The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 27, 1890, Image 2

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I'RlDAV, tUNIS i!!". V". .
your local jiiht is w UA
tYicml of your town 'Hint you out
tint!. o not let it muli'f iVr.ui
Our rurlciT coriv-sjiomVut tils
covered a rnnuus beehive :it Stiver Week, RIUIU lllllO jmillt initio i-
diseovoiwl this time at P.ivker's.
We nwait developments.
Tilde UV Some JHHiJilt J llll llt'lil'VC
that a newjnuH-r is like ny other
branch of business thut if trade
does not justify the jinpcr rontlnu
inj; business, it can soil it.i ilinl
and quit, In the vase of any mer
chaiidking business lite slwk ol
goods when placed on the market
ran bo sold in piet'os, but the news
taper plant must all lie sold to
jv(her. Tlio Maintenance of
newspaper in ii town therefore
moans more than iriviua it nominal!
siiptHirt. The ooiuutunity should
se that it is liberally patronized
for only by that ineansVau it exist, i
A paper lives for its patrons only. !
It exiHH-ts that evoi v beneiiciarv of!
its work will in turn iuW it. This
is not asked as charitv, but as n
just rot urn for lalmr performed. A
....-.. !...) ... I Ill ,. unit
lunu lauill't. -H nut ti'M . 1
port its local paper has no Held to; '"'. t ttl"'' make u mighty
lavse as a town of any pretentions, j kil ltl1 J0'" " opposition. I'n
A umii who is living in a town and i doubt ed!y tho (hrmiuH was assur
who knows that the newspaper has;''' "'" "1. Mr. t
always been of advantage in aib ; ,,1,, i,h1 jt v,ml1 1h foiv'otteu
vaiicing the interests of the town j l'.v iViemh. Simv Hip
mid theivby aiding him, should not j ''d Wl Mr-
refuse to go out of his way some,
Vhut to assist such a in'Wiaicr,
Thebu'siness man should see tht flt"'!i,,' O'" '-conntry,"
all his legal notices are placed inhvl,i,'u VViW "st'tl r"' lli,u uml
bis home paper, and in many towns ! "!:,l'.v times ogaiiist him.
the local paper is assisted by Indng '
given the publication of the city; JUST THE SAME ORIOGC.
laws or ciHiinnuees. The habit ol ; Tlll, Luiuji.-jr ,f l.ilUgoa.a'.Mili.
soinoinerehants to ask a largo spaee i sSujli to the .Mnlu of North la
in a paper at a low rate and pub ;deemleinv w ill tnuv lo go ly-tlu-lihing
their udvertisotuent only a '"""d Mr- I-:,vl, 'r,,,,rP. 'o own
short, time and then irtoing,' bi ",0 , um1' ,1,,rh
.. " , I wouUI imm, mill to wlmm h oceil vvim
disastrous to a newspaper 1.1 a; Jhl)! ,,,, 1 ,,,,,
small town. It may lo said with; plu tvuntv rlVht.r-WHy n-plhn
justice that Heaven should U' from Kll. iislnirh a follows:
largely inhabited bv ux-newspaper "ltw'tvsl your imhti In n-inirtl u
men for voi ilv tlo'v -.i .1 , ' ;S.,r,'nd. Vi'U hji.v l! is lint w..rlli miieh
mt n 101 veiny tnej aie a mucin Thwv ,u j iVw.rvi., , (lliM
ubusod iieople and their reward is 1 hoioc uiel a fyaiifu, hii-h 1 think h
nut of this earth.
- '
"Tis better to have loved aad 1
.i..-.. ii i . i i n " :
than not have loved at all. s
If the Dooiile have anv blame at-
t.i lied to their notions in any way
or any at time, we hope it .may ,
in f l.o f,ni, ilu.if i i,r ,l. ,i.,,, ,i
ing their just rights. Tli greatest ;
success oil conies from repeated!
failures. It is better that a min ;
orilv (liiinand wltat It eonsidors iu !
right to demand than tlaitauop-
pominiiy siiouui not, ongrtcii Lie ,
majority to grant the minority re- ; It seems strange that all . north urnxUt, bat uiiIcm we are mUtii
tho natural laws which govern the ; formed the counly road takes preee-
officer seeker, who wi ollice, the
tradesman who mrks trade, the
man w lnmrix a wife, should in I lie
case of community bo dHregarded
and the rights belonging lo thai
eouiniunity or that people, uever
be presented for consideration.
