The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 18, 1890, Image 3

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    .. ,.. ....... V-
FRIDAY. IDW la, 1000.
IWutlful tmtlwr.
HeoU Laughary l In town.
Wt need a telephone system.
The weddlug neit Wsxlnswlay.
V uvwi Bunrt dwelling hiHtwa,
K kmo to tout. Inquire at WiatrStKK
vhKMiiwia M Having a mw
wIr built.
Miss Kssis Tt.m iuit tfttmlsy at
MIm L. Join, of lVrtUnJ, h visiting
u Auna Mtooktnu.
J. M. VsikIu) Vs rwliK'iiov has two
wlntrU to two suadoa.
(k wood, ftmr foot kitgtha, wauled
at the Wbw 8ii offli.
Mr.W. Q, Cook's mother and sister
at Mtmnioutti an quit alok.
Tht wuHMit foundation la laid for the
ImWpeuoVnoa Natloual bank.
MbM Carrie 8hang.a, of MCoyt la
visiting Mum Julia Lookt of thla oily.
Mix Wm. Kelly la Waiting Mr.
ItjMera family below town thla wwk
Cuilahay'a Hn. cvMtraUM Crwuu
oily Imuw, rr tale by Henkle A V1
Mrs. T. W. Estse and family will
spend a few weeks rustlvatlog at tha
I'piwr 8oda spring
Tha children's nwetlng at the lUirtUt
church last Sunday waa wi-U attend!
ami vary Interesting
- On Tuesday, July 7th MIm Nsnult
Ffau and Mr. Ch. Stum.t, of Dixie,
were united In marriage.
Mra. Johusou, nmthur of Mix R
Morris, returned to her home at Mo
Mlnuvltl on Wednesday.
Mr. II II. Jaaperaou waa in receipt
of a asA-ly bicycle ou Tuesday. He will
uow ride home to hU meals.
J. H. Collins will toon erect a wlud
mill near hU rvaldeuve and carry water
through hla bouse and to hl garden.
The dyuamo for the electric lights la
expected during August and the light
are to be In oH'ratlon by 8tptember
Mr II. A. Jomm, a veteriuary surgeon,
aitnotimx this week that be will be in
Imh-peudcnce two weeks in each
We noticed an excellent picture of
Mb Nellie Hill of this city lu the
show window of a Portland gtdlery week.
Mr. J. L. Stockton recently found a
plain gld ring at his store. Owner
can obtain same by calling and de
scribing property.
Mr. John Vernon and wife spent
several days at Belkuap 8prlnga for his
health. Hiuce Mr. Vernon's return be
' has been so sick aa to remain in his
The great dvmaud for dressed lunik
at the saw mill Is too great for the
capacity of the one planer, and Wed
nesday another planer was ordered of
gmiter eapacily.
s. MiH Moggie Macaulay Wt on Tours
d.iy for Portland where she will resume
p Hition In the Good Samaritan bospl
td. Mrs. H. D. Waller will visit in
Portland with her sister. i
Miss Maud H we. of Lebanon, has
been visiting the H uneys near Moo
mouth and MIm Maud Ilonney left on
Thursday and will Visit Miss Howe at
Iy;b.inm for a few weeks.
Mr. II. HlMcbbcrg will leave soon for
Geruimy to be gone until aleut Oct
ber. We have his promise that the
AVrsrr Hidb shall receive some letters
from him, telling us about life In Ger
many i -
JuhI think of It-Polk couuty Is
wealthy enough to have one person
traveling In France, one In the East,
and soon another will be in Germany.
If you come to Polk county perhaps
you may be a traveler too.
The mun who cannot buy a witch
must indeed be "hard run" If we are to
Jude by the prices at which H. It
,1'atterson sells them. A boy who
smokes cigarettes can save enough in
Ave weeks to own a watch that will
keep very good time; and If bets a good
trader can soon own av fine silver
' Messrs. Preaeott A Veiies have a
twelve horse power stationery englue
out at their logging camp with whlcli
they draw logs to the water a distance
of about oue thousand feet by means of
a steel rope. It is a success and they
intend putting lu another soon.
It Is pleasant to be awakened about the
hour of miduiglit and hear the sweet
songs of youthful voices mingling In
the silent night. Such was our position
on Tuesday ulght when a party of
gingers favored us with some of their
best selections.
On last Friday night July 11th, the
Rotwrta warehouse at Crowley station
Was burned to the ground. The time
was 12 o'clock at night. The orlgiu of
the Are enoendiary. The building con
tained only 1000 bushels of wheat We
did not learn whether there was any
Mr. J. C. Brown living below Inde
pendence reports the bop prospects on
his place, where he has six acres, the
best he ever had. The vines this year
show nearly double the number of
arms. He estimates his crop this year
at 12,000 pounds, or an average of 2000
to the acre.
Since the contract Is let for the new
bridge muny inquires are made as to
when work will commence. Wednes
day morning we called at the saw mill
and learned that no bill had been yet
left there for the lumber. If the bridge
is to be of use this harvest, work should
be pushed at once.
The wholesale reduction of teachers
In the agricultural college at Corvallls
was somewhat of a surprise. Those
whose services were no longer wanted
on account of a leslre to reduce ex
peuscs are E Grim, of the experiment
station; E. B. Lake, botanist; W. W.
Hull, free hand drawing; P. H Irish
and E. Blglow, chemists. This leaves
eight In the faculty, and should be
enough to carry on the school. We
doubt, however, whether one hundred
and flfty students can be attended to
when the teachers are hired by the
state. That makes considerable difference.
uallaa had three ruunaway team on
Ist us keep what we have, and pi
lots more,
Mrs. A. K. Washburn was lu town
Thursday, , ,
.MlnJ.l waUr from Asia springs for
wis at Wheeler', v " t
Bids fur the new school house are to
opened next Monday. .
Why cannot we hsvs that county
fair or a county exposltlont
Moumouth Is to have ten new dwell
lum and uew grocery store.
Mrs. Lea of Albany, will almr at the
opera house Saturday ulght
Itevv Hlraehher will preach at the
Evangelical church ui xt Sunday.
A frfah lot of hew rtminm lr.l lii
ten pound cans, at lieiule A Walk-
A. It, Adklus and family are now
rusticating at IWInap springs on the
r :aKetisi. ,
W.CJ.Nesmlth, vf HlekMjdt. was In
town Thursday driving his Hue horse,
urpnan Hoy. t
I. B. Wultoom!) near D.dlaa was
presented by his wife with a fine
IS pouud boy July 8th.
