The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 11, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. Vll.
( 12.00 Vm YEAH.)
ini)K1km)i:nck, roue COUNTY okixjox, Friday, .julvji, 181)0.
NO. 30.
One Vear "'',ipi ' . j.oo
Six Months . ' . oo
Three Mmiths . .
When not paid In advance 1 je
tuleMidrite I. l.wntM al the h4 of aavt
mum iih al Ui (!, III W ltlali
rttar, and n IN in-tht Km at Um Orau 11.0
t'slHut.ila Railroad; mitiu a pnputailaa i
UW I. the lluetl ktMH tjadal bit
family. which I ttn nl the Wal, al
WMllli; aid thickly i'iUid ta Ilia WUlam
u vallr. .
ThstieadlW litraliti lriilltf. IS Warn
t U )) in rnskl. a t ba.ona al III
ul AlYrtIiu Medium.
btest and' Best. Styles,
..a .... i ... 'A .... I 1 l.
Physicians & Surgeons.
U. S. Examining Surgeons. ,
OfSea; .! til of Usln St.,
INPEME.NlXCl!,. .''. ' ORC00H
Physician and Surgeon.
(iflSr Uottt f.rt.NiiuI liunk, "
Physician: wnd. Surgeon.
Cuen Ybtft. Or'rgott,
Physician and Surgeon.
U. 8. EXiMININQ SUB0E01T,"'-1
InJcpendtoce,,, Oregon.
DR. J. B. JOHNSd&rV"!
Resident . Dentist,
Alt work warranted to Civ the tx'lt
V of Satinfaction, .
Attorney and Counselor at Law
0ce: Mill si.. OjmkmiIW Court llnu.,
Attorney and Counst'Ioc at i Law.
- ;$ .i V.s -
,OiDw: Cor, Mutn tiul Jlpaiooulh Bto,
lNt)Ei r.SI.ENCE, .:; '!;-' '" " ' ' 0BE00N
first flatioijal BaijH;
; - ,;
President J. S. COOPER.
Vlc Prealdent, L. W. ROBERTSON.
C.shler W. H. HAWLEY.
'..v ,- i v'
O. P. Thnmpfn, 3. . Cpwt
X. VT. Hobm-tnn, If, W. ColUnt,
O. W. WkUkar.
TnftlMi-fi t f eirirtl Bnktn t)intotf
ind telU exchu( ou nil ImporUat points.
I.nnIU rlT4 iMr
enriiHcleo( dsplt Colleotioni BMdctaul
poluti on (trorabl Mrnit,
Mfom- hoari:A. M. to 4 P. H.
HulWhtirflar proof ult Hr4 by Tnt
lluil Lock : '.. ' "
National .'. Bank-1
CAPITAL STOCK, $50,090..'
H. HIRSCH8ERQ, Prsfstnt.
W. P. CONNAWAY, - Cshlr.
i teart bflnklnr and siehanja bjitnaM
twimnettd; lon mnAo: bills dUcoonUd; oov
snerolal r4ltn fMnted; dspoalts reeslrsS
arrant araouut subject to elieck; Inltrsst pal
ro lims depoilu.
' " '' . .... . ;1 :.
Joshua MoDanlef, H. H. Jaspsirson,
A.J. Goodman, H. Hlraohsr.
Abram Nslson, T.J.L--I.
A. Allan.
:IVale in:
Mutton, Urnb, Vtaf, Pork, Hm, Ben,
Cumud llnf, laiHl'is. ICtfi. Sultry d Oams
iu Hcwns. All Ooodi de)lvMd IrM ot ahar.
Jasperson & Parker,
Independence, Oregon.
Architects, BBildcrs and Ceatractors.
Alirsjrsli their Sash tW Boat FsatstT, sal
will trr thlr In tlu ail. Otva Item a
Irlil and k Marlas4 last Ihaf WtrU al
THE t-
U L1,
Or Indopondenoo, Oregon.
Transact general Real touts IUislits
buy and aril Property, ail'eeta
Insurance mill doe a general
Conveyance Hiuiuc,
, Parties having Lauds fur wile will ffu4
U to their advantage, to
With this Company, m tliry are dully
sendlug lint of laud east, Mm pine,
lug desirable pmiperty before the real"
dents of the Kt.
J. KIRKt.ANt), I'tenideut,
HauBB, Sign & Orqamnntal
lpT Hniijjiittf, C.miuing, I'rr.coiiig,
lwmre, imir(ini,iciHf, urrgou.
of ixom:siK.TK, HVVIXtl A
In novr ii'mrwil to ki'i'i' uu lutml
tin iutility of ilrifk, wliioli will 1h
Manufacturer of
.', '; And nler ill .
All kinds of Harness &. Saddlery Goods.
Carriage Trimming tml Repairing
E. BUXCE, Manager.
Is now prepared to make ny kind
of Canting in
On short notice. Is now at work
? iimnufacturing
Runce's Improved Grain Crusher
Arknowlnlffcd toh (tirtift grain rmhfr(t
Americii mninut. ihrspt iml nut duritlile
A full lit of the il work thmt t thU futm
dry will t (nibltuhtd In this paper. Any perMO
id wnttt of
-pfRTABT,l!(AW Mfl.T,
Cin ! 'ipiiHrtl berf. KrHtithif dont fbr alt
kintitv uf lUHt-htitciy, Mam itittt, luUrpvttiicacs,
. ,.) F. J. MORRIS, Prop.
