The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 31, 1890, Image 1

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Ravor ltqual Uff Mid Wqual
Taxation. A Protective Tariff aud
Tariff Reform, an Alien Laud Law
Senator elected by the people mid
nil other needed reform.
Of the U'kst Srou, are djtrib
tiled monthly. Advertisers will
take note of the fact the.! do
wot neud out "free paper wblcb
re not read."
a in n mvnx r
riii bPMji ii ii i mrm i i
VOL Vll.
( 12.00 TEU YEAR. )
NO. 13.
RHtUlrNl M th l-oat-emr In tade-wttdaue.
oroiuu, m t-wuttti cim -.
rAvani.t in ahvanck.
One-Year ..
Six Mouth . . . i.oo
Thr Month . S
When not paid iu advance 15
tRd.Mu.lMM I. IiwmimI al lha hMit nf navi
tMiutt ( the newt t Uw rr, on the w IIImmii
ri-r, atiii on in mia nut i in tin-Ben auu
I'allf.irula Kail-oad: wumIim a -m-iutallou ol
HUpi-l-,laih prturtpal ahliiptua petal fu
lb CHiuiy, whli'h Ii ui lit lh lnnv.l, moat
we-uiny aita inicaiy -Mipmauru in ih w uiaw
all Vlllav.
Th-'alMkltlylaenNUluf leiilatlon tha WT
am I onbtyiua iiim ii lu mjuu i in i
ot AitUlm- llvsliuun.
r- ih tat !
Litest ml Best Styles,
Physicians & Surgeons.
U. S. Examining Surgeons.
Omr tut aid ot Main St.,
W. CitmM,M. U. K. L.'. M. D,
Physicians and Surgeons.
Utlc Oppoall rir.l National Haul,
Physician and Surgeon.
Rueua VisU, Orrgiw.
J. 15. DAVIDSON, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
U. 8. tXAMiraO 80EQEOK,
Independence;, Oregon.
Resident Dentist,
All work warrautcd to tive the bent
of Satisfaction.
Attorney and Counselor at Liw.
omee: Mill 8U, Opp-.IH Ciwrt JIhum,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Omee: Cor. Mala aud Monmouth ...
Prealdont ... J. 8. COOPER.
Vice) Pre.alde.nt, L. W. ROBERTSON.
Caehlor .'-W. H. HAWLEY.
. f. Thamptim, J. . Vtoirf,
l. nr. itokeriioH, w. w. voUtM,
. IT. Whilrnktr.
Tranurti eencnl Unklm biinlnea. Buy
and Mil excbuige on ill Impnrtaut piilnta
Ilfpo.lH reeelved iiilJiMit to check or on
crttnate ol depnalt. Colleclloni miuJe iia all
poluU ob Isrnrable lormt,
-Offlcaboun:A. M. to4 P. M.
Hall't burglar proof fe aeciirod bjr Vale
Time Lock.
National .'.Bank
H. HIRSCHBERO, - Prealdent.
ABRAM NELSON, Vloa President.
W. P. CONNAWAY, - Caahler.
A n.npral banklne and eichann hnlniM
tranueted : loaui made:bllla dlcouiilil;i)Bi
merclal crmllla Kranleil; depo.lta received on
current account iubjec.1 to check ; Intercut paid
on time depoalu.
Joshua McDanlel, H. H. Jaaperaon,
A. J. Coodman, H, Hlreohberg.
Abram Nelaon, T. J. Lea.
I. A. Allan.
(Rttablitdied by National autliority.
ional : Bank !
CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo.
SURPLUS, $11,000.
Prealdent. Vice Prealdent.
J. H. Al.HEltT, Caahler.
To Farmora on wheat and other merchantable
produce, coiulKned or lu atore, either lu private
granerlea or public warehouaea.
Drain drawn direct ou New York, Chicago,
Ban Kranclaeo, Portland, Loudon, Parli, Berlin,
Hong Kuug and Calcutta.
Million. Umh, VmI, rr. lUmt ilam,
CiirncU Hl. IXuiiHM, tf, iMiilirf mill imu
lu tiwuott. All .khU tlvlttorva trve tl rhr.
A. B. GRIGas"
8. I Irvine, cutter. Chutc meat
coutntly oil band. IavliKm' Hriik.
mm amiiiMBs mi em,
It llltaall lnMiiawll. ud lirltailua. wot hltw
rto pta, 80 ent Boa.
11 l l 11
iii'imnnii h'A'ii
iiiuuiuii nun unt
Of Independence, Oregon
TraiiMcta a general Real Kstate lltminraa
buy and aril l'mperty, all'mta
Itiauranre and doe a K"irr!il
Convevanre llniuv.
I'artiea IiavinR I.aitda for ante w ill find
it to their advantage to
LIST Till IWEirn'!