J II. Haw ley, of Bethel, Frauk Hut-
ler, of Falls City, au.l Jamea Nesiulth.
of Dixie, were In town Tuesday.
tue Job work done at this oltlcels
gaining us a good reputation for prompt
and first-clans work aud fair prices.
Mr. C. U. Fauls.1 aud F. II. Hosner.
of Michigan, have beeu look I nit alsmt
and dieided to locate In Monmouth.
Itev.' Feemster will ureach In the
Presbyterian church next Sunday
morulng. A busimss meeting wlllU
held after services.
The ladles of te Kvaugclktil church
will give a concert at the oiiera house
Sntunlay evening. I'Mgraiu was re
ceived too late for publication.
If you want a line t,tt sewlmr nm-
chluefor & delivered to you illntit
from the factory call at the wtcsr Hiuk
otflce. Only one for sale Good note
taken lu payment.
Wm. M. Sterling Is lu town, having
ust completed a largeooulract palming
the roofs of the pvulteutiary at Salem
with Br proof paint.
II. Illrschberg has had a sidewalk of
planed lumber built around from the
opera house past Goodman ft IXtuty's
and back to the alley on Moumouth
street. ' . ;
A telegram received by Secretary W.
P, Counaway, of the motor railway,
Informs him that the Baldwin
locomotive work will ship the motor
next week.
Mr J. Alexander reports the yield of
grain on bis farm far above his expecta
tions. He Is now cutting his wheat.
The harvest has begun for 18iM; two
weeks later than last year.
Mr. J. C. White, of Crowley, has left
the order here for lumber with which a
abed wiU be built at the Oak Grove
school house for the u of the public
It will be built right after harvest
On Monday last Mrs S. Gel wick was
married to Mr. A. C.Harrison, a
wealthy stockmen of Colfax, where she
will make her home. The marriage
ceremony waa performed in Corvallls.
Mr. M.-A. Baker was out to the train
Wed own lay to receive his wife, daugh
ter aud sou-lu-lew from Centralis.
Wash. They will remain here with
him, he tisvlng now permanently
located, ,
A house well palnfcd will always at
tract a customer. A durable paint,
like that sold by 11. It. Patterson, la
the must- economical to buy. Heady
mixed paints can be purchased always
of the same shade which has maiiy ad
vantages over band ml xed pal u Is. Try
Patterson's paluts.
J I). Irvine, the rustling grocer, was
so unfortunate as to step on a board
conUlulug a nail on Tuesday which
entered over an Inch luto his right foot.
He now limps about aud does not want
to be "nailed" agalu.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Vanduyu return
ed to their home here on last Monday
Mrs, Vanduyu has been visiting friends
and relatives lu Fast Portland for the
past several weeks. She accompanied
her husband while on Puget Sound
and Is delighted with the city of Ta
coma. , i
The man who cures nothing alxmt
bis personal aptssarauce Is nothing
better than an Indian. New clothes
apiwracntly never are purchased
Every garment seems to have seen
months of wear Why should anyone
do this when for a small sum of money
Messrs. Johnson, Uoothliy A Co., of
Salem, will fit them out in elegant
style. If yon are in doubts about what
you want let them select for you.
Mr. L. C. Gilmore, who has been at
the City hotel for more than a week
past with bis family, has decided to
locate here aud will order his cur load
of furniture shipped to this point. He
is from Sbermuii, Texas, aud Just the
kind of a .man we' want here, being a
man of enterpise and capital. Those
who are locating here lately are of that
desirable kind.
The case of Seattle Insurance Co. vs.
it. F. Weils was tried lu superior court
at Scuttle lust week, occupying three
days time. The case was very hotly
contested as many points of law were
decided which wllf deckle subsequent
cases. This case Involved $7500 assess
ment on stock claimed by thu company
thut II. F, Wells' owned. This ease
with seueral others tried was decided
in favor of defendant.
A meeting of the citizens of Falls
Citywas held at thut place last Saturday
afternoon to talk railroad and grist
mill The meeting was quite well at
tended and those present became quite
enthusiastic from what we can glean.
From those present the railroad talked
of was a litie from that place up the Itlg
Lucklamute out toward the Silctz and
Yaqulna. Jit Is said thut an early sur
vey will probably be made over this
route. The mill question (lid not ap
pear to meet with the best approval.
Obmrvr.r. ' ; . . !
The survey of the Umatilla reserva
tion has at last been corrected, accepted
and approved by the interior depart
ment. After the Indians have been
allotted their lands in severalty the
bullunco will be appraised and ad
vertised. Any bid of less than the ap
pruiHed Vulue will not be received. The
purchaser must swear , that the land
bought is for his Own use and occu
pancy, and before receiving a title
must have resided at least one year
upon the land and have twenty-acres
under cultivation. Budget.
ran iiv sidhiihads.
Fob tjik Coast.- Next week Mis. T.
J. Iee and family, Mra. A. J, (looilmiui
aud Mrs, Hosier, will go to the Ya
qutna bay aud ssud several weeks
"down by the sounding -,"
Mi sioAt. Comcohnk. M. J. C. La
lianslcur has comKMcil eight plctn of
partly tmnd aud orchestra music. Oue of
these he has presented to the Indepen
dence ImiiuI, , The others will be sent
I'jistaud printed.
Back Aiiain.1uvIiI Gclwlek, who
left only a few weeks ago for Helena,
Moiituna, litis returned. lie says he
found It dry, hot, dusty, prices high,
aud times uo better tliaii here, itml so
he came Utck to old Polk.
CutAK lAsr,t)n Sniurduy lust Mrs.
S. M. Johnson In wsMlug from Paul
lliiiiitrautis to j. TciiieMw s, loot a
black cloth Jacket, Finder will please
return to J. Tvthcrow'e on (he Lueklu'
mute, or Mr. 11, ChflHtliiii herein In-
detsMidciice, or addnss Mm S. M.
Jolinaoti, Moumouth,
Tiik llitiimsllllllng on the
con nly bridge here was very active, no
leas than six bids having beeu received.
They were us follows: G. W. Me lire,
tt7t; It M Stone, flsT.; J. K. McCoy,
flHTOi John Teal, tlTM; lluytird
ltlmmlck, ll-sii); II. II. St, John, fintu.
The court accepted the lotivr bid.
