The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 14, 1890, Image 3

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Ukvi'MSKH 0 tlie tlrst trwlu till
w-k Jantoa IVkwv ami Mr. Tlasue,
datittliloir of Mr. Kll Johnson, rvturuwl
from Iowa, Ttwy will rvntaln aoiiw
Htiinnit vlalt.
Nkw Dwkixino. Just wwtofth
prvauytiM-lan rrouats B. Ml Kata la
cwtluR n two story, Aiuare, frame real
ttouw. The flume I ur, weather boatxl-
tun on and an soon as lumber I
liail It will 1 comik'lM, when he will
have a home to which he en Ht
with r-rUUs
Vi.ku Kkhhv.-J. W. Klrkland has
boon U(Hrtitomlln the erection of ap
proaches and a ferry lat on the alough,
ami now a free ferry la In operation
to North InuVpimilenee, The work
wu Well dona and unUkly too. IM
dent living north of town can now
reivllly eroaa with team.
OrU-itiamuL TMOx-rrof. Spark
lin tlmls that the ladl of Imh'twn
.l..n.H am mueh better attomluuta at
tlu praotKi-a on each Monday nltfhl
tiinn the aentlemen. Monday
there were nearly twenty lu attendance
urn! only Ave ueiitlemeB. H eartw-stly
a.kstlie young men to put lu an an.
ixaraiice, A very fine eta -f music
IsMnK practised, and tlie class evince
mueh Interest.
i'irk Ari'AiUTrs Takks. We are
Informed tltrtt sume ludlvlilual lu I into-uit.tom-e
alt her nmlU-loualy, or without
f.MVthoujfht, ha removed one or the
ladder from the hook ami ladder truck.
The regulation of the tire department
ttnd the law of the state Impose a tine
for carrying away of aneh apparatus.
The person who bos thl ladder la re-tpa-sted
U return It, and If any other
are taken the law must take It enurse.
ttt. Valentine day.
Mis. ICdna Hunter I ilek.
Head II. Waller' new ad.
Head the ad of Hunts, latUmi A Co.
Itead the extract from the Dallas
The Tonlo M-U claw lia over
twenty wientU'rs now.
Teachers examination will be held at
Pallas, Fell. 911 It, 1H.
Messrs. ltarr & IVtael are selling
Mueh Interesting matter l crowded
out of thl Issue of the Wmt Hints.
The revival at the Kvaiiirelleal church
laattraetlug a Urr attendance nightly.
The prompt action of the authorities
In n'lrtig th mdwaya Into town I
to be commended.
Mix Nora Hhea I able to be out thl
Him weather, and made thl otlloe a cull
lat Thursday,
Jame Hhurp, a typo of thl oflhv, I
dill very lek. He I bettor tills win k
Ills ruthcr I with him.
Wanted?A lady to learn t,V wrl
ting on the new type writer which II
HIiwhberR has Just receive.
If aay tarm are aulTbrlng thwng'i
liiaaes rrom the 111 let our eiilteii ex
tend them a helping hand.
V. 11. WhawU-r and wife, took Wed
nmulnv Ihui far Albany, thence to
Lrtadnn to visit hi father there.
If liiiloiendem-e hud washed aaji
ami all the people been tlrowueil UKe
Vats.the tHutinrr would have been glad;
but because me atlll survive, It i
Sheriff Smith will collect fixe In
McCoy, Wednesday, Feb. ltfth; Stiver,
theiMth; Hueiiu Vint a, Slat; Indepen
dence, 22d.
Maimoti Crowley, of Crowley, who
wa abut In the arm about two week;
agti, 1 g'lttug along nhvly and rapidly
Lku ISROKKN.t'u lat Tuelay
word w a rv'lved here that au arch j recovering.
dent had wvurnnl at Mr. Plek lxve i Mmloe, the Hint teiimlmt Up
farm Iv
hai"o. Fromthephylclulnal-lll(( r(vtr hero at nine oYlork
iuv we learn that Mr. Ilnve'a farm j vhiluv niorulna. The Orient eame
hotiiw had tlotiH tlnrlug the noot me
dlManee down at ream anil landed Un
toio slilo inv Mr. Oliver Powell w
up Thurday.
Mr. Jam.' U, lU-nnle. of Ami h Sa
lem, eame up on the . . m uney
stingto get the rumuure om w oe,, wkl0iW,lto,l,,kwnf IV Ib-uule, a
a talr ae glw w,y fulling on hl.n
,.i . b.i 1.... jb.itui. l.tml ,1 v i i 1 '
Ikitti nreuKiiiK " v "
... . . ...K.....
bruUiiii; hi ixKty. iiiui ii "- ion'"" j
hlnea'lf flat on hi fiu be '
btvn eriwtoil to death.
(ilve a i-alf enough Ma and It will
lHlU haw hang llaelf. Tbl. U U on tl
eiaiiity eourt hmio ipieatlou. Jwpie
are getting dlguted.
Hou, IowM:o.-n Wednelyj IL N.eltey, mayor of our cl.y. ba
wen uutiniig in iii'"'" ""
dlmrewi wherever found, and remove
"Kprlng hath eome etc."
Mllle la Imppy now lue W. C. ha
relumed home.
The ear pa tlirotigli here every day
on their regular trl.
Si tli Itlgn, of tak Drove, wa vtalt-
lug friend here Hominy.
Mint Joanna Powell, of Hberldan,
ha lavn vUlllug here the jminI wwk,
Die bridge acroM thelough near thl
pliu wim xvaahed out by too uigu
On aceonnt of the bad road, no Sun
ility Kehool or ehureli wa held beie
Our lck are all i"onvaUwnt. The
gtMMl weather ha Uvn a gMd help to
everything. - -
The atrong wind caused aevernl tele
graph mleU l iMine,,bor dovombnl"
the last week.
MIm Hamlt llrldwell and Ml Mill
Whlieuker wew vUltlug fi'lend lit
Monmouth, Thurwlay.
rteveral gull were blown over
from theeoaal by the wind during the
nient iitonu, and itoped at tbl plai"e.
T L. Weaver, who haaUi'ii attend
luir fc'bool at Liifayetlo, relurueil home
and will on uommenee teaching the
llrldgcport aeluMil.
Mlw Ibrtle Wblteaker and Ml
Mettle llonney have returned home
from the O. N. H. where tlu'V have
U"eil atteudlug eehmd.
An agent rupreaeutlng aMmmen-lal
agency In rortluud, wa doing our
burg liwl "k. Farmer had U'tter
leave nel fellow alone,
Severn! of our young men inprleil
ome of the good nple of thl plmv
Friday evening by aerenadlng them.
