The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 12, 1890, Image 2

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W ak" for
recouut of Folk
Wn want Umt milrtmd to VM
City. Lt l uh ttmk lon mll,
atroiur Mttd a lull all towlh.T mu
we cwu gvt it.
Tho work on the Cow Ciwk
canyon will uot bo fiuia-l until
uext January, beum Um Ctav-Ui
extension is dislnywl just that loiig,
Mr. Koekler of the Southern T
ciflo uivs the connny 1ms tli
uiateriaU on baud and it will thcu
bo built Wo must wait patiently
on the "power that be,"
We go to j)tt too soon to repr
lit prmwilliij.'S uf tho 1'ionwr lie
union al M.iuuiotith lint tho iult
eutioun it'imu it will butt gram'
meeting. Monmouth knows how
to make it pleasant for the visitor
and there is union which should be
iirwerved in this meeting and
handwl dowu to posterity. The
pioneer days of Oregou are past
V are now in the midst of
rapid growth and advanoeim ut
Tho oust e.m never return. Tin
, early history and the early manuei
should be recalled aa viviadly ax
possible. Let our old men aud
women live over the early days
once more.
Tho u vi,,,,i' 'f having a raiirotul
to the tall Umber at Falls City if
. well illustrated thia week in our
city. The large saw mill, with half
million feet of lumber ordered
ahead, and a oerU'n demand for
m much more was out of logs. Tbe
men were idle for a day or two,
and building operations were re
tarded that much. Uow much
better if every day from five to six
train loads of logs could be brought
into towu. , We need a better lum
ber supply here and the people of
Falls City are ausious for an out
fit Surely many months cannot
elapse ere we have ft railroad to the
timber in those moantaius.
rurlland has had a recount and
now claims a gain of uearly 15,000
over the former count 8alem has
had a recount and Instead of ouly
8000 has over 10,000 population.
The errors of the census are mani
fest In Polk county a population
Is given us of 7800, and yet Supt.
Reynolds reports 2993 whool chil
dren in the couuty which is only
seven less than 3000. At aneati
mate of five inhabitants to caeh
school ebild. we have 15,000 or an
estimate of four, we have 12,000, or
an estimate of three we have 9000.
and yet we are given only 780).
We are right iu demaudingare
count of the whole county. An la
justice has been done us. Either
the report is incorrect or else the
count. Which do our readers think
Is the most like'r, judgi g by o
Luid and tfalem'a rocouuil
The last issue of the Dallas Ob
trrver publishes an affidavit signed
by Judge J. Stouffer and Mr. J. J.
Williams which states that Mr.
Ihiumj Simpwn was prewmt when
Mr W. C. Brown made his pro
oosition to build the walls of a coon
house at Dallas. According to th
..t..,.,t made bv the Obterver
the West Side has been very much
in error, and so the Obterver feels
justified in calling the West Side
"a malicious liar." w nue me
Wkht Side will admit that it was
mistaken in regard to some of the
facts in the case, yet when all the
facta are stated, which the Obterver
did nofcf it will be seen that we are
nnt. ho fur wroue after all.' On the
mnrnlnir of Aucr. 6th Mr. Brown
made a proposition which was hau
ded to the conrt of Polk county as
stated and Mr. Simpson wat pres
.nt. but no action was taken on
the proposition; but In the after'
noon it was brought up again dur
ing bis ttbuencc, and it was then
Miat, Hon. B. F. McLench asked
that it be laid on tho table or post
poned until the next term of court
in order that Mr. Simpson migb.
h there to discuss it We made a
mistake on a technicality but in
the main issue were correct Mr.
Simpson was not present Why
the proposition was not acted upon
in the morning while Mr. Simpson
was there) or why it was brough
up in the afternoon while Mr. Simp-
unn was absent we know not. We
were not present at the time and
our information comes from second
hands; but this is the way it h
given us, and wo believe our in
forraants are reliable
J, E. Miller and F. 8. Barzce will
Hell at public auction one ni lie went of
Monmonth nt the renldence or ts.
