The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 11, 1890, Image 3

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Fmul NMhw (with (why): "lit diwa
lHk to like lik faUitr. du't tat?"
VWUw: "Yta, but t thiaildu't mind
that, mm King aa lit I utMlthjr,"
You con paint the town ltd mid not
u O'lmnM t tVrttaiW wUnta, a wit
by It. H INttleraon; but If yuu want to
ulvt your huw a durahla and yktwiy
vital if (wint you can't ir't along; wit h
tint thorn. AlUhad and color.
Wheat rvcvlnta nicely hound. r
jiHiiuhI at Um Wist tiiiKjobortW U
Henkto A Walker carry a Ml lino nf
urtteertea Mint provtmm, and avl Hit
name m low a the lowcuU ;
"Will you lrut mt, Fannie?" "With
nil niy heart, Auituatua. with nil my
amil, with nil mytelf. "Would to
heaven you wert my tailor "
IdU mid chlldreu't ahoca at mat,
alJ.tV Htoektou'a.
Croquet M'U mid hammock lor unit
at Wheeler'.
Fruit Jar at HenkWi A Walker'.
Th Dutton tickle trlnder will (It
any mower. It a model of beauty aud
jierfeetlow. (londiiian A iKRity have
in county agcucy.
"Sully, what HttM do your folki
diner - toon m you ro away; that's
iuikum' outer."
Thoae Columbia (Vtttairt iialut at 11.
It Palleraou1 an guaranteed tub tht
beat lu the world, and now that you
art painting your buuat or barn they
art jnt wnat you want. Titey coute in
an color aireauy mixta.
Mr. Shelly, of Hood lUver, hat been
vWtlmj blf brother Rutwelt of thU city
during tht pant week.
Always buy a buggy ft cheap at
pumlble. but uevtr buy a cntap buiriry.
(k and act Irnodiuau A Uoutv tlity
have tht largmt stock rw brought to
rolk county.
Anxloua Papa: "I'm afraid our lltllt
girt halt chicken-pox.". Lltllt Utrl:
Yet. H U clilukto-pox. a; I'vt
loumi a rentier tu tut ueu."
A eoinnlete piece of theet nutate, for
l u cent a copy, at w neeiera.
Pump and plt any kind and any
I r.ct at itoouman s iiouiy a.
You .am get nix bread tlcktli for
quarter at Taylor't oakery.
lot cold tuda, all flavor, at Wheeler'
bookttort. "
The difference beta-ten a porou
ptater and a lottery ticket 1 that tht
planter urawt touietniiig.
A flue line of laundry anapa at
H-mkle & Walker". ,
Oct a teel wheel nulkcv hay rake
from ( looiliuan A lKuty. 1 f ey am the
Momr. Heuklt Walker havejuat
received a wry flnt tck of Oregon
hiiniH, Imcon, lard and aboutderv.
Leave your order for hauling at tbt
1 A. .
inucpcimcuw iiihh a i ruin imi(tujr
oftlce on eat itle of Main street,
opptwlte H. It. Patterton' drug tort.
"Tom, my boy, If you aodlallke the
ladv, what made you propone to 1161'.'"
"Vll, you see, wt had danced three
dunces together, and I couldu't think
of anything el( to say."
There has never been a largervtock
and better awMtrtmcnt of tinware car
ried In Polk county than (ioodiuaii A
Douty have. '
H. R. P.tter)n hai Just recelvwl tht
largest and flneat tiut of gold, sitvtr
and nickel watches ever broUKht Into
Polk county direv't from the Kant. Cull
and limped them. '
"Hig Are, was It?" "Yea, Joe. Fifteen
MrwinslNMvlyescniied with their Uvea."
'That wasn't remarkable." "If they
had escaped without their lives, It
would have beeu remarkable."
Columbia Cituie pnlnU, for hmlde
and outside work, alrvudy mixed.
guitrniitoHi U I the beat in the world
are for sale at II. H. I'utteraoii's,
Hlmved and sawed cellar shingles In
any quantity at lioodman A Douty'.
L'trgett artnwnt of stoves In Polk
county at O sslmmi A IXnity's.
llrown: "Hello, Jones! How'tymir
wife?" Jom-s (a little deaf): "Very
blustering and disngreeable again this
morning.'' .
Take your eggs, butter and bacon to
Heukle A Walker's, Independence.
Get your shingles from G xxlumn A
Douty. They have some flue ones.
Finest lot of gtaas and dish wart In
the city at Henkle A Walker's.
J. D. I's. dulivery wagon runs from
morning till night. Why? Because
he sells cheaper than any house this
side of Portland.
First Minister: "Just think of It!
they gave me but $20 for my sermon."
Kjcond Minister: "Why, I wouldn't
have preached that sermoo of yours for
O. IT. B. knives, scissors and razors
are the best, and all are warranted by
Goodman A Douty.
J. D. Irvine has a line of specially
fine glassware ust received.
Hfsie of any description and all
fittings can lie' found at Goodman A
Messrs. Henkle A Walker have Just
received a very fine stock of Oregon
hams, bacon, lard and shoulders.
"All men are equal before the law."
"Yes, before the law, but after It gets
b ild of them It's dlflcrent."
All the chickens In Polk county
wanted at J D. Irvine's
Tsvlor's bskery is prepared hi furnish
brend in qnsntity, to threshing crews. X
J. D. I. has the best and largest stock
of groceries in town.
Ladies and children' shoe at
Stockton's. .
Cash! cash! cash! wanted at J.D.
You should call nd see the late im
proved mower for sale by Goodman A
A large assortment of I. X. L. cutlery
Just arrived at Goodman A Douty's.
A sermon is always short to a wo
man ho wear a new bonnet to
church for the first time.
London purple for spraying tree for
ale at H. K. Patterson's
Bewing machines and extras also
organs and pianos at Wheeler'.
J. D. Irvlnedoesbusinesswithhisown
moneymoneypays no Interest dlscounu
1). G. Henry, of Zeiia, wa in town
lust week. This was hi first visit for
many years, and be noted many
change. Let him come again one
year from to-duy and he will set still
greater changes.
Pie fruits of all kinds at J. D. I's.
Heat stock of tobacco and cigar at J.
Indies and children's shoe at cost,
at J. L. Stockton's.
HarvmUng win iinou biglu,'
Haying I under full headway.
Ttio Institute at Monmouth I bring
TU blackberry atwuou la pro(Uabte
nw our itrryniau Jonvt,
Mr. aiM Mm Shelly were visiting lu
McMtuiivlll tin week.
