THE INDEPENDENCE WEST fc5 Ml IVI INDEPENDENCE, JUNE 27, 1890. ff LOCALS. IUhu to reut. rtt'iutre at Visr StlK uftiisj. Itev. J. II, lllrsehiier will preach hn nest Sunday. " J. J. l. , "I Wllias, W W hi II Aldity n business, . Mb Adams, of McMlnnville, wu a iuet of Mi K-viU Tiitom this wetk. ( ' ,Mks Kuipp, of Portland, ha dtv-HHtn.ikin parlor ou Monmouth airwi. -liev. V. W. Well haa resigned the ,itor.ite of tin' Presbyterian church . li this oily. W.K. lUlum bus h id an alluloti built to hi rvsMcu.v, very much lm- iimviui? lu lirooni'tlims. Mr. W. O. K '.mi iti ly, of Palms) City, wh i li n bou visinftg Men U ll ,w ill R'Mi'j return toltis li'iiid?. Vt i!rt It 'II, the bright yuu; liw student In Ju lir lil's nill h ut luilns hid bifetncxs here on "TilesUiy. Tit" Alumni an ! uion of ttu ;,. g in tate Norma! school now numbers .. a Wnihershlp of oiio turn livd nod C graduates. , Mtmv permUti'iV? I shall .preach gjrfPtMl chuA'li In thia city ftid.iy,"jnrT' at 11 a. m; and HI IIIAIV ni .t r I'. III. I . 1 . I J ill. Mi-es NVilie Hill and Oil H ihertson ;i in I'uri! iii'l attending ennui 'iice iiftit t.'r'U-s ut tliw I' 1 High tahU of whiu'i Ml OJ,t Is n iff, lii- It It i'tiun:"il oti.'in;il.r.'l, and projected improvements In Inde pendence will reach in i-ml tin' stun "I li ,. l;iriii.i tli - c.iulin r and winter. Mr St:n Mu".', .1! M him, I 1 ill 1. who is mimMMnVy praciieiun dentistry there wiw vltitiiu rival Iww tli; week. S im .it'i'ii 1 I the N" .nu d w!.ikI a few yiM iti; . A niiiii'M.'r f mir r i I n liavi) Ikv.i lmpr.ning their jiruju-rty tiiln week by Ijiviii'f ii.-w wili'W.ilk'i. I'Uttiui; 11.) fpiKvi iiinl (iiiniiii Imui. Tbii In it - it alimilii Iw. lmprne yut iH(;'rty if yiiu wUU it to iiHTiUHti in ion i Tiie tliNt two if.miv if Iwmj ! bt'tweeii Sulem an I Mi'Miiim-illt! MilliM Will Ik; Uvtri ut Mrilinnvillc fur tii.f 1 cliiiiiiiilinhij of the Willamette' v.illeyon J11111; 2 mi l ut the f.iir gmunil-i. A Kreut K.iMitMMUiitlcliutte.1. i The iletiuiiil for ihvelllnn-i U greatly ; in exi-e of tho supply in thit city.! Although our mw mill In running itn j full time, yet each week wvenil cir ; limits of liimljor tm shipiil hi, "mid yet I the real ilem:iri;l fur lumlMr has only! cmimenoeii In our city, 1 ' Mrs. A. Kiss's, state presiiletit of the ' W. C. T. U. and Mrs. Moiitxoinery , ; Uite evangelist, will lecture In Jlon-' mouth next Momlay ami Tuesday; ut j Inili'ieuilenee next Wedensday and ' Thursday and at Dallas, Friday and Saturday. When a town can support, as Indo petitionee dues, seven licensed lejunn ad has four active barbers it would aeem that the dciii'tiid wt Hiipplied, hut this wetk Mr. Im VanN'ortwick nays that lust Monday a little "shaver" canteto his house and he thinks ho will have to ki.i'p him. We nothw by the Imprint that the fine full sheet tsister of th( 4th of July celebration at Monmouth which is printed in two colors, heirs the imprint "Monmouth Ihmwmt I'rlut. We wish to congratulate our brother tioti the excellent results obtained on a plain hand press which is his printing plant. V two our cylinder press was an unnecessary expense. Be Sure and Attend i Tlw emiultle 011 tnitisportHllon of Ttu IIhick yAiin.