The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 14, 1890, Image 3

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Tul.! IX Sll'l-IIUDS.
8rij-t rVuotiU-Mrs. F M. Oatea,
a lady who.haa the best of recommen
dation front the Rest will open ft select
school ft mutl! cttlldreti, provided h
can (Hid a suitable school room.
OrtNR TO BltiKANS-Mtft. J. It.
HosUr left on Tuesday's train far
Spokane Falle bavin received word of
the death of little Theodore, the oldest
child at iter daughter Mr. D. Matoney,
As AmiKST.Oa Sunday list the
scvcn-year-old-eon of Curt tamper,
while passing through the wtastshed
Ml on n ax and quite severely m
on of hi kuees. He Is not dangwwualy
Woono llTxT-Mr. M. Merwln ad.
dressed t MM to 8. Burelt, Wale,
lust January, ami It went to ft Dial In
Washington county Mid waa not re
ceived by Mr, Buret, until last .
The proper addre wa Rlekralh The
town W called Dixie, but the poat-oinrt
ftmwKHKtK A. N. Italic, who
ha been on the alek list t Montuoutb.
for the past alx mouths, hat iwtvered
and wa wen lu hi ftccuatomed pute
but wwk. ou the Mouniouth stage. To
till (Urther gain strength he left on
Monday to ebdl hi tinier, Mr, itexford
In Benton county, nd hi u Taylor
lUllwk will "hold the reiu.'
Have Arkj vwv Tuenlay ftfternoon
we dropped In ftt the grocery store of
Burua, Dalton to., ami round all
hand busily engaged In unpacking a
large Invoice of those oil paintings,
which ft re given as premluiiM with the
good purchased. The picture are
many of Uiem now displayed for the
first tint and those to whom picture
are due would do well to come and get
first choice. Tu ladle are delighted
with the Idee, of having something
with which to oroaineut the home.
Fuom Nebraska.. Charles Irvine,
of thin city, oeued a tack of Nebraska
coruuieal ft a customer and lu doing
ao found an open pocket knife among
the meal. It bt of Roger make, ba
a bone handle, ta well worn, and evi
dently lt by aome penon who realdea
in Nebraska. The owuerean get pro
perty by proving ownership. Until
that time Mr. Irvine will use hi "Neb
raska kulfe."
Bkston THK Coast.- Messrs. Cooper
4 William and Win. Well, of Buena
Vista, made a aliipmeut of aome hop
butt full to an Kastern Una, and are
much gratified to learn that tbey are
the finest In quality of any hop
shipped by them to Londou. Him
our rich bottom land are,deUiisd to be
the producer of much wealth, It la of
public Interwt to know that the quality
a well a quantity, I flrst-cht.
Teacher' Aobxiv. Messrs. (loud
night A McCulloch, of Patent, with
characteristic energy are pushing their
newly catabliithed Teachers' Agency,
Tbey propose keeping track of the
wanta of every school ilistr.ct In Oregon,
and aUo the qualification of every
teacher In Oregon, and supply the
school with the proper grsde of teacher
for a small charge. If uuinaged ener
getically much gud may result loth
to the teacher and the patron.
C011.D sot Aokkb. Away back in
18-tO the Dallaa Itemitn in It June 4th
iiwue contain thba one of the argu
ment agaitwt Indeiwodeure being the
county wt. "They fight aiuoug
thenwelvea. The town I divided Into
old town and new. They are partly
Incorporated and partly not. They are
divided on. acboolx, tight overchool
and doctor, agree on nothing, eo far a
I cau hear, except auloona aud the
county aeat." How far thin waa true
ten year ago, we know not, but It I
not true to-day. Book. Mr.T. H. Htiuddi-r
of tbl city baa received the agency for
the new book Jiwt publlahed. "The ex
ploratlon and adventure of Henry M.
Stanley in Africa " Tltia la ft book of
over eight hundred pugea and two hun
dred engraving, I bound In cloth and
gold, and aella for 12.50 a copy. With
It la a life lze engraving of H. M. Stan
ley, 15xlM Inchea In size on heavy paper
uitable for framing. Mr. Bcudder will
call on the resident of thl vicinity
ollcltlng ordera, and can alao be found
at hi home lu North Independence.
Too Hkjh, Some jxjopleare alway
crying down town and community
in which they live, and particularly
diHcuuraglng tli eiiwelve from inveatlug
on the ground that price are too high.
Alniut one year ago a certain gentle
man waa offered the half block near
tho public aehool building for $700. A
few month later the Polk County
Land company bought the two lunldo
lota tor two hundred dollar each and
the two corner were aold for two
hundred and fifty each making nine
hundred dollar. Now that half block
will readily aell for f 1U0O, aud aome
people said 700 waa too high one year
or ao ago. ";.
Social. Invitation are out for a
grand bull at liuena Viata on Friday
ulght, March 28th, aud on Saturday
night the bran band of thl place will
give a concert at the ojicra houae. Ad
mimlon 25 centa. Ou Saturday even
ing a number of the friend of Mia
Ernie Jtobertaon honored her birtbduy
aunivemury by catling at her borne in
a body. On Tuenday evening the
friend of Mia Mollie Merrlman
aHMembled at the realdcnce of A. J.
Goodman' to my farewell. She left on
Wednesday for Portland where ahe
will attend bualneaa college. She ba
a position a a atenngrapbur and ty
writer already promised her.
Fakmek's Institutk. On Thura
duy evening the ojwulug exerclaeeof
the Institute were held in the opera
house, but a we go to pre on that
evening, It was too late for any account
of the proceedings in this Issue. The
Institute la of great value to the farmers.
While the practical part of farming is
n groovca and chuiiuvls, the theorltical
parts Is undergoing constant change
Most farmers are too poor to extensively
experiment, but all are willing and
even anxious to profit by the experi
ment of others, This is whut an In
stitute helps tie farmer to gain. We
hope a large attendance will make the
Kftslou here of much value.
