The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 30, 1890, Image 3

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    I, .CAI.N
l.iwtiiiit iy, Monday.
IVnnoyvr aia-aWs to-day.
Ktajr wising at lXtllaa to-day.
Krult Jar at HenkU A Walker'a.
IMv fruit of all klnda at J. IX IX
Tiw ww ww mill ha a very musloal
Andy W.laon haa had hi realdenet
It may-be, Mvllee, will see, vau't-tsj
Mrs. II. I). Walter has returned from
UkUixhhI tl front the nw mwiiiIU
Jviltii ClmmltorUhi at latitat It a
hllVV (at her.
There wata hatoon aaeenaion at Weat
Sa'om Sunday.
ttav E. Hrey wa (n tVtrvallla the
The flrst election In Orvgou
ww hold June 4, WW.'
The dedication at Monnvmih on last
Friday was a pleasant affair.
The thinning hmt lu North Inde
penlenee 1 ahii'wt coiunteted.
Finest (t of tttaas and dlxh ware In
t oil y at Hcnklua A Walker's.
T. O. and Cricket Itovena, of Klnjjt
Volley were In town Monday last.
The MomiMUlh and Independence
baud will lead the arad Saturday.
Mr. Kate hue, on account of her
health, cUieed her dressmaking thop,
Soutt tanghary and 8l Stump left
for ltaker City mi buslueaa thU week.
John Cuoer, who hat been at Ash
land attending tchonl, It home again.
Mm. A. V. Washburn left on Mon
day' train for a visit at McMlnnvllle.
Mls CL.ra Irvine, of Corvallla, ar
rived fctst Monday and will now make
her home here.
ll.itchlm A Jackson have the con
tract for the Independence Rational
hiink building.
The ladle of the Presbyterian church
Intend having a strawberry festival at
the ojera house next Friday evening
Frauce Brow., f King Valley, have
fourteen team at work hauling lumber
fnm their mill to various point on the
Mia M.ittle Craton died lu Peedea
Thursday, May 22, and Waa burled In
Ktni Valley cemetery. Itev. 8hujp
Thlt la Ember week, tet atlde by
Catholic for feasting aud prayer, Wed
o ssday, Friday and Saturday after the
first Sunday lu Lent.
Mra. Lwg.wre, of Biiena Vista, la at
present In St Vlnelenla hospital umler
g tiug treatment there and will prob
acy remain several month.
Mr. Way lie Williams has had moved
the large barn on I ttreet and It la now
on a lot near his residence north of tha
ex-hoot house block. '
Judge Chenoweth, of King Valley,
ha sold hit farm to Mr. Has tut who
will shortly erect a large new bru.
It will call for 30,000 feet of lumber.
Mrs. K. UllbaugH lost a table eloth
ami silver knife and fork on the ex
cursion to Oregon City last week.
Fin lor will plea return to the owner.
The ferry in running, to are the taw
mill, the planing mill, the brick yardt
a id all tha candidate. All want to
"get there" but aonw will not, thin year.
Chariot Brethwalt and F-d. C. Keyt
ran a foot race last Saturday In which
B ethwaite wan the w inner. On Sun
day ho and Mr. Gilbert ran aud Gilbert
wan winner
W. E. J.dlon leaves for the East In
a few Ayr to select a large ttock of
gentlcmati and ludiet furnishing gl
with which he will reopen the store he
hM recently occupied.
There It a new acbool district In
Kings Vulley Just on the county line.
It It nimilier 20 In Polk county and
numlier 81 In Benton. Mitt Laura
William, of Alrlle, la the present
Leave your ordcra for hauling at the
Independence Hack A Truck company
ofllce on east tide of Main ttreet,
opposite H.R. Patterton'adtugetore.
The Vancouver Independent tays:
SyWetter Goodnight, well and favor
ably known throughout Clarke couuty,
and lute of Salem, Oregon, hat accepted
a pwition at clerk In the real estate
and abstract oflhw of Matlock, Bone A
The announcement that free trans
portation will ha furnUhed from Mon
mouth ti Independence and return on
Baturd iy applies b til we coming on
excursion train only, unless there be
room for other The excursionists are
to have first acomm clatloiit.
J. K. Cooper h is 400,000 flue brick
ready to burn. The kiln will be tired
In about ten days when the wood be
comes dry enough. It will eoutaln
400,000 brick and lie the largest ever
burned here Another kiln will be at
once commenced.
The l)rmort correspondent eviden
tly forgets that the state Normal school
is m well known that no one for a
moment forgets that Ills In Monmouth,
and the telegram to the OrrgonUm did
not say the exercises were "here." No
slight was Intended and none should
be Inferred.
The TMnphoit-RsgUtcr man, Bert
Heath, who was in our city last week
thu speaks of our town Indepen
dence favorably Impresses all who visit
the town with unprejudiced minds:
"Independence Is indeed full of energy.
It Is apparent wheu you view the grade
stakes of the motor line and the stakes
of tho laud divided up Into elty lota.
We went to tlie brick yard where 12,000
bricks are turned out every day by
steam power. The race track In Tal
mugo's addition will be fine. The
motor line will be In operation to Mon
mouth by the fourth of July. Thlt will
Cost the company completed about $20,
00f). TMh Includes grading, ttoel, de
pots ariTswltches, one 12 ton air brake,
one Baldwin locomotive, one passenger
co,k;Ii and one flat ear. The company
building the road is composed of Inde
pendence people and they are confident
that It will pay from the start. New
houses are going up on every hand and
as soon hs the new taw mill It In opera
iiou more will be built.
Beat tt.H'k of tobacco and clgani at I
D I'a, t
Turkey dluner at tha City Hotel ut
Pviht ht the electric llghta are Mug
Mite hell A Bohauuou havt moved
their machinery to the new thop.
That fine large thresher on C ttreet
be long to 0. a lira vet, of McCoy.
