The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 14, 1890, Image 1

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Favor Kq'nat and ttqtisl
Taxation, A Protective Tariff and
Tariff Reform, an Allen Land
Senators elected by the people ami
at) other needed reforms.
Of (lie Wkst Sidk, are distrib
uted monthly. Advertisers will
take note of the fact tint we do
not send out "free paper which
are not read."
NO. 15.
VOL. Vll.
( rim pku ykau. )
KUnrd it lh Pnal oltW lu lititivdeiiee,
tirvaon.ak avcend siaitt'.
On Year - !'"
Six Months ,. too
Three Month - 5
When wot paid in advance 5
I...l..iw.n.l,m In li.-alivl Hi III head f vt
atioil (Hi iniwl i'l Hi yrarh mi Hi W UUmrlle
rlvr, nl Hi mala line ol Hi Or' and
I'atUuriil Kallnmd; eumaliu iiiiliin "I
tMI.; la Ih irlllt'lHHl "dllpptm puul !
III County, (allien l I'll Ol l"V lra-"'. .
liltv and thickly poioilaiwl In lli W lllam
Ttteainadllv lueroaalni etreiilili Hi 'w
Sum U n)) Ui nalln II I" wr-.oiie in in
ul AilvclUlii Medium .
in tiik :
Latest and Host Styles,
LlClv & M'TU'R.
Physicians Sc Surgeons.
. - i - j
V. S. KxantininK Suro,eon-f.
Offlc: .! illi' t Main St.
V. wru,. M. t. K. L. Kkiv'hi m, M. I,
Physicians tuui Surgeons.
Ufflr 0imII Fled National Hank.
Physiciiui and Surgeon.
llucua Vista, Oregon.
Physician and Surfloon.
Independence, Oregon,
Resident Dentist,
All work warranted to give the K-st
of Satisfaction.
Attorney and Counselor at Uw.
(iltlre: Mill SI , 0imhIi Court limn.
riAl.l AM, I'tll.K CtllNTY, OIlKlillS
A. M. Hl'RI.KY,
.Attorney ami Counselor at I-aw.
om: Tor. Main ami Monmouth at".,
pirstatiorjal BarK
ISDhTr'.M'KM'K, llllhUON.
President J- 8. COOPER.
Vice President, L. W. ROBERTSON;
Cashier W. H. HAWL.EY.
I, f. Thorntlnn, .1. M. f o-c,
tl. W. WMIrnkT.
Traimarl. a ciiral ImnkliiK l.iilu. Hnr
ami ell cxnhange on all lniirlanl tiolnla.
Iirpoilta n-i-i'lvcil anlijl l rherk nr mi
prllhmn( di-fMwII. Collfrtlima mail mi all
jHiluta mi lavoraWe lorin.,
f-omce hrtnra: 9 A. If IM I'. M.
Ilall'd iHirRlur iirmif aafe nrrnreil hy Yale
Time Uk.
' Till: IXDHIiiXDHNCli
National:. Bank!
H. HIR3CHBERC, - President.
ABRAM NELSON, Vice President.
W. P. CONNAWAY, - Caahler.
A inral liaiiklnif ami exdiaiiK. Iiiilti
lriirlit;lan ma'l"; I'HI" dlamiunlwl: mini
,rHal.T.llta KranlH; di-mialla reni-lved on
current armuiil anlijcct to fhH'k; Inlereal ld
uu lime U'"lt.
Joshua McDanlel, H. H. Jasperson,
A. J. Goodman, H. Hlrachberg.
Abram Nelson, T, J. Lee.
I. A. Allen.
(Kstaliliahi'd )y Niitionul nntliority.)
; ttpital : National : Bank !
CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo.
V SURPLUS, $16,000.
t'reaf(lnt. Vice I'rtialdent.
J. ALBKHT, Caahler,
To Farmer on wheat and other merehantalila
urodnio, iHiimlniicd or In atore, either III private
vrauerleii or pnhlln warehoimna,
Dralta drawn dlrocit on Nnw York, fihleain,
Ban Kianc!l, Portlanil, Londoo, Parit, Merlin,
Uou K' -d Calouua.,
Million, jtmti, Val, t'nrk, llama rlarou,
l'ornd 111. 1ousii, Klr. Poultry and Hani
lliHi'oil, All (mala illlvrd li nl l lwrii.
S. 1', Irvine, initter. Choiie nirnla
iwiadinlly on hand. Iinvidaon'a lliit k,
Ii kill all tuftamtiiali. ami IrrlUllaa. and la II
ail am dmiruyvr ol Mhiotm awl uilwt aia
V Price. 28 cents a ioa.
Of Independence, Oregon.