Fin weather.
Pay your taxea.
The big saw mill.
Farmer Institute,
National bank statement,
Chartea Bilk of Suver, waa lu town
J. 8. Cooper returned from 8au Fran
risen tbl week.
U F. Smith, of Iawlvlllt, waa lu
town Thursday, .
H. Simp on, of King Valley, waa
In town Tuesday.
Mia Eva Ltajke visited friend In
Corvalll last week.
Mm Ida Vaughn returned from Sau
Francisco on Monday,
The race course uear low;' la to be
Systematically Improved.
The Wttrr Sium la printed by ateam
power every Thurwbty night.
The denocrallo state convention la
calkd to uaet April It), 1HU0.
It F. Baker, of Newport, la here
looking after hi landed lulervata
Mia Laura Klklua la ajalstlug Mr.
Kate lu her drtaantaklng parlors.
Two famlllea from Iowa, friend of
A, Nelson, arrlvml lu town thl week,
llou. J. IX Lee, Ira Smith aud J. J.
Brown, of Dull, were lu town this
week. ,
Mitchell A Uohaunou have Uie
(buudatiou laid of their new planlug
The lumber and timbers to bulid the
uew saw mill will euuie from Wlulock,
A reunion of atudenta took pUeeat
MiHimoultt tula week. It waa Im
promptu. Dolly, the two-year-old daughter of
J, M. ITowlcy, of t'ruwley slstloii, died
ou Weilueaday.
Tlie Wlllantette waa on the rise
last week, but baa returned to Ita nor
mal height again.
Mr. John Fluke haa the frame up of
a neat one story dwelling urar tue
Irebyleriau church, k .
J. U IWxfurtl, the acemuodatlug
Mouniouth stage driver, ha gone back
to Bviitou County, hla home.
Mlasea Clara aud Kva Ieeand Llitale
Jakea,ofSaleut, paaaed through town
from Mouniouth on Tuesday.
Mrs. (), I. Itennle la learulng, under
the Instruction of her hustwnd, to set
ti pe In the Wkkt Si i oflloe.
Mrs. Dr. Young, of Portland, la oc
cupying the poaitlon which Ml Mer
rlman filled In the public aubuol.
alba 1UII Kbbert, who baa been
teaching lu Douglae county, Oregon,
I vhltlna bar parent at Monuuaith.
Lumber and machinery for the new
saw mill bt arriving dally and eoon
an active ttr will be made on the river
We Inadvertually omitted the name
of Ml Laura Klklns who waa one of
the participants at MUw Williams party
last week.
Attention la railed to the order for
the sale of the Merwln property on the
5th of May by Marshel Merwln, ad
ministrator. Hon. E. T. Hatch and J. II.Hawley,
of McCoy, and J. W. Paulson, of Wash
ington county, are In attendance al
the Institute.
Tlie Mlasea McMahon, of Cold well,
Idaho, stuihrnta at the Normal, were
called home thl week through the
sickness of their mother.
II. B.Thellsen, theengiueer.engaged
to survey tho motor line to Monmouth
arrived Thursday morning and will
commence work at once.
Mr. B. H. Clark, has aold hi general
merchandise Ure to Mr. D. Cade,
recently of Nebraska, who takes Im
mediate possession at Suver.
The county court of Polk dainty at
tlie last meeting, voted an appropriation
of $10,000 to the Suletn bridge and
agreed to maintain one half the bridge.
The attention of aehool teachers,
also of school directors, la called to the
advertisement In thla Issue of the Capi
tal Teacher' agency. Send for a circu
lar. Ice cream Is easily made this kind of
weather and taste Just a well as In
ummer. Mr. Buster favored us with
very fine sample of the article thl
Mr. T. Fannell, left for bis old home
in Iowa, thl week. He will remain
about three weeks. Tom Is unmarried,
but that new dwelling will be about
completed when he get back.
S. A. Paker, the architect, exiects
the lumber next week from Wlnlock
and will commence building a $litoo
residence on the corner opposite Dr. T.
J. Lee.
Commissioner McBee, was In town
Wednesday looking after our bridge.
Ho wa welcomed by the residents here.
Mr. 0. W. Iieonard, the supervisor, Is
sick. '
A state Sunday school convention
Is called to meet at McMinnville to
commence April loth and last two
day's. W.N. Hull, of Corvallls, Is
J. C. Bitur, of San Francisco, who
own several hundred acre of land op
posite Independence I looking around
for some one to plant him a field of
hoi. It I good land.
From this time toward, until futher
notice the hour of meeting at Presby
terian church on Sunday and Wedcna
day evening' service will be at 7:30
Instead of 7 o'clock. : '
This week Mr. L. L. VanNortwIck
branched out as a speculator by pur
chasing eight acres of land ofW. W.
Peruival, paying alx hundred dollars
for eight acre. . The land Is this Ride
of Monmouth,
Mr Jasper Kennedy will run lils
otnulbtjato Buena Vista the night of
the ball provided be can engage a load.
All persons, wah(n(i to go Jilease leave
word at the Ktable, Fourteen person
can be BcpontodatH The bus I wurm
gut) easy riding.
The Heppner Qmette oomes to ui
this week bright aud newsy as ever,
and oontanlng aa a supplement an
excellent written description and illus
trated pamphlet describing Heppner
aud it surroundings. Such enterpi ise
ba It effect on tbe people of a town.
GOODS Just Rocolvod at Sholly & Vonduyn'a Must Ccnvlnoo Anyono That Thoy are tho Loadino
3Y COKKHSlt)Nl)l!NlS
Why dott't you let It snow,
Tracy Staata, one of Monmouth's
student, Suudayd here with hla
At our annual school meeting II.
