H.OWM. Cms Ml Wete la hm e tt sweats rtMMkv I mi inf to record my vote tor the National fiower, and I mm( lag to pay Mmni. Whang A Co. twae- tyflve oenU lor tha privilege ehher. Talk about corruption la our National election, there hat been mora money apeBtiaii owaroapBw18oia IM.mvwU pant la this Bower campaign, right at ladiaa sot tax ad. Chinamen and women. I (Ira my hyd and y ota to the humbla , aad obtru sive plantain. 8ha needs ao aa eomlum trom me. Thara aha stands, tha k Where Rls - ht thara, right wbora you ara looking at thta mlauta If thara la a spot of ground In Inches square within half a mil of you. la tha velvet law a that cost you four dollar a square foot la tha pansy bod; la tha tub wharala grows tha accursed oleander, broakor of hu man baoki; la tha garden o( rotoa; la tha toothsome bad whara tha touth wlad loiter amid tha loud braathod oo loo, stealing aad giving odor; wherever you have plan tod any thing; wherever you haven't; oo tha hlll aldoa of New England, oa tha bleak aad rooky oout of Maine, la tha orange grove of Florida, oa tha treat alkali deaorta of tha wild and woolly Wett, where ShaaU't hoary head Ufta Itaelf to tha cloud crowned with eternal grandeur, aad whera tha gibbering tourist eacktea and chatter through the glorle of 'Mount Wash ington; wherever tha foot of man haa trod, and everywhere that tt hain't, there tprlngi tola radiant weed of hope, eternal on tha mundane braut; there strike tta ell long root, thia herb of truth, though ofttime crushed to earth, rlalng again atronger than aver, and aproadlng Itaelf over the adjacent gra, like a true born American hogging four aeats In a railway car. Oh. cltUon. I do bespeak your "most tweet Toloea" for the plantain. It know no East, no South, no North, no West; tt ha no asctlonai prejudice, no local pride or limitation; just wher ever the soil 1 fertile or barren tt lay hold oa life; it cornet to Uy, It geta there, Ell When nothing else will grow tt flourishes Uka the grass hopper; where tmartweed perUhe because It has no root the plantain make a crop. A few short weeks In slushy spring the Mayflower hides lu pretty bloom In mountain dope and eastern hills, a transient guest of local fame and briefest life. When autumn flings her gorgeous bun nera to the aides, the golden rod, for a few passing weeks, makes radiant the meadow, glen and hill, and then depart to hide away the year; but thou, oh! plantain of the sandy cruw, thou hast the grip; thou art a stnyer, thou; thou art a latter from Way back; thou art tha first to oome, the last to go. Thee, the all beholding tun upon hi annual farewell tour tees alt the time, mak ing glad the door yard of the poor, and playing merry Cala upon the rich man's lawn. Thou thrivest upon per secution; thou turnest not back from them for the grasahook, and sajest among the lawa mower, ha, ha! Tha rains nourish thee; the sun-burned drought maketh the) strong; a black frost tlngeth thy leave with luster lite and a six faot freeze that kills the east-trot) hitching; posts la pie for the plantain. It It Amerloan clean through, this fresh aad cheeky weed. It ha aa Imparted aafc plan tag laeceag, aad W proud of It, a any AaserVsMi whet abe haa invented a esat of armi and married aa ances tor. That Is It fatally Bane; tha plaatala which claims tha honor of belag the aatioaal flower haa a aaav aa puraly Amerioaa aa tha ooatlaeat HeeH Flantago major. Loaf Us the major! If rarer float that stand ard weed, where-Khr What's thatf 'It isa'l aa Aasrleaa plant at all; It to feuad all aver the Inhabited aad uninhabited worldr Wall. Jsemsas River! Isn't that AaertcaaP Rise up, major, yoa ara 4ectsd. Robert J. Burdette, In Brooklyn Easjla WONOtM OF THC IA. Ahwat ata-tTsssslaa, It la not sarsrisiag that the man af sjclsasa, Uriag la a world of wooden, gsa tag elwaye eagerly through tha Bueieaoasa Jr taisasnps, afcooid diger from tka eoauaea talk whose svss look eat lea jruidly upoa Ufa 4krougk a natural or oorracUv laaa. 