The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 21, 1890, Image 2

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    THE WEST SIDE' this vicar- usincss
E C PENTLAND, Publisher
Let no jealousy stop our pros
perity. .
The railroad from llillshoro to
Astoria is to be completed by le
waik 1S90, If men atul money
can do it
Let the good news go abroad,
that tho West Side railroad is to Ih
extended through from Corvullis to
Junction City.
Ir all the gravel for the Astoria
and also the Corvallls railroad is
taken out here at Independence,
how many meu will it employ t Say
there are three trains per day, will
it not require two hundred men.
Thi steel rails for the motor line
harebcen ordeml. As mm as poa
Bible the ties will be cut, and with
in sixty days look out for an ex
cursion over tho new railroad.
The people of Independence only
"talk1' nothing i being done there.
Oh no!
The energy displayed by the
teachers in the State Agricultural
College is to be commended. The
Institutes already held have been
of great value and farmers who
have attended one institute are en
thusiastic in helping get up the
next one. There were some excel
lent papers read here last week, and
we only regret that we could not
give our readers the papers in full
but space would not permit.
i ...
If Independence was not on the
Willamette river we would not
have any gravel buak, and if we
had no gravel bank we would not
have from one hundred and fifty to
two hundred men at work here,
which will be the case in a few
weeks. Two gravel trains will be
put on, some say to gravel the As
tori road and also the Corvallis
extension. We do not "whoop
up" our town like some papers but
"we get there just the same.''
We gave last week a plaus
ible reason for the mud slinging of
tho (JtWrw, basing our assertions
on reports as given us; but .Mr,
Snyder denies the charge. Then
we are to understand t hat it was
"pure cussedness," for ho now has
not even the excuse, that as La
Fayette peppered to him he now
wants to get "even" on Indepen
dence. How some men will jump
out of the frying pan into the fire,
They get badly burned too.
The republican party has a bill
formulated which while it may
not suit all the people, still
Hhows that party to be true to its
promises. Increase of duty on an
article which needs protection
means a reduction in
the revenue, and a reduction of the
duty on an article like sugar, means
a reduction of the revenue, because
sugar cannot be produced in Amer
ca. For the same reason tea and
coffee are on the free lists. The in
crease on tin plate is to encourage
the development of American
mines. It might be as well for the
government to offer a bounty on
American tin, but as all exported
tin, is rebated, the weight of the
increase is scarcely felt.
When you look at the future
prospects of a town you generally
ask, Xnt have you in view to
eause the prosperity of which you
spenkt In Independence the first
enterprise which (tils us with pride
is the new suw mill. It is one of
which we may well feel proud. It
Is now giving employment to about
forty men in building, and when
iu operation will give continued
employment to quite a number of
men. lint thin is not all. With
iu thirty days active operations
will commence on the motor line
which will em ploy a largo force of
men, and about the same time the
Southern Pnoiflo will begin opcr
uting gravel trains which will em
ploy more men stilt. Hut this is
uot nil. From the mt iiiforuia
tion at hand now at least sixty
wooden buildings and live bricks
will he erected. The Independence
National Hank will spend 112,000
in their bank building, which will
bo erected where Mrs. Hurley now
has her millinery store. The
plans show an elegant structure,
Hut this is uot all. This summer
there will I built a 120.000 school
house. This year will see a Ami
class electric light plant ami Itetter
water works. A (louring mill is to
be erected so we are told. We also
predict that the railroad to Mon
mouth, if tho people show a desire
for It, will Iki continued to Falls
City. Whenever these enterprises
start others follow and the proa
pects here are for a lively summer.
i j
IWr growl! Pont be jealous of
your neighbor. If in this town
your property has doubled iu price
in oue year are you not HutHied?
We heaid a gentleman berating our
public spirited citizens who are
building the motor line railway to
Moii'iiouth. ''It is nothing but
scheme to make money." Well
bless your soul! what did you think
tt was! Do you tuink any sane
man is going to invest from '.'.",
000 to 10,000 in land and then
spend f-'0, 000 more in building
railroad to that land and do it all
for your profit? If land prices are
too high all you have to do is sell
yours at half what you know it is
worth. If you hold your land at
double hist years price, you hav
no right to growl. Tho Wnst Si m.
believes that every erson touch
ing property in Independence thi
year will realize handsomely, and
w e, above all things, are triad to
know that those who show their
"faith by their works" will all get
wealthy. Of course some who have
never sown w ill reap also, but you
can generally trust that those who
are loo hoggish in holding real es
tate will be the losers in the long
run. It is better for a man to sell
an acre of land now ut 100, which
only cost fiO, because more people
will become intereHted iu the town
than to hold it for fciOOeven twelve
mouths hence. Keep real estate
moving at a small profit, and in
stead of begrudging your neighbor
the money he is making, invest and
make some yourself.
