The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 27, 1890, Image 3

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    HlUKr MKNI'HlN,
Ttv M lHiU'txMitin nr nil very
, shurt.
And the re t very smut ftttmd;
Thtre's itmtertnl ru.mgh tu limit every
itrl mil,
Hal M nearly H spreudoii theginuiut,
,tti slnmUl txiH tuul w the lute Im
jt;)vcl nuwvfr fwr uttk liy titxxtutivu &
A k-v ttsw'rt'tunnit of 1. X, L. witlory
Jib! ;tIv.. st UiukIiiuii & Utility1,
I lure aw very ft-w men who wtr to
nuttwa ju tiv iiii-hI tiff a muml hU-uK.
H oo of itn.y tW-rti.ttttn mut ll
rtutut Ntn l ftiuipl nt (I(khIiii;i
Henry "Wn, I tttllrd U SU'k
m4 JumhUT lti. itlgltt, Hurry, ami 1
Mm it lumt to tour mym-lfavYay."
Hurry -"?.i, .md wioli bold Umh
n.m, en.
.nry"X.n It -m tW tU Hint 1
Imil t tir inymlf wy fhuu."
Htiuwd tuul iutY-d eiH.iir aliliigU In
liny ii unity at U hmIiii ui I) mty'a.
LiiiMOMt tMrtiutt f Uwv In l'ulk
jtviiuiy ttt tl kkIiu i A D mty'n.
Tnko y ir t'tta, bttttor and bacon to
Hottklo . Walker', ImU'iaitilcuov.
(ict y,mr kUIiiK- from llxulmuiA
IVxity, tunc tism tine oik.
l'it lt f and tlUh wmiv In
the city at lLmkUtA Walker',
'Ji I. t'. ih-Hwry wagim rum from
niiHulwn till nlKl.t. Why? Hewitt
he 1U ol.'.ii-r than any limis thl
eMetd Kutland.
0, IYU. kntvcw, wlMioni tuul rir
tire tlte lt, ntnl all arc warranted by
Jtusltnun A Ifcmty.
1 J. I). Irvltw tmaa line of Hvially
fine si nww.ia' ul received.
First trump "I uppti you struck
UiuUr .turd when you tohl your
pitiful to tbe tody
gticwnt trump -"Not 1M tf It. It
wu the tuiigl.t-s-t wood I ever tried to
" 5
Oo:vr Hnw. carry the law.! tofk
of nardare utovew, tinware, luil
aieiits, tutuuMs lyu-k mul curl smith
tif I'ortlitiitl u tliv wwt nitie,
Tltw rv no mire iIiIiih lu thin
ft f'.il t'Xtvpt t ix- nml ilvnth.
Mcwn Uiiioim ltroM will oM'ii h
mitt murket lu-xt MomUy morning In
;h market l)uililliijt next to Co"Hr
H.iw. trlek. A full wiiily of frrh
milt will eonttjtotly U kent on lumt.
II It. Patterson IhmJikI hwlvetl th
luwt .mid ItisiKt line of gold, silver
tut nickel neln ever broiujlit Into
Polk 8uutv dirw-t friiti the luwt. fall
mi IfH avt tlli'lll
Coluinliirt rottastr mlut, fr Itmide
and outside work, nlrendy mixed,
gtmruHltiHl to U- the lient In the world
re for ik nt II. tl I'atleixin'n.
Don't be Imrd on iik who try to
write, Iteturu ginnl for evil.
X K'uidelgarteo i destructive to the
hii! brush unit willow ItiiltiKtry.
Ijvi your order for hauling at the
Itneeiidone Haek A Twk eoinimny
odfi on ewnt ld of Main tre't,
opposite I'alterw)ii' drug utore.
.TVru lu never Iweu l.irjjer tK-k
and Ix'tter axamrtiuent of tinware car
ried iu Polk eiiuuty than (J.m linau A
lio.i'y have.
II, me without ii ncwiier in very
Bj-i u " going backwards In tntelll-
Mi-m?. Iletikle A Walker havcjuxt
rtvt'iviil n very Hue ntock of Ukkii
haiux, basn, lard mid nhouldent
A funiWiiHl riMim, millalile fr Kiiife'le
gentleman, 1 for a-iit. Iiniilre at the
WtSidk offlw.
Mewr. Cooper ltn. have two iriug
Wilson! for nole, which ure ulimwt new
and urea bargain.
A Hue line of laundry onn at
Heukle A Walker':
(b-t a uteel wheel uulkey hay rake
from O.c.mIiiihii A Douty. They are the
In it.
.'o man who ban any ilullen of im
xr '.mi-e to perforin In thin life can
B'frd to fool with lliimr.
A complete piece of nheet niualc for
leu (t ut a copy, ut Wheeler'n.
I'uin and pipe any kind and uny
' price at (iiKHliiian A iKrtity'n.
You K't nix lread tleketa for a
quurlcr at Taybir'a bakery.
lee colli aoihi, all flavors, at Wheeler'n
bok Htore.
The boom town have taken up
lliiriiue Ureely'a nonjf and revlaeU it:
'C'Wie went, younx man, and how
you'll have to gn b catch up "
Tluwe Columbia Cottage palntu lit II.
11 I'attei-Holi'i! ure guuraiiteed tolas the
IjcKtln 1 lie world, and now that you
"are painting your hoiimior burn they
rejuit wlu.t y want. Tiiey eonie In
all colon already mixed.
Alwiy Iriy a Inivrgy an cheap im
p tlhlc, hut. never buy a eheap buggy.
i and :e 1 xtiliu til & Itolity they
' have the largeat tK'k ever brought to
Polk county.
Drive your own lioiwlflt iHolilyu
llenkle'A Walker have Juh(
rcceiv.-d a very line "tock of Oregon
' lianiN, bacon, lard ami uliouldcl'H.
The Dutton sickle grinder will (It
any mower. It a giodcl of leauty and
perfection (toodmaii & Douty have
the county agency.
A patch in time will Have the whole
Heukle A Wulker carry a full line of
groceries and provlHolw, and sell the
same iw low an the lowest.
The only Urst-clam cutlery in the IXIi
Large assortment just received ut
Cooper HroN.
Ladies and children's shoes ut cost,
at J. L. Htockton's.
i Crixpiet mit and hammocks for sale
ut Wheeler's.
Fruit Jars ut I lunkle A Walker's.
Don't fret, a lie always dies a natural
, Wheat receipts nicely bound, are
' printed at the Wkht Bum Job olllce to
A girl who lighU the kitchen stove
with kerosene gets fired,
Yrou can paint the town red ami not
. use Columbii Cottage paints, for sule
J by II. It Patterson; but if you want to
' give your house a durable and glossy
eoatof paint yon can't get along with
out them. All shades uud colors.
Ordumlny ICorolti..Twnty
n Qraluftlea.
