LOCALS. IVIill. S'liixil nul ling hoxt Mtimla.v. Mia M.ii'Anlny hMilul lu Iter new iitiiirlem. lYrry lUntim-r It'll m Tlim-Mlny fur Tmvina. MlmTruilo lktlKeattpont Suii t In lrvulltM. .I.ik Wit f,.rS!H'Iu-y A VitllltllJ-IIM u. Mrw, U telor hiu returned faun Sk Kune Full. Attend (lK'lulilv u jit week lit llm Mr ir. l..v, relumed fivm Jiuu'tlun ( Uymi Wetltuw-lay, Htvoyni mvn luery W.illt'M !i,tw whitlow? Isn't It nlws litivlpt lunik Cur T iviiIn euolt, at tlioWMrStiiKjttUoitliv. Jennie iKinisllV lias (minted liia re j dene on Mtiunitiutli at reel, j 3 i m I. n hi l nit y luv n ft w ur-! otiMisl n;r:tyliir mni for wilt" Mrn. A. M llurU-y rwvlvitl mmi Ilt'W illlnKi Of llHlM t tils W Ot'k, KKvtUin of tfltlvf tiuluwr Aim tlt. j. trillion! tlii Kri.Uy tvnliijj. The rt'utilioiiii of liitlt'iH-iiilfiiiv miy t'uy will vote mtullit tifM, Tlio tuikey tllniior tit ihu t'lty liolt l lint Swnlay w lur'ly itttt'inlisl. Mi. IV.i Joiitw vlt.ll.sl Iht nUtcr Mrs. Uii li.tril t MotVy tlit wtvk. Mm J. I'.. Klkhm luis huiit ml ml ihthm ti tlii.iuth vihI of hi rvl It iuv. Tin Oitn.liiii' tiuKi itmiiiuy In woll tx.lifU of at MoMliiuvlllf hii.I I'm tl.tiul. IK'ftot urtHimUi for th motor llm rullway will iw jiluntttl with slm.lf Mr (1. 1 Vrii, .f f5jiU(Uitt Full, w;w K'Uot of Ml R.lo 'l ittoiu tills KHVk, H. H, P,iltirni h.i. iuiivcI lit. limit' to the lot hi thf ivar of th Kvtiiittt llttil ilitirtli. F. L. Tm k wrltt fwtii Stun.lUh, Mioh. asking t i liii.v iln WK-if Suk M'Ht to him. Mtwrs, OntiH A Ikk built tho own for th iww Uikt-ry ttn.l a fliw jiltw of work wm il.nn. Dr. Ki'ti'hnui U nvi.irl: t iy I Mi) nttttv f.U'liiytoil M.uiin mill slrvvt, iMKiittM-ily unit. I.:nllfs, why tlmt you buy your li'iir from i-hiijin A iK.aiy? Thi-y nrt ull warranttxl. Mlt Miu'iiuluy U in her now stoiY ami tmiioii!iot,! the itrrivnl of lur new gnU The Intiwt ntylf. Onk Vli-w tlnuijw will miH't ut 1 o't'liH'k S.ituril.iy, April 3Hh Ml Krnj.w hall Full tttk'inhimv clfirtsl. Mts F.ltii 8iiuti lum Ut'ii twii liliid m-hiMil for the ki.H tbrti- wtt-k ut the J'ltrlii'r Kfh.Kil hoiist.' oiKitt town. The la-IU of tin- l'.vmigi'llil vliuivti will give a fallen ili"! liable nt the ojH'ra house on Fiblay cveiiltiif April I'-'ith M:t Muiiile Kelly, of Kist J'ortlainl, a sister of Win. Kelly, ait'l Mi-w Aaiie. Hristow are visltlin Mrs, K-lly lu re tills wtrk. j Yr 1'. 11. Yoiini,', teaelierin thepub liw sfbool here, wim visiting I'oi-ttainl ovir last Suiitlay, retu.-nlun to her whool M. .inlay. Mnsrs. Warr.'ii t"iessy ami Itert L ien Wv'.il to MirMiiiiivlIleoii hleyeltM this wiv'.:, ft ! 1 (.'Ii t'l.'ir ".vli vis" nml retunietl by train. I he State Sun lay (tell eonveillioil which meet at Mt-Miiiiiville this w.s-k 1 ws largely atten Icliiml was ti very pleasiut and prolltnl.le nd'alr. Ijiskluian & D nity have m rv than tltillliltNl their stock sinctt last Heason which means they are better prepire l then ever to supply your wants. The exercisi-!) ut the public school on Friday afternoon were ipilte lnt.-n-st-in;. The little folks iiud the young ladies ac'i'lkted tlii.'inscl t'es creditably . We uu l -rsta id tint Mr. M -r.'hant, fat her of Frank Merchant, a late Nor mal student, will demand a second in vestigation of the recent charges in thai school. T, W. Kte, of Ashland, has sold his Interest in that town and will re turn to liidcM.Midetlce. The house which Mr. (iruwcll lisak-d has Is-cn rented for him. The small boys of the Monmouth mid Indcia-ndeiKvsi.'hisil met last Saturday mid had a friendly game of base ball near the schtsil house here, nml I111I eieiidiMice gained the gaum by eleven runs. The following K-rsons have purchased Jitsiu In lfendeiicc: A. I). William son, San Francisco; W.C limwii, F. K liivulle, John I'cudegiiKs, MissMollle W.'rrlm 111, 0e W. Laws mil W. II Uridsall, of Portland. McMahous circus Ik now in Portland It h is two very largo elephants, Moiue fl in horses, about, twenty-two jK-rfor-ni -rs, atr iln ; 1 pair of donkeys, a down , u go id bind, and several other minor features. We suv tlu parade In Port land Wednesday. Tlio Dallas O'iv.'V'T has a cylinder pr-j-wotie week and coiicm 0:1! In ex !ellent slutii! u 11 daily tlie next The enterprise of Dalian in supporting u daily i to liu commended, and Messrs. Doughty & Huyd.'r tire wldo-rwake to their advantage. The sale of scuta for Caroline Gage & the K conn's oK'iii'd Wednesday ut I'ttttersotrB, and from the hsiksof tlio box sheet, we would udvlso those le Hiring to secure n good scut to be early In the lied. We predict that the house will be far to small to uccoiumndiitc. all who contemplate uttetidlng. On Saturday night of this week theatre goers will be given a rare treat when Caroline Uugo appears at (lie .opera house ill "tiueona." This Is In .all likelihood the only opportunity our citizens will ever have of seeing the great actress without going away from home, as the company only plays here jiow to save losing a night. "The Fantasma" at the Manpiam Grand, in Portland, Is a wonderful jsceiiic production. I11 company with E T. Hatch, we sat in tlio third gal Jery, the house was crowded, and looked At Its presentation (apparently) several hundred feet away. As this will not he produced outside of Portland, we propose telling our readers something 4t thi play next week, v ... COR RliSlOND EM'S MdCOY ITEMS. Mr. J. U Holt In vIhIUhu- Men In iilom tlU week. It In Iltll'llt'lt llllll tt ll'il muni Kim. lltl,V Willi fl toiulat III Saletn. Wm Riwiit mid with of HnSt'in, we iv lii low ii Muniluv Itlllv In liixt na Jolly iw of iil.l, ' V. W. Diivlw llil l.lKi'll eliai-.-t if the ,vu uy Hotel ami will h hu run It In Ural eiifia style. MIm Mnry iluilner, uf Halt ('rvck, iitninit'iuvtl tlie niiIii term iirt hiail here Vi'iiilii,v. Mr. Diiii.-iii mid wtiV arrived fnmi ll.iUey Tllelay iiinl will iMtiin tlu lUHIW Vilt'lllotl liy IW lliiullllllll, U iUmI ll.it ton, of IVrry.lile, tnnveil to ;.k M.uittity when lie linn mt'iiri tl "t.M.ly work. III MfHanii'l White's mill. Yw editor, I', (' .. . . . IIIkI.I.I -t . I . ' . . f i , u t i, I ,,,',,,I",'I ,''V. itii.l Im flllltll, nf lKtll.1. Wl'IV tiilli.l'h1 mi! the it .v. n t rat n Tutwt.iv Hew 1.. t H.iiiltuu's has K..!i out tlielr hoiiM'In.l.l (.'