THE INDEPENDENCE ' nri.: j Kavort Itqual Law aud Kqnal j Taxation. A Fro tiv Tan if aud j Tariff Reform, an Allen Land Law Senator elected by the people aud I alt other need d reforms, 4 la Improvements should , b mad in Independence aad vide ity, during the nt two year, AN INDEPSXTDSIJT PAPER D2V0TED EQPECIALLY TO THE INTEIIEOTO 07 POLS C0TJI7TY. vol. vir. ( 2.00 IT.!. YEAR ) INDEPENDKNCK, TOLK COUNTY OUttfiOlW FRIDAY, MARCH, 7. 1650. ( FIVE CENTS I'EU COPY. ) mis. :he west side. Pt'ttLISHKR. HetLtereit M ihe WOe In Ildendtt, Orvaml, a aeetUltl IM MlW. - , HVIUSCHtrTION WATKCS, IS APVAKCIt. One Year : ,"; SI Month l.ool Three Month 50 j When not jwttJ In advauce (jo 1 ADRTISERS! j Initi-nendene It lell ftl th head nt i itu line hmm at me yeari, ie mw river, anil an III aiala Ull "I III Ore" ' raiifurma Hsltmatl; eaili e peauiailoji t J W mkI; Ih rialil MWI "W IM e-mmv, welt- I. one w me !( 4 ihieklr aalai4 In Uw aitUu up vaiiey. Th-.lA.t i W etfeiltejIllH Ih WWt Sli U eulivftnt nbl II M (w.hi ul lh Seat! Wf aVMIU MtWIUIMa. JOB POINTING! in Latest ana Best styles,; t- it TN i LOWEST h UV1XG r RATE rtlYStClANS DKNTISTRY. UvK & BUTLF.R, Physicians & Surgeons. - If, S, Ivxaminiug Surgeon. omi. ( tiit oi Min at., ISiiKrKNI'IUNClt, '.'-, ' OKRUON w.c.iirvai.i.M. D. t- Km hvm, M, D. : r.RUWKU. & KKTCHl'M, Physicirtns ond Surgeons. OAc: 0pull, ttril Nll.l Hank, INDErENnKSCR. . HISU1 DR. J. K. LOCK P., Physician and Surgeon. lUtena Vi(. OrKit.' J. K. DAVIDSON, .M. D. Physician and Surgeon. U. 8. IXIMI9I1I0 BURQION, Indriinitenr,' : Oretfan. DR. J. B. JOHNSON, . Resident' Dentist, All work warranted to (iv the Wt of $utirrtion. IXDKI'K.SDKNCK, ORKAOH. ATTORNEYS. JOHN J. DALY, Attorney and Counselor at Law.t COUKCTION MXVK Om: Mill at, Oppo.ll Court llourt, DALUa, POtg COIKTV. ".. OtiKtWK I A M. HURLEY. ... '...'' a A" 1 ... I Attorney ana loun&w ai u, omc: Cur. 4 llaanuiaih du , IM.KPKM'ESCS, OMEUOX BANKS. pirstflatioijalBapK IXIlEPESDKXCB, ORKKOJI. ProaldaAt . ...'- J. 8. COOPER. Wee Praaldant, L, W. ROBERTSON. Caehler . . W. H. HAWLEV. 1 UIHtCCTOHSi D. J. thmmftuu, J, . CufWi I.. weerwf. " . w,, ': . w. iraiieaaee.; Tmnmct. nrl tnnkln Thi.Ioih. Bii: and tl chiif en U Impunaul puluw. Iii-nmlt "rwalrwl iti)i ehaek or ft 1 eerllflrMeof di-ptwllii Collecllou Biwlena ll i pctluU on laromtil n-rma, V i gVOfflc boar. I A. M. tot P. M. ' llall'a bora Ur prool iciir' br Vale 1 Tim Uxk i THE INDEPENDENCE National ;. Bank !i . CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. H. HIRSCHBEna, Praaldant. ABRAM NELSON, Vloa Praaldant. W. P. CONNAWAY. - Caehler. A anneral banklur and xchn bu.lnaw IraiiMteit : lnn mad:bllla lleoiiiitiid:oum murflal erwllla rrmi'Mt; dVoalt rxwlved on current acoiMinl mbjeul lo clieck ; Inter.! paid on tint dtipoalu. . DIRECTORS: Joahua MoDanlel, H. H. Jaaparaon, A. J. Ooodman, Hlraohbera. Abram Nalaon. T. J. bee I. A. Allan. (BatablUhed by National authority,) THE Capital : National : Bank ! -"OK BALBM, ORttOON, CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooooo. SURPLUS, f 18,000. E. a. WALLACE, W, W. MABT1N, fretldent. Vie Fre.ldtnl. I. H. ALDEttT, Chlr. LOANS MADE, To Furmen on whom and other mrehntalile liwlima, m.lKiid or lu nUire, olttuir lu private granerlefi or pultlle warahonaea. Drafta drawn ill rem nu New York, Chicago, Ban Kranclaco, Portland, Loudon, Pari., barllo, Uoul Koo and Calcutta. MR AT MARK UTS, a. r aRidas, MEAT': MARKET, i 8, I, Ir'in, ratter. Choice meal ! constantly u hand. Davidson ' Brick, TOR Ait Sltin DISEASES ; . i fwn-iB ere "eoien tPV Air I lOUL. iS UitUwiiluU I bartfl wLl LmwWI or iBdeptaduos, owgoa. i ) Trammct a fieiiml Real KMnte Bulurw , ! bnya an artl lnwrty. affrft ; Inauraim and doe a general louvrvanrt Rtmtnt Tartie having Laud for ale ill find j j it to their advantage to I PIPIT,!; j With thl Company, aa they are daily i en.liug tint of land et, thu plao s ing ilriralile projierty before the rel I drnta of the Kant. JAM ICS CIIISON, KIRKI.ANI), ' lreM.lnti. j Secretary, ( j. v G. W. SHINN, ! Hau. Binn & Drnamanfil ' ' HPaJQrTSZS. 