Davy Crockett well said 'VI
ways be sure you're right; then go
ahead." If you are right then pro
sent your claims. If you are wrong
do not have any claims at all. i!c
either a man or a clam. If you
arc a clam, never essay to open
your mouth for if you do you are
liable to get tt handful of sand
thrown it. If you are u man shout !
l.wtiirf,,,. v,,,. v(,ru ..,! if
, V J . . te . ' . . ' '
got a reuuii,ught, only tho lianlei
This article does not refer to any
thing which has happened In l'olk
county, but of course such a thing
might happen and it is well to he
',, ; ; , ;'
The inference which the Sunday
Omjon'Mii of June 2'2d iu its editor- j
ial columns, draws from what was'
said . in our -editorial columns
last week that Hon,
I). P. Thompson did not treat
the "country" with "con
sideration," that said "eou.iidci
ation" necessarily meant u direct
money consideration, is taking an
unfair advantage of the situation.
Hon. I). I Thompson was anxi
ous to become governor. The con
test wa not a political, but a per
sonal one. Had ho given his
friends positive assurance, as did
every other candidate, that the
assistance of his friends would be
appreciated (nolf necessarily re
warded) he would have received
an unqualified support. Mr,
Thompson apparently thought of
the country press as did Vander
bilt of the people when ho said
it' the. people." A man can
sometimes be too independent. It
(teems a "money consideration"
was all that Mr. Thompson thought
the "country press" deserved.
It is generally recognized that the
influence of the press is worthy of
"consideration," but it does not
follow that the-newspaper is open
to purchase. Whenever the presa'
can be purchased it then loses' lis
influence, and thi-i is as true to day
as it ever, was; but nevertheless
the support which a paper gives a
candidate or a parly, should re-
Cabinet Photographs
ecic "oonsidtration." No one
attempts to dene, that oinittinit to
say everything liarniAil of our can
did ito, or party, and onttttiujj to
jsay anything iu t'.ivor of the other
oandidaUMH' party is not reinainlmj; and which over side the
paper limy take, in decided lifter
pi, i..!m ,lui. "consideration." ...
Tio reutuks of I lio Oiryouiitu
aro line if it. l.Hndiuittod that money
oousidtMiUion was mount and mtth
luy; else, but weave not prepared
to J;iia;. the ri'w.ud of the partisan
papor 10 Hitnply dollars ttud cents.
WhiUv tlio snlo of tho editorial
columns of a paper to any indivi
dual or imy party is looked upon
by t!o public as utmost eihniiHil,
yd ii is a ooinmon practice for tho
official parly which is in power to
give its palionai'otatlio paper that
supports it, and tho (r(iMi'((n ex
pects and docM reerive this kind of
"onnsiiU ration," and 0110 reason
why 110 dciuoeratio paper can live
in Portland is because it cannot got
this "consideration" from tlio party,
Imvuuso the party has none to give.
The Vi:.s r Sinn' does not lay at
j lh:
door of the Orcyiminti any
cnarpu'i Uiwiwg received a -money
oonsideratnV. fiom Mr. Tiioinp
S(,; l"" course of I hat paper
" denouncing the ivpal pri
:irios as corrupt was taken us an ;
! '"die ition by the public that mile
I il Mtilaldo
'tmtcd, one
caiiilulatc wits iiouii
which suited the Ow
ilioi.ipson, 011 mm rests tne luaine
for h.n in!? underestimated the ia
igniici tii-iti oi, aim me iirmxc running
, Hfiiwi tlm wouUI Hitoll Ihciu, I wtm
u uh r IkuuiI In i aad hail to jm i.roiiml
tin' hills tlio oilier jiltMf Miilimoutt)
ti .'t In the llii'krviill If the water
wa hlh hm Hwi w wonder lw
Ii tuiuiit iho Kiekri'iill. Kii.l Jleiiry
H;ii tn..- tu,.t m,.i.. u...r,.,.
three to four iret uniler water i It wn
mx ii'i'i MiMii-r over inere uiik
Veif. I.l lllill llOH-K l.i was SIX lift,
I'o Ntraiv,-h(fn your tiriih;e the iwfest
plan i to ttmvv the M-Utli villi wt-ot, oi
I'MiM. hef i 1,'-l I'it-her Hiiil oof her jitt
was," rtKiietl, K. A Tiioni'.
It ! evl.batt to u that-Mr. Thorp
lias taken a wrong view of thotltutttlon.
