The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 11, 1890, Image 2

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    n. d. coot
C n-NTI.ANl ruMishci
Sknatoh Doii-u's sit
Washington on the t-tiiiV wat an
abte ellbrt.
At.l. talk tor u school huiise.
Toll the tliiwtori vh:tt you w tut.
Your inllueiioe will lie felt.
Asi now I'm- a .school house. It
willlm puiil for by twenty year
of tuxes lifter the first your; ami lot
h bo a building worthy ol" tmr
Pi:oi'i.i; held their h while
the powerful republican Suuou
ami J,otun faction fought. The
buttle is ended mid l.otun in vic
torious. '
MoSMoiTil wants lo celebrate
this year. Independence did. mil
cohbnto last year or the year be
fore, but neither did Monmouth,
so lot her get in mid gtvo a rousiua
celebration ami we will come in
next year.
Tukku must be factories ti.s wcli
as well as farms mills und work
shop as well asjfanlens anil grain
. fields. It is manufacturing that
saves. Xew England from fu mi tie,
uml it is manufacturing that muM
be relied on to save Dakota, Ivan
sua, Texas and Oivgon iVoiu those
visitations. A hirjje industrial etc
Mont renders two valuable services
to the community--it consumes
farm products w lieu they are abun
dant und assists to buy them when
thoy are. searee. Tnnh' jui1 JViffff.
Ol'K citizen s should encourage
our residents now here who en
deavor to satisfy the public de
mands of trade. If you arc doing
us well at home us you can do any
where else, why continually growl?
The plan to adopt is to have nil
urouiul made to fool comfortable.
You can do this by saying a good
word it it is deserving of it. Men
work for money, but home enter
prise demands oven more than that.
It should have its meed of praise.
Some may think this paper
furors a cheap John school house.
Mot at all. We favor just what 'we
need. We want a building, large I
enough to accomodate the grow th j
of , the town for sometime to come, j
also of a pleasing nrchiierliiriil ex-j
terior. The directors have two!
week to select, plans, and by the
time our citizens moot again a very
close estimate should be submitted.
If such a building us we want e.:n
be built for ten thousand dollars
without grounds and furniture,
why spend twice that sum.
The llrkish coal minors are out
:Vn,0 H li',)ugaud tlioir strike, if
long continued, will throw out of
employment, '.'.OiM.'M.l operatives
in the cotton and iron Industries.
If this were in a land of protection
the SitVi.-'i School of economists
would he ready enough with tut
oxplau tliou. Since it is in aland
of five trade, and the one. land from
which they draw their inspiration,
the ora les may bo expected to be
as da idi as oysters.
To Americans it highly Interest-iir-
ica'iiiv of the great strike is
that it threatens the suspension of
lass i;..;Uing in the United States,
for the nlkali factories of Clival
Itritain furnish this country with
alkali: those establishment etinnot
run without coal and our , glass
houses cannot run without alkali.
So it happens that disordered in
dtis'itil conditions in tiroal llritian
may hit us hard in this country.
All which makes its per! intuit to
reurirk so great a country its
our.ssl: mid make its own soda
It cannot he done without a larill"
sutVteeii'.iy protective, to cover
the dif.'oi once in tin oo of labor
in th- two countries. Wlu-ttnui
Mos.uot rn, Or., Miuvh ism.
The htmtil of truxtivH of the tstiite
Normid whiml lit Monmouth weiv eon
Veiled liy the pii'Mldeiit of the lioiu'd,
lion, 1. IA M. llutler, Friday eveuliiK
March 31st for the pinptisc of Invent!
irtithiitn itive tlnitc of hniuni'til eon
duet uthvlliitf the rlmmcicr of I'ron. 1,
T. Stanley and Prof. Haughty, one of
the lady toucher In (lie whiml. The
Newlou wiw couIIuuihI from day today
until the moriilutt of Muifh I'-Vli u
careful and thutniiKh luvinlUiitluti of
the oliiii'Koi nvnilteit In a mmulouioti
verdict of not Kiillly, and thoexmilniuii
of the Mtudeuts tttakin-f the eluogt
from the nehsNil, lii.v F, M, Hi'Tt.tai,
Pit, of I lie Trustee.
