The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 12, 1890, Image 3

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    T-rw y - THi-f
THlv WhSi ijiuh.
K. V. Cooper I Iwok from tli Uajt,
K.ud the time table f th motor
IHrd merit, bris aud steel wire, at J.
Win J.iiie U trylu-jtobealck, hut
It tfum dttt hi gralu.
H'V Qilnihy, of OikUnd, Oregon,
arrived lu towu Tueaday,
Very lateet lu ladle and children
hat Mr A. M. Hurley's.
J m i a!. rtmLh died) At McCoy, Satitr
d V. A Mb. eniioor. . ,
41m UU WitWer, of Dishy "
turned torn Wllh.ut apring. , :
Faney work malarial, perfumery
mt J ouckleaat iim. A. M. Hurley'. .,.
A ! supply of half-gall on. quart
and pint Maaon Jr al Heukel 4 Walk
era. ' .
UiuLs ivnb.. ht . im tie uta,
hoie v oU mil A. M. hur
ley. Itta! .air a M, o mm au t a lit ,.
will env yai snaw tu mey. Uhiium
l"aty ,..... ,,,.......:.
rUhuou Hm tha tfwauiXw mil Ya
uulna bay iv Mot aoUt tbruugnout
tbecounty. ' w V' w
Meaara. Wheeler and Line kftou
Wedueaday fur a hunting irlp near
yi J ' " ? H 3s JH, Hawley ItJkta trip to Baker
Prof. Campla-ll and wife, uf'MK City last wevk.
"" ' "
.4. Fill' .vd ir Ml i ' ',.
S . w df v' V.,,". u
f VUitli f 'HfC. ,
D L. Keyt, of IVrryiUKs hoit ur-
t . rcw uutffti iii in
ton at Fwrrydato. - j . .. .
Atra, Wm. H. BWy, of akm, a
later of (lie adttor of Ibis put la vlalt'
lug livra till
II.'.. K. K. I'ltlin lll prvat'b In lb
M Mirti 4n ii, riJ.-, iuji ly
ad SuuJiy avtt.iia.
f.ia butuidry llua batwacn YauiblH
an I f iTSiU Le wrvayad and a, iraad !
Tbe Rvaniratteal anUy aobuol wm
be a UMial In tbe M.K citurvb at 10 a
m. a uest auuduy uiurutug. K.
W. II. Whlteaker. the ithotnurapher,
baaivuirneitaud .iauuw ready tu wall
ou bb old cuatotner. ifii
Mr Kully. of Portland, I vlalilng
b'erann Vm. K Hvof tnbnliy tie la
aaUterofWao tlU
Mit Ktta B'jm-r bj a UMaaul
aeli xa'u.ud m1u(Iu2 un ealiioltluu
lu imcof Hie iUotb t
um whan
iwa here.
.UiaIWdoUibmbjabBauaruliltn Vlll.rti r, ()avui and alater Myrtle
pU I'lru uu exmuiil.i.i al ber buuw, a aud unrther, Mra. J, J. r litu, reuiruad
copy from a piluUng lu I'jtiIuiiJ. fnun Yauuiua bay btat week after au
will aall at M kaw llwul ! k.ltla ' ludU ' ; r t
U iy4i i U miI.ii.u uHii,v. TtieAtulhern pMlite euriwnlini ten
... . , ,i, . i,v..i,..,i lnr.',lrtB wwa aud wIM tbe dt-put,
1-utU-rea.idCe.neunu.l Kaimiug mIIus J
at J K. O UouuellV which are guaran- ' ' ?
UvdtUeboluiideand)ldouwiJ. . . , ery mum. j
. f . ri n finutiu. iiu. i i.-.L.L
j. w: rieteiur and q v. jwi, of
M t : ... t j tl t .1 c muiV a lU ri aub
mi Mill -
IWUUH14 IU.I. wire -" "V I
. . . .. . i . . . ; r, . . . i . .. .
J. II Hurley, ofB-ibI, nwmly re-
uji.i.d.1 ma Hue h-alilumv. and tbe,
a -h ail ojiI Ihu noiv I'jkvivi. I a cjjI 'f
pat i wa.'it i. n,f -'l i ; 1 .ip.w.ii'.Miv, j
Bay I Where dlil you &l that wateb? .
Wn t ol iMUnw i tiuiiii koi II. iu
li.Hr,.. a.t.l ou the auaulliiieut Dlan
too-No trouble toowu a wateb -that
, ILilnli DuiiDlwnv. of Portland, made
a vcrv brief vWi lu town mbld ua v" ' " J. ,VJ. Ytauiu mid fHinlly are guiio to
rid V" lh, wvek. kit leavt- furatbec'.awi;tlHyatarteil Mouduy. , ;
lulve year a uw euune in .urtivu uui
Vfraiiy In New York. v
When you go to the Htuie Fair neit
weaa. you t-ul a new ault of vlotbva
aud Juhuaon at Bout h by have Uie luleat
and uobbleat pattern ami will try and
KL'IT you for that i their buainena.
Min. W. P. Conuaw iy while aUt
Ing m Mr. V, A. I'atieraou'e butt Fri
day, in nil- a niiwb'p and aimiued her
aukie rrbm whlcli ahe has bveu quite
bime for iwverul daya
Newt lonaa will run two baelu fr mi
Iii.l.-jMiideiitM Ut the HUte Fair uext
weeff, eomineucliiK Moinlay mMiiiig
Oue will leave it HM an I Hie nthvr at
t o'vlic4. - Iieor ler fur mt! l
the atable.
PlMtoapha 82.50 a d uw i at White
aker' art gallery, i'buae priotai will be
enanged mii. AU work warranted
flntelaa In every reapcut and antle;
fot'.l.iu guurauteed. "
, Mr. Oeo B. Johiiaou, of San Fran-cia-o,
brother of lr J. H. Johuauu of
thla city, with bin family, la to become
a reatdeut here, aud arrived In town
t lie week. IU will engage ui fruit
railing. .
A.. B. Atkin and family returned
frum the Ifakeuzie on Tueailay. Mr.
Atkhia brought In 35U pound of Hue
veiiiiain, and during hi buut killed
ilxteeu deer. Killing grouse around
here will be tainepori Ui him now.
O. T. Waller ha a neat (tore on Uie
corner near hi lealdeuce m Monmouth
aud be intend keeping on hand all the
achool book a id achool eupplleare
quired Ui any achool lu Polk county,
either publft, private or normal. HI
price are the lowcet. .
J), M; Hewitt, of Polk county, wuK
born lu Wtinhliigton county, April 2,
anil I probably the oldtwt uutive
born Oiwoiiiuii u the utate. HI fatb
er. H 11 Uf wit, came to Oregon lu
1843 and wan the aeooud In tbe tmlu
Mai year to enter The , Dalle. , He tut-,
tied In Washington Co.
Mra. F. M. (JaUw open her kln k-r-guru-u
ai'hool next .Moinl.iv in the
juHiern hulldlntr on Moniuoir.h
treat, next the marble hIkiji. liUv will
charge two dollar per mouth tuition,
whteb I W percent le than lu Albun.v
and elaewhere, and will give an hour
tach day to kindergarten Bupplyjn
traction. : '. , i ..-'v. "' '
At the liiat in.H-tlii of the Uu.-d oi
trade a committee wa appxilte I to de
mand a recount of Polk county, towed
on the evident miataae lu the ueiirtii.
also J. rJ. Cooper aud K C. Pemluud
were elwted delegntia to altend the
organization of a atate bourd of trade at
Pottlmid, rk;petembr 27th. Mexara.