Staala wa elected director and J. C
Frluk, clerk. , i ;
A lew acre of th lute 'n grain
around here will have to lie renown on
account of tho high wider.
F. M. Smith Intends putting In a
large amount of tiling this spring to
drain his low laud of surplus water. .
Miss Blauwhe Ilronsou started Ium
week to attend the agrlcullural eollege
at Corvalh where her sister Hattiv has
been sluve last Sptemlnr. i
John Burns, our popular mill man,
will have thla spring a large warehouse
built In connection with his mill, J,
M, Stoats, the contractor, will take
charge of the building, aud when the
weather will permit will rush the work
through to completion. Thla will lie
great beuclU to the farmers, as Mr.
Burns proMMa to pay the market
price for the wheat stored In the bouse
any time they wUh to Ml.
Mr. J. 11. Hawley visited I'ortlaud
last week. -
D. W. Scare went to Astoria ou busi
ness last Frhky.
The political pot has commence to
sunnier in thews arts.
Mr. ('haa. Burgesa la buying horse
and row for the Taeoma market.
Win. tlarreit, if Dtilhts, was lu town
last Suturday looking alter beef cuttle.
Mr. C, A. ISsd and children were
vUltlng relative at While Inst Sun
day. .
Mis Fannie IIacklemau,of Lelstnon,
Oregon, Is vUltlng her sister, Mr. A.
iiveiing. .
11. B. SI. John returned Monday
from a buslm trip to Linn and Ben
tou count lea, ;
Theyoungpeopk) bad a s'Ul party
at the residence of Mr K Bailey's twt
TburstlMy night.
Spring seems to be In liu hurry to
make her apiearance. Farmera are
auxliMM for working weather.
Miss Jean Mcltnnlel, of llurrUburg,
la vlsttltigher atster Bertha who 1
teaching the Arhorgreeti setiool.
Some public spirited srsins planted
flftcen beautiful fir tni-s alsiut the
seluxil gniuuda, Artmrdny the work
will probably U continued,
At the last aehotil meeting Mr. J. II,
Hawley wa re-elected director and
Mr. 0. 0. Shurtlltr was re-elected clerk,
The number of pupils rep tried waa
nearly S
Iat Satunlay the adjuster of the
Northwest Fire and Marine Insurance
company came up and adjured the
hssi ofU. O. (Ifttvee mwhlne "bed
and contents.
The grain in IhUswilon Is all l ik
ing ukvly there haa none been fro-u
out and the famers are liskiug for
ward to a goml yield this year, "
J. I). Belt boa sold bis drug store to
the Duncan lirtsi. from Jeffbrson,
and W, W. 1 hi vis Is negotigntlng for
the hotel, Mr. Belt expects to locate
sonic where up lit the Sound oiintry.
Suttmt to you gentleman.
Mrs, W. M. Touer returned to her
Vaqulua home last Saturday, ;
Kx-Shcrltr Hardy Holiuan was in
our city Weilncmlay of last week.
Prof. C. A. Woody, of Amity, will
preach here next Sunday at II a. m. j
Fred Walling, of Amity, came up
hist week aud took many friends by
Our farmers are anxious for a little
sunshine so that they can catch up with
their plowing, as the winter has Isn-n
ttK) wet for such work.
Some of our farmer friend huve
some fat beef cattle to dlHc of. lad
your butcher take notice of tho fact
and cull on them accordingly.
Wears Informed that Charlie Alder
man lost all hla wheat by the late
freexeout, John Phillips thinks that
he will resow some of his wheat a It
look too yellow to Is healthy.
Nearly everylmdy In Spring valley
will be glad and bless Toiii Holmau
when he gets his ferry running regular
so that farmers can take their produce
to market. We heard one man say lttt
Tuesday that lie alone hud two barrels
of eggs to take over, aud that he needed
flour, groceries, etc.
We are informed that our county
court appropriated $10,000 towards the
new bridge at Sulem. That Is as It
should be, aa the new bridge will be
more of an ornament to l'olk county
than a thousand new court houses
stuck up In among those hills of Dallas
where no one sees them unless they
have especiul business there. All hull
to our county court for their action In
the bridge matter.
Ixmk out Horace, It will lie yuir turn
Miss Stella liowland, of Eugene, Is
visiting friends.
Mr. A.N. llalleck hns gone to Bun
ton county for his health.
Mrs. Butler and her sister have gone
to McMinnville to visit relatives.
"You may not Iwlleve me" hut Mr.
Ollmore cannot take a hint Cullle.
Mr. Bond, of Eugene, is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Davidson, for a short
Ilcv. Mr. Alley, of Eugene, will hold
protracted mutitiugs here about two
Miss Josle Holmes, of McCoy, aud
Will Pattersnnt Jnopon,ilen,ee, vhII
ed here, lust wwk.,
The drama "Iftwel Hlrko," presented
at tho opra lmusu, drew a large crowd
and was well played.
Mis Mollle Merrlmuu, a former stu
dent, aud Mr, Cooper, of Independence,
visited chupel Tuesday.
Miss Belle Kbbert Is here ou a short
visit to her parent Hur little nejilmw
aocompuulod her,
Tbe flug pole vtm placed on top of the
tower tlii week, ami why cannot the
dlltorent WH'letles pnsed to arclpltat
aud donate a Dug to the school?
Llusy Is ImpMvIng very rapidly, and
we hope to see htm a ton aiu mg our
ranks, for the girls ty they mis hltu.
The Union Sunday Mnsil Cuuvwii
tloti of polk county, the first of the
kind, will be held bore Tuesday and
Wednesday of the last week In March.
No one need think because Pet re
fused my PouiMtuy to the thuatre, that
I eoutd not get another girt. Some of
them are dying to g i with me.
Laura-O! (!allle wherejdtd you get
that bottle? '
. Callle-Charlle give It to me.