Tnuiani'ta a general Real Katate lUiim"
Iniva and aella I'mjierty, allriia
tgiaurattrc and dora a ncnrritl
Conveyanre llnaineaa,
IVirtiea liaviHK l.atlda for aide ill lilld
it lo their ndvaiilui;e to
list uu niorami
With this Cmnitany, a they ate daily
arnmiiK l.aia ul ea.t, now
iiiK deairahle rirrty la-lore the real-
di-iita of the l-taat
jami:s laiisuN,
J. V, KIRK I. AM, I'reaideiu.
( 1. V. SI 1 1 INN,
Houbb, Sign & DrnamBntal
I'ajier II.iiiiii;, t'.rniniiif;, l-'reaeuliifi,
llti-, I'niiit tikimii niHKitv Juhnaoir
Staldea, liidetciideiK-r, Oregon,
M.imir.uiiiri'r of
And Dealer in
All kinds ol Harness & Saddlery Goodt
Oirrine Triiiitniiig and Kqniinnn
Of AU-rikvn, Dakota. I
CAfJlTAL, $3,000,00).
This Asrwn-iiilimi dues hiiaineaa in nil
I'nrla of the I'nited Slates,
I'or t lie Investor, and i
Low rates of Interest for IJorrovers
h'or further mrtii-nlnr iniiiirc of
C. II. HOAO, Agent, .
St.'VHR, - ORHfON.
Arcade Saloon
J. If. COOPKIt, rro.rict.r.
Irjd?pe7iei7ee, Oregcj.
. j
Iiu-orioruted under the J.uwri of Irc-KOil,
I). T. HTANI.KV, lit A C, I'OVKLL,
I'realdeiit. tCanhlur.
llora a eenenil hnukliif I111 al ui-a. HI lit ilrnfla
on New York. Han KnmrUrn and fitlnnd for
any ainoiint. Ki'ihiIvcb di-poiilla uhjent lo
ohprrk or on ncrtlflealea ol di-lt. dllimtlnna
rnniilK' prompt Mttenllon . iuard(iy donlilii
elironoiiio'li-r Valu lime lurk. j
MinH Ada Judsoii.- Mm. t'illiaina.
Esmond :-: otel,
' Front and Morrisoi)ts.,
.... . M
E." E. Krengei
:- wagon mm.
Msiiiufiu'turcr f the
Krengel's Iron Fence.
.Yr. Tliomus IViincl, late of Clii
rnurt, mi ex jKTivmttl liorsi'
Miner, iiiukes it NiHt iulty
of that line.
Circular and Crosscut
Saw Gumming
1 11 INK II V
j . , . I 11 1 T 1J I 1
i 1 4 , I, i. l I l V T 1 v I,, i
J A, Itnwtniiii.
W.J KiiUand. i
:rrtil'tra of the:
A Nil
C Street. - Opposite Post-Office.lflJcpCndcriCC' I
- - -- - ! Commission iMcrcnant
W. GRUWELL & CO., ANll (;KAIX l!K()KhK.
independence indepandancB, - Or-Bgori.
Citv l)rui( St()iuitl--rnnik
: A full line of :-
Dniists' Simdries,
C, W. Crimell, a eoniielent uearri
lion rlerk, will he in rlmine. I'rieea
VM. JOXl'S, ryirictir.
Thin I-'erry ia now in operation, nnd
prepim-dllo Iraunfi-r piiKKeiiKera and ,"
ona to or from thc.Cily,
- It uill pay per$oi73 waQtir) a
View of Polk County.
To i roaa the l-'erry mid k to the
lop of l'roHpei-t Hill.
Hlkins k Co.,
h'n of all Kinds Done at
Reasonable Kates.
fl)ill peed, Oalf,, p&tp 0 fir Uood
Fqr Sal?.
BkjrCol lections Made Montlily.-d-m
C Street, Independence, Or.
A. W. HOWELL, Prop.
I-'irnt-cliisa In every reapect.- Special
attention iveti traiiHient eiiHtoiuerH, A
miniplc room for coinmeri-inl traveler.
Mitchell & Bohannon,
: Manufacturers of :
' y : WfjGON fiE PAIRING.
Main Street, ( Independvncc, Orenon.
:Are alill al (he front with:
Tlil v are ready to
IN lA LKV 1.1X1:
and Cloth i no-.
!s. a
I'liiii mid Siiei'ilii'iiUnn fiuniohrd nil alion. l-Munule. ma-le.
tlll'n-e: Cur. Railroad and (' Sl.,
1 "
IfJevu peed 5tore.
! . II. M. I.IX1-S X CO..
Have nH-ned no a 1'irM cU I'ved Slur
nil the etiht aide of M.iin alii
will k t--i ioii-i .1 nt I mi hnml
Uh Hay and Straw, Oats, llioji.
