THE INDEPENDENCE 1 i Subscribe for tins Paper until July 4th, ! 25 Cents. $500,000. In improvement bou!d be j made in Independence and vf io- Ity, during; the nett two year. AN INDEPENDENT PAPER DEVOTED ESPECIALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF POLK COUNTY. VOL VII. ( 12.00 PEU YEAH. ) 1NDHPKNDKNC1, POLK COUNTY ORKOON, FRIDAY, JUNK, 27. 1800. ( FIVE CENTS TEK COPY. ) NO. 34. THE WEST SIDE. L C. PKMTUNO, ITBLISBlIt Kl.l-red l U ruM-oWe. ti llilepNlae, Orevn. m t'tf Ur SUBSCKIPllON KATKS. IN AtiVANC. On Year . . . i.oo Six Months ' I.sjo Three Mouths . 50 When wot paid in advance 1 $c TO ADVERTISERS. lu.lepndee l te.1 al Ik k4 f ! talimi lh Ki'H wf tl !, II. WUIaat!! rlvtr. fi n th mlj Mm Urts 1 tilir.ii P.llre.!: rll. ankakul l W .lt, I. ih aiptu las tw J in emunr, wmrn a i in it. iii aetttht d i:k,i popjim. tuthWOIv uvaile Tliilllv lrlii elreaUllo Ik M t t.i n (ihMm II i be, at lit bt wl AdiUliit M4lum. JOB PRINTING t 1 111 Latest and Best Styles, LOWEST '. LIVING RATH PHYSICIANS-DENTISTRY. , I.EB BUTLER, Physicians is Surgsons. ii to ll. S. Examining Surgeons. UIHr: M.I li) ul llaiu aw., INnri-KStiKXCK, ORKUON E. L, KETCHUM, ' Physician nnd Surgeon. liffle. Oppo.ll Firl National IKink, INIIKI'ESIjKNi'K. OMtUON. DR. J. K. LOCKE, Physician ond Surgeon. Bueiia Vista, Oregon. J. E. DAVIDSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. , 8. tXAJilSINO SDRQKOJf, ImktMidnc, a Oregon. DR. J. B. JOHNSON, Resident Dentist, All work warranted to (rive the bctt -t Satisfaction, IjIDKFKNbuNCI, OUKOON. ATTORNEYS. JOHN J. DALY, Attorney and Counselor at Law COM.RCTIONS MAD& OIIW: Mill St., Oppolt Court limit, DAI.LA4, Fol.K CtiL'STV, OhlEUON A. M. HURLEY, Attorney ani Counselor at Law. Otnee: Cor. Mil 11 and Mimmouth 81., INMPKNMCK, . . OKEOON BANKS. pirstatiorjalBaijH I.NDKPENDESCB, OREGON. President J. 8. COOPER. Vice President, L. W. ROBERTSON. Cashier W. H. HAWLEY. DIRECTORS! D. f. rhnmptnn, J. K. Caopur, X. If. ltulierfon, tT. V. Collin; O. W. Whlttaktr. Trmi!li ni-rl bnkln bnalntH. Buy, dJ tt-ll. i(;lmu on nil linporttul points. Ppoln r.iwlvtd iiibj.n to cheek or ea ertitlrali iif dtpoalt, Colleotleal Btd on all poluM on lavoubl term., Office hodn: , A. If. to 4 P. II. If.U't burglar proof ( wound by TaU Tiia Lock THE INDEPENDENCE National .'. Bank I CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. H. HIRSCHBERO, - President. ABRAM NELSON, Vloe President. W. P. CONNAWAY, - Cashier. A (nrl binklnr n4 excitant boilnn lraiiwMd; loan; bill. 4l.eount4; o isietal r4ll f runted; d.poilu r.olrd nnwt fw'otiut lubjeol to oh.ok; lntrtt pale s dm dtpoilM. DIRECTORS) Joehua MoOanlel, H. H.Jasperaon, A. J. Goodman, H. Hlrsohbere;. Abram Nelson, T.J.Lee. I. A. Allen. JOHN ALLEN, Dealer in-- : . , CHOICE BEEF, ,. "? Vt' v"h r"- ". Oord (, rof u, Via. pMMt aa t In e.uca. ill audi d.llrer4 ra o4 akvi. Jasperson iParker, IndepeHdeuce, Oregon. ArcMdcts, Mtn ni Ccairactirs. Alwaffis ttr Saab aa4 feeurr. amd wWi tr lr taal u, plea all. aw- -! THE 1- Willamette lioal Estate Co Of Independence, Oregon. Transacts a neutral Real Kll ibulnesi buys and Mil Property, rTecU Insurance tad doe t general Conveyance Ruaincas, Tsrtiei bvlng I.siida for ante will find it to their advantage to LIST HI With this Company, they trc daily lending Hats of land east, tlitii plto iK desirahU property bcl'oie the tcsj. deuuof the Rsst. J AMI'S GI11SON, J. W, K1RKUNH, ' President. Secretary, G. W. SI I INN, House, Sign & Ornamonffil Paper Hanging, Oraiuiiij, Krctcoiiig, lite. Paint rooms opue Jidiuton7! Stable, Independence, Oregou. Arcade Saloon J. R. COOrER, Proprietor. BUST BRANDS Of lies, Lips and Gjjb, Ir;d?pe9ler;ae, Orego. M. BEAMER, Manufacturer of : And Dealer in All kinds of Hames, Ji Saddlery Goods. Carriage Trimming and Repairing INDEPENDENCE FOUNDRY, E. BUNCE, Manager. Is now prepared to make any kind of Casting tu BRASS OR IRON, On short notice. Is now at work manufacturing Dunce's Improved Grain Crusher AfkBnwWfd lob ttir hr RTln frtuh.rl Amrn-a-ttrtii)ff.l. rhr and moM durtblt. A full li.l of lb ctau ol work done at tht faua. dry tit publuhcd is thia paper, An ptmu in want of a rOKTAM.K MW MIl.t. Can b .uppllrd here Krrirui( done for all kititU uf machintrj. Main lr tl, Ind.ptndtnc. F. J. MORRIS, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Whiteaker Brick, Independence. (I!tblinhed by