With thia Cotiiiany, thry are ilaily
aendiiiK lial of land eaat, tliua pirn'
iiiK deairahle pro;rly In-fore the rrai
drill of the !'!.
J AMI'S r.lllSON,
J. V. KIRKI.AMl, I'rrM.lrni,
O. V. 811 INN,
Houhb, Sign & Drnamantal
Pajier IlaniiiK. OraiuiiiK. I'reiwolnjr,
Ktc, raint room 0ititte JohitMtu'.
Staldca, IudreniU'ce, tlicjjoii.
Mauufarturer of
And Dealer in-
All kinds of Harness & Saddlery Good,
Carriage Trimming ami Kriiiriii
Of Ak'rdeen, D;iktla.
CAPITAL, $3,000,000.
Thia Aaaorintion doca btiainraa in nil
I'nrta of the United Stntra.
For the Investor, nnd
Low rates of Interest for borrowers
Kor further jjartirnlnra intjtiire of
' C. II. IIOAO, Agent,
Arcade Saloon
J. It. COOrER, I'loprietor.
1 m 1 1 j h v v win
Irpegdegee, Oreor;
Incorporated under the I,nw of Oregon.
Prealdent, Chlcr.
Doca a general banking bualneaa. Hlght draft"
on New York, Ban Krnimaco ami Portland lor
any amount. Kncelvea dcpiwlta aubject to
check or on certificate of dctioNlt. OfillcctloiiN
receive prom pt attention, iniurdud by duiible
chrouometer Vale time lock.
Mian Ada Judson, Mra. Williams.
Cutting Fitting
Esmoijd :-: ptel,
Front and Morrison Sts.,
ci ivn ci inn iv
0 am Mnn
E. E. Krcngel,
Miituifactvtrvr of Uic
: :Aml:
Krengel's Iron Fence.
Mr. Tluimns l'cniu-I, late of Chi
. cnno, an cxiH'rictKYtl horse
lHlcr, niiike-i a sjivoiaHy
of that line,
Circular and Crosscut
Saw Gumming
J A. Iltmrntiu. W.J. Kiikl4tid.
--'.rtiijirietnra of llir:
C Street, - Opposite Post-Office,
Citv Druj? Store.
: A full line of ;
DrujJKists' Sundries,
11 NIC -:- CIGARS.
C. V. t'.ruwell, a coiiiprUnl prrai-rip-lion
rlerk, will be in chaise. I'rieea
1 1 U'lllU'IlM IIP
I f I In I n
WM. JONliS, Pro)rietor.
Thia I'crry ia ihiw in operation, and
prrpti rdjto lnin(Vr inaaen-;rra nnd
ona; to or. from the City.
It wilt pay persons u-ai)tlr?fj a
View of Polk County.
To cruaa the I'erry and no to the
top of 1'roHjii't't Hill.
HIkins & Co.,-
mo v i
Hauling of all Kinds Done at
Reasonable Rates.
Till peed, OaK, sl? 0 pir Uood
For Sal?.
tarCollcctiotis Made Moiithly.-to
C Street, Iiitlepciideiice, Or,
A. W. HOWELL, Prop.
I'ii'Ht-rliiaa In every respect. Hpeeial
attention given tiunHicnt customers. A
aninplc room for commercial travclera.
Mitchell & Bohannon,
-: Miuiufucturera of :-,
Main Street, Independence, Oregcj i,
-:Areatlll at the front with!'
Tliey re remly to
ii:T coMwrrmox
Winter (iO(x!st()vercoats
and Clothing.
A. I'ARKliR,
I'luna ami Speciliratioiia'! on
application. Katinuilra made.
Ollice: Cor. Railroad and C Sl.,
flevu peed $tore,
II. M. LINES & CO., j
Have otened up a l'irat cl t-'eed Stmt
on the eat aide of Main atret t.Jmd
will keep ronalantly on hand
RileJ Hay and Straw, Oats. Chop,
Shorts, Bran,
and Wheat for rhlrltrn feed, or any and
all other kind of feed that the trade may
demand, tlive naa call.
Oregon .
GEO. i:. BR MY,
Commission Merchant
IndBpendBncB,' DreQan.
F. J. MORRIS, Prop.
Fine Wines, Liquors
Whiteaker Brick, Independence.
' :I)ealer in.'
I ) rugs and M eel iei lies,
Iliiviu) purrhaaed the atock of Drti)-
formerly owned by L. W. Kobertaon, I
am prrpiued to meet all the old ciinto
in era, and many more new one. 1'air
nnd coiirteou treatment to all.
IJ. IIUNCK, Manager.
Ia now picpareil to make any kind
of Cnatiiif til
On abort notice. Ia now at work
Bunce's Improved Grain Crusher.