The eltihth eouiununvinent wwk of
IheOtvgoit State Normal nehool tmk
plaee thin week. In some respeeta II
has lieen th inoat entertaining of any
flnee the eommeinviuent of the school
The new ehHd, which with the new
building or which It l pirt, eoatlug
over JlitHHl, w,w beautifully and pin
niwly diorateil fur ilw tsvaslon, At
tixma Uilug biittefully tttruug and on
the ample alum! were hunks of flower
vmbedded In mounds uf fivh grwn
mi. The graduating class r lstHi
nuintsr In the Sornwl deartuieut
twentyniue, and In tl eonuuerlettl
tlme gmduute la isiiuUfuuiutiera
their elusa wan not m large iw that of
lNi, wiilelt IiuiuIhIM iUI. but In lailnt
of Intelligence and Httraellve iwrMonal
pHnraiiee we Mlevo will rank fully
nigh. 1 lie ten gentlemen and eleven
young ladle, of the Normal elasa mv.
'uted a uitwt pletiMug ftppeaniue.
Un huuday the i,I of June a larire
and intelligence nudlenee assembUHl In
ttie Normal ehainl to listen to the
twcenlaiireate sermon delivered by Hhl
U M. Miwtlck, of Km Portland
After ft woug by the eholr lUv.
Hyftorft-ril prayer which was follow.
ed by a wing, then the sermon. The
mibjeet was "Christ a a Teacher."
.... I
I lie siHMker allowed by eomnarlsonl
mm Malory that Ctulsl far urp:etH
all other teacher. That he had never
uttered an Idle word nor iMimnltted a
A song followed the semem after
which Pre Ctimplwll made the n-
uoumvineuU for the week mid Ilev.
Krannr dlsuilswd the eongregatlou
with the benediction.
At 10 a. m ou Monday the trustee
met lu sesslou, mid after e cotlitir the
elass jins-w-ded to the eleetlmi of
teacher, klisa Sarah Tuihlll, of Mon
mouth, was returned to the imhIiIoii ol
teaching Knglish and elis-niiou; Mr.
Holoii Shwld, Tangent, Llnu eouuiy,
uutund scleiii'eainl b.Hik ktN'plug; Misa
Itessle .VI (iln, of liidcni'mlouco.
teaeherof art; an I Prtif J W.Spirkhii,
of Iiidi'iH'tijIcpiv, priuelpd of miiiic
lepai'tnn'4it. Tliere Is s: UI une vaeuooy
which will l tilled skMi Tliu faeuliy
now eleeied are IM,, Cmunbell.tirvMl
deul;.J. M. Powell, vice preNtdcut;
Sarah Tuihlll, Hotou Mlusl I, Ikie M.
(ii)Mon J W SpirKllii mi l as assistant
Ilerry nn, of Iiidewndeue.
The sludeuia rtunlon on Momlay
evening was the bent of the m my gmal
ones that have taken place.
The nieiilng J J rem by Al. ltrlggs
was short but to the pilot, Assuming
all that they were welcome; also the
respons by Mlsa Dora llueliaunan, of
North Yamhill, was well received.
Then followed mi inslruiiiental ipiartet
by Messrs Doughty ,l l.ueus, Haley and
Ihnighty, which rtnvlved hearty en
core, but the Hlg Four failed to
ssnid. A reading by Miss Anna
Powell showed her to be piwswcd of
rare ability ami brought pmeiieally ls
fore the iK-ople the great advantage lu
Is? enjoyed under the lust ruction of
The next "A Family How." a can
tatlaby Mlssesa Coleman and Powell
ami Messrs. Altaiiunaud Murphy was
the hit of the evening. Miss Allle
.Milieu's rendering of ltuls'iistclii was
gisjd and brought the house down In
thuuderotis appliiiise.
Then followed a reunion for
two hours during which time the
cornet hand dispersed sweet music, and
general hand shakiugaud promenading
were Indulged iu by all present.
On Tue-sl.i.y evening a short progr un
was rendered by the s H'leties iu which
(piile a iiuiiiUt of the members of the
ws'lelles tisik part. A lare uuilieiiee
was present and sonic of the perfomers
were loudly applauded,
At 10:1) to the music of the Mon
mouth baud the graduating class of
ISiK) marched In to the chapel led by
Professors Campls ll, Powell, Doughty
andTutliill. The graduates were seated
ou the commodious stage in the follow
ing order commencing at the left. The
Misses Ma Keefe, Jennie lllouiit, Aggie
Wlunull, Mary Hlouut, Mr. W. It
Hawley, Mr. 1 C. Keyt, MiasMalile
Walters, Mr. (. A. Stanley, Mr. E.
W. Shetld, Miss Aggie McArthur, Miss
Maggie McArthur, Miss Maude Pllteu
ger, Miss Ida Porter, Miss Carrie I lay
den, Miss Cullie Hrodie, Mr. K. C.
Oichran, C. W. Harr, C. A. Hall, H. C.
Altaiuan, O. T. McArthur, A. W.
The salutatory was delivered by II.
C, Altmaii, lu w hich he welcomes the
friends and patrons of the school; asks
that there Iw unity in Ine work of
education, and that natures laws lu
which the drones are cast away, la
followed In the educational Held It
wus replete with encouraging words to
those about to commence life work.
Miss Jennie Blount presented the
subject of "Dive Deep If you Would
Obtain the Pearl, " and sought to show
that the shallow foundation, the
carlessly acpilred education liecoines of
no value to its poscssor; that the iiiuu
with talents cun best Improve them
with labor and he with mediocre
talents can best supply this deficiency
through labor; that we must dive deep
toobtuln the pearl. That nothing Is
rightfully ours which we do not acquire
with our own labor. That we should
early In life choose some uaeful occu
pation and push forward to the end
In view. Miss Blount read In clear and
most pleasing manner her melodious
voice adding effect to her thoughts
Mr. B W. Hhcdd presoi ted us his
subject "Natures Teachings." That of
all the unliiials man alone Is left un
provided with clothing, and is without
shelter, without education and this ho
provides himself. The favorite child of
nature Is man, and If all these were
provided which are given to the savage
animal, man would rise no higher. It
Is this Incentive to excel, to Investigate,
to explore, which renders man muster
of all the animal kingdom. That
nature docs not admire deformity and
the unbcftutiful. It Is a rule of induce
that beautiful lives may blossom In the
darkest places.
' "Purpose" wus presented by Miss
Magule McArthur. It was rend In it
forcible muiiuer and her perfect self
possession added to Us etlbet. We give
the essay here In full.
As we, this class of 'DO are about to
leave this Institution uf learning and
enter iiiou ft new field of action let Ui
imuseHim asR ourselves what It our
purpose lu life? What am we living
Life Mvmm something. It l full of
realities, every step Is a word.every day
Is a sentence, every week Is alt oration,
and every year la a txsik full of mean
ing. Our life Is r book and we write In
It something be It much or Utile, tense
wr nonsense, and what we write ean
never lie erased, our pcu Is time, our
Ink Is ludciehle.
There are some who It appear, live
Unwise life Is In them. They have a
disposition to live and so they do live,
lint for what they know not, nor seem
to ean. They take no solemn thought
of to-day or forethought of to-morrow.