Bksi'I.kv Thursday
morning the steamer Iteutley laid oil
hcrt for several hours while the hog
chains which had broken coming dnwu
the river, were welded. We were
favored with a visit from ('apt. Short,
Purser Powers aud Knglneer F.ppley.
The next will be (lie last trip of the
Bent ley this stasou
1X ItKM DlKlt has often beet
asserted and often dUpulinl whether
bees die when they leave their stings
after lighting, vr. J .Tetherow stales
that around his hors.i, which wan
nti'iitly stung tu death, were at least
half a bushel of bees, pMving, he
thinks, that they do die alter leaving
their stlugs
NkV Dwki.MNO, Mr. James Nea-
llllth, of Itlckreall, has let the contract
to Mr. K. S. Ilrlght, lately of California,
for building a two story dwelling on
his farm there. U will ls after the
style of the residence of J. I,. Stockton,
of this city, and will cost about fl'uti.
Alt the material, liimU'r, briek, lime,
etc., has been purchased lu tills city,
and work will l begun at iuv.
Fakkwki.i, Pamtv. On Tncsilay
evening the residence of II. Foster was
fllliHl with some thirty of our young
people who had assemllel ami given a
a surprise to Miss llattie Hayes, who
s hid departs for Southern Oregon,
The evening was delightfully sHut In
sm'lul game, refreshments were served
aud Miss Haytn was hidden gtsnl-bye.
The company llrst met st the residence
of J. L, Stockton going in a body from
there to Mr. Foster's.
Fi.niikkm Amittatki. - On Tuesday
Mr. Arl Armstrong was brought down
from Falls City for the purpose of
hsvllig the wounds dressed on bis
right hand resulting from getting It
caught and mashed lu the planer of the
Montgomery saw mill there. lr K
I. Kctchum called r. O. I). Butler to
his assistance and the forefinger wis
amputated. 1 he two others, though
badly mashed, will prolsihly be saved,
Mr. Armstrong will remain here for
several days.
Is it Fa Hi? The handsome and
popular cashier of one of our banks was
out to a party the other evening. He
was the only gentleman among twenty
nine young lailles. He was culled Umu
to Impartially lead in all the games,
Carry all the water, squccxo all the
lemons, stir all the sugar, cut all the
cake, ami escort all the young Indies to
their holm's anil he is stilt alive. He
was heard to remark the next day,
"Never had a better time lu till my
life." Itlooks liken monopoly which
seems lo lie ''all fair."
Stunk Sikkwaik. Nothing Mler
will show that our town Is amumlug
metropolitan airs than to know that by
the first of August aline cement side
walk ten fect wide will extend from
the comer of C street to the Wkht
Sjiik oflleti. Shelly A Vanduyu will
have :ftl feet; Buster & Iiis'kc, lit; Zed
Itoaendorf, ;I).J. Whlteukcr (Kelso
A Co.) 2(1; J. S. C(KiK-r (W. O.Cook,)
2(1; Geo. W. Whlteukcr, 2(1 feet and
E C. Pent land 3) feet, a total of
im feet. J. Hledceker, of Salem, has
the contract for doing the work.
PoKTiiAMi'a C'Aii Links, Portland
and I'Jit Portland are one net work of
street railroads. You can now on one
line In Portland travel ten miles for the
sum of five cents, and that ten miles
can be gone over under favorable con
ditions in one hour. The electric and
cable roads are superceding the horse
oars us they are so much more rapid In
transit. Thousands of people live one
and two miles from their places of busi
ness nml find these lines of travel re
duce the time between olllcu and homo
to u short ordinary wnlk.
Hpucial Days. Thu Kxposilion tit
Portland will take place during next
September and October. The following
are the special days; Opening day,
Sept. ffiilh; North Paclllo Press day,
Sept. 20th; ehunilier of commerce day,
27tb; snored conert, Sunday 2Hth;
poultry day, 2()th; burbequo day, 80th;
sheep and wool day, Oct, 1st; farmer's
day, 2d; railroad day, 8d; children's day,
4th; fut man's day, 7th; wedding day,
8th; Washington 'day, Dili; domestic
baking day, loth; military day, 11th;
horticultural day, 14th; Liberal Is day,
15th; ladles day, Kith; mechanics and
laborers day, 18th; baby day, 21st;
pioneer day, 22d; Portland day, 25th
which is the closing day
State Senator J. Myor, of Linn
county, president of tha Sclo bank, will
visit Independence and spend Sunday
with friends here He will he shown
the beauties of our magnificent county.
The new M. E. church at Dallas is to
be dedicated on Sunday the 27th Inst,
by Itev. S. P. Wilson, presiding elder
of Eugene district, assisted by other
ministers. Former pastors und minis
ters of adjoining charges und the public
in general ure cordially Invited to be
present and participate in the gnspul
The scfionl grounds are being fenced
by H. S. Kerr.
Haying Is In full blast und wheat Is
being cut rapidly. ,' ,
Mrs. Fiiqua Is at thu teacher's meet
ing at Moumouth this week,
Charles llerrou Is running llrst
class stage between this place and
Huena Vista.
Florence Alexander and May Moora
were dissecting our haxcl uut patches
the other day.
Ilclmick HfrM.nre Ihu happy pt
orsof the largest faction engine In the
county, bl horse power.
Win. Fuqua had a well drilled nearly
1 VI feet deep for a wind pump, and will
shortly have a deep well pump put lu
for watering his farm.
Sal i ford Watson, of Portland, Is visit
lug his brother Harry.
David Guthrie, of Dallas, was lu
these parts last Saturday.
Mr. Geo, Grlswold aud family H-nt
Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs C. Patrick.
Capt. Chas, T. Kaiuiu, of Portland,
was visiting relatives here during (be
forepart of this week.
Horn, lo the wife of Fred Burton,
twin hoys Wednesday morulng. It Is
thought that Fred may recover by care
ful nursing
Mr. Crawford from Applctoii, Wis
consin, was visiting Fred Klyver, Mr.
(.', is here with a view of locating lu
Oregon or Washington,
Farmers aro now reaping their
golden harvest aud ere long It will Is
all lu the wick, and lake whatever the
grain gamblers sec lit to give the jsstr
granger's for It.
Salem ulmrods are confronted every
where around here by the Wkst Sum
cloth In-siiasa uotlc.. We hojsi now
that the farmers will enforce the law.
The notice Itself will be of uo uocouut
unless the owner will Isick It, and thus
protect their grain and st.s k.