8 1 . . -
Whex Independence talked of a
railroad to Monmouth all kiuds of
fun was made of it, by the Dallas
organ, and even more so when
was talked of extending it to Falls
City. It is now generally conceded
that the road will be built to Mon
mouth and more than likely will be
extended to the Kails. Now Dallas
proposes to build a railroad and it
miirht be expected that we will
pour cold water on the project.
We are not that kind. The build
ing of that road 24 miles will not
come in conflict with the building
of one from here of twelve miles.
If Dallas can raise 2f0.000 to build
a road it will show that an invest
ment of half the money, to tap the
same country and also the Big
Luckiamuto will pay immensely.
So that instead of being jealous of
our neighbor we shall wish them
the very greatest success.
The Portland World last week
had an able editorial written upon
the solution of our mixed assess
ment laws. After reviewing the
situation it goes on to show that
if our assessor were better paid and
had more experience the people
would be better served. It then
goes on to reccoinmend that our as
sessor be appointed by the state.
That not being dependent upon the
vote of the taxpayers he would
more carefully attend to his duties,
At first this looked very plausible
indeed and it seemed just the solu
tion of one fpart of the problem.
Difficulties however present them
selves. Would not the appointees
be more apt to be controlled undu
ly than tho elected one! Could not
frauds creep into our assessment
then, even more than nowi ine
man whom the people elect will be
more apt to do their will, and "we
the people" are to rule Oreogn, not
thegovenor or his friends.
Tho following petition is being
circulated in every state in the
Union: To the senate and house
of representatives, in congress as
sembled: Your petitioners,
Would respectfully represent that
our present American orthography,
though much improved within the
last huudred years, is cmnlier
some, illogical, unhistorical and
misleading; that millions of do
hirs are wasted, each year, in writ
ing and printing unnecessary let
ters, while the progress of our
children in their education is
greatly retarded by the dilllculties
in tho way of learning to swell,
Your petitioners recognize the fact
tha in the future, as in tho past,
changes in our written language
must be made by gradual steps,
The modifications herein suggested
have the endorsement ot the highest
like quartette, coquette, cigarette, etc.
Thut apvll olifuret, roaet, epaulet, vwlot,
gtuwrt, etc
Fourth. Imp final 'me' in word Ilk
grogramme. Thus pell program, orl
flam, gram, eta,
Fifth. Chang 'pu' toT Iu word like
phantom, telegraph, phatw, to, Thut
apell alfkttvt, paragraf, flloaofy, fonctlo,
fotogmf, etc ,',
Sixth. BuUtltutoVn th diphthong
w ami a wlum they hav the aound of
that letter. Tbut wU eollau, l Initio,
dlrrhea, lutqwna, wofagun, athvneum,
N. II, Mo change Iu proper names.
The new bank.
The new school house.
The CorvullwJuuctiou railroad.
The steel rails for the motor line.
From Ilillboro'to Astoria this
The grave) trains from Imlopou
Mrs. Itev, Jones returned from
Kiigeueon Wednesday.
1). W. Seal's, of McCoy, was in
towji Wednesday,
jTk, Cooper and daughter Lilian,
also A. J. Goodman left for Fort
land on Thursday.
II. IIIrKchherg, L. Damon, F. A.
ruttcrsou, J. Dormdfe, I). 11. Tay
lor, J. 8. Cooper, E. O. ChamnesH
amd E. C Fentland were in Fort
land this week,
A (IHKAT CANAL-Trnwna awry part of
Uw tmmaa bulr, aud la Mlwi with blood. Onwl
blood l imtl.tioiMMhl In hlth. To aaclir
Uita Writ-M a iomixwnil hltraet ot Han,
MtrlUa. Mold bj u tutor Inwaa ami II wry
A PURMft i:UU -"IW Cnm IV,uh
Rrui tufalllbla tnr all Uiroat and luna
tamlilM." an eonaumutlra wml.i, Unla
.r throat. Try II. Huld by Huauw Uxiaa
and nun ma.
tbUM put 9f mf
Wl ia I., gaal
Iradamaa la ih maid.