Barzee, aatotdc of farming Implement
. and bouaehold goods Sept. 26th.
J. F. CDonnell ha added to his
already large and increasing buaiueami
tin ehop, whore he will be prepared to
do all klndu of work on ahnrt notice
Bring in your old tlu ware and have II
flxedgoodaenew foralmoHt nothing. '
Y4gn and butter wanted at H. 4 W.
ii ; ' ' I' mmryaa
Om ftMl la WtUh WMUtt aUllreadi
At tm Am 4 f Bastora Llaaa There
U Chart M Thele aad hi
Are Try C IwrUkt..
Wttttra rallroada havt a kind of ear
which It not teen on any of tht principal
astern line. It is tho recliulng chair
can not tht kind that the Pullman tuxt
Wagner companies tnaltt and charire an
eitrn tar fur tht im of, bat a ear that
will hoM alwoet aatnauv pasawujvr a
th ordinary oar, and that hat ehain In
stead of the ordinary teata No Mtra
chirgt is mailt (or traveling ta then
Almost all th railroad running out
of CUioago, St Pan), St Uula aud other
western ottiat nut one of tUoaa oara on
my passenger train Th can arc fa
miliar anough to western people, who
havt btta awustouiwl to them for years,
but aomahow none of Uuau hava gut east.
Inside tht ear there ta a center alslt,
Juat aa than ta in Pullman and ordinary
passenger can. On won aid of tut
aid an tha ohairt, two abreast. Tbov
an at anything Uka tur ohatra, only
thity an of Iron, coahtooed and longr,
and bar a amall pillow at tha top.
They an alao non rwadily adjnitd
than itMunar chain, and can ba turnad,
ratird or iowtnd by a ttmpla cog ar
rangmiMt. coMromsui locmors.
When a paatengor wauta to att op
atraight and nad, ba baa tha portar of
tht car pg tha chair np to any halgbt or
angla that ha wlahaa, Wbi-n ba wanta
to alocp ba Iota tha back of tha chair
down and prop tha pillow nudar bli
baad., K.n iin.i.M
f.xt mL which niir U f.J.lnd undr.
naad aa a atool, or put np on a leva! with
tha aoat, 10 that when tha back of tht
chair ta lowtrtd it inakta a couch mora
comfortable than many lonngaa. When
tha chain an lowered they cannot bt
turned readily ou aceonnt of tit lack of
apact, but when they an np they turn
pretty freely.
These chairs in many ways an prefer
able to tlie ordinary chain that tha Pull-
Hi.ll .11,1 titluMP HviiiluuiiM. Fui-ni.h. (hi
can aleep tu them with aume degrea of '
omfort, which la mon than moet peo
pit can do in tht Pullman chair. An-
other advantaga which appeala to the
nubi a ia that then la no charm nude
for them, and that tht portar la forbid
den to mike any charge, tf bt dues any
txtn avrrict for tbt paaeengen ba ia
willing to receive a tip for it bnt tea
oenta la a naaonablt tip. and fifteen
centa ia a iavfeh tip, where twenty-five
and fifty centa an tht ourreepoadlng
ami on a Pullman or a Wagner car.
Thcat can bare a tinoking room, nut
aa gorgeona aa tht parlor can, but a
very comfortable room. Tht aetata an
covered with leather inatead of pluah,
and the wood flnlah la plain Iwtead of
elaborate. Tbt can an for all panwin
gen, bnt In a certain order of preference.
They an ftnt for women, after that for
men who an going tome dutance, and
then for paaeengen who an going over
a divtidoo, A paaienger who ia going
only twenty-five or fifty milee it not al
lowed to tide In a chair car if then an
other paeewgen who an going to ride
longer dirtanoee.
Tbt principal trains on tht weatern
roada an ran at night The road to St.
Pant, Minora poll. 81 Louie. Kannai
City and Uinaha ont of Chicago atari
their Important traiue in the evening;
and bring them to their deatination in
the morning So it f with tht return
traina. Then are eevcij roada between
tbeae placea, and they an competing
roada, not clotely pooled aa in the taut.