. AcknowlrilK1 lobe the beat iftnlti cnihcrln
Amrrlra etruiifral, chmpral ami mol iluriihle,
A lull Hat of the rlaaa of work ilullc at Ihla fciiin-
dry will be publl-litil In till" pajK-r. Any perxon
in want 01 a
-POKTAlll.KrIAW Mll.l.
Can be anppllril hci, HcpalrliiK done fur nil
kind" of machinery, Main ulrcet, Imlrpcndi ncc.
Storm Signaling at Night.
A huge lump, vIkIIjIo aa fur m the
itrrowH, hna been tilnnid on tha tip
of thu Kiiiiiliihlti biiiltlliiir in Now York
city. It i tili foot above sea level aud
Bovonly-livo fciit ubnvo thn btiildlng1
root. It ia expected to be of groat ue
lu giving atoriu slLniiilHiit night. Under
the lump Is a amull lowor, which lu ua
lustiuiiiotit Mhiiltiir.
Kngllah v. Oermen.
London ha now begun a campaign
against German competition, Urn-man
clerks, Gorman goods, aud Gorman
worklngmon. There ha been sign of
an Important moroment in thia direc
tion luveral time In the last few yean,
but nothing toriou ha been attempt
ed nntll now. In the "city" and in
the ea-t end, where tho German is a
formidable competitor, the agitation
may become dangurou for the Teu
tons. The Gorman work olienpor and
yet live bettor than tho Englishman;
hence the augur.
Hy Which Many I'lama Caa lie at thr
Mama Time.
Edward Tropn, aticnimn civil eiv
trliiiter reahllntr In I hi citv. anta the
lirmtklyn A'i;7e, ha aneured the broad
eat kind of ajmtenl fur an Invention
which amtma lo aet aaliln all tlin oalah
Halted thcui'lca ol phyalclana rcj;iiidna
thn convcvaiico of llj-ht and which
opelia Up a new fluid lu optica. Thia
la what la vliiliumlt II y U'rapp'a ' eon.
trU anc aupurliiteiidiiiit ran ait In hli
olllca and by merely wheellntt around
In Ida chair and ailjnatlnj llitlu tclna
ooihj to tola ) can ana exactly what la
Kolnj on In every department of the
factory or waruhotua, 'J'ha iiimmj'i'i
of a luii cl ran look from liU olllva to
the- kitchen, tllnlnir-room, or any oihi
npiirtmant of tha hoatolry hy almply
looklti' In tint tube nrrand to go Into
the MiaHmnnt lu queallon. Thia la the
broad adniitallou of thn procoaa. Not
only ran Ilia obmrveraee all that U
piltitf ou lu thn room Into which he Ii
jraaing, but he ran aoo verthliiK niln.
uioly, All thn colora are portrayed.
The color of a person' hair and the
line of a flower eau bo plainly eon.
'I lia tlilti of a book lying on a table van
lt read by a Mtron of fairly tood ev
l;ht. Ily iiii'diia of an lliKunloii lldn,
workeil by a wlru, Dm obavrvor can
even liMik at what la directly bwuealh
Ihtt olMiervailon ;lu In thn room gaa
ed at. Mr. Trnpp ha alao an arran-u.
meni by which thn j-aisecan b couwn
trnled on a aluclo obbn't, apart from
every other obToct The oldvct tlma
acnilinlitxl I t,H,a llfinUe by the ol
aerver. A bauker can awaken iu th
ulL'ht and hy omoiinir a tube eau look
at hi aafe In Urn houae or In bU oftlco.
In eae a burirlnr were at work ou tit
anfn the prnprielnr front.. U 'wlniom
at noma eoulil eee the burglary iu uikii
alion, Ink In all the feature of th
Imrvlar, and irlvo an alarm that would
aiircly enlraii the Ihlcf. in ctue of
noiao in the iioiiao at night, and Iwllef
that an intruder had entered, the hnuao
holder, if be had Trapii' aimnt aiu lu
Ida vat'ititin rooms, could look into the
different halls aud apartment and see
whether auy one reaJly had entered.
Tho warden of a prison could from hi
private ii 111 re acun the corridor and
eveu the cell at hi pleaatire. Any
prlaouer quietly working to dig his way
to liberty could l w atched In all h
movement. In fnct, there are a tlioti
amid way In which tho method of the
lirooklyu engineer chiuIiL be utiiied
for thu convenience, comfort, and pro
tection of humanity.
Tl'om.i A. Kdiaon I cresting a stir
by chihning to be able pretty shm to
arranire the telephone so that a mail In
New Vi ik Can not only talk to a man
in riilladrlphla, but at tho sume time
see the fare of the person he ia ad
divMing. That la wumlermil and is to
lie accouipliahed by elii'triclly. ltnt
Kdiaon can only show the face at the
telephone. He can not diarlone the
contents of the apartment at the other
end. Trapp shows the entire room,
although not at so great a diainuee a
Kdiaon can show the face at l lie "phone.