We Invite them to call again,
J, W. llrldwell tartM ror l-.oia
Saturday, but had to return on vnunt
t.f the brlilge aero Mud lnitgh and
the Uit 'rente l"lng wahel out.
Iteimrta an that a young .lady trom
Iude"iidi'iu'n will teiii'h the aprlng
term of m hool at tin place, nit hough
imtlilim d ilntto la know u Hb'iut It yel.
I'.IHh Kiiiiouton wti agreeably ir
pilM-d Friday evening ly U-Ing pri-iit-d
with a fine violin by Henry
ItnMitiM. It waaau unexteil premmt,
aiel Kill value It very highly.
evening Mr. Stack, of Monmouth, wa
returning from North liulepeuilenee
with hi b am and wagon, and attempt
ed to drive on the ferry recently plai-eil
on the slough. When the bor- got
the etlW t of the recent lbl.
On-gon City ! nearly one hun- ,
Third term.
Matriculation d.iy lut M-m-lay.
Hu N. h. Ituller left for Portland
Kxerelw are now iniidueleil lu the
dred and thirty thoiiRBiid dollar by the ; new elin l.
.....l,., t).B,t. then It moved nut from i h.hmI. Salem aimut ixiv-itve uiouninn, i s r. rii.iioienuutiiiiiuiiii hmuii
bore milting the wagou and team Into and Portland alxty tbouwtml. j w m, n,,, grip.
bout ten feet of water, and before the j The opening of the Manpiam opera j ylL . MnlkeV, of t'orvalll, vllt-l
hor ciuld lie readied they ; hnuir lu Kr'1') "l" IrlUinl Miu-1 .jmivw itrv VVrlii-ly
drowned. The team, we uilUerauinu ; (jliy vw R imw sml large
. l . I I l.u I. iMtlt lu U I . . . . ,l . ... h.
was a vanmoie won, ."" ."-"- ritnlitouaiilo nu.uenre wan imwin.
and !
hwvy one fur Mr. Staek to lur.
Mr. Pink Patter.:i eame up
Ml t II 1. k - L
Itiekn-alt on niii.iy aioi urugoi ... u (jy .,.,,1,,
niiiiiiiH tlie oniy one oenveno io
i. uutu ..tin.) iiieu riiti
' pnM vk, but i Improving alowly.
irom i ui .1 i... ...... u in:!., uli.t- Krl.
i the rHWft he 'lulu t
i eome up.
i The l't"ilu enteruiiumoiil wilt, no
The mifk i thrown aatae. nai ... , ( Uh, f ,t, year
iymtthetleeouuty wwt ra tl"'u wgmug M11 ttoitlt t well attend." I.
I . I I, A k . I ..LI. I .U.III4
,M.Uiniiii.nMH.....-j M , i .I,,,.,,,,,,,.
I. ...... u..t.u t MvJiifA Ivf tllf 1M11IU. ......
complete at. oflwit d .liiaon . . :nill l,y W. t. C.a.k, the other l.y Mr.
the hi her tide. Mr. Waller ha a full There I no myth alut It. t,ooH"r. Hvki( ,,v,,ry ,,iy Mxv ,mP ft,j.
knowlediw "ftho want of euntomer IVtemon A Co.. have thing their a n , V111IV1)1,.
having wrved bl lime a.aelerk both to the unw, ami a n a. ... . y. (1 , ,,m l, lu-Uup" :
hen- an-1 In other rllie. au-l will, with ; palnt.-t -' mihui nam.- , , , , h, XnA WM,U. T,e ltl
i"',r' I dividual wii rvleucd on proving htm
Iti.iT am Siiok SroltK.- Tlie
penter are at work illvl llng ,,u' ! t,m t)) fr hieh he ha our tbanli.
(truwell l u. mug -" ". , T,,Ilt
Memr. tiruwell lu. win larnpy one
ide and Mr. Henry Waller, well and
favorably known here, will have
hi ftcenuiji'iMltttlng nianuiT. attrael
ml hold a large Hirtlm t.r the alme
trade of tbl town. We wlnh hbn
J. Whiteaker, the furniture dealer, ha
id all hi at 'k of casket and under-1
.liowi itkhI. and ha lu're.iMil bl
atoek of carpel, furniture ami wall
piper and will make a pevialty of
thoae hranchea, and thu will lieen
Meil to wll at the very lowent prlee.
while keeping a large and varied utock
An "ad'' thl week announce im"i
large roduetlon l prli of wall paper
to whieh your attention Is called. Mr.
Whiteaker by atrlek attention to l ul
nc ba given exee.lcnt aatlafai'tlon to
. hi pat run, and hi new and can-fully
eleelcd atoek will repay the exami
nation of all ileeirlng giwd.
FK').vt i.A( KiMKi.H in. P. W. Ha
ley, returned from hi farm In Linn co.
at It'.selt'big, on Tueliy. He " hi
wheat, of which he had about 1500
' binli-lJ, w w a 1ih of about half, from
the water. Hi two atory dwelling,
which I a mile and a half from IHaek
dog, wa washed fmm it foundatlnn
but 1 right Idu up in a new location,
The warehouse at Dlackdog will loot"
about 3VW bushel of grain and the toe
U now being adjusted among the fiirm
cr who had wheat alored there. Con
alduralilo buy ami grain in private
wurehouae will have lieen dealroyed
He say a fur ft be, Individually, I
eoneeriicd hi Ins on the farm laamall,
... , i . i
11' prime n l IUKSI na pmveo mm ..- ( mi gyllty
Ue-Uilenee, wm.e " v ...,.. IlluleV left f-r b.-r home
Uiwn, can aiwi woo h hii k
W nafe fiMUi overllow on atii-h another i
t . ..ill, Im numiiiliiir nietroiHililatl I
... ii I .... .4. .1 !
nil- I WO llivnmii umn ".
tlu. Iiuaine then'. W. O. Cik i tlie ,
owner of one and will prove an ac
commodating driver.
Doctor have an unenviable lime in
walling on palteiil till aeaaou of the
year. They use wagons, bora.-, Uail,
gum boot, etc., and then nuinul
alway ri-aeh their alek.
W. W. William ha las-n conlltied
to the house with the "hen-llew-lu-
from-Qulney," or nometblng of that
krml; but I Wayne as much a ever
now, alnoe the llrst of the week
Mr. D. Cade and family, of Hastings,
Neliruaka, arrived on the Narrow
Gauge at Monmouth last Monday. The
trip from Nebraska wa made lu eight
day. Mr. Cade intemm maKingin
cleiendeiiee hi home.