! Shorts, Bran,
and Win-. it fur i-hlt ki n feed, or any and
i all oilier kiiulanf fri-d that the trade may
, ili'lHiind. t iie ii a rail.
F. J. MORRIS, Prop,
Fine Wines, Liquors
and cigars.
Whiteaker Brick, Independence.
:I tenter in:
Drugs and Medicines,
Having pnn-himed the alm-k of imj!
formerly owned hy I,. W. RoIk-iIhoii, 1
am prepnred to meet nil the old i-usto-mera,
mid many more new oni-a, I'liir
and i-oiirteoiia treatim-tit to all.
K. HUNCK, Manager.
ta now prepnred to make any kind
ol'Caatiiig in
tin short notice. Ia now at wink
Bunce's Improved (Irani Crusher.
Ai knowlrilKl tohr llirlicat grain criinlicr In
Amerii-a HtrouiirNt, chciipcat and moil ilmiililr.
A lull I il ul IIif i lii-ia ol work dour at IhU foun
dry will he putillallt'il III tllla pilprr, All)' pirwill
In wmil of a
Can lie aiipplled linr. Ki-pnliiiiK done fur all
kniila of nioi-hlnciy. MiiIii ulieet, Indrpriiilrm-e.
Auctioneer and Appraiser,
Kntlmntca of nil Cotialniitlve work itmile urn!
pinna lilltllallrd.
Attend Wwliirwlny and Thiiradny In Coimly
Court week at llnllna, Ort-con,
Address, Dallas, Polk Co., Or,
There wan iiioin alcknens In Aaturla In
the month of .liuinary, 1 81)0, than In any
other throe months in the limtory of the
city. Since the warm ralna ant In the
sick 1Ih( In liecomliiK gnitifyliiKly snuill,
" The coininlttee on French ciihIoiiib
propones to HiihHtitule for the various ex
iHtiiiK treaties of commerce anil Keneriil
ciiHtoinB tnriirn, a HtroiiR protective
treaty, In which the tariff will lie put at
the maximum rale for virtual prohibi
tion on all commoditiua in which Fri-nrli
manufacturers and deal c in need protec
tion, and at tho minimum for all other
articles of International trade. This
new treaty will he npplicnliln to all na
tions which give Kriinco any commercial
advantage. i
Twenty QuMlloua Au.warad ea a ulde
ul Coiiieral liilaraat.
1. How strong a current la uaed to
nun a ineaann over au Allaunocaiiier
Thirty cells ol battery only. K'iual to
Uiirty volts.
. What l Ilia louirnat dlatauea over
which conviiraatlno hy telephone la
daily tiialiitaliKMlr About 7oU miles,
(nun l'ortland, Ma., to IliilTalo, N. Y,
8. What Is the fastest time niada an
electric railway A mila a minute, by
a small experimental car; lit) miles so
hour on sireut railway system. ,
4. How many miles of submarine
cable are thnr In opuratlouP Over
100,1)00 mile", or enough to girdle the
earth four times,
6. What Is the maximum power gen
erated hy au electric motor r Seventy
live horse power. Experiments Indi
cate that 100 horse power will soon be
6. How Is a break Id submarine
cable located P Hy iueaauiln(( theelee.
tiloliy needed to clini( the remaining
uiihrokntt part.
7. How many iv.ile of tnlif;rapli wire
ii operation lu the United States
Over a million, or enough lo euvirele
the globe forty timet.
H. How many meaiaijaa ran be trans
mitted over a wire at one tuneP Four,
by the quadruple syainm In dally line.
0. How is telej(raphliiK from a mov
ing train aeroiuplialiedf Through a
clicult from the car roof luducing a
circuit in tho wire on poles along the
10. What are Uis moat widely srpar
alod points between which It Is possi
ble to send a telegram lirilisb Colli iu
Ida and New Zealand, via America aud
11. How many miles of telephone
wire lu operation In the United States
Mora than 170,000, over which 1,06V
000 meaaaj(e are sent dally.
l'i. What lathe irrcateal candle power
of arc light used lu a Hght-houser Two
million, in lighthouse at Hoiistholm,
13. How many persons In the United
States are engaged In bilalneas depend
ing solely ou electricity f Kstiiueted,
U. How long does It take to trans
mit a message from San Francisco to
Hong Kongr About llfteen minutes.
Via New York, t'anao, l'linaiii-e, Adeo,
llombay, Madras, I'enaug aud Singa
pore. 16. What Is the fattest time made by
an oiMiialor sending measnges by
Morse system' About forty-two word's
per minute.
