tain the rooms and appurtenances for
Turkish bathing; for which a shilling
(twenty.fonr oenu) is oharged if all
the routine of robbing, needle, douche,
and plunge bathing, with the use of
private dressing-rooms and lounge,
rooms, is undergone.' A simpler
Turkish bath, without rubbing, can b
had for sixpence (twelve cents). Eaoh
bath-house has first-class and second
class swimming tanks. It costs six
pence to take a arst-oiass swim, wnn
two towels snd private dressing room
free, and a charge of an extra penny
for a man's bathing dress, or three,
pence for a dress for a woman. In the
second-class departments , twopence
(four cents) is charged for a bath with.
'out a private dressing-room. An extra
Aft these bath .are set apart for women
at -certain hours.- Special rates - are
made for sehools ana - for : swimmirg
cluDS. iToiesuonal oatmng-masters
are allowed to teach in them. The
swimming tanks are fitted with diving
piatrornn, trapeses,- ana soowenng ap
paratus. They are as clean and tidy
as Borland kitchens, and they are so
beautiful as to rank high among the
sbow-piaces ot the city. -Julian italph,
in Harper's Magazine. ';. "V
Uncle Sam's Employes.
Uncle Sam pays 1200.000 employes,
Including soldrtrs and. sailors, an aver
age salary of 8.ipiw. .The aver-
bkq earninjTir irre"'n,i!rr-very-uay
citizen, wh Mtapir iv proportion to
the work t5riHsv arakwrrt half that
much probirbly. This state of affairs
ex plarinj,: per)ips,H-hy . ubeot - SO, W0,
000 nrttle Aiurriciiu'citizens1 make' a
dead set for about 50,000 offices every
four years. I'it slntry liisjuUch.
Tea Culture In Natal.
Natal, South Africa, is now look
ed upon as. the great tea producing
country oi tne future. : none oi tne
tea has ret appeared in this country.
The first plants were brought from
Ceylon in 1877. J. L. Hulett, the
pioneer, now has nearly three hundred
acres nnder cultivation, and his crop
is from eighty thousand to ninety
thousand pounds aunually. His plant
cost but $5,000. xhe land lies about
one thousand feet above sea level, the
soil containing a fair proportion of
sand and decomposed granite, veg
etable and other organic matter. The
tea farm is open, level and is well
ploughed. The rows are laid out five
feet apart, and the plants are set four
or five inches apart. A orop is ob
tained after the first year, and increas
es up to the sixth year, when the plant
matures, after which it bears for an in
definite period.' Great . care - has
to be taken to keep the ground loose
and clear of grass aud weeds. The
picking begins in September and con
tinues every ten days until June
twenty to twenty-two pickings in all.
Nothing could be done with the native
help, but coolies are plentiful, and are
exclusively employed. They are able to
pick from thirty-five to forty pounds
of green leaves daily. The crop is sold
iu Dunbar at from eighteen to thirty
eight cents perpoundT fully twenty-five
per cent cheaper than the foreign pro
duct can be laid down in that market.
The withering is done on large floors,
the leaves being laid thin and constan
tly stirred by boys and girls. A hot
and dry temperature is needed. The
rolling is done by machinery, and has
the effect of breaking up the juice.
The fermenting process is the most
particular of all, and upon it depends
the quality of the product. The drying
is done by hot revolving cylinders.
The sorting is accomplished by the
use of sieves, the top one containing
the lowest grade of tea.
Times Had Changed.1
' At Sumter S. C, there was a large
crowd of colored people at the depot
as the train pulled in. An old bald
headed Uncle Jerry had his head out
of the coach set apart for 'colored pas-1
sengers. and a 'man on the platform
recognized him and called out:
"Hello, Misser Stivers! is dat yo'P"
The old man looked straight at him,
but made no responce.
"Hello! Misser Stivers!" No re
sponse. ,
"Say, Misser Stivers, has yo' losted
yo' hearing?" persisted the man, as he
drew nearer.
"Boy, was yo' talkin' to me?"
sternly demanded the oM man.
"Sartin. What's the matter?"
"Boy, - was you' want anything of
"Why, how yo' talk! " Reckon yo'
has got" the hoodoo."
"Does yo' evidently reckon yo' know
me P"
"Of co'se I knows yq Yo' is old
man Stivers."
"When did yo' know me?''
"Why last fall. Why, I dun worked
wid yo' fur three months."