The new of disaster to railroad on
tills coast now la too common to need
comment. We can coiignitulato our-
aclvea now that we are not owner of
atoek which will be called upon to re
pair the Immense damage.
Mr. Arthur Wilson, UicWkht Hihb
Job printer, went to Kalem lastl'ilday
n lit t irirt. ami me const-
(lueneealwcre that he bad to walk back
. . t I IV... I ....... 11,.
In Salem, Tuemlay, la-lug called honu
hv ii... alekiu of ItiT imreiit. We
; Imp to have her w ith u agiiitl sin
Tiirt Infant child of President and
Mrs. D. T.. Stanley, dlml Tuenday
. j, . ... Hl ... I I I.
inru !IL- I-et. lllll. nil" lUin-nii n
luee from the family nuldelice
tuxil win Hilioiirned ami uiaii.V of the
udeiila uttetided the funeral.
The press fur the new iia r ha ar
ve. and will be in the Huree
iulldin'. The p-r Is to be enllist the
t, nun, mill I) m wmt. and l to t
lUed by M.-Milli-n. We ln-artily wel
.inn Mr. MeMllleu In bis umlerlaklog
and wish for him a pmss.rou future.
JIUTt'Kii Than Kvkii. Mr. (. W.
Venea wu at the headwater of the
Lucklainute getting his log Into the
water when word was brought hbn
that, the aaw mill here had washed
away.- Ho acemed very little dlsturlied
about ttie loss of the oaw mill, but re
gretted losing the lumbor. In answer
to the tjueatlon "Will you rebuild?"
His answer whs "If we rebuild we will
have il larger and U'tter mill In oper
ation tiiere within six' week.". Thl la
certainly encouraging new. Within &
year we look for larger development In
the saw mill and lumber Industry here
in Independence, and what we parti
cularly desire I that all these enter
prise shall move together.
Vkw Faitouy. Ah announced a
abort time ago the property on the cor
ner of Monmouth lreet wn wild to
Mem. OruwellA Ketobum for f 1800,
which Included the China wash house
and th planing mill of Messrs, Mit
chell A Bohanmm. The contract wa
that possession should be given lu
thirty days. This week Mr. Mitchell
ho hod Andy Wilson at, work moving
the dwelling on the south of Kennedy's
livery at able around to the atreetanu
the Chinamen will occupy it while Mr,
Mitchell will erect a new and com
modious building for doing hi work
with engine, planer, ete. On the cor
ner which he vacate a substantial
business, house will be built by Messrs.
GruweU & Ketchup.
trainvahflilldu'tkuow Watt was the
matter the boats weru't running
On Thursday evening Mrs. K. Wells,
mother of Mr. W.P.Conna way .slipped
and fell, while on the sidewalk
,i r,.r nf their residence, and tore
some of the ligaments of tlie left should
er, from which she Is sullerlng muel
For the restoration of faded ami gray
hair to It original color and freshness,
Aver HalrVlgor remulns unrivaled
... ... ,....11.
Thl Is the most popular ami vanmoii
toilet nreimratlon In the world; all who
use it are perfectly sisiiea mat, n
the beat. i ', '
We mav thank our good fortune that
our losses from the recent flood are no
greater. Had the waters really reached
tlm town, the business pan, uwou.u
have been greater, but It lacked several
inrhe of entering many building
except two, ,
Mr. ii. W. MeBoe, one of. our county
nnmrnissloners ha been buy at worn
examining tho bridges In thl part of
the county and says that damage are
not iierlv so sirat M ttni) renorteil.
The Wmpson bridge l thl only total
loss on the Lucklamute, awl the other
are not badly Injured. ,. lN
Mr. Ben Chur-h and wife, of Mon
mouth, returned from tho Ha on
Haturday having mode the trip mm
Michigan over the Northern Pacific In
only six doys, ';o Portland. Mr. Church
savs the weathor this year was very1
much like ours here, and be did not get
to go sleigh riding during his visit.
While Kugvue, Albany, Indepen-
... . ,.. . i. . .... i. ..r
iinee ami Kiieiii were in mu pani oi
the lined and all sulfered mow or lea,
et Oregon City, on account of the lm
. . . " . i ...... .. i ........
niense tacuiries mere .uum-u ni"".
Here I a summary taking from the
Oreri'MliDi of tho low:
As previously stated, It Is linpollile
to give accurate or even approximate
figures. One hundred thousand nmy
cover It, and It may reach twice that
sum. The following figure are partly
the estimate of the owner, and when
they could not be seen, my own:
Wlllsinntt r'Mlln I ii'P ana I'iimt
hnllnr hillMII, tlll:ll, lug Mll UUllll-
Intf inntcrlat. V1
Wlllaincll Kail Kxwl4ur li linllil-
Imu.. miM-lilimry anil wish! -
Orc"ni:it Mmmineliirlinf ( i,..cliiiiinHftt
bullillugs, iiinclilni-ry, mipill- una
girnclK ,
t'ciriliiiiil Kliiiirlng Mill lU, iIioiiuko lo
biillrtliiifii, iliiini-s, iiiiii'liliiery ml
dmir . m)
OiiKn t'Uy Miwmlll, inlll, iiiiu-iiliinry
Iwu hw-tory an.1 liiiiibi'f ...
f!rmvn laHir ()"., eiilldlnu inalerlul
Wlllumnttn .Triiiminirliillim iiml ua-k
(VI.. lllllllllltn to llM'llH, l)lllll lllPftK-
water, wiirrhi.iisci ami tuilldlnxs 20.""'
Oil-noil CHy Klis'trln l.lglil Co., linllilliiK
ntnl iilliiiiri"
H. H. Cullir.ti Co,, plunliiK mill niniuiiiK.
Oregon City Furniture Uo liualier and
itaiaagml manliliiKi-y
Chnruinn a Hon, clry g'i unil niuiu-
.I.HiiIIIhk, dry gimrt. 1:M
0. R. A, l-'n-ytay, gnaianes aail lumber. (W)
Charmnn Urn"., biilldlnif 3i
I'hiirimin llnm.. brli-k Tttl'il... KK
KiiiTtm W'mr sniKi-The Polk
county iMmrmr of Feb. 11th ha sud
denly awakened lu the met that mere
has biH'ti a IIimhI at Iiulc"mlene. ai
no other town In the Willamette val
ley, according to tho 0'nwn have the
Iomcm Ueu so great or the water au
deep, a at lndeHiudeuee.
lu fact we dotitit whether uiv vow-r-
vrr has la-en apprised of the fact, thai
any other town In the valley no neon
vlslteil by water or has met wun any
but Indeiwndence up to the time
of the Issue of Feb. 11th, ISUO. During
all thl time since the flial, the Oo-
freer ha had a mote lu 11 eye and
that mole ba Isjen lndeptnidene.