.mils ami Mix 1 1 lo II.hhI river m 'u.l tint tmniiinr j with her brm her Mr. II. h'ni ilns lu His limit's lirre until h 2CNA ITEMS. Fniuk Mi-t'otven, of ('urrliwvllle, ("laeknins iMinily, Is vlhiilug tiieii.ls here. The l.lueoluites i..t away w i'li the eiialits. at th.. n'liublleau Vrimai'v liiI I'tiurmluy. Frank Hutler our ireiieml itumty surveyor was In these piirt last lutsi tlay sui veyiim the new rmttl. Mm K. A Walling ami ilaii-jhter Jennie retunietl Inst riiiH..iv Imni their visit to I'orllau.l fl leinls. Sam I'lilllliw hailleil feueln hliulier flt.ni Met'tty last wivk. Italher a bail iHiuinientary on the l.lu.vlu milk t)ew W, JiihusKit stal'tisl for Itts-k-fonl, Wash last Tuesilay I Itt will ills (SMi'of his plertv Iberenii'l h'turu In ss ml hs i lays in I'olk eouniy, Kev. Wm, Clv.lt' exeham,vil ptibills with Kev A, II .New. ll, ofS ili in, fast Miiniay. .Mr. .Newell lalUM to t,'t't iii'iv ami heueettilisapjiolnte.l mi.h'Utv. 1 .t t the farmers ami tax jwyers of I'olk ts.unly niieii'l the 1'ul.m' ,,is ftiiivfiillonat I "alias .May ihf 0i when then will lie nui a tifke'l lu the tlelil whleli w ill In isiiniHwtsI of fnrtiielti iilnl reprtwiilive liit'il ami not "Imilkers." Meu w ho will work for the issit lui.-r est of INilk eouniy hii.I the slate In Koneral. We think it high time to M'lnl men w ho w ill lint Ik tt.iitn.lletl by the I'orllau.l rl ut nor the ;arioii eouuty Hug either, as tin y nre one ami the same Ftiriiiers look we 11 lo yoin luterettts en it is too lain PARKER ITEMS. IHIle U llaril Is a erl'l.-al eon.liii.Ml with lutliituattiry rheumatism. Jktliiel Atkinson ami la'oiiai.l Itakfr (rnl.l this plaiva pleasant visit Sun lay M lisle teai hlnit ami urn tteiir pti ito KRiphy Is pnvl imiuiiiit over all other amusement. Ilfliuiek Itr.. aie having l.!vleof,s of w.ssl cut pn-piratory fur buriiliijf their tile kiltin In June. " liev. Olt ii, oft'orvallls, reiuriieil In his home at thnt plaiv l'iii--l.iy after tiitlflaiiiit; at the funeral of lU'v." Flow man's s m at Itueim 'ita. ..r r tt.. i.,kliut.'.,.ut,u... ..... ,.r .!.! plain went on a limit n.-ar the Narrow I ini!?!' r.itiroaii nmU'e last wwr ami ; eamissl over iilKlit when voiirs.lrillv i was elei'le l t-isiU by the Hpu!ar vole and pan cakes, line true huntsmen, were the clioseii tlalniliis for sups-r. When they weree siked afti-r plenty of turning and scorching then wits the time w lit-11 u silent olwerver would have injured his sidi-s if not bis iiiottlh .If he bad one of those p tncalvcs in ll iia'lnu iulo the iimiililllifalrc uiu le by mu sptfioiis bnioh li"ii-f. I n-,', tint' would cut his mouth on the sharp run or (In of a pamv.lu' w till' nuotlifr would lie ,l,il.'.,t',,i'lii,p lt, I'.iliVfl'l ,. I,i',rt. ...... iiil.i u i,,,...,,!,. 11,,. ioid tt tt it w as Ihev appeared in I'alkar next day, bounty lint wiser men, vowel never to tell ol their luxurious in mI lu die l.uckia- lllllte Ih.Uoiu. Cxiov Paiiiv Mi;KriNii -TIiohc wishing to co-operate w Ith the I'uion Party In Polk county ifle rcipicstcd to meet lu Dallas In Mans tnevliug nil Friday, May 'M at the hour of 10 o'cl c!i a. 111. for the purpose of nominating caudMntes to fill the Various nfllciunf the county and the transaetioii f any other business that may come U-fore the meeting. Mi-Minn Duuson, Cbrlrm.iil of Co, Central Com. THE GREAT COMING EVENT. Carolina Gijt ni th Kn's will Com to Indjpondtnse. On Hnliiriliiy I'Vi.'iihin, April l!h, I'lirulliie liuKii nml llm I'lUlrK K.'.'im ii,ii,.i.ny who hitvp Jn.l closeil 11 pin 'nominally siiiifaurul two w(, k ei) ltou'i" ii. ii I In I'liilliiml w III ! (M iiriit llm o ru h iiui' In TilloiUon'N ki'iniil fill ih'iniia, "itiii i'iiH, or llm I. Iff of an Ai lri M." Tins is thiMiluy tlntt liftil niii'Ii sn tniitii'iiM run ilurtHK Ml-s Hi.'s I'liuufiiit'itl lu l'ur. IhiuI. 'flip wniiiliTfal iii'i'SK of Hie irn lllli'lloll III tt'llli'll lllllllrilll II. Maunder of Iln ei.hiiniuy to phiy s r.'lura .'iiKHK.iiit-iil iiihhi whl.ii Hie iiri'-ts htivit i,'i.', vvann wunl. ol priilsf for inn lui'lfy MUn UhiIh hii.I 01 ttiil.-h lilt' ii''tx.llit ttt Willi 0111. voire tiroliollll.'eil In-r III' ltr.lll.(Hf Nlli'.'f'HS of (till selM.MI. .'ollott'llltf Is Hluil III" 1 li'i'K1 m lit 11 lets In uy nf .Ml,, t iu,''H lienor, itiiin-e nf "tiui'i'iia:" "Kei'ii'H inmiiiiiiy nf iiliivcrs, wlih Mis ritrnilmi (iii. a li'iullnu' liely uitnli' thiii tlrnt. sfiiH'itrarii'S hi.tor,' it 1'oiilnml iiuilli'iii'i' at the New l-.n'li Iheiiler lust nilil In ilir iH'itiilU'nl (triiiiiit nf "tjtu'i int." Miiiuiifer Hotvi' liitlHf rertutlily linvti IIioiikIiI Iii.. ul'itit llnil tin' I '. , rl I ,, t, ,1 Milli' hail li'.l I'lillli'ly l.iiyoll.ll I1I111, lip tin. way llley .,itr,"l Iulo I he llieulrr. liiK'tl'i'lore s ii'i lm'k Hie hull.' wus im.'lo'.l, HUi III S o'.iKi'lt llir- hlk'U 'Mllll'Ullg rnil'll ..lily," wh. iiii mil. Uvea ihls ilhl nol ivilmlH Ihe'.'rnwil, un,) snnii lln'xull.'ry was Illicit wlih hulli'S mill lliiir t'-smris, nml a nauitier of ieo,e who i-uni'i lull' nml eoiihl gel no keie.H were olillid'il lo ifn hniini nml eome earlier Hoiiii'nllier eveiiliiK i! urine: I lit- wiM.lt. "tiueeiia" hie hi'en iluy:-il In I'orl tiinil severiil linn's, sn Hull III.' (.lot Is irel ly tr.