-Tba Ma kiln of! Tn Moroa l.itm,-Cmilmotur MoOny 8.tlim have arranKiHl with tho Oregon ! imarly tialf a iiiillioti id h'iek is ut lut M nheud of tha a mill 111 hnlldinit Hi IVitU' ItalliMtid company to run th ! Imruml and next wwk briek wi'l I pool ! Mad and m delwyM waltiiiK for tim lurpj and tMHinuallou teainer, Wm. j uouR)i to liamllit and will b nn Ilia I Tli lndi((t anniM Ilia akiiii;li is coin M. Ilr, lHwe'ii I MtU's'ndoiut and ' market. Mr, Cooper aayt in ddur nml ; itltr-J. ttit tmiIk Hr luid Atl apiki-d pant Halein, July 1 4th, leavhitt tndi peii-1 nvory otlitr nimlity. s fur li mm ! -Mr, (Aiilln'i liotii. Tli m-ittfer ooiieh deiuv at M a. in. and returning to In-' h hk tht brick lie h hvit wsde, ! left Han PranMo)tli3!l and will irobbly , deuriideiieo In the evenlmr. ThU ar- i rHiijtenn'iit will mwt with Kreat favor1 ; with many of our eltleii w ho havi; with bnek, ; w named Mumnmitli, wlnla ths J relltr; ehaplalu, M. A. t. Hol-rton; ialftHidy made arranifcuieiita toivlo-l will Imi enllioi Imlwii.eiui. A llm I Mirjpiott, " ., Itojtem; otlln-r-of-tho-ibratewlthtlto isH.ple at Xalem. !, " ,,A NO Uii.-Mr. " I ot ainw Iwra 1'lnladelpliw ! Imrl. Joho !. Itmwiis omiwotobf ! Mr M U ll.-nl.ick of Wii.mi1.iu1 i f ' '. w .Mi t , ,tlllllll A,WUH,,1U, Wl day, Andrew Wilson: adjutant, W, 11. Ii isUhmi given ehaw of the Hilen'i i V? Tf, , U' ,Uu,i ' Mi l'- K'a...pls ll; rKcaul iimjnr, M. Kcialliird, 'Wine inllls waMiMiar of North ! ,t , 1 ,f w,",Urr" ' : t.llrtot .Southern IVitlfl IUIn..l n.m- uarter 1111 rm.rg.aiit, H. lieCuiiip. ' rm.l l.lll III in hi I lift 1.11I vi It ii lltl 11 11 v.... . ..i.i..... ! 1 11. t '! lctiiv, tin 1 liif.inii. in tli it he I will h ive th building thoroughly repiiwd mi l a hew cleaner p it in an I a new n.f pt.etHl over the bull ting. '; S.iekt for iim' f f.irui'.'M wilt be fur ! nlh.vl an I hi will Ih ready to buy j wheal nt alt tttii.-H. Mr. II n Irick's h w had ni'.irlv ttitity years ejni ienv and bus always givnu MlisfaeUoti to hii. patruiis. ) An f xehiiiige nay; Alien C. Mawilt the millionaire vim without capital ! when be settled in Taeoma. lie 11-tW j owns iin nf llieli"t mid hi t vain ; able proju'i'ty In 'IV 1111 1 an I on I'u r-S Siaiiid. Uovimta'lv'ci'iiiS'd eteii!vly in local pipers he H"ike. udvi .clly 'when giving the fnlloving advi.v to a well known broker of I'.ico'nn: 'Tut your in mey into the local paiM-rs. I iPversjH'nt rt dollar oil guide, hand- books, bloitcis, or other llli-,;iliiil!Ue adv n Ulus; do l,vs, K it I It iv always ls"'!l one of tiii" lieaviiNt adtVi'tlsers lu ! the IikmI pipt'r. If well iii iua pl liiey : a;ipns-hiU generous p.t'i'oirige mil 'iiuili,! every e.Tct to aWi your advec tiseni Mitir the widest owilitij eircii latloti fiive thru every .1 dlar yo.i can raise." , I'.ditors w ho risrlve coinpliiiieiiliiiy ; tickets to eounty rain, and other pln.