The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 09, 1890, Image 3

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It now Wk Ilk rli
F. A. IVmty In lVrHautl Uil
week. ,
(M your buy wtm t IttoHliimn &
(umuH ytmr Interval nnd iwl toi'f
Urea, new ml ....
All kltt.lx uf Job print Iny done nt the
Wkst Sum JoliiW.
Ml Doll llyiir, of M.mtniuth, l
UtlS nt U lily hotel.
KlUhn MdVumlil, well known In
tills county, IUhI Ht North Ywkluu lut
week. - ,
Kcmoiulier Hut the oounty Uvtehor
llenie eurac tr Miy 311 Inlt,n-
In.UMMHloih wilt e iKrt with
Muuiu:n lu h.lulu'Jt ivlUr,U! on
Tli 'Ml Brattle unit Cattrou, of
Monmouth, were in town on Tiivwiny
afternoon. '
It. WhltoukiT h:u glwn hi ul
lory twu of utliit which much
tnirve it.
Southern' Oregon had quite lu'iivy
r.tlu torm Itint week. It wo needed
lu that aet-tluii.
V notice unite uuintter of mir In
tliutrtous luHWwIvtf are doing the May
The boy were
out testing the engine, h m ami new
nxule. Wednesday owning.
Kxputmittcrt J 11, Ford, liu re
turned to Independcuc. lie think
thai Washington Is over boomed.
X S i.i lay hol Uuii will be huKI
Mt Uueim VW on .Siturtlity Mny IT ill.
All ore Invited to tiriiijj tlulr Uaket.
"Give the devil hi due," but It I not
due Pallas U peuil over IliM.tWO of the
people' ut tney till your lu it court
h ixe.
Tin attention of contractor I called
to the ftdrarthmeut for bids lu till
twins to build the motor lino to Mon
mouth. It make four waiter huitle at the
City hotel to wait on tlu diner, nil I
yet our town will be twice a lively
next mouth.
A young ludie Ute ball club hit
been organised with Ml Nettle Cook
ft captain. Challenge ure out to meet
any club In tha tate.
Mr. A .MeKellar, from st. Paul, I In
dwu looking around mi l we under
stand hi alrea ly unle arraii;(cinont
for trm!ie.i!ly I'teatlng.
The meeting room of both tiro de
partment and city council urn now
Atitahed. We h ill dlurllie their room
t our reader next week.
Ttn wl." if cni I wl r Wi'lwter of the
Bout'iern 1'adtlo an I Mr. Norwood
Curry, of IVttau I, p :t a few haunt
In tow a on Ui Tue lay ,
Alleu lU-anier and wife with their
hMneh tl l k.U wrrlvel In town M
Tutiliiy. We undentUn I that Allen
will now in ike hi ho:iH hen.
Goodman A lenity Inwe more tlmn
dmibHil their Ktoek !uee lat netwoii
which mean they w botter prepare!
th'jn ever to u;ply your waut.
Ttie lay, tlu fl.iy of tho hor wile
w.w iuite lively our airwt. We
uotl -ed a nuiii'ier of the Candida' e in
Wrvlewiug and betiii? Introduced
Thl wrk Icam. (1 fl n ui A l uty
DCjotlatc I tlietilijofn ?Jnif mill
to a llnu which will noon ereft a tcaui
mill on 8 lit C'rtt'k beyond D dl.w
E.'eitn'jervlcelit'.om e'r.irc'ie
here vntil further notice will lie held
at 8 o'clock p. m. of 7-W Thl
in ilu lea the weekly prayer nivctliiK.
I Munpn, of Kewlsvlllw, H H. Wul
I.uw.of Siilem, W. I. JtcyiiohU, Ooo.
McBee. B. V. McU'iich, M liurch aud
many other prominent pennni were
in tow u Tuemluy.
Rev. N. Shupp hiw Ixfeu returned to
thu charge of the Evanllcal church
hi this city. Mr. Hhupp ha muny
Men I here who will be glad to have
him with theui unoihcr year.
Mer. Heuklo A Walker have a
bran new delivery wajron and the home
and Imriusware new, and they nay they
pie would want their gwxli.
are ready to deliver then) promptly.
Rev. C M. Hill, eeneral niMoimry
for Oregon, reprinting the American
BaptiMt Home Mlwilon nociety will
preach for the p tstor of the Biptlsl
Church next Sabbath m riilii and
County Comiuhwloners McLench and
McBee were in town on Tuesday and
meanured the bridge on the north of
town. They will not do anything
about ' rebuilding it until after thl
term of court.
R. A. Miller demnc'.tttio nominee for
congress and A. LeRoy the candidate
for Huperintcndent of public Inntruction
will addreiM the citizen of Indepen
dence next Katurday at 1 o'clock and at
Dallas at 7:30.
After this week Mr. J E. UavU will
stand his Imported li're Lincolnshire
T.wvar nt Mr. Blrk at Stiver, on
Monday of each wjek. 8:s the full
notl( of Lincolnshire- Lawyer clsc
whese In this Issue. ,
Those Columbia Cottage paints at II.
n Patterson's are guaranteed to be the
best lu the world, and now that you
are painting your house or bam they
ore lust what you want. They conic In
oil colors already mixed. 1
The main streets of Independence are
as clean as those of any large city and
r t.h nrlde of our CitiiWIIS. Last
Monday a general cleaning of streets,
alleys, backyards and front was com
menced, and all this weok the goon
work ha continued.
Some may wonder why Halern
will favor a Normal school at
Monmouth. The reason Is that now
that we have a free bridge part of the
trade goes to Halern . Huppoai ng Halem
papers flght our school what do they
gain? There are five Normal schools
In the state. Seethe point?