-h known to most i)ioil,', Tin' play, liu nvci', hits sn tiutiiy iili'ie,lii( ihiIiiIs anil pri'lly .K'i'iu'4 II111L It Ii.tt ttls'it.vs liei'ti a I'livnrli.', AltliniiKh II Is liiiMfil tttiiTi I'liintlnniil ili'itinii, Hifre In uiiii'li ipilet pulhos nml ri al llln In II, '1'tie stnry ol 11 wm, iitn's In ve, no mriller Imw nhl anil nfl I'i'pi'iili'il, lor t lift lnilminl of tier hi'itri, spi'ins loHlrlki'ii re pnietlve ehnnl In Imiii. ,111 nuiiire II, n I will lusl as long un uii'li live ini'l wnlili'll love." Tin1 prlee of Hiliiilsslnii will he .V) eenls to any purl, ol' tin, hnun. HeiiU reei'Veil without OAti'H liutrii itl I'ltlliirHnn's. HAPPENED ON A WINDY DAY. Tim wlinl wiiltfiiy 1110I ilu.lilu A In eaniPHS neiuj It Hew, Ami II ml Hiu slgii-lHHinls elu ihlng All ulDiig Hid uvoniiB. Hal It tarrlftil nl llioero.ssliw Where stuurl 11 iliilnty miss, Anil rt'veiileil 111I1I1I restless tosnlng HniiielliliiKju.il llliu Ihls: 'unhliij)lnn I'ont. Tim mim who reinls tlio paper, Anil )'iiiiim im he K"i', Will !i"vi!r,rtmiih that tuippy land Where milk nml honey tluws, . Prof, ltediuond lliu word's greatest leronaulle engineer will visit the clouds In his air ship at Independence on Thursday, April 2tlli, and return to the grouinj via the parachute. A sight long to be remembered Fish poles, hooks and Hues any kind, and lots of them at (joodman & Douty'a. lu; - U LUKK S '(l ) ; S TMt HCPUQLICAN CONVCTION. THE RCPUOUCAN CONVCTION, A Full RvprttcnUtlon-'fult Tloht Noriln(td--A Report of th Prooftdlngt. TIIK TIl'Kt'T. Fur Ui'iiriweiiiiiilvi's: Wm. MAVAIIKiiiiiI It. K. WAl.LACK. For Hlifrlin W I., WKI.IiH. For t'oitniv t'lerki t (l.t'OAIi Ftirt'miniv t'onuiiUsliiner: U, V, iilrllKK. For Aeor! F K.lll'llltAUI). For. Treiisuivi't T.C, 111.1,1., Ft.l'HeliiKil Slllierlllleil li'tit! II. I.. Ml ltl'IIY. For Surveyor! FiusK mrn.Kit, For (Yifnlier: lu. F.. L. KI'M't'Jtr.M. 11't'Nt V .t'KMl'H VI, ClIMMtrrUK, I., . . ,, ....""'m .. .. ..xv. n .llt'ii,ll Imli'iH-iitltnitv; W.il Viu'll, lliia.i - ,'. ,.i ....... ... ("...ii. v i.i.iiin. ..ii. nmiity - ...... I. W,..l.,.r V',,11...'. U It I'll...... J i,. . , .. I,, ' ,' ,, ' ...i. ... ... ...in.,-, i, . lliiiiisoii, Diiusliiss; . A. Wolverlon, ! I.uekliuinilt'i A. J. IllehiirtUm, tlueiiH' Vl-ia; 1 1, f. Fox, hist.'! J. It. Mor.in, . i '! .M .UllloulU. i " . tui .-ami. my inniuiiirf uie niitsnn 01 Ilalliui j'lf selitetl a lively niilieiUaiuv iis the .lett'cate from thw tllllereut inv . ii.i,.-,i l.. ,.n u.,-i,i,i ,,"', , in .menu Hie reHi..ieau e'.iiveuiion.i Not only were reiublleun tlt'loffiite iiiiiltlielrrrleiiiUtliere.inittIieib.ini - ei'iiis Were ttni. w,,,v in,t, iu. iriil,illittt ollleern. At it u'el.tek Hie elialrman of thej ,,.jit In tir.ler was eleetlnll of U eouniy ivnlr.il eniiiiuiltee, AJ. llit'li- j itfh'uittt . (.tali' e invention w hleh ar.U..n, of litiena Vl.ta, eall.sl the j,.t t Portlainl, A.rll HI. The follow ineethrK tu tinier. uii vw niiiiiliiitteil; J, S. t'oos'r, A. Ib.n. tv T. llateli ami I'.f, J M. j V. It. Suy.ler, U. H. I.imjlury, J 11. I'owell wen. uoiulnate l for tt'lllioraiy ; nw M, ), ()l,,n, J, W. Itntiea, tlialru t'ii. I'Mf. Towvll withdrew ami Abrinus, J. II. Moran, K. I'. tlwliin, it was inove.1 toeleet rH-nalor Hnteh ; A. J. Itleharilsou. Move.1 that thorn' by ats laiimtloll. IVif T. C. Ilell was reivlvhiK lint nix hlnliest lilnJrltlM Ik tiouiliiaietl ts-foiv the iiioil.m wm'(.((.,h. The vote resiiltiHl us follow: slaletl from the ehalr. I'mf. 11.11 : j, u, Murau. a, J, H, t'iHiK'r, to, A. V. Itli.livwttml lion. K T llateli wan ; .a SuyuYr, A. I 8. I.uiiifliury, .'., J elivte.l, M li.i iij. hi tnUlita thoelulrfX.! l. Hnwley, lit, H, . (Ilbsoii, (it, imwtt a. ileslw that the uliuost Imr- J Abriinis, l, V., I', tlwliin, liil, A.J. moiiy illicit prevail I'mf. It. ll ami ; f t,-l i.t n Im i t . !tr, J. V. Hone, TI, R T. L lU'iitley wen. tt.polute, tellers, ; llaii'li, 2, Vaiiiluyn, Sliurtllir, nml II. H. it Hill i, was eltH'tea as teuip..rary sivivtary nml lleti. While! ns assisiaiu. i .l, ,,,,!,,!,.,., Suy.ler, of Dallas, IjiiikIi- A eoiui.tltus) of llirts- w as iipjmliite.l ' urV f Moninoitih, llnw ley, ..r .MeCoy, on en'tlelitlals as follows; T C. IUII, , ihWiii, of. Salem, ami Holies, of Sherl Kallits, J. M, I'owell, alouill tilth, W, ; ,,m w'erl elis'tetl. 11. Hawley, lutes-n.lemv. j .-r n-pnlatlves the fnllowlnu A eoiitiiilttts! of live wasapmutf.FWl.a. ,)m,mtIH; (. Keyl, I'eriy on or.h-r of busini'st as follows: J. It. ;ila!e, It. S WalUv, S.iteui. Win. Moran, M miimulli; F. Hl lwfll, I'all.is; j. ,m. vamiuyil, iiil.''Uile.ife; I.. .ll.l was as follows; Keyt, iW, Wal Alilailis, l.lint.lu;.. (1 Siiurtlili; Mi;lllV) 411, Savaj-e, l, H l Hlinui, 4i I'")'- A oiniiiuitlee nf live was itisilnltl .mrfsoiuiioustMiKWiiis: of II. I . rix, lllvle; C. C. Dminhly, liallas; Sol : Stump, Suvt-r; S, . .,w ley, .defoy; i ., Howe, Salt l.ilte, ! tin motion convention adjourned until i.M p. m. Ai rHltNiKIX nl'XHltiN. lion. K. T. llateli oeellpled the ehalr ami eatlutl the eonveutioii lo order. i;es.rt of eouuultlt tin fntleutlals I nwl ami adopted, there being only one j l'r"x.v. ,l, ,t "f F. K. llilbliar l, hi tlio iiainis or J, m. i 'airy, or iiritii-pott. The ftillowlug were the fh'lfgntr by pret'incls; (t'VHIt. W. W. Collins, II. N I hai p. MoNumru. J. II. Moran, I,. Dam in, I., ttcnilcy, Tom Telhernw, (irecn Telrow, T. W, Warren, J'S' llulihard, J. ,.. I'owell, A. II. (Irlgis. ISItlll.AS. II. It. UrntoMii, ll.Coa I, T. II. Stone. J, W. Itouis. K'U.A. John Fergn.ttiil, M, D. Gibson, W, T, Pcatve, A. W, MeNary, J. II Kmuctt, John (-.bi,riie, llltllKIHI'OUT. It I. Mason, ('. It. Farley, J. II, Teal, I. Ynnklllil, Will. Kills, D. W. (iiliiam, F. llulihard, John Farley, Ih-al Tate, J. M. I'ar.y. . Jackson. J. W. Caldwell, W. W. Stockton, W. K. Conner, A. It. Chandler, mccoV. J. II. Ilawley, F,. T. Jlau-h, .