-,ij,lWn (l ,H! rv,. , ,n, .,r yoli.-rl i says the Salem, (O) Hi fitlUti.nn, are U,h hi.vioiis wild blncKbeity. It is now often l.sikcd upon as dead heads, but j t,,,,,,,,, , npeti mi l fiom tl, i '' m-"Hra of Hie I Miry county fiir, j wll Bi(, wlB(t WlJ ,,,,,1111,1.1 it. e.oj. whii!eivetiilsMiiM'xpcne.ic. in s.ifli I wlU 1h, Wl idrg., uu.j'i.tid tlw ipudity .matter,), had Die foil .wing printed on 1,wb!1wiU TlllltB h ,, r,cl(l ai,,,.,, jH ' the .omplliueiilury tickets they Issued: i ,,, . ...-i.t rtit as a la'.lo fmit. .ti.ui "This ticket proUibly ha bi-eii paid for j ,1,,. ,, if ,,,. ,,,,! j , , : 10 times over by the pajsT to which it is UlM tids winter lleniMO labot IsKinsi It will ls honored in the hands ! of any mail, woman or child, w hite, black, red or yellow, who favors the tvsHiH'intioii by presenting it. It Is kimm! t'orftitranii' mid grand stand, find the ; Is'arer, if driving, will be entitled lo puss a teiiui fn-e. The association rceofruizeti the fact that Its splendid success is owing largely, if Hot w holly, t to the notice so fret'ly ulveu bv the j press and, while we cuiiuot render an j equivalent In cash, we return our most grateful thanks." Tivlor's bakery is prepared to furnish bread lu ipmntity, to thresliiug orews. x Messrs. Hloir A Hlmmotis are Ix.rlug a well for tlm Motor Lino Jlailway Company, neur the demt. Air. J. K. O'Donnell, of (.'heiiey, has bwfii In town wiveiiil days and Is think Ingof lx!iitlng here, Mm. O'Doimell i. 1., utu V..111.. it,,it.,r .,r ..'......-..j Monmouth. j Mr. Htq.I.e.. Clark who !,irnoil to J j a drugg st with J. V Uuster an. Is now In the employ or Woodwur.l, tlni'k j & Co , of Portland, is visiting Mr. Uus- j ter. Cash paid for cord w.hmI at the Whht Hi dm olllce. A hatidloip fisit raiH., illstnnco one hundred yards, for the sum of one hun dred dollars, will be run at Mc-Mlnu-ville, on July 4. All who dinlro to en ter pleaae aend their names to Chas. Woods, at McMlnnville. The Monmouth people are whole aouled in all that they do aud a Jolly 4th or July can be sjaint there, the School Meeting An.iiti.r Vi)n will tut vorv aonii. inJ ) nmrkpt will be well aiippliiNj ' ' " The other valf hn a tall mid It Is of the i ivguliifloii size and length. Il hv U inonM.f aeniliwlty Imd lv j. ... 1 ..... ... can nun iwu ions, mil u suupiy lias no tall. N'kw I'lioi'iisKroii.-.SiiH.k i beinj tic ken ! u week lu I ho store of A. J. culler and the mock, good will, ei.v. Iom been l'iiiif'rre. lo Ins liroUiiif-iii-iiiW, Mi-. W, U, Cook, lotmerly of M inii'nii, mure nt-cuily i f l!illbro, Mr lik anil tiike elision uf tlm b isitie. We h.iwi ant lirnid aiint bilkiliens Mr. Wliil enk. t ill fuilow motf lie is owl id tb (iiriutnre i.lpie. 