RAILROADS. OREGON RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION CO, Train for the Rt levc Portland at 9:30 P. M. nt 7:43 A. M. TICKETS (ol from Prluelr-sl PolMtt tu tlx lulled HWIm, Canada tint Elegant New Dining Palace Car Pre family Sleepiug Cart run through on Kaprea Train to OMAHA, 4 COUNCIL BliiFB : 7-;. and KANSAS CITY WITHOUT CHANCE. CkMMMtNi M Portlsb.it for sa rrsnrlwo . ,aoa ratM iMHiiiu aoiai. , All In siinr.lv Uvt Portland ami tan rnuroiscsi svary rtturtsiaaya, mating lh u(f la W hour. Cabin. -1 , . . . J16 00 1 Steerage 3.oo Round Trip unlimited. . . . , ,,, .fjo.00 For further particulars iuqutr of any gut 01 in vumpauy or A. L. MAXWELL, :-. 0. r. 4 t. A. c a. SMITH. titneml Nauagor v Portland, Oregna YAQUINA BAY ROITIE. Oregon Pacific Railroad Oregon DeTelopmentCo.'i Steamers. i Short Line to California. Freight and Farts the Lowest RTKAMK BAtUXC PATHS. VaOM VAQCtNA. Willamette IVaUty, aUreh . 1, V vaoM aa raaaciaco. Willamette Valley, . March, it, 10, jo. Th company tnrrvet the right to change tall dates without aoticc. Trains connect with tlit 8 Ml. B. and rive' feats at Curvallu and Altstuy. Tli Ornifoa Pacific Steamboat on the Willamette River Division will leave Portland, southbound, Monday. Wednua- day and Friday at 8 a.m. Arrive at Corvallls Tuesday, Thuraday and Satur- ilay at 3 :3U p. m. i-eavo t orvaiim. ruiithhftnml. MnmhiV. Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m. Arrive at Portland Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday at 3 UtO ?. m On Monday, vteunetutay enu ridav both north . and aouth bound boat lie over night at Salern, leaving there at 0 a. m. C. H. Hoswen. Jr., C. C. Hogu. On. F. ft. P. Agi O. D Co. Art. U. f. & P. A. m Moalgnmrry ., - Vt.. ft.' aaa Francisco. Corvallls, Oregon. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. Northern Pacific R. R. TWO FAST TRAIN DAILY) N0CKAMC8 0PCAKS! SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And all poinU Katt, tU Bt Piul ind MinnBspalia, The Northern Paoifio Railroad Is the only line running ; Passenger Tralna. f- , Second-Claae Sleeper (Free of chsrge, LuxurlouaaDayfCoaohaa, Pullman Palaoa Sleaplnq Care, Palace Dining Care (meals 75 eta. From Portland to the East. Sea that your ticket read via the Northern Paolflo R..R. and avoid change of care. , 1 mm Pnrtlanrl at Sioo A. M. and 1:40 P. M. daily arrive t Minneapolis or ,8t. 1'aul at 6:05 r. . . s .. Paolflo Dlvlelon.--Trlntea Front and G street dally at 11:5) A. M. and S40 P.M.; ar rtwe at New Tacoma at mo P. M. and i:A. M., rannina-with CMncaar't boats for all point on Puget Sound. A. I. CHARLTON, . Asst. Ueni Peas. Agent, No. ill, Plrat ap-eel Portland, Oregon, j, s W W Depot, Cor. FlratlandlOlatreeta, OVERLAND, TO CALIFORNIA , , ,,viA .. Southern ' Pacific Company's Line, " The Mount Shasta Route! ".TIMfi BKTWKEN Portland and Ban Francisco 39 Hours! California KxpreM Train rnna Dally f between Portland and Ban FrauciHco, BouthTT 4MB. m. I L. 1 Portland Ar. 10:4s a. m. 5: 18 p. m. 1 1.T.. f Albany 4 Ar. 6m a. m. 7 1. n. I Ar. Ban Pmnciaco Lv. jm p. m. Local Passenger Daily, except Sunday. Leave. " I Arrive. Portland , ... 800 A. M. Kugene. 1:40 P. M. Kugene,,.. .asoA.it. I Portland 34S P.M. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. , 5 ,; TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For accommodation of ftecond Class paKii gera attached to express trains. The a P. Co.'s Perry makes connection with all the regular trains on the Kant Bide Uivisiou trom foot of F. Street. . West Side Division. Bet. Portland and Corvallls. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. ; , Leave. 5 1 ' Portland 7:30 A. M. Aantva. tnde'deuce. liiM A. M nde'denca,. 1 1:2s A. M. ! Corvallia .. .12:21 P. M. Corvallls. ....1:30 P. M. 1 Inde'dence.. 2:30 P. M Inde'dence...i:3l P. M. I Portland.,... 6:20 P. M' At Albany snd Corvsllis connect with trains fo Oregon Pacific fcl .. . Express Train Daily, ct j,t fu r'a LKAva. I Aaaiva, Portland 4:50 P. M. McMlnnvillc 8:00 P. M, MiMlnnvllle .5:4s A. M. Portland. . ,, .yoo A. M. Through Tickets to all Points South and East "Via GallfoxaJLa TICKRT offices: ' City office, No. 134, Corner First snd Alder sis, pepot office, Corner F and Front sta., Portland, B, IIOKHl.KR, R P. ROC.KR8, wiliager, , : Awrt. O. P. at P. Ag't. pRANK BUTLER, County Surveyor and Auctioneer. Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. Will attend atjoffice in the Court House each Wednesday and Thursday in Coun ty Court week. MARKET REPORTS. Ruling Prices of Poultry, Errs and Diary Produce. CKKI), ri,OI'R, OR.UN AND LI MHKII, Wtal, (irawi Seeaa, CUtr SmhIh, XUrrlla rHiaaSmls, Klc, Kl. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter. OlKgOU Koy fmtmery ........... Sft Clioloe dairy .., SO Cmnmon .I2H I'lckutd (Cal.) lHf! Kaatvrn o.eamr-ry fancy,.. . "f Cal. fancy Cheaae. Orvgon full ctwatn IK , Oregon Skims and old ...... 10 Swiss Chrwat), dottiesllu, . . . 15 to 10 Young America Dr.. . . .. . . . M in., Orogon V doa 1!0 Kastorn do. . , W FLOUR. Portland Pat. KolUr, l, bid. S 7ft Salom do tlo ! Tft Itayton do do , 85 Ceaoadia do do S A Country HramU 50 MoMinnvillo . 8 75 riuwrtlne..... . KW White JJIy........ 3 7 Graham 3 2ft Kyer'lour 0 0.) : FEED. ' Bran ,r ton 17jUH00 Hay " balrd .. U&wlttOti Ur'd Barley, iwr ton..... 22.VHf2l IW Mill Chop r ton IMw20(X) 0U Cake Mtal Kr ton MOW 33 W HliorU r ton $2Utr21 00 FRESH FRUITS. Applos... ...... .......... liauanaa, l. btuirh Union, Cal, j, In do Sii-ily,). bt. nw. I.Iiiips jier htm Or. Orangv). Kivrnldta. .. " " Swdltms Peaw per bt . , , , . PvauhtMi ptir bos I'luma por lb.... Prnnoa per box Watermelons dvut GRAIN. . 3 Mli 4 (XI , S 7.Vrf4 IH) IIM . 1 .".0 UlHI Nimtt, do do do lo Barley, whole, p. ttl H H Corn, pr 100 Iba.. 1 00 Uata, gooil, old, p. Im. . . . . do, new, per bn. 42 ' ( V Rve, p. UK) lb nominal. 