Ijtunt Ollt Isdonga to me then.
A candy pull was 'given at the real
deuce of Prof. B. I Murphy lost Satur
day evening to a numlatr of friends,
and all present reported an enjoyable
Mlasee, Kva and Clara Ie, I.Unle
Jakes, JiHtn Mcltaulel, MlntdetlleowMl,
and brother Karl, former graduate,
were vlsltlitg friends uud old scluail
males Itwt week.
Mlsac May and Josephlue Winefrwl
MeMaliou left for their home In south
Kustern Orcein, Tuesilay, They were
iariiml students and will 1st more than
mlwwd by teacher aud students. ,
Miss Hat! In Cow spent a few days at
her home In Junction City, hut return
d M.niday, an t tu icy whose heart
wcrt lunvy IswantM light once moiv,
eaaelally Hors, Ctt'irlte, Will 0. and
. Clara thought she wa living too
tie tr the "old folks" o she clmiigcd Iter
rcMc:i to the other part of town, aud
Nate wj wen working very hanl to
carry her trunk down while Clara
walked by his side carrying her pocket
bik, aud euiKUiraglug hint with her
many loving wouls
IVt0! My, have you sett the
pnitty Iwrls-r?
May Yea, aud I think he Is awful
pretty. -
J'ct Iet's ettt some maw bungs, Just
to have an excuse n and get
(belli Cllpied. ' .
.MayAll right, slialt we go tti-,ii,tr-
The VesH'rtlii I lejnrlau Culon So
ciety held their regular in utility meet
ing last Friday evening aud elected the
following officers: A. L. Brli(g, presl
ilentj W. A. tllliutre, vlceptvi li'iitj
Miss Mty West, r-tary; W. I,
HUley, critic; Ml Belle Coleiiuu,
editor; Sum Howe, assistant editor.
Once agalu we are culled upon to
chronicle the finding of another "dear
among the siumjia" by a young gentle
man of this town. Al a very late hour
he undertook to comprehend the com
bination of tin. front and backdsrs
but fulloil, and ag.tlu the shed riof wr
veil as a stepping stone from "Heavei!'
(seventh) to wir.h, and lu the back
yaril, in i.v be found tlm liu,ire'i of a
foot, Similar to N. A. K'.
At a meeting of the Joint commkue
of the Itourtl of Trade, aud the Heal
I'Xale Kxelmiige of (he City of Port
hind, held tho Htlt day of March, A. D.
h;ki, It was, after due dlscuwlon.uminl
mouIy rcsnlvnl as follows;
A'tWero1, That tbe prisanl system of
assessment of taxable prnH)rly,aud the
provision In the tax laws, allowing
exemption from taxation on account of
Indebtedness, is very Injurious to Ore
gon, aud that these laws, together with
the usury law, shai)d be reR'ted, and
that a new system of omMmcut and
collection of taxes should he adopted;
therefore, be It
Jifjtnlml, That the various ILmrds of
Tr.ide and all orgniilnUlotis Inten-Htcd
In the welfare of our slate Is- Invited to
act with us towards the accomplish
ment of
W The rvia-al of the I'sury ltws.
.VwmdTho reaal of the Mortgage
Tax Law.
7'Art The tveul of the law allow
ing deduction of Indebtedness from
baWA -The enact uicnt of a com
plete system of tax law providing:
First Fist the election of eonictMil
and faithful assa-swirs, properly paid
for their Work, and that severe pcnnUle
for dlxcrlmlutloii on their part be
enacted, Setamd The annual pub
lication of the lUta of taxpayers with
their holdings nod awssmcntsln de
toll. Third The erection of an oflhw of
receiver of all taxes In all cities of a
population of 5iKio and over. Fourth
Theaniiuul correction by Insjiecllon
ami siis-rvlsiou of assessments by
salaried hoard of revision In each
county, Fifth -The levy and col
lection of slate taxes lu a uniform man
ner. Sixth The exemption of each
taxpayer from taxation of wrsouul
projierly, Including buildings and im
provements to the union ut of f i)00.
Seventh A provision to compel all
taxpayers to furnish to tne nscra,
under, oath, a list of Ids taxable pro
perty with a penalty for a failure to do
so, making it a iiitsucmeouor tor me
assessor to receive such return without
such iiftldavit annexed.
B. Uol.DHMtTII, J, C. Mi'Cakkkiiy,
Chairman. Secretary.
.... Tucsduy, March 11, 18ttt..
.'oiincll met In regular session.
present,' Mayor Shelly and Council-
men Kretigel, Wheeler, Shlnu, Bust' r
and Irvine, ulso Marshal Macauluy nud
Recorder Lines. Alwent, Counclliiitin
Merwln, " " .
Minutes of previous meeting appro
ved. Committee on stm-tsatid putillo pro
perty was granted further time,
Committee on codifying ordluanooi
reported and report was laid on the
bible. '
Treasurer's report for 1M0 read and
accepted, . . , . . .
. Comtnlttet) on at recta and publio pro
perty reported the foot bridge to North
Independence repaired and in order.
Owners of old brlok yard property
ordered to construct drain,
Moved that when council adjourns,
Itadjourui to moot Wednesday even
ing to finish business on hand.
The following hills were ordered
pitld: '" 1 r,; - i; ' ',
PivscoUA Voiicsh, lumlier, $13 84.
Geo. Macauluy, services, $47,
II. ('. Finch, rcpiilrliighrldger$ril.50.
W II, Wheeler, stationery, $11.40,
Couneil ailjonrncd, '. !
Hawkv, March 1,1890.
A ellhicn'i nioctlng wa held thl
afternoon In the new and ommuodlou
scImhiI hmise to tauuplete trraugemeiita
for securing a flouring mill to be built
In llulsey, Caleb (tray acted as chulr
m in and F. M, Flehls a WKtretary.
