THE INDEPENDENCE THE "WEST SIOF ! ! j , Favors Kqual Law and Ktpial j Taxation, A Protective Tariff ami TaritT Reforut, mi Alien I.aud Law ; Senator rlectd by the people ami i alt other needed reform. $500,000. In Improvement should be , made In Independence and vii ill ' ity, during the next two yearn. AN INDEPENDENT PAPER DEVOTED ESPECIALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF POLK COUNTY. VOL. vu. ( .00 rKK YRAU, ) IXDKPKNDKXCR POLK COUNTY OltWiOX. Fill DA Y, AIMUL II. W. ( FIVK CKNTH I'KIl COPY, ) NO. 23. Li. STO C K T 0 fi J. OPERA Is pleased to announce Mohair, Seersuckers, Foreign and Domestic Satteo Mne bnoes, Men s ana Ojhildren's Clothing, Hats, THE WEST SIDE. E. C; rKNTLANI., PIUI.ISHKR. Kt.trv4 U lit rVMlsiitWIa Udvpas'tanea, Orvtvw, kfahhI Im nailer. BUHSCKIVTION HATKS. IS ADVANCR. One Year j,oo Six Month .... i.ou Three Mouth . ' . . . 50 When nut pK lu aJace ; a $0 TO ADVERTISERSr .. , .... .. ., .. turiwintrnr U liwwiiht it lh (wad at ailott (id AhI .rf-in .ar, b m rir. awl w thr mala- lot ul Iha UN( auit falthtrttta, kainsHisJ. roitUItt a fwifulailtHt M m fmyr tm tht prUti-lptl ahlnut IXMIM to it. r.Hititv..atil.'ri U oi.a tW Ihr Wkh(. tnol valihr aut ihk kly foyiilaiftl te u iIUiu !llljp, .- .1 . - rt lrtllr Inontwlm etrfulalloa h Wo ll W'CuJuvInf huMm II (ti W.nlta l( lit Wat l Atlvrtituit tapUluuta. JOB PRINTING I : ik th :- Latesfnnd Best Styles, .; IMS T rui ; LOW IIS l' :: LIVING . KA I LS. I'll YSICtAN'S DKNTISTR V, ,-I.KK & Hl'TU-R. Physicians & Surgeons. - VI SO' - U. S. Examining Surgeons, Oltire: t,l ilil ut Ualu SI , INtErCNtCSi'IS, tlHRtioN W. Cm. w Ki t M l. V.. I.. Kr rent M M. I GRUWELL & KKTCHUM, Physicians ond Surgeons Oflicc Oppuill Firal Satlonat Ban k, ISDKPI.M'KMl'E, . rHiKttON. DR. J. K. I.OCKK. . Phystcian and Surgeonf - v Bmtia Viktu, Qrrgon. J. Iv. DAVIDSON", M. D. Physician and;, Surgeon. '3."m3iISIN8SURGE0f1 Imlepenilenee, ' " Oregon. DR. J. M. JOHNSON', HeNident Dentist, Alt. work arranteil to tsive the best of Satisfaction. IsUKl'KMiF.NtE, . OHKIUN. ATTORNKVS. . . Attorney and Jomilor at Law. ' ' l.'Cil,f,i:C'TH MAKH. Oltlee: Mill St., OpKj.lle Court iruu,, foi.k coi;srv, ohkoon A. M. IIURLKY, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office: Cor, Mali! nl Monmouth 8U., IM'KPEKDKNCE, OHEuO.N BANKS. first fjatioralBarjK IMlKFESUKNCE, OREGON.. . President - J. S. COOPER. Vloe Preafde'nt, L. W. ROBERTSON Caahlor ........ WVH. HAWLEY, JMRBCTORSi V. P, Thempton, J, B. Cooper, h. .W. Moberloon, W. W. Collin, O. W,K WMUahirr. Tranimcta 1 Kerieral 'tankln bnnlneiiii. Bujrn tail sella exdiauge oa all tmportaal potuta, Deponltii received tubleef to check or on ;ertlni:ate ol diiponlt. Collccttoui made oa all iolut ou favorable teriaa, aVOffice bouri: t A. H. to 4 P. M. Hall' burglar proof tafe lecured by Yale l ime Lock. THE INDEPENDENCE ; National .'.Bank! CAPITAL STOCK, -$50,000. H. HIRSCHBERO, - President. ABRAM NELSON, Vice President. W. P. CONNAWAY, - Cashier. A eeneral 'liankltm and eichange butlnem , trammeled ;foau made; bllln dlacounted; coin- : uierclaloreuita granted; deponlta receivea on , current account tubject to oliock; lutercit paid ' ou time depotiti, DIRECTORS! Joshua MoDanlel, H. H. Jaaperson, A. J. Ooodman, H. Hlrsohberg. Abram Nelson, T. J. Lee. . I. A. Allen, ' B LOCK, that he has Just received ij. L STOCKT MEAT MARKETS. A. B. GRIGGS, MEAT :MARKET, S. P. Irviue, rutter. Cbulce meats conatanlly uti lintul. KaviiUuo'l Brick, PILES FOR AND Mh SKIN DISEASES his mRiTMa ui lam. ti kill all tBUal!ft uxl lintallua. tad lath al? tan iIUum at Ut'tubm tui vtwt Mia fvattta, t A' Price. 