Fine Wines, Liquors
Whitcaker Brick, Independence.
(Established by National authority.)
-: THE .
CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo,
-' SURPLUS, 91 5,000.
B. t WAtXACB, w- w- MARTIN,
rroaldsnt. Vlca Prssldsnt.
i. H. AM) RUT, Cashlsr.
To Parmera on whaat and other merchantahla
produoa, eoni(nd r la stars, either la private
moMlos or pl la warehouses.
Ursfts draws dims on Mew York, Cbleaco,
gu Krsiiaiaeo, Portiaa, London, Paris, flsrllu,
aonf Koof and (Hloutta.
GEo7 ir'lSEY, :
InuflpendHnca, Oregon.
Auotlonoer and Appraiser,
Rntlnintes of sll CoMnicHve work mode snrf
, ploin furnished.
' Atlefid Wn1nrduy snd Thursday In Comity
Court week at Unllm, Oregon,
Addraea, Dallas, Polk Co., Or.
f. F, Inrlns, cutter. Choice meats
ayittsattfta hand, DsWd's Brisk,
r:n li.. i
n h1 r.v : m n
luuiytvv HI ill I
E. E. Krengel,
-MmiuftieUtrer of the
Krengers Iron Fsncs.
Mr. Thomns rennet, late of Chi
cago, Ati exjericticed hore
hoer, makes a specialty
of that tine.
Circular and Crosscut
Saw Gumming
rnpninTnpvnn pp
h H A H Al H.
.lyiit u.uu.iij i u
. VM, JONl, rroprietor.
ThU Ferry is now in operation, and
prrpmed to tmiufer panaeugeni aud sg
out to or hum the City.
K will pay persoi)3 uarjtlr; a
View of Polk County.
To crow the Ferry and go to tht
top of f ropect Hill.
Miss Ada Judson. Mrs, Williams,
GiiipipiKG Filing'
Elkins k Co.,
rp p ...
Hauling of all Kinds Dune at
Reasonable Kates.
Hill Fed, OaH, 6l? 0 pir Uood
For Sal?.
KirCollections Made Mouthly.lM
C Street, Iiulcpcnttence, Or.
A. W. HOWELL, Prop.
First-class In every respect. Special
attention given transient customers. A
sample room for commercial travoleis.
Mitchell & Bohannon,
: Manufacturers of -!
Main Street, Independence, Oirj(on.
:I)caler In:
Drugs and Medicines,
fTnvinff purclinsed the s'tock of Jlntfjs
formerly owned by 1.. W. Koberlson, I
am prepared to meet nil the old custo
mers, and ninny more new. ones, l'ulr
and courteous treatment to all, '
The HcHuiirci'g ol' HmUim's Itay. ,
A Cntiiulliin surveyor who was en
mioil In an ollli.'iul cxpiiiliiion to Hud
son's liny in 1886 and IHUli says fowr
)(oiilo !mvo any Idea of the minurcus
of tills great sua. lis shores uro tlio
hitiiuis of tlio ni iik ox, the moose, the
rolndi'or, the rod iloor, tlio while bear
and Ills black brother, the ottor, the
mink, the black fox, hIho the silver,
gray, and while varieties, and other
valuable fur-bearing animals. Its
wators are teeming with tlio most valu
able varieties of water mammals and
iish.' lie lias seen tlio bay as far as the
eye could reach appear ono undulating
mass of white porpoises, liotli the
hides snd the nil of these are valuable
In some parts of the bay and In the
straits the shores. of the islands are
swarming with walrus. It has been
reported by 1'rof. Boll that one Island
on tlio east coast was found to be thick
ly strewn with the ivory tunks of the
walrus. The tusks are valuable,
though thn chief value of the walrus
lies iu the hide, which weighs on tlis
average 1)00 pounds, arid is worth from
10 to 20 cunts po i' uomid,
City Truck and Transfer Co
'i .TO.-.
a, Kansas City, ChicVao,
East, North f Sou
Pr rurllier nurtlt'iitarn liniiiro of any annul
ol is i;.uiikm r T
T. W. LEE,
, 0. P. A T. A.
I'liillaml, OrgnH
I'tekvt Aitrnl,
liHlnMlrii', Orm-iM
'i; i .11 lilt. i .1 i i i i. ii i
Oregon DovelopmeDt Co. 'a Steamers.
Short Lino to California.
Fnight and fare's the Lowest.
' r1kamhkaii,ino lutm , ;
" rsi-M utn'iit.
Willamtllt iVsllejAptll f, 14, .
Mom MS rmsunn,
Wlllsmrll Vsllty, liih, 10, is,
ll r..ntiui. w mr.vM. Ik .iwl.l t.. fli.iiu. d.
ng liis ariiliuut ntKi,
TIh. ...ti.Ml llh lh S U U .1...