National authority.) -: THE M : Nati OF SALEM, OREGON, CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo, SURPLUS, SI 6,000. , . I. WALLACE, W. W. MARTIN, Pr.ild.nt. Vlo PruldsnL ;. H. ALBERT, Caihlsr. LOANS MADE. T Tmen ra whs aaa oilier mnbantab1s prod.e, ovacasd arts (tors, t(br In prtvai f nuurlaa or pabll warsbooss. UnUi draws eh oa Mw Tork, Cblcaeo, Urn Kraiw, rortkaa4, Loadoa, rsna, Brlla, oaf Kong and OtlOBSM. GEO. E. BREY, Commission Merchant AND GRAIN BROKER. IrtudpEiiclencB, - DrBgan. FRANK BUTLER, CQmir SURVEYOR & LEVELER. Auctioneer and Appraiser. K'tiniutr. uf a'l Contiruc-tlvr work niaJt and plan funtiMhrd. At'fndt WrifnrMay and Tlniradar In County Conn wcrk at t)lbi( Oregon, Address, Dallas, Polk Co.. Or. A. B. GRIGGS, MEAT :MARKET, S. T, Irvine, cutter. Choice meats eeostaaT o hand. Davidacs't Brick. liMESS AND SADDLES. I E. E. Krengel, AN V ilUi Manufacturer of the BOSS CULTIVATOR :Antl:- topi's Iron Fence. HORSE SH0EIIIG. Mr. Thomas Fennel, late of Chi cago, au experienced horse huer, makes specialty of that Hue. Circular and. Crosscut Saw Gumming DONS BY E. E. KRENGEL liltltl) mi JOXES, Proprietor. This Ferry I now In operation, and prepared to transfer passenger aud wag oua to or fiout the City. It will pay person; uantlno View of Polk County. To cross the Perry and go to the top of Prospect lttIL Mi!t Ads Jodion. Mrs. Williams. Jl'DSOX i WILLIAMS, DRESSMAKERS. OUTTiriG Pitting A SPECIALTY. Ilkins & Co., rRonttrroRS of tub Ilaulinjr of all Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. Till feed, Oak, M 0 Fir Uood IJrCoUectioiis Made Monthly.-! INDEPENDENCE, LROGON 6ITY jHOTEb, C Street, Independence, Or. A. W. HOWELL, Prop. Flrt-c1M In every respect Special attention given transient cuatomers. A ample room for commercial travelers. Mitchell & Bohannon, : Miimifnrtuiers of ! SASH i& DOORS. SCROLL SJWING AND VJQGON FjEPMRINQ. Main Street, Independence, Oregon, "o.lexahderT" :I)ealer in: Drugs and Medicines, BEDNA VISTA, OR. rtnving purcliMt'il tlie utork of Drugs formerly owned liy L. W, Robertson, I am prepared to niei't all the old custo mers, and many more new ones, I'air ind courteous treatment Lo all. No Time Kitr Homo Dutlns. "Mary, your dross Is torn iiRitiu this nininiiijr. Now sUip up huro and I will tlx it foryoil." A pin was plutiHcl in tho olTimslvfl (Ii'hmh ami tliucliild Hlcpimil hack into a row ol sclioliu'H, wlio, oiiiiks In lutuil, Htond in a diiiuiiiirolu uroiind tho kind luiiolnir who had llxod tho dnw "Now, Mary," said the tailor, as tho pupil took lit; t place In tho oliwti, "I told you yoslonlay to ask your motlior to rnund your druns. Why didn't you do iw I told you P" Tho child hutdtiittHl a moment, tlion niookiy said: "I'loiwo, tuuohur, niotli er gos to cluiruh evory evening and says that she has got uo time to 11 x things for me." Tho teacher bluslied yes, blushed for the mother who parados her re ligion mid neglects her homo but said uot a word. This s ory Is an actual fact, says the Minneapolis Tribune. The Incident ououiTcd in one of the public schools of this city recently, Aru there many mot hern like this in the oily, that bousts of tier scholarly preachers, her churches uud schuoUP City Truck and 1" LeM V to UENVER Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, 8T PAUL. 8T. L0U9. AND AIL POINT East, Nortli tf. South, Ft further imrtltHitari Imiuln) of ny Rixnt T. W. LEE, tt. t. T. A. Pnrtlamt, (iri'Snll R. D. COOPER, Uurl Naiiaswr. Inilnpulir, Orig.iii' Oregon Pacific Railroad Oregon Development Co.'s Stest&era Short Line to California. Freight and Fares the Lowest KTKAMKK HAII.INIi DATKii raoM KAgflNA, Wlllawrlt Valltjr, Atirll e. 14, it ranu am rn.ii. WilUmcll Vallry, Uairh, to, i, tj, I 1 h mniMtiy rrvin Hit tlam to cUangr Mil Tialn. nuuiri'l wllh Ihr A t H K, enit ltf boat, al C.iiv.lll. uj AltMtHjr. The tlreuon I'm ille Steiimlioat on tin WillHinettii Itiver IMviaiiui will leavr Portland, aouthlioiinil, Mondny, Wednes day mid Friday at U a. 111, Arrlvo al Corvallis Tuomlay, Thursday ami ISatiir day at ;l ;iO 11. ill. I.i'avo t urvnllm. northlMiiind, Xiumlay, Wediieailay and Kriilay at It a. tn. Arrive al Purtlund TuHhiay. Thuntday and Satnrtltiy at 3 :3P 11. m On .Miimlay, I'lim-winy ami r'rlday Imth north and nuttth bound hoais lie over night al Holem, leaving (hero si A a. 111. - . C, II. Ilwwrll, Jr., C C- l.ta F H. At