39 onta a Boa. THE llli'tte lieal felnle fo, Of Independence, Oregon. TrauacU a Krnrral Real Ktte tliiiuel buy ami aclla Projwrty, affect luurauee anililoct;eiietil Conveyance Buiuewt. rarliea tiaviii); l.anil fur tale wilt find it to their ailvniitage to lVii rpniMn ni.niHM.'in'i With this Company, a they are daily eniliii); lint of In ml cunt, thua plae iiig dexiralile property before the real dents of the Fat. JAMKS GIBSON. J. W. KIRKLAND, I'reaiilent. Secretary, G. V. SHINaN, Houbb, Sign & DrnamBntal Taper HaliiiiK. Griiiuiii, Irecoiii, Ktc. 1'aint nmin opxne Jnlinoii'a Stable, Imiepriiilcnee, Oregon Arcade Saloon J. U. COOI'KII, Proprietor. HICHT HWAN HH OK I I re IV liilliltV 'Mill lf Ji uii nuio aim 1 r'l Ii)di?per;de73e, OregoQ. M. BEAMER, :- Manufacturer of Ami Dealer in All kinds of Harness & Saddlery Goods. Curriiige Triiinniiif; am) Repairing INDEPENDENCE FOUNDRY, E. BUNCE, Manager. In now prepared to make any kind of Casting in BRASS OR IRON, Ou abort notice, Is now nt work mnmifuctiiriiiK Bunco's Improved Grain Crusher Ackimwlrl(ril inli thflirit (train cmhr In America lrniifct, cIicmk'iI immI immt iluriililc. A full 111 ol' the cIiim uf wrk ilnne lit thlH foiii). dry will lie pulilinhcd ill lllin iier. Any prnwil in wunt of a 1'ORTAHM'SAW Mtrj, Can lit M))!inl lirr. K t-puiriiifr done for all kind ofiiiuchincry, Mnlu ntrcct, Iiidcpcuclcuce. 0hK goUWHY BANI, MONMOUTH, OK BOON. Incorporated under the Inwa of Oregon. D. T. STANLEY, IK A C, I'OHKI.L, frenldcut. CRnhlor. finen gciiprnl hnnkliiK biialncin. Slitlit dmftii nu New York, Hull Kraiiclmm ami Fnrtlitnd fur I any amount. Kwaiveii oi'imtniii niinjiict to clieiik or on certlnAtin of diMmMit, Collorttlnini 1 receive prompt nticiiilon imarded by double clirououieter vale nine loca. Mi , . tmlMon ' junaoii, Mrs, William. JUDSON & WILLIAMS, DRESSMAKERS. (qUtting Fitting A SPECIALTY. HAIINKSS AND SADDLKS. much the Largest ' Stock ns, Ginghams, White Co Furnish I ng'Goods, Etc.T ON E. E. Krcngel, A N l rnv dlm) Mainiftteturer of t!ic BOSS CULTIVATOR .And: Krengel's Iron Fence. HORSE SHOEING. Mr, Thomas Fennel, lute of Chi cago, an experienced hone ehocr, makes a socially of that liiie. Circular and Crosscut Saw Gumming E. E. KRENGEL W. GRUWELL & CO., INDEPENDENCE City Driiff Store. A full line of DIUGS i GHEMIGALS, Druggists' Sundries, FINE -:- CIGARS. C. W. Gruwell, competent prencrip- tiou clerk, wilt be in charge, 1'ricei Kcaaonable. nn V.I. JON'LS, Proprietor. Tbi Ferry i now in operation, and prepared to transfer paHneugcr and wag on to or from tbe City. It will pay perjoQj waotlnd a View of Poll: County. To croa tbeiferry and go to the top of 1'rospect Hill, a Elkins & Co.,. PROPRJBTOKS OP THK rn 1. i rr Hauling of all Kinds Done at Reasonable Kates. flill Feed, OaK, UI? Of ir Uood for Sal?. HarCollections Made INDEPENDENCE, EROCON t 6ITY JHOTEb, C Street, Independence, Or. A. W. HOWELL, Prop. l'irst-clnm in every respect. Special attention given truiiaient cuatomer. A sample room for commercial trnvelera, Mitchell & Bohannon, ! Maiuifnctuiera of :- SASH & DOORS. SCROLL SjWING AND WjGON R.EPIIRING, Main Street, Independence, Oregon. J. H. ALEXANDER, Dealer in: Drug satid Medicines, BEUNA VISTA, OR. TTiivingpnrcluMTOl tin- stock of Drugs formerly owned la h. W. RobertBOti, I am prepared to nu ft all tlie old custo mers, and many m ore new one. I'uir ud courteoui treat tneut to all, City Truck and Transfer Co of Goods that he has ever ocls, Silks. Plushes, Lace Please call and see him a geo. e. hrev, Commission Merchant AND GRAIN HROKLK. InrfapandBncB, - Drsgan. FRANK IIUTI.KK, COUNTY SURVEYOR 4 UViLER. Auctioneer and Appralawr, KMIiaaln uf all Cu.i.lpk-llv nk made lm' iunt. Intnl. Iir.1 AttrmU Wnturktav and Ttiuitay IliCoimly i'nufl rrk al tialla., (liini Address, Dallas, Polk Co,, Or. Vpoou F. J. MORRIS, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. MIXED DRINKS A SI'ECIAt.TY. Whitoahtr Brick, Independence. (Katabli.lird by National autlimity.) THE : OK SALKM, (IKKGoN, CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooooa. SURPLUS, IIS.OOO. $ AI.I.AI K, Plr.l.lfnl W ft. UAKTIS. ; Vle t'm.liknt. i J. H AI.Dl;itT. Ca.hlor. LOANS MADE. To Pamirs anahaalaaJ Mlier mvrrhaiilaMe pfudtio. ffiaainad la .uira.altlirrla (irlvala I riHnM of puhl i. warrMui Uraru4raa 4iw o K fork. Clilcro. aaa rmnataw. rti4. ioail'ia, farla, llelllu. Ili4 Kou aai l'lrU JOHN ALLEN, Itealer in CHOICE BEEF, Wutt.tii, I tmb, ISirli, IUm, Hnrm, lu tH-ftMu. All Ui-tMl illtiff lrul Oharstf Jasperson & Parker, ludeieiideiire, Oicgoii. Alaav.ln