L. C. Uilmore, Uro. Hkluiieraud J. F
O'Douucll were elected to ineiubanthlp
in the Independence board of trade. '
We cull attention thla Imue to the
new add of Goodman A Doiity. They
carry a irompleta a atock of hardware,
Move, tinware, cutlery, pumM, pipe
&ttingx, aeedem, drill, harrow, 'cart a,
UKKie, carrlaire and back, at can be
' found In tbe Willamette valley. Their
good are rirU:liu and their price the
, JoWeet. They have a Competent tin
hef and plumber and do 'all work on
(i)iort notice. Coiwuit Vogy Interest
and. you, wll call 6n then). ' : . :
Tie cimtractora f thq new achnol
houae Meaara Hutchliia Jacknou,
hallo dnimted nine iuubealii height to
W'-' bu M,"K- Thl itiakea a
inirq nwr w tne l.JIMlni BOxltf), 'uhd
nrq nwr w tne l.JIMlni BOxltf), 'uhd
lit cap aomeilay U nnihed up aud
iwd either for four nice rooiny red
ktlon-wmiH or elao Into (-', 1nrge
viim uau
) liilUn.u I...IU TI...H .
bably have taiin. built to. tiiU third
tory aud then It can be flnlahedup al killed. fh. boy w-ia only allghtly In-ny.time-
The acliiatl houa latrolnii lured." M r. treleiid however recovered
to be a aource of plcuaure and profit and arrived home luat Tum-lay able to
bvtH tp our cblldreu aud tbelr pareuta, be oout though aomewljat. ibaka,u.
TOLl) B lOKkuMO.L)tM.,
i !
( Our cutuuuulty I nearly Ji-jhu
Mr. aud Mr. C. Patrick atarta fur
Bl Mwtutx UmI NNVIUfmlay luuriilun.
Juhn t'litrk ttxik u tluntl at Anilti
taut MooUay fttr tli fall an1 wlulr
HmlWy ami Juntan I'urvliitjitariul
Kill l rw hut Muutlaj- fur a ivw
ytutnig., j
KaniMN uro nnvr tuwv - iMitUiiK In
tholr auuiiMfr fullDW. I'uua U la, rat
ana ow, auw ana reap. ,
Mr, auU Xtrt A. K. Watwtii alartrd
Am 1tnwvllk, Illluula. Iaa Mumlay tu
visii iTttMttK ana rvmiivr. j
Frank ftirvlua atartad for C'orvullU
luHt Wtlalv, " H will altvnil lit
arli-aUuntf wut( tUt fall and a lulrr.
W. H. l'Ullll, W Hak4u, waa liar
kwklnit fttr a aurral maro aulvh tutu
airaywi away a wwi ago lau iu.tia .
M. V. Mans lk rt Ur Wmmwium-
tU'aoiUva. AN ur hla ittrla araaUviiJ
!tK iwhgxlatltw WHIUttwlU'UulVwalii
at elukiM.
8 I. U .. '
Mr. tnp anil fumlU atarttni fr Ttlla
mm wiNMiay in utUMJua w i u
ibua aKJ a Htany fair to M
TtiiuHMtui atiiifmiiu inia yaar.
' O. m. IMaiaN-aud uarty wr lu
KuigrmtiiMitu, iVIiftirula. 11 wrliva t
a frWiMl Utai Ulaaabut aabkumauil
tttiit tliy ara naarly iihHIwI. ; I'uoy
luiif In W back tu MbWirl, , ,
Mr. ..HlJn, lhiixoun ara ileUiUg
reiativeaiu Jcmraou tht wee.
; Wni. AlilvniMii kiturtl 1Klay lor
INitllaud tuatlt'ud tua buaiuMa
llH-ix lulu wiitur. ...
Wm. rVtwwal and faiully Wft Am
rWttla Monday tu tuaka tliat plaw
im'ir ruiurt noiiMf.
A. J. TWUiig and W. W. Avery ara
winning a rvaiaont nr wmm-io
r Uinm ry anat uf IVrrydalt.
, tUx. W. Iitvall rvnttMl hi aboa bp
to a HahmiDian, anil'MtOiy arlll ba
favvtrvd Willi a abttaiuakar amln. ' ,
-, . , ..,
St i JitK
Rev; W. T. fteott, of Milton, Oretnn,
haa beau enmired a paatur of Hie rrva-
-jbytrtian ebureh beta ftr the amilui.
HeiidrMia A BrledweU ekawilthalr
I wanbKie but Huturdtiv. and-ih Kar
Btt r'a warvhiHUw will eluae aumeiliue
neat week, t
KMM jyj,; wm uk m ,uw
anln Houday, but twlnirunliluhed from
tba wagon aodMiuaire waa Hone only
a bnrn nark yeke.
tl"r:'r "ZXZT"lZ
lu bntru thai ahe la no better at tbi
u.ri,.ii ,. V f-. W.. k.i .1.
gvtilng belter.
niLLtrOl ITKW4.
Hinky atMllu r,
. ... , . , . . ' t. . ,
k..VV",,' Aikley iaa gone lawk to
J""1 u" v,"'
Rev Untia.roni Tlllaiuak. nnwlutl
hi-ro MuimLi ar II a. m.
evera of our ymiui
the ouuuty fair at M:
report It very dull.
aiiple attendiil
iunvllle. Thoy
N. F. Uregg. whu baa been lu aucb a
daiigerouaeoiulliiou with typhoid fevtr,
la now out of danger. 4 - v 1 1 1 a
The bop patch ha taken away ao
ninny of our people that the town
evil! alltxait dvaerted. 4
Ilirtoil McPberaoli Il ia uiovetl ItU
family from tloiiiiftHith to where J. H,
Wann ha been living,, ,
A 'private telegraph tine ha been
put up from P: A. Weeter' dwelling lo
lUII, Urldwelt & Co. atore, , .
'Born, Sept 4th to the wife of M k
Van horn a twelve pound aon. Faibir
and ull other pun lea didng well.
The Chlimilieu engaged lu fixing up
tbe railnatd are now cauid at tbia
plnee. 'I bey came here Maturduy,
Hal Brown, now ha a poiilon aa
freight agent at Hcappoae, Columbia
eouiity, lie left uwt week to take the
poaitlon. -
i Hturekeeper will have to look out aa
aeveral counterfeit dollar aud half
dollar are In theeoouty, and they are
b ird to ditiugullit from the genuine.
C.'W. WeaUrand family and T.A.
Wann are rusticating at Little Nee
tncca, and W, E..Brldwell aud Oeo.
Ball returned from Big Neat una but
Oeo, W. Jame, who waa ex pre and
railway agent at tnHTpta, hu been
changed to Lafayette. Ball. Bridwell
A Co. now have charge of theexprea
and l. It. Vanhoru the railway bual-neaa,--;-
.,.,. .,......,.,..
