The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 30, 1890, Image 2

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E. C FENTLAND, Publisher
Gov. Pennoye,- received 27,001 vut
In 1888 while T. R ConwUui received
.4,t. J. K Hc-.tou reoslvwd 27-7 tn
the whole state of Oregon. Polk county
gave Pwuuoyor 818; Cornelius 707, and
Houston 138.
Dallas is spcudtng lots of money
on this election. How is she to be
repaidt The court house Job mint
be quite profitable. The ring will
mtctlce addition, division nnd
Did you ever hear of a4pltalist
moving into folk county because
the taxw were lighter than the ftd
joining oouuty'stoxcet Then don't
get the taxes up to more than 40 or
90 mills or they may move buck.
The Wkht Sidr is not pleading
for the interests of folk county ot
to-day; but of many days. The
burdens of this taxation cannot be
confined to one year, but will be
placed upon the people here now
and those to come.
If you want to drive capital out
of Polk county build a court house,
raise the taxes up to 30 or 40 mills,
and every mortgage in the county
will be closed, and capital will seek
more healthful fields to invest in.
Farmers this will effect you!
T. T. Bah not, once a store
keeper, refused a man credit for a
purse. Said he "Unless you have
money you need no purse." Folk
county has no money but wants to
build a fine court house and go in
debt for it The people should re
fuse to allow the sale of the county's
credit for such a purpose. ,
McBek would pose as a pro-
gressive man. He is no mossback.
The .crops of Folk county are not
looking as well as usual. His
plan is to help the county by taking
one-half more in taxes, put that
money in a big pile of brick at
Dallas and we will all progress.
This part of the county luw too
much honor to do this kind of
work. A U the republicans will
vote straight tickets except on
matters of local issue, Democrat
will do the same. While we do
not desire to see a court house
built; yet we hope alt honor will
not lie sncrifioed on that iwuc, as It
is rettorted against us by Dallas
Mends and residents.
u., ...J.J... -I ...... I
Dallas papers aw attempting to
deceive the people.
1st, That they waut only a f W,
000 court house.
2d. That Folk county is llmm
oially able to build a court house.
3d. That I. Simpson is a moss
4th. That buiUUiur a court
house will make times better.
5th. That money can be borrow
ed nt t per cent, ou county war
rauta. '
6th. That luoucy can be borrow
ed atull over a certain sum.
1 7th. That a courthouse will not
be contracted for this year if Me
Bee Is elected.
8th. That Mcltoe is a more
competent man than Simpson.
nth. That the county has fniuU-
to pay all demands until next
Will Mr, MeBee explain why
the county treasurer will rash no
warrants of a lutter dato than Nov,
I, l$89t We have had two terms ol
court si nee then, and the warraute
are all out for them anil the other
expenses of the county drawing
interest, and he would attempt
to make the voter believe that the
county is out of debt. Is ho such
a faithful servant of the peoples'
money that he would keep money
lying in the treasury idle ami the
county have 110,000 to $1.1,000 iu
warrants drawing Interest. Whieh
born of the dilemma will you
taket If yon have the money, yon
must be a fool. If have not
the money you must be a knave.
If Folk county expects to pros
per it must be by having an honest
and economical government. If
the county court has pledged itself
to put a burden of heavy taxes on
the people are you going to allow
the burden to foil ou roof If you
elect McBee you know the conse
quence. If you elect I. Simpson
county warrants will stand at par,
High tax en mean the greatest
hardship to 'the man who owes bis
neighbor and baa given security.
Money at ten per cent, and pay the
taxes, means only six per cent net,
when we have a 40 mill tax. The
lender will call In his money. There
is given In an Indebtedness in Polk
county for 1889 of $1,271,173. A high
tax means the pressing of debtors.
None of the candidates for county
offices will refuse to serve the
people because we have no court
house costing $100,000; neither de
the officers of the circuit court find
fault The taxpayers do not growl
at low taxes. It is an outside crowd
who are doing the grumbling and
want a new court house.
Statements are not arguments.
Dallas papers state that we are abund
antly able to build a new court house.
