The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 21, 1890, Image 3

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Thk.Cahnivai Tha young ladlct
of th ruadhtf elrohi will hava t toola!
carnival at Um open houaa Saturday
e wnl UK, ml all tuuaa tuvltvd by th
committee an nqumtiHl to ba ou baud
at 8 o'clock pronirtly.
Watkh Cuuf amy. On Monday
vveulng tha Iudvpendanca Water
Work comny held a mealing and
cli-cid J, 8, Cooiwr, nrealdent; J. W
Hunter, accrotary; It. Hhcllcy, traaaurar.
It waa dwldud topmciwd at one and
place tho prnwut water work. In tba
beat ponalble working condition.
Hop lUtVRNa.ljMt (kli It will U
rviueiuberwl that Maakar Broa., of l"uy-
atltin, acut a train load of bona through
to Lonrioa. Mr. Kd. Dov, of Dovaa
Inland. Iolk county, owned ISfWO
pound, of thlt ahlpiutnt and laat wauk
mwiv. a turn of 11400 for tha.ahlp-
incut, dear of axpanaa. . Tula la highly
aatlafaetory to Mr, Dova,
JlI'iukons Aothay. During tba r
cent high water ail tarn pigaona Wfl
thalr bona at Mr. K. Dova' and hava
not beu aiwnatuca. Mr, Dova'allltla
girl mourn vary much tba low of thalr
iwta. Uua waa a wblte rouatar, wiia
topknot, aud th other flv wara blue
and white mixed. Auy peraou know
ing of the wbereabouta of the Urd will
plena leave word at tbla onlca.
Tub Kvknixo l'AHTif. Vrof, Jo
Taylor and wlfo gave an entertaluiuent
at the opera houe on Saturday eveulug
aatUted by local talent. A email audi'
euce wa prwatut. Mia Lottie Hedge
sang "Row aud Ilobhlu" lu a pleaalng
nmuner, Freddy Hooper, agea ten
years, favored the audieuoe with
vlollu auto. Th real of th evening
waa occupied by ketcbe by Mr. aud
Mr. Taylor.
SUHi'KlSK 1'auty. Mr. M. L. White,
who ha beeu teaching a claaaof ten
little girl in vocal uiualc, waaglven a
aurprhw Wedneaday eveniug at which
they prveented him with an appropriate
irltt. The following are theuameaof
the little girl: Kte le, Myrtle Lee,
I tool KlchardMiu, Pearl Coopar, Haiti
Locke, Lute MIddtoham, Ente Richard
miii, Kottle Itobertaou, Edith Wblte,
lllrdie White.
Holt. The total product of bop In
Polk county butt year, wa 2-W2 bale,
which wa ralaed on S7ti"acrea, or an
average of 1030 pound to th acre; and
thl average la the hlgheat of any
county lu Oregon. In raising tbi crop,
which I nearly all labor, and very little
machinery, at leaat 135,000 b paid out
inch year to people here at home. No
wonder the rich bop land around In
dciwmlvuce help make th town. We
need the bop Held in our bualneee.
Kiutuhs Ahkoad. Lastt week wr
omitted to mention the fact that the
very agreeable young men, Mown. Mc
Donald & t'avender, who publUb the
ItrowiiHi-llle 7W, which ia waking
up the people in that section of Linn
county, were caught in Portland dur
ing the flood. They walked out to
Fulton aud took the Narrow Gauge to
Monmouth theu walked to Indepen
dence, and waited hereou day for a
tKint, an then with the pluck of newa
paper men they walked to Albany,
from which place they ouuld go to
lA'banon by rail, thence to Brown
ville by team. The 7ii'- wa bwuod
during tlielrabaene by th "devil."
Bti'BBKHX FACr.-A gentleman came
out from IVtlla one morning and
mounting Mt. Piaagu looked toward
Monmouth and Independence and re
in irked: "To tell the truth (which the
OWrw never does) a court houee on level, open plH of land between
the two town would "loom up" in flue
tyle. Paaaeugen on tho Narrow
( me, Albany A Atorinaud Southern
Pacific railroad, alo on the steamboat
plying on tho Willamette could all aee
the building, and beldi It would he in
philu view for mile up and down I'olk
c m ity from Bethel ou the north to the
Ltickiamuta on the south, and then it
would be the m mt convenient of acce
to everybody."
Hub "Ziim "There bo been a trans
fer of a piece of property at Dallas
since the new year began, and it U
a genuine transfer says the Observer.
"In a town "over on the river" it says
they have a plan for creating a "boom."
Jones sell to Smith, and 8mlth back
to Jones, and thing fairly "zip," real
estate advances so fast The Obwrve r
taunt lie Jealous of that town "over on
the river." If be will lust dig up a
pocket full of twenties and try aud buy
s "property" "over on th
river" he will And that he can't get a
town lot at farming land prices, such
a he ho been accustomed to doing.
The town Is not built that way.
FoktunatkTkkmisatioK. On Fri
day evening Hastings Bros., of Alrlie,
and It. W. Hasting of this place were
enroute to Alrlle with the coffln, etc.,
for the burial of Mrs. Price, when cross
ing the Huhnlck bridge on the Luukla
mute river the team became frightened
and runaway. In going off the Incline
of the bridge all three young men were
thrown out into the mud where It was
very deep and soft. The team ran about
a quarter of a mile and became en
tangled In the brush and stopped.
The back was badly broken but the
casket was uninjured. The young men
pulled themselves out of the mud and
procurred another hack of Mr. Dick
Tom and proceeded on their way very
muddy, but thankful that their live
bad been spared. ,
Pubmc Schools. We dropped In
for a few minute on Tuesday to visit
the public school. Prof. McAdam 1
conducting an excellent school and Is
well liked by the pupils. The library
Is a great addition, and the selection of
books a good one. In the three depart
ments are nearly ISO scholar. Prof.