. Chnpman, who hit been building
a tniru for hiumelf, fell from a Bcaffilii
a dia'auee of alaiut eight feet liist wet k
and fractured one rib aud tore another
loom; from the plual column. He l
now doing well, and with proper at
tent km w ill recover all right. ;
Fntult Morriaon bnd MImi Lizzie
Cn Id well were married at the realdence
of the, .bride' pnreuta Hunday eveniiiK
it 3 o'clock by Itev, Meaalck. Frank
la one of our moat popular young men,
while Lizzie lr one of Halt Creek'
faireatduUKhler. Their preaenta were
many aud beautiful. May their ea of
Ufa be ever oueof amooth aaillug. ;
, The jMMiple down lu. thl end of the
Juuiity , have .been llatenlng to the
county aeat and court htaiae talk until
they are about tired of It. Home think
It would be a gKd plan to have the
i'oii n ty ACivt nmied Ut fndc lamdeiitte,
aa then we cotitil cut off part of Yam
hill und .rf of' folk afjd . huve a uew
county with Uullatun ua the county
6u r waretHaWmaii, t. 7X" . Weater,
now ha III Warehouae all matt .filled to
overflowing." C N.. Heat waa. up here
Huturdev and ordered more care, a Mr
Weater told him. that uukawcar cniiie
up that erenrnictie would be compelled
to ahut down for the want of room.
An extra came upfjunjlay a,pd. bmught
can enough t make a' clearing no the
wurenoyw conintue jijoih",!?-
''.':lMiaa'i-' i'
' Mra W "P.' Irufltnd.' living within
twd mllea nf ttila ity,"Vljjlety Ya
qtliuiia Ifay'laijl .wni'k.' JMef wlih, iiulte
a acrlou awldcut rjhe wua walking
out on the norib Jetty at Newport, wUl
Willie rttimtij, a boy, by her l(le. A.
hum! ciir'wiia bi-liiff''nuahel uloiu the
railroad triick twill ml her by aonm boy
and without warning ahe and Wllllo
Htaat were crowded off ih to the rock a
below. ' Mr : ;lreliiint 'wa f knocked
uiMul.nia mid ut lint, tli ill rllt, tt lie
Mra L. I. Wblteaker, Editor.
A merium uoaiii.
ThU branch of our work ha beau re
ported by uur itate prealdeut to aouio
taut, but graat dual of tha wurk la yet
now to many, and It la on of the nrnat
Important branchea wo have, we art
auxlutu that overyoue hould have the
privilege uf knowing ita htatory and
giving Mich aaalatanve aa they feel able
and willing lo give, ,
' ' ' 1 HlaTOHV. ' ' '
Till enterprise wua Hrat tnkeil up by
tn lartlaud Kaal union aa au ludua
trial HiHite aud waa opened the 13th of
Augtut, 1SS7, but li growing demaud
iNMiiue an gK'tit they could not manage
it without the antistatic of the union
throUKhuut the itute. no It wa twki'n
by the atate W. V. T v. a one of their
line uf work, aud In thla way gave ua
ill a wurk to do for tbe Maaler. Kaeh
union y M eeuia ar mouth tu bvlp
left ay the exHuana, If It la able to do
at. Thl atuu wa found liiaurrlelent tu
inert txpeuaea, but the frienit of thla
vaiuae bnve ulvau aa Indlvbluala over
VIU, thl with due enabled them to
oarry ou their Ubor nf hive. But It wa
th.Hofbt beat by tbe alala officer lo
change tbe oujwt aumewbat uf the lu-
atituuou ana renen out tncir neiping
bauda hi aav their erring alttera a
well aa aaalai tlnw who bad uot riH
from tbe path ufvlrtur and ueaceito
tha good alatera thnaigbiait tbe atate
have takeu Ihbt burden unou their
aliuuhlvra It la a well orgaultvd plan,
ami baa met with great eucoeaa au far.
the lal leglnlature appropriated Utu
auitlolent to meet the Xarwea nf the
Inxtltuilou by tbe help of Uie union,
ami miter awuatanee given The houe
I uleamiitly aliuated ou the niurthweal
orncr of Sceoml and Columbia at reel,
tbe yaw la a lovely one, but the bourn
la too email fur the nreaeul demauda,
and we hope In the mar future Wbe
able to owu a large oue, a cretllt to our
can. Kacn InuWitiual interealeU In
eavlng falling bunuutlty la Invited to
aaalai ua In lajylmr a mutable piece of
inaimi ana laiumnv a nnme mruie
erring, who might le aaved.tthla home
haa ahelterwl over grown asple,
and between ten aud fifty children lie
able over a luo children In the klmU
xarten, day uumvry and the ludtiatrtal
The refuge home aa It la now called
baa ben tha mean of reeeulng over
forty girl from au evil life, only four
of all that have been takeu there have
gun aairay aoalu. ruurUwu have been
reatored to their frienda, bMtte have
have, been found for tlilrt-en more lu
good Cbrktlau famllWa, auveu have
married giaal rmieetable men and haw
ood bmiiea of their own. The mat run
a tbe home I.Mr. Martha Keraey) la
the rlirht woman fir the ilv: uo oue
oould iH'lp being better If put III ber
utotneriy care, ami n wunia uring uie
tear to your eyra, dear alKtera, to bear
ber rckte uua of the aud i'livuiuatuuci
eoiinrcted with thl work, riome of
tluaw girl have ueverknowna mother
love, aoitw Itava wickud Niivuia, drun
ken aud vile, aoine ure uvked up In the
uy-waya by pullceua-u, loo drunk b
uow wbere they are. Home ol tueaw
aaddtut Ciimn have laen led ' to the
Savior and rejoice lu 111 aavlng grace,
Uo aalil to MM.-U "uellUer lo I couileiu
Ihee, go and alu no imire." I could
ell you much more about thlibice
ul time and imh forbid dwelling on
11 loiiger ou can get all the lufor
illation you dtlre ly vWtlng the
Home, a nearly all the dclciiiitc al
the tMUvviitlou did, or by writing to
the home accrelary, Mra. .J.J, Town-
enl, who will gladly anawer any
)ii.-Mllon lu regard to till depart melil,
nut will aeud vuu a mnv of llie cou
atltutlou aud by-btw for rive ecu la.
N'Vtral of the Loyal TemH?ramv
Ilona have written me In regard to
auppllw for Ihelr work which I will
anawer through the Wkmt HibK. The
atate prealdeut ha kept everything
ueeilfui to tart thie atwletiea.but Ifwhc
haa Uot on hand what I needed now,
vial inn ml It lu Chliwni. of Xleo C.
Hull, Ijuaiile Mreet No Wi .We are
uainic "marching aougn" lor young
eruiaidera, aud the tfrat nuarterllea
tbiaigb I would reconuiH-nd tha tobacco
luarierlle where there are large boy
wloiiulnir to the aociety We alao take
the paper called " t he Young Cruaader"
for the children, which mta only llfly
ceuta a year, iia copy,) we uae tbe
metallic badins amalleHt In alio, and
give pledge cards to each who take the
please, Hiie ue juua toienmna
uuiiuvi ou aieoiioi ror tne auuit litem
iera, her leaflet are One to dlatrlbute
it public mecliilK. Home uae rllibon
iaiuirea of red, white aud blue, mluglcd
toKelber. onue iMe ouly the true blue
eulor. Hend to 0. C, Hull for the oon
atltutloua and by-law for Ix-glon work
and qucatlou anawered by Anna Oar
tien,. ami you can euouau irom inem
whatever aeenia to ault your need
moat, .