(. Shun IHI, D. L. Keyt. IU.XIB. (I. F. White, II. C. Fox, J. A. Allen. IIA I.I.AM. A. J. Baxter, .lames Klllott, II. II. Pliimincr, W. (j. CamplH'll, Fred Toner, C. C. Doughty, Win. Grant, S. D. Hubbard, II. II. Ciwpcr, T C, Ilell, I). J. Itiley, I-. N. W.hhIs, I), P. Stou'l'er. III KN.I VISTA. A. J. Klehaiilsoii, J. A Vencss, It. II. Kellogg, G. W. McLaughlin, W. I.. Wells. HALT LAKH. ',. Ifiwc, D. M. Ilaiiiplou, Hallcy Cliaimy. HI'llINd VALLLV. I,. Aliraiiis, llird Walling, W. F. S. Dillioil, II, W. Watson. i.kwisvili.i:. J. S. Htiinip, 0. A. Wolvcitoii, 0. J. Itnglcy, U. S. Iiiiugliary, W. t!. Me Timiiiondri, A. J. linglcy. JNimi'KNIiKNrH. J. M. Vaiiiluyn, W. II. Patterson, II. W. Hawley, J. D. Dorunlfe, J. I). Irvine, J. II. Cooper, J.H. Owner, A, Wilson, T.J. Fry a r, N. O. Clmlfeller, II. D. Cooper, mid James Gibson. Comtnlltco oil order of btmlness sub mitted Its report which was adopted and the proceedings of Hie convention were 'carried out lu Hint order. Moved tlmt voles tiro to be received by precincts and Hint the tellers 1111 nniiiico the receipts of votes from each precinct. Moved to adjourn to till) clly hall which was done, The following ruwilullniis went reported hy tliti eouiuilllDB Hinl iiilnploii by thf t'onvi'ii. tlnn: ' in MKMiiur nr 1. c. ai.i.kn. WiikiiHAH, HUipb mir last meeting our iw liieiiii'il anil trusted co-workers, tho Hon, ,1. C. A lltli) has heen Milled to Join llm "great ma jority" beyond Hi dark river, thcrefnrn he It Unsolved, Hull as hi Hie hi. luerlli'il mil' re Hpei't, and itpproi'liillnn, so hi (loath wo will cIhtMi his nicniiiry. And h II further Hcsolvnd, 'J'lutl wtiexlond our synipalhlea 1 1 his bereaved finally, .. . IN MKMOHY (lir II. H. UAWI.KV. WllKllBAH, Hllli'O th last miHitliig nl tills roiiihllean oounty con vou lion tho Aluilghly bund has tukon from our midst our highly ,"1,h,iw "" en-workcr, Mr.lt. U. Iliiwlt'y; ilitri'Hir It II llcaolved, That In lirn ho dntcf vrti nur r aii.fl mitt artW'th.ii, In death w will I'liorrUh III iniuuory, Ami Ih II further Ituwilvftl, Thitl niirliearllpllayiiipathhialMt ltndi.d in ilio lH.rt'11 family, (Lawis. ltf. h v n.l, Tlmt we lii'itnilv i,ii,lor. tb ml- ninilatinlhiti tit t'rtolili'iil llHi'rlwiii, Hint we hereby gtnaa our imiiHili'Ww III him s ImtM'klHmriit nf HielMliii'lpliHi of llm ntll lli'ini parly, l'l. Thai wo rtniiliut the ltiiuu linifv nf rmlnltig Ihf pr.'wiil .trlil law, Hint giving In lht hmiI. nit iii'itl hii.I irtiilut'lii elimwa llm ml' VHiiiiii.' nf ni'lt iiiiiiIiiIi'hIIiiiuiw iHrliin tllrt't'lt'tl by Iw hii.I ixuitrrvHlltfulHlfiiiuii' lili n.iiihl illvliilf. All, 'l'l Mil Wit lut V t t'l II ir l"illl1'tnli'P In III II j nlxlmtt iiiul imiri'itUiit tif llm riulillt'iiii i iitpmlKtm ill ilii ttityt iuhI iiiKUii'ttiiiiinlll i t'f iMIimitHts In iH'lh'Mt Hull llley will 1111111111 II ! mI.III Ii " Wllt" llltr.-.l.lllj illiill will I : rt'.l.iiwil, tt liliMiil lining Injury Innny nfiliti uii'iii liiii'ii.i i if ilir (iniiiilry. j till. Thill Wt'llivnr III uwiii'itliil fiHiiiHtw ; iHitjHtnitifii" lulu uliiti nrt hii'iwn In lln'fHMn- ,rv,1,wr(, (,.,, i ftm. n.i ..r..iu tuv..r.r fvtro ....a wii..i :..,.,,. i . ..., ,..'.., v Hilt, eliu'itiin lion s Hit' "lily liii'itiin liy. ,HI'II l IIIIIIIIIHIU .Mlll'I'IPttll III1IUI1..I. i Wt'o. ilirn.fi.ri' liiftnorniiiM'Piiinliii.'iil by iIhmihI (lul,iliir ..( lior Itimtui i llii' .viHiriiiimi imiiiii ny.itiii, "" i h v'r iltw .ti.llmii iwrijc will m "' ttkT T' 'r"""" "f Am"'l"1" en lnim, int.. In ll l.iyitliy lo uiir Ins. lnll- t ilii'iis, mi will fter ilniiiii.t htlr hntlnl ( i.mt im Imaful it. nut mill h ri'inly iiliinluloii ( ,h U ,,riho in.ij.triiy, ..lly r.f.'.l ; Tin, Tlmi wo hnlilin ihinl.K'iriup thai Hip IW ". inn right l- r..gul,.l. rin. ..r I""1'1 'itlirtliiiilli.iilii. ""ti mi milluhieat'il eoiiniiuiiliy amy In, I.I ,, iii.r,,i, , i.ralih or ....i,.rll4li.g lullir 1 in.'Hllii'l moral iiwiililtm. . (in niiith.it tlni teuii.rary nfll.vr s H.,v..e eat h I. Total !, Nws'swarv , i.,in, 41 M,,m, Cis.M'r,nf In ,,,, i,a;,Mi S,. Slump, Suver, ami jThiiselM'tlu It. S. Walluei ami Win. Hatiijie. For slu-riil IraH. Smith was tioinl- tntli-.l ami name withdrawn when John Wallliitf and Win. I.. Wells were plaivd In nominal hm with result n follows; Wells to, WallluK !, Farley I, Suiltli H, blank i Total Ml. W. I,. S Veils eltvlei'l. ('. (I. Coad, of Dallas, was lioiiilnnlcd for eouuty clerk ami elis-ted by atvlii' 1 reuaurf r-1 lie following were placet! in noniiiiatioii: i. 1-. i;eii, ,sa Mireve, W, U. Harris, John llubliartl, ami Win. Fills Two ballots were taken as fob lows; 1st ballot, Ilell 41, Shreve 7, Harris 5, Hublaird U, F.llis), tlruut I; I'd ballot, Itell ,Kl, Shreve I, Hubbard 5, i :ill.;m, Grant 1. I'n.f. T C. lu ll rt eelvi'il the nomination for th'itsurer, AsscsfKtr The following were nomi nated; F. K. llubhard, of Falls City; (1, Cnmpls'll, Dallas; M F. Fercival, Dixie. 1st ballot, Hubhartl i7, Camp U'il is, Percival HI, blank I. Total Hi). Imllot, Hubbard 47, CampU'II U7, Pt ieival Hi, blank I. F, K, Hulilianl tts'laivd tiomliin'of the coll veil I loll. Selnsil Siis'rlnlendeut II. 1,. Mur phy, of Monmouth, by iiivlaiuatlou. Surveyor - Frank Hutler, Falls City, by acclamallou. Coiouer Dr. Iv I.. Kelcluiiu, o( In dfH'udetiee, by aiTlamallon. Con nly Cotnnilssloiifrs-Tlie follow ing were nominated, Geo, Melbv, of Dallas, and I A. Allen, nf Klekreail. 1st lallot, Allen 41, Mcllee I'J, blank 3. il liallol, Allen II, Mcllee 4.1, blank 2. til liallot, Allen 40, Me lite 41, blank 1. Geo, MclttHS declnn'il lioinlliee of the convention. When llm result was announced a gnat cheer 11 rose and the applause was tlcafnlng. The crowd of ssftaton II Icil out of the room and yells and shunts were Indulged lu on tin slivcls. Knell pivcluct then elected 11 nunilfr for tlie county ivntral eotuinltlis' whoso iinmeMiiru given already nml the con vchllon ii'ljoiirneil. REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. The nominations made at the con vention at Dallas nre of men who nre so well known thai It Is only iieccssary to hrlrlly allude lo Iheni, for tho Infor mation of our readers, KHI'ltKrtU.VTATIVI'S. Mr. It, H. Wallace, of Salem, Is a banker of that city, and n itrcet rail way and water works projector and shs'k holder. He bus been a resident of the state for several years past, having con 10 front Montana here, where he lies another hank, Ills resi lience lu Salem Is amting the finest in tlmt clly. Wm. Savage lives near Sheridan, and Is tlio president of the Dallas bank. These gentlemen will make piirtlculitrly elllclcnt representa tives, as they, from Ihelr intimate know ledge of money mailers will best know what laws are needed lo remedy mir present assessment plan, nml It is almost curtain thai .some attention will bo paid to the crying needs of the times. MIIHIIIKK. Mr. Win. L. Wells, of llueiia Vista, served us assessor for Polk county and during his term of olllce faithfully dis charged his duties and