McAdam having 85, Mis Merrlman
47 and Mrs. Tuck 63. Miss Essie
Kohertsou is assisting Mr. Tuck, who
has moro than she can manage atone.
In North Independence Mis Crown
over and Mis Hayes have 85 under
their charge. The course of study In
the two district Is exactly the same.
The examination papers were printed
at this office and are used by both.
Parent wishing to examine them cau
be accommodated, as they are kept on
tile. If the two district were to be
united to-morrow the clasjes in school
would not feel the Interruption, so
thoroughly are the school already
bulldiug of a new court house for In
county, quote the OmoHtmi, ha re
ceived atrmnr tiimort from the most
Influential wilwti. but with aloasnf
knee by farmer, log by lumliermen,
and tba oust of nnalrlmr Mad and
brtdtf etiinlH uimw all. however light
It may prov to ba,lt I thought the Ver
mel of in people win oe 10 let nw
oourt house wall another year: and
thev will BiMtaln the county coin-
mlaalouer lu that decision." Une
county ha it court house located In
Eugeue, a beautiful town on lb bank
of th WtllHinette, but Kugene has uu
rival for th county neat. Ine county
In m paid taxe tm $l,lM7,oW and
Polk eouuty ou U,K!,38I, and yet
Lane county with more wealth, aud an
undisputed eouuty teat la willing to
wait another year, How wonderfully
prodigal th duKtvrr I with other
people's money.
A llHtTAl, Mt'HOKH. Mr. N. L,
Hcott, llvlug near Wheatland, wa must
brutally munlsrad ou Sunday Inst.
Mr. Beolt resided lu McMinuvitle'fur
several yean, until laat summer, when
she wa married to a well-Uvdo farmer
of that eouuty and removed to hi
home, Th deceased and her husband
were living alone. The husband's story
I that he am Humlay morning
about T o'clock aud went to the
barn to fved the idx-k, kwvlug hit wife
till lu bed. At she wa complanlng
of a alight headache, he told her to lie
a long a th wished, a It wa Kuudey
aud there was Do need of hurry. Boou
after he went to tubaru he hwinl the
report of a gun, but as shooting in the
vicinity wa not uncommou he paid no
attention to It About twenty minute
later he bard another allot, he went to
the house and found hi wife lying on
tba porch In her ulght clothe; lu the
laat agoule of death and blood flowing
front three ugly wouuda. He spoke to
her but received no reply. 1 1 then ap
prised- th nelihbor and a boy was
sent for th coroner.
Mum Stockton' Party. On Tues
day eveuing the elegant resilience of
Mr. J. I Btocktou wa a blow of light,
occasioned by the house being given up
to th reception of the young people of
Independence, who aamnubled to met t
th hoste of the eveuing, Mist Anna
Miockton. Th residence Internally
was arranged fur the convenience of the
guests all the folding doors being
lb row u opeu so that four nanus were
In one. A most delightful eveuing was
spent. Among those present we note
th Misses I'anms ItoMnsou, Alice
Williams, Klla Hhupp, Mamie Hhupp,
Mlnda Bhupp, Ada lx-ke, Kva U ke,
Cora Knell, Katie Wheeler, Minnie
Webber.Alta llobertson.Uta Itobertaou,
Bessie Butler, Nellie Hill, Lily Cooper,
Minute Gibson, Ilesale (llbson, Kttt
Beamer, Hattle Rlcbanlson, Mary
Graven, Mavd Cooper, Dora Cooier,
Lola Fluke, Hattle Hayes, Murtlm
Hill, Laura Klklns. The Messrs. Kd.
Orubb, W. H. Wlilteaker, A. J. White-
aker, Dave Gelwlck, Wm. Patterson,
Wm. Craven, Perry Bcemer, W. II.
Haw ley, Jus. Tuck, J, W. Demorest,
O. A. Kramer, Warren Creasy, Frank
Kennedy, It W. Hastings, Dave Cra
ven, C. Cheetebro, tA. Cltsirelter.
8CVKH, Or., Feb. 1W.
It eem th OUrrvrr of Dallas has
become demented over the court house
question, aud la advocating the circu
lation of petitions and remonstrances
again. We would ask lu all candor
what good did the last effort accomp
lish? Why not be manly? Why not
go about it lu a business way; first
obtain an enabling aet aud let the
people vote their sentiments. There is
a strong and growing sentiment here In
favor of Monmouth, and one which we
think will gain In strength until she
will eventually attain the much eon
veted prUe. When the motor Him Is
completed from Independence to Mon
mouth it will have the effect of unit
ing the two towns and as they are de
stined to that end, we as a party more
or lee Interested would favor the lo
cation of the future court house at the
above named place.
I for one am perfectly willing io
allow Dulls to retail) the court house
so long at they are content to put up
with th 'old one; but If there is a new
one to be built I shall object to having
It located so far from the main thorough
fare of the county to-wlt: the Wil
lamette river and the Houtheru 1'ocltlc
railroad, and doe it not look like the
Obterver waa anxious to plunge the
county irrecoverably in debt by con
tinually barplug ou hi put theme, and
at a time when there has been so much
damage doue to our county bridges by
the recent' high water? Would It not
bow better Judgement for the niuii who
manages the Obwrwr to take ofT his
coat and hat and sit quietly dowu and
allow himself to devote his mrc
euergy to the welfare of the county ut
large. He puts me lu mind of a story
told of a boy who was barefoot und
who was vain enough to want a bosom
pin. His parent tried to argue the
cose with him. They told him Unit in
their Juilgmeut he needed a pulr of
boots more than he did the bosom pin;
and alt the parents advice or logic
could not convince the boy. Hi told
them his feet were used to the cold, but
he mutt have the bosom pin. Just so
with the 0mnrver man. There Is only
oue thing he needs to make him ex
tremely happy and that is his bosom
pin (court house). There are some
thing too then but In our Judgment
thl Polk county Obterver Is spreading
Hon rather thick and while I think of
It, allow me to enclose the first stanza
of a song that Is being sung all over
thl part f the county. The poetical
feet are not at perfect as they might be,
but It bat the effect of charming those
who have heard It.
