INDEPENDENCE i Subscribe for this Paper until July 4th, 25 Cents. 1500,000. lit improvement ihouhl b made in Independence nd vicin ity, during the next two year. I AN INDEPENDENT PAPER DEVOTED ESPECIALLY TO THE INTERESTS OP POLK COUNTY. VOL VI I. ( I4.W l'KU YKAK. ) INJJKPKNDKNCK, TOLK COUNTY ()IK(i()N, FRIDAY, MAY, U, 1890. ( FIVE CENTS PER COPY. ) NO. 27. THE li. STOCTO I THE M E J. 4- LEA his large stock of Goods .00 worth of Goods from use Bloc Is pleased to announce! OF CHARGE to each C THE WEST SIDE. L t PKXTLIM, v ITttUSUKR. K.KrrJ t ihe Pl !), 111 linUpatitltM, Oreatu, iu mhshuI fit" ancler. .UUMSVUU'TltlN. HAT It S. t.VAHt,K IN .MiVaSl'K. On Vrr $1.00 Sis Mouth ' " . ' i.oii Three .Month jii When mil j'tii.t hi udvsnee I Jo TO ADVERTISERS."" Kl-m itll t it t't "t(, Mt UV A lU rurr. ul u mt t hit u( t orng. Mt tinK i,it ... m.U'i--. u 101 wrt' u twt tit AtlwrlUhiK MrttuNU ? 1 - JOB PRINTING! e 1 THI -I" Latest and Best Styles, t t n ! LUWIST UYIXC RATIiS. " VUV-SIClANS-liZiNl'lSTRY. I.KK & IUTI.KK, Physicians & Surgeons. ij- U. S. KxaminiiiK Surgeons, IMiF.I'KM'K.M K. ORnioN K. I. KKTCIIL'M. Physician and Surgeon. OWr upwU Kint NIImi1 Bhk. ISDECIKliUMCK. tiKltUON. DR. J. K. I.OCKIv, Physician and Surgeon. Bum Vita, Oirgim, J. K. DAVIDSON", M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. C. S. EXAMININQ SCROEOif, Inilpntleiu, Oregon. DR. J. B. JOHNSON, Resident Dentist, All work warranted to eive the best of SHjixtm tiuu. iHDKfHNUKKCK, OKKCON. ATTOKNKYS. JOHN J. DALV, Attorney aini Cnunst'lor at bw. COl.t.HCTI'INS MA OH. (ilfjie: Mill f I., Ofipotiie Court IIiiiim, , tAM.A4, HI.K UOI'SfY, p OhEUON A M. IIURLKY, Attorney ami Counselor at Law. OflW : ( or. Main ami Mimmnulh 8la.,' IMJKPENUKNCB, OKKUON BANKS. pirstflatioijalBaijH INDKI'ENDE.NCK, OUEOO.N. , President J. 8. COOPBR. Vic Presldont, L. W. ROBERTSON. Cnhl.r W. H. HAWLEY. DlRBOTORSi " V. P. Thimptitn, J. $. Cm ft, L, W. Robrrfon, W. W. CtlUnt, TrunMdi a fBraI bnkln biulnaaf. Bjr uj Mill cictaauy oa aU lupoitaut foiaU. Dfpnultt woalTed bMmI thvt e n "ertlScale ol dcponit. OoUimM a4 oa all pnluw vu (arvrabla Mraaa, -Offlca boum: f A. X. to 4 t. H. Hall't hurflar proof ( Mourad by Yalt rim THE INDEPENDENCE National .Bank I CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. H. HIRSCHBERG, - PrOildont. ABRAM NELSON, Vloo ProoMont. W. P. CONN AWAY, - CMhlor. A fancral banking and ainhanf bulnaai traniafitcd; loaai nada; bllla diftOfiauUd; aom nariilai oradlla (ranlad; depoalta raoaWad oa currant arOAunl tulriaot to oWk; latoroat paid ou Unit ilcpuilu, DIRCCTOR8) Joahua MoDanlol,' H. H. Jaiporaon, A. J. Ooodmon, H. Hlraohborc. AbraraNolaon, T. J. too. 1. A, Allan, , that in connection with ustomer purchasing $40 Opera Ho THE : Of Independence, Oregon. Transact 11 general Real F.atate Huln buy mut aeUa Property, affecta luattrance auttdoeaageueral Conveyance Buaitirn, Parties having Laud for aale will find tt to their advantage to NT TUMI) I) UOI llll.lll With tlti Company, a they art daily aending Uat of laud eaat, tliun plao in x desirable property before the real lent of the Ra-t. JAMKS GIBSON, J. V. K1RKLAXII, Preaident Secretary, G. v. sn INN, Hquib, Sign & Drnimintal l'H-r Iliiiiiii(, ('.mining, 1 rrwuinx, lilt', t'niiit rBiinit ople jnliuou' Stlilr, Itulcprnilnur, l)rfjon, Arcade Saloon J. K. COOPER, Prnpriutor. HK1T UKANDS Ol Wines, Ups ami Cigars. ldpeijdeQce, 0re07. M. BEAMER, Maiiiifucturrr of Ainl Ieulrr In , All kinds of Harness &. SadJlery Goods. CarriKr Ti iimiiing and KepaiHng INDEPENDENCC FOUNDRY, i:. BUNCE, Manager. N now prejmred to nuike any kiud BRASS OR IRON, On .short notice. In now at work inanufuc tilling BuiuVs Improved Grain Crusher ArknowMvrt. tohf tlirtw?! (tintn cmhf r in Amcr im UuiHft, i'lu-iMi't aiitl itiott durnhlf A lull littul th- i-UxNof work dmir at thin foitn dry will he mUihtd iu I his pupcr. Any prrnoD in waul of PORTAM.RHAW MUX Cnn lt atipplirrd lifrc, KtiuinitK don for ill kimla uf nrVt hlMf ry. Stum sttret, ludfpeudruce. s MONMOUTH, ORROON. Incorporated umler the l,w of Ore((OB. D. T. STANLEY, lrlilimt. 1KA C. l'OWKU, - ' Caahlar. Poe a ireiieMl bmiklru hinilne. Rlhl drafl OB Nkw York, Man Kraiinlant ami Furtlaiid lor any amouul. Rai'elvaa depli iiibjenl to elivrk or on fertlftf!.,t cif ilepoiilt. Cullaulloni reealv iinimpi alianlluu imarded bj Uoubl cliriiuomeiiir Yalii lime lock. Mis. Ada Jmtson. Mrs, Willinmi. JUDSO.V & WILLIAMS, DRCSSMAKERS. A SPECIALTY. ' JOHN ALLEN, iJealor in CHOICE BEEF, MiiM'iii, I,nili, Vr', Pork, Hm, nunn, Coi'iiuU i.0', i'iiKm. Kii' I'tiuar) anil liawa Iu Hf..i.u. All Uooila ilcll vorHd fre ol eliar, Jasperson & Parker, Independence, Oregon. Architects, Builtejiiil Contractors, Alwnyaln llintr Mash ami Door yolni, anil will try tlif'r 1.''. I In iIb- nil, 'llvetharna trial anil br i"u,liiueil that, they ar worth; of yunr patroiiHHe. A. E. GRIGGS, MEAT :MARKET, A,''?, Irvine, cutter. Cbolct meat cwitautly oa baud. Davidtoo'i Brick, ILlliNMSIDDIiS. E. E. Krengel, AND MXREPMU : : 1 f 's Manufai'turcr of the BOSS CULTIVATOR .And: ' Krensel's Iran Fence. HORSE SHOEING. Mr. Thomas FenntJ, late of Chi cago, in expericuccd horse ihucr, nuke upcciahy of tlmt liue. ..-1. Circular and Crosscut Saw Gumming DONS BY E. E. KRENGEL . YM. JONES, Ioprietor. Thla Ferry it now in operation, and prepared to tranafer paaangera and wag out to or (row the Ctljr It will pay ptrsoqs.varjtlQY a View of Polk County. To croaa the Ferry aadjo to tba top of lroipei: tilt. Elkins &IC0., PROPRIKTOR3 OnTHS City Truck and Trkfer Co. Hauling of all KindJtkme at . Reasonable Rati mill Feed, Oak;, Ut? 0 Fir liood For Sal?. Hf-Collections Mde Monulyi-lM INDEPENDENCE, IKOGON 6ITY jHOTtlo, C Street, Independence, A. W. HOWELL, hop. Firat-rlaaa In every reapert. SperUI attention yiven tratmient ruatnnifi, A ample room for commercial tr4leri. Mitchell & Bohanion, : Mannfactnrera of -! I SASH & DOOHS. SCROLL SOWING AMD WQQQN R.EPIIRII Maid Street, Independence, Oren. J. H. ALEXANDER, . :I)eler In: Drugs and Medicine BEONA VISTA, OR. II TtuvittR purrliaaed tlie stock of Drug formerly owned y I. V, Rotiertaoii, t am prepared to meet hII tlie old cuato-i mera, and many more new onea. 1'air: and courteous irealiueul to all, THE WEST SIDE JOB OFFICE, INDEPENDENCE, OR. !s prepared to print HORSR BIU.S and HOP T1CKKTS at the lowest prices. PRINTING Of all kinds executed on short notice by an experienced JOB PRINTER. , A, WILSON, Propr, To ilorsenien I Hop Growers ! DING he has secured a supply his store for CASH. k, GEO. E. BREY, Commission Mcrcliant and grain iii:oki:k. Inflapsndonco, Drsgan. FRANK BUTI.KR, county sunmon & leveled Auotlonoor and Apnralaar. of all Cii.iiiHf uii at..l. au) ilaa. ImniMliril. . , Alt,.!, W' an4 Tkaialay In vuilult Cwiii r.k al lull... (Mfii, Addtoaa, Dalla. Polk Co., Or. F. J. MORRIS, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. MIXED -DRINKS A SIT.CIALTY. Whtoahr Brick, fmcpendunce. (l!Ulilihrd by National anlliority.i -: THE !