Lust Sunday morning a party of six
Silemltcs started for a picnic In the
Polk county bills They got along
ul! right uutll;they came to Patricks hill,
lu starting d iwuthe sleep grade the
fun commenced. I.ce Stluer, the dri
ver, wss calling the attention uf the
party to Spring Valley ami Its sur
rounding Is-suty when one of the
horses ls-comltig suddenly tired laid
down, and the grade being very steep
the wagon ran on top of the horse, ran
otf the grade breaking the wagon
tongue, throwing out the three ladles,
bruising them up considerable. Oue of
(hem bad a watch broken lu her
picket. Mr. Patrick went up aud
hels'l (he boys out of their scrape and
ttxed up (he wagon tongue aud har
ness for them. They dimly started
hack home much wiser we hope. So
uiui'li for Sunday vlculcs.
The following has been received from
W. E, Diltou at Dalton, Missouri:
I arrived here on the 2oth if June
and have been putting lu the time
pretty lively visiting old friends aud
relatives. I II ud everything lisiklng
natural and was surprised to see so
little change lu twelve years. Hsrd
times seem to have struck Missouri,
and everything Is backward lu the way
of pross'rity. The country is uow dry as
a powder house and If rain does not
wsni come cro of all kinds, excepting
wheal will Is burut "P1 Hurviwl here
here Is now lu full blast and wheat Is
worth 75 cents per bushel, I have
finished my visit and would like to
start home to-morrow, but the tourist
crowd will not get ready until the 2Uih.
The thermometer stands 104 in the
shade so you can well Imagine how an
Oregon Isiy enjoys himself. I tell you
I'M I would fight 15 years ago If any
one would say uuglit against Missouri,
but to-day they may say what they
want. Oregon beats the world.
Kcal estate transfers for the week
ending July 12th, furnished by Sibley
A Kakiu, of Dallas.
George II Bobbins to M L Bobbins,
100 acres In 7-fi; tool).
Henry Christian to C M Tetherow,
23 111 acres In 8-o; fUSTs).
Coalman llnbtmrd to S T Smith, 400
acres In 7-5; $15,7(KI.
Orlenn M Slaats to Asa C Htaats,
84. HI ucres In 0 und 10-5; $5.
Orlcnu M Slauls to John O Stunts,
1I.2 acres In (html 10-5; $5.
Sherltr of Polk county to I) V Scars,
lots In IndeHMidcncc; f 175,
Sherlll' of Polk county to Geo Wil
liams, 3:w ,K8 acres In 7-5; (8472.51).
Margaret Warren to 1) Van Patten,
lots In Monmouth; $;ioo,
PW Haley to D VanPatten. lots lu
.Monmouth; 85(H).
Ira F M Butler to Maggie Butler, lot
lu Monmouth; $100.
Asa C Steals to Orlcnu M Stunts, lot
In Monmouth; $5.
John O Slaats to Asa C Staats, lot in
1) and 10 0; 85. .
Asa 0 Stuats to John O Stunts; lot In
II aud 10-5; 5.
Five mortgages,
(11,(150; 1 release,
Investors and apuoulntors In real
estate will do well to await the platting
of White's addition to the city of Inde
pendence. This property contains
twenty-seven acres, twenty acres of
which will he platted Into lots and
blocks in accordance with Ihu adjacent
property now platted, White's ad
dition lays on Seventh street Just west
of the creek on the smith side of the
now motor line ami slopes nicely to
the oast and south. This tract is to be
cleared ami the property Is the most
dcsirublu in the city. The lots will be
placed on thu market ut prices ranging
from (75 to 8101), und will be sold on
easy payments. Many people have
ulrcmly slgnllUxl their Intention of
purchasing several lots, audus a portion
of them will Is) reserved by the owners
It will pay those interested to watch
for the pluUlug of this addition, which
will be announced through the columns
of this paper. Parties desiring to re
serve blocks or lots in tills tract may
address Pacific Count Heal Estate Co.,
140 First street Portland, Oregon.
PCOPLE COMING TO OHIQON.'AHiblSW In tha Paris edition of the
On Ralleea- will trial 60,000
thla Year.. la Palk Caanty Oslsf
ta t tha Prasaaalan ayl
Let va Awehal
General Passenger and Ticket Agent
Charles S. Fee of tha Northern Paclflo
railroad, waa Interviewed Wednesday
by reistrter of tha Orroosma. Here
Is what he has to any about the uwu
gef travuli
"The Northwest Is tha coming
country," continued Mr. Fee, "and
Immigration Is selling this way more
and more all tha time. In Ihkh w
carried nlo Montana, Washington and
Oregon 80,000 ssiple with second-elans
tickets: lu 1HH0. 42.000: and this year ws
shall bring In hen no leas than fto.OOU
seooiKi-clsss people, Tnam are aituisit
all settlers, aud uearly all will stay.
Tha pimple nf thla country should not
neglect the lniMirtant work of keeping
these people here. It la not every mail
that Is pleased with what ha sees lu a
strange land tu which lie has oonie,
leaving his home and old surrounding!
behind him. It la Important to get
INMiple to coma here; but It Is fully as
essential to help them to be contented
and prosisimus after they come. Every
eflbrt put forth by your people to retain
and assimilate these Incoming thous
ands, will be restld a hundred fold I
am glad to dud, also, that they are
coming to realise the truth of this, and
act accordingly.
"When 1 say that iienple are eomlug
hero more and more, 1 say so advisedly,
1 am meeting from time to time the
passenger agents or oilier lines, aim
(bey all hear witness how hard It Is to
turn ;ssipiu in inner channels, nicy
say they go to colonies atsiut to move
West, and show the merits of the due
lauds they have In the Smilhwest, but
the reply Is, "We are going to the
Paclllu Northwest. Our eroi have
fulled hero, and we hear that lu Wash
ington ami Oregon erosi never fall: the
winters here ure very severe, and we
learn that there the climate Is very
mild. If our eroist fill times are dee-
-mtuly hard; but lliey tell us thai
those fur Western countries have so
many great aud wonderful resources
that wheu one line Is light, the others
make it up." Oh, this Northwest Is
the coming country!" ,
Portland has inauy business men
who rccognlsa the value of prluter's
Ink, and we give below a sample of
appreciation for favors shown, Mr.