The people know that means as good
as our neighbors of Benton and Yamhill
oountiea No arguments can be pro
duced to show that we have, like they
had, over $40,000 in treasury with
which to commence building an $80,
000 court house. The taxpayer is going
to be on the right.side and elect Simpson.
The great kings of Egypt used
to set thousands of subjects at work
on immense buildings, not because
the bnildings were needed, but to
keep the people from rebelling,
They were to be so ground down
that they could not rebel. There
is a ring in Folk county trying to
impose oppressive burdens of the
same kind here. Will the people
submit tamely! . Elect Simpson and
keep down the taxes.
The Dallas papers are trying to
work on the people of Folk county
as though it was composed of a set
of ignoramuses. The people do
not feel flattered. There is not a
county in the state of Oregon
which has a more intelligent and
thoughtful people than Folk. When
it is stated that this county is out
of debt and has money to carry it
to next October they simply put
that down as a lie. They know
If you are in debt you cannot
afford to have heavy taxes. When
your note becomes due it must
either be paid or renewed. If
taxes are (as they must be if we
build a new conrt house) from
thirty to forty mills, the money
loaner will say, , either you must
pay the taxes or I will loan my
money elsewhere. How are you
going to pay that loan! Low taxes
mean easy times. High taxes
mean hard times. If you are in
debt you cannot afford to vote for
G. W. McBee.
Stobies are being circulated at
Dallas that certain candidates are
to be traded iu the south end of this
county because Dallas is going to
vote for them. ' This is not true. ,
Our state bus, si nee the creation
of the office of state superintendent
of publio instruction, been fortu
nate in the selection of mcu to fill
the position creditably. Among
those whose names have become
almost household words by reason
of their work in the office should
bo mentioned the subject of thit
sketch. Superintendent McElroy
brought with him into the office
the ripe experience of a successful
teacher, the practical teaching of a
like although minor position ol
county school superintendent, the
energy and ambition of a man who
is just entering the prime of life;
the love of the work inculcated into
him by his long continued con
nection with publio instruction; the
necessary qualifications of a success
ful business career, and the spirit
of progress whieh will iusuro iu his
educational work the advancement
made by other public interests.
He has held several honorable
and responsible positions In the O.
A. R. ami is an active spirit In the
work 'of building up the material
interests of our state. He served
as assistant inspector general in the
G. A. R. during the year 1887.
He served as aid de camp on the
staff of the commander-in chief
during the year 1888, and at the
lost annual encampment of this
state he was elected department
commander for the department of
Oregon, and is still serving in that
honorable and responsible position
He is now one ot the vice presi
dents of the National Teachers1
Supt McElroy now resides in
Salem where be and his estimable
wife are well known in society and
prominent in charitable works
They have a family of five chil
dren. The Supt. is a man of
great activity and practical energy.
His oftquotcd motto among his
frieuds is "work." He is pre
eminently a worker, and hits
high reputation for organizing
ability and executive force. He
has thoroughly organized the do
partment of publio instruction and
the influence of this organization is
now felt in every part and in every
public school of our state.
: Supt. McElroy has given a great
deal of study to the arrangements
and compilation of the school laws
during the last six years, and also
a great deal of work to the prepar
ation of a uniform system of blanks
and registers, for conducting the
public school business of the state,
The superintendent is a hard wor
ker and does full Justice to his
position, and it is but a fitting
recognition that Oregon points
with just pride to the results of his
valuable services.
As has been well said, the pub
lic school system is the foundation
on which was erected and sustained
this grandest government on the
face of the earth, hence no branch
of our common government more
deserves competent management
than that of the public schools.
The West Side has every reason
to be proud of its course in the
present controversy to-wit: that of
the immediate building of a court
house. It feels that it has done its Independence,
duty to the taxpayers of Folk
county in advocating their lutercsts.
It has called the attention of the
voters time and nguln to the con
dition of the couuty'a finances; it
has quoted from the records often,
and shown time and agalu that we
are now at thm writing, from 8000
to $10,000 in debt, with the Salem
bridge near $22,000, and that of
our own bridges to be added which
will swell our indebtedness to
something near $:)5,000 before we
can levy another assessment and
collect off of the farmer another
tax. We have shown that there is
but one way that Folk county can
raise money and that is by taxation.