O t Cu. Art. U P A P. A ji Mi'nisnmrt j, ih,, II. Y. N K. MS fiaiiri.iu ConallU. (Hraa (iKEAT OVEKLAND ROUTE. Northern Pacific R.R. TWO rASTTAIUAll.VI ;'l'AHH! SHOK l bT LINE TO CHICAGO Ami all point" via Bt Paul and IVIinnBBpolia. The Northern Pacifio Railroad I. the only lint iiiiuilng Passeniter Trains, SeoonU -Class Sleeper flrre of vhsnj ) Luaurlous Day Coaches, Pullman Palaoe bleilnn Cars. Palaue UlnlngCars ti'"! !S vi) From Portland to the East. See that your tickets read via the Northern Pacific R. R. and avoid change of oars. I r.vf I'olllnml SI :oo A M II ml S 40 f M. ilnllv arrive al MlnuHilMur ,Kt. I'aul al e 5 K W, " Pacific Dlvllon.-Tralnlfar fronl ami r. .Iicrl ilatlv al n y A. M ami H .o I' M ; i rlvral New Tnctmia al 7:10 1 M. anil 4 ao A. M., i-uuiirrling Hh CnuiiNiny'a boat fur all hiu 1,11 I'ugrl S..U111I. A. II. IHAHl.TllN. AM. 1 '.m l ran. Ak'IU, Nu. ill, l'lr-1 ttirrt. I'urtlaiiil, Orrgtni. Depot, Cor. First and O street. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line, The Mount Shasta Route! TIM It BKTWKHN Portland and San Francisco 39 Hours! California KprtH Train runs Iwily lirlwtm I'ot tluiut ami Hau l iiintlM.-u. hiilUll, North. 4:1x1 p. til. I l.v, Piirllml Ar, I ms a. in. i:is p. in. l.v. Allmny Ar, 645 a. in. 74J a. 111. 1 Ar, tan I'miiclwo l.n. j,u p. 111, Local Passenger Daily, except Sunday. Leave. I Arrive. Porllaml S:J A. M Kugfinf mo I. M. KiiKtne..,. . u:ooA. M. 1'uillniwl .,. 3 I'. M. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING GARS. Tor aecninmotlutlutl of Sccutid Class paswn griM allnihril to cxprrM Iiiitu.. The H. P. Co.' Ferry winked connection wllh all the regular trains oil the lisul Hide liivlalon Iriiiu foot of V. Blieet. WcstJSide Division, Bet. Portland and Corvallis. Mail Train.Daily, except Sunday. l.tCAVK. Pnrtliiml ... 7:jo A. M. nile'iltncc. .11:25 A. M. Corvullls . .,l'. M. link dence.. .:,)! 1. M, I AUH1VR. lli(le'deiiie..iii4 A. M. 1 Corvallis ,. .u:s M. I lllde'delic.. st:,V I. M' Portlund ... 6; 1'. M At Alluinv and Cor villi la connect wllh trains 0 Oregon Pacific K. K. Kxprcss Train Daily, Kxcrpt Sunday, "" I.KAVK. I AHHIVK. Portland 4:50 P. M. McMlnnvllIc Han P. 1. McMiiinvllle :s A. M, Portland, . . , 9:110 A, . Through Tickets to all Point South and East "Via Calif oinla I'ncKBT orriCRSi Cltv office. No M4. Comer Klmt and Alder t Depot office, Corner V aud Front at,, Portland. R. KOKHLBR, B P. ROCERU Managar Attt li Pit I'.Agt, The Polk County Bank, I. A. Mil'ltHM. (Fortlandl Prenldont. F. I,. i;AMIMIKl,l,, Vli'o Preldnt, I. 0. I'UWKIX, CsHhtur. Capital Sto.U, SSO.OOO. . SS.000 Paid, niiim Tdin: I. A. Mi'Crum, V. 8. Powell, J. II. Stump, Insnn M. Mlmpnon, J, II. V. lluiler, A, II. OIkkkki l' (aiiiplioil. A seneral bunking niihlniiM trniiHnnteil. fie pnnltM roi'olvi'd suhj.iet to on eerMncnto ill depiiHlKi. Liihiih iiihiIh, hill illMiountad, cx el Himc beiight mid wild, Intmeat paid on time depiwlti. Fireproof vault, nud burglar proof safe, e eured by Yale time lock, Olllrt) hours, a. in. o4p, in, LEPROSY, Ha II Kl In ICurnn liarlne the MI4. II Aim. We have no ckHiiIii knowlmlaro as to the manner In which leprosy was con rayed. Into Kiiiiiki, say lliu furlmyht I) llntru, but there Is evidence to the elTi'ct that In the hut century before Christ it had tblWird luolf In the Itotiun empire, lis subsequent spread throughout Kuropo can rnl!y be ae counted fur; whnrevnrtlie Hoinan engles went the (terms of the dUnitae would neceasai'lly aeeoiiipiiny them. From this source Spain, Jr ranee ami (iermiiny Soouer or later beeaiue Infeeloil, anil althoiitth there aru 110 record which enable ua to truce the progros of the malady In Kuroiie during several hun dreds of year uftei'w'unf the steps that wore taken to cheek Its spread In the seventh and following ceniui lea sulll elently Indicate the alarming freoiieucy of the dUeiMo mid the virulent vharao ter It had aaaimied, Jptr liospltiils would appear to have been established In Norway soiuewhai later than in other European (oiiiitrle. History tel a u that In Ilia r'rauklsh kiiigdoin thesa liisiiiutloua wre found ed In the night aud ninth reniuries, In Ireland about the year Hlii), In Spain in 1007, In Knglsnd In tho eleventh century, In Scotland and the Nether, land in the twelfth, and in Norway In the thirteenth century, liming and after the unmade Icproay spread with extraordinary mnldliy, and lejier hos lillul were rapidly multiplied all over Kuroe. It la estimated that In the twelfth century there were S.ihhi inch liospllul In Fiance alone, and 19.000 In the whole of Clirlnteudoiii. 