1 2.'utttl 2ft W'lwat, Vallcv, p. Ilk) II. . I KM! 30 do KaaternOro.... .MlSMilft POULTRY.! Chii kena, larir young V d. 5 00 1 5 ftO do l.roilors......... do old .-. JtOOoMM Diuka V doa TOOt'MftO (ieese, yotinit V da. tO IKH 1 1 0J Turkey, young, V lb IX Uroinw and Piiennauia, , ., . " 8 IK) SEEDS. OraaaSeede. Timothy Orchard liriwt KetlTop tiliie Urana. ........ Kngliftlt Hy tirasa. . Italian do . . Australian do , . MiiMtiite. Millet.............. Hungarian do .. Mixed J .awn Uruns, Clover Seed.e Red Clover....,.,.. White Clover. ilyske Clover Alfalfa. Mlaoellaneoua. Canary Flax,... Hump Ka Imported Rape California..... 11 en a im I2(14 !)S,Wll 7itli fill 5(l 12lft 10,".g'll, tlltclH W(!tl7 il'.ytll)',' 4'i35 4l(!5 10 3tti4 LUMBER-ROUGH AND DRESSED Rough . , , Edged.;... T. A 0. Sheathing........ No. 2 flooring. ,, No, 2 ceiling No. 2 rustic Clear rough Clear P. 48.... No. 1 Mooring...., No. 1 ceiling No. 1 rustic Stepping Per M 110 00 12 00 1300 ... s 1H00 1800 1H00 20 no 22 50 22 50 .... 22;.'i0 S250 25 00 )... 100 ... 2 00 4 00 225 ... 2 50 226 .4.) 00 50 00 Over 12 Inches wide (extra lengths 40 to 50 Lengths 50 to 00 " ltf Lath M Lath........... h inglea, cedar, per 1000. , : " red cedar, 101KI. WOOL. Eastern Oregon. According to alirinkage. . , . ...1014 10 18 19(20 1014 Valley. Spring clip...,,., .,, Umpqtia. " Imbs and full. ., . VEGETABLES (Fresh.) Asparagus y lb. Beana lb Beet f lb.... Cabbage V lb. Carrots per aack ; 1 25 do young lb dog ;, 15 Celery per do , ()0(g(l 00 Cucumbers don, ., , Green Peas $ lb..,.'...;...,,. Lettuce f dor. 1 Onions 100 lbs 2 002 50 Potaloos per 100 lbs 1 ll.r(dl 73 do sweets, per lb,.,., ii Radislies per duz "jz njuitiuil Turnips oer k., ,. Tnioatoes per bx. , , 4 DRIED FRUITS. Apples, Peaches, etc, Applos sun dried qrs do factory sliced Cal. . , . do evap, 50 lb bxs. , . , . do unblea u . : i. 1 25 4 to 5 . 0 ' o to io 5 to fi'i 13 to 14 1113 40 8 10 12(415 8W10 3(4 (7 Apricots., ., .' , Blackberries 50 lb bxs Cherries pitted. Peaches hks unpookl nuw. do evaporated... Pears much dried Plums pitted Oreg. " factory , ., , Citron, Currents, o. Currants, in bxs or bills. Dates In boxes Fur Da ten, 15 lb bxs 10(iU n Prunes. Oregon French Petite. do Gormun. do Italian, do Silver 7(8 8(rfl0 WIT AND IlUMOlt. One would think I hut a iltr wouhl be lu pitln all the time with so iimny fuloiu on hi hundAVrtrrii-y Jiuief prist, ' i ' True frenhts much rwomblwi ritu titrdtihter. The aeoret of ll imart newt tic In olewe application." i'rrr You cun uo more Jmlg )"') dully walk and convtitnuiltm than you en an electhiii-tlay saloon by tu front door. Wrotf t'm I'ivm, It'a fnrtunrtte Unit ft mini lcitrna the 'rule of three" when a ohthl, fur Inter In life lie never pls beyond llio rule of Do you uiii Vassal1 girls uo wihI In afler life, Mr. Smiirty f' "Why, of eounw, 1 heattl of one getting iuar rlml ili oilier day," AH. rrofeaHlouul Uwit (lo hotel 'jtroprle tor) "-I" thorn any tlanirer bi a tire horef" Proprietor "Not tf yon nettle for your board in advance1 Horta ' Really this i awkward. What did 1 come hero for? Ah, yea, I rimmiler. My deuv young lady, I adore you. Will vtiu grunt Mitt yom' htntd," 'VfrjtMife Milhr. '--,. ' "I itw a goblet to-diiy nmila of bona." "Pshaw! 1 saw a tumbler ninth) of lleith and blood lnt night!" Wheruf! "At the uIiimi," Ihrr't Basttr. Our office-hoy aaseru Hint KiiglUh tpnmiwa are liko rubber baud, he Clitic they witt giuter-peivlier and havo rewlved a great deal of -tension. IMel Untitle. ; Hrown"ltow time Illen!" t .Teitkln "1 am not aware of tl teely p' age." lt."Tlteo you have not a nuie to pay." J. "Xoj J liohl jotii." Husband (to wUu at the thenlt't ) "llttve you brought jour opera-glaw?" Wife "Ye, but 1 cnn'timo it." "Why not?" "I forgot lo bring my diamond bracelet," Trim itijliny. Fond Mulher "You sh'inltl remem ber, my child, tltitt the little binU in their nest agree," Johnny "Hut every muni In a while oihi of Vm full out, I'm that oho." MuHtcy'i HW.fi. ? "The Ucv. Mr. lllgliy-"! dltl not site ytitt among tlio cmiijregitilon yea tertlav, Mr. An Kttli." Mr. An rull "No,l waa HI; hut 11 sent my card by the coachman." Lmertmy Aimer eon. Suitnger (to iMititliluck) "('tin you tell mo, my little fellow, the best way lo get to tin) siatlon?'1 IWtlilnck "De bout way I to take a back; but II you're broke you'd better walk." .V. J. Hun. A man who beat the gong at a l':ill way entlug-atatlon niukt'4 a big noise iu the world, but he din' not get there. Some oilier follow cat the dinner. He Imply make the din. .Ww Oi kum iVliyHIK!. ' "Going to vote?" asked (he furnace, "I am registered all over the house," And the gna meter replied: "Wnit un til the old man see !mw much 1 have registered If you want lo hour music," Motion BuwHn, Mother "Now you lutve broken my cup. You deserve a whipping; come here." Frit "So; I won't come." Mother "Come, Frit, till I w hip you, and then you shall have a slice ot cake." Ftitijtndt Ultitlcr. Flwt Juror "I toll you this bribery of Jurors I a crying sliiuiiii, il's a dis grace." Second Juror "You're dead right The darn fool who did the brllf ing never offered me a cent. He ought to be punished," i'wA, ; Wife (at ohurclt) "That iitun In lite second pew Is acting very airniigely. Do vou think he I cru.)?'' Hitilutiitl "1 wouldn't be at till surprised,., my ilenr; 1 nee hi collur button hits gone down his buck." A'. 1'. When it woinnii elinciie her teeth, tliut up her lists, ami lvnnn ks iu cutiectit ruled voice, "i wish 1 wa thai. man's wife for rtltont five inlimicft." it Is mlghly lucky for "thut man" that site isu t. icrre imuic f.nre; It Is a fuct worth pomlering that thoiii;h the nii'lit fulls nroiiiul tit it never brenks, w herens the tluv breaks hut never fulls. We otter this deli cute fancy to some struggling aspiruut lor poetical Honors. irr lla:ir. Ritrtwr "1 think this is the lirst time I ever shtivcd you, sir," Victim "You're mistaken there.'" Burlier "Strange I full lo rcmcmlicr, ir," Victim "ion on lil n t Imi so likely to remomiair it as i."