IS. Ho- in uny telephones are In nae
In the Uuiled SiateaP About 800,01X1.
17. What war veasel has the most
complete electrical plant United
Stales man-ol-war, "Chicago.''
IH. What is the average cost, per
mile, of a trinatitlaulio submarine
cable F About 1.0t0.
19. How many miles of electric rail
way are there' lu operation in the
Culled Slali-af About 4W miles, and
much more under construction.
SO. What strength of current is dang
erous to hiimsn llfnF Five hundred
volts, but depending largely on physi
cal conditions. A'enener's .Wuvruine,
Why He Went to the Funeral.
There Ii a well-known gentleman In
town w ho owns a pretty bouse in the
western nddlliou, says I ho San Fran-i-laeo
(ViroHice. Hla neiglilior is an
Irishman of Independent iiollons, who
runs his lot lu his own way. That way
does not suit his neighbor, a feeling
entirely reciprocated bv Mr. Fogarty.
They had liccn quarreling a long time,
and on various orcaxions words had
been high. It happened that Mr
Fogarty's brother died. Mr. Joues, the
nelghlMir, had not the pleaxitre of any
clone acquaintance with Mr. Fogarty's
brother, but he felt for Mr. Fogarty In
his lairenvemeut, aud he concluded
that the hatchet might jiiHt as well be
burled with Mr. Fogarty s relative. So
in a spirit of true Christian feeling he
tint ou his blnck coat and went to Mr,
Fogarty's brother's funeral. He dis
played becoming grief aud sorrow, but
tin did not have a chance .to speak to
Mr. Fogarty. A few days afterward lie
met Mr. Fogarty and went up to him
with oiiLal retched hand and a sympa
thetic look on his face. To his surprise
Mr. Fogarty drew himself up und
glared ul him:
"May I inquire, sir, what the devil
you were doing at my brother's fun
eral P"
Tho Christian feeling in Mr. Jones
evaporated. He took in the out
stretched liauil, aud said with consid
erable force:
"I went to make sure he was dead."
Tho war is liercer than over.
Weight and Yield or Units.
Geese, 4 to the pound, 'JO per an
num. Polish. 9 to the pound, 1A0 por an
num. ltautams, 10 to the pound, CO por an
num. llouduns, 8 to the pound, CO por an
num. La Floche, 7 to the pound, 130 per
Crevecuius, 7 to the pouud, 150 por
llnniburgs, 9 to tho pound, 175 per
annum, '
Game fowls, 9 to tho pouud, 130 per
Dominique, 9 to the pouud, 130 por
Guinea fowls, 11 to the pound, 60
per annum.
Turkeys, 8 to the pound, 30 to 60
per annum.
Ducks, 6 to 6 to the pound, 30 to 60
per anuum.
lllnck Spanish, 7 to the pound, 150
per annum.
Leghorns, 9 to tho pound, ICO to 200
per annum.
Plymouth Rocks, 8 to the pound,
100 per nuutini.
Dark Drnhnias, 8 to the pound, aud
about 70 per annum.
Hlack, white, and buff Cochins, 8
to the pound, 100 or less por annum.
Tho eggs of the modern improved
broods of fowls have gained one-third
In weight as compared with eggs for
merly hud.
Light Uralimas and Partridge Coch
ins' eggs, 7 to the pound. They lay
80 to 100 por annum, or even more,
according to treatment and keeping.
Among the Aborigines.
Joaquin Miller in the Independent'.
Maybe it Is news to the world that the
first paper ever priiiUul west of the
Kooky mountains was printed by the
JNez force Indians, f ather pauming
brought them the priiillng-pross, per
haps llfty years ago. Do you know I
saw a sutiaw with a aewlng-niaolilne on
her back in Lewlston last week. She
went down to the river with It, put it
In her oiuioe, and away sho paddled np
the Nioslione r Ivor, all aiono, up toward
,1... 1.1 1- t
buu ruilb omen, iiiuiiiiutiim.
"llolilnrj Hie squaw's UirhtWreli canoe
Tlie alomnor rooks and ravea,
And ulty lots are staked for sals
Above ultl ludlau s-mvus."
The Portland Alpine Club's New Ad
ditions to their Collection.
Mitring Huperiuleudent of Cullrel'sllfor
als liobM ef r.,IMMI.
A HiM'ond creamery com pan v 'has lawn
orgauiMul at Ferndale.
Wanton waaeyonvirted of murder In
the Ural degree at Colfax, Wash.
A lot of lioita were butchered on' the
sidewalk at Winters the other day.
Si.ikane will soon have one of the
Uncut opera houaeawet of Chicane.