The block where the new school Is to
stand is .now nearly vacunt. II. R
Patterson moved tils house next to the
Evangelical church; Miss Macaulay is
located In her house next Zed Rosen'
dorf's property and both of Mrs.
Irvine's houses are on the lot south of
Mrs. Hosier's. The block is 815 feet
long by 204 feet wide and a school
house will show off to good udvantage
i'le fruit of Mil kind at J. IX 1',
J. IX I. hit th bet and largest sbs-k
ofgKKvrle In town. ,
rrvspKNH notice & cent eu at the
W.H MeFudden was the father of a
mmnelug boy Sunday wk g.
Preaching lu th Evangelical church
undiv owning only, by Rev. N.
fhupp, -
IdU, why dout you buy your
lur from Goodman A t.iuty? They
irtll warranted.
The only oKKdasiwillery I the 1X1.
Urge assort men t Jut tvcelv4 at
OKiper Rim. ,
I'wf, Rork dellvensl
ft lecture here
oil the great
last Tuesday pveulng
work which tho union
when It get In power.
party will do
ludcHndeiieo "iKKmiVa our Ital
ia conU'iiniorary ay, but our Iksiui I
uot deHnulent upon the oxpendlturoof
thounaud of dollar of tho taxpayer1
money, hidependenw thrive unit
own resource.
You ran paint the town red and not
use Coluuibli Cottage alut, for sale
by H. H. Patterson; but If you want to
ttlw your liuuso a durable an I bUksv
xt of paint yon can't get along with
out them. AlUhadeoand olor.
That mn ark that the county scat
wa like a hirse which Dalla owiuwl
may sound strange for the ownership
being claimed lu that manner. How
ever, If Dallas own tho horse the pro-
lr thing Is for her I to build the stable.
At morning noou aud ulght the
whistle of the saw mill, the planing
mill aud the brick yard call attention
to the Industrious worker lu the
several CMtabllshuieiil. We cannot
haw loo many such enterprise among
Mr. F. M, Gate, the teacher of the
kludergarteu and Infant school will
have exercise Friday afternoon, and
iuvlte the friend of the chol to at
tend In tho M. E. church Mouth.
she will give the ehlldreii a picnic
Corvalll I to oki the opera house
there ou Friday night A line troupe
of forty actor ha Uh'ii engaged at an
expense off I lot) for two nltu. The
Kvaugcllite compHiiy will play to
crowded Iiuum. Quito a luiiuU'r will
go from thl city.
B I). lU'km in, of Portland, will ad
dre the citlxeii of IndcHiiiileiie and
vicinity at the open hous4 ou Tuesday,
May aithat T::U p. m on the political
ssiiis of the day from a republican
standpoint. All are Invited and
especially the ladle. '
IXi not forget that a very few vote
may mean very much to Polk county.
If you elect McBve yuu vote a court
house txwtlng tli.nn.iii Is of dollar. If
you elect Simpson y.tu elect a straight
forward honest man who will favor an
economical county adiuliilstratloii.
Tho OWwz-aay, that hist year the
assessable property of Polk county was
a little over J,t,U')i. The tluresof
the board of KuallMtloii give It as (i.-
(WVtH, but then a dittuvmm of a few
hundred thousand dollars am itluU to
nothing lu a statement by that paper.
The tw days picnic at Independence
is goltig to be a big alfalr and the coin,
itiiitee report excellent progress. The
baud contest for ill mey prl.e on
Friday. Kulurday will Ihj de
voted to the teucher and the basket
picnic. Thw full program ha not yet
Issjn dwldtsl upon but It will be an at
tractive one. Further particular next
Dill.w p ise before the county u a
supplicant. Her waning fortunes
must lw ti ilstere.l up with an
court house, This U for the good of
Dallas, and Dallas is p wlng a the
whole of Polk county. Dallas doc not
pay all the taxe by a Inn-f way, but
the Is'iillt of these expenditure arc to
be given her.
The grand dedication of tho Norma)
ehaid take place on May 2:id. The
committee write us as follows:
All our committee are at work; the
?itte Board of Education I ex'ted;
beside other distinguished visitors; a
gissl literary program will le prepared;
excursion trains will probably be run;
and all are Invited to Join In a grand
basket dinner. W'e expect to be able
to furnish progrum lu full next week.
Albany has been the scene this week
of an exciting coutrovsrsy In the
Evangelical conference. Objection
were made to Bishop Bowman, of
Chicago, presiding. The conference
flnally.after much wrangllng.sustalned
lllshop Bowman, and Revs, Poling,
Hirsehncr, Locke and Bolinger, were
expelled from tho inhibitory, This
action Is final luutil the general con
ference In lH!)t, when they may appeal
It was rather cheeky for the Clatsop
county court to deliberately scale down
the total assessment one-third, but
Jackson county beat them alt. The
court, we understand, struck off from
the assessment roll over a million dollars
worth of property, and then had It
assessed by tho sheriff. All this was
done by a democratic court to avoid
state taxes. What will men not do to
cheat the state. Tho school directors,
however, are kicking because there Is
too little aehonl money.
Of course tho people of Polk county
have learned to believe every sentence
Issuing from the press of Dillas
The transparent He which are told of
Independence, may fill space In thejr
papers but they only further convince
the people that their desperate game
reoulrcs desperate remedies and no
tatement made by them can be rdlcd
upon. No ouo seriously thinks a $40,-
000 court house will suit as an anchor.
Yamhill county Is too near us, to have
it history forgotten so soon.