- Piipilal : Xatimul : llui ! OK MALKM. IIKKOUN, CAPITAL, PAID UP. $5o(ooooa, surplus, 1 8.000. , R. I WAI I ACK, frwlil.tit. W. W MARTIN, Vlr. rra.lilaau J H AI.HKKT, Tathlar. LOANS MADE. T ttmm m ihMI ami mhar man-hantahte fadiiM, auaiwa4 ue v rtnra.ailharta arlrat iraawriaa m takiia tinMuM Uraia,4taia 4lrw . rk. fkleaia, aa FrtaMm, Kilas4 Uiailua, t-arla, Harllv, Hiaaf ko m4 t' vuaa An lli'oriiiinlfal Wlfo. Mra. V, waa a lln lfty and practical aoul, and alio cam froin afitmily wliicli tliioiigli all Ilia t'liimlry lido waa ra Downed a belnu "near," In other word, alio came of a rnca of H'opl who were the revcr of genurona and In lierwlf alie wa, It may be added. th flower of their iiimlitii. (ilia bad an excellent hiilmiid. hut he waa uricken down with typhoid-pneumonia ami one mmning I lie phyaiciau In charge announced to tltn ci''ilnj wife Hint be could live only a few lunfra at moat. In her war Mi1. W. waa fond of her hiiaimnd and alie wits 'really affected by the veitlict wliicli an nounoed Iter approaching aeparatloa from him. The acene lietweeo her and herhiialinnd waa auVcllnjrln (lieextreine aud the nurae who was pi-eaoni la the buck-ground, wan moved to tear br the ajfimladnj ferror of Mr. W.'icrlef. Ueor" the weeping wife laid at taat, "what clothe do )ou want to have 11 when when " Tear ohoked hrr iitlernnce, and her huaband feebly niurniurad tlmt It did uot matter to him any more how he wa arrayed. Then you won't mind, doareit," ihe (aid between her aolia, "If we put on your old pKntH? Tlie new one have not been worn but once, and we can tend lliein buck to the tailor, and no one will nolle what aort of punts you have on In the cof oof colli n." Dear (icorjie was too far gone either to oar what trouwn were uaed for the arraying of hi romuins for the tomb or to appreciate the mirfuction of his wife's economy; he simply moaned and pnveup the ((boat, It'iivlny hi wife free to pructico any economlcitl device which should occur in hor frugal mind In the ai'i'iinpimenls which followed In doleful eijiwnco. Huston Courier. A Home's Memory. "Sav. friend, vou are on my horse," said one rmiili'timii lo another as ha reined his horse iiefore the Hour. "Your homo! Oh, not Why.I bought this horse two years ajro," "Vou dldP" anawored the oilier. "Well, I lost my horse, il was stolen Just two yours ago.'' The conversittion took place under the far-sprcittlinjf onks of un old-tlm planlulliiti home, says the St. Louil U lube-Democrat. A planter was sur prised to e his horse rulurn home after two years, and ridden by a (fn lleman who evidently had bought th horse In good faith. After sniim con versa! Ion the old owner of the horse, with much parnestncHS, sulil: "Well, sir, If you will dismount, unsaddle tin horse, and he doesn't (ro to the fence, take the bars down, walk to the woll, and If he doesn't rind wster in' the 1 bucket let It down the well, and then off to hi old stable 1 will give up, anu itlmt horse Isn't mine," "At your wnrrl- Mm horse s vniirs If he does all i that." cried the visitor, nod, leal eaping What 1itm 41m hAfUM. UIIHILllll nil It. as his astonlshmont wheu the horse cnt straltrht to the fence, hit down the Wrs, crossed over, went to tlie well, u..l .1...!!.... .....iaw lu, ,hA Itnolrnt "iu. Illinium "v i ijswn, and then, a though ha hod left fniB butyesioriiay, waiaou io mo om "Utile, 'l1ie aiiimul remembered the Welt and the owner reoovered hi Iwse. There