Ht' ,m U iMl,k '" . 1,1 vvH1'
turn the county roie.1 fr.iiii Us pnwiit .
locution and have it go diii-eily imrth
aH flir Ujt Mr Si((H.rv Ikichc, t heu lain
vast pnt Mr. Nnnl li r's hmisc then
dtmw over his town t!,it and the
county haul will continue to go diagon
ally across his blocknof land, rendering
them worthless and lie eaimot move II
tu our mind Mr. Thorp would have
been largely pilncr by deeding the
laud and hav ing liie bridge go straight
tlironh, and leaving nearly four blocks
of land together, Hinee Mr. Thorp
will not Hign the deed it Hetties the mut
ter of n bridge suing stial),'lit throiinh.
. -...
Favors the Stanford Schamt.
Pokti.anii, Or,, June W),
Kn. Wivsr Siiu;:-1 um ttwaru the
Wkst Hiik like tlio Oi-rywiiftn itdvw
eaies the sulisidilii of Anierlcaii
ocean stcaiiH'rs.but don't know whether
"1V "I''""'1 to "'" '"d "'heme
r '"""'"ff government money to the
iaioit'irt m ti ioi, jiiti-iet, i tiu ir-
! Dititni- nearly h'S Into spiiMiiiti when
I thu latter sulilect Is brouched. I v-
fannent at n low Interest. The
j llevo neither of the proponitioiiH ought
J prevail, but if either of them limit
0 u 1,,w- ""' "'inford sehenic"
joni;hl b have the preference. Of uoitrxv
i I can see why the OffimUia being u
paper of uml lor the rich people, advo
cates the olio and opposes the other,
but I can't see how a county paper
working for the interest of the fanning
clashes can do so, I would like for Hie
WittiT Hi ii;, (Myniiiaii or any other
man to show me how you can reconcile
l!ie idea of ailvocalini' the one nnil
l1)phiir tiu, other.
i Cult it bo doubted that anything
tint will oeni'iit me tanning com
munity (comprising an they do nearly
a majority of th whole population)
will benefit the whole country, whereas
a subsidy to the steamship will merely
enrich the few already rich monopolies.
Why should a government make a
present a straight out gift to a rich
(io-orporation to enable It to compete
with opposition, at. tho sumo tlmo re
fuse the poor fanner a loan of the same
money, t hai ho may be enabled to com
pete with far greater competition','
The arguments used that England
and other monarchical govurnnionls
Milbsidizc! steamship linos is a good
argument against It, It is un-Americ
an, tt is a well known fact that Eng
land like our Oir'oni'tn favors their
upper class, guards and cures for the
rich, but is not able to anslst the poor.
The upper classes of England own and
control tho shipping, nud the govern
ment asslxtN Its pots,but thank the Lord
thus far America has no puts, and I
hopo It never will have To answer
tlio argument that a subsidy would
liolp tiio farmer would make this
article too long and I therefore will
leave it for my next provided of course
that, you care to print those notes.
' AI
A great point lias been already gain
ed, vis.. Hint tht" Presbyterian . church
for $2.50 per D026IV Call Early ao i will
luii ileelaivil, by nn overwhelming ma
Jnrlly.tlmt It iWIm wiliie revMon of IIb
(HinfeHln of faith, That of Itm lr lay
low wild detiMyi forever the ditgon of
lundllhillty attached to that coiirlou.
It tit willed that It lit not, like tli
Ulhle, given by lmlmtUii of tlod, nor
even the work of nntfvlx, hut of men,
ftilllhle men; nud what men In at
Kw have intato, other men In later
uml iierlmi wlwr agon can rovlw uml
nnitiut. And when thin committee
liv oucu put their ImmUto lhl
vie, w have faith to believe that they
will not do tlio Lord' work iienllgntly,
hut wisely und w ell. Tho mountain Of
Pnwhytei Ultimo hint not Ueu violently
Nhaken for m whole your to hrliiK forth
u nmuw. The renult, we bellev, will
Juntliy all the lahor II hui emit, not only
Klving relief to our ftillh, hut removing
timU'ultl Iu the way of Ilia Prenhy-U-rlHii
etiureh that will add tirewtly to
Its utrength, and prove gain to our
ooniinon t"hrlii!!aiilty.7Vi(i a'tia
Clntlar of th Main Evvnti tfd
lag to th Oaolaratlon of In
Btndane. 17T.V
Jan. II -A pntvlnelid eougitus, or
gaiiUcd In Ninth Ciirullim Juii. 12; a
lucid eoinsrtus, or tienend iiuiinillleeof
nalety, orKiinlaeil la f ioorgliu The t'on
tliictitul coiiKtvM), ahout tliU time K'r
fwieil IU orxauhuillou.