IkmU at Cutvsllu suil Ailwiiy,
l( km i mii m ib, Oiciiiiii 1'mi-i. r..i.ulnr
umiiH'r KurfMsioNs. Low HtTirki-ln
ire nutt on rIi from ult Vul'i-y roinia lo
inipiiiia aim iviurii,
C H llM.wrH. jt , c, C. H"at,
t t.rn r r A o n ca Au (. r r A
hMtt 1-iMiH-l.i-u CufvNlll.. trrg.tit
Northern Pacific R.R.
And all pultii. Kai, via
3t Paul and MinriBBpaliB.
The Northern Pacifio Railroad
1. 1 lie mif Hue uniimig
Paaaonirer Trains,
bei!i)inl-ti Mlminor Hirr ul rimige )
l.iixurUiuH Uny Clni:h,
1'iillmnn Pninca blHeplna Cnrs,
K'lllHUB DllllMH Oar llllrol3ll,
From Portlnnil to the East.
Seo:thnt your tlckota road via Ha
iMurthBin paciiic H. R. and avoid
chKime of oara.
I.euvr l-nltlaiid at S:i A M and in I'M.
Isdvaiilvtal Miimrmwlmir Ht. I'mtt at W
I'. M.
Polflo Dlvlalcn.-Traln.'lrave I'mnl and
.Irrrt dllv Nl tt ss A- M. and 40 V M.I al
live at Ntw 1'rti-.nm al ?:m I1, M. ami 4 A, M ,
.xiitnrrtlna Willi Collliflliy'ikb4it fur all Hi(ntM
n I'UKrl nhiiiii. A ! I. II A K 1. 1 1 ... ,
Al. '.ru I I n... Aiirtil, No. m, i nl rtreel.
t'lirtland, (iti-gmt.
t Depot, Cor. Flrat and O atraeta.
0 !iR LAN 1 ) il) CA LI For n I a
Southern Pacific Company's
The Mount Shasta Route!
Portland and San Ffanelsco
39 Hours!
Cntiroriiin Knprrwi TrnUi ntiu Imtfv
, livtwccn IuiiiU aH(l hhii iriuciiw.
Snullt, j
tux, p. m. f j,v
p, m. J
; 4.S a. in Ar,
I North,
'itllmid Ar. j 10 4 0. in
Allmny Ar. I ft. 45 a ill.
hail i mntiicn I. v. 71. u. 111.
.on.. rusiHvnjiJlJfsil)', rxcct ISuittluv
I.chvc. I Arrive.
I'mllmicl .,,,.t A. M KMKue a j V. M,
Mtigt ne.i , y.'sA. M I'urtlitiiit , . . j A! I' M.
Pullman Huffet SleejKts.
For accoiiinmlntlon or Second I'luu iti.rli
lem Htlitched tu rKireHN luiiiiM.
'I'lie h. 1'. Co.'sHciiy iiiiikeH comir-ctlnn with
sll the regular trains on Hie Host Hide UlvUlun
Irum fool ol I', hlreel.
West Side Division.
Bet. Portland and Corvallls.
Mail Truin Dully, except Sunday.
I.kavr. I AHUIVK.
Pnrllnnd 7:10 A. M. Itidr'ririii-c,. m4 A. M.
nde 'deuce. . m:jj A. M. 1 Corvnllln 11:13 1'. M.
Corvollla ..,1:311 I'. M. j Inilr'dtnce . a:,n I'. M
Indr'dciice,. :.i V. M. I'orlliind ... S:ao 1". M'
Al Allainv and Corvnllln connect with trnlnii 0
Oieguu 1'ncilic R. K . Train Daily, Kxccpt Siiudiiy,
McMlnnville S ou P. I,
I'olllnild . . . 9:mi A. ,
Portland . 4:50 P. M.
McMlnnville 5:4; A. M,
Through Tickets to all Point
South and East
"Via California
City office, No 1,14, Corner I'll Htnlid Alder t
Depot office, Corner F snd front six., I'orlliind.
U. KOltlll-KK, It P. ROf,K,Rrt
Manager Ant o F Si I'.Agt,
The Polk County Bank,
I. A, MH.'lirM, (Fiirlliiiid) I'nwliltnil.
I. I.. : A MI'KICI.U Vlw-frciddent.
I I!, PtiWKIX, (JnHhlnr.
Capital Stosk, $80,000. - $20,000 Paid.
I, A. Mcdriiin, V. H, Powell, J, II, Hlmnii, Innno
M. HlmpHoii, J, II, V. Ilullcr, A. II. UlrggM, 1'. )
A goiuirnl linnltltig liuliiMfi ti'iuiKnclcd. He
polls received miliJi'Ot lo check, or oil iwrllllcale
nl depiiNllc. ' I.i ui n iiinile, IiIIIh dlKcomueil, ex
chniige hoiight anil Hold, liiliTit puld on tlum
deio.ll, . .
Klreproof vault, ami Iniriiiar proof mile, m
nurcrl by ynlc linu lock. Olllcu hoiim, II a. 111,
to lp. m,
..-'..' Suntl lllsss on Ilia lloail.
In Franco If a patient who Is under
the luHuenoe of chloroform shows any
signs of heart fniltii'O he is held lieml
downward till lie Is restored. It is said
that this niellind uewr tuils, ami many
operating tables In Frnneo moiiowsu
oonRtrueieil tlint the lower mi'1 cim
be sluvutcd ul u iiuimuiit's notice.