1 l"air llanaing, Oraininu. rrwcolne. J Ktc. i'atut room oppMi JohiiMin'v j jStahlea. Indrpetiitrnre, ttrrgon. j M. BEAMER, Mamifarttirer of And Dealer In . All k.mis of Kamett & Saddlery Goodt. CarriaK Trimming and Repairing INOEPENQENCE TH E t WillailcRealfclateCi 1 FOUNDRYjCitv Drurr StoreJVKiy,poou r wiKrv xi ,,P , F. J. MORRIS, Prop. Iv. BUNCL, Manager. -: A full line of ' 1 Manager, la now prepared to make any kind of CaMing in . ' BRASS OR IRON, On abort notice. I now at work maniiuictiiring I Bunce's Improved Grain Cmshcr. . ArkiMMMant lohe Ihfhm train em.hfr In ! Ammtninni.cinprM and miMl diir.til. A full lll of lh tU- of wnrk iloat l IhU l,n. . ilry will he publl.litd In IIH. paper. Any trnwu la wunl uf -PrRTAM,ltnAW Mtl.L , Cn o u.jillr.l herr. arpslrHig dnt fur all 1 klntU of machinery. Main .treet, JiidrpeiiilrHce, J. 1L COOl'KR, Pnipriflnr. HKST BRANDS OK Ind?perler;ee, Oreor;. eoLK Bounty Bank, MONMOUTH, OH KOON. Incorporated under the Law of Oregon. D. T. STANLEY, IRA C. fOWKU," Prealdent. Cuhler. Pon jrenaral banking bnalnea. lht draft, on New York. Kan aud Cortland lor any amount. Reoalvea depoalt .tihjuf, to eheck or an eertlrleauia ot depoalt. Cnllemlona receive prompt attention Muarded by doubl chronometer Yale Urn lock. Miu Ada Judaon. Mra. William. JUDSON & WILLIAMS, DRSSSMHKERS; '(sSuipwiNGFiipiniNG' A SPECIALTY, Esmond :-: f.otel, Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. TH08. OUINEAN. Propr. FRANK BUTUvR, COUNTY SURVEYOR I LEVELER. Auetlonaor and Appralaar, KutiitMtc of ill Conalructlve work made am! plana furulahed, Attend Wedneaday and Thurada. In County Court week at Dellaa, Oregon, Addreee, Dallaa, polk Co., Or, Arcade Saloon Liquors Cigars E. E.. KrengeljSHELLEY ANt- kg i Manufacturer of the- OOSS CULTIVATOR! -:Ao4. Krenjil's Iron Fenca. IIOnSE SII0EII!C. Mr. Thorn a Fennel, late of Chi cago, an excrienml horw hoer, make ajwiulty of that line. Circular and Crosscut Saw Gumming V I- UPl;Mm:r 1 - - 'J - A' u''w V,J. Kirk land. :Pttprirtor of the; NEW o BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP. Stntt. - Oppotitt Poit-Offic: . HORSE SHOEIKC A SPECIALTY W. GRUWELL & CO., INDEPENDENCE DiUGS 6HBMIGALS,I;ine Wines, Liquors bts' Sundries. FINE CIGARS. i C W. nruu-aett m mmtMiNni iuwa.i : tton eierk. win R"l,uu""!' fa-... .11 WM. JONES, Proprietor. ; Thi Ferry i now In operation, ami prejmrtd to trauafer paMetiger and wag-1 one to or from the City. j - - - i It will pay persons uuntlnd a View of Polk Countyj To crona the I'erry and go to the : top of I'ronpert Hill. j j Elkins & Co., I'ROI'RIRTORS OP THB in Hauling of all Kinds Done at Reasonable Kates. (Till Feed, Oak,, ls$ 0 Fir Utood For Sal?. Mr-Collections Made Monthly." INDEPENDENCE, OREGON 6ITY JHOTEb, C Street, Independchce, Or. A. W. HOWELL, Prop. Flratclaaa in every respect. Special attention given transient customer, A ample room for commercial traveler. Mitchell & Bohannon, : Manufacturer of : SASH DOORS. SCROLL SfWINQ AND WQQON REPAIRING, Main Street, Independence, Oregon, IpBiiwiliiiyi CityTruck AND VANDUYN, :Ar mill Ml llif front wiiln a run Yhey are rciuly ta ; MEET COMPETITION l EVERY IJNE 0I? m-ara BARGAINS IN VintcrGoods,()vercoats and Clothing. C A. FARKKR. . MMII'I'I'M' ; I'lan and Specification furnUhcd 011 apuluatUn. HMiiuatr. nide. Office: Cor. Kallroad end C Su., iKIHirKNUKNC, Oa M'.nN H. M. UXlii CO., ,,,, Have opened up a Pli.t ! I'rc! Store on the eaat aide of Maiu treet 'and will keep ronttautly on band i , , . ,, , - - ., lilkll Ha)' aild Straw, 0,ltS, I hop, ! Shorts. 