Although the rising waters of the
LaCreole had swollen beyond her
Iwuk, wiH"plng away mill, bridge
and fence luuiulalng ivaluablu bop
land and damaging the commercial
lntcr.l of Dallas several dollar
wi.nli. i Kr m-ueral Information of
the public we would aay that thl 1 the
town where tho Vlmrrtrr I printed,)
yet lu the face of all this, the l)ti-rrr
can with all the dllutereUslno of a
good Samaritan, overliaik It own
trouble and pour forth the treaaure
.r lis team ami svmiwlhv UImiU the
distressed Mipleuf lndca'ndeni'e.
While the uppoed loi"-a of Iude-
iK-mlence a at lltt were roughly eu
inalvd at Si'iio the (Xitrnvr wa
sunreiui-ly hatipy In doing II benovo-
lent work, Oh, It bad barrels of tear
andyiiiiMlhyi and bad this estimate
Imh-ii even greater they atlll had plenty
of tear and aympalliy lu store, and
Hill could pare more for the dlatreweu
iH-onle of iiileiidenw. Hut now
after a eart-ful survey or the tieiu.our
total loHM- are now found to be only
altotit '.is). at nii-l. Then the
mrcr I mad and want U to give
liaek a Urrel or two of her waaled Ur
and vinimthv. Now, Mr. (Xwrvrr,
yoii must lu au emergency of thl kind
cxeh-lse gnat imtlenee, try and lint let
your angry passion rte. We promise
you that we never Ihoughl ouee of all
iboM li-ar and aympathy. I ry ami ia-
nr -nelled lo the l" of the tear, for
you know they are gone and a we
haehad unite a wet time any way l
late, Just let them limit away With lit'
receding water of the ImK rente.
You have, however, given u one
... . . 1. .. . 1.
Item of t ea wtileli we mui inaii
mi fr. We illd not know that lieu-
lerson Murphy's arthiHieliH-t"l U-
on hi farm four mile above Indi-pen-
li in w na one of our "llxun'.,,
isinslder that Item of lntofiualMii
worth at least calculation one year
ulm-riptUm tothe (,mrir.
Ye, Mr. tt'-cerr, we had some
high waters," lu Imliis-inU-ni-e a
... ... ........ i.. ii...
well a HI every oioer n'
Willamette valley, but we were par-
IcularlvoWrvaut of the fact that they
were not high enough to keep out that
gcm-roii and 'ayinilhcllc" eilltor of
(he oWi-ce foiiu tha town where ne
rniiiv to dmp tho tear ami exteml tlie
hand ofsyiupnlhy to the jsair in-tn-smil
Hiplcof hl"ltcrtown."
Now, amtrdlng to our olwrvlng
Mend on account of tho recent ini in
the stale of Oregon and the whole Pa
lil," want In general, Polk county
should have no enabling act; n the
,nimrv the little town of lhillaa
shoul.l lu all due reason remain the
if -..ii nf I'nlk forever, and for
ever, Pcrhui we bad not better atop
bore, but eonilnue the line nf argument
adndeil by the (Hmrift, vU: eousliler-
inif the fact that Henlou, l.inn ami
Marlon eimntlewcrevlnlled liy a lltsal
and a tlu-lr county w-als were lnuti
IuImI. thai the proia-r move now to
make la to ciinsnlldate these counties
with that of Polk lu view of making
ihilla the county seat. And now while
we are alauit it, In order that th work
mav U- done, and well done bat, let ua
remove the state capital Itself from the
nreseut lowland tsislllon, to the classic
high lauds of Dallas on the bank of
the LaCrcole, when-all fear ofltiaal
Mini deadly "miasma" will forever lw at
Now Mr. ftfwwr we again reiterate
Ihc slab ut that our total low" lu
the town of Inileis-udelldeiu-e will not
exceed JKHKKl. No water entered any oi
the grain warehouses In Independence.
Hie grain Is all lu as giaal condition as
when placed there. Are you glad or
aorrv ntv friend? Which ever way you
feet, please don t w aste any more tears
Not one of our dwelling nnusca noaie
. , ..1...I !... l.u
away. Are you inn gum oi ten ..
t mu aorrv to aay we did liaiac one or
two or our bridges, which the county
must help us to build; but don't worry
too mueh over this for your prooriion
will not ! (treat, and even If It was
you are so willing and anxious to assist
Hiid sympathize with us lu our distress
you know. The small freight houses of
I lie O. P. and U. P. H. It will soon be
rebuilt by theat) companies. 1 'resent t
A Venea will rebuild a better and a
more substantial mill, which they In
tended doing even If the old one bad
nut washed away. A la'gc portion of
their lumber will be recovered tnoet of
w hich Is only a short distance below
town. '
In conclusion we would say that our
losses though considerable am no
,ri...ter than we can liear, and let us
add, thai, "even though they wore ten
time greater than they am, that the
crocodile tear and oat-claw. sympathy
or the Polk county Vlmrvcr would be
a burden greater than all the rest for us
to bear. . Very Truly Yours,
cue mim.
The tymnilhetU Cher Whloh VI
MtS lit Tltv WBIIHV rvviii
Th War
Taksa from Uis tHiltss 0tMirsr,
Thr Is) llin whs ftirtrn smms to
tw ylrluii, wlin ewtins wun r oi an mj
f..ii.a turn will show oilir f i"" ''"d
nal and rwwnlliil nature Ut husu uisia llnna
aliluiM uf III nuwt iKiutaiiilillbla tistiiin uiiill
ll uH.iaii uniMowaui-, nisn a -si. iw
imsow MMiuiililtil. ll mli IHsl t ilr mail
luu.,, .nu.u,,! unil I tar will Until Ui
Ilia laat lor tltoir rlsliU, Thl I th suni ol
lb lua. hur in ll mainly at ih I'T'U
lima. Kur naintli at Hi elUsans of IhU
ulsiv ha rva.1 minimi nr w.liiinn In lh
iiri.iilii wrmmi anU U'l-rai.liU Imiii In
,i.,;,lu..i. Mianwl una ot wl.leU lallfd lu
IvaHailaa aUiru.L wlill aim aama inn
thai vlaiw waa laudU hi in y, ana
M..I.I.V Ihim Ilia aiwrtpllim ll II Wat
iwrlwl mnulla-Miiemiaiii m yiwruuiin
id araplilin and wrytlilii Uil Is aalnlly.
wrliipii by mi iu at nrrw.ia;laul lo
UivOreaniiiaa. W wiiuhl iml sih'mm Mil r-
rMisindaiil ol lltlwuuing ima aw....,i,
....... mmm ...1 i.m wm mnnldnrMiuiy
iullail by uur iilliburs orarlha ;
wy. IhaUiM wbli-li waa rsrUHl luU,WW
wa. iarmy oriiniraww, mm i w m
lu Ihi nui uvr smm.