V. S, I'owki,!.,
N. t.. Ill TI.KU,
Mrs. K, M. liilcs who lm ioi 1 1 1 Hi it t
kcIkhiI of iteventeen (IiIn Iiiw tvct'lvvil
periiilwlon to use the M. I'! church
Hoiith where the wheel wllflie held.
John It, CiiIU'I'Ihoii, lio has been
In Hie employ of Ittiriitt, llultoii A Co,
mrtucpAMi innr illinium, mm iiceii
culled to bin home In Wash, and the
linn with much ivivl lime tntt valuable
Ml Alice Miieanliiy wim much
tilnin'il to meet smniiiliy lady friends lit
her opciiliiitf du.v. On I'rldii.v ami
Siitiuduy I hiv Htoiu wiih throiii eil mid
hIic not only wild h Iiu'o uiiinlier of
her piOleru IihIh, lull luet oldeivd more
wlilrh will mrlve thin week She iv
e'lved niueli pnilstt lor her very tyllHli
On Wetbiiwdiiy evenhitf of liutt week
Itev, ,oyioi und Ins dtiiiKlilcr lecluri'ii
to a lioye iilidlelitv In Hie ('IoInIIiiii
i liiii'i li, A lecturer mminull wim Indeed
u noveliy, hut her voire U uduili'iilily
nulled to plciine nn iuhIIi'Imv it m I her
nrlletiliillon t very illMllnet. The cul
led Inn wim it lllicri'd iiiin,
Look Out for My Car Load
F U R N I T U R Bi
Of nil Kind, und the Latest MtjlcK
Which will Arrive from the East in a
Few Days.
The h.truiauious action of our
oitiA'is at the school meeting on
Morsd,"." ab'ht- in favor of a jrood
schoul building has had ils cll'ecl
on tei our most ciiuserxalion
busine s i un. Men who one year
ago w odd have fought any kind of
new ioi.Miiig seems pet feci ly satis
tied i.' t!:e direi'tois will not ex
ceed id, Oik) in the oo.4 of the
building.' That is t'ne lowest est i-
MoNMOfril, April 7, INiK).
Ian roil rnr moi::- in titw ih,m-
nr ufl he '.M of this iiionlh, the editor
In Ids li-)iiit of the t'nlon piirtn ism-
vent lou 'held lit Oailas on llu 'iih ol
Murell, Niid (here were only eljlit or
ten reiireNciitiiUves iircM'iii, In n In
truth there were twenty oi -iweuty-flvt
there wim npiewiited I ' it toil ptin
elples. The IionI way Is fur him to iimke
a true sititeiueiii, ir none in all. I it
fore election Ih over hw will have o
eotiul tietler III, ill tlmt tilid loll't yon
lorjA-i it. tuo Jim.
..... . - .
Mi !',. T. Copelainl, ml tiai heriil
the Nollilal si'liool, liiollisf lelt;lleil
her position, naiiriied to ln r houie In
Musi t'ortluiul uu l liur-diiy.
The pole for tie1 fcrrv wiw pliuvd In
iiiwltleu liy Atiily 1IIom, mil Mr.
.lone mav nave to ouv n new eanie, its
the old one Is badly kinked.
A. J, Whlteitker has sold h full itmr
ter ot'tt mile of eariK'tlnst dut'tnir the
t t liluutti. This Ih wim a NHelul
"ad" tins done lor him, coupled wlllt
low prices unit Kll(,d ipmiily of goods
Miss tiH llenilnw, of MeMlnnvllle,
who lit tended wlliiol ill MollllioUlll ill
isso, wan vmliluu friends In liutepeu
ileneeiind Moninool It I his wivk, islle
will net us pianist for the wiiamders
mate wo have heard. The block j The meiuUin of the middle iih
of land will cast siimotliiiiir li ku I olttttf.u at Moinuoutli will tender ti
.;.'i(i, and the building i0.nii(i.