Ice odd toda, all flavor, at Wheeler'
Ladleeand oMMreu'xnhowt at Mat. at
Mooktou a t
Flagt, of all tin tot tale by Wheel
er, aiao rreau tfulta, eaudlea and uutt,
Chlldren'i day eiervltoa at the Chrlt-
tlan church nett Sunday evening.
Cniuet acta and hammock ftir tale
at beeler't, ,
IVutult yoiirhttereat and read Conner
iintu new aa. t
A Ana Hue of laundry
toant at
UeukleaA Walker's.
All klnda of Job printing done at the
wkht sum job ome.
Nobby plenlo basketa Jutt what you
want atthlou, for tale by Hunk It
Walker. 5
J. B. t, hat tha beat and largest ttock
or grtxvrlet In town.
Oua package of calling cards IbrM
eenta per iwckage at tha Wkst Sidk
Joboftlce. ;
I). B. Taylor ha had tha building
occupied by Bjwman A Klrklaud re
Tho ttcel rails for the motor lint,
twelvt ear load, have arrived In Port'
laud and will arrive lu Independence
Geo, Bingham candidate on the re
publican ticket for prosecuting attorney
was In town thlt week.
Let our frl. ud pay no attention to
rumors circulated Jut twfore election,
Such will be the catc hut do not believe
Goodunui A PiHity are constantly
manufacturing all klnda of tinware
from the heavkut tin plate. Call and
tea them; It will pay you.
Sewing machines and extra, alto
ormnsnudulano at Wheeler's, it
Trespass nolkva ft oenU each ai the
Whkt Si UK Job oflh,
lleukle A Walker carry a full line of
groceriea and pro vinous, aud tell the
tame a low at the lowest . .
Janut Boud aud wife are visiting at
the home of P. II. Murrdty In thlt city.
The official time of George Franclt
Traln't trip around the world was 67
days, 13 hours, 2 minutes, 53 second.
Have you tried the Big Can baking
powder kept by J. I). Irvine. Every
can warranted and holds I) Iba.
Ou Wednesday June 4ih the tale of
the househotd ant other goods the
property of 1) T. Stanley, will take
place. It will piy all to attend thlt
tale. ThU Is the best collection In Polk
Take your eggs, butter anil bacon In
Hcuktct A Walker's, Independence.
Prof. Brlstow aud wife, of the State
Agricultural College were visiting In
Monmouth this week.
All the leading brands of flour at
Henkles A Walker's.
Call on Goodman A Douty and are
their buggies and carriages before they
are all sold.
Contractor McCoy will have a good
part of the grading done by tha last of
next weak on the motor line. Ties are
twlug distributed and ralla will been
hand Friday
The Montgomery bolter and engine
which has been store. 1 near the city
hotel waa loaded aud hauled to Dallas
this week for the Martin mill there.
Over two thousand dollart worth of
household gixMls will be sold at auction
on next Wednesday In the tale of the
effectt of D. T. Stanley, who will
thortly leave for Chicago where he will
engage in business.
Coal oil by the quart, gallon, can or
case at Henkles A Walker's.
Receipt books for 75 centt each, at
the WksT Side Job ofllce,
J. T. Stanley, of Monmouth, will
tell at auction all hit household tnd
many other effects next Wednesday
and all persons will And many things
which they will desire to purchase.
Ralph Dunnlway, a nephew of II.r
vey W. Scott of the Orcgonian I so
journing here now while studying to
to enter college In the K wt. He dropped
in and helped us out on the p tper this
Goodman A Douty do not boast of
the largest stock of hardware south of
Portland, but will lie pleased to have
you call and Inspect their stock and
Judge for your self. They will surprise
you. i
H U. Patterson has Just received the
lurgctt and finest line of gold, tllver
and nickel watches ever brought Into
Polk county direct from the East. Call
aud Inspect them.
At the school meeting at Monmouth
which was largely attended last Satur
day a ten mill tax waa voted to enlarge
the present school building. The
building was donated to the district ex
cepting about three hundred dollars
worth. It was built by subscription.
A choice lot of dried beef at Henkles
A Walker's.
Columbia Cottage paints, forlntldej
and outside work, already ndxed,
guaranteed to be the beat In the world
are for tale atj H. R. Patterson's.
A. J. Malhdn, who hat been attend
ing ferry for Wm. Jonee accldtntaly
received a quite severe cut in bit ankle,
from a broad axe In the bands of Pearl
Cooper who wat playing with It. He
It now using crutches.
Last week't Itemlzer says; 'There
are getting to be decidedly too many
loafers about . Dallas. Idleness never
did aud never Will build Up the Interestt
of an individual or community, and all
who are anxious to work can find
tomothing to do." What does It mean?
Oh! Bro. Wash you are exceedingly
dull. These are a lot of scalawags your
people have Imported to vote a tax on
the honest gentlemen of Polk county,
Henklei Walker tell goods In Inde
pendence. '
Do you need a new cook stove of any
iaArintlon? If to ko to Goodman A
Douty't aud tee their new
which will arrive this week
Cash! cash! cash! wanted at J. D.
Ourtolieut Is prnsnsMint flatly unitur tht
niKBagvmeaior Mllal,u'y Pilklustou.
II. Martin Is bunlly untiuna Blsntlns tsn
aets of extra ft Mr, Wolf on itat (iardner
Mr. rirn Wullt, ho as town up
aw piare wiling mil a flowsr tartton, rt-
tarnra to nr torn la PnrUaud last Ralurday
M .
n. m. iniwn mir snarsvt a Mi l man
hMvharfeurths Kalis tHiy litmtwrliis nulla.
w art inrwrmm ny aim that th lu iilwr I
now, owing lu Mi Hfniaad twine drawa
away very rapidly,
While la rail City w saw llwlumlwr out
a lb around A in new ur building ot
unit Mt'rarlsn. Mr. Urlgg I quit
cad and still h I a lulnm man kind and
Artvadly to all. The manner In wlil.'h h mm
aaeuainiMir mail tit hlia aUrgchmigf
Information wanted.