-jivhim Hi rata. Visitor "I hope, tny friend, that vou now see ttm gn'iit error you have made." Murderer "Yes, I see it clearer every day. If I'd only 'r killed do hired girl, too, there wouldn't have been no one left to peach oil inc." Life. First Fcniuto Burglar "Get your gun. Wa a.a m.itt.v tn ni.tt.ib ..l.l ,,,, tiollur'shoiiso to-night," Sticoml Fe male Hurglar "1 wouldn't go Into Hint house ufier dark for tho worid. It Is chuck full of inico." Teri lfaute Jones "I boilers In eipint rights for that fairest of Gotl's creation woman. The gentler sex, so dear to the heart of man, should have ull privileges Re corded to ns." Smith (speaking to ins irienu Hunks) "I wonder It that man is married." Kearney Enterprise, Short-sighted gentleman chooses a pair of 8ectacls. "Theso glasses," lie says, "are not strong enough for me." "Hut, sir, they aro Jto. 2." "What havo you next to No. 2." "No. 1." "And after tlinlP" "After No. 1, sir, you will wunt a dog!" In Voltuire. Deacon Jones (solemnly) "My young friend, do you attend a place of worship?" Young man "Yes, sir, regularly, every Sunday night," Den con Jones "Pray tell mo where you go to woi'sliipP" Young Man "I'm on my wuy lo see her now." A', 1'. Truth. Artist "I have brought you ono of my paintings that I think tlie most of. Now don't you think it Ought to bo linng iu the coniingexlilbllion?" Com niittuenmn "No, I wouldn't hang It, I urn opposed to capital punishment. Sontoncu it to solitary confinement." America, ..... .; :.i -1 i Crinkle ."I understand you own an acre of ground In Blank Township, Whits do you value It nl ?" Flckoll "Well, it' worlli about f 150, but if a railroad company were to appropriate half of It I suppose a jury would find that It was worth about ffl.OOO.'VAfotv rinlown Herald, , Jimmy Ttiffhorn (to minister who is dining with the family) "Didn't you suy iu your sermon this morning that there wasn't anything In this world perfect?" Minister "Yes, I believe so; why do you ask?"; "O, I heard niasay before church tlino that you wore a perfect bore!" Kpoch, ., . , jl , Mumsboy "What awful drunkards those Romans must have boenl" Paps joy "Where did you got that Idea? I didn't know they were particularly in temperate." Aliiinslioy "Why, over tho door of every Roman a warning was hung 'Cavo Cannm' beware of the growler!" Harvard Lampoon, "Mamie," he said softly, as he pulled out the tremolo stop in his larynx, t'Wilf you marry mo?" "No," she an swered, with all the earnestness of sin core conviction. He paused us if iu deep thought, and then saidi "Strange, strange), how a slmplo word revives scones mid Impressions that have pass ed away. I urn almost ooitulu that I ... have Heard tliftt before," AfurcAanl IVareeir. i "Do you ever receive contributions iwIiiiim mi luiili aide of the lianer?" ...b.ul miniliiiiian etilerlmr a news- pititer olilee. "No, lr, never," em- t. . II.. L .1. . II..... ..All phaticiiiiy repnoti w wumi -mi right; I was going lo Indorse this check to your oitler, but t don't want you lo break your rule." Thctt lin went out, leaving the editor" In deep-greeu study ."-1ohw'i tttatwmiiH, ' KlatHHt Her ftw the Clgare. i ; "Pd glve tweniv-flvn cent for per mission to kiss that girl," remarked an Insipid-looking youth on an Albany bound tralu last ulirht. Indicating with amotion of hU hand nit unusually hatidsoiua young womttu n-leep iu a aeitt near by. Tho young man wa one of a group standing In the rear of the crowded ear. Another young man saldi . , . , , ' . . . . "You have my .. pinullon, air, gratis." "'Frald she woiihlu't regard It as sufllclent." Iniiglietl Hie lira!. ' f ' "1 don't know," replied the oilier; "I havo a great Itifttieuve with good-looking gil ls -I'll tell you what I'll do; I'll bet you a'good elgnr t tan Its her without waking her. , ' ' 'IKinot" rrtt'd the Insipid youth. "I'll give you a cigar If you dure do It anyway, and two more If she don't wttkn up," "It's a go." , The daring young mnn stepped up to the tent where the pretty, girt slept leaned oversoftly and kissed her fsmare ttHin her niouih, She stirred, smiled a little, but did not wake. The group of mnn had watched (he proceeding Iu breathless uieiif, ami a long and simultaneous sigh broke from lliem a ?oiing Impudence straightened up after he openiilon ami rejolued tlie group, several passenger who had seett the auduoloti Mrfot'iiiaiio slarlng at him In astonishment. "By Jove! that wa elegant!" Hie fellow of Insipid aHjot exclaimed a lie handed the successful kisser his three cigar. Rut there wa amfther reckoning lo be iiihiIo. Tho conductor came hurry ing down Itie alste, and "went for" tho daring paengor, metaphorically ajieaklng, "hammer and tongs," pry ing; "See here, young man, don't you ever try that again! . Are you a 'gen tleman, sir? Don't you know thut 1 can arrest you for such a performance a that?" ' The young man colored, but laughed nervously he answered, "No, 1 don't much believe you can. 1 gues there isn't any American law against a fel low' kissing hit own slstur is there?" It has not appeared yet w hether or not the young woman learned of her brother a astonishing exhibition of tils resgiect. or whether. If she did, her displeasure lessened Ihe gratification derived front the cigar won in such a ii(Mtloutthle manner. Albany Ztpm. How She May lie Hecognlseil. We have, lu our lime, adverted, ro ve tied, anil animadverted to the fact that when a young lady put on her full ulster and her lVrhy hat one can not it'll wlictlt r to olfer a caramel to her or tn beg a hunk of tobacco from lilin. The girls and the boys