I'lsfptlon und sttpiMT to the incuiU-rx
o! tin' MeMiuuville ix-rau.-idei who
The fat'iiiture and lioatiug $'Ji)Ui), ! itive mi entertaltiiiieiu en Friday even-
i, ;tl i,, it ., .i i ,t ,l a' ai ,i,i a. ! . 'fids Is in n-turii tr tin- very
ill make a tot d o ,,, .,.).), which Ul( v,l(111,.llt tll.,,Vs ,,.,vV(.;,
is not far from the estimate made ! at MeMiiinvHIe your ur , ;.
by tiuite a tiuiiilicr. 't'he ("ot vallis! lieu. 1. Nelson, of Neiwoi I'.ros,
seli.H.I house cost coinolcte i4"tltmo. PVH1 M.r' Uot'ullooli, of Portland.
e iiuderstaiid that the Albany
building was built for iri)ti.
That is a very good school house
for us. The Salem school cost
b), Of id ami is tiner than we nml.
If scorns probable that an eight
room building with furniture und
healing upparalir will cost not far
from 17,0,1,1, and us one third of
; niilriwil uieti, were In town ever .Sun
day Ihey Were looMtiif over the route
toViills city, 'l'liev w 111 return within
a liurt time lo make preliminary ' survey.
mi i.Mo?:n A T'.'.nnon.
T..rit Yrc.emi-tit Tt,t Curw Cnntli
Al-coriHng lo Ihi' M: t ;rtti-Ueti itnllteJ, n rtnni
Ijf ttu Iwn illinivi'Ti'-l llmi Willi nlmit nu
vrrUii wr'altny ovon'utuv tvu!liaUH, t( i,
ttm uw !a&(,Uv iirim-tnt,! hi Jov'i V,.tfpf
thU.-tuut be wM- leu dwnet twjHsia, Ttw rmnn r inn nt. ,w
taxition in or It to bin 1 tY'dis ,nman' "'"l1" n "t"i-r, i rtv
; il'' t Ihiflr Ul f-ntit..n. rxrit (rout nu
tl'iCt the r It-! of taV tlion u: "lll, Kriii'l.-n, will km.wii luelr nmnliur. Shi
Oil to raise s-illi) will be twelve "": " 1 :" "' ,h "l
IMryni-o. 1 Imvi, Itir curs hwl n cult ittimiii-b
j aim. . ncr t,i:s vt-ar too ill-.! t let . ttrn-irl w!i!ifinM.ieli.ii,ii.l nm-vr leuu.l mil
V ill never feel the hm-den of the " ft't-'l tlxi l"l"l tint tl.! nmo
.... , w.mi oin mi', urn ut rniv i, mm i km
.U.lKIIliX lie OaiiUill": .T.tmtl .niTnmr till I lrl,..l JuVl V,-thtil !UrM,rl'
I iltl.
The deiiiiH liitle iirlnuulen nn
tiitit lino tne county convention f ridiiy
April IS. The tlpreeiilnlous re lis
follows: lletliel -I, llideH'Hiletlis: H.
llrlK-i nirl I, Jai knuil .'i, llttetia Vlslilo,
laieMiouule II, (inllus II, .Mel'uy ,
Olxletl, Moiiiiuiiith tl, liuiigliui ft.'hull
t'hs'k .'I, Kola .'i, Sliver 1. Tulnl "7.
- 'I lie tvpnlOlt'uu prliiinrlen for 1 tide
pi tiilemv were ln-ld Ttiiuwl.y iifteriiiHin
and the follow Imt wks-ted n deleKatc
to atti'ild tsiiility eouveiitioil 111 Oilllax
on Sniuiiliiv ,1, M. Viuidiiyii, W.J I.