On Wednesday afternoon the big saw
mill cut Its lirst lumber. The engine,
the big bolt, which cost $.1 a foot and
all the machinery moved off smoothly
aud without accident. After slabbing
a log, a second cut was attempted when
an Iron dog left lu the log by the
loirirers cauirht tho saw. A streak of
Are blazed forth. The bltf engine
puffed and labored, and finally the
steel pins holding. the saw in tne mm
drel were snapped off and the engine1
went ahead. As there was quite a
number of spectator you may Imagine
the' scattering which ensued. The
damage to the saw was the bending of
uuite a number of teeth, but u tncy
are Diwton patent, can be easily re
Hot and dusty.
Grain and gras growing nhvly
Oh! Id him go Virgil .ho will hurt
you Oh! let him go-Mollle.
Several from hero attended tho horse
nalulu tndcKiuleiiie Tuesday,
Mr. Sam Martin tin been shipping a
lot oriumlKr to Portland and Dullu,
Mr. J. It, lllltlbraiid wa doing busi
ness In Independence first of tho week,
Mr. William Steele and sister atten
ded church lu independence ruuduy
mom lug.
E. MeLalu, of 8uver, ild thl place
a flying vUlt Monday ace impaulcd by
hi wife and children.
Rev. Parker will preach at the
Elk Ins' ncIhhiI house the third Sunday
lu thl mouth at 3 oVl'k,
Mr. John D, Harris Huntl.iyed lu the
vicinity of Suvcr. John ha a good
deal of attraction uver that way.
Mr. Kirk Kerullbrd returned from
Portland Halurday and Mr. M. Kcrulf
rd will get home hi a few day.
Mr. P. Hililhmmt shipis-d ihshi
pound of dried npplcs to Portland last
week, lie rculltcd lot cents H-r pound
for them.
Born, to the wife of 11. Hoskluon
May lid a Hue 10 pound Isiy, Mother
aud child doing well. Htraiu weara
bnwul summer smile.
We have lsn looking for our road
ui'rvlor for sometime (ur rvuuU
utssl eonldcrable work, and If they are
uot worked mkiu (lie gmuml will be m
hard wo cannot work them,
Politic are the main talk. It I a
Mettled fact that the main Mil will he
for tho commissioner. Mr. Simpson
will undoubtedly carry thl (wrt of the
county by a large majority, Mr.
SliuiMoit I a man that who been ac
pmlutcd with Hit county' bus! tie
for a nu mber of year, and had we uch
men In office a lie Is, Polk county
would be better olf tiwlay. Cant your
vote for sliupou. If you vote for Me-
ltir yon vote the burdensome taxe for
twenty yrara or more.
C, O. Bur-ill's, of McCoy, wu lu our
city last Tu s lay,
Nat Hotmail, 'of Dtdlu, wa lu this
purt of the otHinty but Saturday.
Allrt "uvltt,of Fern Prairie, Wash.
Is visiting hi iiiottier, Mrs, M. J,
Cavitt, s
Ml Dra Walker visiting her uls
ter, Mm. Dr. D W.JidVb, ofSnlelll,
lilt1 week. 1
Rev, Win. Cty4i I"illl preach heio
next Sunday at II if ltHika.m. All
invited to attend.
J. dill Walling, of lJicoln, ha been
very low with pueiimofaa He Is much
ts'tter at thl writing.
Fred Toner, of Dallas.Uu teeti ilowu
hero for a visit uhl eiii. Hero
turoisl Tucd;iy iiiorulu.
Mr. ami Mi. (J. T. Will were veil
ing Mr. and Mr. Audjj deforth mar
Dallas during the lattxn wrt of lact
We are all fond of
wiiiittheiii atralght. WevuitnoMe
attached to tlicui. One Mi l enough
In our county court. I
Wo would recommend Mo Yamhill
butter to the editors of to Ialta
paH'r ou the court house iluilon. It
might case them up aouieah,
Ira Smith, our.enicleut sbHii; was
In these parts oil olllcial l'4-i,css last
I'humday. Ira I one of tie lst
sheriff Polk county has evcnlid.
Hon, Gisi. K. Slilel, of SbUa, ban
liei'U visiting friend here t past
week. Mr. H. Is the man fu ImmiI
Dan Logan In the eoiijjressilut race
in Ihiio
It Is boet that all who co to ut
tend the iiicinoriut exercise w bring
along welt filled basket as ii.t,sket
dinner will be one of lb main fnliires
of the uccasiou.
Hie union party lias a gooavpro-
sentatlvo ticket In the field. V "So
banker." Now let the tho den rats
support It as tiny can't elect tlieb no
way. J lero is a ciianco tor incuui rt
form ami vote a clean ticket.
All who are Interested in the
terv at tliis iilace arc requested tulLvt
at the church Saturday at 1 o'clo p.
m for the purpose of cleaning anil
lug up the same, Let everybody nip
In this much needed work.
A Mr. Rcdwinc, of McCoy, hue
ken the contract to carry Undo SaOs
mail for tho next four years, cotiinie.
lug with July 1st. Mr. Htov.ill na
been very faithful tu his duties. M
Itedwlnc will have to russlu to bt4
Mr. Hiovall's record, I
Geo. W. Walling, of Oswego, Orcgoi'
an I an old pioneer of 1W 1 vlsitlu Music by the liand.
friends liMiur city. Ho states that thi Spifch by R. I'. Boise past master of
flood of thl year was two feet hlgheR1''' state Grange,
at his place than Iji lSilt. Ho lost Music by the band,
of lii household g i thl time and! HKtsdies by members of Oak Grove
almost his house. limngo.