There is no electricity iu 'i rami's
method. It Is luiily a series of IuIhs,
dciicndiiig on the iliatance to be cover
ed, with a clover and accurate arrange
ment of prisms, leuses, ri'llwlora, and
magnifying glaaae. At the obaerva
tiou end there Is a small magnifying
gloaa if the distance to ha scanned is
short, aud a small tclccoie it the dis
tance is great. The common supina
tion thui a ray ot light Is lost in a lulie
is upai'l by 'Trapp' in volition. He
shows that the light it bound to eacaio
somewhere, and the method Mgtilntes
aud utilUri tho way ot escape. If
them are turn aud bond in the tub
ing, as will generally lie the case,
jirTama, lenses, aud rellector are In
geniously arranged at each bend, so
that thn light is accurately tranaported
to the terminus of tho tube. At the
terminus is a magnifying lens of
greater or leas power, 'depending on
the dialimce from I lie point uf oliaerva
tlon aud i lie range of vlalon to lm dis
closed. It does not mutter whether
the apartment observed is illuminated
bv snnllght, gaslight, or electrle-llght
T'he eye at the observation gla-s will
see Just what the naked eye would cr
relve were It In the room observed.
Where no light is desired In the room
Itself Mr. Trapp arranges a few oleo-trlo-llghls
around tho terminal gins,
and the cbscrver sees whatever the el-eclrlc-liglitl
reflect and take lu all tho
radius covered by tho lights.
All this sounds like a fairy tide, but
the demonstration ran bo scon at any
time at Trapp' residence, on Adeliilil
street, roriuip the most Interesting
and possibly thu most Important fea
ture uf tho invention la I lie adaptation
Trapp is making of It for deep-sea ob
servation and for mines. Ho has a
tube, a straight IiiImj or one with sever
al turns in it, as the easo might require,
with a number of small electric lights
Incased around the terminal gi",
which is unusually powerful. This
tube Is so adjusted tlml it can bo low
ered from tho surface to tho deck of a
wrecked vessel, for Instance. Tho olv
server above can scan perfectly the
wreck within the radius of the reflec
tion of the toi'ininiil lights, liy mov
ing tho til be tho range of observation
can bo extended infinitely. Tho pro
cesa will anvo any risk ou tho diver's
part, as It will sl'iow tho condition of
iitTiilrs and prove whether It Is advisa
ble or necessary for the diver to
descend. So with mines. By a sim
ilar into ot electric, lights tho tuho can
bo run down into the various sections
of a coal initio nnd tho superintendent,
from his olliue above ground, can ut
any time observe what tho miners are
doing. In case of (lunger or even in
case of disaster tho observer could as
certain pretty accurately just what tho
trouble wis. The adjustment of the
system to a mlno might bo pretty ex
pensive, but it would be cheap at any
prloe if It avorted ono ot the disasters
so prevalent in collieries.
Outsido of thoso things, however, It
seems to be beyond question that Ed
ward Trapp has made one of the most
Ingenious inventions ot the country.
A Dog That Print a Paper.
Prlntlng-prossos are usually run In
this oouutiry by stoam-power, by wutor
power, elootrlo motors, and by main
strength nnd awkwardness; but tho
maohine that grinds out the I'laln City
Dealer Is run oy dog-power. A large
wheol about ten foot in diamotcrand
about two feet in width Is connected
with tho drive-wheel of the press by
means ot a bolt Clouts are placed
about a foot apart on tho inside of the
wheal, whore Joe, the jounnnllstio dog,
walks his weary rouud and thus causes
the wheol to revolve. Joo has run the
nross for about live yoars and has faith
fully earned his hasli every week. It
is now about time for him to die and
go whore good dogs always go, and the
proprietor of the Dealer is -casting
around for another canlue. Part of
Joo is shophord and Ilia rent is com
mon, evcry-day dog. tWnmiM Post.
Only Five Th ruiih Trains Into Mos
cow, Mil ho, tills Mon h.
The I'trilumt, Lower C'wlumbia ami Kastern
WaahlngtoH llailroad Assured.
I'lfly-llve men are miiioyed at U le
dum jiackiiiK ice at the rate of Isml tuna
per uay.
The Orettun Improvement Co.. bus do-
elnred a dividend of I isir cent, on lis
common stock.
A iKwtolllie bus been established at
Isee, Grant County, Or., with C. V.
ikinliam as poeliiiaaler.
(', J, l.indel baa !scn npiMiluted post-
maater at Vcnr Or., and I,, w. Kribbs,
at Itosyln, asli,
Klieriir Smith and bis deputies arrest
ed seventeen Chinamen at Aslotla Tues
day niitht, while they were smoking
Ittnlolpb Hansen, thn Tacom mill em
ployee who waa knocked senseless ly
Aliatn Heller, ia improvlnK, and will
probably recover.