'The alurauat partleularlj, amid the marvsls of eld, forest, swamp and aaors, lading atsmaiasevsry dar to kia worship of the great mystery, rsverta to the fsaUags of rkildkood. His aprma aaaaa of tka sub lime fait la tka eootemplaUoa of tha mar 41aUed thousands accessible to aim among tbs laJnite millions of living things -ski sense is never jaded. Man may be a roper, but he it not tka only atudy of mta slad; aad it la wall for as now and thsn to he as liltls children and listaa apssvavsdto tka schoolmaster telling tha thing ws ones knew hut bare forgotten. ,, Thara Is the sea-urchin to begin with, save tha Chicago Time. It lochs like a ketaot-burr and I commonly called the eacheataut,butltl a Ash aad haa 4,000 leat known as the "ambulacra!" feet. Their -arrangement permit the urchin to progrett la any direction. At the base of each con tractile tube there is a eec, acting at a reservoir of water. If the urchin withes U; march this sac con tract, toe etnbulecrei THt NATION AC Hat m eittseoad wiw water, aemetaieg Uka the nager af a glove If m Wow taw it, taa avokar at tka aa4 to tiad oa tha iraaad, the ether ambulacra! feet repeat taa apara ttsseadtkeurcklateMtfure walk. Tkto araatara. aa fragile la aaaaaraaaa. la aaar tklaede,a rooty eseauwktrotk tart a oxonvai a rouging iw nawt, grant, Taa iterAth wa kaow a wall la klt dredoreeturoeouslly tmaslng. Tka waita t. u, Mal.r ,( li la u. stomach. At Kayk,l,ka.th.?ppo..f..a. tercel maa divided taw av eaual Berts, aad yet It grlndt wik tka sowar ef a gts sard. M. iMeumadteJU af tka tovtatt Uoa committed by slar-oshes oa a baa of raaseie. Taa bad atltlod aa them by mlUseaa AU tka rack wara covered with Ucm. aad f row a lltua war at appeared - tulU rod. Whan a star4h waaiad IU breakfast It earn drat gleg aloe? by Us aid af lu ambulacra! feat aad retted 1U stomach ea Us kings- joint of Ue shells of a mussel la a few atlautaa, by the autioa of U gas trio juices, Ue muscles of Ue kiage were dissolved, tb alomeok penetrated be tween UeshsllsofU mussel and carried oa Ure a auotloa so powerful that la a brief time nothlag remained af the mussel. The toot itself, altbougk so dtMcult to Veleok, shared the earn fata as the other parte. Tha stoui b of tha otre then returned to Ita normal situation, and Ue star Bah made a freak move to satisfy ii appetite. Ho thoroughly was this don Uat la Ue ours of a few days all toe mussels ia Ue locality were exterminated. The most depraved of the "corsairs of Ua tea" ta Ue hermit orab, whose very her mluge Ua shell It bear upon It back la stolen. It la a ihsmslsu parasite, Ue per . aoeiaoaUaa of latinasa. whea (till young It makes Ita debut by aa assassin alien.' Seeking a shell of fltUng sue It Install lu. elf therein, after having devoured th rightful owner. 1 hen It sals out to make Its fortune, pillaging ruthlessly on all sides. Whea ita shell or hermitage becomes too small It promptly steals another. 