THE WEST SIDE, the gbcat problem. E. C PEN'TLAMV Tim wliolu world In PiircAiIlv 1 1 i i I UOllSIlCf watohimr tho cottnto of events as the struggle govs ou botwwm cpl FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 21. llfcX). M u mbor. KU'h your in the United Stut whvs new eonsolid A eorrwpomloQt f;mra lion- atiou intomrtv until the timt mouth for the count v s..k tr im swniis not mr distant when a few people are allowed n vol An n.J corporations will control the com question. Monmouth would cor- u,mi interest of . Uo world tin!y suit a great many ixxiU, " ,s to " "1no' Are wo t0 s" nditisentirelyanuvttorof choice kllJ bJ' Blld waU'u tho WM'IM"t of the rmoiilo. mouoply entwining its sinuous . , ioMs about ust (JNDKtt tne guise of symmvthy -When llenrv Cltsoiiro wruln his ironi me JJaliasites, tlioir ortnu novol work ''l'oveitvaiuilV.wwss" hows the sharp claws, nndor the tho ideas it contained were scoffed velvet glove, and in grossly uiis and ridiculed, and yet the demand representing Indemdonce, hopes in so. emit for a remedy of the to elevate his on n little burg iu the givwlnjr evils of concentration, that opinion of the outside world, who societies are already formed in may be seeking a location far every town of import mice to en wemseira or friends. era a into our twlitleal system the U........ ml. . K. bling aott Tho book "Looking largely frit. A Uta n,l.llll.ii ..... I ....... ...... thA ...... ...'111 I " iim li'ww to literature of a mast cleverly written book called ''Looking Backward' by Edward Hellumy, an American author. The writer is supposed to bo living in the year 2000 ami looks backward at what has been accomplished. The in dustrial world has nuiroue a most wonderful change. Tho govern ment represents capital and the people labor. All traded and pro fessions receive tho same pay per Backward'' by aya that in w state and county coverumeut will be dispensed with. "Will not the preseut "court hout lust tlmi long with caret v MWfc) kMV VWl (IW (C u UUVI but if it continues to cross the "pons atinorum and net like a oelerat, in detraining this town or another it will cause lMm to be come separate and apart from the rest of the county: and instead ol Jll.v wom(u belong to the in getting a new court house it will be Jwstral army as well as men. There inhabited bv mml-tui-tl, nml 18 n money, no merchandise lizards for the nest decade. stores, no idlers, no destitution, no want The youth of the land A gentleman from the East says are educated at tho public expense that the only way to settle a comity as was done in Sparta. At the eat fight is to let the people vote ago of twenty-one nil men and upon it strictly on its merits. Thai women must enter in one county wherelie lived one Uruiy and serve for thm years at faction kept the people from havinu unskilled lalwr. At the age of a vote for thirty years ami the other twenty four the choice of life work retarded the buildins of a court is made. At the age of fort v five ' house. ' It would bo better for both the life work ceases, and towns to have the matter settled no Ud then comes time fur Tks years npi there was a vote on the re-location of the county scut in 1'olk county. Dallas signed a paper agreeing not to ask for a new court lion for ton years. On the strength of there being no new cou.t house to. build, the people voted to let it remain where it; k i'ituits is eiaiuoriiiiig lur a new court house, and tho jMiple say. "not until we have another vote." Never until we have thnt vote will the (jucnMou be settled. The asser lion that tho county ' must- have a new building is all bosh, in Lane county, they have no better court house, hi Taeoma and Heat tie the court houses are not expensive buildings. The plain fact is that Dallas wants a new court bouse to hold tho county seat against any change, while the pwplo want a vote on a change before they are taxed