"An' when yo' done worked wid me
what was 1 a-iiolo'P"
"Drivin' them' mewls for K urn el
Johnson." -;
"Exactly, sah, " But I want yo' to
nnderstanr dat dere is a heap of d if
ference atwixt drivin' dem mewls fur
Kurnel Johnson au' ridiu' on the
kivered kyars along wid white folks.
I might a-knowedyo' last fall, sah, but
if yrT now desiah to permeate any
erlongated conversashun wid me' yo'
mus' gh some 'sponsible gem'len to
Introduce yo'.y iv. r. Sim. .
' A Providential Dispensation.
It is remarked as a singularly
thoughtful dispensation of providence
in London that the influenza attacked
most frequently and severely those
who were at work on salary, and thai
those who worked by the piece or day
were either spared entirely or had
light attack. "Tempering the wind to
the shorn lamb" is what one papci
calls it.
loose Xxperlanee With, the Poison of This
venomous Lizard.
"Is he poisonous?" said a young man
behind the newspaper stand at the
Nadeau. "Well, I should say'he was.
It isn't his breath, though. A man
from Arizona said that the forked
tongue was the sting."
"You're wrong." said a listener; "its
breath is what kills people. I heard a
woman say that a single Diast ot its
breath was sure death.""
"That mav be." said another: "but I
saw a man (fie from the bite of one,
and that is the secret of it. I'd rather
have a rattler bite me any day."
"Where was it?" queried a startled
"Over in Arizona," was the reply.
"A friend of mine had one in a box
lust outside of a saloon, and one day a
chap came along who was so drunk
that he was ready to eat up the earth.
He was afraid of nothing, and when he
saw the bog and the sign 'Hands Off
Poisonous,' he swore be could handle
it, and before they could prevent him
be ripped off the slats and made a
grab at It. The thing twisted aronud
and bit him on the finger, and to
make a long story short, f saw him die
in the middle of the street a short time
The subject of this conversation was
a pale yellow-aud-black, blunt-headed
llaara snout a toot in lengtn, mat
rested, apon a bad of sand in a small
wooden box. It was the famous Gila
monster of Arizona, the only poisonous
liaard in the world, and asngly and dis
agreeable a looking creature as one
could imagine.
The bead was long and blunt, tne
eves black and bead I ike, the tail half
tne length of the body, thickset and
elublike. The entire body seemed en
cased in a thinly coated armor, marked
curiously with yellow acd black. ,
The Gila minster is sluggish , and
slow of movement, in this respect ' be
ing entirely different from the tribe in
mal shows more activity, especially in
the dry, bot regions contiguous to the
Gila'Siver. In confinement it has the
habits of a young alligator more than
auytbing else. The interest which
centers in the heloderma lies in the
poison that is supposed to lurk in its
bite, and perhaps no animal has given
rise to so many weird and wholly
imaginary stories.
The native and some ignorant whites
suppose that its breath is poisonouus.
Others think that to have one touch
the body is a bad sign. The heloderma
is simply a lizard,' and the only one
known that nan poison other animals
by its bite; a discovery made a few
years ago by some naturalists who
were traveling through the country.
The story was not at first believed, but
several were sent East, where the
poisons properties were soon demon
strated. A naturalist at the Smith
sonian was bitten, the poison taking
effect so quickly, that he had barely
time to call for help. Small animau
soon died after being bitten, and it was
shown that human beings,' under cer
tain conditions might easily die from
the effects of the. bite.
' The poison of the heloderma - has
been carefully examined by Messrs.
Mitchell and Reichert, the experts,
who announce that the physiological
action of the poison is entirely differ
ent from that of snakes. The latter
destroys life by paralyzing the re
spiratory centre,'' while the poison of
the - heloderma at once attacks and
affects the heart, paralyzing it
Among the interesting experiments
that of injecting the poison subcutane
ously has been tried. There was no
local affect, the heart being at once
affected, slowly contracting, the spinal
cord rtnallv becoming paralyzed.
It is probable that the condition of
the victim or his general health would
have much to do with the question of
death. If a man was in a ' poor con
dition and run down he would possibly
die, while a healthy man would not be
seriously troubled." .