1 ' and Wheat for rhlckrn feed, or anjr and j : all other kind of feed that the trade may i demand. Give u a rail. i Irjdfpcf.ijcrjCC. Oregon- j " GEO. i. BREV, Commission Merchant ' AND GRAIX BROKER. i,ndpndinci, - unm. AND CIGARS. ! MIXED DRINKS A SI'ECIALIT Wbiteaker Brick, Independence. J. H. ALEXANDER, .Healer in: Drugsand Medicines, ; wnlk TvaTi ntt OaUfA VioiA, V1V. Having purchaaed the Mock of Drug formerly owned by I.. W. Robertaon, I j am prepared to meet all the old cunto- tiier. and niauy more new one. I'nlr and cotirteoti treatment to all. KliH'trlcnl Facia. About 300,000 tiilcpliiinc nrn In naa In the United Stntu. Thefuateat recortlod tlnio nmde by an elwtrle railway I nlMiut iwcuty mill' an hour on tt atrcet-enr ajatem. Font' lcltjriihlo nitwxiiifc cuii now be tranmnlited over one wire nt one time by lining the iutdriili's nvxIi'iii. It la cMlninti'd tlmt 2i(l,(HHi pcrwiim in the United Htiitc are injrii)ftwl In bintliiCMili'pt'tiillngmdiily on electricity. Over 1.W.I0.WX) mile of tidegtitph wire are In operation In tho United Mtntua etioiigli lo cnclivlu tho globe forty tlnica. i . AiKittt 400 miles bf electric rnllwny are already In oiHtratlon In the United Btatoa, anil mnny more under coimtnio tlon. More titan 170,000 nillea of ttdcnltone wire are in opcrntlim in tho United Sluteaj over these, 1,065,000 mmKiige are ent dully. Five hiimlred volta of electrical cur rent i considered dniigcrou to Iminiiu llfo, but death depend Inrgcly upon physical conditions. telegraphing from a moving train Is accomplished through a circuit from the cur room, Inducting n current to the who on pole along tbu track. In transmitting a mossitire from Sun Francisco, Cal to Hong Kong, China, via New York, Canso, rrunxanco, Aden, Kombav, Madras, Fenang, anil Singa pore, alio ut 33 minutes are itonsmncd. . The longest dlstnnoe over which tel ephoning can be maintained is titiccr tain; 760 mile Ip a common dully oo citrrenco, but two gentlemen quite re cent carried on a protruded conversa tion between Clmrlestiiu, 8. (!., and Omaha, Neb., a distance of about 1,000 miles. Armed With Itevolvere. The French ni niy ollleers tiro now till armed with revolvers) during the wai of 1870 they had none. i TRAMPS NOT ALL IGNORANT. ' On Tf hi MtMlbNi! Alt n4 An lUrl-tf4 I'lawl Mwl, j A Urn !) ko miiy of d or li cllOll'lJ, on H,p Wiy mme, mttl , hh! In front uf tlin bmnu of uim of ttutlr j numlM'i'. Tha imvrutliiii wunl frniu tin linly to mi.nliiT until It rKcliml the fulijiHit of l(fi'l'ri lur It ttplj I en at tlio boy il.i'lnnl IiIiimII unit i bi t pi'ir.trm a (iiniruit tmihit'iii u tIIWllllc Wllil'b llMlt 1011 AMljplul) j Ui him, lllcmimalun trlwl Ut Tiflit j mm, but rior all hnU Imtl InJIinI it WM vWfin mi m . l..h. ..1. rl,, la th N. T j Ad ohl nil liullvl.l. i nl who wm hivllnif on) 11 fnw dim ! wy hl Uim wnit liliiK (IihIxi) frj tnm Hum w lili Imik of mmiMimont i j 00 hi f rlmv fitw. Afinr -h mm n4 trM ami (nllml bo ltwly Uld down : hi hvel. iili kiBl 1111 i.lm-n of mi, and. walking qnfetlr imi.. dm boy. i riHiiitt tni.!lia to hwk at to i ,.n.l.lom. Afr a jphm! d) of Utiirh- krJSr& 1 in n w vnown to nun, and wilhtint iiiiIkIIv ant to work. ' j ana in ttw muioui hm eowiuly eoiupieiati ina esanipin, arinng 11 out 1 oa tba aavamtint with Iba Mtal coal. ThtiAyJiHikil on In wnndrniint,and . Poiild hardly lnhr ilmlr eye, Intt j were not alow to take advanUKe of the 1 aie 01 anaim, ana in a mw iiionmnta tha work on tho cldeaalk had larea - iranierre u j.wr. 1 ha wial Vavwr in lh nmaiitiiite had ; tVdiuiiHl hi work, wbleb w anon j ccmpMiKl, and Uie lat awtn of lilin ba wa dipH'arlng In the id door f a aioon. ' - Ua another ocaion a imnr of four men and onu woman were naim In i the pi l"r of a hoinl not far from thla 1 elty, Adjoining tha putlur w the j bedroom, Lemiliijf naln.l the liar, . Ivliiirely drinking, wern Mfvcral coun 1 trrnien. At ono of the M aat a : tianip half aoUwp, Jltw arm w ctf'.J't np, lomi nga aupport for Ma tbaegr ed .lunch hat of auclHil Suddenly, through the blf.opr dur. ' there came the im.iiihI of; tin. i"HNrw.r, .niMnR lur a i . iticnt, but bIiiimH iinmwlialely roaumwl i their occupation. NoIhnIv uoiiccd tlx tramn. - At the Sret aouud ha bail rala I eit uia bean tram the tawe, ami bla at-mi hwhumI i'im.,1 in ihmr i.r...,iri. which the mule pbiiw, Ai It ttmreml. j ! el he rm am! tottcrwl toward It, but I Juth entered tha roomilw inu.loj ' All eve turned on the iramii. , who waa oiakliiff airalghl f-irtbe plank ; which he iachd niom.Mii latrr. , Lightly running hi dirty flngpia aver s ;,VMiwir e ; adding March." lor i nrr,J ' unr me