6a ter rible were the ravajro of the dlseiue that It seemed an though some alto gether now plague liml loon sent to iaiuUh niuiikliid. Imleed some lihtor Ian have anrled tlmt the leprnay of the middle agi was Introduced fur the limt time from the eat by those who returned fiifin tho cruaadea. A a matter of fact, however, lccr hospiliils existed in England soma sears before any of tho riioder retraced their j step wentwiird. Tim soldiers of tho cross doubt l brought with them I nmiir cases 01 severe leorosv. ami bum exirenwiy virulent lonn tliim Imicuiiio Ingrafted iihiii the tllscae already prevalent througlioiil Kuropo. Will We Have American yulnlne? A'lolph Siitro U Irving tho exirl- iiieutof raUiiijf cluclioim (reus at ground above the Clitf Home. It u from the bark of alHiiit a doxen vario lic of Ibis tree that iiiiiiiiuu is extract ed, and if they will thrive In this cli mate the trees will beroiua very valua ble. Moreover, the cinchona la a very showy trite and highly ornamental, some of them growing to a height of eighty feet. The enormous medicinal eouoiiinption of the hark of the cincho na lias caused the tree to bo extensive ly cultivated tu India and Java. U grows In high altitudes In New (iietm dt. Kctiador, Peru and liollvlo, where there Is a great deal ot moisture. It Uif bvelt tried Willi HUUV4 ill Alls. tralio, near the scucoaM, ami Air. Nilro thinks some of the varieties will grow here, where there is a nioUiu In the atmosphere all the year round- Sun An Oitd Indualry. Mine. Ynnard, a poor woman In Paris, arrived al competency by col lecting orangtt peel, nud thereby not only helMnl herself, but gave occupa tion to others. She became a rich per son, a great patroness of art, and a regular habitue uf the 0iera. Her hus band was a distiller of spirits, and w hen he died she Hied for some time to carry on the distillery alone, but without success. Talking over matters one day with a friend, says tltilujnauCt MiMtmjer, she was much struck with a remark that he imide, to the elfect that thai there was a fortune to bo realized In the oruuge and lemon peel which was dallv thrown away by tho garcons of the cafes. The next thing she did was to sell her slock in trade and become a sort of amateur chiiTotiiilcre, wllh this differ ence, that the object ot her quest was orange uud lemon peel only. She had a tiresome task at first, but as soon as she got to he known she prospered so rapidly that sho was ere long ublu to employ other hands to do the dirty work of collcctinjj tho materia! from the streets, ami also from tho theaters, for the sweeping of which she contracted. She presided herself over some thirty young women In her orange aud lemon peel wnro-liouse, all of w hom were busily occupied in cleaning, pressing, and packing the peel us il arrived, 1111 occumttlou which she christened by the word "master." Vast quantities ot sostQ were daily sent away to all parts of France nud abroad to form the basis of Dutch cttracoa, orangeade, citron adc, and tho. many kinds of light drinks and aperients which are met with over the continent, She has now retired from business and enjoys the fruits of her former liard-mu'iiod money. A lMitlii (ieriuaii Hlmvo. in tho average barber shop of Ger many you are scaled in a rudo chair, with mysterious arrangements fcr the head wliiuh you never liml quite in the right place and tho olllciatlug artist winds his razor about your faco with a vehement sweep that would cause, I should think, nervous prostration iu one who had disturbed ids nerve cen ters by forma of Industry not com mended by medical advisers. The friction of the swiff razor, keenly wip ing the skin, is, however, sulllcimit to lix tho attention of the patient closely uud sparo him from imaginary evils. One conlldenllal young (iemiail of my acquaintance could shave tho aver-age-si.ed American face with, I think, six swoops of tho razor. I have known him lo tlo tlili, and when tho deed was dono ho Buomod lo think his work was accomplished, but, on being ad monished that the situation was un satisfactory, he would dip the corner of a towel, not selected from a pile of fresh