Jull, U Piirlliinieut receive It ietl'
tiou from the roullnotitnl eoii!hi lo
the king. v
I'Vh. 1 - The irovlnelnl eiiiigivw of
M'l-yicliUM'tt mwts ut t'iuliriili;p,
Kelt. 8-A hill to cut oil' New Kng
laiul trade, exivpt with (Ireut itrlttau,
hiauKht forward by bortl North,
Feb, 7 An Btliint to (he king tie
elmva a a'twllloii In MiuwachusetU
Feb. 0 A ilwlanttlou of warreom-
jiucmlctlhy iheHiltli-h.
Feb. 1(1 Tint house of (Simmons
Mnketl by l.nol North to iuetvumt the
Hi llUh army.
Feb. IS lleiiliunlu Franklin and
j Lord Howe until by iiliilmeut.
I Feb. .HI A plutl of Ciaii'lliiillull iro
jiiw,'il by l.ont Morih to the Iuhimi ol'
eummuna. "
j Feb, 23 -The nintion to maul lete
gattn to the enutlliilital eoliKri Ul
la New York HMM'iohly.
March lit IK-Itignte wilt to eolitb
lioatid eoiiKiVMt by U'luuiire uwembty.
Mmvh 2iK-Vlrnlna follows milt.
March -I -New Kugluud deprived of
Hnherlw by Ufi HrltUh.
April 5 I'mvliiiliil sui(frei nievls
ia North I'arollua. ,
April tit-n. (iiiKf iirileivil tutake
piMM'Miion of colonial furl.
April IH -Paul llevere, the Inm'iiliius
witlehmitker, Mtiut.i on his uiemuritbli
rlile front Ili.ton to t'otteonl, uml On,
Uajje neinls the reileoattt to th-Ntroy the
jmlnill'ti ttlnres at ('uncord
April lit 'the war of the Itevuliiiiuii
U'guu by a lluht on I'xlnnlnti ure u.
Tluntliot Is tlreit thttt Itt "heunl iiroiiml
the worlil."
April -MawiiehiiM'liH ilieliles to
j r,l'M' w" fmy
4itty -rmrieK lU'iiry iieetieu ut
, tlvilMim.
May 10 - Kthan
Ulell eiiptures
Ticotitterogti, anil the sixmihI eonlineii
tttl emigre' ineinble at 1'hllinlelptila,
May l-( 'apttnv of Crown Point.
May III Arnold etpliut HI. Julius
My LM-f'itiitellH of Mecklenburg
j Ciniuty, X. ('., frame a tlei'lju'ittlim of
j i les'tiileitee
May 2-J-John ll.mciK'k appointed
j president of tlra coiillnentul conritta. '
May Ji ( Jeit'a. Howe, t'liiitoa uuil
llurgoyue arrive Iu IIohIoii.
June 2-rtouth Citroliua eoiigreiw
pledges to tho online of libcrity the lives
and fortunes of her
Jane law declared by
On. (iago.
June lo-iisirgo WiiHhlngtou chosen
commaiidir-lii-ehief of the Amerieuii
June IU Twelve hundred patriots
fortify llreed'H hill.
June 17-llattltj of lluuksr Hill and
burning of Chat IcMown.
June Ul Thomim Jell'erson fetors
emigre and Wuxhiiiglou leave Phila
delphia for Ctuiihrldgu
July 21 People of Ireland thanked
by congress for expivssloii,of sympathy
July Si lleiijiunin Franklin up
poln led ptist muster general,
For the remainder of tlio year the
war was confined ehletly to New Eng
land and Canada, closing Iks1, ill with
the dentil of Montogomery ut (pielieo.
Jan. 1 -Norfolk burned by llrltlsli.
Feb 4 lien, Lee outers New York
March 1 He takes command at the
xoiii h.
March 17 Ilritlnh evacuating lloston
March 3) Washington's army enters
IUwUiii. "
May 10 -Congress directs the colonies
to establish republican statu govern
ments. May 81 Miissaehuctls assembly votes
June 7 Itlchard Henry Leo Intro
duces the subject of Independence Into
Jane li! Congress names the com-.
mltlee to prepare the declaration,
Juno 1J Virginia congress (or login
lal uie) adopts a "declaration of rights,"
July 1 Nine colon lo vote for inde
pendence, July 1! Leo's resolutions of Indepen
dence, adopted by congress; t It Ih nut be
ing substantially an adoption of the
declaration, it had been I ut rod need
June 28 uml fully debated,
July 4 Declaration of Independence.
Th Rebolioui Lover.
Hlie's iiH l 1 u 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1111M1 nil say,
An u arlisflil, tiny In May,
Op Bsevor tutBitrglrl wtuliibn. "
HIic'n so ilitlnty and swnot
I wiittld llkollte ri'nclpt
For 11 (lulntcr maiden Ham she.