Ohl Monmouth dsr and did you hour
Tbe nswi that's going roundT
Th future court bouwvuo I hmir .
Will built upon your ground.
I know your citizens sretrue, ur.d loyal to
th nrs
I've uld you would give uu s block of Innd,
nd If and bs you'd glv more.
Th Spanish have a proverb:" Wom
an love with her ear, but man with
hi eye." , Pertuasve , wooing captures
a woman' heart, (while an attractive
appearance conquer uW rnau. To re
tain man' affection am) secure endur
ing happiness, a woman should he m
charming lu married life as In the day
of bewitching maidenhood. Her capti
vating weapon are a fair and blooming
complexion, aorV aod spotless bands,
freedom from skin and scalp Impurities,
pimples, chapping, and the possession
of the delicate bloom of perfect health.
Teacher' Institute at Dixie Haturdoy,
A J. Goodman will spend sometime
visiting lu Kugene.
Kiiturdiiy I th 2:M of February and
Washington' birthday.
Mrs, M. lloothby, of Monmouth, was
burled ou Monday last
Mini Delia Nelson It visiting her
frluutl In Hulem this week.
Mrs. Dr. Oruwell was visiting friends
In Corvalll ou lost Tuesday.
It U Williams and wife, of Alrlle,
were In Corvallla thl week.
II. Cootier and wife, of Dallas, re
turned from Kalem uu Tuesday by boat
Dallas hua electric light aud the
whole town has Just pause for rejoicing.
Mrs. N, II. Alley, of Eugene, Is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs, K, 1C. Jones, In
thl city.
Mr, J urd Morris, who 1 at present
located lu rtalem, was In town on ed
ueaday. Only a few more weeks until. the
Farmer' Institute will be held lu lu
Mr. Berry Waiiu, of near BaHsto:i,
Is assisting Cooier Bros, in their hard
ware business,
ltev. N. hthupp will commence a
auric of revival meetings at Dixie
Moudity evening.
Oscar Dickson is at preseut doing a
good iusimM In th thriving town of
Watervllle, Wash.
Mrs, Oscar I). Itennle left on Tues
day's bout tut Kolein, where she will
visit frieuds aud relatives,
II Htants, of Alrlle, made u a call
Monday and reports his damage during
th recent rise of the waters slight
We are pleased to announce that the
Oregon IVolfle company Is already pre
(string to rebuild their wharf here
Handy Olds bus been tried the third
time and a verdict of murder In the
tlrst degree brought lu, A new trial 1
Frank Butler, our Jovial eouuty sur
veyor, Is lu town aud will I' busy for
sometime surveying addition to ludo
dfiidenee. The uvw glass front which graces
Oruwell A Co drug store and II. D.
Waller' ho store, I a decided li
J. C. Brown, who wo for sometime
missing during th "Hood" eumeoul
all right, but has been lately tulfirltig
with pueuiitoula.
A. W, Lucas and wife, who have
been lu I .o Augvles, Cel., for the al
two months, for their health, returned
home on Thursday;"
W. B. lloueymau, of the Portland
LIumhhI Oil company, was In town on
Thursday, and has a card In this Issue
of interest to former.
The last trulu before the flood ou the
west side road was ou Haturday the 1st
of February and the first on February
l:tth;Jut twelve days.
The Utile towu of Halsey, not larger
than Monmouth olfer WU bonus fur a
flouring mill. What should thl towu
do for some enterprise?
Ou Sunday last George galtmarsb, of
Albany, shot his wife and then himself.
Tbe wlf will recover; lie will die.
Cause, domestic trouble.
lllghty tons of trclglit In one day
and more thau ten lous of freight lo
Independence every day since, U pretty
good for the past two weeks.
A second coroner's Jury found
damaging testimony agalnsl Wm.
Hoot l and his son, ami they were arrest
ed for the murder of Mrs, Scott.
Friday Inst Zob Dickens killed his
brother Wake Dickens at Hitnlmaii,
through Jealousy of his wife, who o-
compuulcd Vke to supper at a ball.
Mr. K. T. Murphy, who wa water-
bound at Hulem during the flood, was
in town ou Mondity with his wife and
returned to Portland ou Wednesday,
DemiHcy, the Nonpar lei and Mc
Carthy, the Australian, fought thirty-
eight roumls lu Han Ftaiiclco on Tues
day. Dcuiscy was easily th winner.
The Itrmistr has been trying for
somwtlme to elevate the moral tone of
Dallas. Its work Is a grand success
and Dallas Is soon to have another
Mr. A. B. MoMlllen, theedltor of the
Monmouth tirmimrnt arrived Mondity
with hi wife aud is located it Mon
mouth. The new pupcr will appear
next Thursday.
Kd. Dove hud li'iOO bushels of wheat
on his farm, and the waters came up In
his barn and ho now hits live thoUHiiud
bushels. His wheat is only fit for hog
feed however.
Tho republican state central com
mittee Is called to meet In Portland,
March 5, 1HIH), at 10 o'clock a. in. to
decide upon the time of holding the
state convention.
The masquerade bull at Dallas was it
very, pleuHitut occasion to the young
men who visited It from hero and Mon
mouth. There were about sixty
J. J. Corbctt, who fought Kllruln ut
New Orleans, Feburury 17, was victor
ious I u six rouuds, the tight being for
points. Corbctt Is tho trainer In the
Olympian club at San Francisco,
Ou March thirteenth and fourteenth
Hon. P. W. Haley informs us the Far
mer' Itistltuto will be held at Inde
pendence. Our people should have
ample preparation mado to give our
visitors a cerdlul welcome.