are those living now wko nun attest to the truth of Mill toy, thougli It happened yearg ago, 1 Huabund and Wire Iteunlted. Wifely devotion eomi to have been carried altogether too far by the Hidde toH woman who, when her lord and mrtser j,0t gent to jail for thirty days, promptly got drunk herself for the sake of MU1 .ant up after him. Lewiiton of WEBSTER'S UNA Call and see the Goods Ind Burns, Dalton& Co. : OI'I'I'R A -: MBflflHfiKUll It HViriln tt jili'itmiro to nn iimttii't' to tlio jit'iijilo tlmt we lire aliotit (6 gtv llirtn a gmtl lionc fit. NotwitlmtnnilinK ve have itlwitvs lii'cn known na tlio tuont i'tttrriiiig inhniitM in ill it section, iiml tlmt we have wold the lit'Mt gooilu it! neitrly every ciise lower than other, we be lieve it ix right to do the best we eiin hy our juitrons, thereby m. curing tint only the Urgent union tit of trmie but also the grcutcHt number of friendsi, We wunt everybody to under stand that we are not trying UrtM o( April while walking about tlie see haw Jtw good we can give, for u dollar but how maim T,K' ' l'Tnio11 rounty, Or,, lor a miliar, nui now many. ! a conventimt u nominate a full A tflsi tiurchase are made at I ticket, no H"' 'an to I tolerated in , . ... i ' it the convention, our Htore a card will le jmm lieil i.i. ......i ,. - Kniiincor Smith, of the I'uited Htates and when .urcltitHeii to the), mwyi MvwU fluir atnount called for by the card have been made, we will give yon $6.00 in the form of thin magnificent book, entitled: " Webster t Encyclopedia of Useful Information and World" Atlat," a brief deKcrijdidit of which can be found mi the back of the card. We ciiiinot, in such limited ve a com jdete deseri nt ion c: CM on o o o of the book, for it must be seen to be appreciated. SnlHt'o it to av that such an oiler has never before been made in this com munity. The book measures 10 X 12J inches, is 2J inches thick nnd occupies a space of 312 cubic inches being Royal Oc tavo in size, containing 5(10 pages, 188 line Illustrations and fi() finely engraved Maps, all pre pared txprt&hj for this book. It is printed from large new type, on good paper, and is handnomt.- Ill and dumbly hovnd in worocro i . i , cloth. Every volume is worth $6.00 to any person or any family, and is really a household necessity. Notwithstanding the fact that we have the reputation of selling goods cheaper than anyone else, our prices will still be as low, if not lower than ever before. We will be amply repaid for the great expense wo will have by celling to our regular custo mers, and of enjoying tho trade of scores of new ones. In order to get the right to distribute these valuable books, wo were obliged to order enough to supply one to every family for miles around. Visit us at once, examine our stock and prices as we have becomo con vinced you can do better with us than where you are now trad- Ing, if not buying your goods at our ton. RCH BRIDGED DICTIONAR and Books. ependenc COAST INKWS. I'nlon County Kirmers Want a Non Mi lira I Tk-kel. AM lDI NTKIOI 8 SEATTLE XKWS HOY. Wealthy Mel if Whtti.