Haali auit IHrnr Kaeinf, ami v 111 try their bt lu Mna all tilv tlitin a I trial aitd Iw rtutvluoril that Ilif y ar aur'.hy ut i VMtir aatruiiaa. iillllil tiiic WEST SIDE JOB OFFICE, INDEPENDENCE, OR. Is prepared to priut HORSli HII.T.S and HOT TICKliTS at the lowest prices. PKINTING Of all kinds executed on short notice by an experienced JOB l'RJNTHR. A. WILSON. Propr. Hi-eat Mlutla At Hen. Mnnv of Hit) preiilest minds of the world )i:iv beitu upon lliu oceiin, but liow few Kt'eitt tlioilKl'ln ''live been con eolvtiil ul. sea, suya llio Uetan, Men ol tlui liMiest jfeiilim seem to bu trans. (iiinii'd as at to ii us tliey pt nl a dis luuce from bind in it rollinj; vessel There is mi luiibllity to eoiili'ol the in i nil wbilti ut Ni'tu, u ililllcullY in con eenti'iitini; the attentluii ou l)iu disk ol liven wiitinjr. In oiut'a iliury, or rending tt vmi (bo most trilling lictioii, Jmoiii this experieliee llio best disciplined iniiids inn not free. When ut liomu ou bind they ciin, without friction or ill tili biiuce, carry on mental opcnitioim even while liiiiny me tiilkiiijr or plnylng iiboitt tlieiii; Ibuir fuciiltli'8 am so well poised that they obey tlui word of coin iiiiuul. but ut sen they can do iiutlilujt with tlui Inli'llettt. Wero ll not for tlui impossibility of conliiilliii lint intel leittiiiil foretts a ship on n Inn voyuu woiilil lit) llio best colicoiviihlti I't'li't'iil for thosu wlio wish to think, or write, of lend. (iold ot (10 Cents a Pound. A Rirminfrlmni tniin, wlio iloes not wish bis nnnio to appear Inn been oxpurl niontinjr for a yeiir-on a ineliil rtiseinli iinff gold, unit liiis tils discovery nearly perfected. Io stumbled on tlui combl nation at llrst, whilo aniilyliijr some ninlitls, and wlion ho realizetl wlmt b hud found he soon prodtieed n niutiil which puzzles the best of jewelers. All the aluminums before discovered a if lacking; In weight or In some other ! gentliil point. This new niutiil is as heavy as gold and, to ull appearances, U the precious metal Itself. It can be manufactured at a cost of about (10 emits a pound mid will make the best foundation for gold-plated goods that can be found. It Is easily worked and can be either huniinerud or drawn. The nielul la no compound, It being only one kind, reduced to iw gold-llko appearance by the application of cer tain chemicals. The Inventor silts there Is no use In taking, out a patent, as no one can discover tlie secret of its manufacture by analyzing it. N, Y. Hun. A West Virginia man has patented n Invniirnn for muk nir houses w It If I'iipilal : National : Rank i ioiioiii5iiopuryM,i out the ue of null. I carried: consisting of Pla s, Ties, Cotton, Zephor a nd he will Surprise you, a The iJending Dry G i mnnm XOTIX Hill) Mifiirihy Hinl Jliiimy Ciirnil In I .MfVI (Ills Moiilli. iMKi;t:sTiMi.r;.sn;iiM am, rmvrs. jJiiliit 1.. IihIiiIkh in n Stuniiiiis I Ullll Will., yi..,,i, J,illi a Sinilh, tlitf rliniiipiuli i liciki r : ilnvr nil' nnliiMil, dii'il id puinlvKia ul SiiiinniHir, 1' liii., 1 1 li. "I, j Iv f. V, hiillivun ! iimiiBni'r ol ilif I n Ihtx !', iippoiliU'd I 1 1 : n n iii-tt ul liar- yard t ulli uo. ! I'. (i. I'mk drliti'd I!. A. 'ulrN ill 1 (inir Hiiuida Milli kliiti'n, for u pin u( i Tltn, nt Tmrvvilln, t'liiin., mi Aland, !i llic bullli l.iMol tl iiiiimtcfi, Jumra J. t'urlictt m ndllatated lit tin'! .aili..ii ol U.viiiiii.lriici.iroi IhelHyi,,. ilc t lull ly a pi'lilmii lmii wna aigneil V lo llurda nl the iiifiiil'ia, Tbe Viiiina Jih ki-y flub lm nitb dtnttii nil il piicca and aloiail imuIi'v lu rmt' luw'liliga, Iwruiiw the Aimlridi .umiiiiii'IiI iinK,M., a tx i,n ).u. v Mi t'iiilliv, of AiiMiiiSia. Mint Jim- i my t'.itr'ill, ol UiiHiklyn, bvi higmtl ; arlirlea In cotileiid (or it puiKit o( ft, ran III tin' ('nlilitiiiiii Atldi'lic Club tbif : lli'iulli. ! I ('bailey Turner, llu diiutui colun"! ; Mil. I. ill' Wi'ijjllt. lll Nm ktull, t'ul., and , iK'liuy Krllilii'i ate in H -1 1 1 i:i tin tint, leu J Halt' Atlitctii' t tub, Ntn 1 iiiiuiM O, on ! Vpnl l:i. j j All tiiiwt't ib'd'ittt d I'ted Sullivan hi u coliti'i.1 