Dill illlf IjOllH'l'H 1110 HO
I rmilly don't know
Wlintlier knowliiK Iter pity lifter nil,
Hlio's 11 tiirnuait nud tiMHii,
Anil ah'a tut hard to plwise
Thiil my II it' Is alt wmi'iiovouiI and trull,
Howliy not tot Imr sliiHi,
All her beauty duflwW
Tln'i'o nrii always (jood Hull In the i'
And what do I jiutre,
, Il'sliii's alwitys so ualttlr Ui ran?
Hoinurvllle Jmiriial.
J, 1). IrvliieilocsliUHlncHHWitlihlNown
momiynioiicypay no Interest discounts
HciicnporthanuiiyhnuHcthlsHltlcof Jcrlcoc
iek Tom had the inlsiiiruiiic in have
tt Hue work animal die,
Mm.' J. O. Davidson In CnrvallU
this week visiting relatives,
Ml', Present!, of slaleni, pawed
through the city lust Saturday,
Harvesting lini hliiiTV is being taken
out of lis winter resiliences mid be
lug carefully Inspected preparatory for
the harvtut rush.
Wlllurd Llniivllle, of CorvullU, wm
Iu town the past week visiting rvlnllve,
Wlllurd will shortly go lo the tilleU.
reservation to art as clerk undent gmsl
salary, ;
Jonathan Davldsou was in town the
foremrl of the week vislllug hi
hint her, J, O, Davidson, und he tine
templates, mmii locating In buttiics In
Tillamook county.
While tanking' a well on Win,
Fuipui'tt farm a hdo of mysterious
mlcndllhtc iiilneial was uiniirlhid.
When llisl e.vpuM-d In a granulated
form it was of a white color, but after
Mug exposed lo the air for a time It
chnni(vil tutor to a Isnuiltal I Inc. A
wimple watt forwarded to lla at.ileiil'
(tint college to U itualyad.
Plorrullsofall kind at J, 1. I V,
Pant slock of tolmeoo and cigars u't J
l I s.
Ladles mid ehildieit' h,ns nteol,
l J. L. Hinkton', ,
Many of onr ollUeii tsmtemiilate
ssiullng ihe sumnicrat Yinptluit bay '
Several families w III start there Imnic j
dlitlely ttfler tho Fourth of July, Uurj
IiuhIucsh liifit tire oiideavta'lug lo gel j
tboS. P It II. Co. to make it reduced
rate from Independent u In Vaiptiaul
ttud return, thereby cmitdhitf ttu ni n,
n.iike mine frtitueut liip diiriuji tin
A MttmlmttCs Wir Um llannut Cniitintllua
A liiiumlsilim,
A wll kiliiwil uiorrlisiil who tut Iwn f trill)
wueuUffil be luy Vii'Ulil0 Sttrwimol!, Jmltts; ;
iu lv II to lii wild, whit M vory deitrtirs, biji '
utut milium flnl cmvilu-a hit i'livu ia, l'r. '
V, U. OrlmoM of M Murlwttlrwt. Tlwdwhtr j
rha It one til our I, u lluj imi:lUuuo(4ubj ti?iI
tying Uo tntil uivvr nu tif.jrtllit Out did j
ait euumln )iii, t,ui. U Ihlun.M tti 1,1, l
tt hi iwlteut dltt nl Intro uy viuilly l.i iuw
li'l Uml what dclli sla il nwt la lint do i
irttweil fliHlar, lull urnm Idood, llo pnuwiiiet'
ltettsureil lliat )uft Vitlit!il FirnMil!li
wm dlwtl oiMtwilto llii old umtitif it Wuud
Uilnaltif lilts n( nthiT ifHnnli. . tut Him
tlio diuirry mt-ltto vtiubl tt'tcfani'ra II
HiinuUM i!w i-wturjf or a in imaeil digur
Uou, ud rtilri"t uiitrilloa, Ikdih cio.!.l ti
blottl itd w Ui mry lltiof lo lirbto ssijl
Tli !o!iil tht humtttslt u( tin I
Whlrh 8il, mtorbW, drltraiti tud mil duwo
woil, liar lu Imiil tip by Jay Vcitpialilf
CVMtwrltl !it tli iilb unaistMllat ldllr.1
III effevti at crvaiiuii wutaiioa, -X K fi
The Road to Wealth
Cannot II iuccituMy lrailtl Kith
till d4 haallli. To rtach maUh r ani
ctld aoilllcn In lit rwtolta th lull
lHiilofi an ootratlo ! all th (
lllti kind nalur hai sdow) ut mtlh.