I'litlersoti, It V. Ilaivlev, .1 l, Dom--.lie,
J, D li'vlue, .1, It, t'iKiper, .1, H
OimiH-r, A. Wilson, T.J. l-'ryar, NO
t 'lodleller, It II t 'neper, mid Jiooch
(illiMUi, I. ItutlerWilH noinluiUed
for Jusllec of the lVmv nml W. ,11
Kelly eotistiilile, ,itoiiuoinh elected
the follow lug delcisnlei.; T. Tllcl'ow,
I, I ,li. 'li, Jo, llul luilil, J, II illoritu,
A II ol., T. V, Win I, M
I'om 'II, T. J. t'edt'ow, b, tteiilley
'lhe Itellil MafaelUeuilipHliy, of wven
Hiiple, have Ihcii playing to' very giHul
Hiidieliees this wfck.itt the opetit houxe
I'lie ptihlle bus lieen U'tler pened w tl tl
tin lr H'ifoi iiiniiees limn II exiccted,
nml Nome of the eoliipnliy lire ipllle
I'lever, ulid us a whole the coiiipuuv Ih
well wnnli s.elu, They piny till IIiIn
VUs Maninliiy v III move her !ork
of inlUliiet.v mi Tiu-sdiiy, to the siuro
now ueeupled liy OltlWell A Krt
eliiiin, ilnn'lHiK, ViNhiH tiritwi ll ,v
Kt'telium w ill move Hu ll' ilrlitr "lore to
South Hood, Wtedi Or, Keteluiui
Will lYIIIIllll with tlx,
W now und see my new llneofllaby Ilii.'U "! Wngotm,
Wood and Willow Ware, Brooms, Hwecpers, (Jarpels, Malllnif, ()l1'
crollt, Wall Taper, Ilorders, Deeornthuw etc., und a (letieral Idnc of
At Hedrock Prices
Of White Baliimu.
Mr. M. fi. While, dl'Iudepcndenco, has bam appointed iigenl for the
above nurseries, w bit It deal exclusively In fruit and oriutmciital trees
and shrubeiy. I'atalogtte mid ju ice list cnii be obtained upon npplieii
tioti to the agent. Special attention is called to the large stock of
These atv home grown trees, fn-e from iiwccts pests. Thfl JEWKTT
XrilSKKIKH -were tstnblished in 1N78, ami now covers over fifty acres
A land, rrices reasonable nml stock ginintiileetl to be as represenct.
1 'aities who hiv building homes around Independence by clubbing
ttrdei", can get special terms. M. L. WHITE, Agent.
f ' .A-i u J'i
Nt). 1407.
Sire of Lady Maude, Nautilla, May Winder,
Black Hess, Black wood, Kitty Lee, etc.
' i M Mi I'd
f vV ASCOI'CIl til
:liu 1 Id
I'. I ItoX lift
n in:
Albany, Or, '
L. IV1.
ti..-- it
u mi
II Hi f ilial
-VMi tiKAtlll IS
.hcaiier onlv
inilis. I, -t Hi
icho.d building
tiensive struct,!
reduei'S thv
li hv a
tax two
' I plain
but no f.iaev, ex-
The proposition of .Senator Pad
dock, of Nebraska, that for the
"three years 1.SIJ1, 2 and .1 a bounty
of sl per ton on beets raised in
the United Slates and delivered lo
a factory and made into merchant-able-
sugar, and a further bounty
given of l per 100 pounds of sugar
made, from beets raised in this
country, is in the rigid direction in
view of thegreally increased oiler
ingsof grain in the principal mar
kets of the world and the nivesshy
for more .profitable crops for our
This, in opposition to tin1 plan
pursued by England, withdrawing
tinstone source of profit and then
another, will add to the wealth and
resource's of our farmers; at the
same time it will decrease the cost
of sugar to consumers, by increas
ing the supply; and by Keeping the
money at homo which would other
wise go to foreigners for sugar it
will decrease the interest, on bor
rowed money. -A mrfiain ihiitnminl.
The following is the concluding
paragraph trom an article turner
the above heading in the Manu
facturer of Philadelphia which
speaks very plainly and to the
point on what is expecied of the
ways and means committee:
We venture to toll the repub
lican members of congress and ol
the commit tee that unless the forth
coming; bill shall give lo Ameri
can industry increased protection,
a fresh appeal to the people in that
interest will have a very different
answer from that given in bSSt.