iramp at inu, 1 i,m,M HL.Mii.jj wii. tm vutiivw, virhi : pal niimie. with a touch and execution 1 that waa Itaelf a marvel. Thellntencra i t alonlhcl and in ullcnce that waa ! J'". rUl i ii.iih .mv i.ihi.u ifjn., in. hit. hdi, nilil irotn me piano toon no in hat. auo going through the bar-room l, to tba door, diappeiv down the inmldy road. Joaquin Miller' X'amo. , The poet of the Hiwrra thu eiplalna j how he came to alopt the name of j Joaquin, In a letter lu the N. T. ii r- IU 8L Joa.itln waa the bbau ; of ht. Aun. whowalbe mother of the Irgin Mary and I the mtron alnt of sailor, The ahrlne of H. Anne tie ltonpere, below Uueurr. Can., holds a life-alae H?ZS?JuZlX lu m. Hut aoroo "roiiglis- leanlM hi, home, hung hi. brother, ml.lead hi wife and drovo liiiu to ibMration, The Mexlcaiie were sadly Ireatml by the American In the earfy I'alifortilan day. And Joaquin Marietta vowed revenge, lie killed at leant twenty of the rough with hi nwu hand, and dually had a band of Molcan outlaw u brutal about bitn Hint both State aud federal troop w-re called out. A re ward of f6.000 wa uttered, and the brave boy waa Anally killed ami bis head cut off ami enhililted In Kan Fran cisco. Hut many held that he never had been killed that eoiue other fcl- low'ahcail wa nubMltutcd to get the rewaru. j Well In 1834. 1, then a Inng-hnlred j w i .....t 1. ... IV..k.. W Ull HIT UU H1UI IMW . ... . ....... it,w. nii.l lit. nun anAliiml In aitn .hi . "" i purpose mil uini ot piiiuucr on inai part ot one cat Ing his lot with these denUeii of the mountains, why, of course, I waa called a robber, .And finally It began to lie said that 1 waa the original 'Joaquin," and must be 1IM...I ... ...i....f r n,,ii i,,..i i..-1 KIIIITU ll I'l ... (,,,,.,.(v Ml... leave my leafy home, and next turned up In Washington Territory as a achool teacher, Here I wrote in verso a sketch of Joaqttlu Marietta. In 1860, when a lawyur and County Judge !: r&iA" tLaKffw1!,1. Cotr1 book Joaquin et al. At tha "" lime It was Mill vague y hln od that I was the original Joaquin Marietta. My horsenmnshlp and knowltjlg of Spati - Isl, gave color to this and even when a earn! dale In tho hotly coiitestetl eleo tlon forjudge, this charge was brought tin. This noem la now called "Cali fornia" in "Monga of tlie Sierras."! Third, 1 waa almost compelled to ac cent the name "Jonqtilu ' after I pul llslied "Joaquin et al." To have tried to deny or explain would have nmdo matter worse and so I at once, 18tij-7, took the utinie and tried to make it nv SHotulile. I, can only add that I am not the robbnr Joaquin Marietta and also should Ilka to add that I should count It no irroni, repronob were it so, for he wus ilrlveu to his bloody deed and was not bail tit heart. DlNKiialerl with Her Kuvlronmonta. . Our younglings gut Ideas of theli own as to what la correct and per mlHslbio. One small liosloulnn ia a weary lit Iter environments, ISuoh a small girl to rebel against the Inevita ble! She broke out tho other days "Mamma, I don't want to live in Bos ton any longer." "What1, the matter with UustonP naked her mother, lu tending no Irreverence. 1 don't like the way 1 have to talk. ' I just hate to have to say 'faucet,' I'd rather ny f unset,' and be counti'llled." Mesa her little soul! Don't you think we might make an exception in her favor, and allow hot' lo eay "fusset" wlieu Mr, llowolls I out of townP Bonlon Com" monweaUh. Kusslan Female Telegraphera. The Russian ukase foihlds fonmla tolegruphers from marrying any per son except malu telegniililsts ha bceu revoked, anil uow they may marry "any man of respectability" after hav ing obtained otllcial puriutsslou. FOKKIGXXKW'S. I.nnl TmnjMln's Hraltb Is Murk Iw;r;vei Very Dm tUn Will Mm it Irutt m4 W frluto Pnn. ' ! Tl. U" ..I -" "" ."TVf iraurkT ""hmi nu if, 1 um m iNiiiutt. Two ll(lit frtliiiukM in Rjium hav n"fc'd gifNt alnriu, . The re nlim of iimU iUutr wra I '"'"J m I'Nftntny, IiaImmI, . , , . . . i 'Vruvijin Iwn.lliohUfr In lnjon haft !IVvtiMi;onUih-t. f.T itf lya will mt . . a a. a a anierira ua in 10m proa. Alranlr JuNof Oliva, Freni'lt