The tlffllls a Man Has In rollowlag
ktiaavlaiiaua Ailslea.
On g'dng Into a drug store, or look
lug through the advoitlnlng columns
of a newspaper, one wonders why any
body, except out of pure willfulness,
should ever tile, writes M. J. Savage Iu
the lloKlnn OMie. tint when, ou the
other Imud one notices the illlfereut
things that are regarded ss fain) by the
doctors, lie begins to wonder that any
body should be so Illogical as to cou
tlnna to live.
For esnmple, 'as the winter ap
proaches, a man begin to Consider (ha
iiratitittitl probletn of uiiderttiiiinel. Hut
If he lays to heart the dllVereiit varieties
of niodleal advice lie will Hud himself
Iu the com! it Ion uf thn celebrated long
eared Rullltul between the two bundles
of liny, lie mny not starve, but lie
will le In serious danger of freezing,
I have been looking up the mutter,
(iurmnny has a famous professor of
flannel. Dr. Jnnger tells nil the world
(hat It mint lre lit wool, the pure,
natural, uiicolnrvd srtlcla. It la good
for sheep, aud since the traditional
view Is that the liuiimn race la only a
flock of sheep to be shuiilim'dod aud
tlcecod, why the loglo Is plain.
Kit! a famous lloatuir doctor tells us,
ob eiitnl autlioi liy, Unit cotton is "the
only wear." 1 do not recall bis rea
son. IVrhnps It la part of a universal
system of vegeinrlitiiUiii.
On the other hand. Dr. Felix Oswald,
of New York, loudly proclaims that
the .jnly tiling I hut ought to touch the
outside of a eivllUiul being Is Ilium.
M'-anllitta what is a distracted man
to do as the cold weather comes on f
I'l'of. lllot used tos iy that the best Cup
of eoltee wss the aim that contained a
mixture of the largest number of kinds.
II nv would It do to get up a eomposiie
suit of tiudercluihiog and get the bene
lit of sll the tlilfet'tuit rarietlesr
Hut this la only an illustration of a
larger problem, I am not yet aged,
but wlihlu my memory neni'ly"! kinds
of fond hate In turn been declared
ilitngertius, If not' fiii.U, '1'liH tiiitio Is
true of all the drinks. Fleeing from
the threatening miaUlies of I'oehltiiiuo.
1 am colilroiiied with the miigniliud
forms of death lurks In tlio In.
aitiioiis ixittie or ANiiiiuaris. Aim tiicii
1 am startled by nti array of slat istie
pivp;iiii by !i Kuglinli meilieal eom- j
nilwiou, wheroiii II is coneluilvely j
hjinnn that all water Is ibnigeroiis. Al
any rate,, lhee (Igures are said to)
plove that. In Hie Utiles of longevity, j
the "total abstinence" inau staiuls ,
lowest. .' i
il iM-gliis to look as If there was "a '
good deal of human nature" Indite. '
tors. As a man reads the llible, mid !
sees nil texts that make for his opinions j
and treat the rl a ''ilguraiive" o j
may It not b with others besides the
ologltinsF There is such a aeductive i
teudeucy Iu men to make their foot
rule the ntoastire of the uuiverxu,
It seem to me jut poiwihlo tliL
there is a grain of trutli iu lint old
prui crb; 'VVhat Is one mail's meal is :
another man's poison," lliose wlm,
logically, ought to die, i) a matter of
fae-k'r-riht''oli" living, :'.Twt thoi 4
who ought to live do die. lVi'iui.a a j
little liulivliliinlilv should cotiiu in here,
as iu some other things, if a man has
not seine enough to II ml out w hat :
kind of bled and drink ami clothing :
agrees will) him, and lo govern him- j
self aceordingly.llieu perhaps it isjn..t .
as well for the world (or him not to ;
slay here. 1ct him go on, ami save i
the fool-killer trouble, lint it he has j
any aeuse, thou experience will become
hi teacher. The only "safe'1 person J
in this world is the one who has learned
Ids own personal lesson a lo how lo I
Child Marrlairea In Mnrocoo.
In all warm ellmatei the period of
puberty for bol h seies arrives carlier;
I lull, u ,!,... In thn elilllv latitudes of I
the North, and, therefore, the marriage.
able epoch Iseorresiiomllngly ailvancetl.
Hut unfortunately 11 is than cor
respondingly advanced, for a sysleut
of child marriage 1ms prevailed dur
ing many generalions, by means of
which Infantine brides and bride
grooms (but especially brides) are
Simply ooujjiii. ami simh 111 pun um unii
venience or the Interest of the parents,
says the London (MipAie, Much at
tention has been lately directed to this
subject iu India, and it is to bo hoped
that the native mind will gradually be
come aware of the cruellies wlileli are
perpetrated under this system of forced
and unnatural unions. Olio Is some
what surprised to Hud that these pro
mature marriages also prevail aiming
the Jews of Morocco, for I hev certainly
seem contrary lo the spirit, if not the
letter, of t.ho'law of Moses. As is well
known, the Jews, despite the oppres
sion and contempt v.1". which they
are treated by the followers of the fro
phot, are very timorous In the Kmpire
of Morocco, particularly In the cities,
where they carry ou all tlio mercantile
and moiieinry transactions, net as iiw
lerprolers and perform the functions
of servants, porters and scavenger.