-Slrkiei I lite for Creleetln. The Tnii kee railruad otllce was robbed of tHMiV A dog aiisoner baa Wen doing some active aork at Han l.uia. National City ha an olive oil mill that will anon be handling thirty-two tons a day. The miner alwut Colton, Cel., are trying to induce some capitalists to erect rodiictlou work at that place. Tlie Iaj Angtdea reataiirant-keepera have protected auainat the giving of din ners (or a price by the ladies of clitin lies. Ambrose law dropped dead in the Amador I omity, I'al., Hospital un Mm water in the Malheur on April glat at i'XiO cubic fevt per second. John IliiiK, a voting man whose par ent live at 1 lie l'allea, waa drowned in the (iwyhc river, while attempting to ford the swollen stream. , The teamsters hauling Hants Cms bituminous rock to Mie depot have struck (or a ton. This company is hiring new men and team at $1.7o a ton. A number o( stockmen who own in terests in the Tukannon range in Colum bia and liarileld counties have united lor the protection of annual intenwts. The water In the M'asbougal river I said to be so clear eight miles above I .a Camas that ejects forty-five feet be neath tlie surface are plainly discernible. The Ilellingham Hay Reveille In the latest issue publishes a list containing the name of twenty-seven citixens o? Whatcom whose aKgregule wealth is On Monday, May 12, says the Slaugh ter Mm, a Sscial election' will he held in this school district for the purpose o( voting an additional tax ol three mills to pity teachers' salaries, A woman took I'M) at Truckee, Cal., one duy recently (or ticket (or a rattle of two town lots at Monterey and is said to have done a koisI business in Nevada City, lliase Valley and other towns. A man 30 years old, name unknown, ' gralilsHl tlie cash Ikix in U.K. Ham mond's feed store at Seattle, and run,! Init was captured ami the money, which be dropHd in bis flight, recovered. The committee apiinted to solicit subscriptions lor the A,(Hltl subsidy to j Iw given to the Tacoma, Olympiad t'a-i ; cilic railroad, (or building their line to Monlesano, have secured the amount. Aliont twenty men are now camied at ilillcrviil places lietween Wlistcom and reriuliile, aud are pnMired to go to work on tlie Kiiirliaven A Northern as soon as the light of way is permanently located. Tlie seventh annual session of the Ore gon Conference of the Kvangeliral Asso ciation convened in tlie Kvangelical church In Alliaiiy, on Friday, May 2d. Itishop Thomas lUiwmun, of Chicago, preaitletl, The nomination of Judge Itean for the supreme lamcli will meet the approval ol tlie best citizens, savf the Murshfleld Coast Mail. This section will give him a rousing majority, it can testiry to ma many good qualities. Tlie appointment of school funds (or Wallowa county in April. 1IMW, was $21170, (or the same period this year it is f 100. The increase is greatly appreci ated by the isxiple a the school imputa tion is rapidly increasing. . Workmen at the fiehome quarry re eently took out a rock that weighed thirty-two and three-fourth tons, which wits split with one ounce of black powder in to several smaller roc Its, and all as straight as though they had been hewn. Io I'eritx of Seattle commenced two years ugo to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning and tdille paper until school time, lie was 14 years old then. Since then he lias saved $000 as the result of his industry and has gone to school reg ularly, A cemetery four, miles northwest of Milton has leon fenced in by some in dividual who has purchased land sur rounding it, and resident of the neigh borhood, much to their Indignation, are prevented from conveying the remains of their dear departed to tlie city of the dead, The Olympia Partisan suggests that something should he done at once to ward building more houses in Olympia to accommodate the eople who are coming into