Tbe average rata of tramportation ia
lower, and tht regard for the pnaetignr
and bit comfort ia greater than on evt- j
era roada, when then ia no competition. 1
Chair can an pnt on tbett night trai ua
.. ..r . .. , ,
aaweu aa on tot nay muni, in oraer
that pMwngen who will not pay P fur
- V...-TT- - -i ... i. . T. ...
mm as .11 -lk. I
Thla divtdea tht paaaengen into three
claieea the paaeengen who pay extra fur
their accommodation, tht chair car pat
aengen and tht ordinary car paiaengera,
The ordinary can an not aa good at tha
ordinary can on tbt taatern expreat
traina. but they an good tnongb per
ha pa Tbt employee an alao mon civil,
and will givt information la a mon
pleaaant way. New York Sua
Wliea a ataa Apaeara a reek
How foollah a man appean when ht
it arguing with a railroad company
about aomething that cannot bt helped,
Vrmtm tnifani. Iia Iibm flnrliBHM.1 a llrWuft
to, lay. New York. Ha intend to travel
at night comfortably in a lower berth
on a Pullman palace sleeping car. He
atep jauntily np to tht window of tht
Pullman olUct and aay. In an offhand 1
way, "Uivt me a lower bertti on the 7:10
for New York," aa ha lay down a five
dollar bill "Haven't a berth left, air."
"Whatr It ia itnpoaalblt to deecribt
tht awful tmphaeta witb which thla
tnonoiyllable ia thundered forth, but wt
hava all heard it and know how it
Then follow a long tirade by tht
traveler, who cannot nndentand why
aome ont ia not to bt turned out of tht
berth ht hat paid for to make room for !
the lata oomtr; why than art not mon
berth in a car; why then an not more
deepen on tht train, and, above all,
why tbt Imperturbable clerk in tht
ticket office doe not bold a conferenct
on tht instant with the superintendent
of tht Pittabnrg division of tht railroad
to "fix it to that he can get a berth."
Then an experiences of thla kind for
the clerks every day, especially during
tht busy season. This is tht reason they
an not disturbed each time tht Inevi
table too-late man comas foaming up to
tht window. And then tht tnc-iutt man
who will not accept tht inevitable
always looks such a fooL Pittsburg
Aa Acidemia Jake.
Census Enumerator How many chil
dren have yon?
Lady Two.
Enumerator What is tht agt of tht
Lady I have no oldest.
Enumerator Well, of tht youngest
then? ,
Lady I havt no youngest
Enumerator What then? Art they
Enumerator I k these questions of
ficially and must have a correct answer.
Lady Before I waa married I was a
school teacher, and I taught pupils that
tht superlative degree should not be used
In comparing two thing. I practlct
what I taught. My older child is 10 and
my younger ont 6. Journal of Educa-
if from Obiervatloa.
Stranger (stealthily slipping into the
store)! notice, Mr. Mudd, that you
havt discontinued yonr advertisement in
tht local papers, and I've called to-
Merchant Mudd Yet: i t mad up
my mind that advertising doesn't pay, so
you needn't waste any
Stranger am ro not an aaverostng
solicitor. My name ia Taacott, and I
would like to get a job to work for you.
Chicago Time . -
Hirtare, Stoves, Tinware,
f ) -j FOedvi-s, tMltlvutoiu,
t T i - i i iummiiiiMi .-in ihiii ' ' Q
Zw Iff 1:
Mgm : if!
o: .