Who U Sadie?
J. N. Hart au old student wat
town yesterday.
Which one It Pet? Point her out to
me, - W. IN C.
Prof. Powell't brother aud wife from
Allainy are here on a visit.
Mlaaea Itosa aud I-aura Coleman left
for their home In Eugene Saturday
I made a mash Sunday night but I
am not going to tell you girls wh It
waa.-W. R, II.
Every out goes to the picnic at Inde-
peudeudenca Saturday. The Normal
choir it going toting.
I gueat a fellow has a right to travel
at fast aa I want to, only I didn't travel
quite aa fast I wanted to. E. C, K.
MeMlnnvllle waa well repreeented
last Friday by a crowd of flue looking
young bullae and gentlemen,
Charlie Mamie! I haven't eliidlcd
for a week.
Mamie-Why Charlie?
Charlie I have txvu thinking of
Among the many lacea that were
teen dedication day we noticed some of
our old ttudeula: Aggie Deumau,
Kinnia Tliarp, C. L. Hawley, Henry
Keyt, Blanche Ground, Matt Feutou,
JuhnSarka, Frank Birch, Hick Fen
ton, fortune Butler, Maggie Fentou,
Ceivlla Hlgley, Jusie Holme and Rote
Mlat Kiiima Hughe la visiting her
pnreuta at Ikillas thlt week.
Mra. K A. Walling returned to her
East Portland home Tuemlay,
Quite a uumtaruf Kenaltea took lu
the cninumeetlng on Mill creek last
Rev. Dr. Black will preach here uext
Sunday at II o'clock a. m. All In
vited to attend,
Chris Patrick returned from Tilla
mook lust Tuesday. He rejiort every
thing booming over there.
Girl teem to be taking Spring Val
ley. Mra. Sam Phillip give birth to a
9) lbs. girl last Tuesday morulug
A Mr. Page from Wltcwnsen was here
taking a look at our beautiful valley
with the view of locating among us.
John Walling, of Lincoln, Is Im
proving very fast. His many friends
will be glad to see him about agaiu In a
few dayt.
Mr. Ed.8lovnll.of McCoy, presented
Ed. with a new lem.s r.itlc voter last
Monday morulng. Our stage driver la
now a grandpa.
Dr, Smily Purvlue it visiting up at
Arlington, Oregon. He will return
Satuiday so he can beat the mpII Mon
day to vote for Simpson.
The campaign liar of the OrrgtmUm
seems to be getting In hit work agnlu.
It will succeed in electing Pennoyer
like it did Scuator Mitchell four year
We are informed that quite a number
of Zeualtes will take lu the teacher
picnic at your place Saturday, Wonder
if Brother Doughty, of Dallas, will be
there with this) oa-ra (glasses?
A Salem couple while out for a drive
and viewing our pretty scenery met
with the misfortune of having the
shafts of the buggy broken aud had to
borrow another so they could return to
the capital city.
The heavy tea breeze last Monday
night whipped off the tree a good deal
deal of fruit, tucli as pears, cherries,
peaches. Plums seems to be rather
scarce this year. Black and raspberries
seem to be good.
Lt'CKlAMUTK, May 20, IHiKt.
Editor Wkht SaK:-The Llndcr
mnii bridge cost Polk county Just
twenty-five dollaiv, and three men
worked one aud half day each In
building it. Such a price paid was bad
enough but the method in which it
was done allows how rotteu our
politics are becoming all for the sake of
a court house at Dallna. Several of the
neighbors wauted to put In the bridge
for nothing, but the supervisor wild it
was the business of the county to do
this and so the couuty had to pay over
eight dollars aday for this work. This
is the kind of progress McBce believer
in, and is the kind of prices he pays
for work.
The slouxh bridge between J. Smith's
and Iiowisville graveyard wat washed
down stream about one hundred yards,
and forty -five dollars wat paid for
putting it back which took four men
and one team a little over one day, aud
the bridge wat scarcely worth replacing
and will have to be rebuilt soon, This
Is the economy which the people are
not willing to see continued. If such
prices were paid for bridges, where will
our company land in building a new
court house. Voters you can have a
county court which will favor economy
by electing I. Simpson.
If you elect McBee the reckless ex
penditures will continue. You take
your choice on election day.
Onb Who K.nowh.
A complete piece of sheet music for
ten centt a copy, at Wheeler's,
Mr, II. A. Raymond, of Corvallis,
will give a free art display at Wheeler,
Book store commenting on Monday
the 0th of June, continuing through
the whole of the week, Free samples
In art work given away to all ladles
attending. 2t
Tha Flaa MalBe4MaTha SaeeeHat11
Tha Dinner--Th QametTht
Lawn Seolal In tha Evening,
At an early hour last Friday the
people of Mnuiumiih were astir In an
Ucliiation of the day which wat to t
oftuch Importance In the (own. The
excursion train on the Narrow Gauge
wa expected hi arrive at 10 o'clock,
It wat uenrcr It when It came lu with
fewer people oil 'Issird then were ex
pected. The two brass tmids, the
Monmouth and lndNiideuco, led the
crowd which repaired to the eotlege
grove, and the prctcutntlou of the
beautiful American flag wa very neatly
done by Miss Callle Urodlc, of Astoria,
and the response given by Hon. V S.
Powell. The fl ig now flouts over the
Normal school tower, and wa the gift
of the !IcaNrlan, Vcspertinv and the
Ladles Aid Society. A the Hag was
unfurled to the hrccxe A. W. Lucas
proMad three cheer. J. C. White
pnqiosed three cheers for the Slate
Normal school all of which was
promptly ' responded to. The large
audience then crowded Into the build
ing and soon the commodious hall of
the college wasa sea of faces,
The additions to the Normal school
buildings are tastefully and siilwtniitl
alty ft nlshed and a thrill of pride went
through each hcurt to see this monu
ment of the enterprise of the ople.