Mewar H. Hlrachberg of tbla city
and I). W. Heart, of McCoy, are atlll
traveling In (lerntauy. lu recent
letter Mr. Hlracbbofg expreaae hla
ympathy for the laboring ctunae lu
tiermany whoae lot In life I o much
worae than anytblug, au Oreirouiau at
leaat, cau Imairlue, women workinir
alxunn bourn a day at bard work und
receiving twenty-live uenta for It. Hc
aay living la exa'iwlve In Hamburg
aud to quote hi owu word. "Thl la
a great city Indeed aud a cuatly to live
Here aa in Mail rraucMoo, Tlieyglve
It to au American aud we have to
watch them clueely. We exucct to
leave here for Dresden ill a few day aa
they auy It I a nice city aud while
there ihall call on d Dove' wlfe'a
folk We bave been on the iroever
since we reached tbi country aud
never were two day lu one uluee
Yeaterday aftcriioiu we were lo the
..tulogicul giirden and lu the evening
we went to ace itutrulo mil with til
Indian, ' something uew lu thla
country, I bud a great time meetiiiK
my friend and relative aud Dave
luughed at u fyr ut every houae the
tlrat thiug wa wine and cuke, aud he
wanted to know If we did nothluit bui
eut and drink. 1 bud a few Ommnian
from Mr. (lemon and a lad indeed to
get them I bave the following laid
mt ror my Journey: from Jieiiiu to
Drewdcti, thence to Carlsbad, thence to
Munich, thence to Frankfort-ou-the-Malu,
iheuiw to Wlcaltmlon, tlieuue to
Hiiiriburg-on-the-HelghU, I hence tu
l.'ollu ou Hhl lie, thence' to Bruasella,
tbuuue to Pari, thence to Loudon,
theuco to Llverixtol, thence to Houth-
bamnton wnure we exiK-ut to eaten a
vtre uuer for our return home about Hept.
2)tu or Oct. 3d. It I a bard mutter to
gel a room aa they huve been engaged
three mouths in auvauce. and the esti
mate I bow that there arc oVer I2o,0H)
foreigners In tills country thiaaeaeon
tMaabui at,tpitq'iii ioiir;.- ; 11
tjy totixiL.
City council met in city halt Present
Ma.or Hhelly, VMM'ii
Wbeeler alid Huter, ,.
"Notltw wini gveq tnii a,i prdlnunee
wquld, b urt-nen'ed. t tlie nm r!glar
Uicctlng fur ft fruiichlae to Mr, L. C.
Ulimore lor water wora.
Committee on treebj and puhllo pro
' perty wa Instructed to order sidewalks
1 rebuked aud rebuilt throughout the
Bill ordered paid were aft follows:
Oeo. Macauluy, ulght watch, tVv, K.
H Krengel, work for city, $26; H. K.
Patterson, merchundiae, tfl.UO,
1 Couuuil ailjourued,
LoWkh aou t-iii.ii,
Camp l.!l....Tha kyrlngl
l rli iu fur tli W fcr ua.)
Thinking perhapo short tetter from
thl place would be of I mere t to the
reader of tltu W'txt Hujk, wa tuka the
liberty of writing few Hue. Our little
party of six sbirted from ludciHkmc
Aug 14th and arrived here tho next
evening a 8 o'clock; where w found
twenty-two famlllon o.iuiH'il, among
which were the famlllc of Meaara, A,
J, Ooudmau and A. Locke, of Inde
pendence, huaMc a number of ptniple
fnmi other part of Polk county.
TDK t' A Ml',
The camp ground la a beautiful plat
voutalnlng alaiut twoa 'M ou tho bunk
of the Kiiiilam, nun of the mot beauti
ful of river. Numcrvua tall and stately
(Ira protect ua from tho num. for on
soi no daya it la aim t aa warm a lu
the valley: although the weather I
generally line, I lie air la fresh aud pure
with a light lirvexe blowing from the
The river from II source to mnuth t
very rough aud plctureue, but
especially aual thl platv. The bed of
the river I etauiaaaai of solid ns k, at
some place pnijrt'ilngalKivo the water,
aud bvtweeu tbtwe projectlou are
Mlrvwn iiiu,k i,r Mtirv siitt soil
hue, with here and there a snmll Island
green w ith graaa ami mall trtaw ami
sometime flowers, white the ledgva
aud Jagged pnlul of rock are covered
with brown aud krven moaa. At some
plai the water la very deep aud atlll
while the bank un either aldelaaia'r-
iwiiuicuiar iiKt(e oi nxn irum ivu io
m'vcnty live ftvt high with many small
wah'rialla rushing over tbe uneven
and ragged precipice Into the still water
Mow, prvaeutlug a wild and beautiful
picture. At thla place the wuler la
awlfl aud the bed of the river very
routfh, eonactpieutly ninklug a erlea of
Iwuutlful raitiita, the eonataiit ratror
which may be beard a distance beyond
tbe campgnaiud.
One of tha pretty little stream for
which lite Mautiam Is noted, flow att
lulu that river Jul bvlow tltu enif
gnaiud aud forma a pa'tty catered
which la saiineil by a rustle bridge
rmt lug alaait tlfteeu feet atatve the
water. We crus ibl bridge and de
scend by minus uf sleiiaeut lu tltu rock,
to the river which la lined ou either
able by many dlttereul varletlca of trees
and vluea, making a dense foliage,
which a autuiuu I draw lug near pro.
sent a great variety uf color. The
tlrs and itedara eruwulug the lop of the
bauk being dark grevu aland outlined
lu bealltllul contrast against the atle
blue sky, w hile mapK, ah, etc., re
onwut a llaliter attmle of ureeu, and
amaller growiha uf brush aud vim a
very light ahade, varagatwl w It la llie
beautiful vlulua manle wiiu lis brilll-
ut abadea of led ami yellow, aud dog-
wtaal with Ita tirlglil siariet leavisi,
with here aud there a dead fir with
russet brauche. cuuac one lo think of
Joseph' coat oi many Colors,
The famous aisla apiing Is situated on
the south bank of the river The spring
consists of a small hole In the ruck
vlKhteeil incite deep and ten lu diame
ter l ite water xvw m iiirotmn lite
na-kal the bottom so fust that although
hundreila are using It. (he spring la
never empty Tlure la auoiher .sla
spring acrua the river alaait one hun
dred and rlfty yards up a amall stream.
lite water la mueu txsiier tltere mil
diaw uot contain aa much sla Alsait
oite-halfa utile farther up thl stream
la situated a lovely waterfall, which
fall at least one liuudml feet and
which we did not fall to ihotoniilt.
Ily the way our itumla-r of negatives
1 lucnaalug rapidly; there Is'lng many
la-aullful aud picturesque views on the
river, one especially "ur mile above
here, called ivlephaut lba-k. This rock
1 aii Immense boulder on the south
1st uk of the river, around which the
wagon raid Ilea lu the form of llie
letter H There I alao another .!
spring two mile atatve here on the
uortn batik or tne river nut the a titer
I very warm, eonwuucntl.v not much
A strung sulphur spring has been
found a mile Mow here, but on account
uf the rough rid but few people visit
lb Fish are not an plentiful this year
a last, owing to the fact that they
have taeu literally "iiaiusi out." two
fine elka have Ihsmi killed hens one
weighing luuo pounds.