IVMhellcy la proprietor of the Casino,
one of (he leadlug theatres In Portland,
and lu this letter he tenders to the
press of Oregon not only the use of his
theatre for meeting purposes, but gives
special performance for them. Here
Is the teller:
Edward Casey, Chairman of Com
mittee of Arrangements, Oregon
Press Assta'iMtlon:
Dear Sir; Iearulug of your proposed
Convention on Aug. Mill, and feeling
an lutein gratitude to your profession
for warm lieartwi asaisiauet lu my pasi
career as a manager, and specially to
(he press of Portland for sic'log me In
establishing the Casino, as a permanent
Dome for comic opera, I Herein teuuer
fua tuts ust or my house ror lue meei
ug of your press association aud the
transaction of Its business. At night I
will reserve the tower door for the use
of yourselves and families, aud present
for your amusement a special compli
mentary nrouuciion or some oisira.
The theatre shall be Htllngly decorated
ud sdorued for the oeeasiou, and I
will try ami make you reel aa much at
home as many of your craft have made
me In their sanctums. Please let me
know your decision In the matter as I
have to secure other quarters for my
rehearsal on that day: my conistuy
having to rehearse continually.
Hoping you will accept my offer In
the spirit tendered, I am yours ressct
fully, William
Proprietor Casiuo Opera House.
Per Akua La Choix,
Business Manager,
To Hon. Wm. DeShetleyt
Your more (ban generous offer Is ac
cepted In the uame of tha Oregon press
Asms'istlon, and I may assure you the
ires will ever remember this opcu
landed liberality from oue who so
recently comes smong us, but whom
we trust will remain with us always
aud reap tils share of this worlds good
fortunes, as we are sure he will gain
the gissl will of his fellow-men.
Edwakd Casky.
Ch'n. Com. of Arraugcmeuts.
Pahim, June, 27, 181S).
We reached Havre Monday noou the
lilth of June. We soon got our baggage
and wheels through the custom house
ami put lu the remainder of the day at
the elegant Hotel Frnscatl. We had
scarcely landed when we were met by
a delegation from the Havre 'cycle
club, Inviting us to a banquet, but we
were compelled to decline as It would
require all our time to prepare for the
ride next day, get our wheels out of
the crates ami get straightened up
Tuesday the 17th we started at 10 a.
m, for Caiidcbec 87 miles, where we ar
rived nfter a very pleasant ride. The
roads were perfect and the scenery
grand, and oue pluce we coasted three
miles in nine minutes, the road was
down Into the valley of Lllllebonne
aud wns graded Just like a railroad
truck going down by xlx-xngs. At
Caudcbcc there were a great many
poor sxple, and In the evening the
children came arouud the hotel beg
lug.' We hud considerable sport toss
ing pennies in the air aud seeing the
kids hustle for them. We visited a
very old catherul here also an old Ro
man ampitheatro that was atone time
buried, but was unearthed In 1828.
The next day we reached the very
interesting old olty llouen, where the
afternoon was spent looking arouud as
there are objects of art In almost every
direction. In the evening most all at
tended the theatre. Soon after eur ar
rival here here one of the boys remem
bered that he left his pocket book under
his pillow at Candebee, he returned by
train and recovered It alright.
Ou the lllth we rode to Vernou, 84
miles along tho banks of the Seine river
with the railroad between us and the
Holds and vineyards across with cliffs
and mountains along the rond; It made
a very picturesque ride. We saw a
great muny soldiers at many places
and It looked as If war might be in
progress. As we were cutcrlng Vernon
we had Just ridden post an old stone
house, wheu It colupsed and fell Into
the street. Of course there was some
excitement for a-whllo. In tho eveu
lug after dinner we got a bull and bat
und went out on tho square In front of
the hotel to huve a little game for
amusement, but In about tlftccn
minutes' we had the whole population
out to see us, which waa about eight
thousand. There was to have been a
concert In the city In the eve as we
afterwords learned, but we hud lnocent
ly tukon all the nudleuoa, so It was not
given. A full account of the game was
1-Ntw York Jltratd next morning.
The next day's ride was loHt. (ier
tiuiln, where we remained over night.
And tht uext morulng, the 21st at 0
we started to rid Into Paris. We nsle
through Park St. Germain and along
tha beautiful terrace, with Its wonder
ful view of mingled wood and meadow,
through which the Heine winds Us
way, Here It was that we had our
first glimpse of the Elllel Tower, a
gbost-IIke pillar, far away rising from
behind tha sIonsi of distant Mount
Valerian. Here under the noble trees,
we were photographed by a Parisian
artist, aud thus handed dowu to his
tory, or Infamy, I forget which. After
the photo, down, down, down the
winding road from the terrace lo the
plain below, then along over the side
of Mont Valerian (the of the
detached forts surrounding Purls)
through Suresnes, over the Seine Into
the Hole de Bouloiige and hall ut the
cascade, Hera a party of French and
American lady cyclists had wheeled
out to meet us, together with many
Parisian wheelmen. A plciisuiit
quart d'heure under the tree at the
restaurant uebr by, Mere, vlns, et
cetera aud then on again through the
Hals, avoiding the broad sunny
avenues, for the cool, shady alleys
winding In and out among the trees,
wsin put the Jardln d'Acc llmutlnu, we
were at Porte Maillot, where leaving
the Hols, we entered the Avenue dc lu
Uraude Armee, the Are de Trlomphe
tie I'Etolle, listnilug up before us. Here
a halt was made at the rooms of the
(lu English) nieiMM)ll(Hii bl club, and
refreshments partaken of. Then oncu
more ou past the Are, down the world
famed Chuis Elysces, past the obcllt'x
aud soon dowu the Uue-dc-Rlvoll to
to the Hotel Continental. Sism wheels
were safely housed for the week and
all were busy discarding cycling togs
for the eouveullouul long trousers and
boiled shirt of commerce. Hut the llrst
of all we got our letters aud also a copy
of the Wkst Hunt In the evening
many attended the theatres. The next
day several of us wont by train to Ver
sailles, where we visited the stlace and
gardens, also enjoyitig the grand con
cert In thesflernooii. Monday sixteen
of us toon a four-in-hand couch and
visited must of the Interesting places.
But of our week In Paris, uow drawing
to a close, who could tell one-half that
might be told? The theatres, museums,
Zoo, Notre Dame, finished 4no years be
fore America was discovered, the
cathedrals, the bourse or stock ex
change, the tomb of Napoleon and the
Louvre, where there are miles of ait
galleries and every conceivable work of
art, In short the thousand aud oue at
tractions of "Psree" would require so
much space that this letter (already as
long as a wagon (rack) might goon
Ilka Tennyson's brtaik, forever!
