THE INDBP VP- .N Kqual Of the Wut Sipit, are disbih uted monthly, Advertisers will take not of the met tint wt do not tend out "free paiwr which fa out read." Irlff and tad Law Dpi and AN INDEPENDENT PAPER DEVOTED ESPECIALLY TO THE INTERESTS OP POLK COUNTY, ( 12.00 PER YI?AR. ) INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUKTY iOIlEGON. FKIDAY, .JANUARYV24, 1890. ( FIVE CENTS FEU COPY, ) NO. 12. 4 r OtWT. M MOoad ctu I jti T Ka ' AVAtt,t 10 f On Yew t Sis Months ' li, oo 1.00 so .JO 1 Tar AfoBtha - ' Waa wot paid ia we ah i JTO ADVIJL . . . i si ot nl- km mu oi (a J'or.n and iyul allyend thickly ? St Wtllam- Tkaitaadllt lamat: t. i Uia ku, tl 4rUla M1ImI. tha WM JOB PRlfNG! f Latest andlPjles, t 4V LOWEST J: UVI TES. l. 1 i. nmi" " "" PHWICIAS--STY' LEBfcBR'V. 1 PlxyBicianii4r8on8- ' OBr: jj it4 IKDBrUiDBNCK.1 . it oitiaoN GRUWEIUCIIUM,1 Phy siciant aurOeon9- i 0e: Oprxls rV "" takrENDENCR. OHIOON. , DR. J, K.-1'-. siciaii airO,on. Btien.' Vsl"0- ' . . !J i DAVII M. D. PhUcian aSurgeon 3- llXiKlR8B0i Indepwdwice, Oregon. Rid?mentist, , Aliork ar-i ji he best of , SCON. r L .JbrneytMit.1; Sit r . 'COLLBCTJ MADB. . ui (U..UW Coort no.. j 1l,AU.Ai.PpUCOCt-M OkBOOX. ;jAttorney,andat Law. 0.e.Co',,loan'ou","U mnePEf ORKUO.S. 1AW T ' J. 8. COOPER Cwahlwr . llet,tsiHt'ibotlnesj. Buys MM wi to ehe ' n iSTSISf OlSps hov to 4 P. U. bargUr eet'4 hT Yal ational suthority.) 1 ' f i - t, U, ORKOON, i, i j W. W. MAKTIN, V Vie President, I'iERT, Csihlsr. y ,r:f 1 MADE... snd Either tserelianUbl r la tlorcsltbsrlo private arshoniM. t oo New York, Chlesko, nd, London, Paris, Berlin, 1 J I r Ve m - JHIt (jkii.Bany h iroBt I jua ,j -1IRAT MARKSTS, jofirrAitENr" - ruAtm in, CHOICE BEEF, JJ.u"'1!' ' Vil rk, Hsms IU.n, H twJs 4Url Itn ul hkr. A. B. GRIGGS, MEAT :MARKET, S. P. Irvin. cutter. Choir met coii.uutlv ou html. Davidson' Brk-k, -PILES ' I AM) 444 SKIN DISEASES mn mmmm on rum. Utllhsll isMsaiaiHI m at bitWUsa. mi W Ik mif torn iiiwnni tl IlkwaH mt UMt W vwMw Wrtow. as cwnt a . THE - Willamette Real Estate Co., ' J Of Independence, Oregon. TrtnMCtt general Real Estate Business buy and sell Property, fleets Insurane and does general r , - Cenveyanee BusitteM. Parties htrlng Land for sal will find it to their advantage to : ; A USr THEIR PROPEHTY! With this Company, as they arc daily 1 (ending lists of land east, thus plac ing desirable property brlor the resi dent of the East JAMKS ttillvSON, J. W. KIRKLAN1), Presidenl. Secretary. . G. W. SHINN, Hduii, Sign & Dmimintil Paoer lUniiinit. Graining, FrecoliiB, Ktc. Paint room oir.ite Johnson' Stables, Independence, Oregon. M. BEAMER, Mnufactttrer' of : And Dealer in All kind! of Harnew it SwJdtery God. Carriage Trimming nd RepslH'B THE Of Aberdeen, DKota. CAPITAL, $f,000.000. This Association dr business In all Parts of tbe'ited SUte. , ' A PROFlTABt' INVESTMENT f FortJ Investor, and Low rates interest for Borrowers For furthrrticular Inquire of C';-i.'HOAOi Agent, SUVRR " ' ' OREGON. i . J. It. COOPER, Proprietor. BEST BRANDS OK les; Liquors anil Cigars; InApegdeQGe, Oregor;. ( ; MONMOUTH, OREGON. Incorppnsted under the taws of Oregon. O.'T. STANLEY, ' , IB A C. POWELL, President. Cashier. Doe. ssenertl bsnklng bnalnen. BlKbtdrxfts on New Vnrk, gsn Prsnclaoo sud Portland lor njr nmouiit. Receive. ilfxmlu mbjent to check or on o.rtlf)etea of Cnllentlnns receive prompt Attention 'iuarded by double chronometer Vsl time lock. , . Miss. Ada Judson, ,.,.,v,,Mni,5v'illlam. , JUDSON & WILLIAMS,. DRESSMAKERS, PIPING 'PI?niPIHG A SPECIALTY. Esmond :-: jiotel, ; Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, .' OREGON. TH08. 