A. W, Lucas acted aa chairman.
After music by the lndcHiidcnce band
and Invocation by W, W. Wells, and
auaiithem by Normal choir Hon. N L
Sutler delivered the address of welcome
Our space will not permit us to give
our readers Ills ciooticut siaecti in
which he most graphlcly p irtrayed the
lmMtrtrance of education, Judgv
Butler has happy thoughts for all oc-
oaalous and this was no exrs-ptiftu
flie responses were by Supt of Public
Instruction. E II. McElroy, It . Bellin
ger, of McMinnvtlle, Prof, T.C.Bell,
of LaCreole academy, In all of
which words of pra e wero bestowed
umii the lasting in uiunwut which
Mo imouth ha erected.
Mls Ida Porter then rea l an essay
on "Woman's Work lu Ediicaiiou,'
aud Mr. (i. A. Stanley delivered an
ration on "The History of the Amer
ican Flag." Hdh were listened to
with marked atleiitlou.
Prof. Tulhlll, the lady elocutionist,
then recited III a beautiful iiiuiinr
'The Diver."
The address of W. W, Rollins, of
Salem, came rather late, but It wa
finely rendered, A. I2..'l0all adjourned
to the dinner table which were spread
nuder the tree and where everything
was free The ladles of Monmouth j
know how to prcisre gisal thlnirs for
he Inner man and all were amm "freed
from hunger' ngs."
During the afternoon a game of Iswe-
ball between Monmouth and McMiiiu
vllle resulted hi a victory for Monmouth
of 8.1 to 0. During (be afternoon Prof,
CampU'll, ltolart Clow, and olhciv
addressed the people on educational
matters. The evening waa tieul lu
the grove in a lawu tts'lal giveu by tin
Band boyt.
The Monmouth Slate Normal tchisil
now has among the finest educational
buildings of any In the stole, with a
caacity of aecomiuiKlntlug nearly 's
students, and have nsim for music, art,
etc. The building has cost many
thousands of dollars, hut no uue regrets
the cot ami all lalsir to make the
achisd worthy of the building which It
occupies. All will remember the
dedication of the Normal building and
we all hope that Its usefulness limy con
tinue ami grow, and that In the future
It may have as self sacrificing friends
aa It has bad lu the past.
Following I the list of men on the
oomiiilttcc who will award primes mi
day of plculc:
Three lagged Race Lawrence Keyt,
Pcrrydale; Asa Staats, Airlic; Draw
Gibson, Eola.
Beat Ten Foot Pole Jump. Nalhaii
Emmett, Momnmith; Ellis D.ividsin,
Parker; J. J. Itrou, Falls City.
Prettiest Lady.-DIck Turner, Dallas;
Mark Burch, Dixie.
Newest ' Married Couple. E, C
Pcnlland, W. A. Wash, A. B. McMil
lan. Man With Largest Family. Dr.
Locke, Dr. Butler, Dr. Farley,
Oldest Man Present. Rolwrt Clark,
Monmouth; Harry Christian, Indepuu
dunce; D.J. Whiteuker, Monmouth,
Tug of War. Geo, I Kelly, McCoy;
Geo. Well Jr., Buena Vista; Tom
Waller, Monmouth.
Bicycle Race.-Charloy Smith, Dixie;
C. L. Howe, Dallas; JiuqH'r Craven,
Sack Race. Win. Putnuiu, Eola;
Henry Smith, L,nvlsvilic; Lincoln
Mann, Zcna.
Best Matched Carriage Team Jaa.
Brldwetl, D.illas; Btlliu Tow mend,
Pcrrydale; J. S. Smith, Suvcr.
Oldest Married Couple. Stepheu
Staats, Ira Townsend, Uncle John
Best Looking Lady Teacher, Frank
Emmett, Bethel; Prof. Bell, Dallas;
Prof. Campbell, Monmouth.
Best Looking Gent Teacher. Nellie
Crownover, Independence; Minnie
Bryant, Dallas; Mary Stephen, Oak
Hungriest Looking Bachelor. Patle
Cooper, Indcieiidoucc; L, Damon,
Monmouth; Miss Emma Rlggs.
Lady Marksmen, C, Ravens, Kings
Vol ley J nines Tutom, Monmouth.
Steer Race. Tom Richmond, Wayne
Williams, W. G. Nesmith, Dixie; King
Tethorow, Van Mann, Kola.
Old Man's Race. Wm. Jones, Inde
pendence; Wm. Brown, Dallas.
Baity Committee. Mrs, Laura Wnl
MIms McDcninilttand Win Patterson,
Table Committee Mra. K. W,
Cooper, Miss Pattle Cooper, Mrs. Bus
ter, Mrs Goodman, Mrs, Vnnduyn.
Linen Committee. Miss Alice Wil
liam, Miss Hal tie Hayes, Miss Minnie
Gibson, Mrs. Shelly, Miss Eva Locke,
Miss Alta Rnhlnsoti.
Decorating Committee Mlsset Etta
Beamer, Maud and Dora Coiqier, Essie
Robluson, Essie Tatom, Katie Wheeler,
Bessie Butler, Rosa Jones, Llllliin
Cooper, Winnie Morrow, Cora Sncll,
Eva Robinson, Anna Stockton, Laum
Irvine, Mlnda Shupp, Minnie Webber,
Gertie Fluke.
Cooper Bros, carry the largest stock
of hardware, stoves, tinware, Imple
ments, btigitles, hacks and carls smith
of Portland on the west tide.
(rnnn lh Hills.