Thau (ondlllona lannol ikiil tinlm Ih
htlcl Mlnj It In pitied torklng
ordtr, and thli It Impotilblo hn h
llttr and tplM r torpid, Unit obitiuct
Ing Ih (tcrtlloni, etuilno IndlgttUoti
and diipaptli, ttlth ill at thtlr accent'
pan;lng notion. .
English Dandelion Tonic
tU a tptcltio Influcnec over IH liter,
Mcltaa II lo hoailhy action, molt Hi
chionlc ngofgmnt. and prcmotct lha
irtliom;eurti Indlgatllon and consti
pation, ihatpant th pptlt, lonat up
Iht ntlr lytlim, and mai I Its north
Trie Celebrated French Cure,
Wnnni.ti'il t, a r
tu caio
I Siil.h nn A
In itir nt) jr
liit'mui uor,,m
itlM'llM.. or mis
illnlr ot tliti
Iti'iiprsi I i'n nr.
ttmi ii eltliitr,
BuOHE loinit I111111 1 1
txi'iwili'ttllwftlKtliiiiilaiiia, ''i.l,c,, ,,r i,.ain,
nr tliMiitilt yonMilal lieljrri'ia,h. mcr hnluli;
IH I', r tai ti si l inn of Itinlll I'atint, ,kWtil
iihw, lii'stliai il.ntti I'ltliiK In thu Hi.i, laal
tVi'li!tne, ll)liTlil, Ni'l viau I'm. ha! I, .i , H-lllrti
al Kniiii.iu. Ini'inrlnt'a, IUhIiiio. tWsli Mrm
orv,l.x, I'uttrr SU'I lni)Htetir-v, ivhli'h II w
flurtril oflt'ii liitil tn .fr inn 1 1 1 re . 1 1, 1 ii.-,. e 1 . I iIIW.
If- I'rli'nll.Mi n l'i.iil,j.lrt.,.no t,.,it u
tiisll mi r lit of t-Hi'tf.
A WKITVKN 4iHAtt4NTKK ha-ovm
onltir, In nf ittitl Iho toi.nev u a iii,i,i..,
fitro h not iffi.i'icl. Tlimi sii'ln ul temiiiMiniiil
Inim 11I1I sail yniiiiK, iif kith mohm, ),,m i h'ii,ii h
tttttsl I' A en ttooiTi n k. ("rriiliir tiv,. 4,ilnw
BOX 37. Oiilin.AMi, on
Fur wile In IltiHter V Lisik .
Soaaid HuT
wer, that
trreatest of
and lie
uevei- HtKikc
truly, and lie nilultt
have added with fiptal force, Hint merit
me essence ot miectsa, Wisdom'
Roliertine is the synoiivin of merit, nud
it history ia success, 'The nmnicnl ef
fect of tins preparation have been attest
ed by thousands of tlii- leading ladiei of
society and t lie- static. It is the only arti
cle ever discovered which "jves a Natur
al and lirauliful lim to the complexion,
at the same time n tnovinc; nil roiinitnesj
of the face nud arms nud leaving the
skin soft, suioitih and velvety, It has
loan been the studv of chemist to pro
duce an hi tide that while it would tl;iu
tty the complexion would also have the
merit of bciiiK harmess, but these two
iuiportuiit qualities were never brotmlit
together until combined in
Fair's Golden Falo Piib.
l nr Kptmiln trrotfulnr
Ilie. ; no lilnliHullii'in
nil Cut mieW't. AVwr
lull tn,-vmt,.U i,l
i'v a ouauiMit Irt'llOH
mihiiiIiI)-. O'liirnieiMMl
Hi Mlltnn a ,iir,sKd
Pmi't lid !llllll)'tcrir.r1.
uiiuuiouo) ,t,ueuoutli-
Hunt) to any addrtMa,
aiii'itro l,y nutil i ,o.
uolt iirtirleu.f iOU,
Wnatorn JiraucU, Uos 7, 1'OltlXA A tt, c if
rut' wilo lij- liiili i',it Lui ke,
Ar 1 B
Bain Box Tara Beam N. Y. k)
be Iri Independence
pn0f.lltT0F:9 OF
IndepeiHlenco baw
. M.i hufne! n roi'Mif und I')ealeM In-
nonuh nut! Dressed Lmnboi
II 3
fflerehant Tailor.
Custom Goods for; Merchants und rdhira recut and pieaad.
I will open moiillily accounli with Mijrelmnta ill Iiidepeudeiiet- und
Moiiuiutith for loetiiliiig.
rilH JMl'Oh'Th'l) Sill II H STAI..10X,
Will initke iho Heaxoii of 1MH1, on Monthly, nnil
TuciMliiy at VV, Hurkc's, Koiiver, 'l uimbiy nlshl tit
.Miiiimoulh; Wednesilnyii hikI 'I hursdiiyN,ut V, II.