They have no purpose In life they live
for what? For nothing. They walk
atsiut among men but leave no track
behind them. Nolssly wires for them
hut the politician nt the election, and
the sexton al their burial They have
not learned the meaning of life, they
are to them selves iiolhlog.lo the world
nothing They have nothing In par
ticular to Is or to (hi, therefore they
rov ami do nothing In particular,
Many of them are well meaning, of
fair abilities, but they lack tin one
thing necessary, some object In life,
something to live for. The person
without an oteet In life, without
some settled puqswe lo achieve, some
definite end to ls accomplished is to Is?
pitied Belter not live than to Uvea
plodding, listless lift with no purpose,
ami at the end find our work shop
tilled with many Ihlmr begun, but
nothing ll nisi nil, If we aim at noth
ing we can not reasonably expect to
hit anything To succeed we wiusf
have some object In view, some clearly
defined purpose and work up lo It
with uutlrlug presidency,
Suiwss tit business Is sneer an aeel
dent, It Is always the result of a detl
uiie purpose
Kuergy directed by a well laid plan
to a given olijeei m i snowed.
"A pur,i U always tlu ,i itJ
evdeut of a great action "
Franklin h id never riseu as phlltMi
piier an I state. ii .i with ml a great
purpwe mine I out and the determi
nation o reach It.
l)i we not see mm alt ar mntlu,
ever changing th'ir pursne, first
pursuing this, th oi tn it, an I Hi mi
something else, and never succeeding
In auylhlii.'
While ou the other h ind are others
with far less natural endowments who
will go Into business and succeed, tie
eatise they areeoiitent to stick to one
thing until they are aide to reach the
purpose they hail lu view.
The mail with a purpwe seeks em
ployment and depends upon himself
for what he Is to do and lie, he leans
on no une but himself. Place hi in In a
hard place where he must staud by hi
own strength or fall an I he will grow
stronger. There Is but one ilioiigtn in
Ids mind all the time thefuliftll
mi nt of his purpose. The moment life
loses Us purp.we, that moment It
lose Its happiness. We muni ptatsess
and pursuvi a purpose or bid farewull to
the nealnf life. I n order to accomplish
any noble pur p. wo It Is necessary lo
have a carefully laid plan, for life with
out a plan serves m soil where discon
tentment thrives.
Some purpose in view, some tlxed
object of pursuit Is a spur to the ener
gies. One chosen purpose seic hold
of the brain and clings to It. The
power to accomplish great things He
In this intense resolution, which
makes one proof ngalustalt c mfuslng
Home one has truly said " purpose
overcomes difficulties, not with a rush
and a shout but one by otic they melt
uway before its pressure like Ice-bergs
before the rays of the sun."
We admire the mind that marches
steadily on through sunshine and
showers, smiles and flowers, thankful
If aid Is given, If not pressing ou with
out It. Such' a , person will not reach
his aim at a leap, but he will reach it,
he climbs "slow but sure" and by and
by If you want htm you will find him
ou tliu topm mt rounds of the ladder of
Our purpose g h before us like a
form of beauty ever urging us onward
It will go w 1 1 Ii us by day to guard us
against the allurement of pleasure. It
will hold our eye-llds as we bill by the
mld-ulght lamp and will watch ut as
we slumber to callus ut the appointed
hour to again take up the cheerful task
of our cherished pursuit.
There Is no time to be lost, wj must
begin at once to lay our plans, to tlx u
purpose for which to strive, and we
will reach at last what all so nuicli de
sire MtVCHHH.
'Hubert Browning" was dl-teussi'd by
C. W. Barr. That there is a class ol
English writing in which tilings are
presented and descrlla-d not a they
seem, nut rrom causes wiucu lean to
cllccts. This Is the style in which
Browning delighted. That Browning
saw the iicuutiiui stiiu or ute. Myron
saw the dark side. (Jives the character
of Bi'ow.nlng's writ tigs, his energy,
force and tenderness and pointing out
the elegance of expressive iu his dra
matic writings.
"The Beautiful" was presented by
Miss Maud Plttlnger, of Hlllsboro.
That beauty lu the highest form Is
only foimd lu nature. Hwaks of the
sunlight, the snow clad mountains, tho
waterfall and the (towels all are beauti
ful, That a love of the beautiful may
be cultivated by studying poetry. That
beautiful iihihIo Is what appeals to the
senses. Trie character, wlilcn Is called
beautiful Is of liitlulte value to Its
Mr. (ico. T. McArthur presented
some plain matter of fact t rut lies In his
uddress ou "Grit." That Grit will not
give au uncertain yes, when a positive
"no" Is required. Grit Is the main
spring of the great efforts of the world.
The studied thoughts contained iu hia
address were of great practical value.
"Honor" wus presented by Miss
Agle Wlunull. She plainly pointed
out thai all debts must lie paid, wheth
er of honor or dishonor. Points out
the composition of the sand of sea, and
that It ooustiueut parts are gathered
from many sources. That wo In tho
world ure like the grains of satul, That
It' we would be noticed we must shine.
Allude to tin dishonored woman, the
dishonored defaulter and the many
forum of dishonor. Mist Wlunull read
her emuty lu excellent volo and with
clear and distinct eiiiiunelatlon. '
' The Northwest" wa eulogised by
A, V. Vincent. Hpoko uf the early
niiHlea of travel In Oregon. That Ore
gon la but a rrautly developed country.
That we have not yet reached uur
hlghoat development. That our sehisil
facilities aw eipiul to any stale In the
union. Thut uur railway now built
oiler six mules of tranaootiilneutal
travel. That the future of the North
west l acareely realised by we uf the
proMvnt time
"True Merit Wins" was presented
by Miss Aggie McArthur. That the
world doe recOKiiliie merit. That the
bubble may appear beautiful and fur a
time prossr, but true merit U ad
mired by the world while the hollow
litter la demised. That our live flow
onward like the running si resin, and
while Nome reach great was, other are
loat in the sands.
'Common Heme" reedved consider
ation at the usiids of U. A. Stanley.
That all success hi life come uot from
luck, but from known cause and
eflV-el The lie who seek to And
uotH-Nt thnnigh other than these laws
will fall. That he who plod will
eellpo, he wliu flushes befor the public
and la pruspenai to an uncommon
degree at once, All great fortune have
come late tn life while the foundation
were early laid. Mr. Stanley prevented
bta thought clothed In beautiful and
forceful langusge which rtHelvd mark
ed attention.
"The Present Agv" by Miss Mary
Blount, of AHiaiiy, w.w read In her
usual excellent style. She said the
preau-nt age t one ol peace and pnsv
ptrlty. That Hie present age I one of
iKliiitUionalsilvsiitagea. That this age
la one lu which the blight of Ignorance
la a .tight to Iw driven from the laud,
fluent Ion linn pUivd the woman at
the able ol her brother Instead of at hi
feet. While ualy s few years ago women
esiubl only rliouse a limited number of
avia-tttloos, uosr every pursuit Is usu
to her. The rallrooda, telegraph,
uud other eli el rie iipplluoecs have
llghlemd the lalsir of ui.iii and all die
untitle aiiluul. SS'aks of the advance
ment of traveler and also the advance
ment lu Hie Introduction of religious
Instruction sal wwrk. l'he Isresu
dU'tiev was then disniWI for au luUr
iiiIshIoii at iiihiii to rvnsnemble t hto
p. m.
AKTKHNOOjt Mi4Wln.ll.