More than this: unless lhe said bill
shall bo fully protective and unless
it shall be enacted into law and pul
into operation soon enough to per
mit business to sell its good in
fluence before the fall elections, il
is almost usehfis to look for a re
publican majority in the filly
second congress. If the patty now
in power cannot or will not fulfill
it pledges, if it is too week to
make good its' promise, or too
cowardly to stand hard and fast by
its alleged principles, it will be.
beaten in November and it ought
to be beaten, we wouiii rauier
have to deal with clear and honest
advoaftes of free trade than with
the alleged protectionist who
Bhufllc and evade and compromiKo
and shiver when they are called
upon manifest fidelity to the creed
they profess. Jmeriean Dumtmht.
Wednesday r.vtiiiut unite a full
ri'pivMctitutiuit of the h ard was pivtetit
it the city hall in answer to a sjuviid
call. The following new uieliil-i'B w ere
elected: A. W. Howell, of the Cl,y
!io!et; A. NVIxoii, of Polk 'utility band
company; It 1). t'o .H-r,of Co ier Bros ;
Win, Joiicj, of Independence ferry.
('jiiiimitlee on railroads eoni;in of
W, P. Coiiuaway, J as. '(iilw-m mid I,.
W. It ihertsiiu rep fried prore.-.i.
H. (', IViilland, W. K. (,'rtwynnd
VV. r. f ' minuv.ty were eleete I us a
committee to seettre merchant lie slati- !
ties for the in,., uf the hoard. !
'oiiiiilit'.ee W.Happ'iiuted ti pn-S'-at j
plan for r.' n'.;i:ii it.i'iu oftlielmrl of!
trade on a til nv pi-rm niniit Ii.uh
L. W. It .h -rtioit, J. M. Vund.iyn i
aad W. I-;. D.ill.on wer appoiuteil n !
i.'.i:iiiiiittee to ask for uiulbriiilty of j
a 'tion :iniollg our real estate ill-ill -i In !
iisiiij;j their pruNrty with the hoard. !
There was other business of tin-
portatiec traiis.ieted and on the whole '
the luectin;; was a newt harm inous !
and iiroiilahle one, :
It Is proh.ihlc that li speelid lueelliiH I
will he called lo henr reiorts of these;
11 holix-il iim lu ovir,v imy ;i l tlintii'istilji
rmrKAitiiiMl ma. I ii'lunnut Oi iumt-uu;!'t
ot iiuiniin 1m and ii-bi tn rotitlnun! ill, l-ul
pn with tlip iit el J"y' Vi,;jt,tn:ii,Sii"-R! nrliii
oiiiy flit mi mul rvcfifOitii iviih my ult He
Ht until fr-liuti wii'i-iii! any cvltwTtvu. I
Uth urrri3i,. Mint ttU;jlilfl, mi.t uSaiII Mt'um
mro.l lt.M
d.ts, JimilruR,
l.Vi lii'tttm- trwt. a, I
--il Fsiiffej!,!! 'nils, t
r-i- i'iiii'
t'niilrt uf ur
I.. M.
Oj'e-etl. I
DKSt'Iill'TION'i-Kaik bay, 15 hands, right fore foot and leilliind
-fisit while, with star in forehead. T iih-d lu LS7.V Ibe l by James
'(.Vileiiinii Ksip, (ioslieu, X. V.
PF.DKHlKK.-liy I-'leetwiMMl (S'U) record .':.'!; 1st dam by Alexan
t's Abdallah (!.); 2nd dam by (Jtvv Messenger; Md (lam by Pirate
t M hip; llh dam by Ilauibleloniaii; FIivIwikkI by Happy Medium,
; Happy Mcdiniu by Hysdyk'H Humliclloiiiun (101; dam, the famous
tr ottitig mare ITiiTci'ss lb " TiiTli5" wTi j;i ii i ' ri iiT '"nfortl' 2tTlT)t J7"a"rrdWI iiliW
! a two mile race over Flora Temple, trotting the first mile in '2:'2H, by
mlitis llaiiibi'ltniiian, bv.Iudson's llainbelioiiian, by Jiislmp's Hani
I) elloiilan, by Ituported lessetigcr; '.'ml daiu by the Jtudd Horse, sou
f Signal; liy-dyk's llainU'llonian by Abdallah, by Membrino, by Im-
i potted Messenger; 1st dam ('has Kent's mare, by imported Uolllbundor;
Jd dam (lite I'.ye, liy lltsliop s llainlieltoiilan, son ol Messenger. !)
dvk's llamls'ltoniati sired Hextcr, 2.171, and 117 others in the 2:30 list.