'I'liH Fl. it HIM Mll.u tast 'l ues, diij Mr. It. J. il ii arrived from M cnur Hiving Ihru neiil by .ill, lien. MUu- 111'F 1 1 iMiiiiiience lliu eoii-iiiicitoH nl II i.iruig mill lit tins inln, Mi. W ilsoa oidi'.'cd buck (or tl.e found. ill left nu iinlei for aiMiiit Is'.lHl fret id I'loi her at ti'm it' null sml llien iHaook luili'u'f to i'tiillaiul. Iv.'et. ijoJv t ml. m.i. I uow iliat tiie ni unit wn'l be bilill, find should loo'l around for mill Hew eiilerii'i!w. A c iiiin'iy nel, iitsMimsi, i't'ii wuiii iii iii e -IU iHMiei'd toi- our gisi I wives lo lnviiu id Miuliiii eXi'iiisions into lit woo iS ilil.l j no to secure an aUmdaut supiity, ; CltlK I'lllUSiNTS- Mr. J. W. llustcr. of tins city has had 111 a large tf igo in hm yard for soum motiliis .hi, a pair or i tu- tin phiueauits. Tim hen qommeiKMd lay- in smnu weeks ago and has to this limn laid aliout tlitrly tgif s. Hoiim of tlawe w.r pliced under 1111 ordinary lien mid leu of tliem ate lialehed mil and making 1 a lively skirmish for a living. Another ; brood will rooll follow. Mr, Muster 1 thinks that with a few generations of the : being built In Hill's Hihlitmu lielotiKing lo i home raised pheiimuta they will lieoomeiMr. Wm. Klkins, and a grand stand 1 jmm,tio fowl mid this is his objwt in tnmni( them. They urn an inleicsting mid iiuiMitifiil bird. Kt;iit!iunr8 EvraiiTAtiiMUir 0.1 ! last Friday evening tlm oper, Imnsfl was . w.ll filled with ,. .ittenlive and "''-S siastic audience to witnes,, the Merc.sea ; .,f ilia liLilu fulks of Mrs. (in u s kimler i " ' . imrteii. To lay I hat they 1I11I well docs .V, tlien, nml u; H1KliellCe WM ; kalt , coutiunoiu state ot Ldiintyj 0m to ,he cule sayings and doings of tUa littl tots ranging from throe to six j years of age. M. (atea is to be com j plitiiriiiled iiaiO her excellent tiamipg : given Hie htlle folks. We cannot men-1 turn esoti personally but the following ! .. . . & ...I. . 1. 1T....I. L?t.nll.. I are those who took part: Hugh Shelly, Ethel Whiteaker, Kubie Kelso, Jolnm; Duster, Wilran Usltou, Ourl Wilkin, Zoe Stookton, May Kennedy, D, Whirley. Edith Lines, Kalph ViinNortwink, I'earl Kelley, Ahoe Oatos, Key Hnassker, Cymi Gibmn, Mabel Cooper. Excursion ticket to Halem will coat 75 eti for the round trip. Monday Night. er:rt hi'in uhI Muinliiy. Iiwill eotne on tlm track Indiiiiil tlio fwlitlit triiui, II uy, 1110 HMIOUIIIg HTll SIJJIHIl IIUMII- . ! ..h,,,,!.,,, fr ,.ltirwr: x. J. Frvar, M. t lna I'm w Miu..-On the aooth i (. jl(!ttl., K.Mcr, lVle'r Ck, aaltt!w mtll ailorij( , ,',. J(1, ' N) A I I-.! I.. ...... Ik... 1 .u. lu . 