Minnies of previous meeting were real.
An explanation waa made of a
clause lu Dm minute regarding the
right of any cltlsen of Halsey to be
owner of the mill It, being undurstoud
that the sum raised st all be t bonus
aud that tlii bonus shall lie given to a
non rcsldcul,
Mr, S. L. Smith one of the com
mittee on iulswriptlou.aaid that he hail
been able to canvas only one day sluoe
the last meeting,
Mr, Thom ia Brandon, another mem
ber of the tame committee, reported
aisait nine hundred dollar on hla
paar, with proeU for several more
T. J. Block reKirtd the smu of
elghbHiu huudred and fifty dollar
raised by the adleltlng ciminlttee.
That the benefit to the far in. 'in with a
first-class mill at Halsey will be greater
than to the city of Halsey, and the
bonus as fur as raised waa almost In
tlrely by persoiis In town, That st least
t quarter of million bushel or wheat
will find a nt trket at II ily.
Secretary Field aald that a large
uumlsr of letters had been received
from dihVrcnt p dnta atsiut building
mill, some from the H isteru aud Situth
em slates, also Urge iiuiiiUt front
Oagoii, That he I satisfied that If the
four thousand dollars I ral-l tint the
mill willtHune all right.
K. ('. IViitlund addreased the meet
ing pointing out the value to a town of
public enterprise.
Mr. Catch Oray, the chairmm. aald
that the (own of Turner hud a large
warehouse, but tho cltlj'iu of that
town dcxlred a II airing mill. That the
tirforetice hi price amounted to more
tb in two cent a bushel on ail the
wheat. That the town of Ilalsey will
stand Jut where she now staiuls, uulewt
the people put their shoulder to the
wheel and show public enterprise, That
we want the flouring mill, and also a
newnpipcr. We ran secure both If we
will suftlelcntly euc-airage the m.ive.
Mr, Field stated that the difference
In price between having a mill at the
dr an l at me other point Is more
thuii twit cent a bushel, aud gave ait
Illustration wuich had come under his
The soliciting c-nn iilllee circulated
thepapir suung the audience and the
sum of wa niUl additional.
A. S. Me!) maid, publisher of the
Brownsville Tim, smke of the inter
est which he saw manifested, spoke of
the woolen mills at Brownsville and
that a bonus at Albany secured the
woolen mills and the enterprise of the
people at Brownsville retained the
woolen mill, Thai the establishment
a the flouring milt will pay a good
Interest to the sulswrlls-rs, and It will
be followed by id tier enterprises.
T. J. Black moved that the com
mittee on subscription be grunted un
til the Si of March In which to com
plete their repiM-l, and the meeting ud-
jouriied to meet ftt that time,
Mr. (1. W. McBee, who came to town
this week to look after the wtve'eed
bridges say he has bceu riding over
the county for the ptt two months
looking after the bridge and give us
the following Items;
The apnm on tho Hasting bridge on
the IVcdcc I gone; cost of rcmlr $10.
Tarter bridge moved four feet at east
eud; repair coat $J0. Upier Poedia
brld moved about 100 feet. If the
bridge I not broken badly the cost of
repair will be uot to exceed $100,
SiuiKton bridge waa old and decayed,
having been built 24 years ago. A new
bridge will cost about fSOO, Davidson
bridge on tho I.ucklamute, the apron Is
gone. ioc not Know cost or repair.
TheJiunisi bridge on Ssip creek haa
lieen damageil to the extent of about
$100, The bridge at J. Smith', urar
Lcwlsvlllo, tltsited down stream and
wa replaced at cost' of $4.'). C. W.
Iieonard rejKrta x$270 paid out for
bridge hero near Independence. The
Bruuk bridge acr sw the LaCruole will
probuhly owt $.'" to replace the apron
This Is only temporary Job, Mr,
Mcltce favor having piling driven
and tho apron extended to connect on
an easy grade, with a gravelled road
thrown up. TheByerly bridge apron
Is gone. Probably cost of repair $140.
Mud slough bridge near Molsod'i houae
Is gone, cost of repair about $00, . Dal
his bridge damugd to theexlvnt of o0.
Salt creek bridge will need to replaced
with a new one which will cost not lee
than $H00, The Savage bridge near
Wllllinlua wo washed away, and will
need to be replaced nt 'a cost of $700.
Tho Ash swale bridge at McCoy need
rebuilding and should l e attended to nt
once, Mr, Mcllco lias looKou at tlie
bridge here from the cud of Main
street to North Independence and
favors piling, with cups drift-bolted and
planking sccurel.' nailed, Ha Intends
having k Judge Btouffer and Com
missioner B. F. McLouch come over
and examine this bridge before any
contract Is let,
As soon im material onn be obtained
It will take, but a short time to repair
all tho bridges damaged.
A new huillltun board lit tho olmpul
... A large number of visitor re
ported at morning exorcise ..... Rev.
Cramer aud Willis have hold services
In Monmouth ..Postmistress Klcli-
ardson Is Improving. i... .8. 0, Slsmore
I also hotter Mis Minnie Flunloul
has entered school ......,Mr. Torn SHulber
hus hoot) sick, hut Is lu school ag:tltt
....... A location for a Proshytcrian
church Is being selected by Bov, Wells,
of Iudopendonoo.--...Thirteen vtsitora
were In chapel Thursday morning. ;..
l'fotracted meeting here now In' the
Christian ohuruh Lindsay Dra
matic company gave ft pleasing Inter-Uiliuncnt.---..
Monmouth wanta a hotel-.