Frank Williams, accused of robbing
mails In Northern Calilornia, pleaded
not KHty in Judyo llulfman's court, in
ran Francisco. The date of trial baa not
been lined, but It will ) shortly.
The snow la now 30 incbeadeepin Mos
cow, Idaho, with indication of achinonk.
Only live throii-h trains have arrived at
Moscow this month, but the bhs'kade
are now raised , and trains are rumilnK
' .-!liilarlv. " finite mails from Juliette,
Iwistou, (ietieji-Ht, I'aloiiae ( Ily and
Viola have made ren-tlur lnsdurliiK tlie
vtorin. Kaiifbera are jubilant on ac
count ot Ute heavy snow, asMiritig a
heavy crop. . j
At Hitatile the brii klaye' strike ooiitfn
tie, ami no work ia beuix done on luiihl-
iiilfsof which the coutraetors have not
accwled to the demands of Hie liricklay.
era. llolh siiles ate II rm in the determi
nation to IIkIiI to Hie last extremity, and
are equally coiilbleiit of aitmlii)! the day.
Tlie westlier baa la-en tine for bricklay
ing, and but fur the strike all the build
Intts in the city would ls ruliln toward
the skies.
Vice-I'resideiit l'rescitt has reeidved a
IcIcK'nui at Tacoma fnnn (ienerul Muna
Ker Mullen, of tlin Northern l'ucilic,
sKaklnK of the conllictiiiK ieHirls ein-ti-lated
in the eaxt atsnit a lilockade on the
Northern I'acille roal. Mr. Mellen saya
the line I oihii f brought its entire length
and tlml all the train tire moving on
time. This will act at rest all rumors of
a blockade ou tlie eai-leru end, although
nolxvly hilteveil there was one, trains
are arriving ou time.
Tlie 0. U. A N. Co , baa finally eMail
liabed n'ular communication lstwtvn
Vancouver and I'oitland during the con-timieni-e
of the froeite-uii by sending a
Imut every morning to tlaualton's luud
litKalajut five miles ll-iw Vancouver,
relnrmiiK at 10 o'cha k to 1'uitland. Kv
erybudy hnss that bv next winter the
t'ohunlii will lie bridi.-ed, and then Van
couver' intenninse wth the rest of the
world will not any more lie interrupted
by this annual freczo-up.
In Han Francisco no trains have arriv
ed bv overland or Oreitou routes since
tlie liith instant. Them are some mm
sacks ot newspaKr and Ihirly-llve hs k-
puilchesol letters loiter I m lu Hie snow
some here, sod we haveut the faintest
idea when they will fume iu hero out of
tlie cold. Kaeli lock pouch contains a
IkiiiI ;ii,0iI misaivea. If they all arrived
now we would have over a million letter
lo distribute. It may Iwa week before Hie
lilockade is raised ami bv that time two
or tluev millions will have piled up.
(hie of the most peculiar incidents con
tietled Willi the recent sad drowuiliK of
lb". Minor, (f. Mortis -llaller and K.
Iwia Cox, ajiya the 1'orl Townaend
Arutis, was a dream that Mrs. llaller
bad ou the night of lieccuther the
niKht on which the drowning is sup
Hcd to have taken place. Hhe dit'amed
that her husband stood before her, w ith
no coat or vest on, aud drcnencd with
water from bead lo foot. Naturally she
was alarmed, and In the morning she re
lated her exKrieuco to Mr. Ilaller'a
molhcrand Mrs. Minor.
Four different establisbmenta were
rolilied In S'little by a k'ihiu'oI luir.lers
w hich seem to have struck tlie town, and
lost no time iu coiumencinir opperaiions.
The first and heaviest was the dry iiikhIs
store of He Mere A Co,, on t'liion street
which lost flift in goods and money,
(iardnur Kellog's drug store waa entered
and alsiut fill Uiken from the drawer.
II. Jones itt Hon, shoe dealers who carry
on business in a tout, were relieved of
several pairs of shoes, and C. I!. Smith,
wilt) lias a store on 1'ike Street, scared a
tmrgler out uf his s ore just in time to
save a bin amount of money. Not one of
the hurdlers has yet been arrested.
The l'ortlnnd, Lower Columbia & East
ern Washington railroad is an assured
fact. North Yakima, lias with little
apparent cll'ort, raised the required bonus
of $100,000 to ensure tho buihliiiK of tlie
line of railroad, but word bus been ro
cieved from the cupihitists w ho are back
of the enterprise, that work will Ih com
menced on IhI It ends of the line within
ninety diiys, This connection is of the
utmost inipoitauce to bulb l'oilluud and
North Yakima, makingthe former a mar
ket for the Inland Kmpire and niving tlie
latter a com pet inn line to tidewater. 1'he
ultimate absorption by tliis line by ono
of the transcontinental roads reaching
for tidowaler is ulso beyond preadvouhire.