, F. P. Mays succeeded Hon, L, L.
MuArthur as U, 8. circuit Judge at
Portlund Tuesday. Judge MoArthur
will practice law In Portluud,lu partner
ship with Northrup A Brouitugh.
It F. Bell, of Dallas, was In town on
Monduy. Robt. Is a bright and promts-'
Ing young man and believes that a
pr luclple which includes pulling oue
town down to build another, Is wrong. :
E. A. Johnson, a bartender of Port
land, attempted lost Mondity to kill
Mrs. Daisy Wmiles and her daughter,
who were living on a farm about 4 miles
from Biilem. The weapon used wits a
razor. He 1 now under arrest at Sa
lem. ,
Cary Hayter and Itulph William, of
Dallas, were thinking of engaging lu
business there, but have gone to The
Dalle in Wasco county, where they
will make venture. They, are ener
getio young men and will no doubt
tuccoed. v .
Feb. lath.
Beautiful sunshine as usual after the
Johnny ('lurk came home lust Moil'
day hi school being out last Friday.
He report Salt Crock Us inlng for next
It It MollhS', I.'. H. Htlll llNK'clor,
istsacd through hero lost Sunday after
noon uu his way (o Portland from
Our stage ha returned Us regular
trlMt again, and we hosj that It will
not Is Interfered with the rest of the
Nearly all the family ut Lincoln
moved up uu high ground during the
high water. The damage at Lincoln
was nominal.
Fred Toiief came down from Dallas
to visit bis parents, and theu returned
lust Tuesfluy morning to his xt of
duty with Kenton A Pruitt.
U't Polk county appropriate i",000
towards the new steel suspicion bridge.
Let us have a new free bridge. The
people are more Interested lu It than a
new court house.
Sweet cream I highly recommended
for sore throat, urotipe and lung
trouble. Those who are afflicted with
either will do well to try It Those
w ho have used It will use uothlng else.
Mr. Htovull piowed through here last
Sunday morning with Iflou pounds of
mall matter for Salem, w hich had Usui
held at Portland during the flood. It
ttitt sent via the Narrow Kcaiie to thenoe to Salem.
Charlie llelluiibraiid and Mr. Cavau-
ah, of Salem, came up from Portland
lust Saturday where they had been held
a week ou account or hlgli, water.
Cliuille wanted lo know if L. W.
Itels'rtaou of your place was praying
There seems to Iw a new disease
ainoiig hogs, several have been lost lu
Uils community, They lie alt use of
their feet aud finally theli Jaws, and
then die. When one dies others will
stsui take It, and llarrsultt are always
Whcutlund did not sutler a bad as at
first reported. The sack warehouse
busted and let a few suck of wheal Into
the angry water. The guide end of
the bin Iioiiho hurstcd out and let some
of the loose wheat In to the river.
Otherwise aside from the wet whut
the l"s Is not very great.
Ml D.tly Iiuckely Is visiting her
Kilcni friends.
II. II. Shanks, of Vtrgtulu, Is here
looking up a location.
Our fitrmen are a Utile uneasy about
their wheat, n they remember the
freexo nut several year ago wo In Feb
ruary, Why don't the Salem Grangers lisik
after the I'.H, aciiatorshlp as 'well as
that of governor, or don't they waut
Icgbilutlou lu their Interests?
Our entwined fellow townsmen, Jas.
It Sheppurd, has gone Into partnership
with It. Illicit of the Capital nursery
of Salem, We wish the new firm suo
ev, It seems that the wolves are afraid of
the river bottoms since the flood as
they have takeu to the hills where
they can take In the little lamlst w ith
The verdict of the coroner Jury of the
nuinler of Mrs. Win, Scott, near
Wheatland lust Sunday, I very unsatis
factory to the s?ople and Is generally
divided as one sided.
It seems that some of Salem's capi
talist wants to bleed Polk county still
more by putting up a toll bridge. We
dou't want a "corn cob" but a free sus
Mnslon bridge. Polk county will aid
in putting up n, bridge which will be an
honor to Isitli counties aud state. We
think that this county will appropriate
at leant f'li i,(VH towards a flue steel sus
pension free bridge. The court house
ring will have to take a back V'lit,
A school meeting talked of soon.
Some-damage has been done by the
recent high waters.
J, 11. Teal and son will soon lie Imslly
engitged repairing und building bridges.
Frank lluller, of Oiikhurst, has lost
some vuiiiniiie cutue uuriiig mo mie
Mr. Hall, recently from Kansas, ha
taRcn up a homestead near the ltowell
saw mill.
Johnnie, the In fan I son of Mr. nud
Mrs. Huhcr, has been sick, but Is now
rnplilly recovering.
While ut Falls City on Wednesday
Undo Willis Im Informed us that the
high waters did much damage to his
farm. It washed uway 500 rails.
Miss Ida Nlcholls hns made applica
tion to teach the spring term of school
at the Teal school house. Miss Nlcholls
resides In Pioneer and Is well recom
monded us a teacher,
(1. and F. you had better retire.
It snowed some lust ulght, but is all
melted now.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole returned from Al
bany hut week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeter returned from-
Staytoti lust week.
There Is lots of sickness' lu town and
It keeps Dr. Locke rustling.
Little Treble Pruther, who hue had
the erysipelas is Improving.
Born, to the wife of T. C, Jouc, a
ton. Weight eleven pounus.
The school hero is progressing nicely
under the care of Prof. Longacro.
Mr. Bodlno Is very low with heart
disease. Later. His funeral took
place on Tuesday
The flood damaged this place very
little. It washed uway Mr. Richard
son's shipping room,
'I have used Ayer't Pills for the past
30 ycitrj, ami am satisfied I should uot
be alive to-duy if It hnd uot been for
them. They cured mo of dyspepsia
when other remedies failed." T. B,
Bonner, Chester, Pa. Ayer's Pills aro
old by all druggist.