ones, in a shallow basin of water aud rub tho sharply - cleansed and smarting checks soi'lly twice, using three lingers each time. When any thing more was wauled he understood It to lie the application of "vinegar," an aromatic and piquant Hold, which makes a distinct linmusshm 011 the skin just reaped. That young man could never be Induced to dress the hair unless after cutting or shampoo In l'. There was a small comb iu the neighborhood that tho customer was at liberty to apply to Ids ovvu looks, and that liulshod tho proceedings, it is proper to say that tho price of the operation was only 6 cents, and that tho shave, though rapid and rough, was not bad Iu itself, while the artist was In his non-professional capacity, a truly pleasant youth, who painted in water colors wlien unoccupied by lilt rasping Irudo. JUurut UaUkad, COAST NEWS. SiimsNfiil SullH Against Hie Smilli ern 1'adllc. LOS WW.US IIIIVCOTTS AI.IKNH. Itallruutl Xrws.-oiMl Frail 'reMMl. Fatalities. Jtoiitoii County, Or., bus a paint mine. Diphtheria- In prevalent at Colfax, Wash. Many Oreidin (miners have three inn s of wheal 011 hand. Columbia Hiver f'liil'griiwera have an abundant yield (bis senMiii. M. F. Davia, a Polk Cmmtv liy, grad uated lust week at, West Point, Portland la promised a wedding in a balloon ascension lor the Fourth, The Tacoma Cracker factory was en tirely destroyed by lire June Kith, The time consumed by Hie great lll the cuiilesl bos reached Ml si imiira, so far. John Drib, Southern Oregon pioneer, died si bis home In .lack-onville,' June nth, A recent Ureal Kittle i Co.'s oil work In San Fruurim o cHiised a Iom uf (lot).- UNI. McConibs, (lie Seattle forcer, has Wit sentenced to live yi-ia in the peniten tiary. California boy carried oil" some of the blithest huiiom al Harvard College this year. A half lnilliii:i it.ilbiru Lad lun. a.iil from (iteyon to California Ibis spring for beef cattle, Frderi.k Miirtfl u tl etiMli.t.t l,,.tMlt, lit Spokane Falls recently by a heavy case ol plule glass, l.illll (Villlilv luio.ireiiUMrtt tt'lll money this year. Pn-paratioiiM am be ing mude now to harvest I fie crop. The coast defense vessel Monterey and cruiser Sail Francisco, lieiog built in San Francisco, w ill msin Ixi completed. IWiiiuii A Holland, wholesale liipior dealers at Itutte, Mont., have made an assignment. Liabilities, about ftO.lKD. San Francisco Is usinif evoty effort to eo that the California display at the World's Fair is as complete an Nwsible. A committee of Herman dairvmen will visit Oregon this summer for the purRise of securing locations,, (or lierniiin col onies. A railroad smashup in Montana, June l')tb, killed the btakemati, injureil two others, ami killed and crippled HtiO slieep. The rulirt iwiliee fmce, from the 1,'ldef to the jailer, lias U-en disiniftxed by the city iiiuncil of F.I Paso, lor want of conll iletice. Pndessiir D. T, Stanley, of Monmouth, has sold out and gone to Chicago. This probably ends the Slate Normal School scandal. Kmauuel lieddiug of North Cove, Wash., killed a cougar recently -measuring 7 hi'! (i inches in length and webb ing l"a) ihiuihIh, The San Francisco Cbifinicle cele braled Itn twenty-llfth aiinivcmiry by 1111 iiis'iimg of its new building the evening oi the Hit it iust. Commencement exorcises of the 1'ni versiiyof Oiegou eluwd last week ami were the most interesting in the histoiy of the institution. Tim fruit crop of Southern On'gon is saiiMo la the (lut'st ever grown. Ash land will bip more fruit than ever l fore, and lias prisS'cts for two large can neries. Tim City Council of hw Angeles have inserted a clause in stni't-work con tractu prohibiting Hit, employioent uf all aliens, or others not citiiens of I, on An geles. In anilu uiruiiiul llwi Kitnlli.ti'it P,,..!n.. Company, both the widow of Engineer Miller, and inlmiiiiHlrator of the estate of Fiivman Hiilhrie, have Is-en awanled ilaiuagcs ol fi.tXMi anil Cl.ll Ml, at Salem. The supreme court of California bus rendered a ilociMoo ivversing the judg ment of the lower con it grant ing alfniuny and eolinael fees to S11111I1 Altbca Sharon in her well known divorce suit against William Sharon. Mount Shasta's is disappearing. On its east side there are indications of con siderable com mot ion and large quanti ties of smoke and vapor am rising. Quite an excitement prevails among the iooplo in ilH vicinity. A young