Specimens sent to Europe were ex
perimented upon by Sir John Lub
bock. A frog bitten by the lizard died in
a few seconds in convulsions. A
guinea pig bitten in the hind leg passed
away in three minutes, and other ani
mals died equally as quick, creating in
the minds of the observers a decided
respect. If the teeth of the specimen
at the Nadeau House are examined
they will be found to have curious
fissures, and a further and closer look
into the mouth of the monster will
show at the base of the grooves small
dents from which the poisonous saliva
flows. The heloderma is an interest
ing creature, and while not- always
sure death, it is well to keep it at a dis
tance and handle it with the care and
respect due its unsavory reputation.
Los Angeles Tribune.
The Story of a New York House.
There is in New York upon one' of
the most fashionable thoroughfares, a
most magnificent, house yea, it is a
veritable palace which can' never be
looked at by the sentimental woman
without a tear coming to ber eye, , be
cause of the stpry attached to it.
It was designed and built by ope of the
richest men in New York the head of
an old Dutch family for the woman he
loved. Throughout the whole house,
which might have been called "The
House Beautiful," were the colors,
furnishings, ornaments and dainty
touches that were the young bride's
taste. ' The ball-room, in which she ex
pected to trip so many merry measures,
was walled and sealed in many-colored
marbles; but the lover himself, directed
the building of the porte cochere under
which her carriage was to roll, so that,
stepping out, she would not be touohed
by a drop of rain or a flake of snow.
Everything was ready; the horses were
pawing in the stable waiting for the
day to come when they would carry
their new mistress out; the coachman
and the footman had their big, white
rosettes at hand to wear on the wed
ding day; the house was full of fra
grance, for beautiful flowers were
massed to please the coming mistress,
and everything seemed to be in har
mony with all this thoughtful, loving
care; for the sun shone bright, and it
was somebody's wedding day. Yes;
but it wasn't an earthly wedding, for,
when, with quick footsteps, her mother
went to wake the expectant bride, she
found her dead. The last kiss she had
given, had been to her lover the night
before. The last kiss be ever gave any
human being, he gave to ber as she
rested in her coffin. But he lives on in
the beautiful house and does, with his
great fortune, a deal of good, all in the
name of the woman he loved. The
shutters are never opened in that
wonderful house, the carriage has
never been used, no feet have danced
in the ball-room; but it and the solitary
man are there as evidences of the fact
that a love can so completely fill the
heart that all life is nothing without it.
Ladies' Home Journal.
She Was Mistaken.
"I called here two weeks ago to re
port that my husband was missing,'"
aid a woman at the central police
station recently,, according to the
Detroit Free Press.
"I expressed a fear that he was
"You did."
"And I asked you to have the river
dragged." ,
"You refused, and I went away be
lieving you a heartless wretch."
"I now return to beg your pardon.
You are no wretch. Your heart is all
'My hnsband has returned. He is
. "Glad to hear it, ma'am."
"So far from drowning himself, he
never went near the water. He never
even washed his face in the two weeks,
but was lying drunk in an old barn.
I've settle mailers with him, and now
I'm square with you. Good-day, sir!".
How a Sewer Was Choked Up.
A large sewer in Portland, Ore., had
to be reopened recently, as it was
badly choked up. When the work
men dng it open they found the
roots of a shade tree had forced a
passage through the walls and formed
a sotW mass for fifty feet., Tse top of
the sewer was tea feet below the sur
, Siberia Rallwatyv ; '
- M. Nicolai, the engineer at the head
pf the noramisBfott that baa been in
vestigating the question of a Siberian
railway for the Russian government,
has reported that the whole line can be
completed by 1900, at an expense) of
about $130,000,000.- 1 -
A new French invention is a smoke
bombtintended to )'m ', tired Into tfae
ranks of the enemy who uses siuolte
lese powder, and' thus olwcure his
piclFic coast rams.
Castrovtlle lost $28,000 by fire, '
Oonareatinan McKenna of Yallejo is
acta from Washington.
' den. J. W. Freeman, the oldest citi-
sen of Kern comity, is dead. .
Fin destroyed $20,000 of property in
San Francisco Sunday night
Henry Oohen, aged T2, was ran over
by a team and killed at Portland.
' Bellerue and Shcehons are iu a bitter
light over the county seat of Logan,
Sffofts are being made to stop the in
discriminate slaughter of deer in the
Two dwellings at Redding, belonging
to Mrs. Tracle of San Jose, have been
destroyed by fire.
Charles 8. Beale, an old resident of
Sacramento, suicided on the anniversary
of his wife's death. - .