0U1NEAN, Propr. lilwSi Al SADDLES: BDilig&LcaDHatioii rcade Saloon E. E. Krengel, II -AN I I Mftiiufactiiftr of the BOSS CULTIVATOR .;' ' '-And;-'' ' Kr8ng8.'s Iron Fence. HORSE SHOEING. Mr. Thomas Fennel, late of Chi cago, an experienced hone- ; ahoer, make a specialty of that 'line. Circular and Crosscut Saw Gumming "; DON R MY J E E. KRENGEL. J. A. Bowtiun. W.J. KirkUnd. B0WP1HN & RIBOKD. Proprietor' of iht-'" ,i NEW BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP. C StneC' Oppon'ti Po$t-OfHc$, HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY F.GRUWELL & CO., INDEPENDENCE . City Drug Store. A fall line of ! DIUGS CHEMICALS, Druggists' Sundries, FINE -:- CIGARS. C. W. Oruwell, a competent prescrip. tion clerk, will b In charge. Price Reasonable. ii nil i ii i in in WM. JONES, Proprietor. : -ikry u now . operation, .d prepared to transfer passenger and wsg- on to or from the City. It will pay persoQ uiaotlQ a View of Polk Count To cross the Perry and go to the top of Prospect Hill. Elkins & Co., PROPRIETORS OP THR Hauling of all Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. mill Feed, OaH, f 61 0 Fir Uood For 5al?. ;f! waTCollectlons Made Monthly.! INDEPENDENCE, OREGON CITY jHOTEb, C Street,. Independence, Or. A. W. HOWELL, Prop. Fiwt olass In every respect. Special attention given transient customer. A sample room for cotnutercial . traveler. Mitchell & Bohannoi -:- Maaufacturert of - SGROll S0ING AND WfQON fEPAIRINC, Mftin Street, Independence! Oregon. rr r, ,r, '! SHELLEY AND VANDUYN, :Ar si.HI t the front wlth- F They are ready to MEET COM PETlTJfl N IN EVERY LINE Olj BARGAINS IN WinterGoods,Ovcrco ts and Clothing. S. A. PARKKR, J. ARCHITECT Plan and Speviflcatiou furnUhttton application. Kstimate nisdo. Office: Cor. Railroad and C fit INDRMtNDKNCtt, OkkI m, fleu; peed 5tore. H. M. LINES & CO.. lav opened up a First ! Feed S on the east siile of Main street.Jan , wilt keep constantly on band Ikilcd Hay and Straw, Oats, Chi), ; .-Shorts, Bran, 1 nd Wheat for chicken feed, or any 4-1 all other kinds of feed that the trade lift demand, utv n call. I qdependerjee. Orego GEO. E. BREY, Commission'Merchar , AND GRAIN BROKER. ; Indipindinci! Drega F. J. MORRIS, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquor: AND CIGARS. MIXED DRINKS A . 1 IVhiteabr Brick. Independent 'J. H. ALEXANDER, :Dealer in:- TA j ir j Urucfsand Medicine .' BEDNA VISTA, OR. J ! ' Having purchased the tock of Drugt lonncny ownea oy u. Konensou, am prtpureu a men an me om cimoi mer,ndmny more new one. I iahouse them with genuine tendeme. snd courteous treatment to all. INDEPENDENCE FOUNDRY E E. BUNCE, Manager. Is now prepared to make any kiln ol Casting in BRASS OR IRON On short notice. Is now at works manufacturing 1 : Bunce's Improved Gra'.n Cruslv, . Aeknowlntilton the beat rrnln cru.hliK Amrrlcs trongMt, chrspest and mo.t durst). A full l or the c ol wort done at Ihl. in dry will he publl.hcd In this paper. Any pr IB want mm'' . . . -1'OKTAnLIt HAW MILL- Csa be supplini here. Rrpalrlna 4on for)i aulas ol niBcninvry. jasia siren, inucpiiuci The Persian Stltoh for Prayer-Mat Th Persian stltoh Is used exUinsf lyfor working Hie prayer-mats, , oriental idea whloh has found Its wail m m wail me mod has the I Is vcall into our homes., A handsome of Ivory-white ooarse linen baa I tire Surface oulltod In what the flsh-soale pattorn, with palo-yello ,. sua, ana over tins cmu.uiuuiwn llorlatod design .with , richly , colon silks. The position