arnltf r. I ithnii. Ila Mi.m nn,n In lrl In ; tot, l dfad. ; ; . : """ Nn i-.mruiiloiiH offlwr to rainfonw ', M)or Wtwniaa in Kaat Alrnw have Mt i IWmi, i ; The Ihildln rrvemen Journal nee, nnad tm U roininenling ani . ("apt. O'niion'e anlt. 1 i Kngland and llelxlina have acWite4 1 1 tiermanj 'a invitation to take unit ina , ani laoor-ttjtiiijreniia, . ( After a failure to borrow money la Ku i miw to kw up the llalika army, lrw r tnlrr n baa turned to Amerwa. ' I -on! Tf"-'u-na Ueciiatily 'tm pruih-l. . A rain w Clarke ha eraWrd Mr. wiotoe to take aKUtioaal reat. ti-w-'iu ' .i ' Zu, fLb?1ZX t i,,J ulJ,,'y labtl wrerk, Thetwtlial In iu! 11.. nah hlnh. : ilay of the tiermao twet lleiaiaan j ti Mii.m;h, wa an imwem . . , . , voa , An order baa hmw ImumI prohibiting s ii. ... .. ...z VolkiMnwalt, imblihed in t im ianati, Ohm, ,r.. . r m t! - . ' J The king of ( ora in about to erndf wi-Hlierwivty to Niglaml, deeinte tlie 1 . ,,,nw ovfm I A wnof Hlr R. D. M.!er, Itritiali am. ; bamadta- to hi. IVterebnrg, waa woaded , j,y u, awiilonud dw. barge of a pietol 1 a 1110 oa cameo The long-predicted fuel (amine in tba ; iiriiixti iai ta again poitioaei by the diM-overy of coal depoaita at the loot of rliakeapcara clilr, at (torn. ; At siniiinanaen, in saxony, there waa a Mtt at a aoi-ialiat election meeting and the anldiora were called lo reatora onh-r. thirty penmna were Woundeii, , A eol'iaton off the cnaat of Kngland twtween tha ateauura l.ndrte Hill and thmtiitei reeultel in the sinking of the j latter veeavl ami tba drowning at eeven m her crew. . j The work of the French eommiaaioa ;( Panama ia nearly completed, aad Uie j ,emlier will atari lor home In a few idajn, ea. li with a tepaiale plan for live proptsietl canal. "l"" l' reaiheit Fari. that , 137 ' ".f. JTitiJ 1Vm CTlW.la7e 1 - The All the vacancy In the commune can! by the mytvrioa dia appeatanceof Jaer I). Iyne, home ruler, reaulted in the election of Fred Webb, home ruler. ; . The Iron cupola of the Flora conorrt hall, Hamburg, fell, burying thirty eight a oik men. Five were taken out dead, eight eeverely injured, and Ave t.lhei are miaaing, The Weatpbalian Mine Owner' Fro tection aaaociatiou (inaiiimoiialy decided at a meeting at Fen lo found an anti- ninke iuenrance onion, with an initial caplinl of , , ,..,. , ... . Three membcra of the lietan council , .,,,t , ,,. t. ,,, inreata maite hy the tr ... ' : Cretan unit- niKiie hi Allien. Forty-three liodio have lawn taken (rum the colliery at Decise, France, in which the explosion occurred recently. In addition eiitht miner, who are badlv 1 1 iniiired. were icacned. ', - " . I f The bill introduced In parliament to , enabla the county council ol laMidon lo ! purchase the righta aud privihyea of the eliiht .companion that winply that fdty aatei, haa been witbJrawa, r , 1 'r"ot the" Brltiih as commandcHn ebief , and l anceeeded , hv snuipr lnmnlm ,he( finiiVi j , .............. j., ' , M.()r.(jl,lural UorhanU haa insiw-ted .JrVYrf S proiuiHca tlie workmen Increased pay. He has alao discharged the director, Colonel Wille, fur paving starvation "i"'H' ..:.., ., 1 , . .. Kir Charles Tnmw, Canadian minis ler ol marine ami tiltertcs, haa gone to Washington at tbu request of the liritlsh minister, t-j assist in tlie negotiation for the settlement ol the Hehrtng sea dis pute. ' y At tba request ol Mr, Hirsch, tlie American minister, the porta ba im prisoned in bia own palace Mousaa Iter, the Kurdish chief whole eharRod with robbing and ' outraging ( hilntians in Armenia, 1 , , Horn Fedro is unwilling to dismiss bis Imperial suite. He lias therefore re solved to entleavor to come to forme with the Uraxilian government, renounce the crown and return to Hraail and live aa a ptivateperaon. ' The paeaeogei steamer Coral Queen, from llothebtiig for London, has been sunk nil' the river Tees In a collision with the Rotterdam steamer Brinlo. It ia reported that sixteen persona on the Coral Queen were drowned, ' .-,kj,:--i-:.-:-iA..k. 