The 8-year-old son of CoL Fred Crocker
of San Francisco fell down stairs and re
ceived fatal injuries. . -I
Hon. Frank McCoppin declined tha
. m ; o w.w
nomination tor mayor
' U.. W. u. iwm
on the Democratic ticket.
The "Arizona Kid" has been sent to
prison for life for murdering August
Turner at Qarrison, Mont -I
Eugene F. Loud of San Francisco has
been nominated for congress on the Re
publican tick in the Fifth district
8, J. Horn has been sentenced to ten
years' imprisonment at Portland for
rape on his wife's 18-year-old cousin.
. F. C. Smith, a burglar on trial at Ta
coma, snatched a revolver from a desk,
covered the judge with it and escaped.
' G. W. Pinion, a prominent citizen of
rani. , , , , , . .
San Benito county, has mysteriously die-
appeared and no trace of him can be
, .
Charles i Brown, who was shot by ' hta
friend, Edward T. Murphy, at Seattle,
refused to prosecute, and Murphy was
discharged. .
Capt E. S.Josse of Monterey was
overpowered by two m?fl,1fedilrobber8'
badly beaten and tied, while they ran-
sacked the house.
James Pease, the oldest resident of
San Mateo county, is dead. He claimed
to he 98 years old and that he came to
vuuwuu iu ioio.
iou uiuiuuuo 01 juuua uwuu wore
shipped East from San Pedro. This
was the first entire train of beans ever
hipped from California,
The printers on the Sacramento Bee
struck and a new paperis tojbe started in
opposition to The Bee on which the
m - 1 a . t 1 1
strikers will be employed.
Mrs, Cutting, wife of D. C. Cutting, a
Modesto carpenter, was found dead in a
Chair by her 11-year-old SOn. She was
afflicted with heart disease.
: McLaughlin and Walters, the two
men arrested in Jaurez, Mexico, about
a year ago for the murder of a Mexican
Woman; have been released.
Material for the construction of the
first section of the Southwertern rail-
road, from Pomona to South Riverside,
is to renegotiated for at once. -
Thomas Rhinehart of Modesto com -
mitted suicide. His brain was affected
by sickness. He was very poor and
leaves a wife and seven children.
Gorernor Stevenson of Nevada in his
Will gave $1,000 to each of his two sone,
$500 to each of his two grandchildren
and the rest of his estate to his wife.
An artesian well was driven eighty
five feet through solid rock at Pullman,
Wash., when water was struck. The
flow is said to be 1,000 gallons a minute.
George de Graff, a Seattle dry goods
merchant, left that city on Sept 22, in
tending to go to San Francisco, and has
not been seen or heard of since,
$4,000 with him.
He had
A wealthy syndicate of Philadelphia
capitalists have purchased the McManus
concession of Cerros islands, off the
coast of Lower California, which contain
valuable mining properties.
' John Samuel Robinson, aged 12, was
playing with some other boys with a
hand car on the Union Paciflo tracks at
Salt Lake City. In coming down a grade
he fell from the car and was killed.
James Herrington, the land lawyer
who was recently tarred and feathered
by a mob at Bakersfield, is able to ap
pear on the streets. He will sue Kern
county for $100,000 and also prosecute
his assailants. .
' A resurvey of certain entries in the
Humboldt land district has been ordered
by the secretary of the interior, because
of the discovery of fraudulent subdi vis
ional surveys of the townships in which
the entries are.
' A burglar entered M. Zan's house in
Portland and took $7. Zan found a note
pinned to his rest saying he snored so
much he ought to be robbed. Max
Lang's house was burglarized the same
night and $476 in gold taken,
Herman Schultz, lessee of the Thomas
mill at Bozeman, Mont, attempted to
burn Nelson Story's mill in order to de -
.... -
stroy competition. He was discovered
but escaped and the fire was exting
uished. Later Schultz hung himself.
Twelve tin cans, stored in an aband
oned cabin near the Chinese quarter at
Rock Springs, Wyo., contain the bones
of twenty dead Chinamen, some of
whom were murdered in the memorable
riot of 1885. The bones will some day
be shipped to China,
Ross Hutchins, living about ten miles
from Boise City, Idaho, was called to
his cabin door by the wife of a man
named Jennings, and when Hutchins
appeared he was shot down by Jennings.
The trouble originated in a land dispute.
Jennings was arrested.