to build a new courthouse Of the two plans, w hich is govern ed by the most HcHUh motives. matter what the result. Ths Observer says "onr last sick of flour was exhausted daring the flood' and that "a bout did come up from Salem to carry provision: when the last sack was exhausted.'1 But Dallas, etc., etc., why did you rnero wait for our messenger when you meditation. No tillas are held to property by private indi viduals. No fortunes are held. Woineu marry for lovo only. The brightest and most perfect physic. illy only are mated. The race le conies stronger physically. As is uo wealth, there is no poverty. As all persons choose l lit Hr wh wnm ki irvi n n iiu k-iiiiw i . "iiuoir proiessious aim an are re )!.! .lt. .1 I ,u m u iuniuij UrardiHl al ke. bv miviii for us all the tiino of the Hood, uud from tho government, the vuy uiu you not muKo a maniiesra-1 inepntive to eiiLM-o in dis-i-ar.-fnl " cs tion of your sympathy right then! Oh if your fore sight was only equal to your hind sight. It is one of tho grand features ol our republican government that in all our wars, mercy has been shown the conquered, and the hand ol charity has beeu quick in respond ing to the distressed; but at Dalke- is a one horse newspaper, that pre tends to represent the sentiments ol the " citizens of the county seat. which, because a town h:ia been unfortunate, which is a rival, gloats over its misfortunes, and talk abont the people as "drowned mil rats." Such a spirit would not stop at criminally assaulting a man because of a difference of opinion. Shame ou such journalism! lines of business is taken awav. rhis is the picture drawn by the author. Let all those who enjoy giving play to their imagination read this book. It has had an im mense sale. There arc however many thoughts, which have long igitated society, and if ever any such reform is carried out it will be in free America. Free to day, but unless conditions change, soon to be no loiiL'er free. Wo must still advuneo in regulating the social world or else there w ill be a return to feudal days. Monmouth and Dallas Items came too Into for Publication. Now !u. it C. P. Iltiiitlimton owiin Hie Narrow (iniige, mid lins Hgrued to com plete the Atttm'la nml Smith (M rail Mid, will tu'the plan of operation or the rotuM I)ihm It not tvin iro- tmhle taut till wost fthte will he umile thu mid ii line Into I'ortlttiiil'.' Soiiu'iline liwt full we tvuHMiiN-r py liirf eiwu wilwerlptton to lu-lp p.vhit the exterior or the Melh.Hlint ehuit-h of this city. Kiiher tlmt elnireh nhoiild tie pulnte-l or oar money ivl uriuMl. mix inontlw Is t(K) lon(j to wait heloiv eom nieneiiiif w ork, The world-wide imputation of Aver'n irsjiimi-lll:! Is the imiiiml result r Km uri.ilti)? vitliiu in I.I.kmI medleliio. Nothing, In the whole pliuriimeox'lii, etlVcU ui.iie Htoiitlili)tJT riults, In m-rofula, rheuamtUm, geneml dohllliy, ami nil form of IiIihkI ilimviie, than thin remedy. Mr. llnjih lluldvviii, of ClienyeilU-, Ivansiix, write to huvo hit milwi-rlpiloii to tho YVKxr 8iu: renewed, nod Hev. K. It, Murgatroyd, of Mount Vernon, New Jersey, H.iy lio cannot yet tils-H'ii-K. with the new of lil friend tit IlldejK-ndelU'e, " Some udvertUin nppeitr'.ourprlMeil w hen we reAca them upmv, hikIi they want, hi thU i,pi r. The truth l thut durhi our dull wt;iii w hen we would eut oitriuqK-r all to pioeen toTavor uu advertlier, tl.ey do want u:i ail-verlW-ioeiit. In our Inixy mviimii thev want iw to kUc tlieiu h;i!f the paper for a mouth or two and at the same prle- as the yearly customer. When we add an extra prle f r xhort h-rui they ihhi Klderthey ImvoarlKht to "kick,'' hut If the truth wvro told thin puKr. him the iiiiMMuu-w fiird )l!i,'lhij"klekliii," WANTKO.-Ai -n.(-i:iio neoi AT ON,'K, Sli wiipl .ymwil. Hirjf. Ailillwu. M. J . M. en W .i iu nSi.