Hamhv, Or., Feb. 1. 1HIK).
KiilTort WwtTHiliKt-A call meeting
of eltlwns of Hulsey and vicinity was
held lu the scIkniI house ut this place
to-day, which eonlderlng the Inclem
ency of the weather was very well at
tended. The object of the nus lliig was to con
sider tbu propriety and feasibility of
ottering a bonus for the. building of n
merchant flouring mill ut this place,
nud also to discus the ntlvlslhlllly of
constructing a water power canal from
the MeKeiule river near Coburg lo this
place and points north of here,
Upon motion Caleb (J ray was elected
chairman uf the meeting and F. S.
Fields, awrctary.
After a lengthy discussion of the
ill iriTiil matter under consideration It
was unanimously resolved to oiler a
cash bonus of four tliotmuid dollars to
any arly, or parties, who would agree
to build the most complete mill for the
Ikiiius ottered.
A commit Ice of live, of which Hon.
T. J. Block Is chairman and r. S.
Fields, secretary, wa upsilnti"d to re
ceive and answer all conitiitmlcutlotis
In rclullui! to the mutter and give
ueccsMiry Information lu regard to the
surrounding country and iheumouut
of grain raised tributary to tills plow,
which 1 sultlcleiit omiruncu that a
flouring milt ut this place, under the
iiiHtvislou of a practical mill mini
would Is' a pllillUtlilu luvestuieiit,
A cumuiitiee of three, consisting ol
J. J I. Inline, W.J. Stewart aud T.J.
Black was appointed to uncertain a
near as piswlble the cost of making a
preliminary survey of the water eiinul,
with uu uproxtiititlc cost of the con
struction of the name, and to report ut
a meeting to lie held here on Sulurduy,
February loth
The piHipki of this aeellou uppeur to
lie waking up to their owu Interests in
tlie way of public Improvements, and
us Halscy i a cent rally ioeuted place,
surrounded by the tluest grain raising
seetlnii In the Willamette vulley, there
Is uo rcu-tou why our town w ith the
prit of the construction, lu the
near fulun', of the Corvalll and Last-
cm railroad w hicli III cross the South
ern Puclltcut tills point and other pub
lic enterprise should not be one of tliv
most flourishing tow us in On'gon.
Alresdy Hatsc-y bus the credit of sup
porting one of the best public sctusils
In the valley, having lusi year built a
X thoiioaud dollar school building.
This place luut long been recogul4'd
us Che largest grain center of any town
In the valley, and with a diversity ol
other resoifce cqUiU to any. Daring
the liutt season ti large buy warehouse
was constructed here and tilled with
baled hay, and so far there hits Ihcu
shlpiHil from (Ids point not less than
one thousand tons, to points In Kastcru
On'gon nud Puget Sound,
Having sold out our plumbing and
tinning biiilmw to Messrs, Goodman
Donty, we wUh to thank the public
In general for their HImtuI sttnmnge In
the post and solicit a continuance of
the same for our successor, Mr. Burr
bus made arrangement o renmlii with
M.ssr. (iisslman & Itotity, and wilt U
denscd to all his old customers and
as many new ones, at ineir piueeoi
business, w here he w ill be In a position
to give them as good, or Itettcr, work lu
the future os he has In the past.
B.vitH A Pwrruu
In connection with the above we
wish to Inform the public that having
purchased the entire stm'k of stoves,
tluwurc, pumps, plumls-r gissls, etc.
from Mcwus, Burr A IVtwl, we are now
lu a position to furnish all with any
thing In liie way of stoves, tinware,
puuisi, mil pliimls'rs gissls, and as we
have secured the service of Mr. Burr,
formerly of the firm of Burr & PeUel,
who Is a practical and exerlciiecd lln
tier and plumlr, to take charge of this
depart incut of our business, we can fill
all orders promptly for any and all
kinds of tinware, made from the
heaviest tin, and dottll klmls of pluni'.i
Ing, furnish pumps mul put litem hi
working order'; also contract .for all
kinds of tin rooting, spouting, etc. By
the addition of this new departure to
our busl ik'ss wc now have us full and
complete it sbs'k ns can lie found south
of Portland, and resieot fully usk ull
our old customers und many new ones
to cull and Insjicft our stock and priors
us we uie lu a position to complete with
any house In the Willamette valley.
Goodman & Doitv.
WAGES IN 1000,
The condition of the American wages
duns nearly a century ngu Is full of In
struction, In large cities, unskilled
workmen were hired by the day, bought
their own food, and found their own
lodgings. But In thu country, on the
farms, or wherever a bund was em
ployed on some public work, they were
fed and lodged by the employer und
given it few dollars u mouth. Ou the
Pennsylvania cuuala the diggers ato the
coarsest diet, were housed lu the rudest
sheds, und paid $H a mouth from May
to November, and $i it month from
November to May. Hod carrier and
mortar mixers, diggers und choppers,
who from 171)3 to 1h;)D labored ou the
public buildings and cut the streets und
avenues of Washington, received 870 a
year, or, If they wlsjicd, !)() for all the
Work they could perform from March 1
to December 20. The horn's of work
were Invariably from sunrise to sunset.