0. M r.Kai'o'a
Beautifully lllwiralad. llaacrlpdM
!jr IM vU) I rmlM t R B w all
awfe. m, and lo Ut aaaan.'a coa
tttmvra, ItUbaitH lhaaavar, Kv.
ary r.ra uatni Oardaa, Flow a
r ril-l HKKl)lilmU wad IbrM,
o, M.rtnnv4C0.
vuarth wroRMAiioN.
Ttlbary foi. M D tbt tulavsl ntdlrd rl
Nr. la hli work "Uln Dlaaaaaa," ibua arrooob
for tbt plmplM to common on tbt Itftaud oack
BaUof loo lick at ton irtuy food, or too heart)
ltDf whlla th ticrtiorr ortani art tluuiib.
eautti I moat ptoplt Indlftatloa or dyaptptial
MOdllloa. Which Mum tha blond In a ilua
tlably, which la turn tnltthltt tbt portt, Thi
ratult It. that tbatiudlog ttcmlooa block la tbt
pom. waicn maatat, tack dlitloct InOamma
Hon DClU a Blnnla. fir. Pot tkanlnm
aot prttcflba "blood pttrtotrt" ao talltd. but a
-ayipapaia cura 'to bt takta, lo att kliowi
WOrdl "Mil IW dlMBmail tuaufaau tax dtmm.
pnd." Tka old Idea waa. that lac arnpiiont
wora rauwo or a namor la tha blood," lot
Which I hty Uaaltdlbt blood, lltlua tha minual
potato Hanoatha raao aha tkaaidu uu
parlllairanula polatk Joy'a VtftUbli Mm
barilla lollowt tba modara Meat ol Dr tat and
alma with ItaUa ttatatabla altarailfaa al iha
atomach and dlrwIUa oryana Tha raaaoo b ap
parant why it tmrta dyaptpala and ladlftattoo,
and tba PlmplM and akin arantlooi which raaali
Iharaltom. and why lanapanUat thai bn atla
araii ran
A Draaaatla Ua Itory Willi h Kdbdt M l
rrlllt Nor l'addlri.
"Oood-b;, darUng."
"Uood-bya, my angel 1 will writ
to you to-morrow."
To tha carnal obaorrer it waa only
parting tn-twooa a young man and a.
summer girl. But to the principal
actor in thi altoetlug acone. tho part
ing waa fraught with real woo, and yet
with real Impptneaa curtouaty lnU)i
mlnglod, even aa tho bit tor and iweot
ar oouiinlnod In tho odnetlvo cis!s
UIL For ho had pllgbtod hla troth, nover
II had alao pUghtod hi overcoat
for ufflolent oaah to tak thU trip to
th ana-ahor which had baen ao hill
ot fat. And thai- waa the dtffurenAa
between hi troth and hi coal, llo
meant to recall the coat aumo day.
la a lonely room a young man tat
gating at a loiter with ant tooth.
Th young man had tha ant tooth,
not tho letter. That I to tay, the
young man had the letter, and he alao
had Hi act teeth. I hope I make
myaolf cloar, And thla 1 what he
"Dear Friend it you only new how
loanly I am without ynu bora alone
and there la lomethtng I muat tell you
I oould not get up th nurve to tay It
while looking into youre pretty yt
I am not the datitor of a rltch
murohant a I told you once bafour 1
lerned to olr for you For 1 am only
a poor water gurl la a roalrunt Put I
no that while you mayo bo Angry A
little at my deaeat Still you wilt not
doaert, mo and I love you juat the
mom - ever
To Mr. (Jorge WiimUff
George Wlirataft, drunk and dlaor.
dorly, 1L9.V-Terre Ilauto txproaa.
Ground for Suaplclon.
Shall wo take a little walkP" aald
Harold to Maude
"Oh, llaroldl" he antwored. in an
agitated ton.
"What I th matlerf'
"Anybody would think you wore an
"Your mind runt so much to walk,
lug. Merchant Traveler.
To Horsemen anil Hop Growers!
1 WEST 1 M m
Is Prepared to Print HOUSE
lowest pliers.