4. F, O'Domudl ami wlfu ' will omipy
wit i-nwuyitriau parsonage.
Mr. Prof. PeebU, of MeMlnnvllle,
la visiting Mlm paila Cooper.
Dr. Johnson has the brick fouiulullon
f a flt Kwm cottage oonipluttd.
Mrx K. M. Young, of Hnokane Falls.
It at tht home of J, Keniwly, lu till
Mark llolimw, of Astoria, and ft W.
Hears, of Me Coy, were lu town Thurs.
J. II. Goodman and wife, of Kugviiv,
ara vlattlng their sun A. J. UtsKliusu of
thta tliy,
Wnu Joum Is Improving hit rwl
denoe property by building new fence
and aldewalk.
Mr. J. H. Grounds, of Arlington, I
now lu Mounmuth where ht Is sIhhii
to engage In business.
T.U. Uughllu.of McMluuvllle, who
clerked last year for Shelley A Van
duyn, Is here vlsltlug frleuds.
Itev. Mcaslck who la now Mtor at
Moumouth will bring his futility to hi
new home during next mouth,
V. II. Wheeler spent the Fourth In
Ibaoon and ha returned with a
brother who will pay Iihu a visit.
J. .!. Vanduyn has gone over on
Puget Houud for a sutuuwr Jaunt He
Is looking after bis real estate also.
Tli change of time on Hit west tide
does uot allow persons coming to lude
pemlenut to makt countctlou at Cor
vallla Mr. W. J. Mulkey, of Olex, who was
elected to tht legislature from Uilllsiu
county was lu tow n Tueoday , He says
ht luteuds locating with us.
It F. Mlddlehamthla week placed In
tht oftlee of tht Willamette Iteal Ktute
company a samplt of red clover from
hit farm which Is over three feet hlgli.
How would It do for our cltiteus (0
gut up a big diunerout at the race truck
when tbt muter line Is fliiUhed? It will
be an event lu tht history of our towu.
Mr. J. D. Irvine, the grocer, has hit
plana ready for a very tasty eight
room cottage which ht will bull I on
hi lot opposite the residence of W. P.
Con na way.
Those new bricks made by J. R
Cooner art worth oue-fourth more
than tht old hand brick. We can now
have some ekgnnt buildings In town
at siiiull expense.
Messrs. Cullwrtsou and Heck am
down the Willamette In a small boat
this week having Important business
and not being able to connect with the
train at Corvallls.
Several bids were presented to the
county court for the bridge at Sortli
Independence. The bids were opened
Wednesday and the lowest bidder
was Mr. Ht John.
Children meeting at tht Haptlst
church Sunday uiornlug at 11 o'clock
In the place of regular grvleea ' Mrs.
K. (I. Wheeler will be present and will
also hold a miss meeting for children
at 3 p. m.
Since Cuowr Hri. huve sold out ti
J. F. O'Donnell, we lowt the ftmillliir
rotund form of Kilcy tNsiia-r, but IiIk
plai Is well supplied, for Word Kutler,
of MoiiliKMlth, measures couslilerubl)'
molt alsait the waist.
Thursday evening was iustullutloM
of olttcers lu Vslley Islge No. 42, 1. 0.
O. F Tlie follow Uig are the onk-em
installed: Peter Cook, X. G ; T. J.
Frj ar, V. 0 ; Hlrschberg, treasun r; M.
M or win, reeordlng secretary.
Probate matter J. Stolfer Judgr
Estatt of K. Mcrwlu, dcoensed, order
confirming sale. In the Joshua lirown
estate, final account set for hearing
Sept. 1, 'UO. In the mutter of the T. L.
Williams estute, continued.
The Oriynnkm Publishing coniiany
will erect this summer a building In
Portland for;ltuewtingf3X),0M). Tills
Uot ouly shows tbt growth of Portland
a a great commercial cuy nut me
Arm financial standing of the leading
newspaper of Oregon.
The barbequt here in Indepeudenoe
by those wlioe business would not
allow them to leave town on the Fourth
was a great success. There was an
abundance to eat and drink and the
quality was first-class. The hog and
beep were JUst done to a turn.
M. L. Pipes, of Corvullis, formerly
editor of ttw tender, was appointed by
Governor Penuoyer lust week to the
circuit Judgeship of the second judical
district of Oreuon to All the vacancy
caused by the resignation of It. 8. ISeau
who ha Just been elected Judge of the
supreme court.
The effect of the motor line Is already
becoming apparent. We know of three
business men who will do business
here and live near Monmouth. Within
two years you will see some elegant
bouse at least two mllos from this
towu and the owners will be business
men here.
"Sandy" Olds has been granted a
new trial again this making his fourth
The Orcffoninn scores Messrs. Thayer A
Strahun of tbe supreme court for In
competency In granting new trials on
very flimsy pretexts, wtieu justice
Lord aud Bean Join forces "eunuy"
Olds will not And his chances for a new
trial o sure. He must get clear this
term of court or else, bring better rea-
son Mian uave nercv uvcu
sented to the supreme court for a new
triul or he will not got It.
We are In receipt till week oflnvl-
- . at llT
tatlon worrtca s wnows: iour
oresence Is requested at the Christian
church to witness the marrlagi cere
mony of Miss Nellie Crownover to Mr,
L. W. McAdams at 1 p. m., Wednes
day, July 23, 18H0. Independence, Ore
gon." Ml Crownover whose home Is
la Nebraska, now makes her home in
Oregon. She Is the popular principal
of the North Independence schools.
Mr. McAdams Is principal or Hie inde
pendence school. Where there were
two principals beforejtbere will be ouly
one, ror me "
We wish them Joy.
Jiw Akuivkd,-Warren Creasy hu
a brat her; It I a hoy and weighs ten
pounds and was boru Thursday after
noon, July 10,1 General rejoicing at tht
Creasy lui
Fahkwki.1. PArv On last Tiles
lay evening at the residence of T
llash lu Moumouth a very pleasnnt
party was given In honor of the de
parture of Frank Montgomery to Helix
In Morrow county. Over loo of his
frleuds weru piimul Thu bras baud
furnished music for the otnuisloii. and
after a very enjoyable season of sts-lal
Intercourse an elegant support was
served to all present Frank gsi to
his new home with the gss wislies of
his ninny Mends,
THKY DlKli.-Mr li.ister whose
bnssl of China pheasants were noted
lu this ixHr, alsu the (.voiMm and
tthcr miHrs a wwk or so ngo, nsiived
many letters from dlltWvut purls of the
state wanting to buy a pair of the
1I ik He was oltervd for the chicks
110 a pair and the old bird but
alas the chicks all died aud he can now
count his lorn at ' 011 the live pal in.