of the prayer-il u usually m iruiib ui m iuw-o able upon which rests the family bl mm nun. .., T" Fire In New York. : The average number of fires In Tork I 2,800 a year, or abimt sevift day. Of those, one-half are due beating ' apparatus, chlmneysste!, and boilers, and the other half aref to eleotrlo lights, gas, matches, and UN of kerosene. The number 1 of . eendlary fires In New York ' is afct fifty. - 1 A fVt TIAT HA NO COUNttWPAltT. A 000 Rsppr a4 tatarlaas PmI wtsk MelUiar , atruaaa, km Traaa. I.svlnir lWtwn Asum and Bnrmah Is the rmot l!u! hill iUtof Man- lirtir. laloly VUItad by ludlaa ofuaer. on of whom, writing on tli forest of tlMitnt in Indian fowl, rive xtrurdlunry acoountot Imphall, th capital. It I situated la what apprs a dens foreel "Neither snlrw nor chimneys out tha blu iky, nor l smok obMrreti to aaeena from tn ayivao Ntnt ot lit capital. Nothing, ia fact, bespeaks the busy bom ot 80.000 to 40,000 peotile. and yet hidden away among these tree is th palao ot th ttajah and hard by art lb bvusns ot hi farotitos, each family having a larg luelosur arouud th homesUd. Iniu hall may thus b dcrlbed a a city-of viiugw, or enthrsni)uriJturoiuwo, arouud tha ialo. ' Biraiffh. wki roads llusxt with (re, freiuantly lu let-swung oaub other at right ugla, afford thw mean of ouniinMaloatto, but nelthf shop,' artisan, nor wheeled ouTeyancw eUi In th city. Indus try and skill occur" ouly ia tha distant rural home." i'' The jMHijil ot ths espital art tha Ommoted favorite of th ralet.'wbo bar had assigned to theuT'ploUof ground near the pslsoe, and mt br presaing utton the persecuted MjrluuJ-, turlst of th Mat. -Th caultal of Mstilnur is Twyal rctldenoa dodlrated to luiuryandj amusement, aii ar omy. ioe itreeUaro crowded with siiillWheal thy (ace, ot whlob few bear th mark of toil or labor. Tber ar no school itvi th stale, and Court favor ttnd promo tion ar' MMHired " bt" sitdbln Polo. Colnsgo Is utikiiown, ud thf Mtmkf not allowed to trad. ' Imports tad' iporta, eicept in certain arHjle'th; ytein a myai revenue, ar praouoauy brtihlliltatl. 1 '' I l'h women frrirh thii distant VHlat repair on a eerUln dnf W to esnltal op Iii iiibnr iaeaa 'oiinti'ni. . "Eaalf carries on ber bead a DaU' Wda ttira basket. In which bas bn plac th surplu stock ot th homtad; th labor of her Induttrikl skill or of her bushaod's agriuultural kuowledf. X)a resclilnif the market nlac th eouteut of these basket ar uponod and bar tered, when each return again to net fartilly, carrying oil th proceed. Ou market days th lonr'dralght rod from lllshennur to Iini)iri crowded by grouti of women hurry Ing to and fro. Kaoh wear aa la- gautly striped dress In bright oolora; nisueorsim ana cotton, jnannpe run along tha length, and the lop and. bottom are neatlv embroidered. A lonsr piece of cloth Is cleverly carried aero th breast and just under the srmtiltr, instead of rounu the waist, sud la firm ly looked up, so that th (op mbrold rod edtra tall forward, adding ad ditional fold to th garment, whlltth bottom edir reache a lime oeiow tna knee. The leg and arm are left posm. The women ar the only trad rs In th whole state. Ono-tjegKtKl and One-Armed H. Ca. Senator Berry lost hi leg t Corlntht Senator liutle.