Nina llioitiwiid Simula b WHO) ana va
that hi s llbtml Mtlinat, rwaint faeU ahnw.
Mr. t'rwaiuli hlwMir, wlio Is br now, m.
aldar bin afllual liaui not ovar Ui M b In.
innila builillug uw and bailor mill aloniw,
ud lha old una waa ot vary lllll valut, Vo
an w il. nut Wk advuuuuj of lha I lurnad
uild down; Th artk'la mmllauna.
Tl.l. i. il hth unl lha Dunn or itulnixin.
. .m wiill awar ul 11. In una Iii.ouim-,
ion, wanhouw--laitdlng Ju.i lha
man iml whhl. waa una ol ma naiuraavi uia
Uiwt.-wi'iil ilowo with II fnlht uf W.uo
un.luil. wliMit. At lha ruling iirb- fur
wbisii llila wuuia ruu wan uu uiwwa mi mm
Tba warnhuusa raferrad to Mag Ui Haa-
dirm Muqihy, and la al !( ftiur itillna
lMi luwtl, and be.liii only annul half Ilia
whisa wiw daiiiagnl a. later rapuri almwa.
Why did th Obwrvar liar nut limludo th
HiMam hrldg a "una of lha flxluma uf Mi
plana." And II euutlnui
Wuuld lliay ha ua bollava thai I'mmult A
Vvm-w wuuld hava hail lhi.rr mill, linnlwr,
.mi., wathad away r any .'ir
I n. and aul tha Hgtima down to tM), Till.
la nut hrMay but iul nwu.
Wuuld Duty tell, ua thai nn Inninvantani-a
Wiu.iilf.-ml frum Ilia rtoud Uaea of "l.lgli
kuil.'. m... Mi.i.ii ii vu namu.rv lu ba
ferriml alxiuillliruugh tba nni-lal airmla uf
ilia bla.ia, Ui aldewalk. ualng allualt
only una bks-ktia th malnilraai b4 any
w.i.r cuar lb alrwl.
They "-"il"! ha th oulalda world ballav
thai iuila geiiorally in Old liidfiwndf nisi n
ii.auiiHi av iuir hi.w, i...v
llml m.ail uf lb hniMM wera ubuiarad
MVVRH, Or., Fell '0.
And now that the water are sub
siding and the old land (marks are
again becoming visible, the damage
done by the recent high water uoooiue
more and more apparent It seldom
wa have high water In our river.
This la the second we have hail In the
last twenty-eight years, and froin all
accounts this on lacked at least one
foot nflielng a high a the one In 'Oi-2,
aYUUTairpoliiU on the Willamette
above tha Hantlain river; below them
however, I believe front what I can
learn that It waa equal to and In some
place excelled the previous record, The
lo of course ha been greater a the
river bottom lire more thickly settled
than then, and tho amount of atoek Is
correspondingly greater, yet It does
look strange to think that old settler
should sit Idly by and allow the waters
to Imprison them and their stack when
the Indications were so strong for an
overflow, Yet It appears as though
they In common with the new arrivals
were caught napping, I hail some ex
perience with thu flood of '01-a and am
not anxious to go through with another
In conclusion let me say that tho
damage to railroad companies have
been heavy, and It will take them some
time ts'fore trafllo will be resumed, yet
they are able to stand (heir loss, but our
sympathy gtwa out to the poor man
who ha lost all or nearly or hi effect,
and who Is disheartened ami dl
oouraged It Is heart rendering to
think of the homeless families all
along the different streams, who only a
few days ago were happy auu contented
It us one and all extend a helping
hand In their adversity. Calamities of
this kind are frequently reported from
various part uf the world, and If there
wa a time when assistance would' I
appreciated It Is now.
It. ft 0
Notwithstanding Hie Ions of property
ibrouifhout tho stale by the late flood,
some good will certainly accrue to Ore
gon, anil inure eajascliilly to Polk county
a wo understand llarnuiii ha two
men on tho way from New York to our
county to secure the lost uiloxt least
llvlnir curiosity In tho world the tigget
liar on.the earth to add to his museum.
Oct ready editor of tho (Jtimnur, and
when you get hack toeW Horn have
a placard pinned on your back saying
"I am from Dallas, Oregon."
TUCK.-Iufuut child of Mr. J. Tuck
at Itovere House on Tuesday, Feb. 12.
-At Uucna Vlsla, Thum
13, Mm. It. It. Liggett,
day, Feb.,
agiil 29 year.
Mrs Liggett, wIkwh! inuiden name
was Josciihluo Kays, was born and
raised lu Oregon, end leaves a husband
and one child to mourn her Jo, fu
neral take place from the church lu
Huena Vista, at 2 o'clock, t rlday, llt-v.
Plowman officiating.
HTAN LKY.-On Monday evcnlng.Feb
11,18(10, luraut notior Prof. 1), T.
Htanley, of Moiimoulh, agsl five
"Happy Infant, curly blest,
Ilct lit peaix-ful slunils-r, rct."
S llll III I ""l" ""I H ML)JII..HM1....IJW
brief mirrioii. ;
tlanw, Dalto Cla Hal t m
Ihrnriirilrary wmtua aai, aad an sow aa4y
in ri.lirarf gunua lu aiwunnar al a siaawi
Ilankla s C. aall f nod ia tk Wlac ballalH.
Main atnart, lftdapaattaasa.
All klrida of euanlry prwdaa wsnlail hf
Hnraa, Kaluw Co., fur which tba luabaat
pritsa will tw isiUi.
Farnwra Uk pnt nd htlf Ut Itsnkls
Mur o Mai alfil, lsWsiauaa) (Wio
ltmikl arth highaat prlca for all klads ot
noaaliT prodmw. t .
i faw oholo uui at Hkls.