brought In a largo HSHi'sssmcnt list. He Is of a large family who are staunch republicans and will honorably Mil tlie Olllce of sheiill'. CI, 1:11 K. C. G. Coud Is tlie present clerk of I'olk county, and during his term of olllce has made many new friends and lost none of his old ones. lie is a young married man, a Dallas boy, and us clerk has proved very neeoinmodat Ing and courteous. He was elected by 110 majority In 1888 over his deinocratlo competitor. k 'J'UUAHUKKlt, Prof. T. C. Hell Is a man of mature years, a verier!! soldier, and radlejil repuhlli'Mii. llo U irlnelml of the Cntilti ueaitfiiiy, and Is every way eiiiable limn for Ihoulllne of treasurer of Folk county, AHHKMNOII. Frank K. llul.lmrd. of Fall City, Is abundantly iiialllled to fill theolllfe of assessor, and will endeavor to fnUli fully iIMiiu'ko hlit diiiles. I lu In un eiiiTijelle mid culhuslasllu repuhllenn, nml a leader iiinntiK his iiflhlKirs ami liltthly ivsHH-hsl w lierever known, H4 IHMU, Ht'l'KltlNTKMllCNT. I'mf II. I,, Murphy ut present piln elpal of the Moiiinoiilli pulitlu Heltiad was eluweii tin in iiiiiiit of his known alilllly as an iustntetor nml devotion to the seliool work. Ills enniiM'iileney to 1111 the Hwltloii I tiiiipientliiui'd. Ik Ki adiiuled ' from I ho Stale Normal selnsil at Monmouth nml Is well know n tlirniiKlioii' I'olk county. , ItllltlNKH. Dr. K. L. ICetcliuiu.of liiileH'iitli'iif', served the past I wo years lutliesalne eapnelty and his energy illsplnytHl In large part Is the reason for his nt all HtHVKVtlll. Frank lluiler, of Full City, Is IhoroiiKlt surveyor, d.s-s all his work enrefully, an 1 Is so artH'iilili, thai he has ma, le friends ull over the county. (MMMIKIKINKIt, (I. W, Melkit, of Dallas, Is the present ineinu'H'ut utld has taken Kivnl luterett lu expeudltiK the eouuty money for bride's, timds, an I other Improvements. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. ISIiKI'KNIiKNCK, April 111, IMHI, Dcmiwrutlc primary railed to order by W. W. Williams. J. W. Klrkliiud was elected chair mull by lUHH-lamalloii, and A.J. White- aker was elected clerk by acclamation The following were then lioiullialed and clts'led delegate to the county convention t.f Polk county lobe held nt Dallas on Friday, April lsth; Win. Jones, W. W. Williams, M. Mcrwln, A. J. GiHshnau, J. W. Khklaud, Abe Ixs ke, Wm. Dalloii mid II. M. l.lnt. Motion made ami seconded that the elmir upsiut a fnmuilttet' or I hive as a pits-lnet eoinmlltett to the county con vention, Carried. Tlie following were appoluttsl; M. Mcrwln, A. J. Goodman and Wm. Dalton. If. M. Klin was nominated by lie- alamalion for justice of tlie peace, and D. II, Hoydsoii was nominated for tlls- irlt-t coiisUhle. House adjourned . HI'KNA VISTA. James Alexander, J. IF Alexander, il. M. I'oriertleld, Newt Prather, Wm. Fuipia. l.l'KIAHl IK. Ii. Tartar, H. F. Smith, Gns-n Hast ings, J, O. Slants, H sluipitou, It. Haslliigs, W. C. Turner, F. M. Smith, II. D Staats. I'AI.I.AS. J. J Daly, M M Kills, W. C. Hn.w u, J. F tin.ves, T.J. H iyier, J. M Town send, A. Siefortli, Dr. Stanley, G. W, dyer.J J. Williams, It I, Felitou. STA'E CONVENTION. Nominations by the state republican convention which met at Portland, April lsth are as follows: TIIK TU'KKr. CososKsstts-IUuger llerimiiia, of IIimm litirg, (lovisiiMua-lisvId I'. Th impsna, uf I'nrl html. mk MKr.tHY ur 8rxrii -dfi. W. MellrhUp, orm, lli'leus, TaK.tscHKH-l'hll M.'lehaa, t,f Hither I lly. HCI'MKKK Jl'UOS-ll. M. 11,1111, uf Kugi'llt, Clly. HrAin m-i'itiiixrsMi.itsr or I'cui.ic In- srin i riiis - K II. MeKm.y, ofMiiltou. HrATK I'Hisrsu -Kruuk I,', linker, of Purt luii'l. James Kntiiu is elialrman uf th state central coinmltlev and J. 11, Haw lev a inemltcr from Polk county, PKATFOHM. The platform Is voluminous, but Is In brief as follows: Is proud of the republican party ami Its record; favors an honest govern incut; favors free schools; favors the Australian ballot system; eungrul Hindu (Speaker lloed of congress on his rulings; upholds the protective larltl' principles of the parly; favors free coinage of silver; favors pensions for disabled soldiers; favor a better assessment law; demands for feiture of Northern Pacific land grant from Wallula to Portland; favors a bout railway on the Columbia at The Dalles; favors eight hours of lalHir; favors IIIhthI appropriations for rivers mid harbors; stale lnsMctors of weights and measures and public buildings; favors home rule for Ireland; denounces trusts. THE MONARCH MASTODON. Queen Jumbo will wain bo here at Independence on Thursday, April 24 th. The announcement of the coming of McMahon's circus heralds the advent of the largest animal known to history, as well us many new Interesting mimic features destined to create quite a furore. The arrival of (he innmmotli elephant in New York was the all absorbing topic ami subject of much newspaper comment,' The car arranged lo bring her majestic majesty from the Atlantic. to the Pacific was found In he too low, causing a few days delay to enable the car builders to raise the roof and lower the lower ti.u floor between the wheels. It was I hen doubtful whether tlie ear could go through Hie tunnels en route. The movements ol tlie lag one across tho continent hclmt trlcimmhcd from nniiit to nnint caused much entliUHlam among the people along the line, Im mense crowds gathering at the stations only to be disappointed as the weather was coin anil t he iiiiihioiioii count not be exposed. 