1 "I am acquainted," says II. lleaugrand, "with a collection In which there la a hermit Uat waa found In the tropics and had taken up bis abode to a great helmet shell, such at you may see In Ue window of a natural his tory dealer. The clswt of thia hermit meas ured more than elht Inches. " M. lleau grand cells the hermit crab a "hypocritical old fellow.1' A word about Us outtle-flsh or septa. Figure to yourself a bK about three inohee Ion i, surrounded by a broad border. Prom Uis gray and gelatliMis body a short lube comes out and above thia ia a shapeless head, with two souare eyes gleaminc like molten cold. Like theooiopua the sepia Is a creel destroyer of orab and small nsh, seising them who Ita eight euokera a Uey pas. It can ohanK Ita color like the chenit'leon and by a very simple method, lu the Intestines of the skin there are globules of various colors, and In BLVordMioe with the impressions made on the animal these are eipandrd or con tracted, thus producing the strangest ef fect. It appears also to have the Rift of tears. At any rate It is well snpplied with lachrymal s lands. By oontraciing li tuba and ejecting: the water (Xiuuitiod the cuttle fish can rebound with greul velocity. Then there Is the thick, bl.u-k ink Itojivts In self, protectlou. The sm ient soaiveiy knew of any other Ink. Curler, M licauaraud says, was Die last to put the sepia Iuk to ail im portant use. As a tit whim for a acieutllio man he mmle use of It to write hit memoir on Cephalopoda and make the drawings, Another wily and knowing ttsh is the Hshing frog It Is very repulsive In ap pearance, with a broad body and an enor- mous mouth, surmounted by two lon fila ments termination above In bnifht, shining surfaces The Hthing frog, buried ia the mud, vibrates liirwi likim nta above lis head until some flh thotiirlittsly mines loiter ing around the novel bulk Then t'ia eapa cioue maw opens, entombs the victim, and the irame begins strain. Markot-wouien sometimes speculate on the voracity of the fishing frogs, and purchase them at a low price oa Ue tlrenirth of what they contain. The flak t wallows Ita prey gluttonously without maaucatloo, and Ua women often find ia lu stomach smaller nh, lulls dam aged, which Uey tall to unobservant cus tomers. Aa UijN-lltahie Kstwuaa, Judge Walton, t f lu lUl.i Hupremr Coart, wa on day at work la hi oflce, drawing up aa opinion la a knotty and im portant eeeo, wha a broUer lawyer walked ia. Urn visitor wa a maa for whom the jadge entertained a pretty da Men dlallhs. "Wsll, Brother UgkV welgkt," he said, eurtiy, "what eeeldotor you this moralagt'' "Oh, aotalag,1 aa swered Ue caller; "1 merely dropped in for a few mlautae." A disagreeable siieaes Then the jndge looked ae sad i "SroUer Ufttwelght, why dea't yea get married I" "Because I oaa't af ford It, Bow mask esyos uppoe ttesst me to Uto aewf The Judge ieolersd that he could act gasss. -Wsll, itecetameaU af aix theaeaad aoilai a year just far my ewalirtag.n "Dear I aaarl sett ta liUfe, ta a toae of latoaiskmaat; "why, Lsgki, weight, I wouldn't pay-it. tt lea wortk III" , Wttea tNrl akaasM Bw Would a wall-bred girl, possesssl sf aay feeling whatever, pottstttd of the slights! seacibUity or tans. Uvulae the fast that ska bad been proposed to br a maa. sad ! that she had refused hiat I Bare asked ' tkl tu-Uo. ( M.rm glrla, aad alas at . tereral married woman, sd while .J. , several married women, aad while answers were varying I am confident, trom what I know of their characters, Uat the well-bred girl of honor aad sensibility would never, upon Us wslkueet pretext, disclose what had passed betweea herself eed a maa upoa so dallott a (ubjaot Th unsuccessful suitor I s maa who receives vsry little sympathy, ssd usually mere It tone more deserving of It than ha A "Guide to th Churches of Lon don' shows that th number of metro politan churches ha increased be tween IMS and 1M9 from 838 to 1,018. Altar vestment sre 'now. tha rule In ifl churches, a against 87 In 1883; altar lights In 119, a against 64 in 1883; aad tha "Eastward Position" la 349, aa against 804 la 1883. In the same period th number of churches tn which tha eommunton to celebrated In tha evening has decreased from 289 to 