-, 11, BADLY DAMAGED. The bull frog organ at Dalbu croaks about the people of Inde pendence digging up three or foin hundred names of persons ncvei heard of in Polk county, and thu defeating the building of a court house. How does the "sympa thizer" know that they cannot be "dug up" again, with a few hun dred on top, either on remonstniu ces or at a vote, and that is what hurts. It wants to date the busi ness back so that all new comers ol whom presumably Independence has the most connot vote and let that vote decide tho question. What a miserable craw ler he is. What a fine idea of liberty. II may be a pleasant theme for the effects of the flood at Independence to be magnified by the merciless tryant; but trying to impose tax ation without representation is dan gerous, lesit is dangerous. LAW ENFORCEMENT. The whole community insist that their officers shall bunt thieves, and every citizen is ready to assist in the arrest of the person who has robbed him, and to appear as a wit ness against him. But we do not find ourselves equally willing' to aid the officers to bring to punish ment those who are corrupting our youth and desecrating our Sabbath and wrecking our homes. Laws against these evils fail to enforce ment unless they are backed by an organization of those who be lieve in the laws and are willing to sacrifice something to secure their enforcement. It is a common thing in the United State for those per sons who see a great wrong to;seek to right it by securing additional legislation. But a remedy more frequently lies unused in the exist ing law than most people suppose. While the temperance people have been contending for more law to regulate, or some statute to abolish, the liquor traffic, the law and order leagues have undertaken to do away with all the evils of that traffic wnicti are proniwteu by the existing laws, and they have succeeded in many hundred cities and towns beyond their expect ation, v . . That "moto" in the t-ye of tin - .... 1 s . roiK county viwrrrr is growing laiger and larger each week and is causing Us vtctom a great deal ol irritation and uneasiness. The mote h;us grown so much that it has become "Independent, the gpuit commercial center of Polk county." Wo are sorry to see our observing friend su Turing such tor tare from so slight a strain on his optic nerve. Why, we have gazed upon this grand and 'sublime scene for many years, and have also pointed out tho name to many of our friends all of whom were unani mous in their opinion that "Inde pendence was the commercial cen ter of Polk county." Although the view was dazzling, still it did not cause the slightest uneas iness in the direction of theoot ic 1 nerve. Therefore, Mr. Olmrver, there must be some constitutional weak ness in that eye of yours which it; would be well to look after, but you know tho commandment; "If thy eye offend thee, pluck it out.'' By this time you fully realize thai you can't pluck Independence out, that is a foregone conclusion, there fore, Mr. Ohnereer, let tho eye slide. If tho high, dry and salubrious climate of tho little town of Dallas is so healthful as to cause a scarcity of medical skill, just waltz yourself over to tho "Commercial center of Polk county" and see how quickly our skillful physicians will subdue that "unruly member" of yours j and tone up the system generally. Rich and Poor, Prince nJ Pututuat, the Millionaire nml Iny Laborer, ty tlielr (xntmion una of thl ronmlv, iict tint world-wills ri'fw nlatloa of Ayor't Mils. Li-mling giliy. Irian rocoauuciul tlmso iii!n for Stomach and Liver TroiiWoi, (Vntlvo. rum, lUltoiiMuwi, unit 8U-k Hiutilnrh ! lo, for ithiiuiiiiiisira, JiiiimlW, and Ntmral;lft. Tin-' are Rtignr-cuulml ; con tain no ealoim-l j ur prompt, but uilld, Iu 0)ration ; ami, thereto, tint vury lawt mmlliHti Family t'so, a well iui for Tmvelvra ami Tourist. " I tmvfl ilurlvmt (Treat ri-llef from Ayer'n nil. 1'ivB jeiiu no I wu Ul.t-u so 111 Willi Rheumatism , Unit T was mmlilo to An ny wnrk. I took tliri-o bum of Ayor'n I'lll ml ws eiitlivlv tiired. 