Some of our county papers and the
advocates of the immediate build
ing of a court house have sug
gested that we borrow money, or
bond the county, and huve repeat
dly through the press and on the
stump attempted to blind the
voters and override the const it lit ion
and the law, and once again we
here quote from the constitution ol
the state of Oregon as follows: (Set
page 110, sec. 10 Hills code,) "No
county shall create any debts or
liabilities which shall singly or In
the aggregate exceed the sum of
FIVE THOUSAND dollurs, ex
eept to suppress insurrection or re
press invasion."
Now if this is the law as just
stated there is only one way to
build a court house, and that Is by
a tax at once; thus add our present
indebtedness with that of the Sa
lem bridge, now contracted lor,aiid
our own bridges, and the current
expenses of the county for the next
twelve months which hist year was
$48,000 and this year will bo over
$50,000 and then to make the pile
look like a chimney upside, down
place on top of t he heup a $100,000
court house. Voters how do you
like the picture! Yet it is just the
condition a few people who live in
Dallas are asking the taxpayers of
Polk county to place themselves )a.
Have we not stated this issue fairly!
Is not every word correct!
Then look at your farm of 100
acres; look at your own house that
you live, eat, sleep and have raised
your own family in, sec if It is as
good as the present court house in
which court is only held twice a
year and a few county officers oo
cupy only a few hours each day!
Then if you are ready to mortgage
your little home and defer the
needed improvements ou your owu
house, vote for McBee.
If you are willing to do with
your own old house that Dallas
m ty have a fine court house, vote
for McBee. -
ir your Darn is out ana your
fences need repairing; if you
tmuK it would be mora to your
interest to take what little surplus
you have after the meager supiort
of your family for the next score of
years and put it iulo a court limine
that is not needed, and let your
own improvements that ure very
much needed go, then vote for McBee.
Then when you have looked over
the farm on the outside go iu and
sit down and have a talk with your
wife. Ask her if she is willing to
put up with the old stove for three
or four years (of course you prom
ised her a fine range last full and a
bed room set, carpets, etc.,) but
wheat at 60 cents when the bills are
all in and the books are balanced
you show her there is not a single
dollar left, and your taxes for the
year still unpaid, and you would
have to take the team and go out
and find some hauling or cut cord
w tod, and she seil lutter, dick
ens, egg, eli., to i nine l ho money
to pay your taxc. 1 hen if si e
says "Yes I am willing to do with
out the range, furniture, carpets; 1
a:u willing to work Ihiee times lit
bard. Sell not only the eggs, but
hens, roosters niidall,t hat Dallas
may huve a new court house," why
then vote for McB.'e.
But if yon want to have jour
taxes ns light as possible; and want
your county llmm ecu managed for
tho whole people, and not for any
clique or ring, vote for Simpson.
If you think tho court house
good enough for several years, vote
for Slmpsou,
If you think we should Hint build
our bridge and repair our roads,
vote for Simpson,
If you wunt tho county to get
out of debt and stay out of debt,
vote for Simpson.
S"1 i
Hlmnie on a nutu who would oftur to
buy a vote, Doubly slmme on a nmo
who would inter to sell bis vote I You
see that bauiivr-the pruud Hlurs anil
8trlKw t ('mint those mars, then mul
tiply them by one mllllou and the re
sult will but ftetily rxpluiu the miinUr
of lives It has cost to purchase fur you
the right to vole I
ro THE
Wus there ever in your recollection such
Utile ns Hu m ? Hueli open violation of
the luw s, talk of bribery, broken promi
ses, oRlcim who do not keep their outha
with the eoilc, and yet the wple
have the remedy lit their owu lunula
Voters, III you t that yourUod-glvvn
Hunts ou next Monday are protected ?
Will you see that legal voters only un
allowed to vote? Will yuu see tlml no
nmuorset of meu are allowed to run
all our county?