' Several masked men raided a saloon
kept by Steven Rich and wife near the
Bradford ' quicksilver mine in Lake
county, and the result was a bloody
tragedy. Mrs. Rich was fatally wounded
being shot three or four times; Rich was
wounded and W. R. McGuire was killed.
During the fight Mrs. Rich pulled the
mask off Henry Arcairo, a miner. , It
is supposed the men went to Rich's for
the purpose of giving Fred Bennett a
coat of tar and feathers,
Justice Miller of the United Kates
Supreme court is dying at Ms home in
Washington. He was stneaen witn hi, ..proverbial Philosophy" as fol
paralysis while walking home. lows: "It is quite romantic. Papa
Schweinfnrth, the self styled Christ, feU lB i0Te witn hli oousiu Isabell,
was discharged by a Jury at Wlrtbago, uod then he thought he would, when
SL He was oharged with promoting ha marrle hw( translate his notions
immorality by the attorney genataU I u tb9 Banner of Solomon's Proverbs,
O'Brien and Dillon forfeited their ban, Md m M m artlciei flrit on
ai.uuu eacn, ana sausa tor anm
They eluded the authorities and want to
Ham and took passage from taste.
Ei-Fensioa Comsnlssioner, Tarner de
nies that he wrote to Conressman
Cooper that President Harrison was go
tot to "let out" Graunisslonet Baqm,
The Patriotic Sons of Amjrrlc, in
t Boilon4anieJ t.csjB-
ration so as to make White native bom
citiiens only eligible for membership.
Annie V. Dallas, a woman of ques
tionabto character, and Lawrenee Mac
beth, her lover, drowned themselves ip
the lake at Chicago. He was an actor.
Ber. Albert Schemer, the oldest mem
ber of the Redemptorist order in the
United States, is dead. He was 81 years
old and had been a prism fifty-fix years.
Rube Burrows, the notorious Alabama
ontlaw, was killed ia attempting toes-
cape from jail at Greenville, Ala., He
left $30,000 worth of property to his
Mme. Boneil, the German spy arrested
at Nancy, has been sentenced to a fine of
6,000 francs and fire years imprison.
ment, to be followed by ten years of
Lord Cahn at Croyden, Surrey,, Eng.
land, was arrested for threatened assault
on a neighbor. The lord cursed the
magistrate and was sent to the work
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
All i J V.t7"T"
Oorean legation at Washington,' The
YeChaYun, charge d'affaires Of the
, . , , . .
uuy in we urst vxjrean ever vuiu ui ua
United States.
The 100-yard record, which had stood
for many years and was oonsided the ut
most of human speed, has been broken
by Owens of Washington. He made it
in 0 4-6 seconds. , ... ,
U Buffalo Bill and Dr. Carver meet a
tragedy will result The trouble dates
back six years when they warned each
other that they would shoot on sight at
their next meeting,
August Schlntz, a prominent young
farmer of Franklin Township, la,, shot
Lucy Boehegan because she refused to
mv, wvut.uu WMMin ouv iuiucu W
" Wa thon MaA Mmaau
The supreme council of the railway
1, federation decided that the
gtrikenl on the Hongton TeXM rsU,
were that the
I could not be made an issue.
; j, EUzabeth Saunders, toll gate
keeper and postmistress at Toledo, Pa.,
8hot by magkea ud
t They intended to plunder the house and
.he fired on them and thv shot W.
At st Petersburg ayonng professorof
medicine, Koucharsky, closed a lecture
on noisonons acids to his clam hv rutnr.
r - .
into a glass some drops of poison and
drank them. He died in two minutes,
mile glx men wew engaged m hoigt.
mg some steel bars weighing several
tons at the Illinois steel company's works
' Bt Chicago the derrick broke and the
mass fell upon the men. Thev will die.
The wife of Arthur O'Connor, M. P.,
was found lying unconscious on the
1 street inDondon
One thiarh woa broken
, nd she wan severelv ininrerl arrnnf. rh
head. It is a mystery how she was in-
' The Russian government intends to
construct a ship canal . connecting- the
Dnieper and Dwinal rivers and forming
a line of communication between the
Arctic ocean and the Black sea and the
A sensation has been caused in London
! by a statement made by a lodging house
keeper who is located in the Whitechapel
district, who claims that it was at ker
1 house that "Jack the Ripper "lived dur-
ing his murderous escapades.