.Prof. J. P. Powell leutua'd In
the ohnpol In the Tonlo Sol-fa method
Of tmislO. -" ', , ;' ,
When you netnl a knife, pair shears
or a good razor do not full to call on
Oooduiun A IXmty, Bonicmlier they
warrant all their cutlery to be good
metal, and curry a large uwtortrtient,
Li'i KiAMt'TK, March 10, WW,
Kiito Wtxr SitiK. The article en
tit tod "Iat peace prevail," printed lu
last weeks Issue i f the Wt;sT Sing eon
tallied uior solid is'tise and, In our
opinion, more sound judgement ihuu
any communication we have yet read
on the sulgViet of which it treat.
The eastlgatloii the 06wriw received
at the hands of the writer wa timely
nud to the point When it Journal
Ion lt sciish of pride aud decency
to such a degree as to become possessed
of vindictive spirit aud resort to
vltiisratlon a a mean to curry Its
point theu we aay It lias outlived Its
usefulness, and the aooiier II patron
age I withdrawn the U tter It will lie
for all concerned. That our county
court eoiutasad, as It Is In a greater
part of three of l'olk county's most solid
aud thrifty farmers, , wliose honesty of
pursmw ha oever lawn dlsputerl, has
acted wisely aud well thnaighout this
county iat eolitrtiversy Is a well estate
llshtsl fti t, and we feci free to aay Unit
their dellberatlotia thus fur are concur
red In by a large majority of the voter
of this county who contrary to the
wishes of the Mmrttr desire to see
thla matter dipNd of In acoordumw
with law aud justice, To settle this
question without a vote first being
taken would be contrary to American
laws, w hlvh tay In aulwtuuce that all
dispute of thl nature should tw settled
by a majority voice of the people. Iet
the Wknt Siok continue on lu Its pur
hhi to defend our county court against
the onslaught of a few addle minded
Individuals who work merely for wages
'nsteed of for the lstd Interests of our
county, JtsiKB,
The following program has Imn
authorised for the Colon Sunday
rVhiKl Convention to he held at Mon
mouth the last week In March. The
full program, with the names of those
who will take special subjects will be
printed In due time:
naar skusion, Tuasnar Arrsaswis mahi u
MOtotW Itovuttonsl KsorelMw
t lnD ...... ln(ialiiUai sad Kliwllutt eif
X-00 to IflO .... IU lrl ta HvhueUby Uie
NuirrlHtiailenu, thtr ...letHlna, ioiu,
' vuaairsfimruU and illwuuraeiu-au
IWJInlMI . ,Wlit con r lu lomitiuil
Hiuidio; arhoul work In mr naoiljr
SnXISnstMSIuM rt'SSRAV evasisu
TOO tTi. ,...... Iievotkaisl Kssretsm
t:lo-HI . Hi'vprwl .liort ml.ln-irw. Hulijeet:
An e siimrtviitly allt to Ids lni
tuntt i( lite Hutiituy W-ln4 work?
kitttoM . Hrvotluesl Kxsrekw
no (. , .initio of Muwrlnlcnl(u
S.BIellKO ...(1M)Iiik and ClmlUf KscmImw
100 to IM .,. ljit laejr Uwliliif," by
llf V. J.w'iili lliairx,nf MeMluiivtlti1.
Kh U to ...' Tli tw.n, ' krbu .Imll Ktt. li
II, Slid haw slisll It tw tttlixhtf
11.00 lu II 'U .1I..W lu Inervitwi llc mirmtuiH
at our n'hnols,
tl; to am . jtlun drawer
rot'STii aiwoos wansKnDAV ArrsuxooM,
tloS,HI ,. tlnsr tuailil a uwlior pr. oi. a
S3 initio II. iw ran wo UmI wvur tlie
MiablUbmant or f.l Mmiday srhiaiU j
, , , , " ,.
) to 4.0) ChUdnm's ttiofllng
rirrH srmtua ssiuMtiAr hvkkixu.
7fll to If) Ivolliil Kxarvtt
T to M , . .... . AO Address.
All are urgwl t txmie preare) to
take jmrt In the discussion uf the
avvorul topli of the pnigram.
iKIrtcntm will t li.wiltnlily enter
lalaed I'J' the iatiilv uf MoiiiiuhiiIi,
Huia'rliitentU'iita will iiUmai not tu
leet to f to the Mutter of iMilntln(
deli'inite. P. L. Cami'iiki.i,
C'lialriimn Coin.
Wlit-n a grain flehl has got almttt all
it can hultl It Is mttly for some niuwor.
If grass, when It I eurvil, Is-eonit
hay, what do grass widows, when they
are cured, beenme, hey?
She Oh, my tootlt ache Just divad
fully 1 1 don't ee why we cannot ! burn
without teeth.
He I think, my dear, that If you
will look up ome authority on that
point yon will Dud that most of us arts
Mother Now, Jouney, (to and kiss
your little sweetheart and make It up.
do and tell her how much you lov e
her, and how aorry you are.
Joniicy No, I won't. Pa says he
got Into a breat'h of promise cau by
telling a girl that ami had to marry
the old thltig. I won't ruu any risks,
I won't.
Sunday School teacher (to ucw pupil)
We are taught by the lllble that
when some one smites us on otie chcuk
we should turu the other one to hlin.
Isn't that a beautiful sentiment?
"Yes; ma'am."
"Now If au enemy wore to unite you
on one cheek what would you do?"
"I'd pound the top of his head olT."
KiwtliKNtm Mr. Webber is living
lu hi new house though the Interior is
not complete as is Mr. J. It. Ford.
Lumber for finishing cannot lielutd.
The flume work of Mr. J. Fluke's
house Is up, Mr, Kxles hou Is In
closed uud litis tho roof partly on. Mr,
T. Funnel hua the fouudatum laid of
bis lioiiHO, 'All are wuitiug for the new
saw mill or else get lumber from Win
hak. " "
John 8. Lindsay. This entertain
lug actor m hud an opportunity of
testing his popularity here, for after
having given several performances only
a short time ago he returned nud billed
the town for Thursday and Friday
night. Ou Thursday night "Iugoumr"
was given to a, fair house, but on Friday
ulght the largest audience of any sluoe
hlsadvont among us greeted him tu
''Enoch Ardeu." The children of tho
public school were given tickets at
half price and all one portion of the
opera house was Riven up to them.