Printing of nil kinds executed on
short notice by mi experifiietwl JOll
A. WILSON', Proprietor.
Beck &, Gates,
Masons. Plasterers and
All hi in la of work tlmic In l.rlck And
atone. All work guarautetHl. Letvve
orderw at the Wwr Hihk office.
Mrr(Viiientlug a hh'I ,lly.
and Low Prices.
scholarship in tho land, and,
adopted, would served as an enter
ing wedgo for the introduction of
other reforms. Your petitioners
believe, moreover, that these
changes should be made at once in
the printing done for the govern
meat; and they therefore pray that
your honorable body will adopt the
following resolution, which was
offered iu the house of represen
tatives January 13, 1890.
Itesolved, by the house of repre
sentatives (the senate concurring),
that the public printer be and is
hereby directed in all work for con
gress and for the departments be
gun after passage of this resolution,
to adopt tho following rulos for
amended spellings, except in edu
cational and. other works where a
different orthography may be re
quired: First. Drop "ue" at the end of word
like dialogue, catalogue, etc., where the
preceding vowel la short. Thus
spell demagog, epilog, synagog, etc,
When the preceding vowel la long, a
In progue, vogue, dbembogue, retain
final lettera on at preount.
Becond. Drop final "e" in such words
as definite, Infinite, favorite, etc., when
the preceding vowel Is short. Thus
spell opposlt, preterit, hypocrit, requislt,
eto. When the preceding vowel Is lonu,
as iu polite, finite, unite, etc., retain
present forms unchanged.
Third. Drop final "to" In unh words
r i a 1 1 , i i
uesires xo Announce tnat nis biocK is now
Complete in all Lines in
Foreign and Domestic Fancy Goods
Satin Wer, Henrietta, Albatross-
An Extra Quality .of
Men, Youths' and Boys' Clothing,
' The Best in the Market.
In a great variety, and especially Crushers,
the latest out.
I shall be glad to show anyone who de
sires to inspect my Goods. You will acknowl
edge that is the finest ever brought to the City.
MRBE8S, mwm au.4 OMRS.
Iti'guhir Price, -Uf n,,w VU'U-
u . . ". 20 cIm. " 1 '.
" .. . . . .i'Sdrl. " "J Ctrl.
. . . ' . 3)HH. " -'"''.
Furniture and Wall Paper
Of White Salmon.
Mr. M r Wlillo iiriniltiunihn(. h:w Uun linlioilltwl IlL'l'lit for tho
fthove iiumTlw, which h'iil oxclimivoly tit fruit mid onmuifiitnl tree"
and Hhrubcry. Catnlogun iind iiriue liht cuu m obtiuiit'd nin HHii!tt
til n to th ngi'iit. HHM'iuI HtU-iitlnii l rnlh'd to the largo Htoi-k f
Tluwn nw homo grown trcos, fn-e from iimwt pwtM. The JEWETT
NUltSKIMKS ei r-dtulilWird in 1HTK, and now covert over fifty ncn
of land. Pi lot, rciiHonuhle and utock giuirnntii-d to U an wprmttwi,
Purtiit whonrc huildinjr hoiiu around IrKh'jK-ndciiro ly clubbing
Onion", run get kwU ternia. JI. L. WHITE, Agent.
No. 1467.
Sire of Lady Maude, Nruvilla, MayWintlcr,
Black Bess, Black wood, Kitty Lee, etc.
lE.SCiniTIONT:-I)iuk buy, 15J bund, right forefoot ami left hind
foot white, with Hlar in forehead. Failed in IS75. Bred by J.hiicm
Coleuiun Esq., Oowhen, N. V.
PEhlCUEK. liv Fli-eUeitl f&i iih-om! o. o. 1f ,1..,,, 1...
dei'n Abdiihih (IS); '-'nd diim by flrev 5Iireii);er lid dam by Pirate
iri ,ii .1 l... if... u T,, ... ........
miii'; -jiii inni i'j ji.iiiioieioiiiaii; i leei wouu oy ii;ijiy .neiiiuin.