)alla you r Just about
Cmnlng tniininnitnn,
lSin't iit nuratiitily'i pvac
lly clinging to Notion.
Irt at hv no angry strir
In nur hiiy borders,
lt us live in kindly will
lie true to munlry't orilrs.
OurvUlwnntliny do nw eoniplslu
That you am iUlts toriasntlng,
KreiHnlly In llnr't way
And mui'b of trad pruvvlillng.
Now this thing It must b sloiHd,
l'leaw lksHdvl(iiill kindly
Don't gel ngry, fret and taint.
And burry on so blindly,
Kor to build s new pour! Iniust
You k new wo srs not abls,
M Just isks this tdvlee
And lay llua lb table,
lullas, nunc nuw, and do nisk ue
l.l vp mi milk and hoio-y,
Jul let u ksru the Muiily' (tcuw,
And sImi kwp uur niouey,
Holier, Tnl sin! Melliw's
Tim will )ii b o'er,
Wllh lh sHiilt grUIng tired
And lb county getting psir.
Jii-ilf suit msiniiiuy
Is mint In win tlistlit)',
Whsn Hlinlwun dikes Imlit oriliswhmil,
W are bnuud tu have "l-'alr Play."
Monmouth, Or , May X, IWH),
Km roil Wkht Siiiki The editor of
the Jtrmlser sent out a challenge to In
dea'iid'nce that they could have the
use of two columns of his paper to ills,
ens the reason why 1 ndciH'tidence
should le the county seat, Wa did
not accept that challenge, hut did makc
personal burgitlu with him that he
would ubllwli anything that we might
write on the court house for two wicks,
but he would reserve the third bwuc In
full for the eilllwof lJnlln. TheqlUsllloll
as worileil In his ehullciigo was not bo-
fore the people, hence we could not dis
cuss that, but we did give him some
arguments upon certain question that
he did even attempt to answer, Bui
what did he do, Hcciianirod the words
so as to make It appear that the article
spoken of was written from ludeMu-
dence no tollht thinking thereby to
deceive certain voter making them
believe that no one lu the county out
side of 1 ndeNMidctice was Interested In
these questions, and In the second
article "The Lust Say" he changed
"argument" Into the word "assertion"
thereby virtually destroying ImiIi
article aud further we wrote "After
all there may is- more meu at work
upon Hint tramway thau we know of"
tills he at ruck out which is pdilve proof
that there is something about that
"tramway" that will not hear the
light. How is this for fair treatment
to IudcH'lideiicc? We suppose the
lUmittr think that anything I fair In
war even to shooting dowu au enemy
when he meets him under a tl igol
truce aa he did when we made the
bargtilu with him. It must be a weak
case that has to resort to such a policy.
What do the voter say ulsail this?
Ou Tuesday as per previous an
nouncement nearly all (he candidal
ou the county ticket were hew.
The towu was tilled with voters from
many different portions of the county,
aud the attendance was above the ordi
nary tu the oera house to hear the
uandldutca enk, to w hich the morn
ing wus devoted,
At 1 o'ctm'k Hon. J. H. Hawley,
chairman of the c anity central com
mittee, liilnaluccd Lydell Baker, ol
Portland, who adda-saed a large au
dience ou the record of the republican
party and the tarlff lssuc a from a re
publican standsiliiL
He was followed by Hon, D. P.
Thompson, the candidate for governor
of Oregon, He reviewed the state ol
the school fund of Oregon, also the
matter of lieu lands. Touched briefly
on the need nf hotter law on assess
ment and taxation; favored the Austra
lian ballot system and favored the
mortgage tax law being rem dieted but
not rtqiealcd. Favored the employment
of state convicts, that If not employed
they will become deranged. Mr.
Thompson then proceeded to defend
himself against thu attacks made upon
him aa being connected with the Ore
gou City liH-ks, owner of national bunks
and atts'klioldcr of the electric light
power of Portland. His remarks were
such as to appeal to the comin ti sense
of the voters present.
A Grand Program.
The new ting will lo ruined over the
Dalian public school with appropriate
exercise on Friday, May 80th, Follow
ing la the program of exercises:
Music Band,
Prayer Rev. Royal.
Recitation Nellie Webster.
Chorus "America" Public schools.
Address "Patriotism Should la?
Taught lu the Public Schools" SupL
E. B. McElroy.
Music Band.
Recitation "The American Flag"
Ednclla Cornelius.
Chorus -"Star Spangled Banner"
Public schools
Hoisting of the colors to ling stuff.
Presentation of flag Prof. Bell.
Acceptance of ling Prof. Bryant.
Remarks by Supt. Reynolds and
Music "Columbia, the Gem of the
Benediction Rev. Lultch.
Our Oregon Burehard.
Rev, Mr. LcRoy wits advertised to
speak here to-night, hut is not on hand.
Some time ago tills gentleman, who Is
now running for state superintendent
on the democratic ticket, in a public
address iu Portland, Is reported to have
said that there was "nothing biittln
and salmon lu Astoria." This Is do
elded ly complimentary to Astoria. Ho
ran for county Miticrlntcndcnt of public
Instruction ou the prohibition ticket lu
this comity at the last election and got
05 votes out of 2024. He probably wants
no help from Astorlnn, which has
nothing lu it, according to him, but
"tin and salmon," Atorltm.
You can paint the town red und not
use ColumhU Cottage paints, for sale
by. II. It. Putterson; but if you want to
give your house a durable aud glossy
eoat of paint you can't get along with
out them. All shades and colors,
Ladies and children's shoes at cost,
at J. L. Stockton's.
Ou Thursday afternoon, May 2Hh
the friends of Hie Bethel school assem
bled at the academy building and
listened to a very Interesting program.
Prof. B. F. Mu I key ha ls-eu very suc
cessful In this school aud hat built It
up to that during the past year he has
bad nearly 100 on hit rolls. Ue hat
greatly endeared himself to the people
with whom he It making his home.