Mis Mable Waller, of Weston, read
an Instructive essay on the "History ol
lb Novel." Tweed the history of
literature from ts birth and growth to
the present Important place which the
novt l occupies In the literature of to
day. Mr, K. C. Keyt, of I'errydale, gave
lu a clear ami lucid manner "The
Students Duty1' In which he pointed
out that hi till a In actual life the
htixirvrs only reu-lve a reward, That
tne various natural laws are a liiisr
tuiit there sx In the buslmm world.
That students should pratnlee the same
hoiieHt sell reliant maimer which Indi
cate the manly Datum of the man of
sutxtsM lu tli vsrlou walk of life.
.tlhta Csllli) llrodle, of Astoria, read
the following class p.ieiii, which was
heard by every person among the
large audience; the attention being very
marked throughout. Mis llrodle'
distinct articulation made listening to
to Iter pson greater pleasure.
00 tlis buskl ttiatast rlr uf Ills,
Humu f psmloii lu suit f n,
HmviI) IiuImi wllh trsltfht, ,
A iibs.iM ih-y f.
Un i b sim 11m nans ut Plasuiani,
AuoOHNMlMMnwol Wo.
hmra Ii Urn (suit nml Hurr,
Amlswirtlf Uiaosnwoa row.
Ws (lis slalDUi b itors oa.
Wlills Hit buif 111 Milinj puit,
Kuuutl it htnl Ui il.ssrmlns
III rliloh Dmour !! lo ot.
Tills bust 0'llln.l EilidtiB
Csis irni,lly Mllin by
WIUi tliit Uwrllssl upon it
- - Thruush dilHoulUea, aim hlh."
With this nsmf sad m.ilto tM-fura on,
We sibftrlil is lbs ltm triisl bust,
Anil all (air sod plmmnl
- As duwn lh rlvsr in fl.wi.
Hut niiHitb WHtnr Untisl not lwini,
Nursing billion ws hsd lo pum UinsMth,
Ami tli Inn wnrufton snein'si drkBl
't'o this wiwrjr hut bipful oraw.
The storm tw all sbont os,
Oar hmrts won lllnl with disipslr,
And w l.inowl tor s qulvt harbor
An ! rt tnrnmr from
1 llir hsnnsr illll 11 ml ins prouillr,
lit r hi- st .rm w mtutntd nnt tarn,
Hal still liriiuuli Ih'inistAnd sprajr waonnld
Oar multo And snibi w ml tsl un.
Oft' limns w W n n-sirly sinking,
And limn Uiaur vry of slsrra,
( 'sn our UMohtirrt tn imr ssststsnos,
To k"l un i(c In. in hnrm,
QlllllksHUltn Hllll ShlMlla Ix-Sttt us,
Aud wn wr uft dnnlrsd
TIisii sssin ii pnshisl slnilt furwsrd,
I'ul uur Irual in Uisl and bctisTtsl.
In mr fmbli way ws straasisl ,
Hops to Mimn srsmsd ill most nnil
TIim wimla Mill bliiw. Dm whVus diwlusl IiIkIi
Aud rl m with fur f ran lioms,
M's trifd tu ohwr nuoh otlisr,
Htlll luukinituu IIIsli forstnwtcthi --
An 1 1 oumliirtinii uur elsssnintm,
Hops niturmxl tosseh on at leiiRth. '
Thsn onnis ths ilsy uf "Klnsl,"
VI iwoh one iiliinii to the nisst,
Would wa puss tlisse lust srwit dnniisr?
Would ws in th hsrtior si InstT
As day is ilarkmt bofiire the duwn,
Mo with m, )uy follnwixl fmr,
Than lu tlis murninir llslit we ssw
Tli harbur oalm and olusr,
W suun sailisl In smoother watsrs,
Tli wind and the wars wore low,
All hands on duck, the sails all fi-rled,
How cany it aesmad to row,
The nd lias coins, tu enma It mint
And ws part to-day with tsars,
"Plus Ultra" will lb motto l
Of thliolima In future yirs,
Hhe then turned aud addressed her
Tuuchsn, aa you staud with ouUtrolohsd hands
Ker rwdy to aid and cheer
The class of 'Wl with grateful hearts,
Bland, at tin oltsw of this aohuol year,
Wilh hearts so full of love aud thanks
Kor the help that ynu 1st given,
Aa we struggled on in our little bark,
And near to you were driven.
We part, but away In future years
Pleasant mmaories will oling to eaoli ,
Aa gnntle aa the murmuring shells
We find upon ihe beaoh.
F.anh one in his own little ship afloat
Will glide swiftly swsy(froni the chore,
Tim sttili on tho mat will lessen ana fade,
.. And so.ju we ahull see t Wem no more,
Old fattier, aa thsf pass from our view
Mm tad ear for them, nh "ft
Wb thsy eroa the river uf dlh,
May thar hear the duns.
CUftoo A 1111, f HaltsUm, Polk
county, presented the aubjuet of'In
ventlons and Inventors." That this I
an age uf new and startling novelties,
That the field of the Inventor seems to
he more carefully tilled till year tluiu
any other In the history of our nation.
That during the past year over BJKW
indents have been granted, while
during the early history of our govern
ment tmlv a few hundred were grunted
Traced the progress of our uutlou a It
ha kept imce with tbe Inventor until
it lias reached It present grandeur.
Mr. V, 11, Ilawiey, the historian or
the class, rend the history of each
member of theelassof Imiki, a syuoiisls
of which cannot la) given.
"A (bssl Cutise Makes a Moul
Heart" by Miss Ida Keefe, of Wash.,
waa well delivered. Hhe said the
guilty conscience make a coward -of
many. The stipimrter of a gssl cause
t often a hero. Many reaaous were
given to show that our live are lurgely
Influenced by uur actions and uur
actions by the circumstance which
surround us. ft Is the energy and
of Individuals which glveu power to
tbe state:
"Choosing a I'rofeaslot!" was pre
sented by U K. Cochran I lint we
are culled sui to ehisise our profession
guided by not only by our Inclinations
but by ouradaptlblllly for such pur
suit. That his ehooaeii profession I
law; that he find rrom tils love mr n
he will surely succeed, provided he Is
adapted to the work. Jlo then tils-
cuswa tho profiwiou of medicine anil
also of teaching, He clulmc law,
medicine aud teaching hi Ihj the lead
ing professions,
'Cis Prophecy" was delivered by
dlssi Carrie llaydcii, lu which she
wrlltsa a loiter from I'on'- uid to Ml
Cullie Hnslle. of Astora, a cbissiuate lu
the year tty lu which the stipp ised
mvIiius of the class for the previous teu
yeans areth-pleted lua very amusing
1'p.ui Miss Ida Porter, of Mini
county, devolve.1 the duly of deliver
ing tins Valedictory. Hlie budeudleU
to tlieeelnsil and lis pletim-ut suruuud
inus. The future worn aud duty of the
elam Is prcMcolcd to view au I tbe path-
way which each must follow in order to
oo oi bcullll to mankind Is piloted
out. To the isHiple of Jionuioiitn, ine
the board of trustee, the factully aud
her achisihuate, to each a pleasant
word of farewell Is sp keu. The vale
dictory was full of tender loving
thought for friend and aehisiliuaie
aud in the audience present were
many tearful eye a their aympathle
were enlisted un the U-uutlful latigungi-
of tliu valedictorian. Till vnlcdlutory
waaoiie of the most touching we ever
have heard delivered,
Huperlnlciidtint W I. lU-ynolds, de
livered the charge to the clues tu which
he imlnled out that the service lu Ihe
st-hiMd Is but exampled In the history
of our greatest men. He cited the
words of Jesu Christ aud Incident lu
the life of Washington and Oarlleld.