W Ml Milk
attkucaa a a Tcaihr. ,
AO flta clrcnuuUuoe ttf lif art in
toma .jrt adacativa. Health aud liapi'l
na bava tliotr Iwm yf artlva duty to
twu'lt u if wa will reeela It, and ao,
IlKowiw, nava pain,
t, bava patn, ana ml-
furtun. aa IntDiy UU4 by Mr. Bour
geon, purpwm of eomvtlon, a chaateu.
ing and tncllowlng tnlluenra within
(Horn. With aema natunw and inotHt
(irrhapa it la olhorwlw. TUa lmrpna ;
of tha atroka Umchra no mi'iitn) uprtng
but that of telf e(nnrn, but bora ajialu
it ta tha wIm who learna. Kr him Utm
IU, ftr inch thi-y ll rinln, r nlno
Uta arnla of nynipatliy wtlb otliont In
Ilka trouble. It be I tkrmiKh any fnlt
ma own ammniame mr town, wry
9 linc M' riptnn tht
f"m !"' lrvtat on
behalf of nmlfu a-lf control, which bt
wiuwuww wk ""'.
thenfore, Uinn aa apparent tendency to
tneticiam in thla doctrine of dim-lpUuary
Uf counw, it does not follow that the
proeparotii and tlie lulthy nuut at tome t
time nndt'rgo thla training by reverM.
Tbe Mint Uemui of paUnoa, fulluw fettl-,
Ing and aelf rwtrnltit can 1 Imrnetl iu ':
othi-r way, and it I quite certnln that
tho daily round and tnok abound In -
portuniiiea for inch wbolrwmra inmio- j
lion. Wa are alike iuatitltHl. tlurifor. I
ia ailmlttlng for thla purpoee Hmfro-I
qnent utility of pain, and in ewklng, to
tht beat of our aimity, to limit and to;
deetroy by aultable rcmrtlu the influ
enre of thla othvrwUe Iwmh hnd hurtful
Initrnctor. tlitltb of mind aud body
and well Uing of ette an alone cm-1
tiitent with M-rfact life aa orili-rvd by
natun't plan aud the divine will, aud
every purpoea of training ii compatible
with their full povnwlju and thulr
proper ne. 1-auivt .
Trying la Meke tfelr (irow.
Mr. IVnry Ctewi rvlntud how bt be.
rniut bald. "BnMiiPw ovurtoub nie, he
aald. "when I wai quite a young umn.
I began to notlre that the hnlr waa ieav
ing the top tif my hoad with uiilutppy
haute, (hie tiny 1 niioke
, waa ei,n-
ut ail niontha,
about it lie mid the romix
pit ettongh. All Umt waa
waa that the top of my bead
thaveil regularly for about
I could wrar a touiiee, or half wig,
and nobody would be the wlwr, and at
tht end of tlx month my hair would
come out itniiiir and alwava remain ao. t
, . . . .
' "W"t and aeked hlra if
he could prcacribe a cure for baldneea,
lit, too, adviaed aliaving the head. That
wm wceedingly cheering.
Two men of
tcience hartnouiied.
"1 bought a tonpet of the wigtunker.
I remember that I paid 30 for it. Then
1 had my head ihaved twlct a weok
regularly. (Jivaidonal eiamlnatlon of
tht top of my heail wen not very en
couraging. But thinking that all would
bt well in time I persevered. At tht
end of six month I waa forced to con
fee that 1 had k-M lintr than K'foru.
Indeed then waa no hair at all on the
top of my head. Wearing the tonpvt
bad kept out the air and klllvd the
root. 1 threw the titipoe away and
philosophic ally accepted my fate. "New
York Timet.
Revere of Fmnrh Nablnman.
Bad have been tht reverai of tht
rch hillty ilnce Edmand Bnrkt
penned hit uplendid eulogy. According
to M. Leecnre a grandinin of thnt aame
Marquis d'Hautoroche who chivalroutly
requested the Engliah troops at the battle
of Fonteiioy to "fire Brat" endtid his days
as a common policeman. Hndder still,
from the point of view of the atnatenn
of "bint blood," one of the noble family
of Bubou de la Bourdaislen ia now a
washerwoman. Representative of other i
noble families equally famous in their I
r9' r wre, according to the same
authority, occupying the bumble post
tious of gamekeeper, enrpeuter's appren
tice, houne painter, cab driver, millur'ji
assistant, lnultepr, conductor of mi
omnibus, box ojiener at a tbeutre. gus
man, bathing man, makor of mousotntpi.
chorus singer at the opera, and wood'
man, while one, who is a great grand
cousin of the illuitrlous Cardinal de HvVi.
unites in his own person the lowly offices
of grave dlggxr and village flddlor. Lon
don News.