8im- tlmt tlinn I nm n.'viT without lmx ot IIuh pill," I'oUir CI, rlt.1. uscii, blivrwooil, W'U. "Ayer" I'lllt tmvo been In turn In my family ii.nnl.i of twenty j-niun ami liuvn i-i innli-ii-ly vi'ritii-il nil (but 1 rlalme.l . r in mix, k of pllm, frnin wbi Ii 1 KoHi-tfil iiuoiv year, tlmy ftlfor.l g :;t.-r lobi-f tiiui'i ntiy iiiIht ini-ili. In,- I ,.vcr tii, ,l," X, F. Ailaiiw, Holly h pi in,;, T.'xun. " I liiiro uml A-rt VWU for it num-lii-r uf jcr.i-, nml lmt-n ncvi-r fimud any. tliliij; cipml t,i tin-in fur jtlvliiK inu mi! 11ml liiiiuitii I'tiuiKy 11ml i.ii: UK ill to ihn H!i-m, Iulwuv kiwp tlii-m Iu tin- li.iu.!ii."-lt. l. Jucksou. V llnilii!toii, livl. " Two bo:ii a of Afcr'i I'ill cured us of svvoru Headache, from wblrb I won lonp ft BtifTnror." . JCiuinn Ki yi'S, llulili;u'iisinii, Jliww. "jyiii'iicvi-r I Bin imulili-il with run. Mlpiitimi. urmiiliir from bum 11I uppptlto, Ayor'u I'ilU srt mi- riula aaiiii." A. J. Kiser, Jr., Il.ii-k ilousc, Vu. "Ayer' Till urn In gem-ntt dntnamt nmuiijj our i'iisiimiu-iii. Our milen of thiim cxn-ml thiiHii u( all otliur pill rom. binoil. V loiMi ncvur known llieta fall to plvo itnlini mitisfiu-tlon." W right Si. llumiflly, San Jii-go, Tuxa. Ayer's Pills, Or. J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Sold by all Dcalcri In Medicine, Tho Fcrtlanil tad I k la Hirssmen and Hop CrowcrsI he i!T m 1 m, INOEPCNDPNCC, OR, Is rivmrtd U) Print IIOU.SU IULUJ mid HOP T1CKHTS tit the lowest prices. Prluthitf of ull kinds executed on short 111.1t Ice by nn experienced JOlt I'ltlNTKIt. A. VW,HON, lVoilelor KELSO & RUBBER GOODS. LACES at cost, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, l a i ) n :s 1 1 n t 1 w w k a r , W, II WIIHELHR ll illfHiHeil of hi Inrgo Ilnlbliiy Sim k, but hit Hue Hug of SCHOOL BOOKS, Stationery AMI NOTIONS. CWPETSIXETS 1 Furniture and Wall Paper AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. n-ftRII-RRRi niid: IIDW 1.1 ,C.S. . - "it eN. " - '.'.1 cIh. " , .'IU cU " A. I. WIIITliAKHR 10 ct. M cl 17 J CtH. 20CIH Iudeiendence, I Oregon ( A H AWli ( ) I I '( ) R T U N I T V T A S TO V E liV the Next. 30 J.Mys - 15 L-V tv . 'iTlTiriir 171 I" BA , Mae a lare supply of STOVES which they will sell for -LHSS than COST, for 30 lays. All not sold by "that time, will he sent hack .to the Wholesale Mouse. CALL AND SICK TH1CM. HENRY WALLER liill II. M. LINKS, Funeral Director ANT UNDERTAKER! . . i..-ii -k j i- m tfTk." ,. -'1.1 i it . m i rs.. A full and complete line of Fu nernl (jouiIh hImavh on In n STORE. 1 (kirc to inform the residents of all Polk county, that I have, opened a '.veil .selected stock of BOOTS and SHOES, on tl,t. west side of Main st, near C, and I wish my oil friends to call and inspect my stock. No matter whether you need a pair of HOOTS or SHOES for yourself, your wife, your brother or your sis-tor, my stock will contain Something to suit you. 1 wish you to under stand that it is, with me, "Do - You - Wve- to - Eat, -OB- EAT TO LIVE?" "WHICH?" J. D. IRVINE, THE : SROeEfl, WANTS TO, KNOW. If you mt to live, you wDt to getMbstantlal food and it the very lowest prices, and Irvine Is the one to wll yoa good. If you live towit all and tm what delist he hae in hie fancy (rocery line. All the vpry niwtana freeheat, just wnat an epicure dwires, , Don't forget that flne stock of , Crockery, Glawswnro and Lamps. LOOK IN THE SHOW WINDOW, W. K. COOPER. R. I). COOPER. COOPER Bfi OS., -DEAI.KR8 IS- STOVES AND TINWARE. JUST RECEIVED! L M W Of CUTLERY, Direct From New York. The New Brick. - . Mnin Stiver W. G. SHARMAN, jlercbaot Tailor. H. H- Patterson., Oregon. DRUGGIST Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. I Trouble Ami ;ifici' Show mk j-on liue m-i ii Cifin, vhen joil wsiril Iu -i. (tc SUITS MADE TO ORDER, FIT GUARANTEED. Custom Goods for