have a way of getting themselves up so much alike thut we have until now been un able to tell t'other fin which. How profoundly we, at the present writing, rejoice may be Imagined when we say we have at last solved thi vexing problem, mastered Ihi perplexity And It Is simple, too, when you go at it aright. All you lutve to do I lo watch l Im person lias a plato-gias show window. If it Is A until ho will sidle along sort o' sheepishlv and look tn see it anybody I watching him; then if tho coast Is clear he will tnke a uillck sly peep at himself ill the reflecting niuuow niioi ivst iiusmuij- muiimHHijr may be wntchlng him, he will look up and down tho front of the building a if all he wanted to know were whoso store till might bo. If It ! a woman she will looK squarely itito the window, atoii. look at herself leistnelv. ealuilv, turn clear around to see tfiat every thing is nil right, give tin a liiteti and that a yank, press it all down smooth ly, ami sail on, conscious that she ha not shown any of that "tty little van ity that the man display when he want to look Ittto a mirror aud dare not have it known that be waul to. A tnitu doesn't object to being alone with a mirror, but when It ooiuo to standing before one right out In pub lic ami confessing that it is a pleasure lo look at one's self It takes a woman for that. Ami this is how you can tell litem npiirL Hrtsrtiniwit visf, lien, Franklin lleNpoualhle. Ren. Franklin Is lo blame for tho sordid ami partial view of success thut prevails lu litis country, franklin, though himself not a parsimonious man, dinned mnxiiiisof parsimony into tho cur of tho American people so per sistently, and did it In such a forcible way. that ho succeeded in ingriiimng tho" thought of the American people with an oniiiiontlv material philosophy. The moral of it all i save, save, save for a rainy day. By dint of everlast ing repetition of the vision of the rainy day that has got lo bo laid up for Ren. Franklin has succeeded in taklnir all tho sunshliio oiilof the days that aro now rainy for hundreds of thousand 01 people. Jlmtott TrunKonil, , 1 A Good Plant Stand. Several years ago I hud a plant table made which has proved entirely satis factory to myself and the plants, judg ing by their looks. I havo never seen ono like It, aud there Is no patent on it, so any otto can ' "go and do like wise." Jt Is a solid blnck-wnlimt initio simply made, with turned legs, tlnlsh oil with stout casters. Tito length, width and helirht should bo determin ed by tho size of your window, The sides are oipt inches deep, there Is no top; arouudtho bottom of tho Inside Is a cleat on which rests slats, like those of a bedstead, on these rest a .ino pan unit jtisc ins tne litsiiio iiko a niiik, the upper edge turned over a stout wire. Tito advuiituiros of this stand over any other tli ut I havo seen are these: The plants stand on a level, so all share the sun alike; tlie stand is easily tinned around once a week, so the plants crow evenly and not one-sided its wo often see litem; can be easily pinned up In newspapers on n boltl nlirht,' or when swooping, to keep off tho dust. Mine just goes through tho door endwise, and having stout casters cun be easily trundlod to the kltehon for a weekly hath. You oan keen ulants in Dots. setting tho smaller between the larger ones, some containing vines neur the edge to droop over. In this ease you will need nu inch of course sand to put in tne oo itom oi tlio pan to keep them moist. The plants can be sot direotlv in the soil. Yon do not have to water as often; and the plants oan be arrang ed to look bettor., i . - You will nut in tho bottom of the pan an inch of drainage nitido from pieces of broken pots, or charcoal broken small with sphagnum moss on top, then till in a little soil,1 slip the plunts out of the Dots, nick off the drainage, and arrange ns you wish, Mil In the soil carefully, " pressing It Into every crevice so no airholes are left. Leave an Inch at tho top for watering. Give a good watering and shade for a few days until they are settled. You can fill this table with all flower ing plants, or till it with plants giown for their foliage alone, and have a handsome- table all winter without a Uowor. uooif Uousehecptiig. , GENERAL XEWS. The KliTcl Tower Has Already Paid For Itself. bOM rKIIHO AN KMI'KKUIt M YEAKN, All His Cbartm f Caaadlaa Bank I . KxBlrrlilSttl. The Kronen army oftlcor are now all armed wild revolver. During the war of 1870 they hint noun. ,: In a handful of Hover plucked In 111 yard. Ktlward Koehler, of Uutlilutictu, , found fifty four-leaf stalk. The lion. Haiinllmt llnnillu da sur vived all but two of hi fellow member of tli Maine Legislature of 1H.K). There I sllll 10,000 In the hand of the relief committee of Scuttle, Wash., and they don't know what to to do with It. Tho plu factories of Ihe Untied Slutei mituufiiettirtt about 18.000,000,000 ol these diminutive but useful artlcloi every year. Florida produce crocodile at well as alligators, but tlmy are ttnrdur to capture, being more wary aud "oiiuck fufl" of light. , The two side of the face ' are mil alike. A a rule, ny a Gorman pro fttssor, the want ot symmetry I chip lined to the upper part ot the fuce. : The shareholder of the Eiffel towel have got all their money buck from Ihe prom ami win take nan me net re ceipt during the twenty years the con cession ran. Bum Wheeling boy put up Job on a user of the weed, concealing a piece ol oap lu the plug. Tho tobacco cltewet masticated vonie of ihe compound and wa won for two any. The Laueaster, Pa., police, unable to tin any crime on a suspicious clmructui arrested there, bought a railroad ticket with Ihe money found ou hint and shipped him out or town. Prince Louis Naisileon, son of "Plon- Plon" and younger brother of Prlue Victor, has received hi commission