873. The Church Bartow; THK DIVOROI IVIL. wMk WMaa HChM AaaaUaA. Tbe frivol ehrtr of " nlalnts la many ease ol aivcroe r ' u, rrUd a now M tho dock -, . ... ... ... Wnna nr w coming tof W do not ko that the wlva la A (Wan numbar o .M hlamable thai th hut huru utha wtve who tuBc J 'LdSrf rot. -tloaa Aa nils, thsy suBer mora u their afaottoBt and In their repula tlont that, tha stronger tag. Whll thara It something to be said In (am of a Itw of divorce whloh separata mUmated oouples, thara Is no oondem naUoa too tevera for man or womai who enter tha marriage ttate with Um Idea In their minds that It they do bo' like It they will take advantage of th law that allows then to escape. Yr thara to o doubt that thoughtlet young men and giddy girls often d approach tha altar with that though In their minds. In oases whara th husband Is vary young tba Idea It ap to grow la strength as the years pass He finds himself while on the sunn; tide of thirty with a wife who has pos sibly lost soma of her girlish beauty and children, whoso nooesalllea absor tha groater part of his earning. 11 compares tha tree and Indepeadea Ufa of tome of his bachelor associate, and Imagination magnifies tha pleat itret.be might partloioate In U ha war unmarried. Some day tha wife, wh Is lit prepared to fight tha battles of lit alone, Is stunned by tha service of a application for divorce. Cases of thl kind, wa regret to say, ara not unoon moa. Almost avery oo ens rwt oot or wort In hit own circle of at quaintaooo. Of course. It tha ret reasons were preferred In tha appll oatlon lest harm would be done; bu the legal necessity of so til n forth rontons often suggesU a rosoi to falsehood. Trifles in tha way i disagreements will be magnified an baseless suspicious urged as matter of fact, Tha remedy fbr them, at fo moat other evils, tins with tha peopl themselves. The law Is not so muo at fault a tha facility with which it I evaded. The church and society ar too lenient In matters of this kind. I may be questioned If a maa divorcing a wife for no other reason than th ho prefer to live single I Injured I his butlnest or social relations by hi act. If he has been a church meiubo he still rem. ilnt one. And yet ho 1m com m It tod the most cowardly crime i man can commit A women thus dl vorced, unions she have poworfu friends, has no future, and ohlld ci aru thrown upon the world without th eharacturand Instincts of right whlu are Inculcatmt In well-rcgulatod homes Ntn rranclsco t'aiu MUStC-lOVINQ UIZAHDS. They gollow e Whl.tlle aiaUeat tell cared Off by a feasaal. As is well known, lUards of all col or and sites abound In Italy. Tbe; lie basking on all the stones, they rui along all the walls, they peep out a every chink and ere v loo; but as soot as thoy hoar the faintest noise the. disappear with llghulng speed, aud i is hard to tea them near aad to ob servo -them oloeely. Walking ear lately, and noticing the dear little an Imal darting now here, now there, . remembered tha Greek statue of Apol to Sauroktonos. who to always yepre sooted as busied with nlltard Apollo god of th sua aad of music "8up poet I try," I thought, and softly quite softly, I began to whistle dreamy old German air. and behold! llxard Hat ittlt a though rooted to th. spot, rlslngjlts little head la nltotealaf attitude and looking at me with bli sharp tittle ayes. Without stirring 1 eoatlBued my melody. Tho titan coma Bearer and nearer, and at las approached quite close, always lists lag aad forgetting all lu fear. As eon, however, as tha whistler madt the Ugh tost movemtnt It vanished Into soms crevice, hut to peep forth again m aaomeat aner ana to listen caea mora, aa though eatlrely an- imbed. ' A delightful discovery