Iiitvts' Bialdi, lialliis; on Friday uml Haturdiiy
at LII Johiisoii' stable, iidcicntlcnce,
lie Is h spit'liiliil bib lit l ay, rislnit H ycn old,
WeltllH li"i poliliilH, Willi blitek front it'Un, IIIHlie
kiii! Itdl, while bind bet, wllh sliiH tlovt n lite lair, '
lie hiiK 11 irootl l'...t 1 11 me, wlili lots of line silky hair,
slaoils IU Immts and tnw lueli hlih, slid In a most
puMt rlill, tsiinpael, s lfei I ssi llnelt o Oi l.iipll-ll
f-lilio llorsi', wlili ffisitt altle und tttilnii. lie
w as fouled MaJV 1MI, bu tt by in ettt,ll,
F.i Nt i'(ctiii.Treiil, Fii:liuii tiinl t'l lnisirti il
AiimiiM, lvv'J. r-iioi liiioiliillnii, Lliiisillishlte Law
yer hii'lvfil the l'oo Iiik tuifs; lsl Ohloid ti.tai'
tv nlitiw, -M; I'ml, I Kuelit ster 'I'oiMixlilp Mmw,
IW; I'ml, 1 tiinlun Wt-sitrii l air, IMsl uml 1HM,
seven tllit-in isitu)M-liltv ; Uml, Ihirchester '1'nWliShiii
Mam, llvsititi, S'ilnl and Hweei!nko, Hultlli
Dxroul.'-plllit! Mtow, Nq; 1st Hprlmslit hi, NN.
I.liiiu!i;t,!iliv Law ji r is a Mire IikiI n'llerand his
coIib in ilie I jo-i hau- IsH'ii old fur n blah ilgure.
A t hU r" ! tu Hit- Knulloh ll'tok, LliiMfltttlni Lrtu
tr Sn, Kltrt H-.m. hv, wtiU r-itrrt
hritl-r, Wm. NVwIi'n, ttltl Utitiw, rwnrk-ui Tnni,
Kiiifi'tlt'l, niw, iritnnrt MrtOfp, hti -i.fti; .IrtiM, t UHr(tr
( (til )im, litv; iltiti mliv, rri-ii;iiil l.ltMtiln, myt il7tili;
M. lh.t,rtt Mit-vp Mtv, buy I. rv iHrTfi, imy: if K t li
iuv; jfvi ia . iiv? nan tt tiJ, liHiki k t r vv HnunU,
Imy; titiiii n(rt( tii , Hi).; yritliitlr'. l , (l7t; k tmv,
b k tt. itt..i-"'fii. yt Till; gK. bv, fifisijj
MUi'l' m , i I fcij: u u j it a 11 k. I I'm (iiiiMt Ih, btiM'k.
Ct: i it-ft'U tlmt I i(it.)uhlrf lawyer, hi (Um
ft it'tUI HMi(i'l MlM V 'It ttltH'K,
1 1 K.M : IiiMinuu't,".
hiiult' Scniiv. Si 2.
luiirtnts' due when Uik uiMn I known In lie W illi f. ul of
listlH.11 ith,wtM( f or moved mil of llii ootntli . Ht itmai,
iiuiJiil lt. HiHiih' wrvli t. dim nl (In, put sort lev.
All cinv lakrtt tn ewnl ii'ldrtit, but n(nnIMr for
it ui'.
JAMfcS E. DAVIS, Owner.
JOHN t.AKK, (liisau. I hi I las, Or.
Iv T.
fail Groceries .- aiJ - Country - Produce.
W ith Its Home Olllcc nt
(In the Stale Insuraiici1 Iittihting,)
Ami ImtnchoflictMu J'OIiTUAXD, A.STOIilA ami ALIJAXV,
lias for wihi a largo list of drain, Stock ami Fruit farms, also City
tml Rulini liiui properly. ,
- AVu.s t-hjiceially iiiuuni.cil for Uik purpose of Iniying ami Rtilulivitl
iun lar;;e tracts tif In ml, ii'nl has tlnrin;; the past, two yearn bought nnil
suliilivi(l!(1 over .'t.lfiltl acres of land into f to 2d nere tniclH. Tho mic
cess of this tiutlertakiug is slanvu iu the fart that: nut of 2S0 tracts pluml
on the iiuu ket, 'J'Jo havti Ih'cii t-ohl.