Mis little Abrams, of Lincoln, was I mcmLers ofSaltCriick
badly burned last Sunday night aashe
ts)k a candle to her room to read by
She fell asleep and the bedclothes
caught on lire burning her back nnd
side badly, but uot dangerously, Her
mother bad her hands burned nearly
to a crisp In trying to save her daugh
ter. ,
Will Dawson has been visiting his
mother; ho returned to Portland last
.vlonday '
Tho seniors finished their . exami
nations Wednesday morning, but their
grades are not known as yet.
Wonder why Pet and Culllo dldti.t
come to society Friday eve? Calllcsald
she staid homo to play the "deuce. "
Bert L. Lucas, look his depurture
Saturday for his European tour, Ho
will bo too large fur Monmouth when
he returns.
One of my old fallows came to see
mo Sunday., (lie ' brought has wife
with him) Pet.
John and Stella Umphlotte, have
returned, and they say there Is no place
like homo,
A gentleman whs heard to remark:
"For the ben lit of a certain young man
lu Iiidcsjiidiince I will publish it lu
the paper, that t am not running Mr.
C'. boarder.." ..
Mm, Pupplelou, of Portland, Is vlalU
lug her lster, Mr, BihIwoII.
, Bob aud Chester mum (lie street on
Sunday In each other couiiuy, Ilu?
day for some unknown (?) reason
Their only solaco I a purusol,
t think t wlllcorreMind for the Wiwr
Sunt, It will beo much fun and no
one will find It out. L. B.
Prof. R'Kirk gave a very Interestlug
Usturt lu chttH'l Tuesday nioriilng on
thewibjwt "Mental Sclcneo.". He Usik
kuowludgo a the bast and showed by
example how love, faith hoi, with
work and reward, wero all deiHuideiit
iiuni knowlislge,
I lie couple whu haunt tho grove
every afternoon are a as a clock;
they mow with the sun.
Chancy Forward after lit long and
severe Illness I at Inst able to bo Up,
WbIhiik' soon tu have hint lu uur
midst again.
Saturday eve, the ban l wuiumdeil
ilm town and Sunday nfternoou the
Isiy gathered a large crowd on CupldV
Knoll, eager to listen to them, Thl I
the tlrst time I icy have given an open
alreomvrt this year, and tho Improve
ment they have made I a surprise to
a I
Cliiii'lie siy he I not am li a big
Isiy a he used to lw, but may bo when
he learns to ride the byelclc ho will lie
all right.
Don't forget tli eelcbrall i'i on the
A'ld of May, and everylssly do their
part to make It an event long to be
rciuimUrod. '
I am mi mad at that stage driver I
could choke hlmCall.
She-My Up are awful oro,
He -So aw mine, arc they not?
Slie-Yiw, but they dout come up to
Monmouth 1 to have a new rvstaureut
and livery table, Tho livery table
will U Ilulshed lu ab-iut two week,
and the reslnurcnt I tu ho oMned Sun
day afternoon.
It I a sluiuiii that a placi like Muu-
im nth, with the name of a town, should
have such ldcwlk, For tho repu
tut Ion of the town they should be
lixisl at once.
What I the matter with tho boy,
who joined a isrlety. "For the pre
vention of getting left," Something
must lw wrong for stilt they get left.
At the lust meeting of tho 1'nlk
County busliies coii iell P. of H. held
with the Silt Cr.'k Grange No. 1UTU
wa aghssl to hold a grand Grunge
J. C. White president of tli eouiiell
apsiliitcd G, Hubbard, T. L. Butler
ami J.M. Dettnl as a commit too on
liMMitloti, The comiultti'o diH'Idisl to
have the picnic at the public park id-
joining Ddlas. Said picnic wilt Is
held at said place on Friday and S.itur
day tlie tlth and Till of Juno,
President White appointed us coin
mlttee of arrangement and program
one from each Grange In the oounty a
follows: Me. M. D sliu, of Salt ('rwk
Grange; G. Hublmrd, of Oak tlnivi
GmngejJ D Ctlltwissl, Pleasant Val
ley Grange; B F. Smith, of Moite
Grunge; P. W. Haley, Oak View
Grange; J. Simouton, Dalla Grange
The alsive committee met lu the
oflleo of E. Frlnk lu Dallaaon Friday,
Jd day of .May jind adopted tho follow
ing program.
Jas. Simouton, of Italia Grange, was
eliH'ted prtstldeut of tho day aud Jiw.
Ih'inps')" view president
First day Friday, Junefl, IStiO.Jas
Simouton Master of Dallivi Grange and
pnstldcul of tlie day calls the meeting to
order at the hour of 10 o'ebs'k a. in.
Music by tlie Dullu bras band.
Address of welcome by J. Simouton.
Reading declaration of purpose by
Dept. Master J. D. Cliltwissl.
Music by the baud,
NiNinaud dinner.
AfternisMI !:! p, III.
Music by the band.
Address by John Simpson, lecturer
of Oregon Slate Grange.
Music by the band.
Ssss'he and essay by nicitilicrsof
Oak Vlewdraiige.
Music by the bund.
Spwhe and essay by Mono
.Music by the band closes tho picnic
for the first day.
Second day Saturday, June 7th.
Meeting calltd to order by President
Sliuonloii at 10 a. m. ,
Music by the band.
SKHchc and essay by members of
Pleasant Valley Grange. '
M lisle by the band.
Address by State
Noon and dinner.
Afternoon 1:30 p, m
Master H. E,
Hpecchcs by member of Dullu
Music by the baud whloh closes the
(nice picnic at Dulliis.