We start for 'luur Lnko.ln the mom
log where we exptvl to fare on llsh and
venison everyday, and ulau to obtain
wine lovely view or the lake ami
vicinity. We may poaaible eriasi over
to the .dnkenxle lafore returning homu
where we ex last to reach by tne loth
ofHcptember. W. 11. W.
I'rull Lands In tha Wlllsmell Valley.
Thl land I alt tiled from SI to S
mile from theHtale Capitol, with II
excellent shipping facilities, cannery,
etc., and laesjsrlally adapted to fruit
Five-acre tract from too to I7ii in-r
acre all cultivated and ready to set to
Ten-acre tr.u-la partlnlly culllvnted
for $.50 ier acre.
Twenty acre light tlmltcr land, with
good spring branch, ja-r acre.
Tweuty-llvo acre, tlfteeu iinna III
cultivation, spring brauch running on
the place, for Klo ar acre.
Forty ucri-s of cIioUh hind nil culti
vated, small house, some young fruit
already set nut, 7tl er acre.
Forty acre of laud ull cultivated, lu
wheat thl year, for ar acre.
Forty-three ncrca, twenty-live ncre
cultivated, flue spring brauch, place ull
lencen ut, mr mo per ttcro.
Fruit raiser prollt from 8100 to SI W
per atrre nfler the tree are 4 years old,
An Industrious man cmi make a good
living for hi family whllu hla oreliard
gets tolitarlnir by raising vcgitablca and
various cro is ror tne cannery. i,ct ua
know what amount you huve tn Invest
aud we will advlau u to locution. .
Hvud for maps, piimph lets and price
list to
Halcm, Oregon,
Hiouller J.
In the matter of the N. II Butler es
tate; duel account approved.
n the niatUrof the Heott Biggs etiie;
flual acqount fllwd mid Outiibcr 7th set
fur Hearing.
In the matter of Q. J. Buskett estate:
petition for sale of uiortgitgiHl prnM)i'ty
lu tne qiaiter or (be guardlanslilu of
yli I'r(e e(iiii A. IX Pflce appointed,
guardian wllf honijs of $(((10,
'u thp puitter of Kll lMiniltlnton cs
ta,uij fm aououut wi fur heurlng
Outnlsar 7th.
Ill the mutter of the Joseph Wood
ward estate; petition for aule of real
estate allowed, and citation Issued for
October tlth.
In the mutter of N. A. Chandler es
tate; Inventory filed und administrator
charged with It.
lu tbe matter of the M. L, Itlclianl
son eetute; order to sell personal prop
erty. In the matter of i the N. A. Cbaudler
estates order to sell personal proterty.
In the matter of P. L. William i
tale; Unal account approval aud
bondsmen dlseliarmsl.
In the matter uf tho M. FlUmorri
eatatei will aud petition filed aud cita
tion liwued fur October fth.
In the matter of tbe J. W. Buver
tale; laHltloii tiled, eatata admitted to
proiHit with noun or mi,uij. it.
Flltiklnger, A. Flleklnger aud II. II.
Mtnnley made appralaera, t
(.HMMiaalOMKIW tvt ItT,
Preaeut -Judge HhrtiflVr, Conunls
sloitora Mulainch ami Hluiajon, Clerk
CiNid aud rtlierlir Well.
l'he pn.pisiitloii of SY. C. Brown to
build walls of court houae was rejected.
t'oiitrael for biilltllng the Mavage
bildgeat Wllliimlua whi awartled to
I loyal A Dlmlt'k, at IU1V.
lumalierof petition for change lu
Dallas and Falls City road. Che. Far
Icy. N ( lurwoml. t, J. Hayter were
chtaatii to mettt the county aurveyor
ca'pu'inimr 'inn to view ana report ou
IIII.U AbM)Wi:l,
MIMsy A Kakln, niaklnt Us .list,
M 4 t'aii, lllslil waU'lt ..........
Mrs M J M. U.aslil, sravtrt ......
. JIM 00
.. IU UU
(1 t
.. tie?
.. l
.. tie
I ii Aisianir, nivoii'ina .............
II Us'kv, VllOlllS MIHr. .............
V A W s-lt. li'sslblsnS.
lermi Ktrslsa4 Mail .-.
I, Kulmt, eloilitna .
K C IVttUsuil, urlulltis
T l? IMI, isiWssiamliMti.a -Mrs
J II Tiiarnasnit ssms ... . .......
W i, Walls, svrvlisw anil iwn...
Win Kills a-ks slid slstutsi . ......
Y K llitltlisrtl. lurviiiiui . ...
S '.I
CU iwil. nsst ,.
Mf-, A Itvwtrl. blsnks .
J H Timl.HmTiti lixih lirt.lgs
T T Nlisw, mtwIrtiiM eltslrs
li Itsvls, kn-lllix MllM?r
at u
t) UI
I at
ii i rsisy, shiiiv.m.
I It KvsiL, wills. .
V W himIiIi. luaKlns jury list
T V Hell, saine,. ............. .
W N Prlne, sum..
Mrs t'TttiliKmw, Ii-so J .......
KxKitea In case of Htale va. Minnie
Loodorgiiu and Ada Htoker allowed.
Bills of Mrs. Baldwin for keeping
Mra, Iballnv allowed.
A ivtnriiL ur ur thk PiOMkKN.
Up to lioull Thursday We fuUIld the! prevent ! irf malarlsl' i-iirilsliii. riwttuia
followlng preaeut al the Plolns r Be-1 wm, bm.aiMa and kidney inatiiles, ,
t 1). Kmbn-e, Ihdlaa.
Jaslina McDanlel, lUckreall.
D. M. Hewitt, MonuMHitb.
Mm Mary Howell, Moniwaitb.
1845. '
J. K. F.lklus, ludepeudeoce.
L. laouoiis, Monmouth,
K M HI aula,
J J. Williams, Dalla.
T. It, letherow, Monmouth,
Wm. Bufltim, Amity.
Mr. F. Illdwell, Monmouth,
l-ork Hall, Hueua Vlala.
.Mra J O. Davldaon, Parker'.
Mta.O. NV. Ikdturd,
J. t), Davidson, Parker'.
Mm. Josliu MeDaulel, Itlckrenll.
tl 'P. Waller, Monmouth.
T. O.
K. Ikslwell,
J. 8Si!ott, ludeiiendenee.
Mra, Nancy tloir, "
L. lav lor, t'lackamiui county.
Itev 11. M. Waller, Monmouth.
. '. MH, ,
Alex. II times, McCoy.
t'.WVala, Monmouth.
H M, Whltmtn, Monmouth.
Mm. "
A. B. (Iriflrs,
f. U Pi-arce, Fila.
F. H Powell, Monmouth.
'v mt :
Mr. A, lioliitea, McCoy,
II M. Davidson, Monmouth.
K. I. KtilH'rt. "
Mm M. Ingalla, Walbtburg, Wi
II. W. Murphy, Independence,
F. A Patterson,
W, Wuterhouse, Moumnuth.