,' Moat of tho boys have spent their
time profitably as well as pleasantly,
and to-morrow we will start for
Geneva All along the route the hotels
have been the very best. The French
cooking Is exquisite, and their way of
serving Is very nice, At table d'hote
there are about a dozen courses, and it
take Just oue hour and a half Every
day has been full of joy and ench ulghl
of solid sleep, aud may it continue,
Hut enough till soother letter and
another week. Hkiit Litas.
SHAUMAN. Monday, July 14, Ikik),
to the wife of W. G Slmrmau, a girl.
All doing well.
FORD. At Moumouth, July 13, INiio,
at the residence of Win Perclvul, the
Infant son of Mr. and Mrs Ed. Ford,
of Yaquluu City, aged four mouths.
I)AV1DS0X.-At Crostoii six miles
south of Salem, at 3 p. ni., Wednes
day, July lit, 1800, Albert F. David
son, aged 75 years.
The deceased had boon for many
years a resident of Oregon, crossing thf
plains at an early day, and litis relatives
In this county among whom are Dr.
Davidson, of this city and O. Duvldson,
of Parker.
FERGUSON.-At Indoondenoe, Sun
day, July 18, 18!M), Jacob Ferguson,
aged 71 years.
Decascd was bom lu Canada lu the
year 1810, and came to tho Utiitul
States in 1858 and to Polk county lu
1H8I. He was the father or H. E. and
W. 8. Ferguson of this city and Mrs.
Ei C. Van.Meor, of Marion county, A
useful life ended, he has earned there-
ward of rest in thut haven beyond the
skies. -
Wheu a man Is short he not re
main long at the races.
Croquet sets and hummocks for side
at Wheeler's.
A complete piece of sheet music for
ten cents a copy, at Wheeler's.
The niuu best qualified to enjoy tho
honeynicxm Is the oue w ho hud all the
romance kicked out of him before lie
reached that period.
Wheat receipts nicely bound, are
printed at the Wkht Siok Job olllcc to
You can get six bread tickets for a
quarter at Taylor's bakery.
Ice cold sisla, all flavors, at Wheeler's
book store.
Incongruity, Mr. Flgg "What nrc
you thluklng over so deeply, my dear'."1
Mrs. Flgg "I was just wondering
whether to cut oil Tommy's curls or
make him stop swearing."
Taylor's bakery is prepared to furnish
bread in qusntity, to threshing crews, x
" Ladles and children's shoes at cost, at
Gus "If you don't give it to me at
once I'll kiss vou." Vludge "And if I
do give It to you you will let me alone?"
tius -"certainty." jvuuigo "weu-you
can't have it,"
Sewing machines and extras, also
organs aud pianos at Wheeler's.
Ladies and children's shoes at cost,
at J. L. Stockton's.
Ladles and children's shoos at cost,
atJ.L. Stocktou's.
His choice "Which wAuld yon
rather be, Willie, a monkey or u
giraffe?" "Giraffe, every time. It
would be bully lu the summer (line for
looking over the base bull ground
PC w M tsar Buy yonr tlokcta Kaar of
tjDDl E, 0. I'sntUn.l. Lowest
ratsa nod moat furor! (rsnted.
Waat aids offloa.
Cull st the
fl 1 vWf$'t:apintii, urn.
mBKt.l OrtANDttA.
" Tits world la rn S4 ws Inks It,
And UK &r cliil'l, I wbut ws msks It."
This s h cniiriinnt of in old Mr to
her visniMiilit Msin-1. And rusitr s MsM
Ima (..mid It lo Is! rw, n4 nisi hu taken
ran. of hf hmllh. Hhs kmH hml Ssup
l!r f llr. Plunsi'i fnmrlls FnwTlilim, sml
n la wit truuliM wall Hum wnmhiif dlacsaea,
vnknM i "ilnurif ins-down " at'tiaatlnna anil
fiinisiisial lrrtiilsrlis that an miwr tiinwn
eri'hmi. It I Ilia onlr usilli lns f,,r winnii,
aolil liy dnniilaia, umi-r a usltl ataur
lit from tin maimlauturan, that Tl will
tivs aatlaraollon In erjr imm, or moos? will
a n-f uiiiti I, Thla iiarntM has tmrti prlnlad
on tha bintto-WMiiis-ra, tui faithfully tarrusl
uut f or nuinr r sira.
" favorlM lniriif ln " la s hlllmala miut
IrOia.mS S htmram. CinUHia no ahuhol b
Inrtirlatn I no rue rtr auimr lo d.-isnifo dlfsa.
Uiin. Aa pvuitar la lis n imllal result aa la
lu oompoaltlnn.
Aa a powvrf ul, inrhroratlnr lmlo. It Itntwrt
atrsoittn to lh wSola araUtin, particularly to
tha woniti and Us 'iilatfs. '- fihl
women geniirslly, Kr. rkiw'a Kaviirtts frw.
aeriptlon la tlw Rrrateat artlily Ik win I bclna;
uniuiunM aa an amx-tlrlng curdutl lad re
Slorullvs Uinln, or i r-iif l li-ul. i-r.
A IVsjX of ISO nira, ou Woman and Her
)iaisisi, thfttr Malum, and How lu Cur
thi'in," aent a-nM. la plain envelope, on re
tslit of tea wnts. In aiaini.
Aildnwa. WoHUi's liiarassASV MsniRAI,
AaaotUTIiiS, Nu.WIJ Main HI.. IliiSalo, N. V.
113 PIFBfP prilCT8F'rvr?-
wiu a laiiwa v a bbuiw uiijim. uHiiaiy
taistK", or t'slhartlii. auiriliis to alia of
duau. 11 drucduMs, Hi tnuis s rial.