1 ' ( .iiiieiriM ..' miuiH .n,i. .it- is Iw'ing built, oiivcmd aiMi e-irniiiiitt'd iron, nil I ttiinrtl lliu h llieu Mlillld II Will lui ile;id!.l oat to taentyo liiht (. j Wluhi I, ik hw null pk'tiMMi our oilej anally and tV pru their appnival each and every d iy, yet when ad Hie ma j eliiuenr is ri plsi'e mid lid tiie HiMllmnn . wind, ... iMtemi.ll.d r l.ndl, ll will; b a laacl, hi-mo l., .tnielare. e ; muleraian I tuat H mill will i ..... ..u-, ring tn nili of binuii" iU'u liout a , . . ... , d .y ana ruitM double orew or liuu . will Is. pot m id the ;neit is fori A ginuier deift in I tint 1 ev r for html.. ibitt auuniU'r, lito SsvHi. fita Miii'iii. t) 1 Thursday, J'iu' 1.1, lit tint coiiinienceliieiit etetcises it H.ileiti, i;i III.. Amt.lemy of tlm c! He n t, tiire irr." wor viit. I and oi : of tllfw a void llit lid, irowntd b) Judge J, J. Uily, of Diillii. aan givuu lo Miss F.uimi Cl'ipiiiliOle.uf liidi-I'Midi'iiCe, ! f..r her for having Hi l t general 'er- ; g in hsr 0 imiiuuio 1. Mis K iimii is 1 tt tiiwrt of Mi's, l J. Wlilluillier, mid is n , aweut iil' lc't HiM-(iniig uiri of iiImiiI ' SUteea sa 11 u.'n ill 1 la of golil. in tli fo in of a nd .us fro. 11 11 scroll, and III" enMf'd "Kit Hdle'iea" on one si lj an l on '.h o'!i.o" 1'iiMeiilcd hv Jtt Iga I lily, Juts 1:1, is.!). Mi U vory pro 1 1 of li ir hi. I of being worthy J to w.iar it. J ll,lloVKMK)ilS,--Alesiirs. I. M. lliltlerj and Ford I'arknr, liuvo groally improved tin. appcaranev of their residenoes by giving them oo.Us of piiiiit; Oiiier bros. I111V11 piuuled tlif front of the nw Imrbur ihopj a new bnrU-r shop, a new meat tiop. 11 new e.tiiiiiiHiuneiii, nud 11 wnnoti uiaknriuo added tins week to Urn bn Oihms population? walks are being laid 011 .Monmouth 1111 0 street and variotn purls of North liidopandimtw; the shipping warelioiiia is lluishml and repairs will la? added to the S.iiom ware Iioihd; a now dwelling holisn was stinted being erected by tlit I'olk County Land (Jo.'a rime track. II. Foster is grading the block near his hniixe, '1 li flouring I mill Itimhcr lull is being suivedi lr, J. It .1 ,i!iniii!i U tin ilitoor tn new r,.s ((W ruui j, W. Kl,.Kaj tut liew, tre house U)mm (j mw ou h( wiw. Those iiro n row 01 tnc minor , ... iinprorotus iiUown. u ft)f n JJ,. Consult your Interest and rend lro. new an. j j) j uw t,e iHHjt umj irK,.H( nui f K,.1KA.,,0H n tw tl . " Ladles and child ren'ashoeii at cost, at Stockton'. ' Cash! cash! cash! wanted ut J. I). Irvine'. A.11 the chicken hi 1'olk county wonted at J.I). Irvine's. Hewing nuichiiie and extra, also organs and piano at Wheeler's. Next Weeks Issue Will be a Novelty. AvtiKHsoN 1'nnr No. W -Col. K.M. Johnson, Chief Meeting Olllcer IWpArt ineiit Oritanler (I. A. It. of KllswiirtU IW, of Corvallls, eiiine down Friday and In 1 1 if I'veiilnir mviuiUed a jMt hero whtch'ls calltsl Audtirwm 1'imt Nu., fill, The eiHimiandcr Is IVter Cuoh; nlr vliv wmiimnder, I'.ll Johiiin; 'Junior vltv eoinninnder, N. ((. Clod- jt,,M.,lM1,, (.; ('r(W.v J, 11. KcraH'oid, M. .