Tlio Idle of a rilioollii HI nr.
A small body, perhaps as large ns a
pavlng-stono or larger more often,
perhaps, not as large as a ninrhln Is
moving around tlio sun. Just as a
mighty planet revolves in an ellipse,
so tills small object will move round
tinil round in tin ellipse, with the sun
in tlio focus. Thorn are at the present
moment inconceivable myriad of such
meteor moving in tills manner. They
nro too small, and too ili-tnut for our
telescopes, anil wo can never see them
except under extraordinary circum
stances. At the time we see the me
teor It is usually moving with enor
mous velocity, so that il often traverses
adlstaneo of more than twenty miles
in a second of time. Such a velocity is
almost impossible near the earth's sur
face, the resistance of the air would
prevent it. Aloft In the cnipilnuss of
space thoro Is no air to resist the me
teor. It may have been moving round
and round l liu sun for thousands, per
haps for millions, of years without lot
or lilnduraiico; but the supremo mo
ment arrives, and the meteor perishes
In a streak of splendor. In Ibe course
of Us wanderings the body comes near
the earth, and within n few hundred
miles of tlie surface, of course, begins
to encounter the surface of the iitmos
liherowilli which tlie earth is inclosed.
To a body moving with the appalling
velocity of a meteor a plunge into the
atmosphere is usually fatal. Even
though the upper layers of the air are
excessively attenuated, yet they sud
denly check the velocity, nlmost us a
rille bullet would bo cheeked when
fired Into water. As the meteor rushes
through the atmosphere the friction of
tlie air warms Its surface, lirmlimlly
it becomes red hot, then while hot, and
Is finally driven oil' into vapor with a
brilliant light, while we on the earth,
100 or iiOO miles below, exclaim:
""Ohrlook, there Is a shooting siorT'
Firt'iizl Lowers the Mile ami a
Half liei'iiril.
TIIK Tl llr.
Aiinllicr Ciilnreil I'liuiiijiinB - Hiise hall in
Jiiimn-l'urtliuiil's Full s
California Is sure to be the great racing
center of the colitllimit,
Tim iiilililt-ilrivea uf Southern Ciilifor
nia have almost exterminated the "bun
nies." The it rent Nutwood stallion Dawn was
ld last ek iu IVIuluiiia.l'al.JorSliV
MeAulilfv has lu-xun bis training In
Ijdnloii, to meet Huvin, (lie Liielisb
'luillcy Smith, (bii Ilii-isjund chmu.
pion ol l lnulniel, lias issued a challeiiee
lo t'al .Mi't'aitbv,
The slrlliijof (roller and nacers. Ite-
loOKiliR to liildd Ihible. left f iestio, t'al.,
nine nicy nave in-eli wintering, for the
Yank Adams, the well known flmn-r
bllliaidiat, la now oil a tour of the
t uned Males liitims exhibitions of hi
The Stockton Hnebll team, itli nil
.............. ;...f- 1.1... ..1 ..!..- i. -
its pniiwity, its fram bis! and ' right in
the California league, has lsi-n sold lo
The Dwyer Itrotbers npis'ttr to lm
bobliiiK their liorsi's ill reserve, They
have dune veiy little racing su fr this
Sainfoin, winner of the rich iVrby, mid
woo nun Had prmioOHiy cn soli
nearly 1-10,0.0, cost only ,Ti guineas
as a
' j
The eicbt-oaied shell race Isdncen the j
Yule and Harvard crews, June '.7ih, was j
won by Vale. This Is
ccssive victory,
Yale's Hull imi-
ti Leiirv, the clminiiinii is-dcstnan. '
ctivervd the distance ol lilteen miles :
iciiilv, iu twi) bonis iiinl (oil vnx mill-
no. i 1 , u,ii.
California has been d.-teriniued the j the resa-tw of ''" Olds, and he will A collfliot between striking gits work
best wmtirimicbmnte for ho'ses, and it j have a new trial. I be inmileiw'a only or), ttmj u0 Mijfe of h-eds, 'Knglund
is (irolmlihi Hut! winter will j "p is that ibe next verdict will not la; (,nk place July IsL A lur;e uuniber of
I'. i.iu k'.'.u m.iiii.ui ui 4usicru u wrs IO j
' I
Vn athletic club is now Mnif formed ',
al Honolulu. It is the intention of the
miiiiaifeiiieiit to obtain sniu of the besl
American pugilistic talent to take prt in
the monthly exhiiiitioii.
It is reported thai Senator Hearst, m.
itig ditieticil with the continued jxsir
bitk attending bis hotwii in the ra,,
lias decidisl to sell ul atn liou bis enlire
stables and retire from the turf.
Neailj all Ibe bisikmukeis who are I
ii'iuiK iiiiniin-M in .m-h loiKiosi Heavily
on iho llltlirtul -I'iii. i.,L.i,.rilw u u.
certain Teunv until win aud laid S to I I
against SaUalor, and wete hit hard.