A Vine rr.nldont HMiik.
When llanniljul Hamlin was vice
president of the United Htntos he went
fishing in a Canadian streajn and
had struck a splendid salmon. A bout
approached in which were the Knglihli
treaty coirnnitwioiiwi. Mr. Hainliu wis
meeting the crinis with the vigor and
skill of an accomplished anglur, The
Englishmen, as their bout drew near,
saw that he was battling witb a noble
foe, When told who the gnntlomen
wore Mr. Hamlin called out, "Yon miwt
excuse ma till I land this salmon I" The
introduction was deferred for about half
an hour, when the Englishmen were able
to salute not only the vice president, bnt
tht conqueror of a kingly sulinon. Hn
decided the question of etiquette oil
hand, though it Ib to be presumed that
tht salmon would have preferred the
following of the venorablo and acenpted
rule drop everything when a caller Is
announced. bt. Louis Republic.
. peed (he Parting finest.
Landlord Better tay, Mr. Quibbs.
All tht big bngsll be hen next month.
Resorterl here's a good many her
now. That why I thought I'd go.-
Petroit Fret Press.
, A BtvfUrp Eduoatlun,
Proud Mother At last, my dear, your
education is finished, and you hare di
plomat from the highest seats of learn
ing in the world.
Cultured Ouughtcr(wearily) Yes, and
now I'm too old to marry, New York
tltu pluco to buy your
Hh, M M as
UuggieM, Ciirriiy. (,'urts,
Klj, ' I8 ui
rnil" .A I -5- MAY
(!',! II W Uu.'l Ihul J'.'U H'l 8't 1
Ui. H CUheclcp's Store,
THE I'f 't KI
M . t t-.,.tl
Canute, vigan, jmim, ntia
Smcker't .irtlelt. Cuthry,
Fishing Taokh, Urn
l'lao$ and Organs,
GEO. SKINNER, Proprietor. -
Tlni-c Milk ini lniilii.nt' will iM'jiu n i if .m- att-mf 0m- !! M tl
N'uVfinlN r, ISSMVnnd will lh'u ln
IM.i i.f flt'!tHl tlifi'ttlilt th'
fi.til tin- Kli'vuttii' li ti.nn.Vl.'d IiimI n ,:i I
niiit'lmU'M- Iutis iiml llniii' in hiiiut'
it now ar eoATUNO, oataoN
J iifrWfc? 4 S
roit thok wnii mint !( hi. t riit rtu
III THK KM H 11V ll.l.TUir Wil t UlVg I
umrmijumi aniKf txo
Tht mont si,-ly. uitie and perm. ;
ncnt cure Corlalarrli ol tii? lli., Amhmn, '
and all Throat, llrout'liial, Lui'K. Heart,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney Afl'rction, '
Nervoii Ikliility, ttc, Cciisuiiiplioii, in ,
it viriom stuL'rn, iirmijirntly cured.
Da. AnoaN's original nwr! of tit-aline ut ,
and hi il it Ua!i.iioiiH tivti in
taiitaneoui rvli.-f, buii.ln up aii.1 revitnl-
irvt tht whole ronHlllutimi and lyitcill,
thurchy pmlonijiiij; lift-, Wiak, nervous,
debititnted ami broktn-ilown constitu
tions, old mid youn', invariably pitn from
ten to thirty poumU in Inmi thirty to
ninety days.
Da. AnoKN'u ptirtunueniil :iklll aud mar
veloui cures have created the grcuU-nt
mlouisliuicnt on the I'mitio Count and
throughout the Aini'ili on coutiurnt, dur
ing the pnt twenty live yearn. Athma,
Catarrh of the Head, and nil ThrontMlron
chlal tint Lung trouble 'iislnntly relieved,
aud Deafness oAen cured prrmanetitly at
first consultation. 1h. AlinitN'K puny on
the "Curability of Consumption," and a
treatise on "Calnrrh of the Head,"
with evidence of mine extraordinary
cures, mailed free. Call or address j
reartk ss Horrlmi Mi., ForUaas, Ors,
Nora Horn treatment, Hmrtly packcil, mi by
Siprau to .11 nurt. at tht Pufic Coul, loi Uwm who
Cuuol powlbfy 611 In proa.