At a meeting of tlie executive commit
tee of tlie board of directors of the North
ern I'acille Knilroad Company, it was
decided to construct during the present
year a railroad from Seattle or a point on
"the l'uget Sound Shore lluilroud, recent
ly acquired by the Northern I'acille Kail
road, in a northerly direction to tlie in
ternnlioniii boiindory line, with brunches
to llellinglinni bay and Ship Harbor,
Orders were given to the ongineor-lu-chief
to inivo tiiis line hx-atod immediate
ly ho as to enable the company to com
mence construction with the opening of
An experiment which will be watched
with interest is the sinking of a subma
rine artesian well by the Mechanics' Mill
ami Lumber Co., of Seattle at thiol mill,
which is located on the mudlluts, about,
it mile from tho ahoro line, at a point
where the water Is ten feet deep at .low
tide, and from twenty to thirty at high
tide. Tho well, which is four inches in
diumoter, baa penetrated through the
mud and silt to depth of eighty fnct.
It is anticipated that a body ot fresh
water will be encountered at a depth of
KiOfeet. It ia expected that from now
on alternate luyers of clay, gravel and
cement will be encountered. The Me
chanics mill has live large boilers to feed
with fresh water, and tho bill for water
runs from (MM) to $3110 per month. If
water is struck by the borers it will save
almost all that is at present paid for wat
er, which In tlie .aggregate amounts to
flonsldornhlo tier annum. If the experi
ment ot the Mechanics ia ncceaaful oth
er corporations having establishments in
..... -.V.j..!i. in ..i.. i:l. ..ll..
mat vieinuy win aieu nuia, ua.o noun.
Wo-Man's-tUnit, Wlior fivrra Wild Aril,
mala alalia Their Horn.
Down In the wlregrass, where tin
siaieiy i-cnrgia pine mingle with tin
spreading Florida magnolia, lie tin
great Okeefeonokeo awnmn, lurgor in
extent than any eounty In Georgia, and
urpa-sing in wild desolntlon the Dis
mal swamp of Virginia. No whit
man ha ever traversed Its hidden re
cesses, and even thn untamed Indians,
when they roamed nmnoleated tin
broad havanunh of the wlregrass,
shunned It Is a land tha great spirit
had made to tremble tinder hi Vurao.
The fish and game, so abundant and
varied, jMissessml but little attract!"
for him, ami he preferred the ojKrr
plains and tho witter of the Alfiimnha,
the Alapaha, and the Batllla. When
tho Indian had dlsapticnred and the
land were divided out among tin
white no application was made foi
this wlldcrneas of desolation. No on
wanted it, no one would have It, aud
hence If came to be regarded as a no-liiiiu'i-liiiid,
it is a dense siviimp a liupenelrahU
a the jungle of India where tho pin
and the rypres nnd the maple and the
black gum and the tupeloaro clad with
the dark gray moss, and tround their
trunks the pliant rattan, the clamber
ing bamlsio, the deadly poison oak, the
running fox-grniie, and the thorny !
touch-iuo-tmt twist aud cling and
llriars of rank grow th and the gnarl
ed root of the sun palmetto and tuft
of luxuriant wlregrass afford a hiding
pi nee for mm-caslns nnd 'scorpion and
spiders. Where the undergrowth i
imt so dense near the margin of the
sluggish waters, tho footfall of man or
beast makes the earth tremble for a
half down yards in every direction,
and (till nearer the quagmiro become
yielding Hint, in the expressive Inn
fruiik of a native, "it would bo 2 a
saddle blanket."
In the waten bilge alligators, almost
a largo a lr cousin of the JiUe.
laiuly float about watching for their
prey; and It is abundant, for traat and
pike and Jack and bream the best flsbj Joseph A. Wilson ol Cbhago was ro
that ever swam wim lo the watr , elecled presul'-ut of the National Assoc!
like grasshopir on the plain. The ; alion of Iron Koofern at Uus gnutial con-,
liaherman who haa the Ijardlhood to i vention in Cleveland, , : ,,"','
wade thmtigh mud and $nU and face
the wcirtt loneliness, as well as the
growl of the bear aud cry of the wiid-i
cat. is more limn repaid. With a pole
no longer than a buggy whip, a line
half its length, aud a few worms, a
half hour's work will secure a bounti
ful dinner. And any man who could
not appreciate a half dozen of those
bream, nicely browned, flanked by a
"gopher" loaf aud two cutis of steam-
mg couee, ougiir. to tie laxen up auu
lent to school, lie is not educated.