; Alexander's Abdallah (sire of K'oek wood's dunt) siitnl Goldsmith's maid,
J li; IJosaliml, 2:21 i: Thorndale, 2:221; Major Ivsdnle, 2:2tl; .St. Klnto,
i ..'::iit; und Alnnoit. Fleet wikkI's (lam by Vernol's Wack Hawk, hire of
, tin en's liashaw, (.0): Vernol's Ulack Hawk by I'dack Hiwk (2IJ s m
i of Andrew Jaeksou (I) by Young Itashaw, he by lirand Bashaw (Ara-
K. W. (TKirKIb
Evan's Patent!
Tle Ik-st lu tli World.-
Antkusting- Tinwdre.
For rirtlculttin Call For 6mI1 drculu.
B..n.k ni,, rwdeiiCitv CIlt-HT. and Ollvem' OiilW an4 BU
Plows. GiriH'iiter Tk)Ih a HiK-clally. Monitor
Hcedci and Drill".
Corner of C and Main Street.
J. D. Irvisne,
is Still on Top, and Continues to
Take the Lead in Groceries.
California Butter, Btid Everything that to Good to Eat,
ROt'IvWO )!) will make ;he season ot 18D I, commencing April 1st
I in! ending .Inly 1st. on .Mi inlays I iicm ays ai it edn 'sduvs at Kh
' iimhi's stabh-s, Iiidojieiidci ce; the ivst of the week u: Jay Smith's
I'.tl'Hiaer) stalile, !S iiein.
TlCUMS:--SIiiKle Service, S2G; Sea
011,835; InSLiraiiee, $GO.
?nr further particulars, uddrcsss
A. L HODSON, Own'p.
Will Occupy thh
Ask your frictuU lo Htilwcrilie for tliln
Mrs. Hell DaviilMoti, of laii kltiiulc,
i.s ijnile nick.
Detiioeralii! uiinaii'S next Wednes
day Hie tilth.
Mr. und Mrs. Steel, of .Silver were lu
town Tuesday.
J'.). W. ItoU'i'tHoti, of Turner, visited
liissons U. W. ami M. A. V. this week.
Mrs. ('has. fsVoville is visitiiif,' her
liarents lu .North Iiiilrpcndi'iieo,
W. H. Dalian will go to the hot
spring lor his health in a short, time.
Mrs. Tissue, daughter of Kll Jolinson,
returned to Moravia, Illinois, Tuesday.
CubliiiKe pliiulsut ,J, I), Jrvlnes, nlso
i:ulili;;e heads, lot' the rest, of the
Mrs. I)r. I-'lymi, of F.iist ri'llaml,
is visiting her sister Mrs. J. M. Viin
iliiyn. M. I,. Ilodin has the posts on the
ground mid will t real himself to u new
picket fence.
Mrs. AViii. Kenton, of Heuttle, Is
visiting her father A. W. bums ut
K C. 'auMeer and family moved
their boltsi'liold ' goods to the' J. I'.
UobiTtson farm opposite town.
J. I). -Allen, with his family were
compelled Income by thelirunk hridge
to get to Independence this week.
The bridge ueroKs mud tilough was
finished this week, and the Hyei'ly
bridge will lie completed next week.
Independents Is to have u eoujity
teiu'hiTs pienie in June. What, Is the
matter wllh milking II. thu bljfijesl
thing out?
The hook and ladder company tire
purchasing the. funiLiire for their room
in the city hall, which was' formally
turned over to thum on Tuesday. They I
have plenty of money to furnish It ele
gantly and they will do bo. l
Jv v ; iv o !
i m- mm.
Spaa: Next Week. !