at Major in the Kuluu army and will go on duty In the Caucasus. , Mr. Eva Hamilton, wlfo ot Ruben Ray Hamilton,, divide her time In Hit New Jersey Stale Prison between ew. Ing billions on shirts, reading the Bible, aud scheming lor a new trial. Dont Pedro was F.mtmror of Drnxl for tifiy-uight your, and yet ho is no) an old inauti;i at Ills Inst anniversary, HI reign has la-en longer than that ol any living monarch. Queen Victoria it next. Tho Queen of Italy la crowing stout, lo her irreal distress. She has sever limes tried to become a veirclatlnii, ll hope of reducing her weight, but l loo fond of good Hung lo persevere in such a course. Swooping down on a weasel a chick-en-hawk at Manalawny ou fried the ani mal uit, but before many nilnttpj I he weasel pliinlud ll teeth iu tho bird' nockand killed lu Tho weasel wa not hurt by It fall to the ground. ' The Oar of Russia ha become, both In appearance and manner, a Mtiscoviu of the old i:osuck typo. He is colossal figure, being a giant both lu hclghth aud In girth, qufto Jmld, with sliiietidoiii heard, which Hows over lib chest. Throe men beinir unable to drive ot drag a 400-pound pig front II pen al Kelnhuld, llerks County, Pennsylvania, they called in the assistance of John ltorklcy. a giant in strength, lie tie lilieratoly picked the kicking porker ur and curried it out unaided. In 1801 the charter of all Canadian bank expire, and the plan uisin which they hll lie reissued will noon have to be determined. Whether it is belter to continue tlie old system or take pattern by tho newer and simpler method in the united stales is uiu point to m ue- Ct'tcct. At Cincinnati a horse backed over thr bank and fell down a declivity of lot) feet, drugging his cart ami driver with Mm. Toe driver did not get into thr wtttor, but the horie plunged Into Ihe river and swam across to Covington, detaching the vehicle from Mm in mm stream. -: UiitU'tiiuiuted will) tlio game birds ol this cotiulry, a newly arrived Herman living neur'Scranluu shot a barnyard turkey under the Impression that II wa a wild fowl. He took it home and had it cooked, and wa about to ill down at the dinner table ami eat It whn he wa arrested for killing his neighbors poultry. ' " ' A sign that Is attracting hundreds ot people to where It hangs, on a carpen ter shop, lu Paterson, N. J., reads: "Cofllna made and repaired. Extra strong ones for country people." The old man who owns the establishment has hia own coffin on hand. It is made of pine wood, and la covered with I neat pattern of wall paper. The most fashionable ben In New York State I said to live at Winslow'i Mills, lu tho town of Waldoboro. She started In life a plain, dark-brown pullet, but soon exchanged this for a black anil white suit. The next time she shod her feathers slio came out f while ns snow, and last full sho appeared in a uiucK, wiuie and tun uruss. Goronimo anil his renegade Apacltcf will remain al Mount Vernon Barrack, Alabama, during the winter. Gcronlmo. has become quite oiviliKod. He has learned to twang the banjo, and his old surly manner has left him. It Is not probable, however, that bis education will go fur. He would rather plav curtls than leant to read, and lib, former fondness for tirewnter remains. Ho hits to bo closely watched or he will get drunk at the first opportunity. ' He has, howevor, nttttlo a bettor prisoner Ihnu was expected. ,. ..,. . A stipm'tiuttirul visitant, described as a white llgtire in human Rlmpo of un usual height, which stalks tlu'ough the woods at night, bearing In lis right hand a lluming torch and In lis left s black banner emblazoned with skull and oroes-bones, Is reported to have boon seen tn Crenshaw County, Ala bama. Ills ghostshlp is sabl to make his iippcaranco every night at 1C o'clock, emerging from a oavern iu ft Bldo hill at the eastern extremity of the wootls, and traversing westerly until he disappears in the dense pino forest. Henry Caby, whose real name U Kish-ka-ko, lives up in Arotiao County, Michigan, is A groat-grandson ot an Indian chief of the same name, and lif sets up a claim that in 1819 his royal ancestor was by treaty with the gov ernment, given seel Ions 28 and 29, on which most of tho valuable part of Huv City stands, and now his lawyers 'pro- poso to get tne land for nun or got tne money value thereof, It is alleged that tlio treaty records show no furtnei disposition of the land has ever been authorized since the treaty of 1819. . ' Chief Josoph, tho famous chief ot the Neil Peroe Indium, who dolled the United States a few years ago. Is fully six foet in his moccasins and weight 2UU pounds, tils loutures are tine and denoto decided oharaoter; his forehead is broad and high, slightly sloping from a pair of hoary, beetling eyebrows, above a pair of piercing black eyes. His hair, black and straight is remarka bly fine for an Indian's, and is glossy without any bear's grease. His hands aud foot are small and well-shaped; oi the former he I proud ami spends much time In manicuring them. His skiu Unf a light uoppor color and lu the sunlight take ou a beautiful red dish hue. A stream near Benton, Tcun., Is said lo bo full of phantom llsh, Standing on the rock and looking down Into the water the eye oan see hundreds of trout, some of them remarkably large, darting about the pool or resting with tho gentle motion pcctilinr to their Hi bo. The angler east lit line In ono of ttieso pools literally swarming with llsh, to all appearances, and no mutter how attractive the fly or how skillful the tlslierman lie never get a bite. As plentiful a thoy seem to be no one bus ever yet iieeu attie to caicu a trout iu that stream. Tho llsh liny no attention to the hook or Hue, and when the bait I thrown at incur or au attempt I niudo to spur I limn Ihe Instrument tin Ihe appearance ot passing through the fish, but