These pheasants are very dlffletill to
raise and eonseipnuitly are In great
Ft.NK HnirK,If you want to see
some miTlor briek Just gi and look
at the kiln oMnml ly J. H CooHr In
his stiHim brlek yard. There Is a pile of
nearly half a million and they are thu
fluent without doubt lu Polk county.
We say this without fear of successful
contradiction. Mr. Cisiiier hlnimif says
that ht never has made such perfect
brick In alt his exsrlence. A sample
of the old hand-made brick, side by
side with the new kiln, will convince
anyone of their superiority.
A IU'sti.ku.Ii may not be gener
ally known that the ItideNudenee
oftlee bu'ks ouly a few dollars of Ising
third class or prvxldcutlul nttlew.
Since the change in lime 011 the trains
a great many more letters art mulled
at the train, which of omrwe cuts down
the income of the oltice. In order to
secure these letters Miss VMo llobert
Hon, the very aeeouiniislntlug and lady
like deputy goes out to the tralu and
cancels these letters. Some days tberu
areas many as fifty letters thus mailed,
During the next three mouths our
people should make It a lut to mall
every letter so that It may he credited I
to the home olllee,
Dkma.mi r,K l.tMUKU The saw
mill, although It saw i(m Uvi a day,
seems to scarcely get ahead any on the
supply of lumber. While the demand
tu small lots caunot Is- counted accur
ately we Aud that them are some bills ;
bt'ldg tawed that will llgurw ijulle!
largtdy In the output, Among these
would mention .Madison's liarit, .xlnu;
Aouring mill aud warehouse 3 stories;
IndeHtideuce bank building 2 stories;
motor line railway iMO.INh) feet; Prof.
McAd:im,.dwelling; Dr. Jolinwiii's two
dwellings; J. K, Klrklaud, dwelling;
Itlchnrtlwm sMers, dwelling; and con
teuiplutetl bills from the new hrMgc; J
D Irvine's residence; J. M. Vanduyn'
residence; F. A. Patterson's residence
and J. H. Cis'r's reildenee.
Saturday the new grange Jiall was
(Ictllcateil wilh iilliresslve ceremonies
at I'wUvllle aud a Cue lime was lial
After a sumptions dinner, which can
only le hud lu the country, (!!
preM-iit iiiari hnl lu a Usly to the new
liuilding liotlied in regalia of the
grange. iH'puty .Muster J. Yisirhees
.then read the dedicatory si'rvlees.
lirlef but vliNiient adilresscs were then
delivered by Messrs. J. Grunt, lloll. P.
NV. Haley, Judge Moore, J. D. Chlt
wissl, Mi'M DikIwiii, A. Nelson and
others. The new hall is 11 neat two
story wooden building with a seating
capacity of alsiut two hundred. Among
those from tills city wo uot iced F. A
Patterson and wife, Ala? Nelson anil
wife, J. Dorusifi! nnd wife and II.,
Nkw SciKsii.iiotHK, At Iudcu
ilence yesterday the lard of school
director! met and accepted the plans of
ltolarts A McXally, of Salem, for a
new $I(I,IHK) sehiHil house to Ih eon
structml there at once. Hlds will Is
advertised for and work commenced as
soon us poHHiljIu. The building will k
a two story frame, with a brick foun
dation, and will contain elulit lurge
rsms. The plans represeiit It us a neat
and handsome structure. The i 11 ton t ion
is to have It completed and ready for
occupancy at the earliest possible date
Independence Is Uiouiliig in building,
as are all of the valley titles, The same
architects are also preparing plans for a
nice residence for Mr. Patterson, of In
(li'pi'iideiice. It Is to Is) built at once
and will cost JHIOO, Stutnmmn Ju'j
Thk F1.0UKINU Mi 1,1,. -On Tuesday
the first lumber was hauled for the one
hundred barrel (louring mill, From
Mr, K. J. Wilson, who Is here as super
intendent for Mr. Skinner, we learn
that the locution, on account of better
facilities, bus been changed to thu lots
west of the depot, and the 7(1,0011 bushel
warehouse will stand almost lu the
same place that thu Sulem warehouse
stood. The mill building will be 28x110
and three stories high. The. roof will
be corrugated Iron, and for the present
the sides will be of lumber put on
diagonally so as to brace the building,
Later corrugated Iron will bo put on.
The warehouse will be covered and
tided with corrugated Iron. The mill
will be run by steam thu engine having
about eighty home power so that a sur
plus of power may be used on electric
lights and water works If necessary,
On the ground floor thu line shafts will
bo hung, ulso the chopping will be
done. On thu second will stand twelve
pairs of Nordyke Marinoii A Co. latest
improved seven inch rolls, flour pack
era, etc.; while thu third floor will con
tain bolts, cleaners, puiillcrs, centrifu
gals and elevator head, Tim mill will
be about fifty foot high from the ground
to the cone ot the roof. The distance
from the, mill to thu warehouse will be
nearly one hundred feet and thu wheat
will puss through an elevated conveyor
to the mill, Mr. Skinner thoroughly
understands his business and knows
thut the best of machinery Is the
chea)cst, uud the mill though a small
one will be first-class in every respect.
-H .
Miss Klla Gruhb ha Just returned
to her home at Newport after a plea
aid visit with her many Mends in this
Clair tlrowii, of Harney Valley, eaiut
down (wo week' iro and ha started
on his return trip with a new Deerlng
mower nud a hay rake. It Wdl take
him about twelve day to makt Hie
trip. Haying commence later In that
valley than this,
Th Parkerltcs sisut the Fourth at
Monmouth, and we cumo home well
pleased with ourselves and everyUsly
J. D, Wood has Just recently closed
nine mouths term of sehiKd here. He
held a first itra.le certificate and ad
vnnced the children rapidly and cor
rectly. He did not make application
for the fall term of scIiimiI, hence
vacancy still exists. Our achtsd house
Is new and well situated. The scholars
are small lu sUe and numbers. What
the patrons of the selusd want Is a gissl
nructical teacher with uot less than
scooiid grade certificate, out that has
is vn keeping up with the times. Young
ur old, male or female, make no differ
ence, but we must have a gissl, practical
ICn. Wixt SttiKi-Your tHreamw
lo me to-day and It seemed Ilk a letter
from home, I left, Purker on Wednes
day and came on the regular train to
Corvallls, On hoard were Itev, Well
ami wlfu, of Indc.'iidcuce, bound for
California. At Yapilna dciot they
were Joined by Prof, llristow and
others starting oil a visit to that state,
At Philomath I found that many
had gone, and more still going to ssnd
the Fourth on Mary' Peak and take a
wide view of the sea and tht land.