They scmed to thoroughly cijoy the
The city hall Is completed, tho wall
are dry, the windows clean, and
the next thing Is for the furniture to
be purolniaod and then it is ready for
occupancy by the city council and flre
couiiAtntes., Its outward appearance
Is an ornament to tlie town and inter
nally it is conveniently arranged. Tho
building is a two story brlok 8ax"0,
and will be used for the double purpose
of sheltering the fire apparatus, and
also the mooting place of the city
council and flro companies,
Tli tsw Itrra of Wilkin' n l Cnllrn lis I
Imhi iiflr,t,(i iiy iniihml froiMal, w, 11 ut,
Iwriaiib futliius ftiini th Arm, W, It. Wilkoit
ilt ftalmnH Mtff lslamist IttSMma fHHiw, is
llnrfwii Iiuum l'li k . for llw prMltUvl h
kwlrw Ui lnl ll he I nwiljr l nil Hsu tul
all Soul-of imal Ihkih.-m.. Hit- hi.J (oall.
loOi.Ntuleni', ru III. isvu, tl
All kit'twins IIiimiimUm IimIi.iI jo J, D,
irfom rmia urn imr will i1mmi call la and
oiU miiw lniinxtliiK'l), tm mnivf l uiuat
bans. fuurn Irulf.
J. W, Spsrklls, tmeliuf uf filnnn srI nrnrnt.
Tsrms. $3 put minlli f two Imsou par wwk,
Aiktrua I'. 0, bus U, iwl,ic, Or,
Am Htmns, w)um relniirnt lnSlnl
uiiw ( Uia bmi, hwsivfu MruM inriiiij atli-n.
turn Hi tli wiinKnl km u('iun 11111 lmni
haa Sn 111 lama Inula, tin gmm s ("wl
stmt (or Mo,
ITu rm m "nr tr iirkau ki or
HiflM K. t' l-.iilUuii. I.aa.1
raiaa and mini favurn araalril. Call at Ika
Mfrat IOa ortUa.
If flva luif .twra s I. rnll, at ulnl
raulal. Mmhhs, rnr, 1'attMa.ia (', ma
raailr In ln o nrw i a 10 trr
bui!liti 011 a " Hifwiiniii nirnr and bata in
ama rvilr for im.iiipmii.ji wMliin slit !;,
..r fiitll,.t parli tiUn nIJ 11a Coutiar, t'alwr
sun Ala.
Ttinw liolilrl nil tttf Mm ol tarns rKnal
hl will lw lur Mja ut Uit undrawi,nl. and
IMirtiHa d,aiirilia lm fan lm aiu,..uiu,,MlatMl I,.
imltina at Omiaiiuin it llnul,'. nud ixivlni
il.. if unli-ra, In. unm will lw (l.iu a bala. uf 17
a rinrt e.,iua 8m i.rrl.
Mai-eb, IS. IJ, K. r. 'mtlaU.
All itrm w!i 11 r In mtiltiy wllti lb
L'lituu punft aha fmr a ti.wiuiunnt ut Urn
l-''l. lit ilia, and lur II, -iiil, aa
alii-l -.Triiiiiiii ut andlruata
ruu laravlv br a ttm miMinliirpa. t.iu.ra anil a
(imm! uei'lj uf tmuHl.11 and miui am uinxwd to
lb mIm.iii bnU"Mi fiutu Ilia rli-a iirw.dtiul
doWa MiflufVlllnaa arua it,t. and arliu liataa
ywpaOwtis twurt fur IIhi inmluw and labonv.
ho lii.cir au I unmt OalluU aa aaaiuat ulu
ti and "lilm'k of &" art. mviiMi 10 ne-it in tita
IM.ilM I,IMI In ))IIK, HaluriUr. jlturrb etih t
u'nliK If p. 01., in i'in'1 dlf l-a ui tlrtt Mala oon
wliua al Uri Cit, Aynl Wb.
A. M. Lcs.
Tnauurarji ( lislrisan f 'ooniji Omiuiitx.
of lljrouH Nmwa, who l-ft hm, t'iiiirlrihl,
llor.r m.CUo, (Int., Canada, in Mn, lui. 11 a
as Suit ab.Mil m tmn; tif.ght. i ft. US ib.i
lUrk hair, Hrtiwn urn. Ila a ftuiMal to lar
ll.inaiu U,U iMaluji, and auun liaiin acaa
ar ha.r,l iff him wnuld tunfar a kindly farur br
ooniuiunioailuf with Ilia namnt. I'li"l.ra.b
ill ItaiMHl luauriiua ai.pliiiia, IW'aifitirM
1. 1 . llrvwa, Londua P. W.
In Ilia t'oiiniy Court of the Hiuie of On-'in,
r lli County nf l.
In Ilia inult.r id Ilia Klnl K. Mi-rwln,
il.H-.nwil. M. K. Merwln, adiiiliitatramr.