The daughter of Mrs. Mittman,- for
whose murder Charles Benson was ar
rested in New Jersey and taken to Leav
enworth, Kan.,, has confessed that she
and Benson planned the murder of her
mother and brother, that they might se
cure Mrs. Mittman's money and live to
gether. 1 , . .
A patriotic organization of women of
America, known as the National Society
, of the American Revolution, has been
started at Washington. Its object is
to perpetuate the deeds of brave men
and women. Mrs. President Harrison
is at the head of the society. Its first
work will be the erection of a monument
to the mother ot Washington.
; Coroner Boydston stood on the depot
platform with a prisoner, John Swenney,
at Oakville, O. A friend of Sweeney's
pushed Boydston in front of the incom
ing engine. The coroner was horribly
mangled and died instantly. He retained
his grip on his prisoner and Sweeney was
fatally injured. The man who pushed
the coroner was captured, !
The death of Thomas P. Murphy at
Boston ended a romance in real life
which has rarely been equaled except in
novels. It was his elopement in 1870
with Lady Blanche Elizabeth Mary An
nunciate, the daughter of the proud
Earl of Gainsborough and granddaugh
ter of the seventeenth Earl of Enrol, that
first brought his name into prominence.
Murphy was a poor , organist. He and
his wife came America and he made a
living by teaching music. His wife died
in 1878. : '; ...
When in a deep out near Huntington,
Ind., the front Mid of. an engine,
going to relieve a disabled freight engine
! on the Chicago and Erie road, blew out'
1 a II Jl.l. -.M A SA A YJ - I
and flew a distance of 400 feet. Engineer
Murphy was badly scalded, but jumped
off, his leg being broken by the fall.
Fireman Kirby was so badly injured
that he will die. The explosion was
heard for miles and a crowd soon col
lected. The first man to arrive found
Engineer Murphy crawling up the track
on his hands and knees with a lantern
to flag the vestibule train whieh was due,
Murphy's presence of mind and heroism
prevented a terrible wreck.
Wilkle Collins wrote to his pub
lishers during his visit to America in
1873: "Wherever I go I meet with
the same kindness and - the same
enthusiasm. ' I really want words to
express my grateful sense of my re
ception in America. It is not only
more than I have deserved, it is more
than any man could have deserved. I
have never met with such , a cordial
and such a generous people as the peo
ple of the United States. Let me add
that I thriv e on this kindness. I keep
wonderfully well" ;
Martin Farquhar Turner's dauch-
ter tells how her father came to writs
gnarrtage, then on love, friendship,
and so on. But ot course, you know
my father has written a great deal
against Ritualism, and he is a strong
supporter of the constitution, ,
When a man "gives himself away'
he naturally loses hit selt-poeseesioa
; New York stete has 5,M1,9 souls.
King Humbert of Italy is in poor
Mayor Grant has been renominated in
New York.
! A Socialist congress Is in session at
Lille, France. :
. Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia is
hopelessly insane, . ,
Secretary Blaine will take part in the;
Ohio campaign. -'
Work on the Nicaragua' canal is pro.
gsesaing rapidly. . . ; ,
Th national eiateddfodia in session at
Knoxville, Tenn. ;7
'The Servian government wants ex
King Milan eiaed. y
The Jews of Sebastopol have been or
dered to leave that city.-.: "
Much damage has been dene by hoary
rains in West Virginia, r, ,. . ' ,
Patti is about to build a synagogue at '
Craig-y-Nnos in Wales. ' 1 '
Gladstone to to speak on the American
tariff at Mid-Lothian soon. - ; ,.
. Frank Wooden, a colored incendiary, ,
was lynched at Homer, La.
Reports of trouble on the Guatemala
San Salvador fronties are false. '
Store Jacobs, who killed three women,
Was hanged at Lamberton, N. C. ...
Four people perished in the flames in
the Putnam house fire at Chicago. '
Amelie Lange, the authoress, dropped
dead in the Leasing Theatre at Berlin.
The population of Arkansas is 1,185,
885, and that of North Dakota ia 182,425.
Germany is seriously contemplating
the exclusion of American beef and pork.
, The Erie railway has refused an in-'
crease to their men and a strike is threat
ened. :;;'..,..;
Professor Auston Phelps, the famous,
Andover professor, is dying at Bar Har
bor, Me. .
Thomas Saunders died in Boston from '
the effects of a dog bite received three
years ago. . , v ....