There are from Ktt.OOn to 100.000 acres
of oysters in cultivation on Sinnilwaler
7.. It. French, a ranch man of -Hlamrh-
ler, and a prominent Musim. died re
Complaint Is made that the outlet
sewer at Agncwa Insane Asylum is fault
ily mm.
The s!i;lil of a vessel on Front Street in
Portland is one that is liitenating in I lie
Over IK)) iNitinds of ham have lieen
stolen from freight ears at Sacramento
In the past lew weeks.
It. W. Koblien's barn near Dixon was
burned with four line marea nnd a! lot of
other projarty.
John Donald, a well-known Sink Ma-
Uhi comity pioneer, died, agd HO yVun.
lie icii ssi,isr,i,
The Martinet Ikmiocrut. tho hand
some successor of lite Ihiily Item, is a
m-inm ratic send-weekly, and is about j
to be eiilaiged.
California has no advantage ever Ore
gon. I lie hesvest Moo-Is unit slorms
known in that state for year have la-en
experienced this winter.
The rable roads of Seattle have been
combined Into one jp neral yalcm, and
Samuel tiibaon, ot San rrancira-o, bus
been uinile siiH-rlnlenileiit. ,
The Press says Santa Ihirlwra shin-
a-rs of la-aus have heard of no rejiH-lion
to Is-aua becauae of damage hy the Oc
tober rains, as has U-en iiubliiibed.
James Stuart of Cotton discharifed a
l liluese cook the oilier day and now he
tlnda thai imi lie had in a trunk is
gone, lie wants to liml the cx-cook.
Kain fell III Oregon and Washington !
nineteen days, in Southern California j
on eighteen days and in Northern ( all-
forme on twenty-four days In I eeeinber.
The Itepublican euys hundreds of car-!
load of potatoes, onions, i-ehliage aIi
Unto are annually shipM into Fresno j
and that thev ought to he grown at!
home. '
lasie, wine one snoniii is-coine ciiuumi
The Sail Diego Hoard of Health re- aslic about these trillea. there is no rea-
porta that no death occurred in that eity ;
irom any ncuw uiaeaae miring irw.1, aim
that no children died except from causes
(luting irom tneir inrlh.
An liimuln f llin Sunlit f,tfii.u U.d,
Here' I tome writ.Ni to the I am Angeles !
Tribune that the provisions are as bad
and aa wanly as ever again. For awhile
after the inveatigalion tbve was an im
The Auburn Itepublican uives an ex
ample of the effect of the meat health
ful climate in the world in chronicling
the fact that Mrs, Harriet Wood cele
brated her ninetieth birthday the other
day ny going horseback ruling.
The jietroleiim production of Southern .
California lost year reached IS,0lH),(K)0
gallons, yulued st I,Ll,lkK). The article
is of KlTirfditrK -that region. Its
utilixution as fuel for manufacturing pur
Kises has had much o do w ith solving
a vexed question.
In one resMH-t the flood is a blessing
lo Fuel Portland. The milches and
sloughs, in which tilth and disease-breed
ing relnsc have been accumulating for the
post two years, will tie washed out and
leaned I lie Hood and freshets are
Fast Portlands' only means of Sewerage,
That lively journal the Sacramento
Hoe, which never gets left In the race
for all the news, bus donned a new and
handsome dress ol tvpo and adopted an
outline letter head, which will make its
individuality apparent whenever it
uines in Night; and that Is pretty nearly
always and every where.
The Ked llluff Peoples' Cause savs :
The Suuiloeen property will ligure con
spicuously in the delinquent list this
year. I,ast year it comocd nearly
two-tlilrils ol the list. Owing to a dif
ferent mode of assessing it this year, bv
which each lot will form an item, it will
compose a bout four-lifths of the list,
Coin nliia conntv. Orcimn. has at Imial
a dozen young ladles who have had the
genuine grit to go into the gloomy for
osts of mighty hrs and spruce, and not
only locate pre-emption and licineBtead
claims, but have lived on them and es
tablished a roaidenca according to law.
a mini tier oi mom nave nireiuiy proved
up on thcit claims, and now baist of an
undisputed title,
During the mouth of January, the fol
lowing additions were made to the cabi
net of tho museum department of tho
Mpine club of Portland, nt a cost of
some flit): Female screech owl, male
groat horned owl, male California screech
owl, female Wilson's snipe, young fe
male rosy gull, malo long crested jay,
nisi wood duck, young male blue
heron, female hlack duck, female bald
eagle, male Mongolian pheasant, mule
black coon,
The water rose in the river and spi-ead
over the streets of 1 ortland, until it
exceeded the traditional porfurnmiiro of
lNOl. The Columbia is uniinsually full
for this season and this prevents the es
cape of the Willamette flood to the sea
and so increases the Hood. So far the ef
fect of the high water in Portland has
been limited tu serious inconvenience.