Merchant! and other recut and pressed. I will open monll,ly .ccomita with Merchant, at Independence and Monmouth for recottlnp. C STE33BT, Opposite 3?. O. ISIil JOHNSOIST, 13est find CheapestJLiVERY, feed - Vim will buy of ine, 5 v J The Junction City Pilot came out In blue paper and the Hherldun (.'mtritr on manllla wrapper during tho flood. On Tuesday afternoon the steamer IIouk of the O. P. company came up the river loaded to her guards with two hundred und forty-soven tons of wheat dlstlned for Ban Francisco via the Ya qulna bay, - "Dallas lias 80(1 majority" und yet will continually tight tho demands of the people for an enabling act. Dallas will not have thine or four hundred railroad men Just entering Dallas with a railroad, like she lind in 1K80. Elder F. 15. Jones will hold divine services morning and evening lu the Christian church next Sunday. Bubject for the morning "The Border Line," and for the evening "The Identity of the Church." . , j Are in tho Market for Flax Seed ' and odor to furnish SEED TO FARMERS at liberal rates.- They also o!l-r to contract flic crop at tho highest market price. For particulars iipplly to PORTLAXI) LIXSHKI) OIL CO. lm . ... 'rl,.inil. Oi f"mn. Tf?e Celebrated French Cure, a 6 o o 25. W (!) W Q -en era C3 CO n) C3 c5 trr. 111 o z Hi Q Z L'J Q. UJ Q Z mmim mi m the II. 1). WALIJCK, 1 IlIlopOIKl(MlCl LADIES. rop'r, Oregon. anil SALE STABLES. BURNS, DALTON & CO. FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS AND REASONABLE RATES. Stock left in onr care wim well attended te. SPECIAL ICCOlOOlIIOliS F0 COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS MAIN STREET, : . INDEPENDENCE, OR. School Books and The Largest and the LU cc w z to cura BEFORE AFTER ri-ifiiiiiiutl In HDI.n ON 4 POSITIVE GUARANTEE Jo cure iiny lorinnf nnrvwii fl Infill Lit, or any (llnonliir of the Ri'H(irllv or Kiim ol rlther ti:x wMliemr. iNinir frnin IK.. xclv lino of Hllmlilu,it, Tnlmcco or (iplum, -" j. ii i iitiiiNrrwioil, ovyr tin lllir- iioo, Ac, imoh n, Loin of HikIii pW(,r, Wakeful- .1 i '--rf---- "na i i.m.inLinii mii-iuril. I tmlHHloin, Uiioiirrliow, lilnliiM Wcnk Mom- OrV. I.OHOf PolVlrlll ltnr...,.... tr ... f,l5t0p1rl'),,li" I"-o'iintiirei,U,ri.H,i Ity. Crlco f 00 box, 0 Uixm for 15.00 Hunt uv mall on nwnl.t if prlrc ' orilnr, to refund tin, Im.ii,oy If l'.iinn-ii. turn 1h not, n(T .kk.,1 ti, ...,i.. " ... .V " , "." fmm old and youiin, of both KX, pori.iriMitly curud liyArrmmimNs, Cln-ii!nr five. Adiliosi THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WH8TK11N HIIANI.'II, . E0X 27, PORTLAND, OR, For bhIu Bnstur A Locko. Pearcc & Jackson, PltOPHIRTOKK OK: THE BON TON RESTAURANT. Best Call and Examine our Goods. All Kinds of Country Produce Wanted. Stationery -FOR SALE BY- BUSTER & LOCKE. Mnko ii i.ote of tliis,- MEALS-G A. M. to 9 P. r. 25 dn. 9 P. M. to 12 M. no ctn. Jloard $;).50 per week. .v arc ihorifr put U by -":' D. HI. FERRY A CO. Who Art ihu Largest fivaclamen lu llm world, l. M Fi.KHV&Co't Tln;tt!tifnlly llhiKir.itril, J.)ecrlpiva lor tiljo will l nijllr.,1 FKEI to all aiilu:iini, nml lo hint Hiinmm'i eu- tomem. It in lienor ihun ever. .v crv p.-r.on tisiiii; Garden, Flowr or Tk-W HE KOB uliuuld ncnd forit. U. M. KERRY 4. CO, UtTHOIT, MICH. Goods Delivered Free in Monmouth. . BURNS, ' DALTON UG. The Public is Most Cordially luvitcd to Call and Ww 0r Latest M Stock ofWriUn,,;;; ,".-, mm am U.e School Books Uw ln the Publio Schools. iu THE NEW F.. V. HI 11 XX, Miiin HtiBut., liiiliipnnrlnnco, oiiiiltii Ojiorn' , ' . HllUHO. ' - . Repairing neatly done, work guaranteed. All T. O. FUyUA. & II H HI 1 1 H I FtltEAliMS OP ALL KIXDS RE- I'AlItKl). Guiw and niniiiiitloii kept in stock. I Miiib Htn-el, . , Opimuiw Opura IIoue I Liver) Young Feed Horsos. Double and Single Teams tti : Silt I Now Riding " g Horsos. First clusw Turnouts for Commercial Travel. t. North End Main St., . .