I'Voryhody is cordially luvltcd to at-
I the picnic and bring their boskets
llllcd with provisions aud have a
Jolly time.
e grounds are fine for camping
i"iv will Ik) a tirangc meeting at
ii'k hall on Friday night at 8
p. in.
Mo. M. Dodson,
J. D, CtiiTWOol),
Oon p0 0ff Bfor You arc Ready,
PsrtliftiVn a long Journey, lie fully pro.
prvpait yu ninnot b, ;iormlt ustesny,
nal(nw),ir ftP8 n(.(j,i)piinle(t with tlie tmvo.
L",r " "t ourlNt'a vail nimaun, IIostcller'M
"'"''"'"llllliirs, most aoolal of apiwltwr,
nmilliiiWi.n, Bllj proiuolers of dlgusllon.
AHf Hlekatiss, malnrla, ni'limps mill
willm uMitiin of tmilly uooked or unwholiv
ii)i(i l': uikI hratilsh water, nervoiismws,
lliereiVMin,y tmV(, (.hrolild bllimisiiiws suit
ooiih Ip aii, n,8 miiurs Is wivdrnlmi pro
v!'.""v.'!i linimrts a relish lr Usui mil
aiinRKMin, yilr tnstn, nnd prvenu II fnini
aiHiwreei Wttl mli n over was there such
swipiuij,,,, fl)ru,0 uniiirliiiiiile dyspept lv
who sliuiOii, lWmii i t)(,Hl 0u(l imml.
loiuii.niiiC.ulla ,,ftllm)l Dy in prepured
X hi ii T'lulilp.orHieiiiiihoats, nnU ration
nasiliy iiii ui. i-ujlwav ruslauriiiils, Iswkiii
rommlleilU ,hH mt toi-M. which alves H
11 I . I ...t1" riiwiiiiaiisiu, kliliiuy uiiubhM
mill InsoiiU,, ' w
I'piikikT for Toonts each, at
fruit FarmfMlnlngTh RaiU
roaiTli Growing Town.
Ruliica called tho editor of thl
iHtiier almost as far south a tho north
ern boundary of California Inst week.
Tho trip wo miido lu no short a time
that few of our friend missed u. We
left hero ou Friday and nt several
hour In Salem, At seven o'elm'k we
boarded tho south bound through train.
Tho distance to our destination, Med
ford In Jackson county wa .'70 miles.
On Saturday morning at 10 o'clock we
reacheil tho end of our Journey.
Traveling In a Pullman sleeper I
vastly different from the day of stage
couching which wa required only a
few year ugo; but tho exiMUisoof build.
lug tho rallr.sul ho Ihtii euorinoiis,
There are several tuttnel, one of which
I 1700 (Vet long. Cow Creek canyon
where the Immense slide occurred 1 an
object of ikhIiiI Interest. Thl I a
rm-ky canyon extending thirty or forty
mile, and the road wo built along uu
Icr tho edge of the mountain. Lost
winter a slide came ilowu and dammed
up tho water so that a lake wa formed
twelve nine mug, an. i over two nun
I red feet deep t' inter thl water wa
the ruilnsid track. When the water
wushed out the dam, tho torrent' rushed
lown tho canyon aud carried tho dirt
and gravel with It, aud ulso washed
out several mile of track. Over eight
tulle of new track wa built. In one
place tho water run through a railroad
tUunel which ho been tilMiudonisl.
Some of tho rul.hKid wa washed forty
mile down st real II.
A small (riam called Bear creek
nmptle It water Into Rogue river, and
tiio valley on each side of till I the
farming country which i o noted for
It inugulttcleiitj fruit, lu this valley
I Central Point, four mile further,
ilcdford, aud fourteen mile ou Is
Ashland. Five miles oil' tho main Hue
I the county sent, Jacksonville, Around
all aide of till valley are timber cover
ed mountain, noiiiu of them covenil
with snow. Fruit raising Is the prlncl
al Industry. One man, Mr. Whitman,
ha two liunMred acre in fruit. The
lull prislnco excellent wine graicM.
I a town of (wo thousand pis. pic.
It has twenty brick building, and six
more w ill lie built thi summer. The
illy has bonded Itself to the amount
iffli),uoo and ha a water ditch from
lloar creek; also a U I, it) w i.r t -r
to which water I puiii,.". by steam
and the city supplied with tvuter. The
Illen are very anxious to have a
motor lino built to Jacksonville, dis
tant five miles, and a twenty thousand
lotlar Uitiu ha Ihcii ralwd but no uue
ha agretsl to build tho road yet,
Jacksonville ha 700 a.siplt. The town
of Me. I ford raliMsl a bouu of four
tliousatid dollar aud has a neat three
story steam flouring mill of loo barn Is
cipaclty. Tlie town i only six year
if ugo but bid fair to !' (tie largest
town in the valleynow U'ing second
only to Asiiliind.