No duubt on the day of the election
all kinds of minor will tie iillmil to the
eflVet that tiwlin are Mutr nmde In
other prectutft, and esjieeuUly will it be
sum that !mlcmlcme Is I null ng and
scratchldit Its tickets. This will tie the
object ami shn of ltalts on next Mon
day, ami now we say to the voter of
Polk county tlmt uosucli tliln will he
done In Imlcoemlciuv nnd that aside
from the Court House Issue tin vote of
I mlciendeuee Precinct will Ut aimlht.
Attain we say to the voters nf I'olk
county "1) not I deeelvi-d,'' but stick
to the main liwue ami fl;lit It out ou
that Hue.
With Its Home Office nt
(In (he Slate Insnranm Building,)
And brnncli oflh'cs lit FORTD AND, ASTORIA and ALBANY.
Has for sale a lurga list of Grain, Stock and Fruit farms, also City
and ftuburbrn property.
Tho OREGOff LAND company,
Was especially organised for the purpose of buying and subdivid
ing huge tracts of land, and has during the past two years bought and
subdivided over ,1,200 acres of land into 5 to 20 acre tracts. The snc
ces of this undertaking is shown in t he fact that out of 280 tract placed
ou the market, 225 have been sold.
We claim that ten acres of choice land in fruit, will bring a larger
Income than one-hundred Mid fifty acres of wheat in tho Mississippi
valley. We also make valuable improvements In the way or roaast
fences elc. We can sell a small tract of land lor the same price per sere
ns yon would have to pay for A Urge farm. Hnnd for pamphlets etc.
JL 1). ( OOl'KIl
Finil Grcceries tii - ttuiij - hi::i.
If (here everwss time It behooved yuu
to be up and doing It is now. If there
ever was a time you should demand a
fulr bullot mid a fair count, that lime l
ou next Monday. ' i on may want to
know how you are to huve thai. We
answer, attend the pols; see that none
but legal voles are cast uud counted
vtettr iiKiciN'micnce nave ueen ac
cused of Importing vote. And in w
oueeforall we Invite the luiwt scrutlui
ting lnvetltciitlon of our vol', We
have not got one Illegal vole toofflir.
We have not got one dutlr to ottVr .or
a vote, either legal or Illegal. V' me
simply sdvorutliiK the luterests of the
taxpayers of Polk county, uud we
would deplore the calamity to the
county, Mr, Hlmiwiiii defeated, than
see him elected by illegal Votes
Theatre ou Friday, uud Saturday
Itondon purple for spraying trees for
side at H. K. Patter mi's.
Miss Nellie Kmmett and Mi. J. A.
nuehaiiuu from Yumhlll ure visiting at
The only ilrst-elHsuiillcry Is (he 1X1,
Large usMortment Just received al
Cooper Hros.
The you iik lady whoso duiiclug
pleases all, will Introduce her steelultles
on Frlduy sod Hattirday In the Ilumcll
Jewell Company.
Miss Eva Peterson, stenographer for
Parke k tacey of Portland, parsed
through on Katun lay's train visiting
friends In Corvallls.
Will make the Pesson of 1S00, on Mnadsys. sud at W. liurke's, H(Hiver, Tuesday ulght at
Monmouth; Wednesdays and W. II,
InivIn' stabler, Dallas; on Fridays snd Msturdsys
at till Johnson's stables, Independence.
He Is a splendid lirljihtl sy. rising S years old,
weighs IKoo pound, with black front legs, mane
sud lull, while lil ml feet, with stripe down the lace.
Me has u flat Isme, with Ms of fine silky balr,
stands pi liHtids snd one Inch high, and Us most
iKiwcrnn, eonipaei. perrecl specimen of an r.ngllsli
More iiorxe, wiiii
psxt style son action. lie
wns ristlcii Ma;,", iwi, liml by Wm. Newton.
I'.wi., Newark-oii-Tn nt, Knulaml mid wss Imported
August, 1.NX2. Hliicelmportuthm, Lincolnshire law
yer received the following prises: 1st Oxford coun
ty show, hhu; 2nd, tinrelitsler Township Hhow,
Wl 2nd, London Western Fair, IHA'i snd ISM,
seven others competing; 2nd, Dorchester Township
Miow, ISM; !ft. Hjsvial and Bweeiwlake, Houlfi
Oxford KpriiiR Khow, 1NK4, 1st Hprlngtleld, ISM.