'V- I'- f Baron DeStrave, Kusslan minister at Washington, has been Instructed to pre sent the views of his government in the pending Jtohring ana negotiations . at Washington, particularly touching points in tho protection ol seals during the breeding season.' . ; TImi polico ol Warsaw succeeded In ar routing the mid wile, H, kublinskl, whose terrible crime In setting lira to her bouse and burning to death fifteen infanta when she feared that the police were about to interfere with her trade oi baby-starving baa Just been mad public, j A TOMS 0fIN:O HUH SPARTA. ' BJU Wbtch HmnII Mm Ufmtm VIM j - f t: nniih, j Tha Aihana crmjond,m of tha l Iondon Alktvruiit In a retwnt tetter ayt tha tomb &)it bf M. Tuouittaa at Vapbki, nar Knu1, "baa yUldml rnlu wkntb far auruawiany dUcorrry of tha aurt tlniw tho rfndltifof tha frtat tftaatiraa at Myoaa by Ur, fkhliaaaan. Ilaro. a tbra, aa tutilMurlietl tomb of an ancient cnlafuln baa Inmib opeoMl. with all tba feaaala In fold, (ilvar, and bronaa, anna, aad angrirod gama io taet. And tra ha not aimly a rati tltloB of tha aama dlwovry, for thl tomb at Vabio waa of a UtvaMry' lyp. with a "draaW iMdlng Into a lv-rhlre-hW!d vault -a form uulreraaU ly rareinlMMl a iMtlonglna; to a latitr May 01 tba ao-oalled 'Myotnava' eu tvra thaa tba dm ply ulillk gravaa oa tha eltadol of Mycenai. "Thin nm la fully torn out by tba nature 01 lun oojteu oiMioreraa. wnien a.. m may way a occupy aa lotaratfiiiaM position betweea Mreeaaan work and 1 tha aarllMt wnwluui f llUantn apt. I II. Tx.iibf.i k. ain.xt ..i.ii.i-i . abort account of hi eicavettoa. Br bit aoorteey I have been pm-ined to (xawlaa kla diacorerla. aaa I may aay j tt-tetf1 0Uctl .TL "u!j f .rTv"' -m . 1 - j w iMinn wm fmnnr H iw ,.ti . ..ti .1.. . aelghborlng qaarry oa Taygetoa. ' It la remarklle that la the Boon and tleawbera tba Joinu, aad even flaw la the atone, were concealed with lime mortar, aad tba rndbrtarbed atata of tba lowb ahow thai it mm baw re malned burled elnce primitive timaa, A ilmllar practice waa obtervad la tba trearjr teeje eluared by My. Jtat a that waa amatied aad bowg la ancient tinea later repein wenttpoaerblav WktJila tbteaaJtad tawbat Vapka wa a aaaUew graea liaad aadoovered with (tone alaba; tba arhlenee that tba eoraoa wu IMrla4.wi aaraao. (earn ta ba aaoaaWtateraaUaJ; aeboeeawer foucd. The trcaaorva buried were acattered all about tba floor of the vaulted ehamlier. "The moat important of all are two gold eui. each made of two plataa of gold, tba Inner one plaits and the ! enter decorated with a vert too do- i wgo la repouaaea -won aigo la repouaaea work that filla tha J. b,!iLfii!f f ' ? lr,7-h,?'; the owtag an4 compwIUoo. In aplta of a few miMaica or Inadequaclea. are bold and eucceaeful, but the emwution lcM the 1 delicacy lo detalla that Berks tha gold work, and eepeo iallytae taUylng work, of MyaeaaM. 'The subjects are most interesting- the hunting of wild bulls and tha lead ing of tame bulla by men aad wa thus e earelulty executed figure of men about two and a half inches high, aad in the same eostnmea a we lind on fig ure from Macfiiuee, Tiray, eto.--a kind ot loin elotb depending from a girdle and anklets, pointed shoes, etc These are atl so eloar now that no fur ther doubt I possible a to their Datura and the way in which they were worn, Tha bulls, wblcb are reudered with great spirit, resemble ia form that oa the wall painting from Tlrynsj one, which I caught la a net, I doubled np ia a contort ion which recalls the airangelv distorted animal on early gem. It is remarkable that moat. of the tree represented are palm. "Another cop of silver has a prettilr wrought gold rim. and numerous small ornaments in gold, silver, amber, etc, were found, Including a dellcata little pair of gold Mshee cut out of a flat plate, with inoiaed details. Some apeci men of flue granulated work In gold closely resemble later Greek technique. Various strange bronxe Implements, Urge and small, and two jtuiie arrow heads, and an iron ring were found, and there were fragments, but no per fect specimens, ot the beautiful inlaid sword. A bronse ax of cuJiar form, with two aperture between tha edgw and the