Ou Monday we accompanied a jwrty
to tho liydraulio uiliusi sis.ot fourteen
mile from Mislford. These mines U-
mg to the Aukeny', who for year
lived opposite Indciicudcuce. It is
wild, d.woliito oouutry. lu a dis'p
Canyon are tho mine. A water ditch
twenty-six mtltsi long winds around
the mountain and seven hundred feet
fall can be obtained, although iiulv
iltsnil four hundred fivl can ls used on
itissimit of tho till- bursting. The
water I brought In tweuty-two Inch
plpist, which are reduced to eighteen
Inches and thl Is forced through two
Uozli s called giants, one seven inches
aero and tho other six. It 1 a grand
Ight to sco tho mas of water (ly
through (he air and sir ke tho gravelly
bank and tos rock weighing bun-
Ircdsof pounds as though they were
hip of wissl. The dirt laden water I
led Into woodcu sluices and lu the
crack between blocks of wood the gold
settle. They are taking out from ( 10,
iKK) to tM,(KK) a month. Tho ;mst (hrec
years, on account of scarcity of water,
tho mine, which cost fn,000, have
not paid much, but thl your promise
niiike a profitable clean up. The
work gmt oil night nnd day during the
whole mwion. Mis Dec Ankcny, who
it tended school at Monmouth last year,
I there and has taught a school for the
past nine mouth, ("apt. A. P, An
kcny who once owned a five thousand
aero rami across tiio river front here,
nil owned the New Market block In
Portland, which he sold for fJiVHK), is
there and Is very far from being strong
although ho gi out each day and
iierliiloiid the force of twenty-four
iiien mostly Chinamen. It will take
three year to finish sluicing out the
available land and the richest hind Is
ust being entered upon, People who
Invest hundreds of thousands of dollars
and stay out lu those mountains, de
sire to Ihj liberally paid, and we ho)'
that the exacted wealth which Is tin
ier tho ground may bo reached this
year a is expected.
Jackson county produces over half ii
million dollars worth of gold each your.
The Ankcny mine Is the largest lu the
county. During the floods lust winter
over a mile of Hume was destroyed, and
eight hundred feet of piping la'slde
burying two giant under eight or ten
feet of rock. The rwk Is hoisted out of
tlie gulch by mean of an Immense
. The railroad faro from Buleni to
M-idford is $11.04, the cost of a PulU
man berth is .')0 and the lunch on
board coht from 25 cents to $1 for ouch
person travelling. . ' ,
In Mvdford we met a brother of our
J. V. Demurest, who Is a dentist there,
also Dr. Plckcl, a relative of J. W. Bus
ter, and at Ashland John Cooper, a son
of J, R. Cooper, of this city; ulso a
brother of T. J. Bears,, of McCoy, The
last years' dry weather worked a hard
ship on both fruit raisers and miners,
but this your the outlook is very en
couraging. Modford has two or throe
hotels, one of which is brick. We were
very favorably Impressed with tlie
country lu Jackson county, and during
tills month the hills arc green and the
scenery grand. ;
II, R. Patterson has Just received the
largest and finest line of gold, silver
and nickel watches ever brought Into
Polk oounty direct from the East. Call
and Inspect thorn. '
Tlis vullim men ofonuiity folk,
May Willi llielr prajnn Jim now tiiY"k,
Tlml mini htith Uhim they mny lw Inn,
Aait llv In fiumvM unity, , ,
With ballot iii lu mir rigid haml,
rta'h voter in list lake honest niuhit,
A nit east II for wlml lie ilis-ma 1 1 if Ih.i,
To put Veveil ijucalloll wsill til nl.
For in murl liouw minis Kill cry,
To aciiiijll.ti which all Iju ili-ly,
lly lusik orerook tlmy will Imel on,
pp'MliiK volers frown Up iil,
Now honwii voier wimi's your ill
Aw you in.r .) tot-Mit iiiiiiiii
TobulSI auourt lnmf ul Co. Imi
Tlml llnllm limy sppistr uiulluiv,
Jusl l ii. Imvnsn Inmost eon n I,
Uf ay ml ins iisiii that ihil,
lly thai Just moile UH all itcolih',
lly lis ilisttsloii Hum ui.iile,
, f KiHwrei, posr,
Ou Tue lay a very large numU'r of
h re buyer were lu uitciidunco at the
sale which bs k nlacc here, J, G.
Crouch, of Monmouth, acted as auctio
neer, and the bidding wa (pilto active.
Twelve mare were sold at tin average
prliss of over f:K, The lowest price
wu and the Id best IVS. Minnie
wascnlhsl off at f'UNi, the black slulllon
atSlMW and tho Shire at timo, The
following art) the purchiwers!
Ftora-J, D. Murphy, $.W5.
I 'idy Dougln--J, D, Murplif, :.VS.
Jenny Wren John Slump, fVi.
Nctllo-Jnhu Stump, ..
Wlllowgmvo (liltvn -Geo. Rowclllfe,
1-10. .
D illy-Georgi' Rowclllfe,
Jenil Inglow-H. W, Cottle, Sitlcin,
Stretch- E. P.tUInn, ll'iO.
Gypsy-K. P.GwIiin.Hi;'.
Butte -Win. Jone, fVI.
Maud-C. Lawreuiv, f-'J'i.
Mollle-Johu Stump, f.'i'.. V ,
It I considered that some excellent
hints! has Imvii brought into Polk
county and tho pri wero ipilto
reasonable for that class of stis'k.
Notlo ta Contractor and Bjlldur.
Misiltst proktrBls will lw rss'tvi.. for I Ii" will.
Ii ii. 0. ill ot s two l,,r.v hrik l.o , J . 1 1 u ,,r lliv
ino.'ts.otii'tiiw i,iii.ioio luoik st iioli-pt'it'
linos', i irejuoi mini -tuioniiiy. May liili, li,
llielHsun so l i . iiiuhii o m i ll ill
tin. bs, Tiw tllii ill IH-WI Bll noil sll hilts
in rwrvii.
Administrator' Sal.