Wages ut Allitiny and Now York were
3s., or, as money then went, 10 cents a
diiy; ut Lancaster, f.H to $10 & month;
elsewhere In Pennsylvania workmen
were content with fit In summer arid $5
In winter. At Bidllumro men. were
glad to ho hired nt IHd. it day. None
by the month asked more than $0, At
Fredericksburg the price of labor wus
from f 5 to $7, In Virginia white men
employed by the year wore given 1B
currency;' -slaves when hired, were
clothed, und their musters paid XI a
month. A pound Virginia money, was,
In Federal money, JS.88. The average
rate of wages nil over tho country was
8(1.5 a year, with food und perhaps
lodging. Out of this small sum the
workmen hud, with his wife's help, to
maintain the family. Sflcutyia AmM-
We take this moans of Informing the
public that w have told out our entire
stock of stove, tinware, and plumls-rs
gissls to Messrs. GsMlman & Douty,
anda-k that all persons knowing them
selves Indebteil to ut to call aud settle
by March 1, lH'.Hl. All account not
paid by that tlmo will be placed In the
hands of a collector, Please rcmemU-r
the date. Baku A pK-r.ia,
Dovish Imland, Feh.'lO, 1W.
Ikur Slrt -Should you havo a little
spuce to spare lu your valuable paper I
should tw much obliged to you, I have
two little girls attending the Sacred
Heart academy of Sulem, and when 1
asked the lady superior to settle for the
expense the lady with the kindest of
manners told me, as we had such losses
through the flissl all were settled, aud
makes us a present uf It amounting lo
I l'i() dollar till closing of school,
Miw. E. P. Dovb.
T'":"Z- D1KD. '
BOOTH It Y.At Monmouth, Satur
dity, Feb, Ifl, 1H0O, Mr. Mary Booth
by, lu her 61st year.
MoA LlMTKIt I nfunt child of Mr.
and Mrs, McAlister, Wednesday,
Feb, lllth, 1H00.
PBICK-At Alrlle on Friday, Feb. 14,
iHiH), Mr, Gilla Price, aged Ti year,
11 month and 2 duy.
Mr. Prh-a, the relict of F. It Price,
who preceoded her to that bourne, from
which no traveler return, ou Nov. 1st,
Ikt.'I. Her maldcu name wa Gil. a
Simpson. She wa born In the state of
Missouri, March 11 1K17. She was
united in marriage to her lute husband
In 1H.V; tnino to Oregon In 1851 and
sellled ou Bait Creek In this county,
where they reared a family of eleven
children of whom seven aro still living.
Four sous, Jumes, Presiou and Joseph
wlio reside In Kings vulley, aud Tin.
who Is at present a resident of Colfax.
Wash., and three daughters, Mr. W.
K. Williams, of Alrlie; Mrs. James
Tciwnseiid, ot King valley; and Mr.
Perry Smith, of Colfax.
Slue her husband decease she has
made her home 'principally among her
ihlldrcn lo w horn she has ever exhibi
ted a strong devotion. She wa a de
vout Christian having In early youth
united with the Baptist church, and
hns ever lived a sintere and true Chris
tian life. She was laid at rest In the
beautiful cemetery lu King vuliey
there to await the rvsurrecthn of mini.
our loving muther lis d" irk'd
From tlili life no full of ,,
And with bur (lod U auw united
In tlie land or twMit rppos. .
J. as.
The present gciicrnlion i not
content to let well enough alone,
but l continually striving to bettor
the condition of tho human family.
That tho liwt fifty year Las seen
vnnt improvtMiipnta in the political
supcrstriu'ture of our nation no
one doubts; ami the next fifty years
will aee at ill greater changes. Some
one Inw a act ot interrogatories
which tho public ia expected to
have nn opinion upon, and tho
following aro tho mont important:
Do you favor
1. The two essential features of "Bal
lot Befornt," namely, Ihe ottlclul ballot
and secret voting?
2. I'cris'tual disfranchisement of
every j?rou convicted of participating
In brlU-ry or attempted bribery?
3, Denial of iiflruge (to take elfcct lu
the year 1000) to any person not pre
viously a voter who can uot then read
or write, and to foreigner who haw not
resided ten years lu our country, ami to
person convicted of drunkenness or
any other crime during two years pre
vious to the election In which they de
sire to tote?
4. licstrlction of Immigration from
China and all other foreign countries
by laws Impartially Bhuttlngout all for
eigners whom our coiiuscls have not
recommended as likely to make honest
and self-supporting citizens, but no
5. Limited womuii tuffrage, for elec
tion of school boards only?
8, Municipal woman suffrage, for city
und towu elections only?
7, Woman suffrage, with no limita
tions except such us apply also to men?
8. Chmlng the malls by htwofcott
grcs to all lottery advertisements,
whether in circular or newspapers,
and tho withdrawal of charter from all
national bunks that are the accomplices,
that Is, guarantee payment of such
1). Htute luws milking the advertising
of a lottery or any person participating
In any gambling scheme, a crime, with
severe iH'liultles?
10. liaising the "ago uf consent" to
twctity-ono years?
11. State luws forbidding city govern
ments or police authorities to license
prostitution directly or Indirectly?
12. A uniform marriage aud divorce
law to prevent both contemporaneous
und "consccuth'e polygamy?"
13, A provislou In marriage luws,
whether Federal or state, that divorce
with permission to marry again can bo
granted only for the one cause of adul
tery, and only to the innocent party?
14. The enactment and enforcement
of such luws us will prevent theatrical
managers, tobacconists aud others from
displaying pictures whoso tendency is
to arouse lust in our youth?
15. Having tlie churches, as such,
both separately and lu unison, take a
more active pnrt in reforms than is
usual, by protesting against bad laws
whenever proposed, and promoting tho
enactment and enforcement of good
oties? ' ,
It). Institutions for permanent but
kindly confinement of adult Incapable,
who have often been released from Julia
and workhouse to only speedily return,
meantime preying upon the public, and
by the laws of 'heredity multiplying
crime and pauperism? '
FnoM California. T, J. Fryer has
received letter from two parties In Cali
fornia In regrad to dwelling proporty
In this city. Tho parties wish to buy
and remove here as ioon a they can
close up their business. Thus you see.
we are attracting notice from a distance,
Another letter recelvdl from Charlie
Stoats, of Bend, Crook county, of Feb.