Fair's 6o!iefl fomala Tills.
fur Fpiiinl Iifiyil.r i
lllt; i.u ni"" liki'Mmn I
on t.m iiiRrkrt, A'.-ii i
fufi. K't ry(..tiilij ri'l
JV It .illlilll'tll hi III-.
tiiimilily. liMiimtiH'C'l
to rgllin'tt n ,),tr ..vd
Dmi't be Inmib'iKKwt.
Bnvti Time. Ili'll!i,
iiiuinoin)) 'itdkaiiuuth
er. Hrnt In snv nli1rai,
dixi-jre hv mi l ,i i
Ail Irum,
WOKtorn Uranch, Box 37. 1'O KTI.A M U, r If
Koranlu li IliwiiiiM liclti'.
l lio Ki'hi ut! (if lliiiln PuNhn.
Owlnjr to n di'lu.v III the mulls on the
Uuigiigiiuiil Mlmwii Noi'llit'i'il rnllrniid
the fuliniviiig from IJ)V Afiicnn coi'.
riisiiniiiliint hitfi juit I'oiiio lo liitud. It
In, liotttn't?r, tliolli'nt iiiitlioniio report
uf (lie niioliur of Kiuln iiml Stunlev.
Mr, ISiuiili'y : Hpjii'oiinlii'd Ku'iin'H
liL'iuhjiliu'lcr.'i itlionl !) n'clut-k Iu the uf;
ttiriionii, soflly vvliiHtllng ' Lilllii Anulii
Hobimy," 'Hit nipped nt th tloor tf
Kmlu's titut.iiuij Kmln liinst'lf iiiiswered
Hie "iiiiinions.
"How tin von do, RimuP'' said Slan
ley. . -
"I hug- your pardon," mild Einln.
'Yon have tlio ndvunlitgH of inn."
"I am llotir.v M. Wliinlny "' "
' "I don't cure. I don't want any
Milni-riiilloii liookn, and ivml 'The
Dui'k CihiiIiiuii).' ii t)tig tlnio ii:ii."
; "Hut 1 have uoiuu tt) I'us.cm1 von."
"I don't want to bo rcuciKiil,
'YVhII, you've (jito be I't'st'iicd, Put
in your pout and come tilting." Life,
A t'lm in plot) Ti n in p,
A ' slinmnukflr iiiiiiin l Folk-oi who
belongs to rot'tliuiil, Mi)., ll tho oliui
piini I i-it in j. Il Im.nt.H ih it lio litis
li'iivideil iii.O'K) iuilt ii your for I mi
yen is on ruiu'oudti und busuuvor paid
I oeut of fare,
M J..5r;iiii(iK;i!i i z '
: " : ' .
U 1 X ,
fe, Drills,
fBj,'i'iiH, Clc,
fblhj d km
i..,J. fl ;., ,.k
iwwu, una, """'!,, .
Ihril Vti(fniid
jura fieeti, i
HUl Goudt, Toy, a pom,
raring .ucuiuna ana i.xuai, r.r.
; i.
Roller Mil
jir"iMU'l U 1 it ! 'rt
will Im ili-livi r
l 1,1
M.ll 1I--1
Lewis Kelso,
tiKAtrtt IN
I) r vnti (I Kfiney (lootls
ladles and Gents Fur-. !
- - ' . a, ' 5
Boots aud 1 Shoes
In tin Ciiy
i Ml
Kiiop YourEyy of
tt" ...
Boot i.i nd
I "ii" S:?t -Sm
TorirrnitFii'N. tho ni lli'lii" mit
h iimrw limn u ,,;lw. I jlm i.ii
niBMHIll, ll IIIII-.4. Ct.Mli.lil
Tonic, Alterative, urd
Cathnrtb Proportisg.