Mm. "
A. W. Lucaa, '
J. I Murphy,
U. W. Dcllord, Parker's,
, Mm. F. A. Puttersou, Independeni.
J. F. !. Butler, Monmouth.
T. J. Campbell,
. M. Cramer, "
B. M. Smith, "
Mm. tl. T. Waller,
llreeii B Hlmpson, la'wlsvllle. :
Istuie Hiultli, Dallas.
Mm. Iairk Hull, ltuena Vista.
Mr. It Mclaughlin, '
Mm, B, W. Bigg, Crowley,
Mm. A. H. Doughty, Monmnuth.
Mm H. M . Davidson,
Mm, P, liolmau, "
Mm T. B, Tetherow, "
Mm Iuidca, Monniontlt.
Mm. J. L. Murphy, Moumnuth.
'AinHI uempoofl 'Xtnnoa oj
it a,uojoauii.uu ai aAn a.
IW aulijec' ob de. followln' linos,
which de Hermit tol' me war not per
rucly lttctrloiil, whatelar dat mout be,
am "Fieas."
Twus down hy do fiber Pasiptouink,
Whtirde hull rrog Jump Irum bank tor bunk,
Wliur linissa kiip' dnrklea shuekln' Co' u
An' plekln' oolton, dla olill' wua tai'ii.
Jits' olwr de stream 'pun similar plsnuttlou,'tl a WRiieh iinni'd lUtiali, ob eltarinlQ'
lutK years ago, In nirly life,
'Nuiit It de simile uli a atatotvly pitta tree,
1 aiki'd le' iimlil tu Ihwoiii' my wlls,
Alt' tho' Holier a word utler'd sits,
If nes'lln' cltwvr, wld oliiwks sglo',
Ulbs an miser r.a plain as could tilug,
t rackon'd I'd struck do klllln' bio',
An' auiti' her my wllllu' a'm flung;
Whim to my anrprlss
Upward ah boiiniaid,
An' wld tlanliln' eyes,
Krutn do nsiin flutincdt
Hisiti'a I from dsslto'it had reuobarndmy wlls,
MHH'd'ly ober do rllwr I aumrad;
I iiiibr had rainrn nb du gal luiblu, nt-
Yet so pui'llii' her uoiiilnn' s,pnuarnd(
1 ilnrfo' resolved tur 'bsndon du chase,
An'nebvraluu'duilluib bulisl' bar fair lacs,
IV cans' ob Iter sitttiteq oil' Ixitiiirllo' frum uie
I iirlerwarct learrt'd, was de bltft ob a fleal
I)o front ob ninny winter am restlQ
on Bampun'ii brow, an' de wool mv
roundln' It aui beuomltV wery thlu sn'
white alno' he left do oje norfsUte,
pe boter Ua(f puno(n' dp pwraltlon
tot ber ga mom piiaby now be flllllo'
but fu' du tenderness ob her flesh, am
hemclf unite too tacit when de peiky
grain ob mustard seed go foragln'
'neatli her aurroundln's. Deonly sure
way Bumpsuu keeps comfortable dese
cihiI nights, wheu at any moment de
klverln' am llitblo to be kicked a kltlu',
am to fo.d hisaclf up in a blanket, or
hoi on to de bed-ulos' wld bis teeth,
pose wenrlii' false teeth or poesesln' a
giiiKl set ob lmtnral dentals, 'lea hablii'
tie toof-uke, am not ud wised to 'do'pt de
hitter plan, luiis'w.lse wld a iirm grip,
I f0' wlicn dodnnoln1 begins either tbe
eelb will wauito or (lu tilua' lived
mendin' at de fust (urn ob de tune. .
' t bu4 btt bait a 'aoxlnus auiell,
W ben iwitlr a'sr ei isalla't '
But on ksn euteto blta wsry well,
lfuulr sksrv at (Wslln'
NiH M d 'Urnl iklpifln' flsa, -
How ebsr slus you spul 'ami
II atlll nguy. Utrtrty,
Wltoa our uiskMiiirsht'a ant 'unit .
kleltanl ftsfs, U will ksews kdstUm tl
in kimbot vauy, so. so Kllla K, aaa rrwl
IM weak Ml tlx laltowlsf letwr le Ike Uwla
W, ior Ca
"Uf nmnr un beta taklai
Joj'i Vsctubl anapsrllla saw
let stop Un vith nUadut nnlu.
Osrupiilisi ku bn tkMtiM
toklsf It rsptUfljt lot a saert iim
l ftHiBf Ut tnaeaistArMl rtfhi
eeeailsaal do tbeteslMr kmf
uiTtua la aenseteoaaiUM.
yawwllarily tl joat vmlabls .
OSD IMXllsbl to U, thai II
to ol kaa lu i9Vt. tat assail U
pJUk lb rstalu eoattua,,r. a a
ursr aa Down rrliUia4 eomattlvs It Is pie
laHUax. Wt woaia sol u without It la eat
boost, la (sot I hs Jan teafbl ansa kM-
Uss to t lb Ndaesl arics."
A. M. luwe, al ut jas strsst, a r , sits
wtims ibsi ii ass kwa bis habit lor jmn to
akalalbaawralBiawlibabssMbe sis
MtaaM4 tcellag, sat Hk tks IrM bMIe b
basbfalaarttara ( 111 I list OsklUiatlM
I'al oa lit llrskrs
iryuti nua you are "il doirn lull In point
of Willi, ratlins alrvitslk, lnisilri ill.
Hon anil assimilation srs Ills marks nfils-
illhn. rliM'k llinif anil ullisr Itoll. si.miif
prsinniur nemy Willi tlis.rsinl .lislOir slid
r-asiioiia luitte, HosleUvr s Hiotnaeh HUlera,
llrsliiitliiS al tlm Itiuntnlu head, I lie sliMiiaelt,
lh Itliu r. rrnisillm Ita liirtn-liiry, mrn1
Its srrurs, snd sets It viauninsly al aNirk, Th
eisvslltrsorvan Is dm. onsljlvd to thomnlily
aeimrate mint tha l.Mt Ua nutritive prlnntiiltsi,
tili'U Ills tilisid nssltiitlatttitt. Is stirti'liMt.
Itaua la His ayaixm nuurtalml, and belli
noiirl'livd -trrhiilitriifHt. snd aliiKH-inal wssts
nl lis llsanes stsysd, AMs.tU, Mt powirt
ml wrll. a regular lialill srs also
d, and His isrksis niui'tl.nt innv one
mum in Hwir Hstural and lioslllmil snsiv?,
Ths lllitvrs, inoriMorar, is a sMslfla lis- and
lu llie County Ouirt of tlis aialo(Orvsiu, air
1-illH 1AIUI1
n the mstu-ruf tlwaatate of MtcUafl Ills.
tnorrls, uvewsl.