Such tucccss at hi Is worth striving
for. Diplomas will be granted to twelve
who have completed the course, The
program was as follows;
Siihiiitory Mis Nellie Graves,
Oratloti--"Our Government," Char.
Scars. .
JCssay "Value of Knowledge," Kflle
Orntlon-"NaKltoii," M. E Ballcy.
Essay "Orlglu of Sih-cIc," Kale
Siiig-The Royal Roud.
Essay-"Heir Reliance," Nettle
Oration "A Journey Through
. SMieo," Win. Patty. j
Essay "Words," Cora Sagr. !
Essay "Our Public Sclnsil System," j
Maggie Smir. i
Etty"ComH'nsntlon,"C. Hawley, J
Valedictory "Personal ludcpeii-
deuce," V, L. Frailer,
Clan Address I loii. E. R. McElroy.
Song "Star of Descending Night."
Edltan'a Educated Doll and the
Lay Man'a Bellamy Room.
Every little girl will soon be able to
own a doll that really talks. Edlxou
una mauied an exhibition of his luUtt
invention nt (hp Lenox Lyceum, lu
New urk, and aiming the novel fea
t ii res are ten big dolls, which stand in
a row, and when a crank In their
baiks is turned they utter various
rhymes. One says, "Mary hud a tilth
lamb," siiKthcr, "Twinkle, twinkle,
little star," mid so on. The voices, ol
eours', are highly spiuaky, but the
words are plain. Another doll, In a
aciwrate part of the house give forth
with great distinctness, in a childish
treble, "There wasa little girl who
a little curl." A real perfect doll cai
now wink, walk, gesticulate, amok'
and talk. I he lulkilig effect la pr
duecd by the revolving nfu tiny phoiiu
graph cylinder set Inside the d li
Krtell doll cau sjs-.ik It SKHch 'M
Another feature of he exhibit Ian
chamber known as the Bellamy rKiiu
where all the comforts ami luxuries o,
the hmisehold are provided by eh.t-trleal
apparatus. The v si lor has meal-
served on a table which move out os
the way by elcclrlciiy. The cigar l
lit by au electric sjurk. Not d.irlng t.
go out to the thealcr, it being rainy, h
connect a telephone with tlie Caslic
and hears Lillian Russell in "lb
Grand Duchess," and getting tired o1
that he listens to Pall I lu "Linda" a
the Mctrosiiltan oH-ra liouse. Foi
intcllcctuid food ho turns a key and
hears a Ii by Gladstone or a
lecture by Goldwlu Smith. Desiring
to retire tie hear a prayer by Spurgeou
or Cannon Farrar, and rulllug Into bed
gets well tucked in and presses a but'
ton, which puts out the lights ami
locks all the diatrs.
The towu and country around the
Lucklainute fulls Is rupldly filling up
with a progressive, pronH'rolls people.
We found nt the plenlo Saturday very
many who are willing to tsi abused
even awhile longer, as they have been
by their rival Dallas, and not have to
go down in their poekett to buy t
comity seat. We heard a Dallas muii
remark: "These Fall City fisdsare be
ing humbugged by thinking they cau
iiulld a city here. They won't get
railroad here for twenty years unless
they build It themselves. The Idea of
asking f loo each for lots here."
There are quite a number of Inde
pendence and Monmouth people who
believe Falls City will have a railroad
hi lew than eighteen months.
J. 0. Richards, of McCoy, waa lu
town Thursday,
Miss Katie Wheeler has twelve music
pupils at the Rickreall,
Ladles and children's shoos at cost,
at J. L. Stockton's.
All the chickens In Polk county
wanted at J.D. Irvine's,
You can get tlx bread tickets for a
quarter at Taylory's bakery.
"Our Boarding House" at tho opera
house should draw a crowded house to
night. Tax or no tax? Court house or no
court house? Mcllce ur Simpson?
Which? "
Messrs, Hcnklu & Walker nave Just
received a very flue stock of Oregon
hams, bacon, lard and shouldci 4.
This glorious rain so much noded in
Polk county may be bad for thq picnic,
but It Is the making of the fanner.
J, D. I. has the best roust coffees In
town, and the only place where you
can get your coffee ground fiee of
Put this in your pipe and smoke it
that J, D Irvine will sell groceries
chcaHr than any house this side of
Oil! my Sally where did you get that
big can of baking powder? At J. D.
Irvine's. There is one und a Inilf pounds
in a can and tho very best.
Who said J, D, Irvine wanted money?
Not sol He has squuds of cash. So
don't weary uhout your bills. Ctiltls,
wa wa, mika lilyou chlcauian .
Mr. J, W. Phalon, representing the
Chicago A Northwestern system of rail
rouds.nnd Frank O'Ncll, of the popular
Northern Pacific route, were in town
on Thursday.
Thoso Columbia Cottage paints at II.
R Patterson's aro guaranteed to bo the
best In the world, and now that you
arc painting your house or baru they
are Just what you want. They come in
all colon already mixed,
, A new pump Is what you need, and
you can get It from Goodman & Douty.
They keep all kinds In ttock, thoy ulso
have a large ttock of hose and pipe.
Go and tee them.
Administrator Salt.
N'lTli'K la hoMif given thnl t will, tin
SHinrtUy. Mm Hill tlor f Juur, Isuo
at lUiM'liNfk a. in, w.ll ai (mimic mii'iimi at lli
rtMlilHiM ol hii-mii M"rwin, for t-li in
tisml, His fnllMWiiig ibwrllil reul ewfiit.. tj
win Oiip llirtM wrw IriM-t nf luiitl Uiuiiili'tl on
the fi'irilit-iiMt by rliflil of way nt Kiniut-m
WHrrlinuMiO)., ou lint ni,rib snd wtt ty tbu
tiri'in lw of mtlil iiiniitoiy, n iIih m-iiiIm'iwI
iiy iaml ilm'ili'il uy I., fth rsin 10 l("iiry i..i,. r
Slid .ili, oil lint xiinh uii'l H'-t by I he
firiiri nowwi'iipiMi ny n, ,i, lnivuii, .m.i...
liiMell sn1 A. Wlla.n. Iii-iiix a luirl nf I'. I,.