the capital city, The pros pect of Incoming railroads is arousing the people of Olympia to hoie for a grout uture. The warm weather ia beginning to tell on men as well as on vegetation, re mark the Walla Walla Union. On Fri day, during a trial In Justice Whitman's court, lion. Thomas II. Itrents, (eeling himself aggrieved at a remark made by Senator Thompson, sprang across the room with the quickness of a cat and planted a lively blow on the jaw of the senator, who bad no morfe expectation of the blow than we have of the Second Advent, A momentary commotion was created. Senator Thompson disavowed any intention to Insult Mr. Brents, the latter apologised to all bands, and the Urlal proceeded. ANT. IES, a copy of which w e, Oregon. SPORTING XOTES. Peter Jackson's Mansger Coining Money with the Combination. T ALK S CHEW TO KOW THK ATLANTAS rMl.-Billiar4ii.-BaM Ball aai Older laleresliag Kent. ('has. v.. Davie, the manager of Peter Jackson, is still coining money with Peter and hi combination. The boxing tournament of the Cler mont Athletic Club, of Williamaburgb, waa postucne until May 1 ana 3. ' W. II. Ryan and Joe Cantoncy fought at corona, L. I., on April M, lor flue, Kighten round were fought, when Ry an wa knocked out. Tom (ioddard (Jack brother), the Barrier champion, knocked out Jack Morria, Mie North Melbourne champion. on April i, in nve minutes. The Arlington Athletic Club will put una nurse ol I1.2M) for Nunc Wallace and Jiimnie Kennard to tight according to "Police Oaaette" rule and allow Wal lace $:100 (or exMinse. The Wm. C. York Association will hold their annual uminerniuht's festival on May 14. It promise to be a nehenht atfHir and a select assembly of Mie hab itue of Harlem, N. Y. Mr. McCarthy drives Geneva 8. on the road at Hed Bank. N. J. Geneva 8. belongs to Knapsack McCarthy, who ia now training Wither' stable, and the mare has won $.17,000 sine McCarthy owned her. Arrangements have been completed lietween Yale College, of New Haven, Conn., and the Atlanta Boat Club of New Yi rk, tor a race between the crews representing the two clubs, and it will be rowed on May 24 at New Haven, Conn . Tlie Bradford Boat Club and the At lanta Boat Club have completed arrange ments to row one mile and a half at Pas saic, N. J., on June 14. It will be a great betting race, for both have picked crews, and tlie Atlanta will have to bus tle to win. A flfteen-ball pool game, the beet 11 in 21, for $200, was played at the Palace Koyal, Birmingham, 'Ala., on April 4. The contestants were James Harding and Wm. Barry. W, I,. (Min waa judge for Harding and C. W. Broyton for Barry. Harding won. Score, II games to Har ry' 11. Arrangement) hare been completed in New Orleans for a glove fight between Tommy Morgan, of Chicago, to fight in the Audubon Club. These men will contend according to ''Police Uaxetto" rules, for a purse of $soo $000 to the winner, and $200 to the lower. The men are to fight at US pounds. Jacob Schaefer and t ieorge Slosson on April 1A made an agreement to play in New York a 14-inch balk-line game dur ing June, 800 points, for a stake of $500 a side. In addition the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company offer a champion ship eminent, to lie tlie property of tlie winner should he hold it for two years, subject to challenge each 80 davs. At the Fifth Avenue Casino, Brooklyn,. Monday, May 6, Jack McAulitfe, the light-weight champion of tlie world, was tendere I a wand reception by bis