TnThoiiiaa fltaninrrla, Oeonr rllinuirrla,
Jauitsi f Itstnorrta. rrauk flumorrls, John
Kltsinorrls, and ilsrvlu flUmorrts heirs at
law is Mnbal fMiiunrrls, dis'Mavd, twilu:
'cut, you srs ltrn.liy elnnl and requlrrd U
ap-ar In Hi UMinty I'mirt ol tho Misisnf
onf mi, ftirilui (V.iinlyirf lk,al thatv.nrt
risiiii UiwW. al latllaa In Hit dainty of hilk,
Hlai ol Unou, un
Mumlay Iks Sib day el Urlslxr, ISVO,
al Uiii rlork.ln th lirsiHsin of that dny, then
fharsto sleiw ssnas why lbs will of Ins lata
Mlrhael Hnni.irrW ahould not Da adtn Iliad
Ui probata as prsyrd for In tli uvutlou ninl
SS'ptaiiilM'r 1, IMi, and you ara torrvby Bolt
lied that Hi lima Sir fieri said eilikn
and itrtivlna said will liaabiwusel for tin-Hill
dsy tut iiei.ilivr, isai, al lit hour of I in ens
tn ih Hh-miisiu ol said dsy al Hi court tuaue
In ssld Oiuntr aud Mala,
i l Wii-skm, lli lion. J. HliairlVr.
IsaAt, VJuttf, of Ui tiattily l uurt uf Ilia
( ) hisui uf Orifiiii, I'.r Hi i oioily x
Polk with Ihasralol wldtXairt attUaU, Ihls
M dsy of Meptl'llther, IWv
A TTawTl V. O, IVllI,
I lerk.
la.3j3.iJMC3 and Monmouth
ic. p. ivxx.i iim r, .w3.
' Adopt) September 8, 1090.1
UI u-tu.lswva luitaisatdi'ite al ifc.iu a. m.
arrtvwt mi Munmouilt Tam. ronnwls with
Nsrrow anuir lo tStllas. Iasvs Moitinnutli
al :H a, mi. tallar arrival ol Imlu front Alrilai
arrlvlns al Indi'iwiiiHn' atT:At,ln lliu lor
Nislli UmiiiiI Irt lslil.
Jtid lrlp.-Iaartts Indaisnitli'iiee a . a. m,
arrives al M.Hiunnilb l y:Vi a. in. Imiw
MoiiiutHltli al tl arriving at liidM-ndenisi al
ktiea. ni.
M trtp.Ix'MViw ln.i'i..iia.iirc al ll:ll a. in.
taller arrival ul Moullilsiund train, arrives al
U' iim.Hilh si H Jia. in. Lsavra Monmouth
al li.1i p. in , arriving al ndpndn at
lltki, nainiH-llus with llie Mouth bound fralshl
and .Nurib bound paseii(r train.
It h trip -Imvus Indapandonr at p. in.,
(anr Hi arrival of Ui .v.rtli bound pawn
sari, arrtviii) at Muutnouih al I p. m, Lravs
MonniiHiih at tli p. ui., arriving at lmli'aii
dsittsi al Klti p. lit,
Mil Irtp.-lawes Indadt-ndanm at 1:30 p. m.
srrivlns al Monim noli al CS) n, m., (nn
naotllil with Narrow gaug to Alrlli't. Isavs
Moiiiuutith at 4.iift, (altar arrival ol the Narrow
gang from liiilla-t, arriving al Indepondrne
(Ih trio.- leaves IndaiMndrnr al n n. at..
arm Ing al Monmouth at isravmi Nou-
ntiHitii at seal, arriving ai niurpauiii-iKx-, ki,
Irnr H,iiliit Trtpi, sue eondunbir.
Mis May Green I at her slater. Mr
J. 8. Bohalion.
Kll Johnson will run a hack to the
Halem fair next week.
Dove Bri. bnve 200 hop picker In
forty-three acre of hops, aud K. tl.
Bcardaluy haa a full force un his twenty
Mr. aud Mm. J. Grimsby are visit
ing Mr and Mr. McPhemou at Balls
toil, and Mia Jennie MePheraon is
quite alck.
Mlsa LcnaHlltebrand.of the Luckla
mute, waa presented by her mother
with a nice gold watch on her 18th
Prof. I,ongacre and daughter, of
llucim Vista, were In town Monday.
Mm Lougacro hi no belter and miller
Isaac Simpson, our county com
missioner, threshed 67,000 bushels of
grain this atuison In twenty-seven days.
Oood average.
W. 1Z. Dalton has sold his house near
tbe Evangelical church to J, K, Hub
oard who will at once occupy It. The
price was $800.
Miss I turret t. the new art teacher at
Monmouth has arrived. Hlio waa ar
ranging for a class lu music In Indepen
dence luat week.
Mrs. Martin and Bertha Cattmn. of
Monmouth, oamo down on the Motor
and spent a few hours visiting friends
ncreou iMonuity.
Mr, Klcplten Htimt brouirlit in four
flue largo musk melons and has invit
ed lis to visit his patch for more. He
Is a samnlc of tho monocr of Polk
ooimty gcitorous and whole aouled.
Newt Jones will run two hacks from
Independence to the Htate Fair next
week. ,omnienclnir Mondnv mornlinr.
One will leave at HM und the other at
7 o'clock, Ijeave orders for passage at
the stable.
Mr. I, Ii(uchiu.y waa lu town Ttms
duv and renorbi his son Boott doing
....f n.ii.. ...ut. it... i?.u.i..i..H . ... i.7
spieiiutuij nun i-.Awiniiir uiv in
Colorodo He wtw In lkmver wheu
he lust hciinl from him and had dis
posed of about two tliotisand dollars
worm oj giuo rignis.
Tbe full stock of itoikIk of A, Macau
lay A Co. hits arrived and those wlaltlug
to inspect it are requested to cull on
Friday ana Nuuraiiy. rite roll odoik
Ing will take place In a week or two,
about the 81 of September.
W. K. IMHon has brick on the
ground near H. A, Parker's residence
and will soon commence building two
dwellings, one similar to his present
residence and the other a cottage like
Prof. MoAdnms.
The frame work of the aeonnd story
of the new school house Is up and our
noonle can form some Idea of the Im
posing nnpearance of the building when
they look at the present high walls and
are then told, ns we were by Mr.
Hutohlns, that fifty feet more of roof,
dome, etc, is to go on tup of It, The
bulldlna will be a landmurk for miles
around. Mr. McNally, the wpervUlnti
archlteat comes over every wecJt and
sees unit tne Diuuuig is built strictly
following the sjMwlllcations Our achool
house Is something of which we can
well feel proud.
-Shelf, Builder find Ikiivy
Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Cutleiy, Wagons,
Huggies, Carts, Plows, Pumps, Pipe
and Fittinirs.
lo rail on
(SiHtHwwr to CuOl'RK IilOH.)
and get Prices. Just received a New -Stock
of Shot Guns arid Rifles including best
makes kndwn. . All kinds of Metal
ware made to order. Repair
ing done on short notice.
Oliver and (inrden City Plow, Mrnitor Drill, .Sln-1 Kiiif? Spring tiKdli
(Continued from 4th page.)
Boo James O'Meara, Sau J rsoelsai,
(lovernor H Peonoyer, Portland.
Jddgn M L Pfiww,Oorvallis.
Hon Jsmis II Mister, LnUrsuJe,
Tu projeedimra of lb Oregon Pre
Aemwtation are to be printed la piui po
int form, and a It I to be much more
eomulet Ibao tbal of last year it will be
at least two month before II cau be dis
tributed. It i ouutsin tbe folbwing
Full list uf members of Ibe aama-istKiU,
LaU of oAeer.
LUt of committee.
AouounormeuU (or tbe year.
Hbort bwtory uf tbe aueint!on bp h.