Jac' Dcmpsev atnl bis combination ofj
pngilisi os'ncil the Oolden iate t bib i
halt take City on tlie i'Otli Inst. The
club r'sdns are situated in a building for-1
merly iim iI as a house of woisliip by (lie
Mormons.' j
At the twins of the Pelican Club, Ijn-!
don, .lime ;'7lb, America 'a colored ban
tain tieorge Dixon, boxed Nunc Wallace
ot lUinimgham, holder of the Knvlisb
cbiiinpioiisliip, lur a purse of ),noo.
Fighteen rounds were fought, (be
lisliniaii living completely used up
Prince Cbiii be's, ;ihe sire of Salvator.)
pcrformiinccs in Fnglmul are know n lo
nearly all Ibe followciM of the turf. How
be beat Creuiorue and IJtiecu' Messen
ger (or the Two Thousand Ouiiieas in
Is'.', was nut
for the lioihv but not !
second lo We
old stories.
k for the St, lieger arv. ! Knsjnt alxxil if I,Ok.0iK1. 1 Ins w ill nec
; cessilate only a fi'tnill tax. Last year it
was K.
O'Connor, the oarsman, who was
Wtenhv Stansbuiv at vdnev1 X. S.
W has mole agaiiiHt 'the "pavment 1
of the slakes lo the latter. O'Connor i
claims the race on the ground that
Stunsimrvtook hia water a ouarter of a i
mile troiii tne slarl ami Mint a tool en
siled, The umiiiies deny that there was
a foul.
The report, of the Supervisor of the
census of San Francisco puts the popula
tion down at IIOO.HK), He eslimiile the
number of Chinese at over IM.UOil, an in
crease of '.'.(WH) over IHSil and miy thai
during the winter months over" 10,000
celestials w ill lie added to the estimated
Fast Portland, Or,, has a set of van
dals who have poisoned a linmlH'r of
milch cou owned by parties who have
been furnishing milk to neighbor. It
is susplcioiteil that the outrages are com
milted by certain milk-dealer, whose
list of customers have been shortened
by the ownet of tlu-ne cow,
The Puritan Athletic Club of Fung Is
land City oiler a 0,00i) purse for a con
test between Jackson and Sullivan, and
as Jackson has announced that bo will
not meet Sullivan outside of California
for fear of not receiving fair play, the
club oilers an itdilitioned deposit of
7,f00 that be will nut be interfeired
with in uny way during the light,
llnse ball lias been introduced iu Ja
pan and is becoming a popular out-door
sport, The .lap fail to "catch on" read
ily. In a game recently played between
a Japanese club and a team of American
clerks considerable amusement was af
fordid by a Yankee running out of line
and being chased some distance into a
rice Held by the entire Japanese nine
until caught and put out,
Charley Mitchell, with the exception
of Jem Mace, is the cleverest, pugilist
who ever placed himself iu a prize ring.
He Is a bard hitter, as was demonstrated
when he knocked John 1.. Sullivan
down in a glove contest at Madison
Stpiarn (larden, New York. Mitchell
a I. .o pioved tb.U bu whs a first-class pu
gilist when he fought John I., Sullivan
in France, for tjijiilt), and succeeded In
milking tlie battle a draw.
Again California horses give the dust
to Fastern Cracks. Jnilo iHth llaggiu'B
mure Firensl knocked a second oil' the
mile and a half record for the Coney Is
land cup, with murvclou ease. A wild
cheer went up iisl! :!): told the story of
another smashed record. In she
made the record 2 :M, which bus stood
until her last nice. The same day Hen
titer Stanford's famous coll Kacine, won
the first race of a mile at Washington
Park, Chicago, in 1 :41, and the opinion
of witnesses wuh that bad he been given
bis head he would luivu lowered the
record of Maori, 1 ;UU 4-5.
mmm mm.
Death of Superlnicndcnt J. B. Brandt
In San Francisco.
Asullier Trial for "Ksntly" Ulds-lndiai
l)cirlulioB riiiiins llsil
read building.
' Portland bus succeeded In getting a re
count of its census.
A Catholic hospital and cathedral are
soon to u built in Jacoma.
Spokane Falls' new ."cxiiowthm build'
Iiik will have ;i),0ri) mptarefeet of floor-
Fiireka, Cal,, is liiitkini; stroiiKinove
iiiniil for building a railroad line to lied
The town site of Thompson Fulls,
Moot,, has been luken up a a mining
linker City, Or., raised in one day a
subsidy of afi,0iSi for the Sumpter Val
ley railroad.
The Idaho Stage Company started a
line of daily laie ladaeen I'liion and
Coriiiicopla, July 1st, ..
tiallsifher, the imirderer of I.ewia
Miir. nl Sktiiiiiiiiiu WumIi .ilt Iu. uvn.
I euteil at Vancouver. July 'lllli.
l ' '
At a depth of 11? fwt a stratum of
bituminous con I was struck in Isiring an
artesian well at l'lilliiinu, Wash.
William Cameron, $tiMrinlendeiit of
the Mechanic's Fair at l'ortland last
year, died after a short illness June Stith.
A l'ortland uvndicate lias obtained
i control of lUe water work system of
i Cheney, Wash, in consideration) 10,000.