legion of friends, under the auspices of the Broadway Athletic Club. Joe Me- Anhtle, tlie I risco Oiant, will also ap pear (or the first time in the East in a set-to with Jack Fallon, IVirninick Mc Caffrey or James Corbett Joe McAulitfe wants to meet Sullivan, Corbett or any of the big guns on his arrival. The California Foot-racing Association held its inaugural meeting in Central Park, San Francisco, Cal., on April 11. Fully a thousand people were present There were eleven dashes of 135 yards each on the programme and Mie deciding content. T'le daahes were won by C. t. Philpott. W. Robs, W. Kendrick.O. Bar ties, A. LaUrande (better known as Ray) and J. P. Haughn, In the run off L (i ramie took first money. $50; Haughn, second, $20; Philpott, third, $10; Flet cher fourth. At New Lisbon, on April 7, Sam W. Crawford accomplished a wonderful club swinging performance. He also suc ceeded in beating the world's record for continual club-swinging. He used chilis weigiiuiK a pounds anu iu ounces, ana swung them tor 6 hours and 31 minutes. beating the best record ever made 10 minutes, which was made by hdwin Brown, of Rath, Me. Brown used clubs weighing 8 pounds and a half ounce. A large amount of money changed hands on the result. On April 14, the executive Committee of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen met iu New York to select the course for the annual regatta of the As sociation. The committee reinstated the following oarsmen : Krastus Rogers, Al bany Rowing Club; William Caffrey, Crescent Boat Club, Boston ; E. J. Ma bony, Bradford Pfeat Club, Boston ; . J. Kearney, Institutes, Newark j 11. F. Cor coran, Central Boat Club, Boston; and E. N. Atherton, Metropolitan Boat Club. Now York. It was unamioualy resolved to hold the annual regatta on Lake Quin sigumond, Worcester, Mass., on Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 12 and 13, ; At Springfield, Vt., on April lfl, Jos eph Innes, of Buffalo, and John Connors wrestled at 110 pounds for' a purse. The conditions were catch-as-catch-can, "Po lice Gaxette" rules. Innes won the first fall, after throwing Connors three times, and Mie falls not being allowed. Then Connors won the next three falls and the match, after Innes had gained two or three more falls that were not allowed. All the falls were won fairly by Connors, however, but Innes seemed the better wrestler. The contest was very exciting, and the men nearly came to blows sev eral times aud changed urn refaree once, 111 be presented FREE EASTERN xEWS. A (i I rl Arrested Charged With Pois oning i Family. A fLEBUYHAN COMMITS . FOKQKRY. Caiadiai Daly Bepain U VwmIi Off tba List. Army desertion decreases. Stanley i ova ted in Brussels. Tvohold fever close an Illinois col lege. It is proposed to enlarue Yellowstone Park. RMimtarv Windom amMUM himself anew on tlie silver question. The lumber district of La Crosse bare ly wet-apes destruction by fire. Three outlaw, brothers, are killed in a fight with officers in West Virginia. - A beautiful girl of sixteen ia arrested at McKeesuort, Pa., charged with pois oning a family. A .MMwliirtntia .mntinl rj MilvoAlt hllilda ing i promised lor the Canadian North west tbw year. Mias Anna Peterson committed auicide at Forest City, Iowa, by banging. No cause assigned. Tlie water work system at St Joseph, Mo., has been sold to Mie Kuehn syndi cate for (2,500,000. Looa on the St. Croix will be con trolled during freshets by the building of a mammoth dam. Moaea Fralnv of St Louis, lost 1120.