To llriiry I'., tlun.lii'1 V. Anliur T. slid
William A. Miji wIii and H. U Vaudaytn siau
Kdwtn, Mary, Itlainlif, Nina, ('Imrl.-., Amis
and Unlay MrwlH, ureal Ing!
lltiN, V"M ara Iwivliy en,l and hUln-d
t.iaiMW In llicCiMiiily ('imrt of thf Mints of
Kri'ipm, for Uie emmly 01 (N.llt al llir Cmirt
Kihiui Hi. noil, ui liiillui, In llir lotini. ui ivik
Monday, I In At h day or Nay, IS0O,
at I nVloek In Ibti afternonti of Ibat day, lln-n
and llien togua mil,,, If any tlif.ra la, why
an oril.-rtw nS luada dlm'thiK llin adinlula aald mlaie l null tlie lnloliit il-HTlia-d
r. ul irniH'rtv Ih'I.iiikIiik toaiild vnw
lo-wil: 1 lie undivided S Inu-nwi in Ilia d
lowliiK dxTilad pmixTty: lliiiinlii 1)1.77
etialna a-al or iin Honf !i-at ptirin-r id elalin
No. it Hem. Jt, 1 it h. r 1 It W, tlicn. Nun li
ll.A' t-luoii., tin iii t ., rliulii,, thi'mi.
r. oil I, II.JI eliulna, lliem'v ji-t (iati
eliiona to i)aea ol iM'itliiiiiita- fontHliitng tf.ltf I
artva, AImi a tltnai-re trai't tuMiudiHl un tlia I
MtirlhtMj,L lii1 rlulit ..r arav ..r Iumd, U an. :
honiM- taiuiniin) on tbe north and anwl by tba
trtiiileil aald poiii'aii,v, oil Ilia aonttim-t
iv IhihI detdtd by K. MiTWIn U Henry 1
rion-r a tuia,iiii tlie aoiilli and wwl by Ibc
iirxny noWMviiniad by H. M. I Hi Mil, VI. C.I
UuaiU and A. Wtiwin iN'Inir a jmrtul ttifi U I
I.CotC. I1. 1'taik aud slfv lu ruik. Cirtiiily. !
Unu. t
"h ibrm-al of l.l Cmirt ailu.d, tin.
Stli dtiy .11 Mari'b, A, t). IHM. .
T.T .'.v'Tv .V "r""l ... . .
A 1-rr.xT:
( ,
Ofllulold atareU la tbe Bo for ..tU, ill Uonk
la'a. ,
Meears. Coosr Mm, have reccb l a
fine line of guns. The public is Invited
to call and Inspect.
rorta atone aroala at Uinkla's.
Hop growers will find It to their
Interest to buy their plows and culti
vators from tioodmau & Douty, be
cause they have just whut you want at
a low prlee, ,
Hamamhar HkoUf's carry a tall linanfimi aud cauiitrr pmducn. and aell tUa aania
cliHapaa Ilia eheatiaat and dehrar the aamatu
ymir kitchen dour by Luna A W bwlvra Him
(Itaklmitn & Ikatty are pn'imrvd to
aell hop twine at Han Francisco prices
and will convince you, if you will cull
and Inspect their samples. You thould
plnee your orders early,
WANTKI) sll kinds ot oonatry prwluo st
WANTKt)-.-A sand frtah milk row. Must he
sn aaay milkar, Atinly ta W, K. Uiiltau, Ind.
laindenoa. .... ...
A good washing machine Is what
every family ahould have. (ItxKlmnn
& Douty have one which they are sell
ing on trial. Call aud get one. lle
inemlHr they are staling lots of them.
Hum, Ditltou A Co. hadun huudred
or two chickens on the side walk In
front of their store last week aud upon
Inquiry we learned that they are inak
Ingan effort tu buy every "old heu" lu
the country and all her chickens. They
pay the highest market price.
( Joodmiin & Polity ' curry a full mid
complete Hue of "Ever Lasting" tin
ware. Only a short explanation of this
ware is necessary. It is made from the
hardest and liest tinplutc. For further
particulars call and Inspect their stock.
WILSON.-Feb. ttlth to the wife J.
Wilson, opposite Indcandcnce, a
daughter. ,,! J ' "' ; , 1 ; V
MARTIN. March 1st to the wife of
M. Martin, near Eola hills, a dung
tor. Weight eight pou iHs.
MACAU LAY. March 11th to the
wife of Ueo. Mucttulay, Indents
deuce, a boy. '
HU.SS E LLiS I M MO N OS.-At Dal las,
Sutur(ay morning, March 8th, Mies
Maggie Hlininonds to Lloyd Russell
both of North Independence.
" "YeSjSlr yesir we are being taxed
to death lu this country!" ho shouted,as
he stid on t ho rear jdntform of a street
car. "How much taxes do you pay,
for Instance?" quietly asked one of the
group. "How much! How much do 1
pay? I I well, I'm not talking for
myself, but for my brother. His taxes
would huvo been at least f 12 this year
If he luulcn't sold out." Detroit Fire
Pit., J .
Btoves, the litrgcat and lKwt assorted
lino of cook ami hcutititr stoves In Polk
comity can be found at Goodmn &
Douty's. Their stoves are all warranted.
Remember you get their heaviest tlu-
ware with cacti stovtv
Jmt call and
Doclcra In Polk Co.
k:;:tMm:i t t
Invite Your Attention
TO Jul
You Should Invest
1st Without being the COUN
TY SE.VT-Witbont being the
TEKMIXOrS of any railroad, it
is now the LARGEST CITY in Tolk
County, either in population or
2nd. It is surrounded by a fine
country-U a shipping
mi nl- Ilia, i
point the only one in the county.
ou tho Willamette mer Is alao oa
the Southern Pacific line of Bail
road. ,
3d. rroperty during the past
year bits advanced in ralue, anl
the coming year promises to tea
value advance faster tban erer,
nud the reasons why this is to ba
true, tire bused upon the following
projected enterprises;
The extension of
the West Side Rail
road to Junction.
The building of a
Motor line to Mon
mouth. The building of tho
Albany and Astoria
The building of a
Railroad from New
port to Salem.
The rebuilding of
the Prescott & V-
ness Saw Mill on a
larger scaie ana
with a more com
plete plant.
The erection of
. AND '
Now Is the time to
Call at the office of -COOrEIt,
nd examine their list.
eirNo trouble to show Property.
OlTice, second door south
of (
on Main st.