Prof, F. P. Jones la bidding a talsT
natio meeting lu the college campus
Willi g'Sttl SDCCCBM.
The road to Alscawlil si sin U oHned
for wagon and the damage to It by
the flood reialitHl,
The farmer are as busy as lac
getting ready for harvest.
Mrs, Caleb Davis, who is a sister to
K T. Heukle and Mrs, A, NtMsou, of
Independence, is very sick, but was
Is'tter tills morning when I visited her.
She Is attended by Dr. J. It. Lee aud
brother, of Corvullis.
Graiiilpa and Grandma Woml who
are all well known to frleuds at I ndc
la'iidctice, are all quite feeble with III
health aud old age.
Prof. KtHnle's stately form still moves
In Philomath, aud he Is going to oNn
a M'hsd for the fall ami winter with
many true frleuds wishing him success.
The throwing out of good men from
selusd ltloniii this way Is not very
satisfactory lo iiiaiiy, Ami men who
art clothed with a little school author
ity miKht to ls very careful how they
use It lest they Injun themselves and
others and the selnsils and the cause of
. a ,......,...
The recent showers cause the farmers
bmw to wrinkle,
Mi Laura Tetlierow niurncd home
I wt week from a long visit In I'.aslern
Oregon, fshe exsvts lostay here this
.Mr. i A Johns hi, of Hums, Is visit
ii .-nil nig his relatives of Lucklaiiiute.
His I'ltllicr Is a large dealer In meats in
Mr, iii Steelu has been doing a
lively business auioutig our farmers the
past week sawing wissl preparatory for
winter use,
Miss Heudrlck' returned to her
home Monday. She has made many
friends here and they would Is glad lo
see her again.
Our selusd closed last Friday. Mr.
Swan has made a gissl te icher and the
directors will endeavor to engage him
for the fall term.
The dick of the sickle can be heard
lu all directions, and soon the me
Minus hum of the cylinder will wake
our slumlsriug "dads."
The carfHMitcrs have nearly completed
Mr. John Hums new warehouse. The
warehouse will have a caaclty of
nearly LD.INIO bushels of wheat
Mr Holier, of Independence, bus
Isiught Mr. Samartlus saw mill. Mr.
It. Is putting the mill lu first-class
order. He will start the mill In a few
Messrs, Tetlierow, I. Foster nnd J.
Kituer have gone to the mountains on
a hunting expedition. They will stay
about two weeks. Mr. Kdltor look out
for venison ami piiuther skins when
they return.
Gissl weather for garden truck.
Howd'yc, Commissioner Simpson.
Mr. Page, daughter and son-in-law
arrived from Wisconsin last Monday.
Mrs. W. J. Crawford left for Modford
lust, Monday with her children. The
professor will remain until after har
vest. lU-v. Wm. Clyde will preach his fare
well sermon next Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Ho will go to Nevada from hero. We
hope, however, that h will reconsider
and conclude to luinilu with us
itwhllu longer at least, Hu has been It
faithful worker while hum. We wish
him and his wife success In their new
field of labor. ,
Lieut. Milton D.ivis.of McCoy, passed
through our city lust Thursday. We
are glad to sec him buck In Polk county.
John K, Phillips brought a cabbage
leaf to our olllco jast Monduy measur
ing twonty-four Inches across. Who
can beat that at this time, of the year?
J. N, Skalfu lost a valuable horse last
week. Obstruction of thu stomach be
ing the caiiBO,
Mr. C. C. Walkur has had his fruit
dryer rcmodulud and is now ready for
the fruit crop of 18IK). We are ulso In
formed thut Jus. K. Shcppurd will buy
apples and pears again this fall, thus
giving our fruit mun ready sale for
their products. Hence there will be
no excuse to let any go to wuste, even
If the prices should 18 rather low It I
better thuii nothing.
We hope our new stage driver Mr. C.
F. Jtedwlne will be bettor pntroiilxtd
during hi four year drlvt than Mr.
Htovall was, who proved to bt a very
accommodating ataga driver. Ht de
served belter treatment at the band of
tht publlo In general.
cTfv FINAciiT
quarterly rirt of City Trvwoirsr K. T.
tliiki,iidliif July I, law.
April I Cash an lisnd enrl fund (ill W
" s rhw. Hnrmn. Osun IIimiim 4 IN
s T Mm. Jni, I'lly l I tu
" 1 Hill Mnulmas it M
M It W.IMIrowii, iMHldlsrlkwiis lis
It lli'iis Msr.ll.. sluiw " III IS)
" III Abl'lsiw, imlilliMj . " gW
U KW (st, md 1st 7 Ml
H IS C'un.UitsU, sliuw 4 UU
ii OKMsiuly,dvlln'Uiinllsi W
i " " " IU
" W II It lmnn, show HinM t u
tt OKMsenulsy, dvUiiHUSUttsx fit
May I " " " 1J
" & M a (Ikiflr, houw noil too
jl Hlrwliljvri, irsUs 1st III W
" illliHlm, Ml
I I'T Jo inaon. e II lax ITS
" OUiifinw, go
" KCI'iitlsiit,iirs4ts Mini
id Has limy, ix-ikllsr IImhw H 00
10 (IK Msiwulay, dslliluUMit Is I
"14 All riiaar. ptstdlsr htwrnsi ll
III M,'KsiiIhx, iiiiw lltsmw i (O
" l lUMU-Jiirll, sllu llmiiM 4 00
" III John tkw, pwltlUr IIiwmmi 1 OU
H Win llrnvw, trwls tax l 00
- Ill II KHIistmssj. j W
Mll lllllsrd sad Jotinwta, rd las I 0U
" al II II Union, show lUsmisi I m
JuiwtllKMiMWUlay, HT I OU
" 4 N Jaeks, How IkwnM 4 (W
I Hii.wll Jvwvll. sltuw IIiwiim I 01
" T II M I.Ism, UmH llwnisi I lft
" vl MS Oof, biMiwranl iuO
II M(.liii,ssi(llrlk-.n I m
" It M llslMlll, - - 1 00
IS JsniM Wsslfltll, " 100
IU hlli A (H, haek tOO
" m V i MorrU.MOmia llim WO ou
July I J RtiiMHwr, - auoo
IS w
Anrll It OnlsrNo.