The lower Willamette, however, has suf
fered groat damage and loss, vaguely in
dicated in full and graphic dispatches
from all points that could be reached by
wire, but ditllciitt to estimate in detail
until fuller reports are received. . The
river is falling above, and the flood has, rixinWl lla luiK
On the 10th of September of last year
James L. Patterson, of Calico, San Iter
nardino comity, who is and lias lor the
past six years been sti)erintendent of
the mines owned by J. S. Doe, was held
up by a highwayman .and. robbed ol
1,000 in gold coin. The facts in the
case have only now ooino to light, and
testify to one of tho most bold and dar
ing highway robberies ever perjietrated
on the Pacific coast,
Says the Stockton Independent: An
eight-year-old son of James Parmer, who
lives near the Four-mile House on tlie
Waterloo road, was fearfully scalded
Thursday night. While playing around
the kitchen stove he upset a tea-kettle
of scalding water, The water ponred
over lila.left side and down upon his
nhdomnn aiid thigh. Dr. Hnlson, who
was called to treat him, says though his
Injury is very painful he is In no danger,
When Little Cold Cream and Corn
Meal era Useful.
Keep In your ledroom little pot of
cohl cream and a oig os)n-mouniei jar
ol corn meal or Indian meal. r.very
night ruti a little cold erenm on your
hu e. Hub it In well and then wle it
off the akin without wiping it out of the
skin. The heat of our bouse and build
ings generally bake the human face and
it need a corrective. When you wash
your hands soap them well and then
put a teaaiaionlul of corn meal in the
palm of one hand and rub lxlh bands
together, backs snd fronts. Then waah
the soup and meal oh and if you are not
proud of the appearance and feeling of
your hand you are beyond the reach
of pride. She who follows it will never
have cbapK)d or roiign lianas, jicmem
her lid, that whether you rub or wine
your face do so with an upward motion.
The general custom, and natural one, of
wIiiiiik downward sags the loose skin ol
the face Into wrinkles and ages a woman
before her time. Kub ill), rub np it . is
one of the greatest secrets of life. If
your hair I thin, or even if it is not, al
ways brush it well, Snd time at it.
t so a still brush. HriiHii your wain mi
it feel tender. There is no hair restor
ative like a stiff, close hairbrush vigor
ously employed. Just mo with your
hotly. Never mind about too much
battling, but conscientiously give your
self constant and hunt rubbing with a
laidy-hriudi or a rough towel every night
and every morning. It will make a
young woman of an old one.
Twelve French Rules on Eating.
The French pretend that they do not
keep Christmas. ' New Year's lay is
their groat occasion for rejoicing and for
making presents. Meanwhile they
seem lo have tiieir Christmas dinner in
very much Die same way as other mor
tals, ami the pictorial Marche (lu Menu
in the Figaro supplement makes a very
frand procession indeed. Added to this
iniiernonalion of the menu are twelve
table rules which may interest our
readers, manv of whom will think tliev
apply to our own Christmas parties as
wen aa to me rroncn,
1. In onier lo enjoy the meal there
ought at least to be two, and at most
twelve Mrsons. If you are alone at
table the dinner sutlers la-cause you can
not talk of the enjoyment of it. If the
coi)iKiriy is too numerous there is the
risk of the meditations la-ing interrupted
which the viands ought lo inspire.
2. A dinner of which men onlv par
lake I more tavorable to the intelligent
appreciation of the viands, the com
pany of the charminif women being dis-
j aatrous on account of the alawbing du
ties which politeness exacts. At the thi chaniimtr woman her
self is a irlulton (which constitutes a
double charm) the inconvenience is les-
sened, and may sometimes disapiiear
3 'n. "? caf nd may sit
next 10 inn , a giunon snoum noi oe m
luv w''"e n-. ,, .
: 1 he side dishes don t desj-rve any
notice, but if, through divV-reity of
son why a double share of them should
not he quietly taken.
5. A (iniet conscience is almost in-
dispensable to a thorough enjoyment of
the meal, ll is tho lioneet man who
l,"i"'" !'' AiMr. K"1'
" P wine hum c
lourse vou should
only talk alsjut what you are eating,
what vou have eaten and what you will
eat. The mind dwelling on these things
does not risk (lying oil' to other subjects,
thereby interfering with the salutary ex
ercise of the jaws.
7. The disli of which nobody has
taken twice forms a lesson to the cook.
8. People who are fond of hsh are
inioiirullv f a vnrv nlliiil. ilimwiHituili fill
Hwunt of the lisii bones. Kat Blowiy
and only a little at a time, ll ia the
way to eat long and pleasantly. '
0. The drunkard drinks in order to
become thirsty ; the foolish man drinks
lu order to quench his thirst ; the glut
ton drinks in order to know whether he
is thirstv. Inhulo, taste, drink.