Full proceeding of tit association
meeting- io Portland,
Paper on "History of Journalism Ii
Oregon," by Ibe eorumillae, A. Noltuer,
M. U. fittock aod it. K Ktueaiu.
I'spar read by , Hufer on "Poblisb-
Iniitus Laka,
A eoroplet. list or all Ibe newspaper of
Ibe state by couolies.
It will mala boot or nearly iw
pairs. Oue cony will be seat tueacb
member of the asauelatiou and oue to tt
secretary of every pre sasoeiatioo in tbe
Culled Htate. aud it is purposed l
ainke Ibis work a typogmpbical credit to
the slate ot Oregi n.
Tbe lollowiug standing .rsunuiittees
bave been appomled for 1WWDI;
Oenersl ArranKenenls-Jolin Michel
Tl.e nsllea; Mrs E A Cotmrn, Portland;
o T Liuklnter, Hillslioro.
Orievaiieta-M U Manlev, Portland;
F H I loed, Bosebtirg; W J Hnndura,
History of Oregon Journalism -A
No.tuer, H L Pittock. Portland; U It
Kinoaid, Engene.
Mlate of Fraternity- J M Baltimore.
Portland; W A Wash, iMIss; Kobrnl
Johnson, CorvalllA.
On Kewilntions-T J Htitea, Albiny:
Mrs Iiitey A Mallory, pnHli.nd; .lino K
Jones. I o ion.
LagialatHiii-K Hotel. S.ilem; K C
Pi inland. Independeaep; ft h Traio.
allianji 8 M Vorau, F.geui F. H
Wooilartt, Nearlierg, , "
Ooodman A l)outy still have a large
slock of fruit can.
Thcharvcat Urawtand the suiiimer !
Is ended, ami J. U.l. still roils out puce
of groceries just a cheap as the cheap- j
est, and Wi'.y not? Mika hlu cumtux
Cluse wa wa. Term ciiicamen, mu ,
muckainuck. , ' . j
Ocxsls and grub paid for with hop
ticketa at II. 4 W.
Ooodman A Douty have 800 dozen
fruit cans aud are still manufacturing
more. w ,
J. L. Stockton calk your attention to '
his numerous pattern of dress goods,
ouly one pattern of a kind fur each
ure. lie uaa tneae areas patients iu
both cotton and woolen. Call and
Inspect them.
A flue line of tobacco at H. A V,
Now la tbe time to buy sugar aud lie
sura and aud call In at J. 1) Irvine's
and get prices before buying elsewhere
Messrs. A. MacauhtyACo. have re
ceived a part of their fall ttylea In mil
linery, All persons knowlug themselves In
debted toM. Beanier are requested to
call and settle.
Henkle A Walker will tell you as
many goods as any other firm In Polk
couuty for spot cash,
Camp stoves at Goodman A Polity's.
Oct your hop tickets printed at the
Wkst Bins office.
ltcmcmber that J. 1). Irvine will sell
you all the goods you want either for I
cash or credit. '
Kxainlne the steel wire braid at!
BttK-ktons, the latest thing for dress j
Wheat rcoelpta and load checks
rrlnted aud neatly bound at the Wkst
SiriK oftkv.
A fine Hue of Oregon hmlntH.A W.
i, D. Irvine sells groceries
has a chance.
when he
Tho latest aud md fashioiuiblegiHtds
at Stockton's. ,
Mcsam. Hhelly A Van.lnyn are
getting lu a large fall stts-k orgiaals,
A fine lot of hop tmaket at H. AW,
(hina! tluus! In endless vnrletv at
J, F. O'Donncll's.
Oregon hams, shoulders and bacon
for safe by H. A W, :
The man who cares uothlug about
his personal apiwarance Is nothing
better than an Indian. New clothes
npiwiitcutly never are purchased
Every garment scents to have seen
months of Why should anyone
do this when for a small sum of money
McHars. Johnson, Buatbhy & Co., ot
Salem, will fit them out lu elegant
style. If yon are In doubts about what
you want lot theni select for you.
Wo waut cord wood, oak, four feet
long, for cash, ut the Wtai Stws oituc.
Cook stovca, fcttw Hue. t ftoodnmn
Hlo'kH r
Prol. Lolaetta'a Mamsry Syatam la
Craatlng (reatar InUrest than ever lu all
fiarts of tba country, aud persona wlablng to
m prove tkelr memory should und tbr bki
prospeettvi (m aa advarHsml in, auotlivr
The Celebrated French Gure,
la sor.n o i
enrs aur
dtwsw, or auy
disorder ol tha
(euoraMir or
giu at elllier
tat M'lii.llisr it i
Islnar Iron tha AFTER
smalt si of Stimalaute, Tubaeeo or Opium.
n smiueq i
r through youthful iultM-rstu,u, orsr ludulg
uce, 4c Ism ol Brain Puwer, Wakeful.
DM. Biwrlag duwa Palna lu Ilia Hark, Seminal
WMkuisn, llyatwli, Nrrviwa Prontrailim Nwturu.
Si Kmluluna, Uucirrliira, I'lzilnaai. Wrak Hem-cs-y,
Lissinl Puwer and ImpoKmrr, able II o
glaolr.1 alien lead to pretaaturaolilaxeaiidluMtt
II Price II 00 a box. lUgia, Iur li.OO kut o
atall oa reealtil of erlra.
A W K I TT K S fa V A R A NT E B tor ser IS V
order, lo reluud tli moiH-y II a rraaanw.
ear U aMaSarted. Thmtwnda ol testimonials
In.m ol.laii.lyosnr, ot both wias, pcrmaoaotlr
CUIM by AetianniTiss. C'reitlar free. Addi
For sala by Bnster Locke.
roKTHK tunc or
wr ii rti rpmtiDCftV'
II . ii. 1 A 1 1 JCilvOvil .
; .
0. A. KttAMBK.
When you want any watch re
pairing cull on the original at tw
drug store of Buster & Ijoclip.
The Road to 7ealth
Csssst Iw MMttsfully traM wllk-
sat too health. Ts reh wealtk w tny
evM soiltloa I lit mqulrss IK lull
pesMtilos snd operation ol all th fso ,
ulllu klnl Mtur ks sndswtd ut with.
TkM condition! cannot axial snlit Ut
physical Mini Is la pcrfict watklai
rdir, snd this I tmpoiilbtt whan th
Iim ssd iplun srs IsrpM, thatskitrtKl
tsf ths Mentions, aln lsdlUthn
ssd dytpipilk. with all t thilr scen
H"rl" MrNrs,
English Dandelion Tonic
Msrti a ipicHo tssssacs our th thttr,
ncltal It t health, setloa, mohs Its
chrsaln0niant.snd proaiotai the
seeretloni ! otira Indlgsitlss kn osaitl
pitlon, iharpini th appatlts, ton ap
th tstlr Ifitim, tad uki lit worth
Iirtulshnw and Columbia plums at f
per liuudrod, other plums equally as
good at the same price. The large
Oroeu tinge at 75 cents to $1 per huu
dred. Prunee 11.25 per hundred.
Apples 50 cents per hundred. Any klud
of apples will do so they are large
euough to peel, Burtlett pears $1 per
hundred, other pears, price as tq
. tfA' -i . - --p- f'' r-