May H
II " "
It "
I II s s
" ff "
44 01
' aw
7 7
m to
m m
10 00
1 It
II is
to UU
tt 00
mm TV
Hi u
s 171
" . Vi
1 171
i " 1.1
Tolal sniouiil nlvd
s ' dlsbufwHl
Hftla)n band
Investor and peculator In real
eatatt will do wall to await tht platting
of Whitt't addition to tbt city of Inde
lieudencc. This property coutaln
tweuty-sevtu acrea, tweuty acres of
which will bt pbilted luh lot aud
bhs'ks In acvonlanoa with tht adjautut
property now platted. White' ad
dition lay ou Seventh atreet Just west
of the enk ou tht south ldt of tht
utw motor line aud slope nicely to
tht east and south. Till tract to to bt
cleared and tht property to tbt mutt
detlrahla In tht elty. Tht lot will bt
placet! ou (he market at price ranging
from $73 lo $100, and will be told on
easy payment. Many people have
already signified their Intention of
puniiaslug several lota, and as portion
of them will be reserved by tht owner
It will pay those 1 11 1 rested In watch
for tht platting of this addition, which
will beanutuiiiced through the columns
of till paper. Parties desiring to re
serve hliK'k or Iota lu this tract may
address PacJAo Coast Ileal Kstate Co.,
Hfl First stnmt Portland, Oregon.
Ileal estate transfer for tht week
ending July 5th, furnished by Sibley A
Kaklu, of Dulls.
W C Iksul to Isaac McElmury, uudl-
vldixl i f acre In 10-4; f 1.
J H !-! to W F White, lot hi
German town; fSoO. .
W C Hmwn to J Quast, lots lu Ger-
maiitown; lil.
W C Brown to P Oerlng, lot lu Oer.
muntown; II.
W C lirown to Jacob Schrsg, lot lo
Germantowii; 20.
Henry Hill to L Lemmou, lots lu
IndeHndenoe; 1100. ,
Wm Ruble to J L Collins, lund In 8-6;
J P Smith to J D andM JTayloi,
land In 8 1; H"0.
I Leveus to W A Wash, lot In Dal
las; f25l).
I lioveus to A M Smith, lot In Dal
las; 70,
LaCreole Institute to W W Hepburu,
lots lu Dallas; $400.
Total No. Deeds, 11; Total amount,
Total No. Mortgages, 5; Total amount
Total No. Itelease, 1; Total amount
The new building for tht IndejH-ti-
deuce National hank which will staud
on the comer of Main and Monmouth
street will Is one of the finest bank
building this side of Portland, From
foundation to roof the material It
of the best and the architectural effect
is the finest possible. The grotiud
plan covers thirty-three feet front by
seventy feet deep. A ten foot Obiueut
walk will be on Main street aud an
eight fisit one on Monmouth. The
foundation of tbe building to wild
gravel and cement. The ground floor
of the )ortloii devoted to the bank
will be laid In ornamental tiling ami
solid ccmeet. The window are to be
very large and of plntt glass. On each
ldo of the entrance door stand pillars.
The (tiling and walls will bt elegantly
frescoed, The vault will lie large and
built absolutely fire proof, The second
story will be divided Into seveu offices.
The cornice work will be of galvanized
iron and alone cost over $1000. An
ornamental tower stands ou the corner.
The finest finished of Cooer's brick
being used the building will have the
finish of pressed brick. At a relief,
stucco work the same as on the Hotel
Portland, will be used. A written
dlscrlptlon cannot do Justice to Its
architectural perfection and beauty.
County Offlotrt' Bondt Flltd.
Sheriff W. L. Wells, bond of $15,000,
Is endorsed by the following names: II.
W. Murphy, A. H. Collins, G. A.
Wells, Sr., G. A. Well, Jr.
It. II. Turner,treasurer,$lfi,000 bond,
la endorwed-by the following: E. Hay
ter, T. G. Richmond, N. L. Butler, F.
A. Wester, J. W. Crlder, H. B. Stanley,
J. J. Williams, A. K. Wilson, J. F.
Groves, M. M. Ellis, J. D. Smith.
Assessor N. Gardner' bonds of $5000,
ha the following name: M. Morrison,
Jas. It, Sites, T, O. Richmond, E. T.
Miller. ,
County Clerk Coad bonds renewed.
Mrs.X. Balloy, of Portland, Is visit
ing at the home of J. It. Cooper.
A Larat Crtwf anal Orttrly Crowd
A Pltttant Tim.
Tbt clllsens of Monmouth were
awakened at 4:83 a. in, by the firing of
anvils, and (hen brought to
realising tense of the grand old eagle
and that lie waa Just Is'glniilng to
scream after a silence of one year,
noma 42 gun were fired In rcpn-seii
tut lou of our then 42 state.
About 7 o'clock people la-gaii pouring
Into towu from the surrounding county,
and by 10 o'clock some 3ono or 4kii
people were In town, After the ex
curslou train arrived bringing Ifs loud
of "liberty loving ieoplc" the pro'
cession formed at the oa-ra house In
tht following order:
First chief marshal, Damon and aids.
2d the president of tht day, Connaway
and Hianiker Weathcrford. ikt Turner
band consisting of 10 pieces, led by
color bearer. 4th Lllrly cur drawn by
four black horse manipulated by W
J, Mulkey. The occupant of the car
were 42 galiy dressed girls representing
tht states with Mis Nettle Grounds as
"Oodca of Liberty" (blonde) and Miss
Mary Coat a "Justice" (brunette),
aud all the boy were eutliiisliisilo lu
their admiration of tht duett. 5lh
Monmouth bond of 1.1 pieces, 0th
olthuin on ftsd aud lu carriages.
Tht Declaration of Iudrieinlcnoc
was read by Mr. J. It. V. Butler.
Then President Connaway Intro
duced Hon. J. K. Weathcrford, of Al
bany, who held the Urge assemblage
for au hour lu perfect attention, Ht
reviewed tht early ttrugle of our fore
fathers, our advancement and develo
uieut, our civil war, our progress In edu
cation aud the art. Said that we are
tht model government aud that if we
ever fall It will bt caused by a division
among us; that no foreign power, no
not even the combined powers of Ku
ropa could overthrow us. He
tulogized tht farmer aud his occupation ;
sjKike kind won Is for our Normal and
aat down amid the plaudits of the crowd.