Through the hummock the bears
have niado winding paths, and along
the margins of the lakes (he otter
slides are numerous. Wailing about in
the shallow stream the long-necked
crane and tlioduucoloredlniliau pullet,
without much exertion, secure their
food, and perched upon dead limb of
some overhanging cypress the lishhawk
watches for a choice repast. The bald
eagle, with its eight foot spread of
wing, soars above the tree tops, ready
to swoop down upon rabbit, squirrel or
In some hollow gum tree the frisky
cubs climb up and down wailing for
the old she boar to bring back the
sweets from some lx-o tree w hich she
has ;iosed out.
In this vast jungle tho rour of the
thunder Hounds louder aud more ter
rilic, nnd the flush of tho lightning
seems more lurid and destructive.
Woehelide tho luckless adventurer
who loses his way in this tangled wild
wood and is ciiniN'lled to puss the
night there. To the horror of dark
ness and unknown danger are added
tho most bloodcurdling sounds. The
hoarse monotone of the bullfrog, tho
wailing cry of tlie catamount, the deep
growls of tho bear disturbed in his
slumber, the crackling of the cano
bieak under thu trend of tlie puma, tlie
mournful hoot ef the owl, and the des
pairing shriek of some animal that has
lallcn a victim to tho wildcat ar
enough to freezo the blood and whiten1
the hair.
Hut there are some islands of high
hummock in tho Okeefeonokeo where
the soil is rich, nnd sugar cane, corn,
blackseed cotton, rico, and sweet jiotii
toes will prow in great perfection.
There are indications that a few hun
dred feet lielow tho surface there are
immense beds of coal.
There are nooks of high, arablo land
which make Into the swamp, many oi
which aro inhabited. The nooks, oi
inlets of high land, aro called "cow
houses." Tho name was given to them
becauso in tho old times when the
country beyond the Allamalia was
sparsely settled, tlie pioneers, who
owned large herds of cattle, were ac
customed to drive them into these in
lets, where they could find abundant
pasturage; and one man at the gap or
mouth of tho inlet could guard hun
dreds of head of cattle from straying
F'rom the Walker cow house the
writer has scon men with as ruddy
cheeks as over soon in the mountains,
and they olnim that it is as healthy as
any part of Georgia. The people thers
live in a primitive stylo, making an
abundance of everything that is need
ed, provisions and fruits of all kinds.
At rare intervals they come out of the
cow house to purchase their salt, oofTee,
and tobaooo and to attend to theii
church meetings. Should a stranger
ever entor tho cow house he is enter
tained like a prince and urged to re
turn. They are bighearted people, aud
the rights of hospitality aro sacred
among thom. Atlanta Journal.
Tidbit iVr the Diner.
Dainty food is wasted on the glut-
t08ermon should end with the dinuei
boll. . , ,,
All minds are not built alikonor all
Virtues need a double breastplate
when they battle with hunger,
Tomperanoe makcth a light heart and
a heavy nurso. , ,
A good dinner trains ns bettor thnn a
long sortnon to forget wrongs and for-
(riv-A nnntiilea.
The doctor follows close on the hoels
nt tlin krnnrnnt ccok,
It is not unrequited love that we hold
for tho oyster.
To oat without enjoying what we eat
is a waste of time aud material. 1'abh
A Great Change.
Mothor (to daughter lately married)
"What a chango has come over your
husbaud, Clara. He has grown very
profane of late." Daughter "Yog, I
notiood tlie change, mothor. And to
think that it all has takon place in the
short time you have boeu living with,
us, I oan not understand IV New
York Sun,
The Race Around the World Will
Soon be Decided.
A faaclidste for the Presidt-irr Ii IHW
Cone Ferward,
Tlie Culled KUte s-itiadron has (ailed
from Gibraltar.
Nine fishermen were drowned at Dun-
reff, In the Hay of Donegal
Kevenlv KniilUh miner were In lured
by a train smash at Clieslerlteld,
The loss along the Ht. Lawrence river
by tha storm ot the 2Mb will smount to
There i more trouble on th New
York Central rood, and it i Uiought a
strike will occur.
The IIL'5,00) piize In the Panama
canal lottery has nsen drawn hy M.
Kphrussl, a wealthy banker ol 1 arm.
The consul of Great Britain In Hsvtl
ha refuted that lie has been irrossly In
stilled by the liaytian government.
Iiiiisr Arlierrv. Lizzie Bowles, Will
Itose and Han Arlierry, all youiie people,
were d i owned in a lake near Carnii, 111.
The senate committee on finance he
ordered a favorable report on Senator
Sherman's hill to declare trusts unlaw
R. K. Danes A Co., importers of men'
lurnlsliing goods, New York, have nur
an assignment. I'no-tliir l of the as
are preferred.
.John Inflln. a wenllltv en I tip Imvsr
Ohio, was murdered and rohbwf
large mount of money near I'arkers- I
burg, W. Va.