haft, ia of interest and seeaia to confirm Dr. Warre's siiggeatioa that It was through a line of axes of tbia form that Ulvsaes shot his arrow, j Th engraved gems, mostly of tba ! fslaad gem' type, were very numerous od had tha usual representation of animals, monsters, and men; tha drees, ; both of men and women, is clear in several instances and of the well-known types. There are two gems with tha strange nondescript animal with a head like a roat for horse) and a splay back, carry fug a Jug (Mllehhofer Iris); one gem has a pair of these monsters fane to faoa, another has In many respects the Vaiibio treasure seem to be Intermediate between Myeemaaad primitive Greek art; if it really helps to bridge this gulf it will ba of the utmost value and luterest." AwitMirgrte Aad Amber. Ambergris, which is used as a baaif for nearly all standard perfumery, was found aa unattractive mass floating on the surface of the sea or lodged upon the shore, ssys the Jmrnoaa Anaiytt. How so unlikely a substance aver sug gested Itaelf aa a perfume is unknown, but It has been In use for centuries, and It Is only In comparatively recent time that its origin has become known. It is nothing more than the morbid secre tion of the liver of a sick spermaceti whale. It Is described as a fatty, waxy substance, disagreeable to sight ot touch, but evon in its crude state ex haling a pleasant odor. The crude aubstauos Is subjected to chemical ac tion to extract the active ' principle, called amberine. It was reeontly re ported that a Maine fisherman picked up a mass of the substance which near ly tilled a barrel and is worth 25, 000. This is probably an exaggeration both as to slae and price, lor the largest piece on record was found on the Windward islands, weighing ' 13C pounds. This was sold for about 600., Amber was also first found on the shores of the sea after severe storms. For a time its origin was unknown, but it was early put to use snd regarded with a superstitious awe hy the ancient Greeks and Romans, its peculiar elec trical qualities being noted by them. It Is now thought to be the gum of for est trees whloh perished ages and ages ago, the lands upon which they flour, lshed having become the oeeau's bed, Amber has no fixed value, the price be ing regulated wholly by slse, quality, and other consideration. Drops of amber in which are embedded insects of those ancient times command fancy prices, while tha mora common kinds are used for making a certain kind of varnish and even in medicine. The world's supply of tha two, amber and ambergris, does not wholly depend on what may b' accidentally found. Dredging for amber is now systemat ically carried on by regularly organiaed companies, and all spermaceti whales killed by whalemen are subjected to a pretty thorough post-mortem examina tion, the find of ambergris in the mon ster's interior often being vastly more valuable than the oil extracted front all blabber everceat. KASTEItN' XKta Nitlc::! Rffat::BL;Cc:vt3 ' HoaWiii Meet March 4ta. A HARD IXVV ITSX IX TEXAS. Ceatral laUkr Tnwt XXUHniumi by M EagSlab flyajlcata. W B(tott,ol Ua Chkago Uetald. waa elected praai.Jeot of tlta American 'wtpr aiMKM'iaUbfl In New York. . Robert lemlron, who (hot Viaa ilattia Hind at Oilcan", 1 dead. , Tb young woman la alao reported to ba vary Thirteen womeM and three men lav plleatafl in Uia aaioon wravking at ftpick ardUle, Mo., were arreated. All gara IkkI. I At tba annual oonmotion of tba Bona J"", '"M ' York, teooa V" fT ' g4 mtMm- " f ; ; Klllaoo jtfounta waa hanged at Kka- 1 Ub, Ky., lor tMrtictpatine in tho mir- .4 ui 1.1.;. u.J;. ty and bar brother. Escaping coal gaa nearly suffocated Walter Funs and family, lit In all, ia Milwaukee. Tha recovery of one is doubtful. , ... . Rev. J. F. ttreu.bfu. psstor of 8t. Feter' Lutheran . church, of Chicago, wss arrested, charged with Insulting ladle oa the atretrL. , ,., i ' The bona of J. W. Kerr, I farmer lie ing aear Wvttlta. stajt., waa aeatrtrrai by lira aad RW( 'a three children were burned lo death. Ja th trial si tUe alleged Create )rrf brllwn in