Tht various prlxet were won by the
following parties:
To tht heaviest buby, six months old
or under, a hotaj, to Mrs. Klklus.
Tht young ladles' race was won by
ills Delia Byera, and she rvclvrd a
$2.50 dress MtU'rn.
Tb i 50 yard race, 1st prlw a $2 hat,
waa won by C, K. Staabt; second prize
free refreshments, J. Hllderbraiid,
Hevtnty-flvt yard race, 1st prise one
doxeu photograplm, wa won by Ches
ter Murphy; 2d prta tllk hatidkerclilcf,
Kd. lllllsrd.
Out huudred yard race, 1st prize $5
wa wou by rruuK iaugiiary; 2nd
price silver mounted cane, W. Quick.
Kgg race, prlui $1, awarded to C K.
Tht afternoou and evening were en-
livened by music by the bands, both
separately and eomblucd at the opera
In the evening a large crowd assem
bled at tht os-ra house to trip the Hkiil
fantastic, or to smile on those when
dancing. The ball was under the stiH'r
vlslou of the Monmouth htsik and
ladder company, and to say they made
a tueocs of It to putting it mild. More
lliau 100 young gvulleincii were present
and ladles for all.
Tht order of the day was most per
fect and Monmouth can well but
that her celebration wa a grand
suexwsa. Iriing may the stars anil
st r I pea wave from her buildings a d
scream of her eagle be heard though
out tht whole land
July 8, 1S!H).
Couucll convened In regular session.
Mayor Shelly In the chair, lloll culled.
Member present: Mayor Shelly,
Couucllmen Shlnn, Merwiu, Wheeler
and Krengel, Marshal Mucauliiy and
IVcorder Lilies,
Minutes of previous meeting rtad and
approved. Finance committee reported
that they had paid the first semi
annual Interest on the city bonds aud
return herewith the coupons No. 1 to
A Inclusive; reportlaa above was adopted.
On reiKirt finance committee Arthur
Wilton was allowed $250 for order
books; bill ordered paid. Treasurers
quarterly report read and referred to
finance committee. A pctltiou asking
that eighteen feet off of the south side
of B strtet east of First street was read
andjreferred tocommlttceou street and
publlo property. An ordinance bill
asking thut tide walks be built In third
ward presented and read three times.
Ou motion was voted ou by yeas and
nays Yes-Shlun,Mcrwlu, Wheeler and
Krengel. Bill passed and marshal in
structed to have the side walk built In
accordance with ordinance marked (A).
On motion the title of the bill was
made the title of the ordinance,
Au ordinance bill was presented ask
ing that a sldt walk lie built In first
ward on east side of 3d street from the
south side of of D street to southwest
corner of lot No. 7 In block No. 0, said
walk to be built us per side walk ordi
nance No. 0. Ordinance was read 3d
time, on motion yens and nay were
taken. Yts-Shluii, Mcrwln, Wheeler
aud Krengel. On motion thu title of
bill was made the title of ordinance.
Marshal wa Instructed to have said
built (sco ordinance marked H).- M
Mcrwlu was appointed committeeman
ou fire and water. '
G. W. Shlnn wus appointed com
mitteeman on finance. On motion the
committee ou streets mid public pro
perty wa Instructed to hxik after the
matter of vacating that portion of It
street asked for by petition dated July,
1800. Hill of Klklns&Co. of Jo.So re
ferred. Bill of Geo. Mucauliiy night
watch $40 ordered paid.
A Famoua Woman' Exp- tnet
Chicago, Nov, 1,1.
Mr. Wisdom: Dear Slr.I beg to
thuiik you for the delightful and re
freshing "Itobcrtlno" you so kindly
sent me. I have used the toilet aud
preparations of the most celebrated
manufacturers of London nnd Paris,
but consider your "ltobertlno," their
superior In point of purity and excell
ence. Wishing you the unbounded
success you deserve, I remain,
Faithfully you in,
Emma Ahuott.
Have you uotlced the new truck of
the firm of Elklus & Co., and a new
black team, new harness and an ac
commodating driver. It Is busy too
from morning until night.
The story I tiild of t Oormsn. who took tbt
Artiul uf bit i-lo' ll I') 'liv mik-r tu be thou
Died, mbhsuv tlMiy did not luwli projmf tons.
Of ooui, ths elix S tinikor driuMnlisJ tbi
tiwhi, sa In IIh-is litl' tlio troiililn. Hold and
liloti hi , pmt'l' and I'Micr cmplloin on Iho
lwlor Ml uf t dlwirdortKl condition of tha
bliHtfl within, if you have tlinw lintlmtloni,
bn lw In tlimi, iol tnko Dr. Plcri't (ioW'ti
Mnllivl lilmoivfry. H puis tlw llvn- and
klilm-j't In (nod worklnr ontar, purtn, tba
blisxl, oUsuiMt tits j'su-ra frnia all Inmuri
tii, from wlisuivm- ernuw srlslu. and (utw
up Oi funtillisi tn-mty,
"(lolilr-n Mnlintl UtmHvrf" phmkt tb
frUrlilfiil liinrwH ot tWrofuts. and, If ukn
In lliiw, arrmU the marcb of CotiiutiiptJi.n of
IIm I.unrt ishlfli la Uuif-anrofula), urtfl-a
and enrfi hn ttw Nmsl, iln-n-hj' uiirtav all
KklB Slid Slp ltai-. Ulurrs, Son Hwi-1".
Ina, and klndnsl allim-ali. It la imwwfulljr
tonic aa veil aa altvraUXt, or tilissl-rlMinalti,
In IU i-SmiOj, lH-m It stmntrttn-na tlM ayaO-in
and matom vllslltr, t Iwmtijr diawllln all
tbuw laiisnld, "tlrtsi fn-lliiKa" viiwrlonord
,r tb duUlliUtwl, Htnolr hu It tnant
fnatist Ita S)lnnr III curtnir Trtler, HalU
rnsum. fcuv-iua, Krjralis-lsa, Holla, ( arluncl,
Bora gyra, (Inltra, or Tbluk Nwk, aud Ku-lara-isl
Uloidnn M.'.llil Dlannrmr" It the onljr
blots and lniur n-nMtdjr, ala hf druirirlau,
nd Tuiiioslf 'I lir lis manufaetunira, to do
II that It la pHInd Ut acf-nmiillan, or muavf
Mid for It will tm irtimillv rvfnuikwl.