mill gluvea at I iiml'iM, r 1 1 1." I u I ' I , on Kelt, I' nutlet n rmiiitts wt-rc j ioiitdil in 'i'i miiiut'i. I'.tli lin n are I (ettlber i'li;lil. Tlie billiard mutt b, 'ti,'Nl imi'it up, (or ."OI, la'tat'i'll J. tiula-rla, Jr., and j. V, Mault'V, flub tl on IfU. Tlie rbainpiitli allot d siiutley !l,t) HI ptiiutx, mid anil by 77" tiut. T'tiiiiuy Ibirns, tbe Aint'ii 'an atbli le, wlm ri'iVntlv (lruM'i in a pamcbule liuiii liuiiiiirii iii'le. ou lite Mi rwv, i Jcuiuiiig f Aniciiiw tvitli Ilinry Abm ! Ibkiii'.Ii'Iii Miuv'koI'I iiiuiuiiii'r. ! Tbe Itill tiiKuli' (bill ,is U'tilen by j Tom tiiuiliter in h itiuiitlx, fur tint, in i Knglaiul on l cl. uttia Itot I'lll 'inili' ! a bo wan rert'iilly I't'tili'ii by Titlf Wall, ( but tbi' Ifiillitr Vifibt of I'-alti'iM-ii. Kug. J I ritnk I'. Slaviu, t if t'biuiipioii t( : AtiMtitlia. itt'liT s. ii' n bis liiiiii unoiiii j at Muiitf I'ltiln vtitb I. a hritli' uiiil gen llt llililily inumuii'r, ilol II 1.1'Hih, in il'.'iim j In liuiin rs mid reiuiy tn ineel uil luuiera. t littiny Nii illmin bn bis ribt b.iiitl ! in tbe liilli round wlifit be It.iinlit l'ut-y ! Kfrrifun at tin' t nlilnriiiu Allilt tii' lull. I Tliia is oiii' rt'rtwiii by (lit I'ltlllc l;ilctl 11 Injurs o mmttlcr, lln;l"iip l on it rd. Tbe I'iii'itors ul llio ('iilifoiiiiu Alb- b-lic Club tlivldcil tbt' Kerri'iiii mid I Ni't'dbiiiu ptirso mill gilw tbt in I7" 1,1'at b, lioiu n Itii It "a" tlrtlii' If I llic l;.i iiinoillil advanced fur training enpeusea. The '0"1 bun liiinieiit ill Synnnse, N, Y., ended in. Mm ch lil, ami in inn wtin llic llrst pnf, a illuinitiid emblem, uml fli'i. 1'ottera ttoii si't itiid iimucy, if 1 1 nt ; Clearwiiier ibird, : ; .M.iiuiiug- tuiiilh, f it), and Tiiiniiiit litih, fit). Chuilcy Turner, tlie ctiliiied ini-liHe-Weight I'linliipiiill of the i'lti'llie Slnpe, mid Hilly Alt I i thy , nl Aiintraliu, are to biitlle acctinliiiK to "1'iilice liiieltt'" rules, ill the (i'lldeii (into ( lull nil Ajuil III. The winner will receive tfliHitl, uml the Inscr .'HK). .It'll! Mnlltttin, tltt1 I''k 1'eiill, ili ieiileil Jem inj le III four rotimls, Willi two-ounce itlnves, at a tpiiet smt nn t lit lluiby Hind, I'liilinlfli'liiii, on Miirch II After ilelculi'd I'ttyle, Cenliy C'uiiary, n well-known pugilist, was pitted 'alpinist him, and Miuilluli kuntked t uiini y nut in lour idiiiiiIm. .laines instill, .the billions driver of trotters, w ho dieve Kinum It., Inilf-siMcr lo Maml S,, ret urd '.' and slid the property of Itiebiirtl K. I'ux, pioprietor nl the Police t iii.i lle and owner of Sir .Mohawk mid Nellie Soiling, litis been eu g.igeil to arsisl ( -luii'ley .Marvin tn handle the Iriilliiig division at 1 1 it' I'lilo Alio Slock I'uriii. Al-('iimbridge, Mass., on Mnreli l.'i, al the llitrviinl Alliletic Ar-snciiilinn gullies, K, H, WliitbropilisiiiiKiiisbeil hiiin-elf by ileleiiling W. II. Sluiy, In the heavy weight boxing eiiinpeliliuii In Hie second round. Wiiithiiip also won llic middle weight spurring lu iibtmt two minutes by it cleiin kiini k-ilow n ami liutt to he cur- .,, , ,, , ,,, riedfi.mitlie ring. j , 1 beie wil be a colt show in Athtmii on i.Iiinol l. 1 hose shows ahould meet with John l Sullivan, tbe cluiiiipioii piuri- all piissiblt eiietiiiriigeiiient. lit is in-lii-t, engiigcd in n pigeon slitMiling match ttuitloil tlmt- such exhibitions shall oe with .lames Cusiek of No. In llrondway, ' cur every year. A good horse is as easy N, Y., at West Side 1'iuk, Sliilen Island, to riiise as a poor one, ami a good breed on March In. Kueli slml at 0 birds, j will never run out if properly kept up. I tot 1 1 men killed S out of the ID, and on i the run oh" John killed bis llrst ll birds, I 1'illmnre, general superintendent of while Cusick niisHeil '.'