truly, aadoawof Whlchlatteadedwthe field of observation dally. At laat as man) as eight or alae of th little musl. lover would sit around me la th. nut esnia attitude. Nay, two ol .. . --.v.. j i,, .. . "i," " ,U ',un would sit awaiting ma as I arrived whistling at the tame hour of day, sit- ting on a large stone, under whlob was probably their home. With these, too, 1 mad torn further experiments. After having mad muslo to them for awhile I cautiously went a tew steps further, whistling oa tn toft, drawl ing tone, such a 1 had found the.i bast loved to hear, and set,verlly, they followed me! Watching them with Intense Interest, Ioontlaucd to whlttlt at I walked on slowly, halting every few pace and being , silent while 1 hailed, and truly the little creatures followed, slowly it Is true, but la t straight Una, at n distance of about fifteen steps, until at last, unhappily, the heavy tread of a peasant put them to flight. But my experiment had tatted long enough to make me under stand tha Apollo Bauroktonos, and 1 one more reverenoed tbe keen native observation of those old Hellenon Be- i iiour. Wl"ln II w: believe U1 ., Ihii a an..ll , .if r l.i t'lrbU'i t ork ,.,uut'kertirniallo 0I ir. Tbe b-th act upon th. pr uipto thai wrlUng toralt to pura y mechanical work, llkt vrMu -yers' brUft, tor tnjlaoot, Of wooh kesptag. Where . lat- ' ' '"'L "" FUaimevgored, slluaud si Ue eofl. Jos ,f ue Oke and Volga. rmlsest of slosoow Is composed of re pt' upper etty.M three hill, rising to a height o tset! Ike lower tewa, alonf J""3 or Us Oka andolgsi sad lbs raw 'aad T.; TT. ..... k. a brides of boats WW B- Urs long aad broad. thatiawairtha, mwn. wrltet Tbsodor Child, la Harpers Macaslne, Is most picturesque A we land oa tb brldg th foreground formed by Ue blsw water of Ue Voir f crowded wiU boats ana oeriee , w dl distance arc U uy d stoaing banks, surmounted by U larg red build Inn of Us lower town, with their whit window frnes; to th right, midway up the kill, I Hi vast osstry of U Aa i u nutation, dating from Hit thirteenth eaot ury, with white domes sad whits lucloaiug walls; crowning tb bill to th left Is the gremlin, wlU Ite capwiously Irregular wall and betUemeete, from amidst which rise buibou cupola with gilded domes, and tower with conical reefs; to the left, also la the lower town, may be seen U Ksaa dome of Us Chun b ol Ins Nativity, Ut In S bastard style of Itallta Ovinia, of red brick pwksd eut with whit stucco or laments, tbs wool very eccentric ia form ssd color i still further to Us left, beyond U Kremlin, on Ue summit of tk hill, la aa alley of trees, lb AUo, or terrace, from which may beobtainedamtgniBconlvlew of the mwhly Volga and th plaint Urougb which II Bows. This is Htf. Holder Volga, th "hleiuechka Wolfs," of which you haar so muck la Russia; and indeed whea we follow It course on to man, and whea we eiauiln U product Uial It concent rale at Nijnll-Novgorod, wcn understand why the Russian speak of It to agccikwalely, and why th annual fair at this point baa become so Important in Russian commerce. Prom Its source to It mouU In Ue CWlsn sea the Volga rum a court of ,) mile; the Client of lu wator-shfd It three lime ' that of Kran.; by varlout tysteme of rtutls It tt connected wllb Moscow, Bt. Petersburg snd th itslksns; by a canal also II la connected with the Dwiua, and therefor with the White sea; by Its afflu ents, the Uka and the Ksins, tt acquire a loul navtxnble system 10 miles in leuKlb, and commautls vssl districts weal ward Uiward Tenia and eastward as far a the fool of the Ural Mountains, The con sequence is that the Volata Is the real waterway In Itussis. Abovo Sijntl-"' gorvd the river is nsvitraiwl by soe H,0 