Wosi.n IMHi-rssAST li!i.ii:ii, AssiH!ia
rum, Mannftwtururi, No. old Main Hirwt.
lluBslo, H..
S300 ?FEED
J bj !Ih nianiitautur.
i -a of Ur, Saitc's Tatarrb Hi-mwty, fur aa
UMiuraUu imd uf CaUrrb bt tlw Head,
Natlet tf Final Stttltmtnt.
lu llii-County (Vmrl ofllm Wale I
in iirvann lor nut ( utility,
In tin instii'i'iif ihet-MiiiU'iif JiHiniia Hmwn.
Hi tlm lnlni next of kin. and alt tsfMins
ini.rai, l in Mild mt. Vim an- bi-n-dy nU
nod tlmt Jimiii Hmwn tin Bled III Itnul w-
nilllll III llii, mlulK ,, jiwhus Itmw u dns-iUMlt,
ami I lip iiiihI IH-arliiH ul Hit- uiiiir Inu Isi-ll wi
Muntlay, Ang-u.l the 4th, 1SWO,
al wliirli nine you, and twh of you, may nu-
iHwr in saia nmrt ana Hit nhjit'Uons lu suta
iiiikI ammm II any you liavt-.
A. M. lil'lil.KV, Kxn-uUir.
Ill ll.r.ltTiWXMi:NI.
Aii) . i,,r mia i:-uo.-. "sat-l
. cTtatio'nT'
In llwtVmaljrf'otirtofth Miatuoflln-aon fur
inu MJuiiiy ui rota t ottmy.
In Ihn instli-r uf tlip siilo uf tlir nl estate
Is-louaiu lo lini pini uf C. J, CiaM-r, Ui
iv wo.
In Wllllani Tiili-. Tlioniaa Mism. Mar-
Ksivllr itaburu, MuhKllii Mli,.rw,.il, KIIwtM-ih
nuys, itiuiifi l-oi. iioIkti fo-lcr, joint
KimU-r, Thointu r.nKlinti, .hoi" Willlaiua,
atatialia Hlas, l.tlMyi-M rjiallxlt, Jniiins
llruwii, liuia nud KiiiuiIh-Ui Hihuh.
tii-lrs aud nvxt of kin tu ( '. J.t 'iMiper, dtss.-aM'd.
iikukas a t l ll t hi liim Imi'U uriM-nti-d tu
nil! (iiuiiiy t"iHirl, ira.vlnK tor on order to
sell lln niil esiaU ts'ioiigiiia' to Mild itslalp,
you. audisii-ti ol you, are- liereliy elllleit, aiiii
untitled, lo iinis-iir al lh U-rm ut aind Cuuuly
t.Viurl tu be held on I In.
4lh ((, uf Aujiusf, 1N),
ami allow iwiiiw why tli urder fur the
Mile ul siitd rent Imu slitmld nut tw Kniuied
aa pniuil fur In Mild s-tiu,m, whk b real
ustste la ileM-rlls-d tu fulluwa, tu-wll:
loslniilim at tti Honilixi'.l ruruer uf I .
lows mill lot, lln iov .Nurtli V M Wiwl, is
link- lu tin-t-iiiie uf Mill street; then Ninth ttl"
i Wl I J j Inilus uloiia Mild alriH't: thenis
Muulli li.l'J iIiuIiih; ilieuci. Knt I. IS i-liMins;
ilifiuw .virin I.U7 cliuiua tu inn elm uf l-
WliiiiiiiaT. Also Ih-jiIiiiiiiik at tlw Murtliwisit
uimer uf Uiii liunl sImiv dewrilsil; theim
Hoiitii aioim llii W line u( said lund .U
elmiiis tu tlie NiHilliweat eurner lliinnif; ilienee
WVot K1K links; llieiu Sunk Its idialns lu
the Muriiuwiil winter ufjolin Wsruiers sluro
Iiuiimk thenm foulll ta' atr Kant aloiur the
Huuth lIueufMIII street Ml link m the uImas
1,1 tM-uiiininj, aiiuttled in IhiIIhs, I'olk t'ouiuy,
tlrt'itoii, J, rtrol'r'FKlt,
(iiuniy Juiiiin,
tMleil al Independeiirw, (r June iti, vi.
Ttkt It Btfort Brttkfttt
The ureal ru-user, tunle and liver reirultttur.
in iwi tur iiioru man i yvurs in r.onniini,
IVsililve npiH-lilu (ur liver wmiplaliit. Hud
m-le in Hie immth on nriilinr iv the uiiinilnif.
dull liiit In the heud hiuI back uf the eyes,
ureu iix iiint, ilium, iHOK.nir ayiuptunis ol
liver nouilalnl. Iti'iuedy Ur. lienley'a r,ii
llah taniellon Tontu, Uelieves eoutliiitlon,
harM'iia tlie upiiellie aud lone up the eutlre
ysinin. tie! the genuine Iroin your drtiKSlat
fur fl, and hike aetvrdiii tu tllriH'Uuua,
Infarnal Inganuity
Could aenn-ely devise mure eseruriatlnir tor
tures thnn lliuse ol wiileli yon see the vl-deiict-a
lu the fare of a rln uuuttif or neurnlKii'
uflerer. The tiaoiili-s are the winwHiuenis- ul
nut elieekliiK a rtieuiiit-tleur neumlMie nttw-k
at the outai't, liieitetter's Klomaeh lltttera
bus Imh-ii loumi by skllllul medlenl nraetltlun-
era tu iMisMen nut only remediiil, but defensive
ellleaey, wliere thuse tleHeti exist, or a
ItMiiteni-y to tnein Is exiiliilted. Murety una
puissant but sale hutunle iiiedii-ine, henrtiiK,
hsi, aueh lllitll aitvllli ssili'lluli, la U'lter than
the sisoita ulten euipiuyi-il, hut tnust mianfe,
nut only In eotilinuuiii-e, but hi Isolated doses.
Thehlisid ladepursted tlionniitlily from the
rheuiniille virus, and the nerves, alhrhtly liu-pura-ed
Usm, saved Irum utliuiHte and direful
ihns'H tiy thla benliiii, suvluit iiiedlelue, wiileli
likewlaii exhlhlts market! eillraey liir umlariu,
kidney niiunlHliits. dvaueiMla. t-un-itlitutluu
and liver cuuiplitinu
Notle to Contractors.