Lincolnshire lawyer Is a sure fd getter snd his
colts In the KaM have beeu sold for a nigh rigure.
A fnii-r,l in tin- Kiiitllnh SUM Honk, Lllmilnnhlra Law
fr, Nik tXU; Sltlro IIutm,, twy, while hnl, M ISSI;
limlrr, Win, Nrwtim, lIllUlUo Mount, Nwr-on-Trwit,
Knld; ulro, toi-lhoiiri, hwM-p, hay tKIAV. dam, Nuparlur
('ml Mur. Iwy; tlam'a all, I'mililral I.lnmln, bajr, fimsit
Mrltumrn hwm'n'a aim, tf (IWWi.lir aim iIVTSi. lMu:iIIAi(),
sci ir. uar: gift iiim-k; 1 1 ( I Howards
nay, (; arand-lw. Hay, iHKTi; g, hat.
. blat-s.
ns dnwesd-
Iwy; dam a aire,
air, bay, (; (randxlr, bay, iKSTi;
y. H'OOi f 1 1 1 1 1 1.I.Sm Ttualiipa, I
Mvllllmi I lull Llnrohiahlrv lwyr,bai
I U s c s. luiy
Mia alav ir
eil (ruin aiaite ot Hi bmt KtiIUb aluck.
TI-.KMS: .Insurance. $:o; Season, $i
.Mnttle Servire, $n.
Inuranr du whan III ntara la known In I allli l or
hna lmu lbvJUM-d uf or iiium-J i.ui ( lliamunly. Htsaoii,
Um' July lL aiilaarvk, due nt lime or mk
All rsrv Iskro to nrevant aocUlriil, bill ivpunll)lt ltr
JOHN LAKE, Cr-smi.
Dallas, Or.
ftlerGhant Tailor.
Custom Goods for Merchants and ethers recut and pres:d.
I will open monthly- aceouuls with Morcliauts at Independence nnd
Mouimmlh for reeuttin.
C STEEET, Opposite:?. O.
I lo cure
No. 1701, Will make the Season of 1690.
(,'liCHtnut; foaltMl 1H87; brod by Alfred Prenton,
HulI'olK, Kuglund; Imported IHHli; weight lMH)
His ; aire Wilson's S'lingourd (liU7);duni luvhcss
(1.H93) by (iurrett's Crown l'rlnce (fi(M): grand
dam I)epsr (7117) by Johnson's Goliuth (7V);
freat grand dam Jtrag; great great grand dam
Mamond by Orsy's Urlton (0ir).
The Celebrated French Cure.
la Soi.n mi 4
lo aura auv
illam", ur any
Ifmirilar ul Hit
,'iwmllvo or
auni ol altliKr
Ulna fniii, ih AFTFD
... ,,,..,, MiHinrfvnuii, over 1 lllll.
"Wk a IVihIii l',,w.,r, Wskalsl-'
iiw. HoarliiB ilcwn 1'aii.a hi ,a Hack, Samliial
Wrakiio.., llyaiarla, Servoiia l'r,lralln Nnrlnra-
n, i.,i-,, ii, iin-i niu'a, uiuiiieaa, W eak Mam
I fv'. J","' '"'iwarainl lmpotPii,-, wlilrli It hp.
i P. " V , 'V i."" !" li"sniiti oki am and iiaan.
It)', I'rlcal 1.00 ix,aboxe lor M,(X) b'ut ar
niao mi wimn or 1,1'lra.
A W B ITf KN b V A K ANTKK fortvary f&v
iinlar. lo rotund tlia monay ( a I'armanai,.
i'lltH IN lint ntWtMl. Tlimuat,,!.. ..f
,. i auu yiraua, or nun wxna, iwrinammt r
cured by Ariisnnmss. (!!rcular frw. Addraai
For isle b Buster A Look ,
VaaMBssTanlaM U N. Y. k)
auasna , XA. jff
WIlMin'a Vsiisusrd (l!K7)i aire Illdiloll'tCliuniiilim (1:10):
dam 1'niinton (fit).
niddi'll'HCIiioiipinn MW): alrn Allnn'i Allwrt (lfil: rtiim
by Cheater Kiiipnmr fltl); by NcwcuKtll' t'iiillilll iHII) by
I'lanl'a Cambrldga Captain by W. (',ilt!ni(lmm i
Horae (178) by IManl'a dark horao ilVX)) by llraily'a Hilton
(in0). H No. tfiO.