1 f : 1 1 r v Mi'iliilln l,v 1,'iuiKL'a Trumliollmiiiiri Mill' il ini llw. i.m,..iw
trotting inure Primivo (10 uiilo wrgon road nHi tl 20:10i). and winner
of a two mile ruee over Flora Temple, trotting tho flint mile in ':2S. Iy
Aiuiriw iiamiwiioniiui, iy J ihihoii h JtamiHMloniiin, hy lliNliojw Ham
iM'ltoiiiun. bv IiiiihuIihI MeHM'iiirer: 2ml dam bv the 'liudd Horxe. son
of.Sjijniili Itywlyk's IlaiiilH'ltonian bv Ahdiilluh. bv Memhrino. bv Im-
ioited MeHsenger; 1st dam t'hiw Keufa mare, by imported Hell ton ruler;
L'lldamOne Eye, by Bishop's HainlM-hoiihui, mm of Mtenger. lv'va-
dvk's llaiubeltoiiian Hireil Dexter, 2.171, and .'17 others in the lint.
Alexander' Alalallah (Hire of ItosewmHl' dam) wired Ciohlsmilir nmid,
211; Iiosaliml, 2:211: Thorndale, 2:22i; Major Esdnle, 2:2!; Kt. Elmo,
2:,'IU;and Almont. Fleetwood's dam hy Vernor Hiaek Hawk, sire of
Cl'1-..n'N ItslAillllM iTlin, Vl'll!ll'u I'.llll'k lIllll'L- vr lilnnb II.,.. b OI o....
....... vv , ........ ....... n ...... n .'j t'xwn III,"!, . 1 j nun
of Andrew Jut-knoll (I) by Young Ikwliaw, lit by Oraud D.ishaw (Ara
bian.) ROCK WOOD will make the eason of 1H80, cuiiimoueiug April 1st
and ending July 1st, on Monthly Tuestluyit and Wetliiestlay ut Eli
JohiiHon' Btables, lndependenee; the vest of tho week at Jav Hinith'8
(Fisher) atable, Salem. "
TlCKMS:--ShiKle Service, $20; Sea
son, S3."; Insurance, $oO,
For further pnrtieiilai-s. addnws
Best and Cheapest,
n. i). coc:.
K, V. t lHII'Kll.
Evan'o Patent!
The Bt tlw World.
Anti-rusting Tinware.
For Purtlculnni Call For Hpijcial Clrtnlar.
Scotch Clipper, Oarden City Clipper, nnd OHvert' Chilled and 8u
PIowh. CariM nter Tools a Spwdalty. Monitor !
Hwxlers and Drilln.
Corner of C and Main Street.
Watch this space next
WEEK. 123
Itlefehant Tailor.
Custom Goods for Merchants and others recut and pressed.
Iill'ipen monthly accounts with Merchants at Iudeppudenee an4
Monmouth for recutting.
Opposite X3. 0,
Boots - Shoes - and - Gloves.
Stock left in our care will lie well attended to.
Call and
examine our $4 00 seamless Shoe L
H. D. WALLER, Prop'r.
- - Ol'Cgoi x.
Please call at the PIONEER Store and convince yourself of the
Low Prices I offer my Goods.
ZED HOSEpOHf , Pfop.
(lOOD POHITIOXS FOK good teachers.
Twcht'i's are now looking for good positioiw for tho Surnm-'am.i
Full of 18!)0. If you wish to change tor any reason what -ever,
please write us. We need good progmtiire
Teachers of all grades. If you have fitted
yourself for any
of school work,
School Books
so that you can do it well, write us full mirth B1,,
a ow is the tune to register. '
1REGISTRA.TION ffi2..o0.
Write lor registration blanks, circulars, etc Address, "
SATjEji, OltEoox
Tim rnhli, is Most Cordially Invito to Call and Price Our Latest
S,lectod Stock of Writing Papers, Tablets, . Pens, Ink,
jvuiers, etc., also All the School Books
Use in the ruhlio Schools.
Jasperson & Parker,
J uui'ponuunce, Oregon.
Always in their Snnh and Door facto
ry, nnd will try their htwl to plwwe all.
Give (hum atrial and be convinced
j that they are worthy of your patronage.
Mrs. E. J. Estes,
WlBhe. to Inform her ftfcudi thafli
nu be found at her riim, u
opera house, nrpnur. ,t . . .HB
" "w uie most rr,ft ,i
nianucr and at reasonable prices..
feed : and
Hftrsaa K.V
a w
Silt j Stiiies.
Fir class Turnout f0.r Commercial. Travelers. Pric- .M. ..i
vawvilWMIV ajaim
Satisfaction finara.ntM.iT. fiivm. . ..
Double and)
t "..w uo at 13HI1.
Mftn h End Mn St, J.KENNEDY. Pron