Notlo of rinal SsttUmsnt.
lu llirl'iaiiity 1'i.tirl of Hie Hiulrl
of unnem lur I '"is i'uiiiiiy,
In iliv msiu-r ul tiiv eaisivuf JiMiiua Drown,
lo ihu hi'lm ni-kt uf kin, uml nil is-rsona
ItllerenUHl lu iwhl wilsle. ) nil Hn' llen-Oy tlotl
ned llisl Jimih Hmwu li.SIi'i hla n
eotint III Ihe ihIiiIh of Ju-hus Hm u deissuied,
soil li II in. I Inuring ul I he nutiie lias own at I
Monday, Aiiii.l III 4th, IS00,
at w hu ll ilmti yiui, und r.'li uf you, may ap-is-sr
In l'l rourt soil III oljelluiia tu aald
ilnnl sensim It any run linvs,
A. M lll'ltl.KV. r.uur.
lil' 4 I'uWS'HKNH,
Ally'a. lur auld ruu. 7-S-l
In lh( County I'mirt of llw Mti of lln-yon for
tliv Oianiy ( I'olS t'uiiiii),
lu IVllslU'
In the niHlU'r of the nil? of the rent dale
lM'looeln( to Iho vaisla uf U, J. Coirr, do
miU, To William Tiilo. Thuniaa Msn, Msr
(srelU iliru, Mnhalln MlierUMid, Klltaic.-lh
Knya, Jtwliel r'ux, llnlxrl r'.nli-r, John
r'uoU'r, Tluiiiiss r.null.h, June Wllllitiua,
Mulialls ItUitfn, Ijilsyrllw Kiialloli. Jaiun.
llrowu, 1nna mid I'IouIh iIi lllmi,
lH'li sml next uf kill lu C.J.I i.'r, dHvnM-il.
Whkhkas a tielllliii) Iihs Iki'M irrwnu-d to
asld l uuiiir Court, pni.vinu lur su urder lu
all llu. ri'si enliilw Ih-Iuiikiiik Ui mid eaials,
you, and s-h ul you.uri. lu-ri'liy .Milled, and
nulllted, tu si)Msr si tlia u-rui ul asld couuty
L.url lu be lii id ml llio .
4th (1(1 0 AuJUt, 1890,
ml ahow fhuw why the urdi'r f"r the
aate uf astd resl enli.le nhuiild nul lie granted
aa uniye.1 f..r In auld Utiiui, wlilnU rvul
entitle In d.kM,-rlli.Ml un IOIIuwh, Hwtn
tti-xtlillllig ttl the HiHilhwnil rt.nicr of t'g.
h' mill hit, ilioitiv .North If' Wmt, in
link, tu Oieedneuf Mill miwl; (li. n Nurih i
lu' Went l.-liiilie. i.liitt)i aald wlnsil; thenee
Huuih 112 clislito; I Inn. u l-.a-l IIS t'hatiia;
llteitisi Nurtli 1.07 elislnn to Ihe idui-e utb.
alllllllK, Alu Ix-jjllllllilir SL the Northweal
turner uf llu Istiil niMive iteM-ntied; Iht-m-e
Huuih alutiK Hit. W'tmi Hue uf mild IsndH.U
t'liuini. lu Hie Koutliseol eurner thervur. Ihenev
tt i-l K."v lliik; lit w Norm His chain, tu
Hie Nuruii'H.l tinier iifjuhu aurniera nture
h.iUMt; llii'itee K '.uli M Ku..l uluit Hie
Mutilii llu.. .. Mill suwl Iklllnka to the ul.
ol Ix'slniilni!, auusled lit linlliu, I'olS I'minly,
Or.'uii. J, (.iul n-'KU,
( uiiuiy ,lmli;i'.
I'nlrd at Imlepfnili'iic', ltr June It, W.
Tsks it Before Breakfast
The trreut npin lliiT, t.inlr mid liver rtntilntor.
In um' lur iiiuru Until 'ul yciira in KiikIi.ii.I.
riallive M-ine fiir liver euiiiihilnt. Had
nuie in the iiuniili on nrUttiK ly Hie murnliiK.
dull imlna In the hint mid or I lit- evi',
tired Itt'Ung, dlffjtlneiitt, tioiKuiir-ityniplouitt.ii
liver (SiuiilHlnt. Iti'ittcit) Hr. Henley's ling
llnh tsiiiili'llun rmtle. ItellfveM eiiiuitpsUtui,
ahuriH'iiii ihe aiipeitle and times up the ettilrv
ayaleiit, IM the icenttlne Iruut ymtr driiMtt
fur II, snd lake uwuriltiix Ui dliwliuii.
Infernal Ingenuity
Could aenrevly devlae luiir.' exeruelnllng lr
luren limn IIiiiih' ul whii'It you mts the eve
deneeM tn Ihe fiiee of n lilt titunlic tir iieurslKle
aitlterer. The ntfuuii'WHre lheeote.eiitenee of
nut t'lurklUK a rlii'iiiui'llcur neurnltfte tittitt'k
itl Ihu uuhti't, Himletier'n sitiuist-lt Mitten,
hits heel) liiund by skillful ineilhitl prat'liiiiiii
er to poMH'Mt nul titily reniettlul, but defensive
eltli'itey, where lluti.e itlMSMa extt, or s
U'tttleney tu litem la exhllillett. Htlrtdy tllia
pulnauu! but Mile l l i. ii It- isetlli'lne, iH-uriiiK,
ttsi, aiii-h high xlst'lllt' Hiilii'tlolt, U better llli.ll
the ptitHtiim ufteii euipluyed, Inn nioitt unimfti,
nut "illy lu, bin In Iwilsletl iIokks.
The bliMid I dt'puriiled IhurtniKlily froiti the
rln-n n i ul If v I in-., unit Ihe nerves, nJIkIh ly Iiii
lutrued unun, nsveil frum tttlliiiHle suit dlrelul
tiinsni liythwlieulKU, mtvlng uietllelue, wlliell
llkewlite exhlhliH miirkedelllitu'y lur iiiitluriii,
kidney euinplnlitU, ilvi-pcpslu, eutisllHtilun
ml liver cmiplulnl.
Notice to Contractors.
Henled jimpiwals will lie received Hp to i
n'ehs'k p. in. on IheJIsI tiny nf July. WKI by
thetsisril of dtreeluis uf hi'IhmiI dittrit't Ntk
isl, Iiiile'tiitene, I'ulk pviinly, Oregon for Uie
euiiNlrtietliin uf a two ainry frsiue aehtMil
hiitmi', neeurillng to pinna ttiitl HHH'lni'lions
tills' seen HI Ihe ottleo of ItiibiTt it MeNully
rehltii't,nleui, Otvg'in, Itlglit to rejeet snv
anil nil hhis reserved. Ity order of tho board,
liiili'peniteitw, or., July , iwu.
Jt. ( W II its, Clerk.
' A Inrgobliu k third. vn setter ring, has siitHtl
nlek In Up uf right eur mid s aenr Jus! behind
the tell eur which etui Is' seen by mining
the luilr. Wits lost nt Independence
on Sitndny, Mny SMh, tsill. Ten duilsrs will
he given I'urihe return nl .Ihht itntuiitl or Ui
I n l .limit Inn which will ciiitxe his reltnn to
theowuiTiil Hnleni.Or. 1.. K.IMsn.