1 n the Justice court for Independence precinct county of Polk, Slate of Ore gon pill', vs Joseph Knapptleft. criminal action; charged with the crime of assault with a dangerous weapon, Dis missed for the ivuson that the evidence wus not sufficient to sustain tho com plaint. Tried by the court. State of Oregon plft. va Joseph Knnpp deft, cilmiuul action; charged with ciirryliig.coiieenlcd weapons; tried hy a iiry, Verdict of tho Jury not guilty. C. F. Fisher pill", vs J. A. ltoberls deft, civil action; tried by the court. I Judgment for the plain tiff for the amount claimed and the cost of the action I. M. Huti.kh, ' Justice of the Peace, Oct a pump from Goodman & Douty THK NEW UNITtD SHOWS Now that the huge plctorlali do acrlptlve of the many wonders to I ecu hi McMahon's circus adorn the bulletin board mid dead walls and f .t small hills scattered everywhere around ami alsiut announcing lUapiNiirance at I iidi'isindciice on Thursday, April 24th, itilte an Interest In U'lug iimiil rested from the fact that It Is generally umlerstiKsl (hat among the many In teresting features of this new show will Iw found the largest animal hi the world, Queen Jumlsi, an elephant, Hie consort and constant comiHiuinn of the lulu lamented Jumlsi, at the asiWIcnl Hardens, London, for a number of years, and now weighing many tons more mail jihiiimi ever weigneii, ami a much taller ele plmut. The nvw urenh feu I ii res will un doubt all met (lie multitude where there Is so much to Iw stsiii ami (hut so unusual slid Interest lug cannot fail to create Intense Interest, JMItN. MIX -April 7th to the wife of Mcrwln Mix an eight pound girl Dl'VAI,L.-Aprll 11th to the wife J Dave Duvall a ten pound sun. THE PRINTING HOUSE TOWEL Wtuni t think of lb lowl, The nlil huhlonad Uiwrl, That U"ed lo hang up by th prlnUim hum dis.r, I thlnlt nobody, In Him liny of hnd.ly, l ull Imuiiner nut Iron lo wmu-ss II wort,. Thf trump who abused It, Tim tlt'Vtl whti batsl It, The is, nip whii(nl hi ll warn ll, im two wr "it, Thf lunMtMip sud forrlnsn, Thrfilllor, sir iiisn, l-jt, h ruUlwd wiin (rlum nfl for lb lifup they put on, ln,nvir, iid unil.T. 'twas klwi-kar lima lliundvr; 'Tn harder tlntn poverty, mushsr Ihsn ln Kmin tit roller tupndnl, It irnvfr wiuliendiil, And II nupiK-d un tlio wall Ilk bmuivr uf tin. II grew Ihe ker und rnlu'r, And Imrtler sud loiiKlnr, And dally put im iimr Inkier hur, t'lilll olio wintty umriiliig, V tiln.nl uny warnlnn, It (I'll b th floor mid mu bnikmi In two. -Ilurdt'lt. Colonist Slsapar la St. Paul. r..m.ni.lHtf A(.rll IS .Km I!;..m P.lSn "Tl. Ovnrlsiid ilnuu." will tun fiintm!,.! I'ullinsn i t.iiui tsr riuto l',.rili,.l u HI. I'sul, with l , lunio, listt iu Purllsud ry noiuwi n at v p m., srriTiiul Ol. mm luiiew ins Huudsy. i In psi will im. nitpd uu with msttmuM. oil. It.ws, Imliliinr, curtMla mid n.ihS; ttnulisucssi. lvin ouiliuni lu im (nrniRlivd "i II... isuwm. . - era. sud will bo in ehar u( a uuifermnl s.rier. Ilritiafsin hsrtirtwl at 1hi rsry h.w ratsnf iJ r,.r an upisir or lur uuutik. bwib (ruts 1'ortlsttd U. .St. I'aul INmmiasv hul.luis t.iurtat. Rrat rlaia or atsruiul-'isaa llrKHa trill ts. narrnsl in tills osr. rnrralm, lltmuith ttektfta. n1khih lh.rtha.nr U.HJti,si luiiirinsimn. apply In lit nisirtstt tickt a:ut titiuu I'mutte atsm, nr I . W. 1.KK. I.IS-ll Ui l 1'aaa Al , inland, (1. W, Whlteuker reJolcs'S over a Isiy baby, and T. L. llartmaii a girl, all isiru last WetlucHdiiv. The lot In the rear of (he Kvangellcul church for sale Call onlU-v. X. Sliupp for terms. 4;18-l't IlllU-f m I ItlN. Get your boy a wagon at Gtsslnmn Jt Douty's. I'atroul.e home Industry and buy tinware from GimkIiuuo &. Douty. U Is the heaviest ami isstt, and war mutisj not to leak. Cabbage plants at J. D. Irvine, also ctibbnge heutls, for the nut of the wttHon. AH THEREI All knowing tkeuxWr.s, indiblnl to J. D. Irvtns from laat ymr will pltusi cull In and ,Milo lha aaino iininmliatt', aa ranniiy I mual bavw. Ysur truly, J. U. Ufiss. BALED HAY. Thrwt hnmlrnland II fly balsa nf lama tihsat hay will 1st for mtln by th- nndsralKiml, aud partitstdiwirinir hay can ba aeft.tnmodanst hy onlliiis al liiwidinnii A Dnutr'a nd listvtne thi'irurilar. J'ha pros, will b fl.lU hl8,urln a Inn. First emit, ttrttt at.rve.1. M.trttll, iKKI. K. ''. PsNTLANn. L. M. Sloper, Well Miksr and hi lih -,NH IIEAl.KIl IN- AH Suds of Fusps, Windmills, etc. Kur Purllier rrlleiilnr, Ad.lrs: Kniiln of nr L. M. SLOL'EH. IllllcpClltlt'lKV, 4 11 V2L Oregon. ALBANY WORKS. Egan t Achison, UKAI.KIIS IN MAItlsLK, . AMERICAN A SCOTCH fJRXlTE .Im 4 10 P.O. Dox iall, Albany, Or, Opera House, One Nigh! Only, SATURDAY, APRIL 19. KnsiiKitiiient Exlmnrdlimry oftlio YoiiuriwI, lliimlstnnt'st. must vomiitlki mid finished Actress on tho Ainorltsua Htiig. Miss Caroline Gage, Supported by Harry F. Keene's Own KiiNtcrn Company, In Tlllottson's benii tlful five net Society drninu "queena" Or the Ufe of an AetreHH, ItepreHcnthiR gnrirenuit eosliimeii and bi'iiutl- rnl auencry painted esueclnlly for Hill piece. HcnKimber If we fall to pleaae, wo refund your money at the end of tlio futirtu sot, . Price of admission, Mets. to. uny partuf the xiuile. Kimerved seals wlthoul extra surge at PattcntoiiH, CITATION. In His Cniihiy I'mirt r,f Hie Hint., of Oregon, ." ', t.,.,M,.J ... ...IK, lu Hut mutter of lint foists K. Merwhi, ,,.-,.-.1, r.. win, nilllllllixiritlnr. I.! Hel.rV 17.. alurshfl fr... Ar.l,v '1' ,,,.4 WIIIIkiii A. Merwln mid It. I V'hihIiijii; iiIhi tiilwln, Mary, lllunehe, Mna, tlturles, Anus uu it, ne .ttcrwiii, gri'iuinm I M TIIK SAMK ill' TIIK MTATK OKOMK- UIN, V.HI r hereby elleU slid re.it.lr.sl lo s,iir 111 Hie l ouiily l.oiirl ol iiienuu, of tln aoii. for lh w.mily ol l'..lk l llm I iiiirt lusiiu lliiT,-,,!, nl iiuiiim lu (lie i ,.olity nl I'oiS on Monday, lit HI It ilsy of May, Islill, n! I ii'ehs k In fhennermsai ol ll.nl day, tlmn Mini ihre logite enite, If say o.t re l, why an order he mil lumtv ditei aiug -tin. ailiutitla Irillornf aillll tllil lo sell ll,e rollowiliu ihi. aerilsol reni prnt rly iM'tmiging i.,i,, inline Ht-wit! i tie tui.iit in. ii v, in l. i, .t in me (o. Inwllitf deaerlbeil nrolH-rtv! lu-ill.nliid 1,1.77 t'hullia Went of lb.. K.iil,i ii.t mril'-r nl elitllii .,.. i H,fn. i, 21, 1 s,r 11 vv, Ihi-nie .".in Hi II, t'hiilils, Ihi'iies Wet a.,i ihuiiia, Iheiee Mntllll ll.ai ,'1,1,111., Illeliln l,iil S.X.1 elullll In !hi-i. nl Is'iiIiiuiiik entlliilliliiKH.tH '.".. A ln a 1 1. ret, S'-.e ll'uel ImiiuuIi'iI nil Hie ruirtheutt by right of ny fit KHnunrW7in, inttat. isuiiiHiny . uu me norm nun i i,y uit premlaeai.f aiilit .tiiiimity, un lit snllileifct by bind deeded by k, Mcrwln lo Henry Mlnnef . Nona, nil lite snlllb Slid West by Hie liniu riy imw tBH iinieU by ll, ,M. I'lual, ,', ituaxai Hlld A, W llxill Is-lug u imrl uf Hie Ii l.l.'t.ll.', i, Ctsifc and wile in I'ollt I isnity, Oregon. S . . W'itnkss, Ibe lion. , Hlniilhr, ski. Jmlgii uf Urn liiiory l oiirl nl Hie ) Mnne of Ori son, for Hie 1 .'