Point out to the class that tills I but
Ihe commencement of life, the life
wherein each assunn-s It rvionl
bllltles, I le offered words of encoumge-
iiieut for the future work of the, class,
The dlnlmmw were then prtseuted.
Three of the gradualist being t young
were granted permit After remarks
by President Camplsdl the audience
wan dismissed.
Al.t'MN'1 UKl'SION.
At the hour ofSo'ebs-k thenlumnl
aasoctatlon ussemliktl ou the large plat
form of the ormal chapel, aim re
mained while the cliisa of ISIK) number
ing twcnly-one marclied up through
Hot main aisle and upon the staire.
The president uf the alumni, Miss
Millie Doiurhly. then delivered an an-,
dress of welcome to the new class after
which Miss Mary lllouutof theelassof
tK) responded lu fitting terms. Prayer
waa oflVred by Itcv. ltyere aud the
classea were then seated. After listen- j
lug to a well rendered solo by Miss
Auirle Wlunull, of Iudoiiendenee,
recitutloii by Miss Kmiiia Whitney,
which was nwlved wit ti approval by
the large audience. Miss Nellie Col
lins read an essay on "Vanished Tyss"
In which In a Interesting manner wus
uolnted out that the dill'erences which
once existed bctweeu people and
nations, are fast disappearing, nils
was followed by a duet, "Turkey In
the Treelop" which was sung by
Messrs. Altmati and Doughty.
The annuals of the several graduates
were read by K. C. I'eutland after
which life diplomas .were Issued to
Misses Chtru third, Millie Doughty, 1).
KrithcrUondwIu, Miss Lillian Ulass.
A ouartettc, wits then smiir by
Messrs. Powell, Alluian, (Stanley and
Doughty and tbe audience dismissed
which ended the exercises of com
mencement week In the Oregon Hlnlc
Normal school.
Following tho exercise a bountiful
bumpiet was spread at the res
taurant, ut which the uliimiit and
friends partook.
Attend tho celebration at Mon
mouth. An Attraetlva Point.
Astoria has the largest mid best har
bor ou the 1'adflo coast, it has thirty
large salmon canneries, two great Iron
foundries and a third foundry building,
ami Iron mines close nt hand to supply
them with ore. The city has a govern
mout building with it customs bureau,
and Is the best bwalbm for extensive
shipyards. These advnntitges render
that city uu attractive point for the In
vestment of capital, and account for
the rapid sale of thoso residence lots In
North Paclllo addition to Astoria, by
The Oregon Land company efBiilem
and Portland.
A Famous Woman's Expo ne
CmoAtio, Nov, 1.1,
Mr. Wiedom: Dear Hlr, I beg to
thank you for the delightful and re
freshing "Itobertlne" you so kindly
sent me. I have used the toilet uud
preparations of the most celebrated
manufacturers of London and Purls,
but consider your "Itobertlno," their
superior In point of purity aud excell
ence. Wishing you the unbounded
success you deserve, I remain,
Faithfully yours,
Emma Ahiiott.'
Its Publls IHIns' -Streets , Rail.
ways, Manufsetofles ana Busi
nasi Hou..What will bo
0esn July 4th.
Hulem Is a beautiful oily and owing to Hi
eHergy and enterprise ufauiiisor her clllu-ns
ts now escet'dlngty pnwisirou, Murrounded
with the moat fi-rlll land In Oigio pmaeaa
edofs tt sgnlrli'kmt water power, having lint
advantage of Is all wnler snd rail transpor
tation It would ewiii that iiolliliiimuld pre
vent II rrom ts'lng oat tli leading dtlm of
the stale, but ni'vsrlhrlm lor nisny years
lis iisl still sad lirr nisti-rlal ailvsiiiwmtmi
wasaiimll, It was mil until there wua ddis
In her isipiilstlun nu n who would lake bold
and li' lp develop her rvaounsw, that lluiatste
uf li'thargy save way tiiiiimorsnllvlly ended
vsiiis.iin.nt, Mnlcin Is now adding ibouMiids
lo ll ooiulaluu each year, and her lo w
tHilldliiga ws) nuials-ivd by lb hundreds.
The value of ttowi Improvements during the
litwl ynsr uggri'gnui over on million dullsrs.
The business street of Ih elly I now lined
with elegant brick building, and I lie stock of
gissla ntrrled by her mendisiits are In keep,
lug with lief business blisjks,
la lb IimssiIii( brick building nswnily
built between Court and Chemeketa atnstl
un Coin niert'lul street la situated lbs furniture
alorti of Keller 6 Huns, and a visit lo their
mammoth eststilUhmenl will convliu-e any
one that Helein Is rlly of elegant homes, for
herein response lo the demsud of trade, I
eahlbited a most uiagnlllmil abs-k of furot.
lure comprising the latest atylea In ntsple,
nek, ash and walnut, both plain aud brnutl
fully earved, In bed-nsiin and parlor seta.
The veiitlemen eumprlalns tills (Inn art
always glad tu have Hie publle liiwt their
slis'k, and even If a pun liss ia niKennlem
plated I l ey Invlt Ihe publlu lo vlalt their
lure and erllli'slly eiauiliie lit stork of
(.xmIs and all liiRirinallon requlrvd will be
ms-iy given n'garding quality and prlissk
I hi.) rsrry s full slock raimlng la pr litis from
I Iml of Ihe ebespmt umlerlale at the Itiwesl
prltssi up lo the must elegant obtainable
anient now has electric rsllnsuls, mile of
Iris.t ear line, elisitrlu lights, lelepltoue
ayatvma, and every modern eonvenieuveof
uliy. lis gmnd water power propria dynsmus,
piniiH for water .irU, two flouring inllli,
sutt and door hwuirles, alove louudry.
woolro inlll, and titatiy 01 her nianufuetorlM.