NtiTII'K Is hereby glvmi lie
sulorilxr. li I IMi dc i,r ,
llnu l will, on
J .no.. I sua.
l KloVloa-k u ill, ill puhllp ulletloll si I lie
n.i'U'ii'S tu .Mrs. ntii,o ti.'rwiii. ,r rei-li 111
hsiitl, Ilu fwllowlntf tltrilir! mil mime. to.
win (Ho. tlms. s.'re irset of Into iMioioleti on
lliv tiorlh.H.t by rllo nt im" I'linnro
sri'iKiuao t o,, on tin. nonli ml wmi by Im
ii. iiil.. at Hit 1,1 i.inov, oil tlm oiilliul
Hllll snn, on llo, oMiH uotl wn by She
liv lioul tlts'ile.1 hv H llerwiii to lltuirv H niH.r
iroi.ri.v iiuwoeeooM by U. M. Ion nil. M. t'
Itowll so i A. W ll-Hl. Ik In j ii ourlolll. 1
I', of I.". I'. Osik suit wile lo I'oiK muiiiy, Ur.
rill, Ali lb,, uii'llvl.l,. t tuiemil III lb
illowtlig ,ieerOU prHrf,v lierfOllllH ll.77.liU
elootiK titMl ill II, i NitiMbeMSI corner of eUlol
.i,M,w Mi, 31. Zl, 1 s, it 4 w, lli. u.
,,..rll. II 'H1.1,K1 .....I... .1........ ti " l,a,
cliulln, lli.-o.H. a,. ,1111 lli. l ll eltnllls, Ibellisf
HslK,wliw rlisliia IhUoj pi, of Iii uUhiIiih
nonlttlmtof ll.iu l,o , r in .( or to. i lu
sins luaiuj Ilia pripuriy ut ISJwIn Merwla,
Ii mio by lbs oriler of the Il-in.J.lnit!l.r
4n,li( for lh I'ouoiy r.uot , ilio isiuie "I
tlrej.ill lor I he coin! r ..f I'olk. Msv till, A, U.
M. ti. MI'.ltWI.N,
a '.M. ii
Colonljt S:pr to St. Foul.
I'liiniiiPneinu April Id, Ilm Ctem tVifip,
'I'lM lllfrloot liii.o,,." will fun n lHpil,,tl
ulin i'ol(mit rr tnnv t'ortlaml tu St,
I'alll, with"UI nieillM, louM r.Mllco l
lalsystilu. ra.. arrmthi M. I,ml folluw
ms Mua,ly,
lion Will lw nnl bi Willi m .Ufw"n. tut.
lows, bnl.lunt. (HKtiiins n I hoi.. neelinni
sinuK nuililiu lo In-lurnilii lijr llw iu,
mw, ami wilt lw lu rim n- ot s uiiiioruKsi
ll"Hh o.m i tin, nry low rnlsot
M l-ir su tiiiimr or low.r Uotiblti brtk trmu
CorlbtAil to St. I'snl.
I'nwiinn, IioIiIiik tourist, Srsl cliwi or
'eottiUs l,eit.-t will li. ,.rroHl o, tl,a mir.
I"ir ISitfM. Ihr.itl.fli tO'ttlil. Mt.M.,up,a ,v
il.i4il4t Ollortiut.ou, S,ly In Mm teviriMl'klt
i i ni.m fiituHii nr I . W. l.r.h,
IIpu'I Cttss. AttLt Ctmlstiil.
FWi silt, h'siks and lines any
kind, and lots of tlicui at GiHslmau ii
Donty's. ;
J. D. I. has the btst 1'jast coll'is- in
town, and tho only place where you
cait get yonr cutl'iv grouud flee of
Who said J, D, Irvine wanted money?
Not so! He has squads of cash So
don't weary about your bills. Cull!,
wa wa, nilka hlyoti chlcaman,
Goodman & Dotity have a few or
chard spraying pump for sale
A fresh lot of hams and bacon at
I tonkin's Co.
llcuklo & Co. keep a No. 1 stis'k l
grisvrlcs and sell tho same at the
lowest price.
Hev. Win. Clyde will preach at Zona
on Sunday lllli lust, ut 11 u. tu.'
All tho chickens in Polk county
wanted at J. D. '.rvlne'
One package of calling cards for (SO
cents per package at tile Wixr Situ;
Job ollleo.
Mr. F. A. Washbtirue returned from
Portland Monday.
Patronlza liomo Industry and buy
tinware from Goodman & Douty.
It 1 tho heaviest and lu'st, and war
ranted not to leak.
Put this in your pipe and smoke it
that J. I). Irvine will stdl groceries
cheaper than any house this sldo of
Get a pump from Goodman & Dotity
Columbia Cottage points,' fur Inside
and outsldu work, already mixed,
guaranteed to be the best In tho world
are for sale at It. H. Patterson's..'
Cooper Bros, carry the largest stock
of hardware, stove, tlnwtiro, Imple
ments, buggies, bucks and curt south
of Portland on tho west side,
Have you tried the Dig Can baking
powder kept by J. D. Irvine. Every
iu warranted nnd holds 1J lbs.
Cash! cash! cash! wanted at J. I).
Irvine', ,
Dest stock of tobacco and cigars at J
D l's. : :,
Oil! my Sally whore did you got that
big can of baking powder?. At J.I).
Irvine's. There n one and a hull' pounds
In a can und tho very host.
1. W, Stinrkllu, timclidr of lilitno mill orgiin.
Turms, ill por mouth of two Iohsoim iior wook.