.unity i I'olk, Willi llu,K. uf sin, I llottlt sltlxed, Ihla tllli tiny ui Miiivh, A. It. I "i"!. An tor; nm :.J. ...,., f I,,, SHERIFF'S SALE. VOTII.'K la hereby given thitl by vlrlu of an l'ee,'iill.,ii Uuly ln.li,l mil n IH I'minl liniirttfi inttMitt nl ttr,-g at ,,r Hie t'o.utit. uf I'ols, oil lb Lull UiiV in miieli. A. ll. Imi i,i m,, b j,...i,.,i unit- tt'iiuerei l, etitiTeil ol re tsinl HitU dis'ltel.-il In hii.I l,y .,nl rlreull Curt on Hie (.'in ,i,iy nl ,)i,i), A. I). Iss.1 In a frlii In on II, , i, lu o I ,,mi u,u.k-, l n lU I. H. lol tte,, Kill, 111 ,11. .;, Hluuer, I,, A. MlnlH.r. I, kelail K. It llnlierU,.,, J. Vt , Klrshu.d iidiunil'lnttor, I,, ;u. ilail una ti. W. Wlotier Sertl tleti tnUnu. be wlilrli eai'.'ull.,ii I not uiuiuiiiuiied n dl ll,e r. ni !iroH.riy bereni nlier tle. rll'U, and out of Hie t.r,sts-i nl ain h aiilt, to imy uiidjuilgtf menl l tw.,iny.elMlit huiidr. d dolbira a 1,1. Iittert'ol tberuxii in the rule nl H per eeul. jn r uiiu.nu oui, yiuy Vi. Ian, nnJ two bumlred ami lllly ilollnr utn.rney a Iff and Iweiiiy Uttw uud hHltit doUursetMi.u Ktiit and iwu'run. lug coats, 1 liute let led llsiu uud will oil Saturday, tit I till, di.j ut April, A. ll. I situ si I o'ehw'k in Iht bUeriiisiii uf wild day al the dir t.f ibe ts.urt hnua In said I'mk I'ntuiiy, Mini ol tlregnll, sell at pu Idle mli Uoii In lite iiiguisH uitxier i'.ri ,o.u in i,,ou un ilio il, ,,l Je. all Hi,) riuht. Illle. Inn-rent ami ...o.o. wbieli thti wtld i.'. Hls-r, la, A. wnisr, li. Kelau, I W. Ilnberlsou lutluuee. J. W. kirk. land. wtiiiiiilairHlor. I.. M. liu.l ur l.. W. nt,.H'r suiu iieietiiiuiiia or inner uf M.eiu mtttieti lu MUltl exts'ittiun hud uu or alter the Hie uml Ut It tiny u jy A. U. Ins., In or In II,.- bdlimtng UeNerils-U reitl ,ruN't'ty bewlt: All lola flvo vul, l l. nf bba-k llllrt.fll llli, ..l even 17) ol bl.sk IWellt.t-fuur lil,, uud lot thrw () uud four il, ol block l w,'iilsu ,M. uf III town ol Judels'lldeliee. I'olk liuuly un gntl. Ha s-r llntM ami plan, nl aulU Inwil; ult.il all tli4! istreel of land iuuiitei lu 111., I 'ntiiuy and tstale af,,rfal,t o,i't uietl ,e. mllnsH: j lie w.oui null t! Unit (Mr.f I il,'erliied by ooiu ll, . in lug at lliu Weal lluu u( t.'. . ijnok'n Itol.ulloll Lau.l I lullll M feel Norlll uf Hie urib Hue ol bba-a Nn. eleven ,11, ol auid uiwn uf lm..u-u.lfiia', Mien.v kai il.lriy (Jt), nsi tlien in a .f .inlierly aireeiloit utuiig luuilaol i;. ana ll. rlouir aKoni eluhleeu Hit, nlt iiinif nr e, Hieii.'v . u Hie am line ol auid t'. r. iu,m imnuHuii l.,n.l i.'lalni, Utenisi .Norm I wo liundi-etl ami laenl.v.loui Ht leel lo Uie lilitti nl ueallllllllil eolilitililiiu one ill sere more or leas mi nld luild iHnug lu litis tuuiiiy, t.rejfou, si, eoiiiitit'llellm a! Ibe ."ttiiii beoAi turner ol thai eeruiiu .ur.vt ui laud wb leb V. 1'. rouk eoi.netl Ui kilwin .tl.'i a In by U.-ed t'leeuled liy M.ld I'. 1'. I'ts.k ami wile aunt dm-d wnteu I., duly j-.tirded ul ellglll UI Hie reenr.W nl dee.lol i'oU T tutus'. ttrtgoii, ttblth tl.s'il lit boreny h l. rr, d to lur a more oerieei ae.M'f o.oou ol Hie laud tien'iiv .s.lteed Iimiii Mini eoiuer riltililuit nrltiei ly along tUFffiin-i oi ineal.tugit m uu, r,,it unli of Mild Ous t lor a dltan,i nl eubleeu tl.t. rKl, litems' .soul ii. rly until ll meet Hi. notlib lllieolMuhl irrt.-t ronveye,! I,y mii,1 i:. I'. t.M.k uud wile mm ai.,rei.l,t .Miiutiu'iiu Iwn i, a.-re uiorf, or k', al-t a wtripol ground IM) .t-t o. win... uu tue iiiiii line ui kiiiu Ursl mentioned pureel lv,fn lug uud ex.epl nig tliereiroiti un.ut oin-l ,omu n,t tlit reol ui.a Hbteb Hie uri.i mill ol t.'. and I.. .u sioa.r l miusi.'.l uil in I'oU futility, ttreoii. I'u.eu ut 'tn,pv, t.regon, nun i,iu tl.ty ol Jilireli, A. it. Wv. 1UA H. 11, Wterlll ol I'ola votiniy, t .recoil, i SHERIFF'S SALE. lu the Circuit llutirl of Iht. Sutte of Oregon fur I oik t utitny, J. A. liunieU, 11 tr. ) Clirvll Hlouar. tS'fl 1 XOlit'k Is Hereby given Hun hy v In lire nf an t'exts'llllolt duly lulled out of Hlld Under Uie 'it! ..I Hie i.'itvmt t 'otirt ol Hie htuu, ot tireuott for Ibe t'tniiiiy ol I'olk, on the l.iili U.iy ol Marett Inu, uml to mu direeied titou a tvt iulti Jtldgiiteul hii.I Ueeree rendered lllereiil ou tlie hi tlay Ol IKhviuImt, 1SMI, ui Itivnr nl J. A. iNtitlelN, pUlnlill. and aui.liii.t t'nrvll Moner. d.'le.itliinl; l,,r Hie stun ol Iwelvu huiidnti ifiatii tlollars with lineri'Ht ttiereon, Iroiu Hie inn tiny ul ih'lols'r, ins;, ut Hie rate of leu HO. Mr eeuu is'r Hiiniiiu, wnn uie lurttier miun.01 M'Vettty.llve isT, d'dhtrit Hltoriiet' s fee Mild iweiitysiue isil kUtO. HUU tlollara lortv..n uud tiUbtinsnneiiu In tiilitsult, nml it deeree IOrtM'hs.tiig u utorlgiige on Hie loltotviug aeribetl imviuIm's, !o-ttU: IVililliielielllg ul Hie wottlhtiiKl comer ol Hint Intel of h.ud pur olutM'tl by Ktlwlu .llerttitt 01C. X. t'.s.k uud wile, tlienee Westerly iiIoiik lheeeiiier .d Hie slotiglt nt the tifl end of said pruerty for Hie dtsntnev ol rishltvn IH it.u, ineueeNorih weriy is mii, iiiemt' (v.uuieil.v until ll meet Hie Moiuh line of Mtnl Inn I ot land pitreluiM'd of C 1'. Cook mid wile. tsiutiilnliig tvtoii'l Here more or le, itNuit mrlp oil si.lil trnet sixty (lull tttn wide uluiis Hie Htiiuli line thereof, nt the tven eii.l of Mild turvt leas oiie-loiirlli t.l an aert. In Hie Norlli- el etirner of wild I root of bind, also lot No. & Hint In l.lts'k .V11, 1.1 nml I. .is .No. .'1 1011I 1 111 bloek .No. ai, uml lot 7, in block No. 21. limned lu Hie Kiwn of litdeis'iidt net', Cuualy ot I'olk uud Milleo f Itregoa, tlelgiiiilet on Mt III A. litorpa is.iuiiion ijiu.l t liiliu, mid utld tle t'lis tllns'leil tlntt Ibe auid hllidK lie sold In the manner iimvldcd hy law. mid Hie iiroceed!. Is- hi!1ihI ua follows, lo-wil: In ),u,vintiit ul costs nitd exH'uses til Uilssiih herein taxed ul fcll.to ami lut riiliig eost.H, 1111,1 men to the puy incut of the itiiiotmi due plitliuitt iiimn note and inorlgiige, twelve httmiivd (Siati) ti. 1 lues, with mtrrext u( 10s,r cent. piT 11111111111 from the 1AMI1 di.y of Ot-lols'r, Ins", itnd for seventy-' nve 19,,. 