While lu rstlvia It will reiwy tli vlsttor tu
iuMs-l lite wuulen mill, lb eanuery. Ihe
eleeirte lisiu and water works, also Ihelluur
utiU new nulls,
Nor should Ihe vUltor full tu see the new
snd symetrti-ully built iiuartersoT thejU'
liioirsiiisi Coiiisoiy ofMsleiu, Here in their
own Isiilillng ou one of the uioel pmuilnt ut
unruere Is employed an army uf courteoua
clerks, nil buy atliaidlng the inliititle of what
la now so liumi.iiae biialuess. We ran Mud uu
Uelier llluatrsllon uf what bullies ssgwrlly
and prliii'lplisi will du In conduetliig an Im.
uitiiiae biisiueaa tlian lu tbsl ol Ihesiiste In-.iinon-c
tomisniy, II Is a boine lii.tliiitlun
sod apKtl si mi lomir people for patrou
agi'im Hist gmiiuil, end nlsii ttist liaoltl.w.
snd eoiplo) ea U'liia n'tldviits of Ihe IhIp, all
o II pmilu Mid to advent- tbe s vulihofonv
gou. Tttv Tune iiMiiraiinv C"ioay bna mi l
lih rciiierknulo sumss and ll ts du to a
ran liil, muM'rviUlve manm(iiiienl and not In
iy"lii..K." Tlie State bite Im-reuM-d s surplus
ortlS,su.sln IssS, with a healthy growth up
tu Ihe sum of M,ii. In Junusry IMU, and
the ssm'Is of die enuisiny have now nsu hed
the sum of wt,ijs,7 showing Ha nisuuge
un iit lo be pmgresah and Its security to
isillcy h. tillers i!iple. The ufltts-rs are ss
Sillows; Hon. L L Itnwlsnd, of Hsleui, presl
drill; II. W, Cottle, sevretury ami neuager,
Hon. K H. Mi Klroy, vice irraident, C
(Jntiritrlaon, sMlslsnt tssivlnry; Mid. tlen.
Wllllsiiis, trtswurer, Ttie Hntte laaursncr
Coniwiiy Is liMtay Itnaiielally atmuger than
ever U r-irv. This mmpstiy lias the unlimited
."oiilMeiiis- uf llieclllcnaof boih Oregon and
Waslilugtrt as ia shown by the fas-t that the
elllaens of isu'li aisle patronise It inueh mure
ttiun soy ollirr run) wny.
That Hits Is merited and Itselalin Hint -II Iw burned out" proven true la shown
by tbe fuel that IU louse were light lu all lite
llireat greet fire uf Hpuksue Kails, Ellclne
burgh and Seattle sa II never overloada In
any plne-aud II was the Hrat eompuiiy to
pay op In cash snd In full stl uf Its lossea by
I bene flree.
We are mtieh pleiwil to note Ihe fact that ll
has gone llieiugh I lie year tssv, which so
sevori-ly tried many oilier eompunlr, and
now when other uuipnle, wlilcli esnnot
tund Ih le.t are wlthdrnwlng that the
".-.tale" simid. priHtdly nt the head lu iiiuiinl nnsiii'liil enndltlon, leading all coiu
petltors; Its tiuine hiiuaehold word; bottling
a greater siimunluf MrsU'loa wl, entirely
and exflualvely for the proleotlon uf its
iwl rons In tirrgnn, WsshlngUMi and Idulio,
that Is so held by any oilier company no
mutter where lucsied,
l'he aisle lii.iinm. Couipuny owns Its own
urttis- building wiili'h la splendid llireo story
lire proof building built of brick aud Inm, It
la lite only luursuiw comiwuy in Oregon or
iVualilugtou wlili'li iiwitt lis uwa ullUss build
ings and grounds. It la here to stay and lu
uliilin that fur die patt Ave years It has lu.
uirvd more home, Issued more policies, re.
ilved mon) preiniuius, and paid more losses
un property Iis'sIih In Drcgou snd Washing.
ton I tool any oilier poiiustny Is most em
plisllcally true. Tills Indorsement frmu Its
ueiglibors and friends where the company Is
lot'iited and well known U the best flint can
be given.
(Salem being t In' iitpllnl of t lie state of Oreg'tn
It Is here that the publle bulldluirs sre lis'uted.
I lie visitor will not be denint tyti'tt tu the
Onle rapitol, the penltrnlhiry, Hie stove
works nnd lite aaylum, provlilod the vlalt oo-
1'iira at a pnis-r time during the duy. The
deal mute eelnail and school lor the blind ure
lts'led there,
Hlioold any of uur readers be desirous of see
ing the latest styles In clothing suit gent
furnishing- gtsiria, the) run be accommodated
by 'lnippliig In at the clothing house of
Johnson, Ihstlhliy A Co., whose, plueeof busl-j
nrss la at MCumiiirrclul strwl. Tbey have
reociilly nss'lved a large line of very tasty
spring styltsi In clothing for men, youths and
boys, huts of all styles slid alios. They have
the UKcnry for the Kttglc Woolrn mlliarlolh
Init of IlKtwiiavllle, uud order gootls from j
measure. This firm Is well known us the
MirrcKsors of 1.1, V. Johnson and lire In the
Slime billlillng.
Nothing Is an unpleasant to the genllemiiu
who smokes than tu get s pistr cigar, uud we
art: no doubt conferring a favor on the smok
ing eoiiiniiuilly when wo Inform them Unit
T, Ij. Howard, hi tliu middle of the block
iiIhivc the Clivinekete hotel l the head-
qiiarters for lliu best domestic, Key West and
Imported gisids, Ho Is a rr liable dealer and
will not Imposts un s stranger.
Hulem proposes having a big lime un the
coming sill of July, Wince aeven hands will
purndo It Is Hppuri'iit that the priwosston will
be very Imposing, limits uud truliis from alj
dliwllons will bo crowded and thousands
will visit tlio city, Portland and Sitlcm are the
only two large (owns having exercises tills
year on tho nation's nnnivei'sury.
Our render will remember W. W. Drunks,
formerly publisher uf this paper, He Is now
In Hnlein engiiKcd In aclllng sporting gisids,
Ills store Is W Httttc street, and the firm ntiui
Is llitsiks 4 lltirrltt. He will have s mil
Hloi'k of 4th uf July gtsuls, such as tlrc-
cnu-kers, sky nwkcts, bombs, etc. Tlici' will
be Ion ml tho best stock of unit, revolvers,
hiii in ii utt loit nuil cnllery to be found In the
city, uud Mr. llmoka will take Iplcasure In
showing his old friends over his store, . He
sells a hammock for 73 eents which usually
sells nt tl.M, mill Is very reasonable In ull tils
prices. In III" Mime block on Hliitti street
John, u brother of V. W. llnsiks, Is In the
drug business, ttie firm being- Ilitxtks A Cox.
Hero we Unit well assorted stock of drug
nicely iirnmgml,
Small Fruit Farms,
Tho Huiinyslde tract of farm lands,
four miles south of Balem, was put ou
tho murket February last, and nearly
ull of the 030 acres, which comprise It,
are sold. A few more 10 acre tracts re
uutln, and nothing mora desirable to
the settler of limited means is to be
found around Salem. A small fruit
farm in Suunyside will soon become
valuable property.
Hen Dice has a good gentle team for stile.
Any person wlahlng to buy will d well to
call and sun lilin. 7:11(27
overheard on sar of bee, Br Heaven she'
Painted I" " Visi," retorted aft Indirnsntly,
'and by heaven onlv" buddy beltb man.
tltsl her chek. yet litis beautiful My, one
lain nd pale, and suffering from oy, hack
ing wiiiiili, nlKlit-sw.-ls, and spilling of blood,
remed deaiined lu nil latnauimitlve' grave,
alter spen. ling hundred of dollar DO plifst
elaus. wlileiut benent, she tried Dr. Pd-rue't
(lohlen Mtslli! Itlmiverr i her Improvement
waa aoon marked, and In a few monttt site
was plump and rosy aaiu,-s perftx.t pletura
Of btsillb snd streiorth.