. Score : Sulli- i tbe Southern Pacific road, lias relumed van, killed 17; t'usick, hi. to San Kranciseo from bis visit to Cow In the Hingln-sciill rt'piilta held In Sun l-riincin'o, March 1'.', Jake (iaudaur, of St. Louis, won lntl li the it ami the l inilc contests. In the Jl-niile nice lut beat (ieurgii 11, llusnier, of Hostou, Albert II. llamiu.of Halifax, and James Ten lOyck, of, Wurcesler, Muss. Time, 'M niiiiutes 1!S seeondH, In Hit single-scull ritco liaiidiiiir won in li minutes II sec onds, Juke Kili'iiin uml bis ciimtiiimt inn up peurcd at Hot Springs, Aik,, on March VI. Over 2,(lll() persons paid from fl to 'l adinisNion to calcli a glimpse of the ex-cluimpion. Mike C'leitry hml been billed lo box with Kilriiin, but Clciry was in New York before the show emtio oil, and tlioH who expeeled lo see Kil riiin display bis llghling abilities wen disappointed. American pugilists now springing up, mo of an iniiuuving kind, and of holier quantity ami quality than tint average of tlie Knglisli pugilists, mid they are shirs in their profession, ami will not compote for pull i y purses in I'-iiglaiid, when they can do butler. In Huh country without running the risk ol a voyage, mid llieu taking the chuncew o( not receiving (air t"ay, or Ol losing u imiini uy uio iiecmioil I of a prjHilicd or partial ruferus. NDBPEN in and Fancy Lustres, nd Merino Underwear, T t the amount of Goods an oods House of coast mm IDinltin Wauls a System of Water ! Works. I M tTII.I.AIMilANSAKTKItSIIKKI'lllllKS. I S"Une rails Willl'ull a 1.000 Vuleal j Ilia I'ily'i tiun. T'dmlii sulwi lilied over IIOiH) In luiild A Wilson mud lo Yuipiiim City, '1 hti cxiiiliiii'iit ul lulling nit Hilcaiun well al lli'ppimr Mill la lnv1'" aooii. T.'l.- lioiili' I'liiiiiiiiinjeutiiiii liaa la'ii HatiilihAliiil U'lMwii Yitiiiiliu and Now poll. I 'rot i'i'liirn are working In l-utm couii' Iv wit'i llic !h'n. of llinliug valtialiK coal (, ,.,,,,, .. ,)r,.veiiieiit ol . nitui. i,,rttiii( uitru ih iiittiit in u, .,t,,. r.da ' Nearly IlsKI men are employed in tbe nuil mi ilea at Kiislyii, and tlie tluilv out put is (roiu 7 'ill to i"Ki toiia. Tlie ptuplu of I'ott Townaend are tak ' log itdtuiilitgi of tbe pleHKaut weiilber ; uiid tifvtituu! butli innfify and energy to I lie iuipiovfiiii'iit ut tilt street. A liiiuiiillt'i'iit piece of Krunitfl bus U't'ii set in tlu new Ss.ikai,o National bunk budding, It slamls ovi r tlie iiuiili t'lilruin e and weilia over '.() potilids. Tbe i'li!il district ol Toledo lias voted an t'litlit mill lux. I lut iiit tiiiin ul n liicli mil Ih di'voled to tint erection of a l.'O i h. lttt'1 hinltliini ; only one man voted lio, At Wulla Walla liur.y tona of baled bay are !ii''l daily to points on the .Ntiitht'in I'ln ilif, wlule baled buy for tbe Ki'Vi'iiiiueiil use airives daily Irom Ne hrurikit, A capitalist una' nt Aibena will Nturl a hi if H iiiiiiiK mill if (be- M'nitt aliow lin y vt mil it by iiraiitinit a reasonable l.t. ini". Motiev wld out tins way ulwiiys it'l.l- an t xct iii'til nttiirn. Tbe I'liel Sound ateuinlajiit eoiiipiin it liuve foiubiut'il on ail ittlv.tnii' of about :til per twit. iit1iei)(bt aiitl paaseti-(jt-r rutes, wbii li ta-taii April 5. 'i'ueonia ami Scuttle are iiiutli' coiiimoil jsiints for all ."onud strts. AhIiIuiuI'h i biiiii uaii)! ordinance- is in ellfit Hint the lent iv tramp will soon learn to aleer uleurnl this eily. Several viir:ints bitvt' li uiiii'il aheitilv wbut it is tu wink on the slit'i'l viitli the bull ami rbitlli oil then leg. ( iver l'n(l men in tbe tpuin ies at Hock tin Weill nut on sirike, The strike does nut alt'ect the Htniii'ciitters yet. The men tit inititd Unit tiiue hours coiirititule a day's work, ami demand the winm wages ut, lii'ti'tolnie pui'l. Tiiiv, lers liuve met with much dilll cully in t ios'.iin! the Klamath tiverator iieiir Klainalli City, siuee 1 1 it recent ll-ii'il. l'hi'ie is iieillier bridge nor ferry ami riders urn conis'lli'tl to swim the Mii'.un ou their uiiiliiulH Th'. steamer I'matiHa arrived in San riiincisco, April 1st, tiltv-live ami one bull hours from Piirllutitl. This is the pin kest trip that has been mailt. On tin voyage down the sister ol the store kei'pei died fi oiii consumption. , The board of trada of tirunt's Pass is ut woik endeavoring to induct capitalists to locate a number of miiiiiifucturing . enterprises in that town. It is icnntcil I lntl a llniiriiig mill, furniture factory ami bull