.'. oft', I', tkmk ami am- la I'.ilk i-.unlv, or.
s'n. aimi int. uieiivini'il 'i, iiii-r.t in in
following UwrllH il pn, ri '" km l'K l i."V-l'
clinln wil of ll.s MMiiltfftHt firiicriff elalin
No, l, No. il, W, J'i s. II I w, llifii.,.
north ii.iis.mi alislns, Hh-imw w! l-m
i'lmln. Hi. ii, hi imih III II.MKI rlinlll", llii'in
H.,41 IIJU I'llHltIK loll,,. ,HI'U 111 Ifgllllllllg
oililiilnliiK U. lu 1M vfm on. r or li'-. Tim
umiim tmliig Hie ir,iierl) of iCltfln Merwiil,
Ihiiiu by IIiii nrdis of tbw Hull. i, WniifTnr
Jinluu for Hi" Ouuiy Coiii't ol Hie Hliiln of
iin ioii for llifiiiiniiv of folk. May Mb, A. I),
WHO, M. K.MKliWl.V, AriiuliiUlrator.
Don't Go aff Defer You art Rtady,
Psrlli'iiliirlyon a long jitiniiy, ll fully im.
iri'inrml. Vou inmiol lie, 'ruill iw lu wiy,
unliwiyournra woniiunli-tl wllb lliiMimt-li-r's
slid lmirlr vinln mwiim l.i.ii'iir'
sioiiiiu h llltr, ni'i-i gmilul or iiiiitiiui-ii,
sii'lluiMllHira nod e li ra of iliKinilon,
ashiiibi wa airit ni'Mk. niMitiriii, i-rioii)w miu
uUn lMKoin-it ol Imilly i-tNi'dor tiuwliul4
niiiii fonil ami liniui.ii wutor, iiirvoiiMiua
InrrniiMiil by Iravnl, i liroiou bllnniiiiiiMS ami
noiilulf'uii, Itm llllkirs l a witirilin fiis
fiiilvr, if iiiiuri a n-ll-li lor l'l mil
lowi'llu'rlo vuiir mln. ui rnvi nii II from
dliuisrHliitf will, you. Never llnfsiicb
it i'iiIIhI Ihliiy for tlm uuiiiiiiiiiulf il ilii
who Miami In timet of IIki bent iiooki'ii meul
tlomai-lilii troufilti uoih'iI by 111 i.rrsriKl
vlHinliinlHniril nbiti.or kIi'iiiiiIiim.,iiih1 rullonr
hu-llly boltnl at railway rtMisurunls, Inmmiii
rtiiiii'tlltsl by tli InttefM, wlili'h Klvim a
iulnlti4 alu In rliiiiiiiuiiiii, kiilury imuliln.
anU IiiwiiiiiiIa. w
Two Train Dally Detwten Portland
and Spokane Fall.
Kfliititlv Mu lull, Mu, tint tiionn I'w ilic
Siin will ultiii two uuil Imim biww-u
I'liriluinl mi,l Him um rnlu. I'jUumb I'i.Ibui
4ltf0Minii,iMi Ksiliuiii4 l'U4ir oitfn W!ltbruQ
a-ifwiitiu I'lir.lAiiil .il aivj4iii4 l'ilii wiUimui
ibi nw smiiMmrt'iit will itfT ml bntli I icsl
uil Inri.uKU iiiwi.iiiui-i ml lii,ml nnil suur-
pttlMll Ilil'll tUM. I li.'h,lll, Ui-lnllil OII1V ol
mniii. loot fi'te'ist iiiiurmatiiiu. vsa Iw ub.
U4iim1 tiiKin ai Inisiioii lo any tii-s--i vent
tiun.n I'willa B)nti,n. I' W. l.K!'-,
S.ll Ouu l Hum. A. t riiiimni.
Ttltranr Fui. it D .tli. emlnoDi eeillitl wit
ttr. la bit work "Skin titwsun." ibiu tccouab
(or tlie pluipkn m (Himraou on tb but sud nock
EUn loo ilf b or too grrany too4. or too btrtj
lln wbllt the nireiorjr oigau r tlutflib
nam la mon kw,I ludlgmiloa m dyspepsia!
eoodlllOB. which (anion tho biuod to box kluf
glibly, which Is turn enfeeble tb pore, lbt
result ii. that tbeudiiit)cralloui block la lbt
pore, which luOam, e;b diitluct InDiimia
tloa belDg t pimple Dr. fo tbeielor do
not preerrih ' blood purifier" to called, but
"drupepul cere" to be ukon. to u bit os
vudi tiff Iki rfjipfpnol eyMifiniii savi iuap
yearrd." Tb old Ide wm. that far eruptioai
were rented by ' humor lu tb blood," loi
which ibry Ireiled Ibe blood, aflrlug the mineral
poib IteBct tb reon why the older mi
pirlllaieoauilu pouub Joy' Vegotiblt
Pirlll lollowi the modern ldr ol Ur lot and
tin wllb genu veotb(e tterader al lbt
touiicb od dlitl orgeat Tb imwo U p
psraul why II cure dyirspl od indlgeitioB,
ud Ibe ptmplee tad iklo emptloui which mull
tberefrom. ud why MnrtUu lhi oh bib
k'rvatM'Mi il 1 (J.!ts n f hU imjrtUni
4 n .- tllmmr f vtiifl first ttm in
I'll Ub' hf , .mlf. notDt.ti "In lrL4
A 'I - I n t bfi il c(f 1 hf ny at lh a.-
i . ' ho 4" ii U rf uflnit-il "a""
n a .ii ' n J 'Hk' Trt m mm o( Ham iiu
M - it' mt .bittttj 1ti
lit t ii .( tfti a h ttiHhU !iwnnt hp'nn
4 tr-t iM t fif (o lr. W.i jiubUit, it. 5
I "-" t t lliT ill, fliuli -Ua.