- of South Carolina lost hi at Brandy station, and over In th house are three one-legged men, or were during the last ennuressr Kcpre- tentative Henderson of low I on of them, though you'd nsrer suspect It to see him moving about lie I as spry as a boy with hi cork leg. Congress men iirowo and jiootntnan oi unio used to lay they were In hard luck be cause each had lost a left lug. It one hd lost a right tber could make one pair of shoe do for both. Senator Uampton hud bard luck, too. II fouL'ht Ilka a tiimr on the confederal lido and came out without a scratch, ouly to bo thrown from a mule a few . . . s s . a yean alter ma war ana have a leg so badly hurt that It had to be amputated. Amulet Wasn't that hard InckP The only one-armed men lu the last eon press. 1 believe, wtire Gen. Hooker of Mississippi and Congressman Oate of Alabama. They were both mighty brave men In battle, but I've heard ) they never ahook handi ' but one, re fusing to do so again because It is th Clrri 1 1 TV hoodoo or luft-hauded shake. .Bkia oILUALII man ,... ... A SI mule Book-Caaw. rllA0tll Lot KUU.j " sjamfsssj as v avvv a"A' " , granv-M on th insui to f i tn slielv , the fronts of whloh are eitkar ltmuL ?r finished with itrip of pinki 1 1-uther, and tha h"lvei.Hem- elves ' be mad by aa ordinary ear pouter, i.ot it oil in we space between ins ommooy ana ena or ina room or u.. ntrm?o doowy nd th id. vsrnishK or atain and varnUh and t'"" Pedto arrsng tha treasnrea of many a llfo-tlme. Do we realise that these host worki of good men and the eliimnoy and end of tha room or women are the epltomei of tiwt labor, research ana thoughtr Thea let u It Is a good plan to have th bottom 'iiholf broad enough to hold atlases 'snd books of reference Ilka heavy cyoiopeaias wnen laia on tneirsiaes, 'unions wo have for them special rests I or tables. Large, heavy leaves are ia- onnea to nreatc swity sna arag aown from the back, and thon a book soon goes to ruin. That is the reason why children should be tatight.never to pick up a book by one oovvr only. It tears the cover loose from the back. For no reason ought a child to be taken by tha ear except to show It how a book feels, or to a book lover seems to fool, when dragged about by a single oover. After the book are arranged in tha ease there 1 loft the upper shelf for a couple of piotures on easols, with a central flower vase ot bronze. But to dedicate the space to an Indiscriminate lot of brio-a-brno Is a desecration. Nor should it bo usod for an old-paper shelf i let paper be relegated to their proper receptacle. It Is, though, a place for current magazines and a book or two subject to daily perusal. ? ' But the book-ease Is not yet finished. In front, dnpondlng from a brass rod, let us hang a curtain of India silk, tha. color of which shall harmonize with the prevailing tint of th room. This curtain should be drawn only when the room is dusted. On swsoping day a muslin oover,. kept tor this purpose, is1 thrown over the top and reaches to the a T:1 .. i i. i j joori ..... j.,.. on. . ifoSw WwMtptng - on their volumes. Good The Transvaal. ,5" f 1 i The TradSvaAl rmnalni In the'eJtoltj slve polltlotvl possession of the bores, to whom it was handed over in but the dominant class are already out numbered by the new settlers who have thronged, ofilollv within Vie last two or three years, to tho districts or rather to a few of them In whloh gold" has been found. The wiowth of this young gold-prod ncliig oommunltios has been so rapid as to leave bohind ven the amazing rooords of Amorioan or Australian progress. COAST NEWS. Ticorui Post-Office Mide i Gov era . nent Depository. KAILROAD WRICK IK WASIMNOTON. :'Assesssn' Cisrestlsit. Tli fteituhllcan aavs the Vresno Conn ty lluaeital physklan I paid more than any otiier on tn coast, A pottofnc will u HUbllalMHl on sioont Hamilton ' a soon aa arranm- menu can be made tor