TW wouotTTtil "Oalfjen Mcnkn! Dlaror.
wry," now world-famed as a reined for ono
sumption, which I really luiie s. mfnls, la n
only n ickntiwhslirisl remedy for tbat U'rri-
,, j IBM,, .nw.r, w.., im mint
Riven fair trial, but a!so for all forma of
crofiiloua, Skin aud Rosip Iilsrsa-, sa White
Swellings, Fever cs-tsi, Hip Joint IMseaae,
Salt-rheum, Tetter. Ken-ma, floila, flarbun.
ekS, Kryaliiela and kindred alliitenta. All
osly, ertisly, liehtng, troubbwuiie rontlon
yield readily to lu eunattve power. It Invlgw
orates the liver, enriches the bbsel nd pm
Btotas all Ihe tsvllly function. It is the only
liver, blood and Itinir remedy, (old by drug,
gisia. undi-r poelclv fluaraiile that It
will doall tltat ft i n-unniiu'tidivi to. or money
Bold fur It will be promptly refundi-d.
RGi? $500 !!r!!?
Ij . V I Incurable case
If 1 nf rtserh In the llmd, by
1 '"" the j.roprli-ttr of Dr. Sngc .
Catarrh Remedy, tony 60 (sllU. Hutu by
oruglfurt everywhere. .
In the County C ttirl of ihe Hialetf Ore hi for
the Uouuiy of I'olit Oiiiuiy.
In I'roliitti. j. .
In the mailer of the stile nf the real estate
beloiiulug lo I lie ealule ut C J. Cuo'r, do
lo Willlani Title, Tiioiuss Moon. Map.
gretletttHirti, Mulislls hlierwtsid, 1 liul.e:li
Ksvs, liwhel run. Itoietrt rosier, John
Koaler, 'ilionias, Jane vwllluiii.
lliihnlla ltl. l-alitynltn iMiffllah, Juno
Ittown, Ino. and KlliOedll Kl.'K-,
licit hihI nekt ol kin ut C J. tstpi-r, il,s. m-1.
V Ilk H AS S dHloll bits liven pntaenled UJ
aid t 'oiotl v l otttl, praMtiK lor kit order lit
aril lhc real ealttle ledoliiiina- to said dale,
you. end each ol you. sre hereby cltlted, mid
ii. Hilled, Ut apissar at Ilie lerut of sunl Couttly
Court lo be held on the
ithit'tyiif An;'i"t, 1,
end alio euiiM why Ilie order for Ihe
llit'o! auld ri-iil estate Klloiiltl It'll lie tatll.1
us prayed for In tnl ik iiuoh, vi In. u real
entitle Is ile.,ril d f illotva, t,. sli:
II. allililllJ ul III" taoilllltft-d eorner of t'g
lo mill lot, tlirin Nonh " .sr 'el, t.
niikalothecilat-of Mill sltwt: Illt-n Norililli"
ti' VVtwl IJ.eliaini, nloii said aliret; llieius.
south IM ehiilin; Ih.nee I is rbaliK:
Ihrnee North tun ritalos to lite piw-e ofbi.
Sinning. Alwt iM'iiliiiiing al the .V. rili Mint
isirte-r of the larnl ute drtertlt'il; Ihen.e
illi al'iint Ihe tt wt line of sttid hind i l,i
eiialn I" 'be Hotitbwent eorner thereof; litt iire
i-,lsi'4 lutka; tlieii.H. Nun li tM rinittiato
the Norlllru.t ,irurr otjolm Wartltrr atnre
hotiMt; ilirins- H-iuih MC sr I.(il along the
iSotllh llllcofMlll strtS'l .) Illlka to llieulllil
ol IhkIiiiiiiiii, smutted tnUiillua. ok County,
tiregon, J. isnil l-'Kr lt."
(Vtituiy Jmhie,.
Itnlinl nt liid.' n.l.'i. e, lir., June Ji,
Notloo to Bridge Builders.
MtiTICK la hervhr given that (he County
t'Cotirt of dk Coiiuiy, iiri-gon, will re
cidve aealinl In. I. up to Wedilodnv, July,
lasi stl orl'a'K p. in., for Hie bMiiillnsr or
tirliiire ss-rtsu, Ihe slough lo the town ol Imle-
jf'i,t-iiec, in e urm.i. o. i.e w.r i.iiix. , tail
and aiNS-lllesiloii can Is- aeett lit the court
house In liulla. Tht rotlil rwrvel ut rvjt-ct
mi., no uui -i ,iie ,n,itt
eotirt, C. O. UiAit, County Clerk.
Tak It Befors Breakfast
tne great appetiser. Ionic and liver reciilslur.
t In usir lor more tltsn l years In Kiialnud.
IVntllve apeeiilc lor liver coiiiplattit. Had
U-ie in tlte mouth tin ni lMiiu ly l lie monilug,
dull iMtlna hi the head and hark ol lite eyen,
tlrvd li-v-lliksr, tluclties, langottrviitpuiinaoi
liver complaint. Itr, Henley s Kng
lliatt Itiindclloii Tonic. 11,-lleves eon.tlpalioii,
,linrN-ua llteuisiile and loues up the entire
y klettt, llel ila genuine Iroiii your Urngslst
tor 91, slid take acutrJlitji to dlrreliolis.
A Haunted Mouse.
This lesly of onra ha lewn likened to s
tenement. It often hit s hatiiiit-il aiHirtmetit
Ihe atoiiiaeti. Heaivd by lite eldrieU sprite,
dy?,s.pia, tligestiiiti flics uud relasea hi re
turn. Wttul tstn btvuk lint apell, what cun
rataetlie lain httd tistti the iinlitipity organs
Wesnawcr nnli.TiU,.tllijlv. llmieticr's Htoui-
ach Ultiers, and we nre wat mined lu iliere-
aponM by Ihercortied tea'linoiiy of iiiyrleda,
mverlttg s period el over a third of century.
Atsittraeof lite Illlotm, ltt.tiiti iu any stuiieol
the altltellon, and s r-lt. nlly tollowcd, will
leriiiniute iu cure su.tive, not imrtial, Tlte
Hitters restore tone to Hie epltiaMrlc nerve,
renews and piiriritt lite Juice eluding from
the w llttlur tiHNtto thai u.'t tiaiii ttie food
dlitcatlvety, exis'ls bile from the alomseli and
Ilie IiIishI, and promotes rtiitar habit ol
IsMly, Malui'lii, kidney complaint, nervous
ness, rhettniallstii uud UcuntlgiH give way lu
this medicine.