Chicago sarverai wHiusms tue ttJsd that tleViaa oCared them moat? ; to find for the defense. Aa nnp ecedentad snow tta prevailed over a large area 4 laaaa, aad snw new lies on the ground bom tsre to fourteen incbea deep. ' Iraac B. Saw telle, wanted in Boat on In connection with the mysterious disap pearance ol but brother titram, waa ar rented at I'ortlaail, Me. ' The Willinghara Lumbar Ompany of I .li.H.luMM l ,nn . . hmmiI process praving for a receiver. The liav Millies will exceed KW.OJt). Tlie second New York world's fair committee failed lo agree, and tba fire member of the aaaembly from Mew York city were entrusted with tba bilL . The boiler of a locomotive exploded near Flttsbnrg, kilting Kogineer John Ladwig and Flagman Charles Jenkins, aad seriously injuring three oilier train men. t ' . John Msginnia of Brooklyn mortally wounded Daniel Lyons, his broUier-io-law, whom Magiunia accused of being intimate with tba latter wife, who is Lyons' sister. The Manitoba legislature passed a re olutlon abolishing the use of French aa the official language in that province. The French mem In-m will appeal to the throne. Dr. Marvin Foedv ke of Almena, Mich., wa shot and fatally wounded, Albert A. Fodyke, couuty surveyor, and broth er ol I Foedy ke, waa arrested on aua- picion. ' ; ' W. U. I'rav. aged twentv-three. who mnrdereil Verner Fiaher, a child, at Weymouth, Maas., because he wanted to go to a funeral, baa been declared in sane. " ;" ' V :' !' K-:-t-' During a i raver meeting at the house of Edwsrd Ham Ull, near Lebanon, lnd., some nnknown tieraon tired thiough tlie window, mortally wounding Mrs. Ran dall. . , . ' The Democratic member of the Ohio legislature nave at last united upon a congresaional redistricting scheme. It gives tne Uemocrata mtecn out ot twenty-one districts. " . v .-. ' ... BossBiirtb, a memtier of Frimroae and West's minstrels, died Irotn a self inflicted stab wound, while olaving an engagement in St. Louis. Despondency cavWd by ill health. It is rumored that Edward Futvoye, Baltimore agent of the Fumess line of stcamerst has gone to Europe, taking :S,000 of the company's money and a woman not hts wife. - ' At Islington, Mo., "William Bollea was shut snd killed and Frank Welle in jured by Sheridan Htoner, who, with il Iters, was trying to break up a farmers' dliance meeting. Mrs. Carrie m! Sawyer, Miss Kittie Ranger snd Frank Burke were arrested tlie charge of obtaining money under alas pretenses while giving a dark cabi tet seance in Chicago. An Knglieh syndicate has purchased the mills of the Central Rubber Trust of Trenton. N. J. There are seven Trenton ,-ompaniee in the trust. The amount involved is over fS.OJO.OOO. A mass meeting on the silver question was held In New York to sgitate the jnestion of free coinage, Gen. A. J. A'arner, chairman ol the national silver jommlttee, and others nts ie addresses. The preparations are almost com pleted for the. National Republican League convention which ineeta in Nashville, i Tenn,, on March 4 next. About one thousand delegates will at tend. , , Tlie first session of the department of superintendence of the National Educa tional association commenced in Now York. The first day was devoted to routine work and the discussion of a paper. The first annual banquet of Uie At lanta (Ua.) chamber of commerce was held recently. About lour hundred guests, including many ol the most prominent men in the country, were present j Atlrie. Pa., a masked man fright fully injured Misa Emma Usher, a prom inent young iauy, oy wirowmg viirioi m her (ace. and shot and seriously wound- ad Dennis MoCarty, the young lady's accepted lover. ' The twentv-second annual convention ol the Natic:"! Amercan Woman's aid frage sssociation Opened at Washington. Mrs. Kiixaoetn i any tsiamon. uie presi dent, gave a long sketch ot the woman suffrage movement. The Jennings divorce was set aside by Jadge Colling in Chicago, and makes Mrs, AUtlie Jennings' marriage u iuou B. Webber, the Boston millionaire, no marriage at all. This case has tlgured prominently in tha courts for some time.