Cc:;:r. Patters:, t ti
UOWMAN. Oil Haturday, Feb. 9,
1HD0, to the wife of J, A. Itowman, a
twelve pound boy. All well.
JON IX On fH. Valentine day, to
the wife of Itev. F. K. Jones, of the
Christian chun-h, a tsiy, weight, nine
1 h. Mnraral tuna of tarn clirwt hay fur nala
at lha H, M. l ir farni.nua ralia isinll. uf
u.wn; ali, anm anil mainv rur kmii wwxi.
all uf wl.ii-h I will diitnor In tuwo lu
InilniMtulono, Feb., Itlh. Ill
The town of Huver Is situated In
rattier low piece of ground where the
waters stand during a heavy shower,
but I now dry. We have no twek
water from the rivers and arc In no
danger of Missis and washout. There
Is one tient ou the Roup ' 'reck railroad
bridge that loans somewhat and will
require aotno better renovating, but as
far aa we can see the railroad bridge on
the Lucklamute Is all O. K. Wo opin
that the dmire to the west side rail-
iiwitoihirw, nothing lu wmparlson tothe
M.U.IUU. ..... - - ..... .
tn.y would uaa ',u, a.u.iu) or smi.iw ami dnmajfe to the east ililc, and in view oi
the foregoing docs It not look aa tlnHih'h
It would be to the best Interest of the
.a ilia girm uf inluiua, Iff' aiutuihr
iiml waa lin llivni by Ih Uh1 iiii-
..I......I 1,. .rv diMiraf Tbi-aa mt ail 1
e-" "7... .......I..... f.i.i .1 ihl. lima. 1 1. .1 I
Lcti'iiiv h biwn uitfurtunaia ad ih railroad company to flulah the road
' . I... ....Hllu With i 1
lamulauf liallaa gurally ayinualtoland wlia
i...' ii,.i h.n iiirn i. urii a bun-laiwd d.
naniir fmm iruia aa thai purtrayad lay.
utrimy rviwin. i. .....w- ...... t
th.nUliil lur lb eindml .yiuMiiliy. and wa
mini lharvftir irw.1 Uinn aisr.Uiily. Ih
iwiim lur ihl I .-ry (wljv liil.urlidi'Ui l tiulillli Willi lha! bull.
. iviiM-liy ir aii imalilln act lu muva lha
miuiity at and .ba wmild wk ui maka llin
uuuililt wurld Ih'II thai hr l.s-allun u una
.I ilia inual iaurau in ioar.ui.ii, ni. ui
ftu.1 it I. uulia Ilia rarvraa. Tin. la Ilia aula
and .ulalantw uf lha wliola malUir.
lfvra wrilar, Ivt hi ngr niuk au m
uf blm, lha wrller ol lhal aruew oia, an
mallar whalhar It was wrman man a-symisv
IhUliig heart" or But, lha laora arein Ulna a
una way Mow tha .urfww. aura syuipaiuy
U Ilka unto thai uf tha wolf fur lb lamb-'-l
will aat yuii, to gi't yua oul of yuur mlwry,"
w. oiibll.h ihl arllrltt to gi u punin-iiy.
Wawanimu- rvadnnto knuwju.t wlial klud
if "rlnguf aympaihltiira'- are Italng aana.raa
allhaprMnt cnnniy antl. Th ruin or ruin
nulli-y to lha our. ; la iiium aynitihy (nun Dalla.i
. i... ii. hini.i . na murl houaa la Jiml now
a (hum In lb .Ida uf ludaiamilnnan. What
dun, lha pour old druwiwd oul rat pmuuM Ui
lu In n .h gt-i r"ly I" build fua uf hrr
owut Uulld Hull wtn.l, w pfMUina.
All anDounU dua KnU Kikin. 4 winiwny
I,.. Immh uliuwil id in. tiHUtU uf W. 11. C.iuir-
toti rollm-lino, and inu.l IhwiIm1 by Hit l.l
ol ill miililli. illior ur iwiu nr oum. n
t-alU'rw.n i. alto buuakipir, fur tha tirm uf Kl
km4 Co.. n harmfuir all bill will Iwwl'
Lu,Hll llll. ,11 III.
Umi una a.sir norm in ui urug nuira.
INSkl'LltK -Kn niHiwl lesillh. Wllhcmt a
rwiiMit u vnnlutf nialaru.. Hb ih anuduta .1.11 ....hi. I u . inuuiif UT UUJIIUf.
Inula uf Wrivlu'. iaMi'liia. Ana. I ura. Dual
bjr lliMtnr A Lui kn aud HM117 t'.ttruu,
fmm C'orvallla to Junction t'lty there
by evading the HarrUburg bridge and
clvlng ut a through line from West
Portland to San Francisco on the beat
and only practical route. The damage
to the east aide road will double dis
count tho damage to the west in the
receut flissl, and not only In this but lu
any and all that wo may have In the
future. It statid to reason that when
the gap lcloed,fmin Corvallls to Junc
tion that this will be tho main trunk
Hue, and the bulk of the bust neat will
be don as It rightly should on this side
when they will not have to transfer
freight aud passengers across the Wil
lamette at Portland a now.
The few days of warm weather we
had recently has done tho gras and
wheat fields a wonderful amount of
. H. C.
IIKUll'S CMKKKY fOl (ill Srjtl'l'.
I giving; splendid satisfaction to the
trade stid the sales sie positively mnrve
Ions, which oau be aocotuited for ia no
other way exoept that it is without doubt
tlie best on tbo oisrkei. Ask tor and be
sure you get the genuine. Wo keep it
Uumtkr & Locks, Dr-ieiiists.
lull ACIIkrt uf farm limit in anuthaaal KsnMa,
m.iiIm .1.1,1 fur .nub r HiL'tinnieil fur nail iwtate
in . h'ur furtlutr pnriu-uliira 10. mire of
K. B, U.ipui. iliwna V i.U. Ur, 11 1 1
"I'MKl.iS - la turi- Uie lii'i m aetitny ny
atrung raUiartm. Lw riglit a l rra I on
aii.u.1 11. n IImmimIv. .ud Had liniumiillt irivnf
N.r Isil. lu .Hurt a run), buld by Hu.wr &
!,.. ud ll.ory l .l towin.
11.-11. Ifnwin th.milvM Indblnl to m
111 ultwa call and aMlla, aa I nwd minify aad 11. 11. ... 1 p.w.-p.
Jaa. in, lw.