he Is not caught; wlieo the barb or spear 1 removed lie 1 sun there. .. , : , , -,' .' t ;? ' Mr. Docker Wa There. ' J . We were about to leave Louisville on a down-river steamer, aud the men were but hoisting In the gang-plank, when a tall, slim young man with a great deal of cunning In hlsoompol tloti, leaned on Ihe rail of the promen ade deck, scanned the crowd ol 200 on the levee, and culled out iu turn volco; ; "Suy! Mr. Dockcry there?", "He Is!" promptly replied a toum. "Then tell hliu Pin coming back In about a week to sandpaper hi head!" It wa Intended for a joke, but no one laughed. Just at that inlnule the gang-plank wa droped for a be lated passenger, aud a man from the crowd riislied along ll mi ino ueat, dodircd tin-stairs like a monkey, and next mluule apeured before the as tonished smart Aleck. i t 1 "Sandpaper, my bead, will yon?" he hissed, a he reached out lor nitir. Oh, now, but you aren't Mr, Dock ry!" mmted ihe young man. "Areu't 1? Don't ( kuow my own name, you luscious perslmniuu? Take that aud mat anil linn: Ami he bunged him right and left, lifted hint up ami down, and ended by spreading hliu over the deck a fur a he would reach. Then he sklped off to be received with cheers, while tlie voting man gathered up the fragment and splinters aud retired. He was on the boat three day with u aud dur ing thut time I never saw htm but once! Then he had his heud outfit hi state-room window lo view the scenery on the Arkansas shore. One o' the boy veiled: "Dockcry!" and the head vaulsltcd. lo lie seeu ho more. A'. Jf. Way oriheTlillietnn. The chief agrlrolou product of Thi bet I black barley; and thi serve a the basis of the food of the entire imp utation, rich ami po.r. say a writer tu the DutMhitt Bin, 'lite 'ordinary re past consists of fluttered tea and bar ley mush. Meat I seldom eaten, and then only as a delicacy. , Of fermented barley they make a non-intoxicating acidulous tit lull of rattier pleasant taste. In some of the w armer valley rice, vegetables and fruit are grown; but these tlo not go far beyond their linmadiate border. Hence, though Thibet i rich in gold and silver, it Is poorlu the necessaries of life.' Im portation of food stuffs, except in very small quantities, ut maduimpottsime by the long and frightful roads that have to lie traversed. The Thibetans do not, like the Chi nose, shave the head, but let tho hair grow and flow over their shoulder, coutentlng themselv es wilh clipping it every now and then with scissors. The ordinary head-dress I a blue cap, with abroad border of black velvet sur mounted with a red tuft. On holiday they wear a great red hat. decorated at the rim Willi a long, thick fringe. A full robe, fastened on ' the right side with four hooks, girded down tlie waist by a red sash, aud red or jmrple cloth boots, complete the simple yet. grace ful costume of tho ineu. Suspended from the sash Is a green taffetu bug. for the eating now!, and two small purses. of an oval form and richly embroider ed, which contain nothing at all, be ing merely oiimmeutal. i , The dresa of tho women closely re sembles that of the men. The only dif ference 1 that over the robe they add a short, many-colored tuulc, and that they divide their hair Into two brtlds, one . hanging down each shoulder. Those ot the poorer classes wear, a small, pointed, yellow cap; those, of he richer classes decorate their heads with graceful little crowus composed of pearls. : : i i A Romish .missionary, speaking of the Tbiholnns, says: , r"They are of the middle height, and combine, with the agility and suppleness or the Chinese, the force and vigor of the Tartars. Gymnustio exercises of all sorts aud dancing are very popular among them, and their movements are cudenccd aud easy. As they walk about they are al ways humming some psnlm or popular ong; generosity and frankness eater largely nut) iiieir cniunctci, urate iu war, they face dentil fearlessly; they are as religious as Hie Tartars, but not so credulous." -' . -' Setting Down on a Fire. , - An old story is being ' resurrected against a usually quiet but somewhat excitable resident of the suburbs. It is alleged that the ceiitlcmmi In question discovered thut a lire hud been started In the utile of liis house, ..-through the heat of tlio chimneys. Vt ilh rare pros- once ot mind he rushed down stnlrs aud seized a milk pitcher from Hie kitchen table, rushed out to the cistern, threw the milk out ot the pitcher, pumped some water into it, and, rushed up stairs only to find that his wife had seized a lunro pitcher of water from one of tlie ijed-rooms in tho upper story ana extinguished tne incipient conflugrntlon. As tliore were four large ewers of water on the two upper stories, the progress of mental reasoning which induced the excited resilient to niuke such a ferocious onslaught on the milk pitcher would be extremely interesting to trace, If Such a thing were possible. He should have had the preseuoe of mind possessed by another property owner, who discovered that a spark from a neighboring conflagration had 111 upon the slightly shmtiiig roof bt his house, and hud set fire to the shingles. All the buckets aud tubs and pitchers hail gone for use in the big fire, aud mere was no ono to senu over to onng them back, Rut the ownor of. the house, even In the moment ot peril, kept cool-headed. He rushed to the pond, which stood by the house, ' and deliberately sat down In the water. To race up stub's and out on tlie roof was the work of a moment, and then he sat on" the fire In more senses than one! He saved the house. Boston Ad vertiser. Advertising. In Parle. . .. The latest development of the ad vertising art comes from Paris, : where an enterprising publisher has employed a large corps of sandwich men to ad vertise a book by walking down the boulevards and rending it '. with rapt attention. An inquisitive gentleman, anxious to know now far this would have an educational effect upon the readers, orept np bolilud one who teemed more rapt than all the others, tnd found that, he was. reading the book upshlo down. "COAST NEWS. Nearly Four Hundred Arrests Made In Seattle During February. MILLS AT EL MONTI!, CAL, Bt'MHL IWMou Paner A.teU Wi ' (a TaalClty. "it 1 reported that U I'HJ 'a u..rin m.m have lot anout forty per cent, of their flock. ; f . ;jofMd.irf;'ifli-jS pany are maaina l", ,i . i line nation with Ihe view of operating a line to Auiria. ,- ' f-V .. .. .... .i. tl..,.w Aunniet Ral' ston ont of a aalwm at N'. ''. week ago, has laeit rquiiMu laughter.. , , , , ...; The Sacraumnto republican convertthw , . i i ,:........ !,' iireaetlt In- nomuiaicu . yir""ji 'V Itraw cumbent, for mayor, and Warren Drew for chief ol police. ' J , - 1 John iurfcson, 18 year old, an Ut lisli sailor-on Hte ship tstanmtire, at )n Francisco, full Iruiw Ihe topinast to deck aud ya;.kllliLI..-!..(v..,1, :..'i" s;, Tlie Seattle Xiilue fore mtM nearly four bundled arrest during ItilfW i ...... i.... H.,, who aav that gambling should not be rooted out. V The Ranker' Mutual belief Asatxtla Hon of San Francisco ha gone to Idj-cw and it tiltUtor have disapiteared. nm victim will number several ifioiuwiiJ. , ..)..:. rwi.l Oniliaui fclmion. master of the British ship Rciiare. now at Ban Francisco, died at ''. sumpiion renruary u, anu w uu..v- ... the ocean. '" ' Poatofilcc have' been eatablislird at d k-..j! ,vinlv j Wash.. Willi Ih B. Reck as ptstnoMter, and at Vega, Pierce county, vtasn., won i son a postmaster.' ( . Tlie Mali Sloraire Train No. 47, e bound, wa burnt.d al Blue Creek, I tali. Tlie car and content are a total km, doHtroyiiitf mail fur Sao Francisco con sisting ol loiter and papers. . . ; Tl, 1,,-t uunoml roiMiri ot tlie DOSt- master general show that Washington ha 7 mile of tcamtjoat man romen, and the number of milts traveled annu ally by tlie mail boata i 3O,lW0. ; , f ' The Astoria Plonoer I of the opinion l. i l,.u.,i n.nntv will not have anew wort honso this year, A building such us is desired Would cost lt'.,5,00J, and this amount I not likely to be raised for ino purKMe, ' i " " - 1 '-' It I reportiMl that 100 men are now at work on thrtlClgiu branch of the Cnioti Pacilic and 100 more are expected at li t 1I..H.i.,. tlt.,U Al. vrrniiov iioiii iiiiniiiiiwi.. ... dticb baa obtuiued the contract for rock work on tho branch, ,,.f .h f . i The F.t Pueule mill at Kl Motile, Cal., Il.a i.l.lnt hia Al-iiftiiMat iVtllfltV. k-HlA mc vi'Jvov iu awn burned. Tim man who slept in them is . .. . a . . . . i - ... i nei lo vcu ui no iiurnen, an oe nun inn been seen since. Tlie cuuae of the fire is unknown. Loa. f 10,000; insuruncc, (TitHHI. lii.ll. P.ifidlelon nitiw.ra linn aijrMoil on a topic for tlie Itrst time. Tliey advo cate the establishment of a woolen mill in that city. Tlio Kast Oregonlan offers to subscrilMS I2o0 to any person who will . I.,- I. . i. L t... .1.-. .:.IM ..I..- esiuoiisu such imfiiiefMi tnnt nui give employment tolSOhands. 1 - . : The Pendleton Fast Oregonian say thut Mr. Henry Wooley, who has a ranch on Hotter creek, has originated new and excellent method for feeding his stock, lie ha wintered hia stock on stalks of sorghum and has found it sujierior to any other sort of provender. , The California board of prison direc tors bus decided to enter into a contract witli R. Isaacs, providing for the pur chase of lands, water-rights, reservoirs and ditches for the prottosed reformatory at lotto, .Amador county. The price agreed uHn was I til, WW. ino site cov ers MOO acres of land, and tlie water res ervoi will have a capacity of 274,000,000 gallons. , , Tli city council of Kllensbnrgb grunt ed a Irancliise lor a street rail? (elec tric or cable). Tlio company at once men a notni oi iiu.wu io begin work in side of thirty day and to have three- (ptaiters of a mile completed within (our inoimis, on iienalty ol lorleiture of bond rise franchise is grunted for fifty years, and it is stipulated that all work 'must be nrst-tius,,, .. .. , ; . Two Belgian gentlemen, who arrived recently in Pendleton, were sent to Port land on the recommendation of Father l Koo, Who is now in Belulum. and. It is said, will bo followed by quite a col ony it lavoraoiy iinpreamd by our cli mate and resources, j Thev are lookinu over tlie Hold and making estimates .with a view of Btarting a large brewing enterprise in Portland. , , . " Mr. Sam Reynolds, who has a ranch on the middle fork of the John Day, re- nortft tbn lorn, nf atru-k nut thiM great as might be expected. He has I - - " 1.I11U , u lost but twelve head,-,- Snow covers the range to a oepiu oi ten inches, but un der the rim-rocks Ihe grass is bare and cattle are onabled to find sustenance. Feed is scarce, however, and tf tlie snow continues much longer the loss of stock will lie great. Seallle la constantly the subject of libel and ridicule, but the following told on ono of the gentler sex is indeed the struw thut Breaks tlie camel's back: A Seattle vonmr Imlu fmi.l - i ....... ... j ......... iiuirccuioe, and wishing for good luck, placed it un- iivi urn inuuw won iier wise teetli. in tile itioriiino in tha l,,- ,.t .1 . she substituted the shoe for the teeth aim wore. 11 ur some time, before the mistake was discovered. A honntv of tarn ivtnla ! . fored by the county court for the scalps of squirrels killed in .Morrow count v not. lfHkt than 110., ,...!.. ... 