- 000 in St. Louis, and $140,000 in Chicago in Mie wheat squeeze. The Brussels university students have adopted an address'ex pressing sympathy with their Russian breMiren. The Berlin National Zeitung say that the labor bill fixe the maximum of women' work at eleven hours a day. Samuel Jeffries, one of Mie richest men in South Carolina, ha been arrested for murdering Dr. Alexander White in 1805. Serious strike disorders have occurred at Fulnek, Austria, when the cavalry dispersed the mob and made 118 arrests. The imperial palace at Oranienbaum, Russia, has been destroyed by tire. Seven of the palace servants were burned to death. The Wittkowiti miners, in Austria. and some other strikers have resumed work unconditionally. The strike is collapsing. The trial of Jeremiah O'Donovan Roa- sa and his printer, Wilbur II. Ilendrick son, (or criminal libel, has commenced in New York. The Tendon boot makers and their AnitilnvAra have martial an amiialile settlement of Mie questions at issue ami Mie strike is ended. The Paris municipal elections passed off peacefully. In Mie snhurhs the po lice destroyed a number of Orleanist and Boulangist placards. The duke of Argyll has written a let ter in support of the Irish land purchase bill, recently introduced in the house of commons by Mr. Balfour. At Lima, Ohio, Willis Osman and Ed ward Standish quarreled over a girl. Osman stabbed Standish eight times with a knife and he will probably die. In accordance with instructions from XI u vnr r!rAirinr lf Phtraim Pnlieft 111 spector Kbersold has issued orders to his men to close all ol the pool rooms in the city. The British steamer Euclid has been sunk near Hartlepool in collision with the British steamer Altvre. The cap tain and three of Mie crew of the Knclid were drowned. Randolph Dubois, who murdered his wife, two children and mother-in-law in the village of St. Albans, Que., two months ago, has been sentenced to be hanged June 20. Charles Jackson, a New York com positor, murdered Mamie Murphy, twen ty years old, in a notorious saloon. Jack boii cut the woman's throat, causing death in half an hour. The clause which placed a duty of 20 per cent, on repairs executed to Cana dian vessels in United States ports was, after a long discussion, dropped from the Canadian tariff list The Brazilian minister to Italy has been recalled because he failed to pre sent to Mie Italian government the decree of his government forbidding Italian em igrants to enter Brazil. The riotous coal miners at Ostran, Mo ravia, have compelled a complete cessa tion of work in the mines. Troops guard the houses occupied by miners who are willing to work. Rev. Z. C. Mower, of Intercourse, Pa., a prominent clergyman of the United Brethren church, has committed forgery for small amounts on severaOiationul banks, and has disappeared. - Owing to the troubles arising from the embezzlement of 1,000,000 francs by the treasurer of the canton of Ticino, 8wh zerlabd, all the members of the cantonal government have resigned. , It is said that W. C. AVhiteman, the Kansas City real estate man snpiiosed to have been murdered, is in California, and disappeared hoping that his family would get $23,000 insurance on his life. William Lord who for seven years had been confidential bookkeeper for Fesh & Mook, painters, St Louis, has stolen, since 1883, in the most mvster- tmi. m.niifir 1f, R9?4 and haa Hewn ir. rested. Horse racing the cause.