-teiiillor l, l-'ml Itenm tl, Audiviv Wilson, i. I". Wit ir, M. U While, Jiiiuis (illiMUi, John C, Idown, HI W. II. Ciiiiolull. J. Ii. ' . , i..,,,, Ifc.ririfc, N. tl, I'I.hIi'i Iter, t .. Itogira, t:,m t ii.-iiinii :,-i. Im K, r,l titls , r v,.f tlVru,, jU1,, H j ,,, ,k,111m, t)(Ui, ,,,., , u. dcpiirt.nent .... "t Ori-g tlCCORO Of DEEDS. U-s.1 .' Lux inui'iiirs f r wwk racing Jioit. HI, lis), (in ui. h, , I liy Mixet, Mi.ii y A K..kin,.. li. I n.. II, Itlr,. lil'r. In l'. I", rs,,uK, kiUin I 1 ,,.,,ii,ni,,i., , ,. ... ... , 1 M it. n.f urn im I, M. Imti. c, i 'U ii , hut'' l.-uii. in,1 ...... . . 100 J. W. I mi' 1 1" I'sii-. !! Wi I.W; 111 l'iill , . Ufr I, t.,.tii.u' L llow: lol- III Ih'il'i- lul IiuIImh Iji.,,1 , I mil, 1 ... in II. I . ;.:t liO w. : 1 "lliu 1 in j. W. ri'iiUc: k nr IhOiiu. . , - Mi J. M. I 'i r lu M, I. Ihiloiii, in In- tl.'IM'l.lll a,-.' . 10JO It, K. ItiiS'i lull. W. Iliiuli v.liiu In Iti'li'I'i'ii.lranv IWO H. lllrwIilu rK lo s. i', li vlne, Sl In In.-ii.. 11. e ... . ' X .1. IM'intiia 10 .1. linH'-u; M twrv in t tn.f J ... ... - INK II. hichU hi. 1, 11. MI11111.; 1. 111, 1 In I ten, r Aw . J, I'. Ir, 111.' li II, Hirm lilK is; lol 111 iinti'imtidriiii' 40 l-oli; IjiiiiI Co. to H. f.iiii tl; ..u,m 'I'litniiiKc -an IHiln IjohI To, to A, Nil-no; l'i In 'rultinuie . .. 900 IHilk Ijlllil to. In tt. I'. MlllHll; kiN to T.iluiimc ....... . ... 200 I' .IU Uiii'l i'u. to N I'U Sil"U; lm la Tnliiiiwi' - . 3X folk IjokJ I'o. 10 Ii. W. H.'iir: Sun, la Tul maw - . .. . !1 I'olic Uiuit Co. lo Jus, (:iavin; lamllu I s, r I w , . . 122 Polit Ciiiiiiiy Luiiil Co, In II. I Ui I'ii- t bftt lot" In Tiilinii'i 4W I-., Ik Cnliily I .iiii.l in. to J, J.l',il; lots III 1'illtll.uie .... . ... - ln I'nlU I'ouiily burnt Co.. I. IlonwMr: loti .in Tiiiiniik'",. am INilk (.'.unity U1111I Co. lo V. A. I'm ler- wuii lotk lu Tiiliinw SJOi Imiiie Hull lo M. l Cliim'li; tots in lliillnon . ..... . . . I B, M, Alcl'liersoa I i. Wei-Uf; 1IIJA7 a.Tiw lu 1 s., r t w. .,.,.,..-.. IM Toliil Nu. Ii'i'il i"i Anvsuil f0,1UlM " " ll.imls riir UewU li - IJU.I " " MorlKiiKcsi ll.TOil Also inn' inie.ler-ln-elmi.Cfiy Ja lo H, l.lvlini-liiiii' for I11111I til 1'nUi uwt Martini isiiiiilUii, ivlil.'li Is llitunil la llw aliov IisjI hue. Mr. Mtimrt, of the ( 1. It 11 Co., has engineered an xcursloni from Jtucnii Vista and Indepenilence ti Salem. The rlvcr Is too low to go any higher. Tim bund boy have Ueavta for side we tiiidersiiiiul, or will 1mv on the day k'foro thb cxcitwloii. l'ut this In your plpcund sntok ll that J. 1). Irvine still sells grocerle. Dressmaking Parlor Miss K. Ktiiipp, or Pnrlliiml Orcrm, Jnm niii'iii'il a dresmniiklnil enliililUlnucnt. In the new liiillillliK'ni Mumniilllll Ml., unit Is inwr il 10 ilo , (OITTINrt AND KITTtNU Hir tallies ami ehllilren. Hultnliiiitlon auariitw 0 siwaniini'.is