Scaled itroiMMiiU will lt received im In 2
o'elis k . in, ou Ihe jlst ilny uf July, lsW by
tne ut ams'iors ut si'Ikmii uiairiet iNu.
31, 1 iideis'tidene, l'olk nmnty, Oregon lor the
eoiistruclton uf n two story iriiuie wlusil
huiiae, neeurdlitg to phtiis and specifications
lolH-seen at thu olllee uf Hubert 4 MeNiilly
an-hlleetit Hiilcm. (Irea-on. Hlghl to reject any
and an tiitta reserved
lly order of the board.
Independence, Or.
J uly 0, IKUl. ,
M.l White, Clerk.
A Inrire black Gordon seller doir. has small
nick in lip of rtiihi ear and ancur Just liehliid
the left ear wlilcb run be seen by rulsiiiK
tiie liulr, Wus lust ut liideisMidence
on Monday, Mny&Mh, l8lH). Ten dollars will
be Kiven lorthe n-luru o!' tliis nniuitil or to
tnlorniiitlon nnieii will cause ma return lo
the ow ner al Nnlciu.Or. 1,. K. I'oSN.
Two hundred bend of stiH'lc alieep. In lots In
suit. For further particulars Inquire of t'urlls
Hiiwlcy, ol McCoy. 7:11-21
M Iss N'ora Cooikt, daughter ofj. C.
CiNiHr, of McMiiinville, has lacu visit
ing her relatives here. Slie hold a case
In the Tvh'ihxme-KrjkUf olllee and
the Whist Biuk acknowledges a fratcr
nnl visit.
Win, Cooiier, of Eastern Oregon, has
been lu towu the past week attending
to mutter of private Interest.
New sawmill, new (louring mill,
new railroad, new school house.
Hev. YV, C.' Cnntncr will preach In
the Evangelical clinch on Sunday.
The plans adopted for the new school
house liiHiiii! us a llrst-clnss building of
which tlie people will feci proud.
The circus will not visit our town.
Tho advertising cur passed through
this week. v-
Oak wood wanted af thc Wisst Sinn
office. Cash paid. "
Why cannot some one be detailed to
show up our advantages us it town
and county, in Portland?
Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson, of Prluo
vlllc, nre visiting at home of Mix II.
M. Kstes, . . .
Riley and E. W. Cooper nnd W. O.
Cook arc In Portland on business.
Mr. 8. S. Olmblo who has so long
and faithfully served the public ns post
master at Zeiia hits resigned, nnd J. X.
SkalH'c succeeded him July 1st.
J. W. IhiHter and family arc rustl
citting at Hodavlllc where they will re
main several weeks,
Mrs. Cattrou and duughter licrlha,
of Monmouth, were In town Tuesday,
Misses Ota Hobcrt.son and Nellie
Hill returned from their Portland visit.
E. P. 5HINN,
Has moved bla abnpnto thaatort of 1, l
Hlis klun, sndwlll b plaaaad totw bU olt
euatwneri and many Dew taat. 1 1I
Privato Sale I
I will offer fur sal In tbla eity, two final
milk wa with young calva, wblrb I till sail
al almruln,alao two citniiind road bone
eolor, Imy aud brown, wnlglit llflOpounda.
Address J. A. Hyers. iniletsmdenca, tat 111
Natlanal Surf leal InttltuU.
One or mora surgeons reprnaenlln thla In
atltule will Im at the clu'iiiekete llotol, Kalem,
July iHili; at Ilia t lly Hold, Indeiwndemw,
July 3lal: at tha Knteriirus Holel. paluu.
July IM,
I'hia Inalllute Is aseially devoted to tha
treat men t uf curvature uf the aplne, dlaaaa in
tha hip and kne Joint, erunked llmlai, club
fisit and all bodily deformities, Tlielr auenea
In Iniethi these truublna aa well aa all ehronlo
dlaeaaea lata made for III Inatltut a nalluual
All peraona who are aufferlnir front any of
these eon plalliU. aliiMiht not tall to take ad
vantage of thla oisirtunlly lor relief,
Kelnrenee may lie bail to the lollowlnrreal
dentai Judge It. I'. Kolao, Maleni; llo.i. Thus.
I,, liavldaoti; U V. Helknan, Haletn; M. H. Hon.
Indes-ndeuis!-, B. and N. Tartar, lwlavllle,
Uretisn. H
Having sold my furniture bmlnaas I wish
lo balance my Issika, and would ba pleased to
itave those owing call and settle aa iiuou a
eonveulenl, Voiira Keapeetfully,
W. A. Wengenroth,
Of thla clir has opened a wagon (hop In the
aiue hitlldinjt wltb E. K. Krengel blnek
ainllh ahon. fie la an eiperlanced workman
having learned bla trade In Kurooe. Ha ao
la lia a ahare of the patnnage and guarantee
sallalucilon. 7 4
W. W. Williams,
Will buy Anything and Bell
Main St., Opposite Opera Kouss
Will move as soon as a larger
building in vacant 6 5,
Tha dyapeptle. Ilia deblllUle4, wb.Uks
r mim eiresa f wark t Bllasl
body, trlnk or axpoaara lai
Malarial Be&ons.
will And Tntt'a Ml! tha aaaat naital
reatorailT .r.r Ara4 Ih aaArtagt
Try Them Fairly.
A algoroaa body, para felaa. atraac
Berrea and a thaarftil aalad will rasalfa
Jackson's Restaorsst I
Meals served for 25 cents each.
Ice Cream 15 cents. Board 13.50
jier week. Main St, Independence.
Funeral Director
and -
A full and complete line of Fu
neral goods always on hand
T k ferj &al lib,
-On C Street,
Kreah breiwl, plea and cakes on band every
dny exeept sunauya.
A lull and freah abiek of canned goods, flour
teiw, vutlt'e, augnr, euuillea, cinani and bibae.
9. D. B.TAY LOU, Proprietor.
Ladies Dress Gods,
Boots & Shoes.
Mens Clothing,
Spring Hats
and Underwear etc.
AU pomma desiring to hove bomoa or barn
moved or raised on their foundation, will
are prepnred to do the work promptly and to
your natlsfaellou. Leave orders wltb U, Kel
so. Prices reitsonnble. i Ht tf
Dressmaking Parlor
Mlas E, Kuiiii, of rortland. Oregon, hna
openeilii dreaKUinkliiK ealabllanmetit III tbe
new building on Monmouth UU, and is prepar
ed U do
for lnc'.losiuul children. Hatlsraetlon guaran
teed, t V