1 tlollitrs itllorney s ish. I, Ira H. Kiniili, Mheiiit ni i'olk County, by virtue of tint premises iilnrcMtld have levied sin uud will sell itt public iiu.il, 111 to the highest bidder, for cash In bund, nil Iherlithl, lllK'tind inieresi nlilt hihcMild t urtll blois r bud on or slier the &1U1 tiny of tietolier Iss7, In nml to the siild prenilse.'t ntorcMild, In front ol the Conn House dour, in Uie luwii of Unlliw, inn! eouniy 01 i'olk, 011 Salurtltiy the lltlh tiny of April, A. I. I Hill) ut 1 o'clock 1', .M, of said tiny. (k lit A B. KM ITH, Hherllt'ol I'olk Couiily, nr. Haled al liitllas this lilh tiny ol .Mar, h, 1MHI. SHERIFF'S SALE. In lite Circuit Court of (hp Smto of Oregon, or roiK t'tiiitity, J. A. Daniels, 1111". va. ,i, j left. ) Cnrvll Hloncr. lefl ti l ll is is nereiiy given unit uy virtue or an 'exccullon duly Issued out nf Hie Circuit -ourt ol the Hlitm of Oregon ior iliet'tmuly uf on n judgement duly rendered' entered nt 11-- ....ll .... ,1... 1 , . . ...... ..r VI ..... .1. ., .. IIU orti ami nocKcica 111 iimi i,y sum cm-uit I'onrt on tlie lltl dity of Deci'inlier, A, H. ISMi, Ui a ts'i'ttilu suit, nien ut siiiil t ourt )ieutllug, wherein .1 . A. hiinlels whs pliiintlll'itud t'lirvil HloH'r was delt'iiditnl, by which cxeeullun 1 tun eoniiiuimlcd to sell the reul properly here miner tleseribed. and out ol the iini- ttH'tlsol such utile to pay the costs uud ex tHnse of sale the costs mid disbursements of siild salt tnxed ill iSKIiVKXiaud the liirllicr simi of tfrJSiiiMOO Willi Inlerest tliercoii, 111 Hie rate of ten percent. 'r itiininn, from Uie lilh tiny ol ticlotier A. 1". . IsSli, i imve levied iiiou itini will ou the lmli day of April, lKiM) ill 1 o'ehs'k In Hie iillernoon ofsnld day nt the ilonrof IlieCoiiniy t'otirl houie In lii.llas, in I'olk County, tirciron, sell in puhllc miction to tlie highest bidder, for cash In liiind 011 the day of will' all Hie rlglil, I Uie, Interest nml estate which Carvil lAlnper deleiidiint niiiued In said execution hud on or uiier tlio I It It tiny ot tletober, A. I. issil, la or to tlie following aeseriueti i-eni iroH'riy.i,ewu; 1,01 .u. .u uve, In I, lock .No. I.t, 101 Ml (!l six III IH.M'li eio. i'i, bit :i. In block No. '.'ll. Im No. 7 In hloelt No. 21. lot No, I In block No. lid, nl:o Hint ecrtiiln l.rtiel ol'litnd istiii.nenclng ul the Houtheiist eorner t.f thnl I in. I ul iHiid piirchiiscit by i'.dwln Merwln of C. 1'. Ctsik ami wife, tlienee North erly along I lie nailer of the slough n! Hie east end of saltl properly lor Hie dtsunico. of eighteen rods, then Northwesterly eighteen rods, thence SouUietly llnlll Ii meets the Hotilli line of said tract of hind purcliased of C. I', cook unit wile, eoiiiiiiiiiug iwn iicres more or less, also it slrln oil' of sitld tract 00 g tlie Muiiiii line inereoi, lo ine Westend of Niild tract, less une-lnurUi of tin acre in tlie Norlhcnst corner ot mild tract ot liiiul, nil situated In Hie town of Indepen dence, I'ollt County, Oregon. IK A 8. SMITH, Slieiilf nf Polk Count v. Oregon, Dated at Dallas tills 17th day of March, 1M MUSIC INSTRUCTION. J. W, Spnrklln, tenehor ut pluno and organ. Terms, t.1 pur month uf two lessons per week. Address P, O. but 32, Independence, Or, la-Mi Amos Htrong, wlinse restniimnt in Biilem onti of the best, 1ms given strict personal Htlen Hon to the wttnta tit his utiHtotners Htiti hence litis built tip a lurge trndu. lie gives ft good meal for Wo. . Huy your tickets Kast of rHtws himI moHt favorn xruuttt Chll t the JEWEL AND LACKS. " Oh, girl with th UwalkM flngeri, Ok. girl wltb Um hoes nr I P What gra Tour jewels and what ara yon law worth to you If, from underftriac tka trying nrdmls which fssblnnsla a.siirtf lim po on IU ilarmMS. raough to tt tb pbya leJ ftrongib and nduran of th most ro bust, you brsak down, baa your boalt an bntuui s pbyidnai wrck, a tbouasods do from urb nun! l!od iunh olmintatanoits yoa ouM will ingly giv all your Jwui and all your laoas to regain kwt hsltb, Tbl you nan io if you will but resort Ui the lias of that groat rtortla known u Dr. Pleroe s Varorit PrwcrlpUtHi. Tbnnaandt of grateful women bless tb day It we mad known to tbem. For all tb-nuuiBinenta, bTe(ulritMw ui4 wsaknoaaej (stcullar to worasn. It Is th rrnfa remedy, sold by druggist, ondar a yoltla f aarauto from lum luanuraiitiirera, UuU It will fir tatuiftitlon In wvery au. or money will 1 rsfundetl. Tbla guarunst ha bsei printed on the bnttla-wrspper, tat faithfully varrlnd out for many ytwra. . An InTlgnrallng tunio. It IntpsrU atraogtb to th" whoa, yautio. Kor feeble women manr ally. Iir. Plertw'g FarnrlU fmurtpUun is tb (stat esrtbly boon. Dr. Picrce'n Pellets " . ,, . and clean the llrsr, atomaeh and bowels. Ou a dusa. old by druggua. H oeuta a vlai KELSO & CO. Ladies' Dress. Coeds, Boots & Shoes. Mens Clothing, Spring Hats and Underwear etc. LSD Co. W. H. WHEELER, DEALER IN B&oks and - Stationery, Musical Instruments, Sewing .M.icliiiii', Sheet Slusic, Albums, Autograph and Scrap Books in Stock. Headquarters for S:ijl Books and Supplies. Subseiijitions Received for all Leading Xewspapera thronghout the United States. Mail orders promptly attended to. II. M. LINES, Funeral Director and UNDERTAKER! A full uud complete Hue ol Fu neral goods always on hand. t R. Patterson. Iudepeudence, Oregon. DRUGGIST Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. CO C-3 UJ o z Ul Q z Ui 0. Ul Q Z o i-j S5 W EC i 'A 01 a a as ul Ul DC I- co z 5 a C3 CARDEN PLOWING. For garden plowing or teaming ot any kind, apj.ly to tt, 8. Mitldluliain, indtiuendonce. DRY FIR WOOD WANTED. The unilornlgiio.i dealres all tuwums hatting dry wtmd to call and leave price at the new City bak try null street oiiuonite poatuflica. Tt. H,Taylttr, April! Independence, EE itf I f i