IMl'iUntUt MKECT FUOM J-:.'(l.A.J).
Th English Shir Su lllon,
B R I'TO N .
INo. of Rglstr, 1t39.)
Imported from Knglalul, .bine, 1SS7, by Oalb ralth
Pros., JiineNvllle, Wisconsin.
and SALE
Stink left in our care will be well attended to.
School Books
nn: iMi'oin'ED smut: stm.uox,
ill make tin; Season of 1-iim, on Moielavs, Tih h
ilavsaml W'eihieMlii.vs lit V. II. Iinvls' stables, Dal
las; on Thiirsiliiys, Ki-iila.vs nml Satiirdnys at Kll
Job iim iii'h si iibles, I iidt-pcndeliee.
He Is a Hplendiil bright buy, rising' K vein's old,
Weighs IStHl potiiuls, wilh black front Icks, mime
nml tail, white hind feel, with hi ripe down the lace.
He bus n ffiiod lint hone, with lols of line silky hair,
sl.aliils IH hiinils und one inch hih, mid is it most
powerful, compact, perfect, specimen of no Knglisli
Hhlre Horse, with onil style mid tietlon, Hu
was fouled May, iNMi, bled by Win. .Newton,
Ksip, Newiiik-iin-Ti'ent, KiikIiiikI mid was imported.
AmftiHt, KH::. SI i Importation, t,neolnsbii'e buw- -
yer received the following in' 1st (ixford comi
ty show, 1SH'.:; Llnil, lioi'chfslcr Township Show,
IKS1; "ml, hnnilon Western 1'iiir, lhH.'l nml ,HHI,
seven others compel Itift; Und, Dorchester Township
Show, IKS.'I; bit, Special and Sweepstake, South
Oxford Spring Show, 1st Sprlnileld, INH-k,
l.liicolnshii'e bawyer Is n suiv foul elter und his
colls in the Kust have been wild for a high llimi'e.
As iMiU'i'i'il In t tic l-jiiil'l-li Html Hunk, MiiciiliiNliti-ii r.iov
yer; No, '.'!; HIiIik IIomc, I.ii.v, ivlilli.' lurl, lOiili-il 11;
lill'citi-l', Will. Ncwlcli, IIIIImIiIi. Ilnii.ii., NcWll rk-oll-'l'l'l'lll ,
KidOiiiiiI; hIi-c, McIIi.iiiiii hwci'ii, liny i'2H,"i); ilinii, hilii'rl"i'
I'url Miu'ii, liny; iIiiiii'n hIic, I'i-cnIiIciiI 1 , 1 ix-ol i i , Imv, (ITiini',
M.'lliniini Hwri'i'KHin, I'U.V HIM), liy hIi'c iIIIVKi, Iiii.v; un i iriUH),
liny, K n liny; KHK IN7,!), lilui'lt; kkixkk ilowill-ils,
Imyt iliun's Mire, liny, 1IW11 (fmullhlrc, Imy, (llw'7); K, Imv,
WWW K K K. tw-. Ill! IRIIKi 111)', 7II If K X IS If , IHI.V, !S6ti
II jl K K u if, Ijii.v, MM; if ti u n ir ir K, Mi ill iiiiiiiiIih, Illicit.-
I lie iiliiivc IiihIIIIch I lull l.lui-i.llislilrc l.imyi-l', tins iliiM'Cllll
Cll frolll Hllllll' III' t lllt IjI'Mt J'llKllHtl St'ick.
Tiik MS: Insurant'", $20; Scastm,
Single Service, $12.
Tnsiirniii'P 1I110 wlii- Hie iiiui'c l Uuini ti In lu-w-llli flmlnr lllsHIKCll of nr iiiuvimI mil ut' IIiim-iiiiiiI.v. Hl'IIHOIl,
clue .1 lily ll. Siimli! Hiu'Vtcc. line ul I line uf kcI'vIco,
All rami liilii'ii la iiuvciit iii'i'tiii.'iii, lint. i'i'sifiiintlili.i liir
JOIIM KAKK, (irooni, Dallas, Or.