cannery will Is stinted in a lew months. The town of laytiiii"icliiiniH to need a ' system of waterwoika. ATOirding to liie hint assessment bad there tint town could bond itself (or f7-",HKI for the pur , pun'. This sum would Is snllicietit lo build win ks thai would supply all pres ent needs. Tint sloiy is published at Albany, N. - Y , Unit I ester II, Faulkner, the' Pan 1 villi, (X. Y.) bunk wrecker, Huppised to have died Jan. avuiletl liimself of the , dentil ol bis gui denor to have, the body . buried us his ow it uml then quietly went to Mexico. I Tlie jury in the case of Stephen F. i Sherman, former uiiuiiiger of the associ j iiteil elitvutnrs ut Itutl'ulo, N. Y,, elmrged : willi gtiiiitl larceny in stealing S.'J.tO , biisbelH of wheat, bus brought in a ver dict of guiltv. A mot ion for a new trial I will be matii'i reek canyon anil oilier points on the Oregon line, He says that in two weeks the road will lie in tirst-cliisH shape again and a return to the old-tiino Hihediilo w ill bo made, Nearly every nhlo-bodied Indian woman of the l iuutilla tribe has left her wigwam and gone ou a bunt for sheep pelts, which they remove from dead sheep, bring to town and sell. The braves are compelled to lower their dig nity by cooking their own meals mid mourn the loss of their better halves, IVpuly United States Maislml De bility seized the schooner Venture, for merly of Seattle. The schooner is of less tban'tbiiiy tons register and recently cleared for Niinuiino font cargo of coal, which In prohibited by law. Tlie gov ernment libeled the Venture, anil the I rial will be heard at Olyuipiu April 17. The freight committee of (lift Truiis coiitiiiiuitiil association huld a long sen sion at the Palace hotel April 1st, but nothing but routine business whs trans acted, and from the present outlook tbe session will continue a week longer, A iiuinbe ro( applications from merchants for reductions in freight lutes were dis cussed hut no U . I'm i tu untioii tukuu re garding them. DENCB, Henriettas, Cashmeres, able Linen and Bed Cove d with his Prices. Polk County. AFTER THE CIRCUS. Jim atl llBttner 'rltll lit 1'i'rrnrinanoa Autumla, kiiiJ t'saaula. The shades of night were slowly full lug, tbe holy ie;iei) of a midsummer evening w as in Hut winds Hud Holds, when there slow ly wandered down the green luiies a young couple bund lu uaml. Their step were m elastic than when they traversed (lie s.iinii road 111 the early morning. His pajM-r collar was limp and discolored, his linen emit less atui'clir. and the polish bud lung since gone from his hoolt. Her while irowu m somewhat lx. draggled, her ciitlti lengthened out considerably. nod her whole aspect Unit of one w ho bud buruu the heat and dust of an August day. Hut llii'V w ere happy, I wo or three copper wero all tberu went left out of the ll.b'J lie nail when lie Irtt lioine, but he wasn't thinking of that when he as k I'd: "Ilow'd vou like llio circuit, unvliowr, Il.inner?" "Oh. It was splendid.'" Think not' yea. Indeed." "(ilad you weiil?'" 'Awful glad." "Then I'm glad I tuk re. I don't mind lay-in' out money fur a girl long as she enjoys what l'luy it out for. t hat tl you like la-stf" I.a, Jim, 1 don't know. It was all o good." j 1 tell ye. that fuller tossin' no all them butcher knives wa'n't slow." "NaJUi t that splendid?" "Aim that itemed (ool of a clown! He like to have killed mo the denied eject!" "Hoe, hee, bee!" "1 thought I should split when he tried to ride 'round the rlug on that jackass!" "I.a, Jim! Wasn't (hat funnv?" "1 tell ye It beat the Dutch how them feller in the traezo cut lip. Take it all In all au' it was a bully good show. I don't eure if It did cost me a dollar to get In. Ilow'd you like to bo them ludv riders?" "I think it (I be splendid." "I don't see bow they ever kicked up their heels tlmt-a-way 'thotit tiimbliii' off when the bosses w'a goiu' It (ull tilt. PtiHV good lcin'nuilo that was I got ye, wasn't it?" "Ob. it was real nice, Jim." 'Hut I've et better peanut than them was." "They was a little worm v." 