1st says, the snow still cover the
ground a foot deep. They hod uot seen
the ground for ill days, and without a
coiitluuam-e of warm weather, It will
13 many ihiys More they do see it. It
had been ut one time near three fwt
deep at Charlies house on the I'pjier
iKjHchiilcs. Charlie with hi wife and
little boy started tor Farewell Bend,
(shout ff miles below on the vivt-r) lu
four horse sleigh. JIeays they had
plcusuut ride of It, with the exception
of two or three turn over's, aud a couple
of times getting tlielr hone: dowu In
snow drifts, the drifts Is lng sometimes
four and live feet deep,
Hay Is very scarce along tho Dt-
sliute, and many cattle are dying, and
when the cold spring ruin set lu there
Is a prohuhlity of great loss of stuck.
Charlie write? of a days hunt he had
Just More leaving home for Farewell
Bund, He kilted one large wolf, and
two foxes, caught one fox alive. He
bus not as yet lost auy stock, and suy
he hits suflh'lcnt feed to hist two months
yet... .
Many icrsoiis out there would like to
havo a home lu the valley, stis'k busl
lies lu most places is getting pretty
Well played out. H, H.
I !, .ral tuns uf l uun llimil lu.t f.,r wit,
si tlia it. At. i:tnit lufiti. mi uil, .)uLli ui
utwui sIm,, sufntt umIi nud uihpW fuur iisa wtssi,
sit ul wult li I will iJ- iiKir iii wu ui io l, .f.
liuJimlt uci,, Fell, lltli. 21
COiVlf-'Art Y.
All sciutuaui Jus rM ikiiu i. eumimn)
luvt tmt ,4iuU iu tito uuu ui iv . ,1 , f.uuir
..ii lot uujjuuu, uuti liiui IJutKHij,! t,;' me it
ul 1IM UlifulJJ. Wi. Iiy uaal ut U..U). W. H,
t'auirMJu , tH i.ifc,iMr, lur tint Urat ( k.l
Ouloo una a Kir .Vir. l, ul City l)i uk- Hum,
l.M t UK-Kn.u mbiM, kmlili, witltuat s
fi.iuwO u, wur,i uU uittJr.k, iluvo llu, alma.
rvmi) uia wiia ltiM ui'uy 1j i.uiu
bill, ul H fiKlit m 44wi.m Akui, l uru. outd
-III'.I.O'SCIII IIUV t ot Oil SVtltf.
Is giving stdeudiil siitisfiietiou to tbe
trade end the sule are positively uiarre
lous, which ouu be no omilnd for io no
other way exoept that it is without doubt
tlie best on the market, Ask for and be
ure you get the guuuiue. We keep it
ill'STKH k I.Ol'KE, Dr'lgglStS.
WO At'lthH i,f rarai Ihu.I in uuthmet Kbdjiu,
wiljls nuJtl fur cali uf uxeUmumi tut rwU muito
jiiUrwua. V'tt fuiiiior iwirucujui in.uiro ul
fe, M. Uwia, I'Ufiui Visl. Ur, It i
UtlKl.liHS -Tu twi n Um Ikjw,. u nctiiiiy by
lr"iiS i'oiriiti. I-, VVr,'iii M I'mmmhk i;ii
litHiUuu lU'isty, 4i,tl tiud IfuiiituOitu, r?hif.
.Nrr luils u vitrei s cum, feMU uy HmUn A
lut'kn uiu llt,iirjr r..LWr..s,
I'srtln knowins tli,ncl,ai lu,..itl to wa
will 1iwm nail ud K'lila, w I li". il lu.mrr tud
uiu-l it. U. II. i'n, rM).
Jan. lu, 11.
Null, In horobjr KivH lli-it tli linn ul Kaim.
tlklua l'o Koir'iin ut in, l il l'rn.'k iid
Irunslnr tio., nt, Itni.MiHUiU-iKsi. Itns lssu di-
MtlrtHl lif niutuitl pi,n.,lll, rl. M. Kst,w Miriu,
lli bumnisM will h-nmitxr l eouilseiMi b)
Moum. Klima i .i.. wm, will mo all bills sua
eulluoitll uouuulilau llu-Ui" linn.
W. K. .i.siss,
W. W. WiU.UK4,
IttJupsnitcni, Jsn. t, ni.
A PUHUr CLAIM -"ll,y Cruwi (bush
tHymp iiil'iiliuii, lur sll timuil Htsl luuii
,re Uinials. fry it, tijij by UuMor A Lucks
ktiU liimry ifiitu,ra.
Tli lw firm uf Wilktnr unit ('alli'rUiii hns
tss'n diMwilvml bjr sitituiu euiiw nt, w, L. t uU
hprtmin ivli 'in fuiul (In) tirui, W. L. Wilkias
will coiitinutf Lh liititim st Uto ssmu ottio. in
thn uH,rH liotiMi block, fur lit- iininuiii, unU tie
lf-lr lu diniu tmil tin m rua.iy ul all uium tur
4,11 klmU uf Intflll, ilivi huu s call.
Imli'lNfiutcnrt), tub., HI. ItlM. It
Fur iwrticulKra iiniuu ul t'uuiwr. Putunnun &
WAN I'tCll. lliirrfHinn iu mwn uu,t city jri
iwrtj to mU til Hium (li-iiinnil Ul nmK liuim iu
luili'M.n,la,'Ci, lull un Co,N,r, raiu.rn.iu A l.'o..
llw rnl tiinu, brukrii. lor iarticulHr.
WKlliHKl) IN TI1K n.VLAN.'K-And fumd
"A tVrfwl UHuiitrio.,'1 Wrilti'i Myrrh Tmiih
8(wi. l'riirviw il, twill. iuriu,w ,h brvmli,
i.'Hiruf,fM tmctvi'in uf lh tmuilh. bulij b)'
Hunter Uicmi nnii Ut'ur)' l'uttvrooci.