Allan'a Allwrt (IB); Hire I'ntrlrtKfi'a Albert (Wil.
i'atrlilgo'a Albiirl (D-'tfil; aim IIUHh'a Albert I2M); iliini by
Prjkea chaniplmi (IMS) by Muniford Cbsinjiloii (Mil).
Fabers Golden Female Fills.
TERMS: Insurance, $25.
Fnr Fsmsls trraimlar
lllaa: uoiiiliiiMlkalhais
on i:, markrt. Acwr
fall. Sin PMamlly ial
uy p cimlnont U'llm
itinnthly. Uuarsinuit
lo reltavs a ippuad
Don't be tmmbnnwli
Save Tlma, Heallh,
sno mouay ;ta uootk
sr. Hant tn any addrwi,
aacnra by mall u i
eaipini prim, in.oo.
7,11 Market Ht Ran Kranclmxj,
Adnilaalou Si renla.
On and lenrn how to avoid
diaeiiae. CmiHUltatlon snd
tii-Htinnit (wraonally or by let
ter on aperinatorlies or ffenllal
wcakne anntlslldlaesamiornien.
hfiid r, r bonk. 1'nvate oflle
lllllrarym, Conaullstlon IVw.
, II, OM"
Ms d Mt.
r. w.cuuro.
itMEl fay you
ChH and Jnep Oar I-nrgc Mi.c '
Ynr AtlHttlon In Illy TvlM to th Now ttWl
Wblch Fit oror the Carnm In web y m to bold tho F.n, Nn.
Punneli lectiwly togribw, nwklng It Impossible Pr Ourn.-m
to 0mii. Ato Foil Umo!
' .pjfpiajaaaaMsSsiBiasiaiaiasasaWiasaaW
Mcdo Ecpoclally for Our Trade,
Just Received Direct from
the Fectory.
debring & Mccormick
Mowora, - Horveiterc - and - Binders.
rj and
Freeh Dread, Pies and Cakes on hand
Every Day Except Sundays.
A Fuil and Froeh Stock of Canned Goods
Flour, Toas, Coffoo. Sugar, Dried
Fruits, Syrups, Candies, Ci
gars, Tobaccos and
All Good Usually Kept in
First-class Grocery Store.
D. B. TAYLOR, Prop.
LIVERY, r -.
Stock left in onr dire will 1 well nt I ended lo.
SFEcm E5c::ooiiios fob mwm. tiavelers.
School Book
-for sale by.
The Public i. Mt Cordially Invited to Cull d Prie Onr M
Selected Stock of Writing Papers, Tablets, Pen., Ink,
Rnlers, etc., also All the School Books in
Ve in the Public Schools. -
W : i : Safe : Mis
' B" 1i IMswvai
U I 1. "
Double and n mM"w
Single Teamsl ' u Y"W"L.
Fiwt olaMTurnontsforCo.nnie.-cial Traveler. .... A
BKiBincnon Oaamutecd. Give n8 a call
North End Main St., i N. tqnpc Prftn
TT , ' - i'-,- WI
Sin 4 JO P.O. Box 258, Albany, Or.
; WotsraBnutob. Bux27, Portland. o
rur aio uy iiualur lx-ae.
Bakers Addition to Independence.
Tlili Is roallv Mm uftt nnd most llcHlnihle TtnstulonnA Pnnurlv In . .
near Indcoendencfl. Bitunted between the city limits ami the town of fSlinn tWl'l:!!?' i ".'
Tiiirnncre. the Motor wne pawtinir inronca tins Acuimon on tho South ; rntna in..t favomgrantmi. caiiatti.
those choice lots and now is the accepted time to buy. We believe in
quick sale and small profits. We shall for a few days offer these lots
for from f 80 to 1 100 per lot.
nn7cn axle
Ttn waarloa sualMwara uaaarsaaaad, saiaaJly
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