1.: .. . "'I u " i" oe presented bv anv one nerson ut m. :.... . m ' snow which fell after the squirrels had wakeff tin and come out for their spring raids will greatly diminish their num ber, and the-bounty now offered will en able the farmers to almost entirely rid their ranches of the little thieves, as it Wl 1 nnv fur m,... u.l ...... '"li"0 ,t ..... ,..v .w. i..,,,, iv uups, ( , T).a 1 .1.. , ... v.uu..u , w, uih people , 01 Crook county cannot bo very satisfactory: ZC Ing fiotr, tlie Oehooo 'Review, wlikii says. -''Some are advareing t ,e j 1 tliat tha eoiii.tv onnrt oi.....i.i . ".. taxes for 18SU that hav not been S octet . This would be a charSe 1 list 1 1 ine tn tif H, ...,. . "e 141111 pay the running expenses of tlie county Iboiigh oouBuVcriiig the losses Crook county has sust.tined, the noxt?legiX toecan rtiaBonably Iss asked to S. el.blll,u.Hlinthe,'mntK ... .: - . -" it, ,1 Reliubln mnnii. l,a i . Stmke river " 6 Wasl Scui XL Flsbook Bond to Crab ctMf The sn"ow continues a few days longer ti,t 1 dead botlies of 21.6 horses Tret,mt st the mouth of hi&iver 6 named Ha!i bus lost 150 out of 'vm 1 and has given up all hoWtSft crop? looWr fort rseaS 8t7 Prospects were never briBbe? VJ larue acreage has Us ... nd . CHAONCCr DEPtWi A WMter Olrl'i WW A Ih. tlrwl tH.w.1ar. Cbauacey Dcpcw W H EST S 6 on Mm and the Atior H" I" . . nan tlvutlt memory wilt mike one', .tore go KfSey Mug guilty to the am th. dlwrctloo of even th"r. fault at tha h suffered beo ot it. The aiigiiir of a wrtaio fumou. American who b hlttoto made 1.1 hoina in ll wet ha giting in N tor nu waaono K. S.tf at r. dinner of my dl HngulsU men and women last ; week. ghlawomanocutomod to l In. ilectual best of the men who go In to dlS with her, and on thi. occa mi effort OI we ww " " ,v , ," , "rj to dinner W amuae hr. Ho looked "kaa trmm of ability, but .be gradn Illy gained the Imprmtilod tlmt he wa lalitirlng nnder the deliufofi she wa a wild wSswrnerwbo w many tear behind the time wj bad . J heard Lni mislern iesU. ..When thk Idea lw- came fJruily mited In '"" "' wa at no furtlwr PJ" & couceal her ludiffereniw to hi effort, - and at last In AoMxlt !h? t"e'' companion re marked: "Ml " . we don't ein to get on. What tho m"" '1 ?ou would tell mo frank y." "I will," she said, laughing Imla- ' I " ero localise you have been telling me Chaunccy Di-iw'a old storle all the evening' 1 d'in't ktjow him mytelf. bot I've heard all hi atorie over and over again, and I don't think I caa und them again." . If er companion paused a moment, then book all over with amusement and delight, and said; MI - . "nr frankness hi simply enchanting, "and I'll confes in my turn. I thotiglit yon were a rery young girlr and from o far away iu the wast that you were not likely w have heard these stories, o 1 was using old stock on you. but I ee my error, and now I will tell you omo torie of Cbaunccy Depew' that I atn nre you've not heard.? From that moment the west ern girl declare that aucb a stream of brilliant talk, hietdole, and wittii bm forth that she never noticed what aim w:u eating and was (Ii-sikt- ately grievel when the bostese gave the aignal to rise and she w a separated from her1 clever companion. Going home in a cab she said to her father; "Do you know the name of Ihe man who look me in to dinner? I didn't catch It, but I found him perfectly charming " "My dear girl," said her father, "you uon t deserve your privi lege. Of course you found him charm ing. That wa Chauncey Dope!" There wa a dreadful silence from the young woman all the way home after that, but she told the whole story next morning at the breakfast -table with much shamefaced nt4 aud her family fouud It too good to keep, , ' The Chinese Mlnlater' Ulna;. , The Cliincso minister w ears an enor mous diamond ring on hi thumb. This stone i of Immense size and very brilliant. The stating, Instead of be ing gold, is of dark wood. The wood from which the ring was made ia very Old said to be 1, IWO year and ils rat it v wakes it nmro eosilv limn gold. , Brook Farm. - From a reinlnisoent article by Robert Carter in the Century we quote the fol lowing: "It wa a delightful gather ing of men aud women ol siierior cul tivation, who led a charmiug life for a few years, Inhering in its field and philandering in its pleasant wood. It was a little too much of a picnic for serious profit, and tho young men and maiden were rather unduly addicted to moonlight wuiutcribgs in the pine grovo, though it is creditable to tlie sound moral training of New Eugland that little or no harm came of these wanderings at least not to tlie maid ens. So fur as tho relation of the sexe Is concerned, the Brook Farmer, iu epite of their free manners, were"aa pure. I believe, as any other people. "The enterprise failed pecuniarily, after seeming for some years to have succeeded... .. . and Rrook Farm became the site of tho town poor-house. Hawthorne, who lost all his savings iu tho enterprise", has sketched it, lu some resjiectl fallhfully, In hi "Rlithdale Romance. " I mar remark, by the way, that while ho wa a member h wa chiefly engaged in tnkiiigcareof the pigs, that being found by experi ment to be the brunch of furm labor to which hte genius was best adapted." Til. Haw ii,....l..l . . burg, just finished,., cost IGO0.0OO, and is reckoned among the finest built by the royal family of Prussia, ' It Is estimated that 230,000 porsous in the Uuited States are engaged In busis ness depuudiug solely on efectrioity. . ... .,vn ,,,i,,viiiu nuiaea in .-ors. AGENTS WANTED! IIFor a Valuable Article ol Commerce which can be sold in every town and ... Diuio, atutresa with toferencca aa to resiKtnsibllity to ' ulh pMk. " v B Francisco Ca'. ai NORTHEAST PORTLAND. : KKASONS' WHY I BO'l'GHT . ; ; LOT THERE;' n" 8' t!n lot arioii fett ?nlua !f ,., .IrylugtSo'molor 5' I' &"!? ! nMrethali Moiii.t T.w S i ,I!i! '. "'e1-"'!! aud set lu (tuiL slaw.8atel.Tfe-. aT. a? ruiuaun oin-ril a rrami ........... ...i. ' t Mnnufacturers of Primers Rollers, :- and - . ROil65llili!iilloii. PADDING CEMENT ETC. Roller Casting a Specialty. . , IIQ7 Fourth St., East Portland. Or. P. N. U. No. 15