'I know it. and I'd told tbe feller so if he d come round agin. 1 tell ve ye've got to look out or them city chaps II cheat you out of your eves. Ilow'd you like them candy "kisses?'' "They wan splendid." "I'd a notion to get pep'nilnt drops Inste.ld, but I'm glad now I didn't. Wa'n't that elephant a buster?" "I never see bis bent." "Hut I've seen lions that'll knock that one all boiler. Them cussed little Uiolikt'VS tickled me." "Hee. hee. bee!" "I'd just like to hare one o' Ilium for in v own." ''So'd 1." "I don't think llieni bannnuers are lit to eat, do you?" "I'd rather have coeo'nut." "Well, I should smile. Hut I've all ers wauled to sample one o' them bun iinners, an' I'd thought I'd do it today while you was with me. Next time we'll git a cokcruiit. You likethut fun I got ye?" "I thinks it's lovely." "Them circus peddlers know how lo charge ask in' lo cents fur a fan you can gel for 10 at the stores. Still, 6 un't nolhiii' tu me when I'm ton circus. Here wo uir lo your gate, tiood-hy." "(Jood-bv, nn' I'm much 'bilged."" "Don't intuition it, Uood-bv." " "liood-by." Time, Tim Heml of the Family. It's nwful bard to (oil sometimes where (be head of (he family is says the Sun Friinclsco ChrunMe. Wliutwith tlie girl being nblu to do just what she likes with her father, and the boy being able to wheedle his mother into doing anything ho wants her lo, society Is in a I'm 1 1 way. Ah, well! Tbe authority of aH'eetion is a very pleasant theory, not altogether snfe us it is. The re publican form of government is per haps not the best in a household, l'he house wants an emperor, governed by an empress, The young people in the family nownduvs vole before they come of ago, I don't know tlmt the old gen tleman I saw wllh his family in a restaurant the other tiny is quite tlio thing, but there could not. bo any mis take about who was the bead of his family. There were three or four of them the oltl gentleman, bis wife, and 1 think two (laughters, lie Jnd the inarch Into the resluuraiit and waved the family to seats :it one of the tables. He hung up his hut, ami then he took his chair, spread his legs out, picked up the bill of fare, and held it between his hands wllh his elbows on tlio (able, lie looked ut- it, and then he laid it down, leaned back, and called the waiter with a sweep of his tivni. "Como here," he said. The waiter came. He faced hisivife, and pointed nt her with his linger as he said: Marin, what will you take?" i "1 think I'll lakesoine unit ton-chops," said Maria, mildly. "No, you won't," with his linger slill pointed ut hor. "Vim won't take no tnuttou-ebops'. I know what you'll take, Toast for her," to the waiter. "Lemma see, Joiinio," turning and stretching Ids linger out toward his daughter, "Jennie! Yes, I know what you want. A cup of oolfen and some cake for her," the lust sentence to the waiter "One tea and toast, two cotl'ce ami cakes, uml for me loin'nio see," taking up tlio bill ol faro mid put-ting ou his glasses, "leinnie see for me, a tenderloin sleuk, .a bottle of nle, fried potatoes, and some salad. That'll do." A Iioiijt lieiicli, A stretch of sand on tlie coast o) Australia, tt) which the name of Ninety. mile Pouch has been given, is said to he fully as long as Its name indicates. To the cjo It .seems perfectly btraiyul, th curve is so slight. OlEGON. Nuns Veiling, Albatros, rs, Ladies' and Children's EASTERN" iWkS. . A I', S. ('(inimisslnncr Horsewhipped in the Streets of Chicago. IllMlllKli.S III S OFF TUP, CIIKKDKKK STRIP Prairie Fires Itnging is fulsraile and sear the Kansas Liar. The Glasgow dock strike has ollaieil. Muny liritish Indian subjects are Im prisoned at Mosiiinbiqiie. The American squadron of evolution has left Naples for Corfu. A bill lias been introduced in the Maryland legislature niakinic votinif compulsory in that state. The (iernian authorities have banired a slave dealer named Swahili for trying toembaik slaves at Hagumoyo. It is said that Sheriff Hack of New York Is fast breaking down mentally as well as physically, and will soon resign, Tbe weather in Florida for (be naat few days lias beeu (be coldest for