AUIiU.1 t I tKii b i tu tm.
p Uiot
An (tut tNs fAnt-wln,' wtit 0nrrit4itArU(hlt
ttf V 11
Cenr..l Agrntt for the Paciflo Coast
Mrs, L. L Whltcakcr, Acnt,
Independence. 6:2.l-l"t
Jackson's Rsstaurait !
Meals served for 25 cents each.
Ice Cream 15 cents. Hoard W.50
per week. Jfain St., Imlcptnidcnce.
The hlnlnwt ninrkel price paid on delivery
to Ki'Ibo A t'o., Main slrwl, Inib''nilrm-e.
Mr. L. W. Robertson
tins Secured Hie Hi-iurn of the Popular
For the Kvrnlng of
May 30 and 31, Ii.
At the Opera House,
The Opening Tiny will be tlia Lunch
ulile Comedy Kntllhul
"Our Boarding Mu-"
Oenemi Admission, TiO ct., llesei vi d scuts, 75.
The highest market prlee pnldon delivery
to Kelso A Co., Mil I ll stnnit, lmlepeiiileiiiHi.
Sneeessoin to I). Nash, Thlstli'in Isprepinvd
to fiirnlsh Hrlek inul Tile at UensoiiHtile ri lees
and all bills tilled with HittlKl'acllon,
I Address, Mt'lll'llY DESAHT, Hulwn, Or
A Famout Woman't Experitnct.
. CiiiCAUO, Nov. 18.
Mr. "Wisdom; Dear Sir. I bog to
thank yon for the delightful and re
freshing "Itobertlno" you so kindly
tent mo. I have used tho toilet and
proparatlons of tlio most celebrated
manufacturers of London and - Paili.,
but consider your "Hobcrtlne," their
superior In point of purity and excell
ence. Wishing you the unbounded
tucccss you deserve, I remain,
. Kalthfully yours,
M-9 V5
or ov'YNitlnr, nr tlie partaking of too rkih
and linJlifUlit.lo food. Is a cocnaion laneK of
diaoomforl and tnfwlng. To IrnauioMaMr
relb-v tb Koinm h arid bowel from mmk
Oirlolliiir, a full toee of Ir. Plerof-1 Pur
g.Hve l'i lli-l b tb bet rewrdr. Tlwr np
erata gcutlr, yet tborougklr ant without
grilling, nsusna. or Mhr unpleaasat erTxnte.
If the Un) frm Indukfcnn in auok Intoaaprr
t ilng h engt tlgeMion, wniiiagr
dypiMia n1 btllouowas, Ucnd with a
xiian of follnre or Moating fir eating,
ckioII tofigim, bitter or bad uum In moula,
In the morning, on arising, drowainisei afrrr
nu-ela, Inibmirlliabls frollng nf dread, or of
luip-wlliif ualanitr and brfs'hondna-tkea
ymi m4 to follow up the use of the " PelMa "
Will) tlr. I'll a (ioldra Nftdloel Dtanorerr,
to toil' uri the atoiauib, InolgiHuta tha liver,
nd eet all tlie prisma of digxoikm at work.
Whlbi ctinnir tinllif.-au.iii. It purine, the bbxsL
obianslng tho aju.-in front all buuiora and
btKMipoiaiiia no tnalu.r of what nairm or
nature, or from what oauee arWnr. 1 s-re Is
Biiililnir alinilur to It lu oosifxaillon or ap
pnn' lilna It In rreulla. Tberefim. don't bo
dii 1 and Iruloxnt tn taka mm aotwi it irto,
said tn b " lnt a gwd," that tue deaUVr
mur make a larger pmtt.
Manuiattiiod br Woai.n'a Diapcuaaar
Mtiiicab Assuaanos, Buffalo, N. If.
bv thn maiiiifarSnn-tw
of ir. Sai-,i' Calarrk ltine.lf. for aa liu-ura
fei uaw of Catarib la UN Used.
ladies Dress Goods,
Boots & Shoes.
Mens Clothing,
Spring Hats
ind Underwear etc.
mt Co.
Funeral Director
A full aud complete line of Iti
nera! goods always on hand.
H. R. Patterson.
IiKloptitHletce, Oregon.
Watches, Clocks and
L. M. Sloper,
M Mer and M Drier,
All Kinis of Fusips, Winiinill:, elc
For Kurt her Particulars, Enquire of or
Itulopcndeuce, Oregon.
411 12t, '
The dypiptlo. Hie debilitated, wheth
er Iront pxevas l work of mltttt Of
Donyt urink or exposure 111
Malarial Regions,
will And Tntt'a Pill the moat genial
restorative ever oltere! tlie ufflriugj
Try Them Fairly.
A vtuorou bmlr, pare blood, strong
Dorvu aud a cuueri'ul mind will reatilk
AU peraous desiring to have Uonsea or barns
moved or raised on their Inundations, will
Und thnt
arc prepared to do tho work promptly and to
your suttKiHi'tlon, Lea v order with I.. Kel
so. Prices reasonable, 4 2t t f
Baled Hay for Salt.
Five toil of choice wild oat hay for sale
prlee J18 per ton. Wm, M. MOlhon,
t 2t Near llyerly llrldgc.
The highest ninrkel prlee paid on delivery
to Kelso A Co., Main itreet, Indcpondonoe.
The ltidUuof the Prosbylfrian church
will serve refreshments next door' to
Irvine's grocery store Suturdny.