boats, employ.ngfUi.UH men; Mow MjuM II Is nsvlgaurd by , sM msnnwl by , hands; while or tin lower Volga Im mense nshlug and (fab-curing enterprises tie carried oa AlUoiigh It numuert only W, Inbablv aula, KiJ.ill Novgorod boasls wore than Rfty churches and chapels. Prom lime Immemorial Hussiaa merchant were wont to meet in th summer with the men-hauls of the Kaat tt vsrUius points on tlie Volga between the ronftuenree of tbe Oka and Ui Kama In MM U greatrst lair was located on th ground of the mon astery of Jeltovodski, near Maksrirff, where II remained until IH7, whan it was trans ferred Bfty nrs miles highsr up Ue stream to Nljnll-Novgorod. la ordsr Uat w may relists our minds of loo terlout thoughta before vesturing to siplors Ihit famous fair, let us plunge one for til inlo th moat recent statistics aad sum up briefly its com mercial Importance, first of ill, tb reader mud bear ia aUnd Uat Ua Jshrmarka, ae It Is called, which take plant annually trom August I to Heptemosr IS, I a Whole fair. Tbe goods chiefly dealt Is are notion weelea, liaen aad sill ttufa, which roetii- taM shout forty par seat, of Ue who! seal la importance bosm Iran, core, lea. far, salt, wise, ash, tottery sad mas u rarV ared good. About feurgftk of tb wools goods brought to Ue fair are ef Russian origin. Tb basis sf Us Ok river seeds sgricultarel and SMeuftetuied products the beats ef the Kama sands metal wara com and salt ye predaotdl Ikeeettkeaet prevlacssi 1st soma p from las lower I Volga aad the Osapiaa; HI bans, U Caa ' aasus, Central Asia aad feral etad a vari ety of wara; aad stout tta per esat. ef the total ameast sf ported from Asia, atsMly, tsa via Klaebla, Otatea aad Buss, raw eettea ' gag gu, sad ether m leather wares, madder afaeturad feeds. The chief eftlole f trade I ettwa, f wkiok the prloe a) lied st Ul fair; taepriew! raw wool aae sut are also tied tare. Bootemiau will alas readily dmitru Wbol Iroa prodaotioe of Ua Ural eseead ea is rair or laijou-nevgorod. The eara vant of boaU laden wlU irts start frost tka Ural worn la U (Bring, stay st the fair sf Lsiabsv, wkiok suspliet the lower Volga, sad Use proceed tp to Nov gored ta Au gust Tbe pnrekaaaa of Iroa msds at this rair for ooniumpllos Is Asia ssd middle Russia determin Us ssmwii of credit that will be granted for tk tsil year's boat ass to U twnsrtsf Us Iron works, whs er isrgtiy oepsnasnt oa this credit, Th corn tnd salt trad, and still mors U whole trade of Hlbtrl sad Turkislaa, are la lun.ed by this fair, Ualr tucots dspsad lag euUrely on lbs ooadi tlont sf credit which ths merchant art tblt to obtain al Kljnli Hovgorod. Il tout sppeart Uat U fairsierelses a direct Influence oa til the ending branches of Russian manufacture. During th Six weak that it laata li .a. tract daily torn 100,000 people from Hut sis aud Asia; U rlvsr It literally n tltb tbousaml of boats; th quays, et- let'lliig over t Irogtb of ten miles, are oot- "'" mer.-l,.,ndlse; nn ihnUrm,, prme. pi. tn th (II I' s !'l l.n. I .iii.li. '.,.V : ' "'''' h 'in sre oeou- 'ItTll HOr . ,inl Hhsolel UAr-UUI I (it 4 bkk. I INI nyescs f a reHiraiesty tasHa' totoa Base . Of all our tUltora, bowsvsr, tki most latorasllag to th toaf eutttor1 hoa, who oome to work upon aa olg faihloaed blusb-roeebuih whloh forsJ part of lido wnll of oar parlor J he, you know, art tuch but; crJ uret that they can not oven make J call without taking tuslr work wiul them, aad It waa tho lalat sound ol hit Industry that first draw atteatloaf to our friend Aloal ol tho rosJ bush. Uokinf cloeely to too what tha' . . . asaui wa wara anau V '-- 7 a4 thaL aaviav oiaoao Battel r Mtrlde of us euge w se aw. toe oat was dsllberauly eulUnf out with her jawt ploot of tho loaf, rolling