man named Fred Close, and a young lllleen-ycnr-old girl left their home in Ashland, Oregon, on Friday night, .lime 1 : tl 1 1 . A warrant has been issued for the arrest if Close on the charge of kidnapping. In San Francisco, thn morning of the l llh, Mrs. Dora Gamma, aged 111, while while trying to light a Ilin with coal oil, Was burned to death. The servant girl, in attempting to save the unfortunate woman, was Meverely burned. Thne cuuiis, numbering l.OOil work men of the Northern Paeillc, Union I'acili'.i mid Port Townsend Southern are at work on railroads itt Olympia, Wash. The hitter camp is driving 18,1)00 piles at deep water on the west'side terminal. l)r f'ulviii It. (biriliner. John and a boy named Full were crossing the river at Spokane Fulls, Juno Kith, when the ferry boat eapHiaoil. Franer managed to swim ashore, but Ibe doeior and the boy were curried over the fulls and drowned. Captain William Warren, 0110 of the most prominent fruit-growers of Santa Clara Vallov, Cal.,died suddenly June 14th. Death is Hitpposeil to have been caused by eating canned oysters which were poisoned, Captain Warren was the lirst white settler in Japan iu 185(1., Work on the magnificent Crocker building to be erected in Sun Francisco, will Itt'gin about July 1st. The building will he eleven stories high and made of sandstone. 1 The trimmings will lie of terracotta. It will cost a million and a half dollars, , Two children of Michael Kirby, a teamster living in Sun Francisco, while playing with mulches in a large dry goods Ihx set lire to straw and other iu flammutile material in it, and before the younger ono aged 4'b your, could 'be rescued was burned to death. EASTERN NEWS. Another Trans-Conllncnlal Itailroad to San Fianclsco. SPOKAXB VMM' .NKW DKI'OT. faxialtir TbroMKhoat the Kaateri Nlalcw New Jersey town are liclng terrorized by Willie Caps. The site uf the World's Fair will be on tho lake front In Chicago. Keventv riiia were ooisoiicd recent ly at St. Jui'ob, III!, by eating ice cream. Many lives have lsen lost in Indiana aud Iowa by cyclones since the lirst of Hie month, A twine (rust In Iowa, which cost the i dinners niaiiy llioiisaml dollars last year, has 1st 11 broken. ft,Cliristopher A. Hockley, California's f well known blind olilicin, was married in llostim June llllh to Mis Annie llur- i-y. A I'.iriiiintflniin, Ala., Sunday wIkkiI picnic ended in a light iu which one man was killed and two others dangerously injured. The Mock of the Union Slin k Yard and Transfer Company of Chicaxo, is re Hirt(d to have Is-cn sold to an F'.nglisb syndicate. An exiibwion of the deadly (Ire-, lamp took place in a Pennsylvania coal mine near Dunbar, thirty-two miners losing their lives, DurinK a Ktnrni at (ilennwiaxl, Iowa, the brick smoke stack at the institution of the lei'ble minded fell through the roof, crushing four inmates. The National Furniture Manufacturer' ttMtt.M-iul it... In tf.uiiin o al I 'li linu ordered Mil advance iu prices July 1st. The next meeting will lie held iu J Jos- ton. It it said that the Louisiana lottery people are gaining ground, The opK lienta id the lottery attribute ibis result Iu th lavish use of money, w bicb has iM'en going on. While a vagrant tianied Tbomaa Wat ers was norkltiki out a hciiIciuh. on a rock id'e ot Albin, HI., he received word that io was heir to aso.lKK) left him by an un cle in Kokand. The Oriental Mills Coinpany of Provi dence, It. 1., has made an axsignnieiit. I be linn became emharraiwcd a month Huo. There an! unecured debts of W), ftxi and quick assets valued at f 13-1,000. The pu(Hr transferring 478,tH ai-re of lund lias been delivered by the Sac ami Fox Indians in Indian Territory. 1 be allotment of lauds iu severalty to the Indians will he made in the next sixty days. Her. Father (Juiglev, uostor of St. Francis do Sales Catholic churvli of To ledo, Ohio, bos Is'cn indicted by the grand jury ''for misdemeanor for neglecting to report piqiils to the board of education." Kaiser, arrestevl on a charge of placing the alleged dynamite bomb under the llaymarket monument at Chicago, has sueil the suHriiitendeiit and other ol li -ciuls of the police departiuciit for dam ages for false arrest. Frank W. Mellvitin, cashier of the Sul phur iVposit Hunk of Sulphur, Ky.. is missing, and so is Mis. Ilattie Wiilkins, wife ui the leading hotelkeiprof Sul phur. A