KJollce Is hereby given that by virtue ttnd
is authority of a wiimint IsMicd out of the
County Court of lite Slide, .1 utt'uoii, for the
County ttf I'olk, tome directed commanding
me to levy ou the giants ami chatleta of the
dellmiiient tuxpuycrs iiiiincd on ihe delin
quent tax Mil tor said County for the year
Isstl, thoreto, attitchcd unit 11 none be found
I hen upon the mil pmiicrly as set forth and
described in said delliniuriit tn Mil, or
sotiiiicti thereof us iiliall.aaiiKiy the amount of
taxes charged therein, tonrtlter with costs
ami e'lie, I have duly levhd havlint been
tinaliic to ttnd any gisiitN orchatti,a lirlotig
tug to tin- restsM-tive ilcfiiiiiients herein uner
tunned upon Hut foliowiiiu tli-scrllieil pieces or
ptinvls ol land tot set forth In said tax list,
lying and being In wild l-olk ton my,
Stale ol Oregon. tlescrliiiHl as follows, to-wtl:
Husaclll A, I Ait No. ii In I. Ill Nil. 1, III Lcvells
hoinesltud aildlltoii to liallus, Kl.oi
. llnsiks, Win. M, Lcvcns LttCrtsile
lioiiicstcndutldltloil to Uullas, lot 4,
lilk 11
Cis-her, J. s. tot 8, blk Levcns
IjiCreole honioslcml tiddtlloii to l)ul-'
Council, Jos, A. Isit 1, blk T, Lev.
ens LaCreolc honieslcud addition lo
Clntpiuitii, W.f. Istl 2, blk 7. Lev
ens l.iit'rwile lioiuesleiut utldltiou lo
Dallas, f
Havlilson, I ort ha. Lots 7 mid ft III
blk if, In lstvena UtCreolv houivslriid
udilllioli lo linlliw.
Huvldsnll, Mui I Un. Lots S, bill 1:1,
I evens LnCreole lioiiitwtoad udilllioli
to I in I tits,
Davidson, Miirlhn. Isit 10, hilt I",
.thitlts ttddltlou to Dtilliis.
llodlvey, V. W. Iil X,hlk S, Lev
ens LnCreole hoiutwicud uUdtlioii to
June, 1). I.. Lot 2, blk 1, I. evens
taiCivnitt uuincsteml luUlilloii lo
Jatnilis, Henry, Xm 9, blk 4,
Sliulls addition to Dnllns.
Klrseli, Annie III. Lot 7, blk )'.',
Lcvcns LtiCrrcHile lloinc.sU.utl iid
dlt Ion to Diilliis.
Lynch, iMiirv. Lot 7. I.Ik 111. Mil
lers LuC'rcolc iiotiicNlcud lo
l'lvltyniini, 1. W.Lot tl, tdk 7,
Lcvcns LitCrcolclioiiicslrudiuldllloii
Ui Dallas,
ltiH'kcnlniruer.Sioi'lilu, Lots I nml
2, blk 2, ,vlui I ( it addition to Diillits,
Kin', Mni'uiii i.'t. Lot 1, blk .1,
Hliultr. adilitioti to Dnllns. ,
Wuoiivcr, .Mary K. fait 8, hlk 7,
Lcvens LiiCitxilv lioimwlrnd udtli.
lion to Dallas.
' 1.02.
Htaplea, C. tl. Lot I, blk It, Millers
LaCrcole homesteatl udttlliou to
Toliniin, J, t'. Lots 7 and 8, blk 2,
mmlm addition to Dallas.
Neovllle. K. TliciS ol HF, t ,'of See,
7,To HHlilpll H, it ll W, of WIlluiiHitte
Mcrldliin iinil N K '4 of N K and N
W M ol' S li k, See. IS Tp U J u (1 v,
Tillunniitn Quarts Minim- Cotn
piiuv, tails 8 uud 7, blk 111, Ilie lowu
of Mnmnoutll.
Mulkcv, Mrs, li. H, Commciiclnj
nt Ihe Nwuorner of lot No, one tl)
in blk No. one (1) In Lovclmlys addi
tion to llio town of Dnllni, Polk
t'oiinly, tiregon, thence ruiinlmr
Kast sl.xty-foiii'itlll feet, llienee Mouth
one hundred (Wti) feet, to tint south
bountlry of an id lot thence West
sixty-four till) Icel lo the (South West
turner thereof, tinmen North one
lumdrctl (lUtl) feel to the Northwest
corner nnd plai ol lif ntn n Itm.
All of said real properly being
motility, Btaie oi t.irerout i win on
Saturday, the 3th tiny uf July, A. D. 1SU0,
all o'clock p. in. of said dny, sell nt publle
Kitcttini to lite hluhest bliliter for cash In
iianil all the ubove tlesciiUett teal cslntc.
I It A M. MMI'I'lt,
KherlflTof Polk County, Oregon,
Dated at Pallas this 6th day of Jtmclstitl,
u.. .i ... ..s.
- . , .
Ttrrn ft-iiwh iii I lie frtirrt ftir nlt fhonn nt.
Pouro Itlntrw phpo K'i milM mmthwrrit 0f
rur tilt' U,V r. uiiiki i-io.nn
W. W. Williams,
Will buy Anything and sell
Main St, Opposite C;:ra tm
Will move an aoou an a larger
building is vacant, 6 5
L. M. Slopor,
for Further Particulars, EniUlr of
Indt-pcmlcuce, Oregon.
4 11 12U
Intelligent Reader will aotiet that
are aisXt "trmrrmnttd t tunf all laaMl
f dlMase, hait Hly mm 1S
Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia.
Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious
Colic, Flatulence, etc
roe lhM they irsHltimstal tiA
fniuht. ! aire a ataarly sssmI !
alble lu asiafc at remedy. Mss, l
Jackson's Restacract !
Meals served for 25 cents each.
Ice Cream 15 cents. Board W.50
perwettk. Main St., Independence.
Funeral Director
l3T"!.-1f.-" I- af-W. J! ffd I '
A full and complete line of Fa
ucral goods always on hand.
On C Street,
Fresh bread, plea and cake oh hand erery
dny exes-pt tsuiiday.
A lull and fresh stock of canned (rood, flour
teas, entree, auipir, candiea, cigani Mid iobssu
eoa. D. B. TAYLOK, Proprietor.
Ttw oawplet ttnry ot RtAuly'i rrewt thrlUlnf
fsivotiturtia atul th diMloMura o( bla imporUuk
d'Mvorimwitlimuu' forth Aral tim Ih Ui
k written by hunwlf, twtitld "Iu DturkMl
A ri-fc" li t no b teo.T4 by ny of tht
t t ml "iHunley bnoktHuow beln c oBjrl m "mb
u t-i a trt ' kutbrnittii1 To uo ou ot Uim1wi
a.nicy (xMiinotiWHi a line.
-wl no tuMtlon nbout thti itaU-menl btitti
ornoiiuvry pwuouiftr. wittunwtii, ftna
vnviivii tUI tb bvok bv4 u Ua.
Ani tint the cm ii mating turtut orriet wrUflMt
Knoy (rom u
General Agents for the. Pacing Coast
Mrs. L. L, Wtiiteakcr, Aaent,
lttttepontleiiee. 5:23-l7t
ladies Dress Gds,
Boots & Shoes.
Mens Clothing,
11 Spring Hats
and Underwear etc.
All persona desiring to have house or barn
moved or raised on tlwlr foundation, will
ttnd that
numHtlv anit
Bit) linJUItlVU HJ UU HI Tl Ol lIWiK"MaT
if ' ... ....
your witunwUon. irf-e oruenwiia
wi, invti tvnauimuiv m vf
uii's m