Nnllr I haralir K'm-s that tliadrm uf KpIm.
l.inn a t'u., nr.iuriau.ra uf Ui l'u Trn. and
r,i-r. 1 'u. .t. nua un-n ui
Miliail b niuluul ounwiit, H. M. kMtm rnliring
Ilia niWinma Will IWIIWIIW um waiavm
M.n. klkiua ( n.. wlio will tw) .11 bill, aa
oullacl all soisiunla du in. mo. urm.
W. K. fcxftisa.
W. W. WikkuaSi
lnilpandans Jnfl. I, leal.
A FlMIIJO I'LAIM -"Itiil rr.a (-uugh
a..... u.r.iia.A lit. .11 ihruni atiu luua
ir...o.i. - 1'nr.i. nntiftiiniiitira aunali.. Hi-al.
llinali. I rr I. Dull! Ill Biawr a uui
awl llnnry ratixran.
F, L. Clinrnian, building W
t'hni miiii 4 Co., drug" A"1
o. r.nvi'lov. ariicurliiH
1'opii A Co.,
Iinrdwaru........ 1
II. Puller, Haliiull
M. 11. Wlillliii'li, gi'iii'i)i'li"H.-..
M. l'liuingan, saloon
J.Tivinbalh, aaloiin..
11, J. llni-illim, Ki'itiw inid bulior.
fl, A, UnrdliiK, driigglal
rt. lU-lsi'ii.telti, roataurant
Thotria" Klolds, gi'isw .........
llnbeock & Hlll.coiifoctlniis.
Fill-In A KiiiiIm, cimfi'i-lliiiis
,f, M, lliumn, atnllonery....
May Cuiiko, gnu-urn
Miiyiir Ankarinan, dry goods.
Tbo generous hearted citizen of Ha-
lem hearing that Independence was
Iri need of help (luring the Hood sent
tho N. H. ltenllcy up tho river with
offer of assistance In case of need, and
tho money neccsHary to pay for the
bout whs raised In Halem. Mayor Hhel
Icy last week scut tho following mess
age! '
I.VDKl'KNIiKNCR, Or., Feb. 6, 18(10.
To the Ilonoi-ulilo Mayor und Citi
zen of Sii'.cnii-i'l;! Dear Mr. For
and In behalf of our people I desire to
1 exniw to you our sincere thunks for
sending us a boat rrom your city yosier
M J12K,2nO
In addition to this there Is the dam-at-n
to Di-lvttto l-esldeuoeH and small
. little.
Increases tho aggrcguto
.... i.,i.... ftor i.iii. eiinilltlon.
m uay, iiniu.i.i.B ... w - .
While we were not 111 urgeov uto. u.
any assistance or supplies, yet we shall
ever hold you In grateful remembcr
iince for your proffered aid.
Yours Respectfully,
It. Buellby, Mayor.
Fire and water are each destined to pro
duce on the mind of man a dealre dur-.
lug the exciting momenta to exagger
ate the incident loose.
Independence Is located on the bank
of the Wlllametto river, ami on ac
count of the convenience of shipping
valuable business pro'rty was located
almost on the water edge. Mnco 1WJ1
.. tt,.i,.r lin visited this section to
damage proTty, aud our janipio nan
grown over-con tldent. Mauy loanea
which oeeurctl came tttrougn careieas
nc or lack of suitable procautlon on
the art of Individuals. Thl year the
water almost reached the mark uf ltUll,
some say within six Inches of It, and
cnisciueut!y those buildings exiwaed
to the overflowing river wore damaged,
Au estimate made during the excite
ment of tho high water wa too high,
nd now calm Judgment find that In
rndeiwndeiiee the loss will bo amply
covered In tho sum of about six thous
and dollars. To this add losses In
Marlon county aoroas the river; tho loss
of Mr. Murphy's wheat and the loss of
linllvldunls of cattle anil horse, am
the estimate mado by tbl paper will
atlll bo found to have beeu, through
the estimates thou given, to be ;veu
All over Polk county losses are re
ported. At Illckreall tbo railroad bridge
Is eono. Hrutiks bridge on th Salem
road Is damaired. Tho Rlokreall mills
loss f:UW through tho loss of their mill
at. nulla ex-HherlfT Grove lost
IliMO tbroiiffli damage to his hop yard
The county bridge there wa nearly
washed away, but through prompt
effort of Judge Htoutler was saved
Tho Hiilleck mill dam wa washed out
with Ion estimated at over 6W0 loss,
Near McCoy and Amity bridge are
Sheridan ha a very shaky bridge,
and the street there were overflowed,
Many thousand feet of saw log aredls
trthotnd over the country, whloh was
The I.ucklamuto was higher than
ever known, by at least two feet, and
one of the bridges Is washed away
nii other more or less damaired. Tho
loss to bridges In Polk county will not
fall short of tflOOO although some place
the estimate higher.
Tho 0. C. R. R. from Portland to
Corvallls esoaped with only slight loss,
being five bent of a bridge at MoMlnn
vlllo and tho Rlckreall bridge entirely
gone. Trains wore delayed only a few
Wo understand tho sympathy of
the editor of the wipe at Dallas has In
duced him to organize a company to
build a motor lino from Independence
to Mount Plsguh that wo may secure
homes above hlifh water mark. Let us
suggest that Portland, Salem and Al
bany be asked to Join In this charitable
ontetprlso as wo understand eauU of
theso cities had some water tw.
IMKI"KSHKNCK, Feb., 10, lfisK).
Met lu city hall. Mayor Kbolly, and
Oounellmou Mcrwln, t?hlnn, Buster,
Irvine, Kreugel, ami Wheolcr present,
aloo Recorder Mm and Marshal Ma-eaulay,
Record of previous meeting read and
Marshal was Instructed to see that
back yard of City hotel be renovated
Bill of Bacon A Co., 11.83, ordered
paid. Rill of J. Mitchell, 35, laid on
the table. Hill of A. W. Howell, for
board, and West Sinn, for printing
referred back to committee.
Committee on ordinances granted
further time for revising ordlnanoea.
M. Mcrwln gave notice that at the
next regular meeting he would Intro
duce an ordinance to grant a franchise
for an eleotrlo light system, water works
and water ditch In Independence.
Ordinance for Imposing tax ou prop
erty holder on Main street, for street
itradlnif. wa read first time and ou
motion second time by title and refer
red to committee on ordinance.
Ou motion, H. C. Finch was appoint
ed special policeman for the ensuing
Ou motion of M. Merwln, Recorder
was Instructed to nraw oruor on me
Treasurer for tho sum of f 100 In favor
of committee on ways and means.