years. and tit lu-lt damage baa been done to fruit. Tbe grand jury at Washington lias brought in an indictment against Charhta I'.. Kincaid lor (lie murder of illutin P. Taulbee. The Pol ton cotton industry is para lyzed in cijiiH'tpiciii-e ol the coal strike, and oOilHKJ looms are idle in llurnley, Pligland. The troops are fast running boomers out of tbe Cherokee strip. (Several ar rests have been made but no resistance lias been met. Kx-Stuto Senator Gillham of Alton, III., was shot in the breast anil mortally wounded in an encounter with a burglar ut bis resilience. Kuiin Pasha writes that an Arab near MombaxKa bad seen the Isxly of Dr. Peters and declared that the explorer had been imirdeied. Hen Gruel was lynched near Cynthia, Ky. He defrauded several citir.ens and led the country. He returned and paid tlie S'iialty with (us lite. Tbe bill providing for (be inspection and grading of ull grain coming into Hal limore has ts-en passed by the Maryland house of representatives. It is now thought that Dr. Fosdick, shot ulsiiit a month ago at Kalamazoo, killed bis brother Alla'rt, be believing that Alltert would yet kill him. J. W. Vootlrllf, a prominent business man of Hiill'alo, N. Y., has left tbe city, it is said, with a young lady tyiiewriter. Woodrull' left numerous unpaid debts. A large portion of Tiangueslengo, Mcx., including the (own ball, contain ing valuable old archives, lias been de stroyed by lite. Four lives were lost. Mr. Davitt, at a meeting of the strik ing Liverjiool dockers, approved their aim and assured them of the suptort of the Knights of Labor and other unioiiH. Gov. Smith and Postmaster Molloway, of the SoldieiB1 home at Javeiiwonli, Kun., have been arrested on the charge of pui loining a letter sent to an inmate. The cliMikmakers' strike that baa Iteen on in New York for ten days has been declared off and the bosses have signed the agreement usked by their employes. Chancellor von Capri vi has addressed a note to the German ambassadors abroad, in which he intimates that be will continue tbo policy of Prince His maivk. I'nited States Commissioner Simeon W. King was horsewhipped in Chicago by Mrs. Frank Kent, a widow, wlio claims King had defrauded and calum niated her. Tbe bill providing for tlie inspection of ail Western meats coining into Mary laud, and practically excluding' that product, by a tax, bus been killed by the Maryland senate. Prairie tin's are raging in Southeastern Colorado down to the Kansas border. Already a hundred thousand acres have been devastated. There are no facilities for lighting tbe tire. Tbo United Slates Indian agent at Muskogee, lntl. Ter., has not i lit. d the chiefs of tbo Choctaw nation that any one attempting to operate the contem plated lottery will be arrested. At Marshall, Mo., Judge delivering bis charge to tlie grand jury informed them thai playing progressive euchre for prizes was a violation of tbe law and punishable as such. There is an agitation among the stu dents at Petrotl'skoie, near Moscow, sim ilar to und in connection willi tbe St. Petersburg movement In a light with gendarmes -V0 of tbe students were ar rested. A meeting of tbe French cabinet was belt! in Paris yesterday to consider the protests which have been made by va rious French el'inmbers of commerce against the McKinley American custonis duties bill. . It is said that within a week or ten lavs hall of the glass factories of the country will shut down, as the supply of soda ash is practically shut ott tty (no striko an ong tlie dock laborers at- Livei- pool, Tbe price of glassware bus ad vanced UK.) tor cent within the past month, and a still further advance is ex pected. The Danish minister of war has an nounced in the folkthing that Socialist workmen would not be employed in state workshops. This decision is based on tbe ground that they are subject to loreign iLlltience. In West Chester, Pa., a young woman made a desperato attempt to escape from a convent, jumping from a second story window in hernigbtclolbes. After running a hundred yards she waa cap urud and taken back. - yaw A f;; - -