Tlltl' I'lllll Mtm!) l(.n,. qi.HlUlv Iu
an iiiIumiii iIvkpvo, unt
Spoodily Kestore
lo th lienvU (lii-lr i.nftiil firlllite
uulluii, ao vnkiHiiiKi lo rcuulurily. ,
old Evoryvrkero.
Hon.tid Itul-
ii r I Ii . I
ifrcatrst of
Novelist, and he
neve nk k'e inure
Irulv. mid be miLht
have addud .with cijiuil fan's, tlml 'merit
lis the .ecsenre of-gucHsw.' -Wisdmn'i
- Kobenine is the svnoiitnof merit, ami
it history is siicresv The magical cf
frets of this preps ti.m huve been attest
td by .th'iiisauils ol th.-' tailing IiuUcm of
society iiml the tttuue, It islheotilv srti
cle ever dint ti 'cre'l which gives a AWr
nnnd lu aiilifid lint lo ilw cotnplexioti
st ti e simiB time ivnti' nil ronghnes
of the face end iinns uud leaving the
ultlti soft, smooth mid velvesv. II hn
'.UK been tln study of clumfsts to pni
iee sn nrlli le (hut while It wi-nld bean
. 'V Die complex Ion would also liuve tbi
-til of bring liarm'ett, but tl ese tvi
'flu 1. 1 q' si
" !'l ,
t;cs were never
3 C ;
. P, Irvine, cutler, ', Choice Watt
cajwtaaty on hand. - Davidta-' Brick,
, '.' r'?:'"-r, ;: .''
ninenro with tntuni
.m,.H n lull twpc
ipuit tfiuvht Willi, fl"'i Om (-8ii ef Mcli
I liijn rlli Willi I"W lM.lliill'Pl"ll '''I't!'
,.! i. ii. uiiin.4 uy A. f;- i iw
NT l
i.vij Wmiirtfl -iNii4o la LMnirfiir;
. 1 tl k,A.
Hirfl wn.v mm w.i T
fm wmfiil. Hi all Ha nwlaJ '". UH
tuumt l.'Hi of 0 wownauiia in
nl run U t"Oa
aiui a nii in
iiml IWU'l.MliU. lu-r. txwm
nil, an.) )iiiilri iimrni. it w '"""
... iu.w. . M,M. iM.kii Almmmm. lor l
m ri "mMi.-U'l"!, " umui-f tmld fw M
i)f iv(uiiilil, tkiM by lfWtlll.
Cvirriiii. ihm. IT Wmk' tta Mio, aara.
rn.i Urn "tl i'. . H" buW king
e'uJiM'. tv tout, br ituixv-
1't.t-i h'l'y Sunt' u"i
! " Kriim tMH. will lw ImiIi-iI'H',i "'
; miI e iiiimH li'-Hl"!. I mi i-ti'ifi'i
s nil rt.u iUMii e Ml. iiryua oil iin'MH
I iltl'l H V ,V ,11 ,.
1 -
p P) nil! TA f) fl P T I
i ii iv m- (x i i i r, ii i r
Mr. SI. II. Il.-iftrtr-kw I'net (lliir.'i'i'f 'hi'
n ".ii ai Aiii.Hi'lrtl ... Umm iuiar.n l
futiil'b jiHtittinMt ilwmnitiii hniil i
Hum. 'llill.v u. luru a 11 ll lilm. a "' IWIII"
ti.-. fw l.mi.lilii t eiiitii. iH-pj-rtilnipi ehi'Pieo
at lit aBiiufi, sr . l
rc -ns September 12, 1890.
I i!'!: 1 l l lV iisiiili.ifil www.v I"
I l(j- tix-'lt IMI', rMiHIIW MHU .'I
U,b,.t.4l l..frn-IKl,r IhAMtuI.
- 4 rv. I " iu.hM .. u4 Wrl.VtoMIll
ti.ll.iH.V. tli B I III iW 1 IH-Hllll III H I'lllll'
n ! iui. I I,iI-iiii i-iiiii iinllv, eoaolteiil
h. iimi!vl III llii- :'.