A committee of the Chicago board of
trade has Isien appointed to decide what
shall be the attitude of the board toward
the nol,- . '
The house commit ta on election took
up the third of the West Yirjrinia con-
nteil oK,(.titm casti, efAtkirawa
vs. 1'eiulleton. ,' , t 1
Two freight tratna collided at Snyder-', '
town, I'., and malied ten cars and -'
killed Conductor leifenderfer and hurt '
Chakir Pasha has been ordered to re
vietual sll the fortrcewea in Crete and to
reinforce tho trootis in Hphakia. Fresh
cmcutes are anticipated.
Chief Engineer Kerins, supposed to
have been killed in the elevator and
steamship fire at Baltimore, was found
alive on the still burning ship.
A small republican band in Spain haa
cut the railroad at Venta Cardenas in the
province of Jaen. The band is being
pursued by the civil guard. .
Tlie Crouin jury bribing case waa
called in Judge llorton's court January
20, but was poetiioned to February 10, on
account of the illness of tlie defendant,
John Graham.
The Journal Debate, of Paris, referring
to the Russian budget, save that It gives
evidence of a pacific policy on tlie part of
Knssia. Jtie St. rou-raburg paper make
similar comments on the budget.
Henry M. (Stanley haa been offered
1,001) a night for fifty lectures in Amer
ica. Who wouldn't throw awsy his
stock of elephant tusks and emerge from
the jangles of the dark continent?
Tho Journal de St. Petersburg says the
Bulgarian loan prejudices Russia's rights.
article 22 of the Berlin treaty assuring
Knssia of the expense of occupying Bul
garia, for which the revenues of the Bul
garian railways were assigned. The pay
ment of these revenues has been in ar
rears Binoa WHO.
The Portuguese government, finding
the powers unwilling to mediate in the
dispute taw eon Portugal and England
concerning territory in F'-ast Africa, will
anl..i,il ... 1 ...t U.,lLl,n.,,'. (.ill
under protest, while at the same time it
will try to conciliate Portuguese public
The Kussiun government denieB that it
sent a nolo to the powers regarding tho
Bulgarian loan. Hunsia simply sent a
circular to its representatives abroad, in
forming them that Russia left tlie right
of protest ti Turkey, and would support
Turkey in that protest.
The heavy purchase of bonds during
the past week, amounting to nearly tj!i.
000,000, resulted in reduction of tho
available treasury aurpluB to about 1!0,
000,000. The secretary of the treasury
has therefore decided to suspend the pur
chase of 4 'r wut. bonds until further
Victoria C. Woodhull announces her
self a candidate for the presidency in
1SSI2. True, tlie early bird gets the
worm, but the earlv presidential candi
date usually gets left. This with no un
gallant disparagement of tlie sex, but we
confidently believe that not in 18!)2 will
to "Victoria belong the spoils." -
In little more than a week the race
around tlie world between MiBS Bialand
of the Cosmopolitan Magasine ami Miss
Nellie lily of the New York World will
lie over. Both of them are endeavor:r.g
to make the trip around tho world in
faster time than the eighty days of Phin
eas Fogg the hero of Jules Verne's story,
and both are in a fair way to do it. Both
left New York on November Hth.
Influenza is making fearful ravages
among the striking coal miners in the
Cbarleroi district of Belgium. The men
are destitute and their families are un
able to obtain proper and sufficient food.
Under such circu nstances the percentage
of deaths among those attacked by the
disease is very large.
The North River Bridge Company haa
asked congress, through Repreutintative
McAdoo, of New Jersey, for the right to
build and operate a bridge across the
Hudson river between the state of New
Jersey and the city of New York, and to
lay tracks thereon for connection of rail
roads and to facilitate transportation. It
is stipulated that the bridge shall not
have less than six railroad tracks, and
shall lie constructed with a single span
over the ontire river between pier Ijnes
in either state. No pier or other obstru
el ion in the river between the pier lines,
and the bridge is to be completed in sev
en years, unless delayed by legal pro
Tim ulans have been pre-
pared Hwiuoeine irgw uuup
the world. The English channel bridge
which is talkod of Will not compare with
it, for its longest Bpan will be 1700 feet,
while this span will be 2850 feet long. H
. . 1 .1 !i 1 in hoi, lira In
is claiinea Hint ia wwapw .
a single span than with a pier in the
river, because it is 200 feet down to a
I ...... 1 .ii H'l.A liai.llMl aiiml will
roc.K louuuanuii. inu""" -i" . i
be 2850 feet long andlSO foet above-thr Ml
wator, fifteen feet higher than the llro .boi-; -J
lyn bridge, rue material oi we uny-v:
i. V - . 1 I n,i-a limit..
I will oe sieei iu orcoi - v.
. , . , to
' , Jfojeot
y a
y a.
1 1
-f-4 ,