This tine KiikIIsIi stallion was pili'chusrd by the
iinilei'slLrncil, of (inlbraith bros,, .lunesvllle, W'is
consln, Sept. 1st SH", unit broiiLjIit to()i'ei;oti ilurlliif
the same mouth. He will lie found dtiriiiK the
season of Isim, conuueiielnK April 1st und eliding
July 1st, on Moniliiy, Tiiestluy mul Wedmndny
ut, my I'ai ni ut the Davidson In lilire, two tulles ntmth
wesl' of Itiieiia Vista; on ThitMliiy, Friday und
Saturday ut Johnson's stiible, lnilepi'iidenee.
TERMS: Season, $20, Insurance, $25.
Season due at the end of the hciihiiii, Insurance,
iliie when the mum In known to he with foul, or htm
been disposed of, or moved out of the county.
llltlTiiN l n ttni' iliii' ioi'', fniili'il ISM, bred liv Mr.
'liniiilulii 1 1 1 r 1 1. 111 . Hiiiiliirilnlilrii. l-jiifliiml. InipiirUMl in
IKS7, liy (iiillu'iillli liriw.. ,1 ,ii imv 1 1 p. W Ihi'iiiisIii. Hire; Kiir
iiicr'n Ki lcnit Nili; lie liy 1'i'liti' nl Kiarliiiiil (177(1), who won
iiiiuinifst nllii'i'H, Hie nillnwIiiK prty.cs: Isim, ttrsl Oswi'strv;
I.H7II, lli-st MniitKiiiiii'i'.v; IS7J. ttrnt Htnltiiriliililri.; IS7H, first
I'lii'slei'; first. Newi'iislli', 171; fust Ti'wkHMliury; flmt Hertfnrit;
tlrnl Diiilli'.v; IS75, ilrst I'liiMii'i'Hti'r; II ml, Wmviwtcr; flmt
J,eiiiiilli.'tiiiii tli'Ht lUlnxter: IN7H, scnnitl 11. A. H.. llerniliiK
limn, itiiiiuiiitliiif lu iiliiiul 9l,utl0, I In wim Htrt'il tiy Kower's
l'iitiiiicrliiK Hern.
lunn liy Hwci'l Wtlllnin, ('.ink'!); lie liv Huntpsnn, (ltW7), who
won tin' liillnwliiif prl.iw Will, Ill's! K, A. s.. Wivrwlek; lKi.ll,
llrst lliirloiisiii Trent; tlrnl, Norlliiiiiiiilniislitiv; Isin, Mrs I.
Ilrlirns; llrst Murlii't llnswortli; I una, itrnl Newi'iinUe; tlrst
i.i'leesti'1'; llrst niirnitiiifliiitii; Isiti, ilrsi Niirlliiiiiiitoiislilr
Hliow; IKHfi. llrst 1 in l rwoi l li; IHiw, llrst. Niirililiiuilonsliir(i,
Ho WRsslii'il liy Mu-1i1i'hh, Ifilllii; tin by Aellvc, (211); lie liy
Kiirini i'V I'liilll. (K71H; lie liy llinvHrrt's Kiirnmr's Prollt.
ItltlTtlN wi'IkIisISihi His,, Is lj liiinda high, and
a horse or Hue style und action.
BkiTAII cure taken to prevent tieeiileiits, hut will be
responsible for none.
for further particulars, address.
Uuenu Vlstu, Oregon.
The Public is Mont Cordially Invited to Call and Price Our La.t
Selected Stk of Writing Paper, Tablets, Ten, Ink,
Kulcr, etc., also All the School Book in
Use in the Publio School.
1 1 jyierehant Tailor.
Custom .Goods for Merchants and others recut and pressed.
I will open monthly accounts with Merchants at Independence and
Monmouth for recuttiiig.
Opposite O.
Feed : and : Sale
t4 ftMCAn j
Stngle TeamskX - J 9Hor,.
tr it
.. II
Best and Cheapest,
Boots - Shoes
and -.Gloves.
Call and examine our $4.00 seamless Shoe
H. D. WALLER, Prop'r. '
Independence, - . n
- Oregon.