10. Tlie sweets are tlie ladies' cheese.
11. Hofore eating of the hot dishes it
is well to let the steam f: em them rise
slowly np to )tm. You deprive yourself
of a delicate pleasure if you attack a
disli without having first enjoyed its
12. A good dinner is an ideal dream
which run be realixed down to tlie roast
joint. The salad is tlie clock which
strikes tlie hour when you must rede
seend to earth. After tliis dish you may
gradually become sociable ; then, if jtos
sihle, interesting and brilliant as the
meal itself has been, and of which your
conversation should be the intellectual
reflection and tlie immediate moral re
sult. For this reason don't talk during
the dessert alront the F.ill'el Tower, or a
similar hackneyed subject. After you
have dined well it is your duty to he
A White-Robed Apparition.
Those who were on the street at a very
late hour one night recently could have
scon at the rostotiice a tall, willowy fig
ure clothed in white, long, dark hair
hung down over shapely slioulders and
upon the head was a diiin'v night-can.
Tlie pretty feet were bare, a'hd their con
tact witli tne cold stone sutowaiK urn
not seem to chill the silent walker.
Those who were witnesses of tlie Btrange
spectacle saw tlie long figure walk to the
rostolllce window ana lay a white hand
Upon the sill. If Postmaster McConncll
had lieen at bis post then there would
have been a vacancy in the Woodland
ottlce. Tlie startled watchers bean!
some low, indistinct words, probably tlie
asking for a let ter that never came. Tlie
tignro turned and crossed the street, fol
lowed by two or three gentlemen. It
went down one of the side streets with
stalely tread until it reached a pretty
little cottage sitting in a well-kept gar
den. Up to the door it went and safely
turned the knob ; the door opened it
had probably not been locked tliat even
ing, or was unlocked when the ghostly,
ligure came out, The figure , passed ill
and wiiH lost to view. It was a sonam
bnlist. Woodland Mail,
Contents of a Tramp's Pocket.'
One night recently a tramp applied
for lodging at the station. On search
ing his person three things were found
in his pocket : A ooeketbook contain
ing fish-hooks, medical reeeipes and
memoranda, drawings of inventions,
three brass rings. Catholic prayerliook,
Spalding's Baseball Guide, Catholic
Christian instructor, four feet of lace
leather, roll of copper wire, memoran
dum books, pieces of newspapers, bottle
of ink, pipe and tobacco, electric light
wire, box of snulf, small brass kettle,
box of matches, bottle of hot drops, tea
sioon, steel punch, box of assorted nnils,
including horseshoe nails, tool hand es,
bunch of keys, jackknife, cigar holder,
several , brass, washors, coarse cotton
bag, towel, soap. three handkerchiefs,
two pair celluloid cuff buttons, wrench,
needles, wringer crank,' two flies, piece
of alum, strap and buckle, writing paper
and a lot of other stuff which no one
could ever think would be worth any
thing. The whole made a pile 8 inches
high, 12 incl
.dies wide and lo im
inches long.
Heavy Hales in Southern England
Caused Much Damage.
The I'nited .States gqiadrei ef Evslslisa
at tort Naben.
The United States snuadron of evolu
tion has arrived at Port Mahon,
A llw-rflA has liMtn (nana.! Kv iliA nrn
visional eovemment of liraxil entablish-
ing the validity of civil marriages.
Fire in Hunker Hill. Ind.. dest roved
thirteen stores, intailing a loss of IITi,
UK), with but small Insurance.
The Knglish admiralty ha ordered a
resurvey of the channel in the Mediter
ranean where II. M. S. Sultan became
A I r..u I v lian ttaj,.. ui n . ... I IaIbiuh
- . ...... n " .1 " I , 1 1' ' . I-TIRITII
Brazil and the Argentine Itepuhlic hy
which a disonte in n-iard in the fmntinr
is settled.
The POHtollice. the Created Rutte
bank and several business houses were
burned at Created Kutte, Colo. I,os
fi(),0(K), insurance light.
Engineer French and Fireman Rich
mond, who were scalded fiear llcrthold.
Colo., hv the wrecking of the engine ami
four freight cars, aro dead.
In Canadaigue, N. Yv Frank Fish fa
tally stabtied John Cullinaue for refus
ing to shake hands with him. 1Mb
were drunk. Fish has been arrested.
Ik-puty I'nited States Marshal Bud
Trainer, has been arretted for the mur
der of Jim Starr, (lie husband of the no
torious lkdle Starr.