J. B. llriuidt, Susrlntendent of the
Soiilhern I'acille lines in Oregon, died
'd lenly ol heart disi'sse iu San Fran-
cisco, June Sixth.
Tln-re Is a race lictucen the Northern
racllle and ttie lliint Svstein iiicMtiHtiuc-
lion of (heir roads between Centralla, I
Wash., and (.irsy's ilarlxir, on the coast. I
The Supreiiie Court has auain come to i
um. i,ih:. j
Boise City, Idaho, had on exhibition j
recently, a gold brick weiehinit l.lKK)
: ounce, valued at 114,010, a product of
j seventeen day's run of tlie W asbitnjton
I mine, near Idaho City,
!,...., , ,
j Well infiinned cattle men estimate
j that there will not be more than 1, MX)
j bead of lieef cattle' for sale in Crook
j County this fall. There are usually more
'ban twice Unit number,
. . , ,
A survey will Is- made to ascertain
the amount of power to be obtained from
:"' "x-r near i euoii'ion. 11 1
M.tlollLfh Clin lui litl.l II:a nlen..l..'Uru .if tlml '
town will Ik' run by electricity,
D. 0. Mills, of San Francisco, has bad
magnillii'iit twelve story structure
designed for Montgomery Street. It
site will Ui on thn grouin'l occupied by
Piatt's Hall, opposite the ltusa llouse. "
Henry II, Wheeler, of Crook County,
Or., has put in a claim against the Uov-
eminent through Senator Mitchell, for
$U,.;"i(, the valuation of stuge-horseB
lost through the depnxlaliotisof Indians
Two of the three robliers who stopped
the singe near Calistoga Springs, Cal.,
last week, have k-en cai'tiired. On
I hem was found the w niche anil most of
the money stolen. They confessed their
Changes now being made in Astoria's
ily assessment roll will make the net
""unt of pros-rty to be assessed, Hg-
, ,,. , , ,,. ...
,,. Le'lmrdson and bis son, of Fugetie
( "' rV w,,""ml '"' one day last
wl"'"tllp H'm in the hands of the
,!,tm!' '"w'nargeil, the charge of shot
V "g e joung man serum ami legs.
He will recover.
(ieorgc Gibson and Charles' W'hitsot
were tisbing ou the IKchutes recently,
say the Ociioco Keview, aud made the
biggest catch of any one o far heard
from. They caught l,f0) trout In two
and a half davs' lisbing.
While making the parnclnite jump
from the balloon ascension at Portland
lust Sunday, the areoiiaiit came near lim
ing hi life, the parasclmte failiiiK to till
properly, while descending until within
one hundred feet of tho ground.
W'. II. Hush of Montana, recently aie
pointed Receiver of the Land Ollice at
Olyinpia, has declined to accept the po
sition. I In is sheriff of Chehalis County,
and is well siitislled where ho is, as he
Hnds the latter ollice more lucrative.
At Prineville Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Hayes' little I toy, aged about 4 veins,
met with a serious accident by falling
from a buggy. The little fellow struck
on hi bead, giving him a fearful shock,
from which it is feared he will not re
cover, W. F. Scribner, of Denver, is in linker
City, on bis second visit to purchase
heavy draught .mare and also, would
like to ship east 000 steers from the
range of linker county. Mr. Scribner
was here about one year ago, say the
Itaker City Democrat, with a shipment
of Clydesdale and disposed of them,
At. Pendleton, recently, a horse's
throat was cut in a singular manner. A
rope sblite had been made in which to
capture the animal, and the horse ran
into the rope at full RKed, catching its
neck on the obstruction. Its windpipe
was severed, and in a few minutes the
I iiilitin. who owned it was minus a good
city use.
That the time made In a running de
pends upon how tlie race is run, and is
not u wile criterion to follow, bus several
time recently been nuido apparent.
Civil Service ran six furlongs iu 1.10lg,
and yet when he met Teuny lie was eas
ily defeated in l.lll'i "d the track was
about as fast one day as the other. On
the lirst occasion Civil Service went nt a
rapid but steady clip throughout, with
nothing at his head to fight him to a fin
ish. When lie was pitted against Tonny
the object of his jockey ami of that of
tlernldinc was to got so far in front of
the dreaded "crack" nt the start that be
would not, be able to utilize bis great
burst of speed until too late. Accord
ingly the two went out helter-pelter, and
ran their lieadB oil in tlie first live fur
longs, leaving the redoubtable Teuny to
catch them tired in tlie last furlong.
Starvation the Kesult of Strikes in
New York.
tub mam of the mw ckciskk
I'ruliilililuB Is Northersi Daksta Pspa
lalies ef the I'niled Males
Five hundred metal cornice makers of
Chicago are on a strike.
A portion of the Creek Indian reserva
tion lying to the South will piobably m
aildctl to the YellowsKne Park,
Three American coin, a dollar, half
dollar and a dime of 17H3,sold at auction
in New York lost week for )I,8fSJ.
Thousand of men, women and chil
dren are claimed to ts. starving iu New
York city, as a result of the strikes in
that city, .. -
1'aviiiasUT Dnriiii of the Mexican fen.
tral ftailwav, is in jail in the city of .Mex
ico, cliarueil nitli ijumit IIOAW short 111
his accoiiiils, .