Unit flil.lHiO of toe bank's money is also missing, Jim Turner aud I'M Pace were killed and Fob Staplelon wounded in Lee coun ty, Va., in a light Ixdween ttie aheriirs iMisse and a crowd of the Turners from llarlem, Ky. The trouble was caused by the shooting of a dog. It i now generally conceded in Wash ington Hint the session of congress will last through August and probably until the middle of Septemlier, uud tiieie are some who predict that it will Ihi October before limit adjournment. Wharton Parker of Philadelphia, has organized a great American and F.uro iHan bunking company w ith a capital of Jy'i.tK'O.IHIO, one half of which is to be is sued at once. The company will conduct a general liuunciiil business. F'x-P'esident Hayes jssuid to be worth nearly J ,tx O.iHHI, the greater H)rtion of w hich be has accumulated since hia re tirement from the White House. Who says that farming esiHicially that part of 'it which relates to chicken -does not pay? Mark It. Kens, who has within the past few years done considerable toM graphical' surveying in Oregon, lias been sent to survey the region of Southeastern AlaHka. His intentions are to ascend Mount St. F'.liasif possible. His party will consist of about thirty men, A construction train collided with a freight train on the St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern on a curve near Hannibal, Mo, Firemen Arthur Taylor and Harry Nelson were scalded to death, and sev eral other trainmen were seriously in jutt d. The Huggin sale ol horses took place in New York, June llilli. L, J. Hose bought seven for $10,40(1, and Pierre Lor illurd about a score iu all, the highest price being the Katrine colt for $ti,000. Taken as a whole the sale was a grand success. Shaking of tho arrest of two feinalo biifw bull teams at Danville, III., for play ing ball on Sunday, the New York World regrets that the law does not for bid girls playing ball on week days. Tbi suggests an idea. It Bbmild be made a K'nitentiary oll'ense to play ball the way the St. Paul team docs. The prospect ns of a newly projected trauH-contincntuI railway has just been issued iu Washington. The road is lo run from Norfolk, Va., through Virginia, TeiineHHoe, Kentuckv, Missouri, Arkan sas, Indian Territory and Texas, to Isoi lita, N. M., where it will make connec tions with lines running to San Fran cisco. Thomas J. Herbert, a wealthy young farmer, and James Boyd, the twenty-year-old son of District Attorney lUiyd of Bronensvillo, Tcnii,, quarreled over a hog. Boyd struck young Herbert, and the latter armed liimsulf and gave chase, Both were well mounted, and a running fight waa kept up for two miles. When both revolvers were empty llerliett fell from his saddle dead. Chief Kngineer Kendrick, ot the Northern Pacific, awarded the contract for building the company's new passen ger depot at Spokane Falls June 5th, to Decks & Witbeck of St. Paul. Tho con tract price is f45,OiH). The building is to be of pressed brick, with brown stone trimmings, and two stories high. Its di mensions are to be 100 by M) feet. It will contain alt the modern Improvement. SPORTING NOTES. El Klo Key Kellrcd from ibe Turf. LA BUXt'HK VH. yiM XH MITCHELL The 1'asxible Eid f Prix thlia it Califeraia. Prof. W. Oldriev walked half a mile on the water at Fairview, Md., on June L'lld, JmUo Kilrain will quit fighting ami re sume tils former profession a an oars man. I Blanche baa at last put up hi de posit of aiOO to meet Young Mitchell on Ibe 27th hurt. The L'0,fKM) purse (ought for by Sulli van and Kilrain was the second largest ever fought for. Peter Jack eon and Jack Ashton were not allowed to box at the Opera House, San Francisco, June 2nd. TI10 National league base ball player claim that the Brotherhood I already living its signal of distress. John L.. Sullivan announces that lie will temporarily retire from the ring and IsH'ome a member of the dramatic pro fession. Saunders, the Knglish tenni chain 11I011. defeated Peltitt, the American, in lxiudon, June liiUi, for the national championship. A party of l.r1 tier man shariwhooters left New York recently to attend one of the greatest, shooting matches ever taken place at Berlin. Jack Dempsey ssvs he will make a match with any Fnglish middle-weight, and is willing to to for choice of coun try in w hich to fight. Dwyer' two-year-ohls, not itbstand ing the big