u up beneath her as tho did so. W triad to trao her flight when th cutting wa done, but toll astonishing cur pur(ull by fl earth "jutt whero oould sol dl. ooveft When til that llrang dolngt war related at too oiaoer table th family punster declared that such a perform ance ot 0 be oo a las' wa clearly be yond be-llet, and had not tb be cog, tinoed br vUlu, giving alt an oppor tunity of forming her acquaintance and seeing her work, tho truth of our account ol Mrs. Be might lUll bt doubted. Happily tb not easily disturbed, aad al a call from some watcher to th out-door parlor, "Th be It at work," w oould gather quit eloetly eoiiail to observe her, whea th had carefully chosen tha tof that U suited her and began tb work ot cub ting It loward th clot of th tu ra nter th selection ot Wave wa madt with greater care, sometime a many Mitt leave being Inspected before on wa found lufflolontly tender to bar purpoe. Often when Mis B started for horn her rul ot work wi ' so heavy that she fairly tumbled th leat with It, aod had to pause ti. Instant to recover her balance before bravery carrying It away. But whera did she Uka her load, and what did the do with tho nicely cut piece of loaf f hiie wa too busy to toll us and, although wa were eagor to return bor calls, we could not discover bar home, and could not Imagine why th , rs loaves so Industriously, until happened upon a book. V' rC.vtg fc ! ono day which told ut all about lu 4 m It seems that thee bne build -of tlie leaves ft tha r d oth; Uww ,- 1 1 surlaa'o of the err or In old wood. The noeU tra limes tlx Inchet deep, and gmer consist of tlx or seven eel!, shaped tike a IhtmbK th closed t t of one iblmble fitting Into Ua end of another. When a ll It to- ; of llio pu-cv of loaf, such at -; vau hed Hie bee cut out. It 1 , i with honey, and so nicely art ,; : cell built that they bold tit II honey wlthuut leakage, Oo lb full of honey an egg I deposited " i then the cell Is closed with thrt ; eultr bit of leaf lor a covsr. ' Ruskln sayt the bee pushes kw Utile cell covers "with a lucksd-t quite tight, Ilka the covering ef , m of preserve. " Think of eat a ) bee having a alo IllUe pot of b all to luelft-llarper't Young Pav ... HUMOROUS. Ltimlay toy h toa't mac' grammar, but he kaewt thai tb' wife to In 'ua tmperallvt av WMblagvoa Capital Inquiring pectator(at tho 'A "WhUk bore was tt that woe Speeulaliv t peculator (gloomily ) doa't know the tame of th hor won, but I know the aame of nx the horeet that dlda'l wla."1 Weakly. "Tao wo A very brav ad your to stapolag th ruiawey ho youag maa. Uere'ta huadrad-dc bill tor yu." "That'i a good dee. atoaey lor mM Vaaseaaal Whs, ova my Itfo I believe to ae tog htm what It to worth.' -Ipoca, -wteaatftlaasM he ertHat 0wa,witt laa4taitiTkas. meseaitsea, tairsuag Its set Meet, arstaf W IttJlVVtl wXxatffMI wesat, we wan wnk based krsatk, taut etnas tee mfclalgal saiasa, AaaVeit ear atttsgtag slae eat ant 'emsvsvy time, Bottom Court. -Do yon know." aatd Dedbrota that thara to nothing more deoraw tag to me than to go teto oa of least hlgdry-good ttoree." "Whyr 'Il worrtat me to haar thoa tttool vail- tog cash' to promiCAiouly."Msr chant Travslsr. -Ctork (sntertog theatrical mttt- tr lanctum) "There to a youtg man wailing who wants to read a pity to you, sir. and another who sari hs't oome to horsewhip you for breach of contract" Manager (taking off hi ooal)-Oh! thow la tba manwho'i com to horsewhip m "-Judy. Tommy-"Ar w rolng to tax the eat with ut whea w go to sit grandma next weekr Mrs, Flff- Of course not What makes vou ttk uch foolish OUesUontf" Tommv- Csute I heard pa tell Mr. Brsgfl hat tbe mice would have high old ma while the oat wa away nsit woek, that's alL" V