The entire bnsi ties tKirf ion of Cerril-'
los, N. M , fifty mile north of Albii
iiuenpie, lias tssen destroyed by Ore,
U altoiit Sl'KJ.tW.
The Ilocky Mountain carnival Wan
at Uk'doii, July 1st. The town was
cr-wdud and the procession and exer
cises were a decided success.
Minneniiolis seem to lie the only citv .
satisfied with the census return. St.
Paul's investiL'Klion IwaU'S as many as
twenty residents ou a vacant lot. ,
A paseeniter train on the Wabash was
wrecked near Silver City, Iowa. Sev
eral iiersoii were injured, but only two
tallythe engineer and fireman. .
During the past week 144 cases of
cholera and thirty-aix deaths were re
ported at Ganilia. Medical authorities
believe the disease will not be, spread
further. ;
Jack Wortman, s noted desperadoccn
Hned in jail at Beatrice, Net)., for bone
M"liiiK, killed the jailer, George Max
Held, and eecaja-d. lie will lie lynched
if caught.
iieople on both sides
were hurt, some
of them seriously.
An English syndicate has secured the
control of tlio Sacked ix Ijm tou iiine
mvseums at Omaha, St. Joseph, Mo.,
and l.incoln, Neo. Sackett dc Ijiwtun
retain one-tilth interest.
A Chinese scout, sent out from a camp
near the boundary of Ixiwer California,
has been captured. About fifty China
men are wailing fur an opportunity to
come into the I nited States.
Kir .T.ili.1 TlwimtMjo.1 Putin, lit.,. .,.t,.iL-
ter of justice, bo gone to Kugland to tlis
' .1... I"":... 1 .... .
cutw reciprocity with the United Stati s
in wrecking and coasting, copyright, lieh
iug and Induing sea matter.
Hain-in-the-Face, a noted Sioux chief,
ranking next to Sitting Hull, made prom
inent through the Custer massacre, in
.Montana, was fatally slabbed by a jeal
ous and handsome sipiaw, June 20th.
The Kight Kev. Monsignor McManis,
member of tlie Papal household and
Vicar-Cienera! of this diocese, one of the
oldest and tast known Catholic prelate
in thi country, died at Geneva, N. Y.
Superintendent of the Census Porter,
of Washington says that from present in
dications ttie returns of the enumerator
will show a total population of the United
Stales of (H.SOO.OOO, against 51,15-"),78J in
'SSO. . . .-.
A mad horse, seined with hydropho
bia, succeeded in biting and fearfully Iu
cerating the shoulder of a woman, aiuioct
tearing a man to peices, and killing a
cow before he was shot, in Kentucky re
cently. World's Fair Commissioners have se
lected the following Vice-President:
Thomas M. Waller of Connecticut, M.
11. do Young of California, D. it. Penn
of lyoiiisiana, (J. W, Allen of New York
and A. it. Andiews of, North Carolina.
Thejpast week hundreds throughout '
the Fast have fallen victim to the swel
tering beat. Many factories have been
closed, Chicago's street-car horses fell
dead in the street. The temperature in
the middle Mississippi Yalley .is unpre
cedented for June.
The strike on the Illinois Central Rail
road has been settled, 'i'iie men go back
to work on compromise. They with
draw the demand for the dismissal of
Division Sujieriulendent Kiissell and the
company takes from him the power to
hire or discharge men. ,
Mr. Samson and Isaac Ileidensbeimer,
two leading and wealthy Hebrew citi
nen of Galveston, Tex., were arrested,
charged with having burned the Texas
Standard Oil Company's mill last April.
Samson was president and the largest
stockholder in the company.
The new cruiser Philadelphia is now
reported the fastest ship of her class
atioat. She exceeds her contract require
ments. 1 ler average speed will be some
thing over twenty knots an hour. Tlie
premium totbe contractors for excess iu
speed will amount to about $300,000.
Tlie notorious outlaw, Captain Lewis
it. Kedmond, pardoned from prison by
President Cleveland, who was the terror
of lllue Mountain region of South Caro
lina, stabbed to death James Smith, a
wealthy lumberman, at Walhalla, S. C,
while drunk. The last victim made the
twelfth man he has murdered. He is
now in jail.
At midnight, June 30th, the prohibi
tion law went into effect in Northern
Dakota, consequently every saloon in
tlie many towns closed their doors. Tlie
llmt-class saloons claim that they will
defy the law, and deal out what is
termed original packages liquors wrap
ped in parcels. The custom of treating
your neighbor at the bar will bo done
away with.
Miss Bracket! the writer and teacher,
has had a right-hand side-saddle made
and rides on cither side of her horse in
differently. She was moved to this by ,
the conviction that constant riding on
the left ide was injurious to botti rider
and horse. The tlueo daughters of the
Princess of Wales and other ladies of
Fngland have adopted Miss Bracken's
innovation. 1 ;
Tlio Kmpress Frederick, accompanied
by her two daughters, Princesses Vic
toria and Margaret, arrived at Windsor
Castle J line 2Hth, preceding the approach
of the Emperor. Tlie Queen received
tlie Empress with marked honors and
embraced her with unusual alloctiou.