Two lutndred hend of aluelt aliiH'p. In tola to
suit. Knr Ion her pHrllculiiin lniiilieol'Curlls
I.. I low ley, oi jiiH. uy. i:u-ai
A Tamous Woman's Expt- tnoa
Ciik'Aoo, Nov. 13.
Sir. Wisdom: Dear Bir. I U'g to
thank you for tho delightful and rc-
fa'shlng "Hohcrtliic" you so kindly
sent inc. I have used tho toilet and
preparations of the most celebrated
nitinufdcturcrs of London and Purls,
but consider your t'Koliortiue," their
superior In point of purity and excell
ence. Wishing you the unbounded
success you deserve, I remnlni".
Faithfully yours,
. Km ma Abhott.
The Interest taken In the Teacher's
Normal Institute at Monmouth has
Ihmjii gifatcr tliis week than last. Prof.
T. V. Hell, of Dallas, delivered a
lecture on Tuesdny which was one of
his finest efforts. The teachers In nt
tendunce are as follows:
P. I,. Campbell, J. M. Powell, W. T.
Hellers, Millie Doughty, Kuphmiia
Crossctt, Sennlc Mol'horson, Wm.
Purker, Mary ("oats, Ellen Hykes, Ella
8hupp, Sadie Smith, ltobt. Burnett, F.
F. Enimctt, Ella Emmctt, Dora Hult
hnrd, A, It. Ilutler, Clara Gard, A,
Coles, Klta CnrmMiter, Emnia Hughes,
Clara Hall, .1, V. McCullock, Vanilla
MuFw, Llllio ltryant, Ella Ferguson,
T. A. Wann, Itonnle Hwann, Vclna
Hwttnn, W. Kwann, 1), Fiuley,
Adna Hastings, Mary Tuck, Agnes
Deumnn, Anna i'owcll, Loretlu Smith,
It. L. Murphy, - Carrie Fowle, E. H.
LongiuTo, E. Smith, II. F. Mulkcv,
Taylor Dunn, Kuth MclVvitt, Nellie
Collins, C. A. Slmonton, Mm Fuquii,
T. L. Weaver, L. Scobert, Ui Worth,
Emma Kramer.
This week the first Normal Institute
of Polk county ends and it has bcoti.a
success In every particular.
E. P.
BOOf. and
Una moved hla shop Jnto tbs ttors of J. L
Mis'khm, snd will Isl pumaed leass his 014
eiut'iinim snd man? naw ones. 7 II
Prlvato Sale I
I will offer Hit ante In this city, two food
milk euwa with young ealrea. wltkh I will aall
stshsi'galn,laolwu extra good road horses
solor, bay sod brown, walght 1103 pouuda.
Addrww J. A. Ilyera. liideprndenee, m 1 1I
Nstlsnal turfloal InstltuU.
lBuhHtnsrt,8. f.
One or mora aurganna reereaetillng thla In
all nil will be at tha clii'liiekete HouiT, rsuem,
July ivih; ut Ihe cliy lluiw, Indepandenee,
July 111.1) st the Kiiterprlas Hotel, Hallia,
July !id.
Thla I nul II ilia I aponlsllr darnted lo the
treultnenl of curvature of the aplne, dlMHUHt of
Ihe hip and knee Joint, erooked llinlia, elub
fis't and all Issllly di-ruriiilllea. Their auenesa
In IreiilliigUwIroiiblca well aaall ehmiikl
dleaea lisa wade tut the luatltuie DMlonsI
All prnuna who am annrlng from any of
theM. eon-pialnu, ahtsild not fall lu mm s4
VHiilimeofllilaoppurtunltir fiir relief.
ItelereuiS! may be had ut the Pilluwltif reaU
denial Judge It, H, Holati, Mttlein; Hon. Thoa.
I,. ItsvltlMiiii U V. Helkiwp, Mlein; M.M. linn",
Indt'isiiideiiiie: H. ami N. Tartur. Uiwiarllle.
Oregiilt, . . v , at
Having mid my furniture mtalneaa I wlh
to bslsnee my lk. and wrtiuld lie pleaai-d la
hsvs Ihuaa owing mil and aettle aa anon aa
convenient, Yonra Hrapectnitly,
Carriage Repairing.
W. A. Wengenroth,
Of Uiin Hlr has opened a wagon abop tn tin
nine bulldiug with K. k.. luwugal blaek
aiitlthahiiu. fie la an exiMn-lanotti workmaa
hn v log learned hla trade la Kurupe, II so
licit s huro of ' he pulrt,ue and guarantees
mnl-liK'tlun. 7 4
W. W. Williams,
Will buy Anything and sell
Main St, Opposite Opera Rsuss
Will move as soon aa a larger
building is vacant. 6 5
tlaaalales the Irl4 llvar, alrBth
aa the dlgaaiire araraaw. raajalataa Ik
la malarial dlatrteiaa taieds vlrtaea aew)
lately rveegalaeal, aa SBiaj MeaeaaaaS)
fraea that aalaaa. Clweraally aaa
eoated. IMm aaaall. rrlea, iU.
Sold Everywhere. :
Ofllco, 44 Murray SC. Nnw York.
Jackson's Restairut I
Meals served for 25 cento eacll .
Ira Ci-enra 15 cents. Board 13.50
per week. Main St, Independence.
Funeral Director
A full and complete line of Fu
neral goods always on hand.
Taylor's U Croq ul 57,
On C Street, . .
Fnwh biinid, pica aud cakin on hand every
diiy .xpt Sinuliij it.
A (nil nnd Irmh atork of canned gnoda, flour
ti'iui, oill'iK, angnr, OHtidtea, t'tgnra and toSao.
w. D. B. TAYIX1R, Proprietor.
Ladies Dress Golds,
Boots & Shoes.
Mens Clothing,
Spring Hats
and Underwear etc.
All peranna dwlrlng lo have houaea or barns
moved or raised on their fouiidHtlon. will
And Hint
ii in'opai'i'd to tin the work promptly and to
your NiillNliu'tlon, Leave orders with L. Kol
o. Prki reiwimable. tH It
Dressmaking Parior
Mian E. Knapp, of Portland, Oregon, haa
niH'iii'da dii!siniiklng Mtblllimenl In the
ui'W building on Monmouth SU, and la pus
ed to do
cutting: and fitting
for liullraand ohlldrun, Hnttafnotlon gimi'un
teed. . , 8 SI7
Tiffs Ms