We claiin that leu iutcs of choice, land in fruit, will hrini, n larger
iuciiun than tiiii'-huiidtn and lilty acres of wiieaf in the Mississippi
valley. W'c iiIho uiake v.tlu.ilih) lliq rovemcnts iu the way of mails,
fences ele. . can sell a small tractof laud for the saum iirieeper acre,
as you would have lo pay for ;i largo funn. Saml for pamphlets eH
BRICK and 1
Al U M 111 1H'VK I, l rn;is.
Hui'i'tixsoi'M to li. N'nli. Ttil', ni'in Wpri'iiiirrtf
In liiriilKli llt'lrk uml 1'lluiil lli'iHi'iiiililc t'rln'n
unit nil bill. Illli'il villi Hnllnliii'1 Ion.
AililrnHM, Ml'ltl'IIY A lUM.UlT, H. M,n, Or.
7,"il SlitiUt't St., Him r'niiHiscn,
A ilitt ln-ili ui 'Jit t'l'iilt. 'i
Uo nud Ifiirn limy to nvold
ilFalhlrnt jii'rionMUv'or hy
tcroil HOcl'MIHllllilOll or tfrlllllll i
wi-nloii' itaiuljilldtsi'HNimitiiii'ii.
hi'iid it.r lunik, li'iMilii oltliit
211 Ill-Ill')' HI, I 'OtlHllKlLttlltl IITII,
PTt ft an new Itny yimr llnkt'tn K,it' t
UBS3lSSk K o. I'miiitiiiii. t iittini
iitlf mid moat ritviira jjl'itnti'il. full t li
Wt'st Slilii iilHim.
wut Sua St M i kaidW.
tUOST IJf Tin? tl'4M,I.
T-'ul-nrn'CirfqiiKlitliiBiirotJiianrpdarpiS. nptlinllf
Mil liiBtlna- two bown of nnv other hriont. Nii
mui tiid l,y nont. I 'U T 1 1 K i: J I' I M I..
I'OH flAtRBytiAl,H ttS (1 K N 1! It A LI.Y. yr
Mln1wam1rln(iimi1. Bnciki, Inmnil
In mia riwimn, T,nmnnlnlii ir.m all
FRif.R, umit tn iiiifillratliin to Prof.- V
a. L..itw, m puiu Avu. N Vurk,
pirn ui ma Kimm, t-r' poRf
foi a Short Tlmo
11JL1 IU
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
Oppcolt 3P. O.
$:oj caMdi,
W. II. WALK Kit.
Tiidepeiiilci ce, Oregon.
ai t i ' , .
VV i-ltC nSS,LlOCKS 3110
' - ,
Ef an 1 Jcliison,
lASMf M.VIllll.K,
l? ;;ri3baH'n'u a.'iAXiTK
Mm 4 10 f . O. iiox 2.riU, Alhuny, Or
OVt M H' Whit
Vonr Attenlhm it W-"1 ,,,hIC CvMi-aUhI
Which Fit over tho Corner in nutli wy w U liohl the FrHimaii
riuintilH wfiucly tK',l,n "'iking It l,npwiWe fr 0nr
lo 0Hii. AIm) a Full hUuiot '
Made Especially for Our Trade,
Just Received Direct from
the Factory.
Mowers, - Harvesters and - Binders.
A. J, Whiteaker,
Furniture and
Iiivitt Your Attention t lii jmp find veil wlwtcil Snx-k of
(hnhIh tnmi(iiiij of
Parlor and Bed-room Sets, Chairs, Car
pets, Lounges, Piiturs Frames, Wall
Paper, and Plain and Fancy
Goods in his Line.
-Lowest v Cash - Prices.
t .
Stock lelt in onr ntre will ! wt-Il atu-ntltl lo.
School Bool
Tho Public is Most (Wilinlly Invited tCnll uml Price Onr Lilst
Solw-ttHl Stock of Writing, Tablets, Pens, Ink,
luilcra, etc., niso All
Use in the
TH h
Feed : and
Hnnhla anrlf
Single TeamsigLil Horses
First class Tiunonts for Ooiiunci-cinl Tmvelei's. Prices jeiwoimble ami
SatMiiction Onitrnntccd. (Jive ns a call. '
North End Main St.,
Best arid
Boots - Shoes - and - Gloves.
Call and examine our $4.00 seamless Shoe
H. D. WALLER, Prop'r. v '
Independence, - - Oregon.
Bfiut (lollch MnrliniriA
I ...i ,
vui wtwre an ewe rails,
H li.CfHipKii,
. . . , Or
i gon.
the School Books
Public School.
: Sale
Ecce ies-
J. N. JONES, Prep
riensnnt, md agreeable to the