"Hewso NJNj Cjtettt: $150 fo
, - the EaUrt bttaion.
t w.. ui""' I n Hi Niiarhrf front ery
...Mill), n H'i ii ir i uim"u m
iM. Ii-' i-i.Mt ,,firvlU,0r.
Til Merki-l iian KrnrlM,
. A'l'iU ! ociiii.
i l.i unit It-urn Imw lo avolil
I i iitmullHlltin and
iriuiiui Ml ir-i'm 'iixll) iir b li'l-
inii u"rmHl"rn.- "f wntmi
H.ku.Hllliikll JtMIUWKOflll'B
m'ihI f"f U-mk. I runic uHlue
111 i limy 41. I oiKuliuu.-n n.
... nrnt iv tur. vm.i.
lw-ier n- v ,,'h
l,ri.. K.
I-Xif M I I l K K.
v:l MtfBTrtwwKitrat.ty. tyr
fji"kl tniii"
I Want to Dic'ke
Trade, Stvap, A
rrom Just one. Tur
nip tolthe whole
' of your Crop. 1
Wln'ii yon luivn iiii'vUi i wll,
mill tiiisl not) T!. A k.
tit --ntjs "
.When i you wnnt to
tet tho IxW
'I cllt'ilJMSl
(ir octjiifs, mill am
D. Irvine!
- If you want U r Uiv I'i ic.-.s
ll. kinil.-i of (iiwoi'itv, cull mill m',
J. D. Irvine,
And of ivuvA Il will convinci
ii liv Ins
cotntfi us (mttnici.i
ytm cnii tin
bt'tfi-i' with liiti
!U.ili!,Votio elfio,
Fine Wines, Liquors
IVhiteaken Brick,
-JiSMTt P -tj"-".
I I LLiijW-Vi
Ltv Mimm
Recognising the fact that this Fall Trade
promises to be largcr.than ever, and in order
to meet an active demand, hae ordered
ol Goods, which they are unpacking.
.They; have Jhe;.1 Largest Stcxk of Gools in
Polk County, and their Prices will be the
Lowest of any firm in the County. They
mean' what they say and a visit to their store
will convince any one.
School Book;
i n
. -
riu Vnlilic in Mtwl Coitliully IuvHihI tu Call uml Prii Our Latest
Si-li-ctwl StiK-k of Writing htiHira, Tublutis IViw, Iul,
' J"l'f-t ff.'. iw All thr Bc-hiMil nHika hi
Um in tin' Tulilic Si hiaik
pi.SO'dWialDVX)RCATARRH.-Btat Caaitat
x to use. CheatMttL Klif k imn.i;.u a i.
eertala PorUolJin Um
1 1 nnttnent. of
by niaiL , Addrtaa, K
a. rawcorr.
I r" I 1 m"Tawaai-TaaaB as
..' J Tk " - v- - v . v
1 I u
Prescott & Veness,
r , riortirroM or i . i . . . . , .
Independence Saai mill.
AllSrm JiMMI lll:-:', .
KairrractrKtM or ako nuim in
Im. A. Wiit(i.ta, Munir.
' """r' .. .
A '1
Sash, l)(K)feiiK!ai!!f;aurlngC(),
HVli In mil npm)lon Kinrlexan Dry Klla
-"'"wprepar.,Bll a.i
MttailMimllteanaiidBrln-a.a.; iun.,1.
'f,m",,MrncrTnd and Illfh strNtu, isle
oOo -
Shelly & Vaoduyn,
sale ly-
Hand it hat no equal
.MwM . v m , v tm
hih m amll nai.i. !. t..i
T. lUajXTwi7w-rn, I'a.
Iailiiuniliinji riMViin.
: t i'i i
and everal i
.,,.) ,..r ,'HZ.tV
ilv n and dollars worth of ntjt
Ontom solicited
wal eu.U'insni r
....":. : ' ' "W,,,n "" "P
. ( i. , (,