Rill of Marshal Macaulay, $W, or
dered nald.
Rill of J. W. Lemmons, f i, tor worn,
ordered paid. . i
Bill of Wllklns A Culbcrtoon, f 15, re
ferred to committee.
Bill of Cooper bro., for nails, $20, or
dered paid.
Bill of J. L. Stockton, for blanket,
$ 10, referred to committee.
Bill of A. Hlbbard, for work, 1, or
dered paid.
Bill of Prescott A Venoss, for lumber,
I44.1H), ordered paid.
Bill of OreRcu Pacific Railroad Co.,
for boat from Salem. 115.60, ordured
Bill of Wm. Kelly, for moving cross
walk, ordered paid,
Bill of Andy Wilson, moving boll
awl boll tower, f 18, ordered paid.
On motion, adjourned.
Th. law firm uf Wilkinr aad Cull-rbn ha"
bwn iliwulani by mutual cunaauiv H. Unl.
IwriMir. ivliriiia frum lb tinu. W. L. Wilkin
ill aonliiiu lbs uu.niiHiat ma aama omen,
,i.. I.,, km. blui'k. fur tha tirwat-nt. and
dw"lrtotat that ha ta rwuly at all timaa for
all .mu. n. iiwni i'tii..uw. . uuu a .i.,
lndiifwnili-ncB, ou iu, nw. u
Invite Your Attention
to the
You Should Invest
1 Hi
1st. Without being the COTJN-
. . .;
TY SEAT Wittioui uiug
TEUMISOUS of any railroad, it
is now the LARGEST CITY in Polk
County, either iu population or -
2nd, It is surrounded by a fine
fui uiing country la ataiuppp
point the only one in tbe ;uty;
on the Willamette river Ia Also on
the Southern Tacifio line of Bail-.
3d. Property during the past
year has advanced iu Talue, and
the coming year promises to see
values advance faster than ever,
and the reasons why this is to be
ti ne, are based upon the following
projected enterprise;
u-viOHKI't IV THR lUl.ANrK-And fnr
A p.rfant Owntifriiw" Wnabt'a Myrrh Tooth
Huap. fraaKrraa.Uis taath, punnaa il nrmain,
ilnatmyaa l"U.ria ut uu iiiuum. oviu
Hiiatar A Laxika and lli-iirj I'altarwin.
flaamar imyi raah for all kind of fur
format llru. h iut ratwltwl a fine lin of
tun. and aaunitinuun; alao iiant puwuar, and
Ill Mum Piuiaa... Paart Wblla TnMh. para
hnmih and haallliT atima by Wrialit
Mvrrh Touth Nuan. lii'inuraa tanur nu iiTa.
ta. lha anamul. UuKl by Ilu.tar and Luaka
Uimrj l'aiutnKiu.
i and
Is a good healtuy.pearlly akin. Few are
aware ot the short time it takes for a dis
ordered liver to cause blotches on the face
and a uark ereasy skin. One bottle of
BLOOD MAKER will restore thisorgan
to its natural null heally state,aud cleanse
tho blood of all impurities. It Ib meet
ing with wouderful suecess, We guiirnu
tee every bottle.
Buhtkh k Locks, DrugKists.
Thapaoplo ajoi-aiit W rlirhl'a llatlmrtifl l.itiw
liiiironitur, aatbebwit known ramwly for lor.
uit livnr, dyilia, naatiranaaa. aouraiomai-b
and kinilmt ailmnnta. tiuld lly Itunter aud
Locke, aud Henry 1'nUfrt.uu.
A OOOI) colon svnur.
There is nothing a parent should be so
eareful about as soleoting a oonuh syrup
Begg's Cherry Couifh Syrup oostuo more
tbnn the obosp and inferior nostrums
thrown on the market. The best ii none
ton Bond, be sura nml Ret BEQGo
It on hand all tlie time. ,
Btransa LixiKB, DruBRists. .
II, M. Links,
R. BltfSfXKY,
Cavaau, and Trd-Mrk obtslnod, and all Pat.
out bitHliHMa oomlucW fur Mooasan Fs.
Minotti from Wwhlngliin. j..i
Siind uioddl, dtawiiiK or iihnto., with ojaorlp-
lion, Wa advlna, if ismniabl or not, froo ot
obaiira. Our too mil duo till ilont l wiirad.
a tiMaHLfT. " How to Obtain Patent," with
jawiw of ai-tnal sln-nti In yuur Blata, county, ut
town, mint fiaa, Adilrau,
OfF, pan nt omol, Wssminoton, 0. 0
The extension of
the West Side Rail
road to Junction.
The building of a
Motor line to Monmouth.
The building of the
Albany and Astoria
The building of a
Railroad from New
port to Salem. ,
The rebuilding of
the Prescott d, Ve
ness Saw Mill on a
larger scale and
with a more com
plete plant.
The erection of
electric, Lights
i nuviT ('ANM 'IWiTH.n atory Hart of
tha liumaii body, and Infilled with blond, llood
blood iiiililiaoit) iu na iiiii. "
tliiana Wriahra Ikunnnuntt Kxtrapt nf Hima-
wrilla. boiu ny nuaujr a, "
3. W. Snarklln, laohor of uiuuo and orgnn.
Terina, 5 par month of two laaauna per wank.
Addraaa P, O. bin 8'J, Intlepanrtfaoa, ur,
i t DJi.o.b.i th. furnititta daalar. flnda
him'aalf ovMitiki"d with i-arpota, anilotiara
.... ii.itu.i.v. armfc aAUtoiiNa in thiB hna.
Now ia tha lima Ut buy oano!. A Mill and a
aininatlun ia ruuaeatcd. Baniainbat ll ) f
thirty duyauiily.
Araoa Bti-onii, whoaa raatnurant In Hnlam
.... .1,. h.tMi. Iiiim ifivan at.riot iiarnontil attan
tion to tha wuntaot liiaaaauimora and hsnss
haa built up a hunts traila. lia givoa a l"a
awal fur 'o.
r n Bur voni- tlokaU Knar of
4WillUt K. 0 , rantla.aU. Lowaat
talaa and moat fi.vom arantail. Call at th.
Went 81.1a oOUta.
Now is the time to
AU aoconnra not paid n within s ranannabl
lima will bo plauad In
Call at tho office of
- und examine their list.
aarNo troiiblo to show Property.
Office, second door south of C
on Main St.
Jan, Sd 1W,
I tho lunula of a cnllaotur,
UUW VclliiuN,