WEST SIDE SUPPLEMENT. Indndnc, Or., August 22, 1890. J D IrviflB m't ' 1 Want to Dicker, Trade, Swap, From just one Tur nip to the whole of your Crop. Yt.': you ksve niiUi:iiff to sell, rati iui'1 w J. D. Irvine. When yon want to get the Ut un I -hcsiet (iroceiios, mill mnl Ire Cream 13 eeuts, Itmml .1.50 per week. Min 8t Imlenemlom-e. H. M. LINES, Funeral Director A AN "p." ' Oregon State Fair, IN. UNDERTAKER! J. S. Irvine, The Htono walk which ha been iu coiwtruction theptwt wk waIliiihed Saturday. It i a line piece of work, and give the city a metropolitan air. (1. V. Krtilth, of WalUburg, Wah., arrived here Saturday. Mr. Hruitli and hi daughter, FJIn, who hn l-eii visit ing in Independenco for hoiho week took tho overland train for Han Fran el jo Sunday evening, via Salem. Mlm Kllu Smith Intend entering tho art wliool of that place. The eight annual catalogue of the Oregon State Normal m-houl Is before u. Prof. J. L Dunn In the new prof tusor, of Mathcmatle and Physic. Tim prowpecta for the coming year are more fluttering than ever, and the light expeiim f I""-'' tuition prove a drawing card. Kail term ..peiw Hept. 23 WW, -'t'ltlrtleUi AiiikmI Kliitllhii. I'mli-r Hi itiMtiiigfimtit ft (In-rlrin hl.i(,' l(.nr4 of Ar!i'Ullr. mil I Itiiilmt !! iuiv (lr uniuiiit iimo xli-nt, iimmwlim Monday, Sept. 15th . And Imihm im wl, -" J. D. Irvine. If yo:i wiuit to get Low Prices on all kin is of Groeeries, cull anil see J. D. Irvine, And of course ho w ill convince you by bin toiiiteon. t real incut, th.it you chihIu better with liim tlnin anyone else. CASH P3EMIUMS oiteml (Mfrirulliinil, ii-wH ami uim-Iiii-Iral rithtbti, t.r wirkmif rt will ftum" wink Bint Pt trll i.f lU'dllMUl tut T frtVKUll flrll'l ' till lrii.irlu.loi) line In mil rr..iu Mir Inlr. t i -pnrtnut lii!niH nl hum Io n nimln ui'ii the urniiin'' mnl lm t, , ftullluriti(. fwwit rtblMtur. Tha PaviHicn Will be Open Ftfur Night During th. Wttk. A oi'lrmllit Bcliliif li rM jiniin l In Hip wtl rti jmrlmi'iil. anil line lilWHtmif rsi i'Iiii! will Iwgivru "it'll ituy. Kill rtii lt premium will t !" Mmiil'iy nl 7 4) p. in. Ksuilh"r aw noil ( iiuikf ninny nl Ihrlr i-illrl'-. un Hnliinliiir Iwf iro Hi ftlr m innwHilw. li tU, uiiltimW levl ativUn fur ftliibluim mini lw In Uictr tmv tijr l i. m. mi S!nmlit I'ltlCM OK AttVtNHliiX; , . Vr MMi'mlny llrM . ., ,.... W Stun' itntMia IU hf I . ...ISUu WlitllMl'l iH) U'-lo1 .. .,. I Hi H nd In wrwturjf t t"'rtlii l. Onu m. fur B irt'li:lilni H-t. i. II. UMiMKV, I'rv.liUuil. J. T. OHK.uil. Htvri'inrjr. TEACHER'S EXAMINATION, NdTK'K U lii-Miy Klvim Iiml piimiiiMi.'lii nn WwliKiiiliiy, Aug. 27, 1890, it"' qmirtprly (nihlli' (niiilimtlim of Tnwlii'r'a fur Polk Cnm!y will bt' lil'I In tltiixirt hint l ibII. All iiihiIIiumU nm rxwi'tint In ! iirewnt t IIiciiii-iiIiii( wmIimi, V. f. KKYNOl.tm, H-IiiiI Kuil, nl I'ullt I'n. The eleetrle llghin ut Dnlbw nm nut t unning on account of tho ftcurolty of water mid a Mteuiu eiiijliiii will lie required. Work on lite tram way liiw ijpiwud owing to troiililc over a right of way. ( The immeof K. L. Much, who found the money In a handkerchief luat week nhoittd have lieon F. A. Link, of Inde pendence. Liwr of money will he governed accordingly. Mr. F. A. Link liiHtead of Much mined nearly 40 bunheln of wheat to the acre on wveiity acre. r f A full nintcoiiii('t,. tinu of I u nernl jjoihIh Mlwny m Iwtnl. Wlltnil ATTIIKSAI.fv fASSHIiV, llru.l.lmw and fuliimhiit pliiiiin nt tl jn-r biiiidnil, other pliiiim titmlly goosl at the Mime prlir. The large tire'ii ()nKt at ",i rem tfl nr bun lret. t'rutte. II. r p.-r biindrtnl. Ai'plen.Wwiltii x r hundred. Any kind of HppltK wilt do they r larg ctiiiugb tu tl. Itiirllett nr II p-r bliliilreil, other nnrn, priif an to iimlity. NEW FIRM. They nay a new broom wefNi eleaii, iiml 1 1) 1 ini'iim to In- I lie rule with Kome, for around at lli uoi r A v'rAveu'n liiriii-v hup ii eunplete rvuovatlon limy I noikitl. The line barium l liiHtlly displayed in the nloie, the Kid dle mid bridle mv In pluiu night mi the left, nild other boixi flirnlnhliig goml on the right. Cori'lnue rube lire KUttiHMtikKl on wire and borx collar are hung along (lie wall. J lame hardware in mutly liclved and the tioveltie are In lioweae. Their tow pfwuf n very nit uppertMiuv and the Imy Intend keeping tlrnl-clii good and pteuKlng their etidtoliieix If poMlble. - It I exiKsMed that the InileiH'iidemv Mouuiotith motor line will lw ready to operate Saturday morning mid the company proii to open It two ear and give everybody U five ride to Monmouth mill return Kuturdiiy morn lug. IteinemlMT it I S.iturday morn ing only. The regular "fart?" on t!u Mad hit been place atttliu low rate of live cent each way. ('oiiiiiienilng Saturday afternoon fair will lie col lected. Train will run all day Sun day. A tramp came liilde tin motor en gine a far a Portland, tin had it nice cozy place to liiep, bettor than riding on the brake. The conlract ha been let to Hutch In & .biekmiti to coimlruct an Iron roundliouxe for llio Motor Itullwav Co. HnxOO feet. Work lia already c.hii-ineiiwd.