The party of the Right, in the French
cnamirer ol deputies, will form a union
of all the Conservative members of the
Tlie United States sea going Torpedo
Boat No. I, was successfully launched at
Bristol, K. I., and christened the fuelling-
The International Union of Masons .
and Bricklayers will not consider the
eight-hour question at the convention
now being held in Kansas City.
.Thirty-five of the murderous negro
strikers at Apalaclricola, Fla., were ar
nsted, and intense excitement prevails
among both whites and blacks.
E. W. Burkes, ex cashier of tlie Santa- ;
Fe road at 1 Paso, Tex., is short in hi ,
aci-ounts several thousand dollars. He - ;
has left for parts unknown.
Two large reservoirs at the Hiona- City " i
gas works exploded with terrific force,
wrecking the west end of the bnlldimf "
and causing a loss of fl 0,000. , - , . '
A Swiss paper publishes a private',
cable that a revolution broke out in ; . ;
Costa Rica, Central America, and that;
the government was overturned.- .V t. , t
Newton, Taylorson and lssla
charged with conspiring to defeat justice
in connection with the West Fnd" scan
dal, were held for trial In London. ..
The heavy gales prevalent in England
for the past two days have increased in
violence, and a hurricane caused much
damage in the southern portion of the
N. C. Barnett, secretary of state, die
recently, aged 8!l years. He had been
secretary oi state since IH3, and was
one of tlie prominent figures of Georgia
Fire destroyed a four-story building in
Boston recently, causing a loss of $100,
(XX). Five men were badly injured by
falling through from the roof to tlie
fourth floor.
Arrangements have been completed
at Chicago for the consolidation of all
the leading vapor stove manufacturers
in the country. The capital stock will '
tie $L000,000.
Harry Potxer, son of a' wealthy
brswer of Reading, Pa., was killed at
Steubenville, Ohia, by William Wanter,
a saloonkeeper, who cut. Potxer's head
oien with a hatchet. ,
The bishop of Raphne replies to Mr. .
Davitt that it is ecessary to recognise
private .property in land, and that those
urging the contrary stand in the way of
realizing their own views.
Tlie Catholic Bishop O'Donnell lias ;
written an ojien letter to Michael Davitt
maintaining the necessity of private
ownership of land and assailing Mr.
Davitt 's ideas of land nationalisation.
The London Times bitterly condemns
the Fnglish merchants at Lisbon who
appealed to Mr. Gladstone to use his in
fluence for arbitration and peace, and
Bays they are cowards, who prefer their
iwket books to patriotism. .
The plant of the Kansas City Packing
and Preserving Company, formerly
owned by Morris A Butts, and recently
sold to a syndicate of Boston capitalists, - "
was burned. Loss, $400,000; insured,
Tlie publication of the Samonn treaty
in Berlin has led to its denunciation by
tlie German press of both parties. Dis- ,
patches say that Radical and Conserva
tive papers alike call it a "German re- '
treat.". .." ijssjry
The grand jury has returned anothtAjj
indictment for conspiracy to defraud the
state of Colorado against Secretary . of . ,
Suite Rice, Collier & Cleveland, state
printers, and Graham & Weber, furni- v
ture dealers.
Snyder Lockwood of Shokana, P., '
who, believing' himself on his death
bed, confessed to forgeries amounting to
$50,000, has disappeared. His arrest
had not been made on account of his
The spring bed and wire mattress ."
manufacturers met in Cleveland, Ohio, ',..--.
to form a national association. , A com-
mittee on constitution was appointed, .
and the meeting adjourned, to meet in ,.
Chicago in four weeks. . . , ;,
Charles Thornton, of the firm of
Hampson At Thornton, who built the ;
Mexican National railway, killed live
superintendent of tlie Venegas railway
in Mexico a few days ago in a, quarrel.
Thornton is under arrest.
Potts, the noted Des Moines "search
er," was sentenced to three years In ti.v
penitentiary on the indictment for per
jury growing' out of one of his liquor
seizures. Hamilton, his co-defendant,
was acquitted, , -.
"Tug" Wilson, a printer known all
over the country, and who was em
ployed on the Pioneer Press several
years ago, was found dead on. the top of '
tlie Constitution building at Atlanta,
Ga. He had boen on a protracted spree.
While Angelo Murello, an Italian girl,
aged seventeen, was picking coal at
Newark, K. J., throe boys stole np lie
hind her and set tire to her clothing.
She was horribly burned und w ill prob
ably die. No clue to the perpetrators.
The Toronto Mail denies editorially tti '
the charge that Dr, Farrar, a member
of its staff, visited Washington and gave
(information before the senate commit
tee on Canadian relations intended to
turn the committee against tlie project
of unrestrained reciprocity. : ,