Elbert E. Jay cox has been made trafflo
manager of the world's fair with a salary
of $5,000.
- A misplaced switch caused a collision
and the death of an engineer at Platts
mouth, Nev. , .
Secretary Tracy is mention as a sue-,
cessor of United States Senator Evarts '
of New York.
Mrs. Ann Eliza McClnre of Chicago; !
has secured her third divorce from her
drunken husband. . .
The log cabin in which Abraham Lin-
coin lived while a boy will he among the
world's fair exibits. s
Fire young men were drowned in the ,
river near Kinkora, N. J., -by the cap
sizing of their boat.
Mrs. Nancy Sullivan Of Springfield,
0.; crazy on religion, tried to sacrifice
her baby on the alter. ( , . , , ,
The cigarmakers of New York nave'
demanded higher wages and will strike -if
they are not granted, r ; : r , . !
Walter Keraochan, a wealthy society ,
man, committed suicide at the Delta .
Phi club in New York.
Br an explosion in the Pyrotechnio '
school at Bourges,' France, - ten persons
were killed an3 nine injured,
, Clayton Lloyd of Newton, Ala., poi-,
soned his wife and four children, one of
whom is dead, and then fled.'
Capt Peter Foster, aged M, the oldest 1
member of the G. A. R., died at Mount .'
Pleasant, Ia., a few days ago.
The Empire Lumber company, the
largest lumber concern in Georgia, has '
failed with liabilities of $200,000. ,
The Haydeu Boiling mill at Columbus,
O., was totally demolished by a boiler:
explosion. . Two men were killed.
The movement to create a Polish king
dom with the emperor of Austria a king
is again being agitated in Poland.
The Indianapolis Car and Manufac
turing company is in the hands of a re
ceiver. Its liabilities are $650,000.
Z Tilly M. Lewis, a prominent citizen of
Jackson, Miss., was shot and killed in;
his own door by somons unknown.
Salvator, the turf king, has been re
tired.' He was shipped from New York
WednesdaytoHaggin'sCaliforniastahle, ,
O'Connor and Kemp have signed ar- ,
tides for A race in America next year.
They will probably meet in California. '
The Tolstoi club of Boston, of which '
Rev. Edward Everett Hale is president,
is in a predicament about "Kreutzer
Sonata." . ....
It is stated in London that Sister Rose -Gertrude
is about to abandon her mis-
sion to the Hawaiian lepers and return ,
to Europe.
; William Prver, 19 years old, tarred
and feathered himself to enable him to !;
get a position as a dime museum freak ;
at New York. , , 1
: The entire Fern Cliff stud, owned by
William Astor of New York, and which '
contains many valuable horses, is to be '
sold at auction. ,..,,.
i William E. Whalen, ex-cashier of the ,
Hoffman house, N. Y., has been brought 1
back from Canada on a charge of em- -bezzling
$6,000. ...
The preeident visited his brother, John
S. Harrison, c. Kansas City. John S. is
younger than the president and a Demo-.
cratio politician. '..
CDr. J. N. Converse, projector of the
bnrungton and Missouri railroad, died ,
at Lincoln Neb. He was 60 years old
and widely known. '
Dr. Mille Gates, president of Amherst '
college, is the successor of Gem Clinton 1
B. Fiak as president of the board of In- ,
dian commissioners.
William Henry Spencer, a descendant '
of one of the oldest families in New .
York, died in poverty there. , He lost a ,
fortune by sheer hard luck. 1 , . , , ,
Leonard Matthews, a brakeman, has .
secured a $10,000 judgment against the
Chicago and Alton railroad for injuries ',
received while in their employ.; ,",,
It is stated that arrests of Armenians
at Constantinople continue, and that '
sixty prisoners have already been tor-''
tared to extort evidence from them for '
orabls to the Turkish cause.
, ... He'll Get There Some Day.
; Stranger Boy, will you direct me
to the nearest bank? ; ..
Street Gamin Will f twenty-five .
oents. .....,'..,.. '' . '
Stranger Twenty-five cents! Isn't
that high
Gamin Bank directors alwavi oat
big pay, mister N. Y. Sun. '
The) costliest book owned in Chi
cago Is a copy of the first folio edition
of Shakespeare, published In 1623. ! It
Is regarded aa ths finest copy in ;
America, and is valued at $10,000, Iu
owner is a man who made a fortune on
the Chicago Board ot Trade,
neral, in I'M own country tne an.