M. llMunr ii) cufh
fur ull kiiul
of fur
ltivid the tiuiitll npurl. rwtil tlie mortunry
rtHiI'la. ruttd Iliu iiuhIii'iiI iuliiioaliiili, rmii Uio
daily ni'W"!paH!ns ami Itm.'ii liuw nuln-aprwul ia
UUAI-I tilHCnMi. IlllW llllii.'lllt of llt.Mioil it 111 tu
muni iWHiubs how iii'iny auti li.iw Mitlilu arv II10
iIhuiI, it caiiM. Tutui rinui I Ir. Khnt'a Xrttut
inHun ll'Mrt liiiutn.., ami Jurn wlint tt in. what
cntiKiMil. wlmttlt'uittiw itA'iruM ilaiw tu, wliatili
a)iu,tuiii(i art,, ami lti it may bu altaokiMl. If
yuu bud that yuu liava htart di-wais ak yuur
driitttfiHl fur butt la ul' Dr. Hmt'N lUimtHly.
Tint trcatl niny ho hail uu applkitliou tu .Mack
UrugCu.,K. V.
fiHipar Brna. hnvn Jiint rwwiirtd s fine line of
puna anil ammtiuitiun; also Kiuut iiuwder, and
invite inatHWttuu.
All May Puawiw-Pivirl White foeth, pure
bmath ant healthy iiutua by iihiiur Wriiclit'a
Myrrh TtKith Siwip. Khiuot fnriar snd iirvafir
tn tlie iinamnl. Si.UI hy llunlur and Lueko and
Henry fulHimuii.
HMAI.L TK.V("IX(i.r, I'attmwin A Co,,
the rva! ewtate briikiira, have awurwi auiue laud
which they nun nllor iurt'haHom in uno, two anil
live nt'ra trantH. JVriua reuMuuahh'. Call and
aoe them.
Is a giHal lionllhy,,HHilly skiu. Few nre
aware of tlie short time it lakes for a dis
ordered liver to cituso blotches ou tbe fuoe
und a Hark greasy skin. One bottle of
liLOOD will restore tlnsorgnu
to its uatnral mid livulty tate,and clcmise
tlie blood of all impurities. It Is meet
ing with wonderful success. We guaran
tee every bottle.
lli'sTisii & Looks. Druggists.
The people nui i'i'l Wrlulil'e t'nthnrtie l,lvcr 1
lliviaunutir, hh t-iiti uon. Known rumtniy lur lur
piil liver, ilysiM'iwia, eonsuvonona, auuraumiaoli
and kiniiri'd ailmi'iila. Huhl Hy Huslur and
Uu'ke, and Henry l'litU'inuu.
A tlOOU t'Ol'tfll KYKl'l.
There ia iiothiug it parent should be so
careful about on neloetmg a ooukIi syrup,
Begg's Ulicrry Cough Syrup ountno more
tbnn the chimp and inferior niMtrnins
thrown on tbe minket. Tbe bent u none
too good, be Bine and gut BEGOS
it nu hand all tlie time.
BusTuit & Lockb, Driiggists.
A HKHAT (lANiljTraver evoi'J part of
the human hody. awl ia rilled with bltiuil. lioml
hiuml ia unliMitmimbJe tu hudlh. To suire
IV.,;. ,K,- I ',........, .,1 l,sv,,l ,if H.NU.
pnrilla. Huld hy Hunter .t Locke and Henry
J. W, Sparklln, tuaohor of piano anil owan.
Terina, $3 per month of two leaenna per week,
Aihlrosa P. 0. box 33, Indupeuili noe, Or,
,'. 12-lllf
Anion Btronir, whoiw reatnurant in rlnlein
oue uf tlie heat, hue niven atnel iMirHouul ntten
lion to the wants ot hie eusltuuere unit hentie
Iik built tip a largo trude, lie uivva good
awaltertne. .
nt liny ynnr tloKeta r,ar or
rVjLjj K C. 1'entlHiul. Loweat
Talva anil moat I'lirora (trantoit, (,'ull at the
Heat Diilo uiUvv.
tiwiils Co. Mil food, ia tb Wbm Mldimf,
Mnia atftMt, IadtiBlsM.
tttmm tsfc rnar miss mi) bsllsr to Rakl
Mum ua Mua ntt,
Hsokls isif tb hilswtprtt(araU kiadtaf
nmnut proUuos,
A ttm oholc Uisps t Hwklt.
Mr. K. O. Heath, of I'ortla4,
accompanied by ft gentleroan from
Ohio, is in tho city on brudnow.
Go to the Weht Side Job Offleo
for "home bllla" and hop tickete.
tqi, Pattern & Ci
Invite Your Attention
-TO Till
You Should Invest
. IS
1st. Without being the COUN
TY SEAT Without being the
TERMINOUS of any railro!, it
is now the LARGEST CITY io Folk
County, either in population or
wealth. ;' '
2nd. It is surrounded by a line
farming country Is a shipping
pointthe only one in the county,
on the Willamette river Ia also on
tlie Southern Pacific line of Rail
road. 3d. Property during the past ,
year has advanced in ralue, and
the coming year promises to see
values advance faster than ever,
and the reasons why this ia to be
true, are based upon the following
projected enterprises;
The extension of
the West Side Rail
road to Junction.
The building of a
Motor line to Mon
mouth. The building of the
Albany and Astoria
The building of a
Railroad from New
port to Salem.
The rebuilding of
the Prescbtt 6VVe
ness Saw Mill on a
larger scale and
with a more com
plete plant.
The erection of
Now is the time to
Call at tho office of
d examine their list
teS-No trouble to show Property.
Oftice, second door south of C,
on Main st.