Aililross V, I), box Mi, luiliipfiuilomis, Or,
... ... lujlif
Thrnn Inmilri'il nml fifty twins (it Unas oliwit
hay will Us for snlu by tho nmtorHtsroiHl, Hud
iwrtim diwirinit liny win b nouiiiniiiiniHleil by
imllliiK nt lloinlmull tt Doutv'a niul Iwivhiv
tlimi' ot'iiors. Tint iii'iim will Im 1,10 a lulls, or Si)
a tun. Jf'irst ooins, ttmt swrTed,
Unroll, ID, IW, . Ii. I'. PltsTLANn,
T" TT mm i liny your tlekntn ICnaf
mmtiAA l. V. Inillanil. I.owe.t
rates anil moiit favarK Rrtoitsd.
Wmh tni.
Quit at th
Wlil, I
and ths prnm tmmi with ailvsHlwimtit of
MiwstNiMlIss, sri'l otlwr liver, IiI.bkI ( Uin
rtnouonw, inn uim w oris aKHneifie, gut vntv
mis, lbs plslms for which, u mm Utt ail
iniTin iimuhimw srnms. rmm loriild Llvsr
or Mili, .iitii, ( from Iriiponi blil, arw
barknd up hf ponlllt guar sii Cos I If
n mm t tfi j oat aa r."i,nwtiUKi in .rv nu$.
Hi moniiy i-sn! for H Is iruiniUr rariindnl,
I'll la tsssilliir llir.llcloi, sell Wowl ill
sllum llinma-iiout tiw civIIimsI world. Aiet
why nlioul.1 a in t "Tik is ih,, tit
wlisn II liieknl up br Itoslilt (iiarsn.
Urn, bf botmi or kill cslnlilli.i.yj reniiov.
no,t, tor nonisny, lioi'itrltf mel ikionil flntn.
etui stsmtliiir. tlion wmls iiihii bum urn I Ant
tlist )u.t wlisl Ut Worlil lllsosi iMrf MM-
turniii..ln us-lr Dr. f ttvcw'i Ouldi-o Med.
ml liuteoverr.
lir, I'mron (loMen Mmlfesl Mooormr
ebeoka tits frlirhUul lomailA of Mnn.riii
If tsknt In llins, UT'itM tlm lioirili of Con
oRintioo or in i.unm, wtio.n u i.iniu.
sorolula, purtnm ami enricli tli tilooa,
lli.tvl,y coring nil I-It In wwl Stulp lllvw.
I -iuws, Soiih, iireUlli, and ktiidrwl aU-
Htritta, .
J. R3aT for n li"urbl otunnf Daw
s- lurrb In the Iliad, ht
( niiirrh KxiiKHly. lly 114
nilKt, MKithliiir and hnillria
timtsirtlM. It i.onw tiu. mtirA
. no mutter nt bow butt tnlin. Quit
wuia. Mil by dru-iM avarywbc ,
Dress Goods,
Boots & Shoes.
Mens Clothing,
Spring Hats
and Underwear etc.
Funeral Director
A till BtnlcoiuiilfU) Jino of Fa-
nei'fil goiKl always tin LamL
HR. Patterson., Oregon.
Watches, Clocks and
L M. Sloper,
For furlher
l'urtleiilmn, Kmiiitre of or
4 1 1 ILM
ItK-winrtRtt nunlHItm nr unswrpiiMfil, sotunHy
utliwtlntr two boxM of nnyothur branrt, Not
fli'LUHl liyhimt. iMJH 'CHK J1.M IXli.
To cure rovtlvcncN the meillelnc mnat
b nior than n niiritatlv. I'o be tier.
uiuiieut. It inn! uuntalu
Tonic, Alterative and
Cathartic Properties.
Tutt'a Pllla porno thvav iualltla -uaiuluvutllettruo,
Speedily Restore
to tho honoln f holr nattial nrllalU
luuitou, ao vaavntlal to rocularlly.
bold Everywhere.
AU pcmoiiK rttwWuR to tmve hounen of barn
niuvoil r rolsi'd tin tltclv ftmnrtntlonit, will
Hint unit
wo iii'fjmM Ui Uu lite woilt iroiii)tly nnd to
your mttlnftitiltim, tv nrtlor wttli Uk'el
ww 1'rlctw rvitmnnlilo. 4 21 tf
Ms Fills
Folk County.
I.Iain St., Impute
Bargain List.
No. 1. $55.
One lot iu north Independence,
good picket fence.
No. 2. $675.
A house and lot in Independence;
house htw 7 rooms well papered.
No. 3. $950.
House and lot iu Independence;
house hug 6 rooms veil papered;
g mm! well.
No. 4. $1060.
One block in Independence,
No. 5. $1700.
101 feet on Main street by 100
feet deep; good business location.
No. 6. $1000.
House aud lot; house has 7 rooms
well plastered; good well; suitable
fruit trees on the property.
No. 7. $900.
One-half block with house, good
well aud small fruit on property.
No. 8. $300.
One lot ou Maia street.
No. 9. $1500.
Ouo half block with good house
barn; good fences; small fruit trees
on lots.
No. 10. $1000.
Two lots with good house and
No. 11. $6000.
100 acres 1 mile from town; 60
acres in grain; good buildings;
farm under good fence.
No. 12. $750.
10 acres good hop land; 2 acres
in hops.
No. 13.
20 acres near Buena Vista, under
timber, the best of hop land when
cleared. Terms reasonable, -
No. 14.
000 Two lota, with house, in
No. 15.
$1,400 200 acres. 10 acres in
cultivation, balance good pasture
aud timber land. 50 acres of this
land is good hop land;
No. 16.
ftOO 4 acres! joiningIudepen
dence. Good garden or hop land.
We have many SPECIAL BAR
GAINS not found in this list
Now is the time to
--Call at the office of
Cooper, Patterson 6 Co.,
and examine their list.-
SNo trouble to show Propsrty.
Office, socoud door south of C,
on Main st. , .