fancy prices they paid for them a yearlings, have been derided failures thus far this year. As a rule, from a racing point of view, there is very little difference in, the season in Australia. Home are kept racing from one year's end to another. John Clarkson fa drawing a $10,0,(0 salary from the Boston league Club a pitcher, but owing to a bad leg, can do nothing to earn it except to sit on the bench. The 25 mile bicycle road race at Hil ton, N. J , on May DOth, was witnetwed by 4,000 sis5ctators. F. W. Murphy and W. Van Wagner won the prize for the fastest net time made. Arab, the Canadian race horse, owned by Oeorge Forbea, of New York, for merly of Woodstock, Canada, won a "-furlong race at the New York Jockey Club, on June 2nd, in 1 1-",1,. Although August Belmont' Fides won the Toboggan Slide Handicap and beat die record for aix furlongs 1 :tOi (for-. aldine, with a careful, couiie(etit jockey, can eclipwj Fides' record. Watch and see I In the competition on the grounds of heSlaten Island Athletic club for the individual general athletic champion ship, Alex Jordan, N. Y. A. C, was de clared the chatiioion amateur athlete of tho United State. It Is claimed that under the instruc tions of Jimmy Carroll, John D. Spreck les, the several time millionaire and sugar dealer, I the cleverest gentleman iioxer on the coast, and more than an equal for his trainer. A pistol match took place recently at Munich lajlween Buffalo Bill' Johnny Dalby and Prince Leopold of Bavaria. Plaster eggs thrown in the air were used. Prince 1-copold defeated his adversary without the slightest difficulty. A 'tor making a thorough examination of F'.l Kio Key a veterinarian has advised Mr. inters to take hi K10 Key out ot training at once, and it is understood that the unbeaten champion will bo shipped to California to enter the stud. The English Derby was run at Epsom, Knglund. on June 4th. Kight horse started. J. Porter' chestnut colt San foin won the race by three-quarters of a length from Lefevre's Le Nord. The Duke of eatminster'g Orwell was tlnnl, Since the killing of McBride by La Rue in au impromptu battle at the Golden liute Club in San Francisco, Uovermr Wtttternuin has issued instructions to the police to use their efforts to entirely abolish all pugilistic encounters in the future. A a iiifvaiw.fn nra fhnf nrlRA-fttrhrincr will be prohibited in Caltornia it 1 ilwmi.hl (but Jackson and Sullivan will never meet, as Jackson thinks that, out side of the protection of the California Club he will not have a fair chance of winning. l.'niiik K. Weaver, of New Haven. P.miii trim iii multino a trio from that city to San F'rancisco on a l.iey cle, bus an 1 veil in mmiuiui, aio. no mis rumen nearly nineteen hundred miles, or an av erage of over forty miles a day, since be lett jnow 1 laven, April zist. Psotta, the American champion oars man, should win the diamond sculls ut the Koyul Henley Regatta on the Thames, ivngiaiiii, line year, uuy ic halls, the F.nglish amateur champion, will not conuiete in the race. II. Gard ner, the stroke of the Cambridge crew, will row in the race. Greek Oeorge defeated Romalow, the Mexican, at Scranton, Pa., on May 2tth, in a wrestling match on horseback. Greek George challenges any man in the world to wrestle bira at catch -as-catch-can or Gneeo Roman style, Tom Cannon and Muldoon preferred, the match to take place fourteen days after signing tho articles. ' . Peter Jackson, tho colored champion, had a lively round the evening of Juno lAth, at a wayside inn near Oakland, Cal. A party of twelve Germans return ing from a picnic, dropped in, ami Doing introduced to Jackson, after inviting him to drink several times, began bantering the chaimiion. In suite of the efforts of Jackson, to avoid trouble, the insulting remarks from the leader ot the crown, oused Jackson's ire, and he soon found it necessary to use his right. The eleven others sailed into Jackson, when the liveliest, tight ever witnessed on the Oak land sido took place, Jackson waiaeil back into the saloon after he had satis tied each of the twelve that they had been struck with a baseball bat. The drug store adjoining had the appearance of a receiving hospital soon alter the Daltle. Fresh In Salt Water. In Clearwater harbor, Flo., Is a spring of delicious drinkiug water bub bling up through the moss of salt water iu tho briny deep.