carrying tit mall. Two lnauranc oomunnle are " Said ' to have withdrawn from Tacoma on account of tli lack of fauilitia for tfgbliitg Uroa, Th - Wvooiutu leuislalur bmran lu regular aion at Cbyenn, Th event wae Mgnalised ly the opening ol th new SISJU.OWmipHOI. i , r Hult has been eomoieneed In Mexleo against Mars. (irrort A sieWood fur re turn oi tn coiH'nivn araniedio um ma aloa A Durango railroad. : Thbtnaa N. HibUni a atatiooer. who was In Kan J,'rancico In IMU and went to Victoria in ISM. died suddenly in th hitler city of heart disease, , Th retail Erocery More of William P. (aui. one of tn lameat in i acorn, was closed on attachment nd esecution amounting in the aggreiiat to f 760J, A lante gang of counterfeiters were ar rested at Tepeaca, Meiioo. Heveral member had been taken into custody a lew day twiore. uverKMi.utn in couu terfell money w a eel ted. It has iuat transnlred that Ina davs after HuperinlandkOt ralterson of the Calico mine wa roblwd ot 15000 h killed the robber, whose pam wa II. DoaVn, and recovered liis money. A water wheel ha been nut in Mor- mon-chatinel at tiUx kton, and turnishea from twenty to nfty bone-power. It run lloult A Hon' harvest machine woiks, and I said to be Uie first water wheel uaed at th Klough City. A local paper publisties a detailed esti mate of th orange crop of Houthern Cal ifornia urn season, based on report. Kathered from aiaty-ven ot the princi pal orange grower and many orange I'Uvliin linn in that part of tit tte, TheeatiiuateamouuUilo teJO.OVO botes, or wwoO carloao. Tli charm of manslsuiditer again! joung Dennis McCarthy, uf han r'ran Cisco, wa dwmuaatd In court. . A wek or two ago a young hid named Hmitii, with aevorai others, among mem Mc Carthy, were playins ball, and Hinlth was killed ty tn tccidentai Blow irom a bat In the liartds of McCarthy. ' The Taooma bostoffice has Iuat been made a governinent depository for the gnneral poatofDo fund. Hereafter the mailer poatotilce in th vicinity of Ta coma will remit their surplus money to this ollloe St the and of every quarter, instead of sending it to 1'ortland. ' After the 11 of next July the Ttcoma'oitlc will be made a fimt-elas postoflic. J. 11. lU-tliel, who live in th northern part of Krt'ano county. Cel.. In the Itethel school IHetrH-t, heard a California lion prowling about his premises one morn ing recently at daybreak. Ile put hi dogs on the trail and the lion climbed a tree. Mr.'lMhel killed him wiUi a nHe shot, 'lite lion measured I feet 1 inch from tip to tip and wa the largest that has been een there for yean. A letter with an incloeure of a draft for t3,00U for the building fund of the fo mona Congregational College, wa re ceived from 1'oBtonastcr-Ueneral Wan maker, He baa been a person) friend of Kev. C. H. r-umner, president of the college, for year, and the gift has been made becaurn of the particular Interest Mr. Wauamakir ha In the growth ol thl new college nd ' hi friendship ' for Mr. Humner. The flraf annual itatement of the con dition of the ett ol tb late Hen Hoi lady, under the imiw administration ol Jame Hteel, wa filed. Th indebted ness still remaining against it will reach about 1100,000, which, according to the estimate made, will be covered by un disposed property in the custody ot the administrator. There still remains con siderable appraised property and aleo a balance ot nearly $10,000 in the hands of the Court. Wince the flrt day oi the year W. M. White, the forger, under fourteen year' sentence and awaiting a new trial in the comity tail at (Seattle, has relaxed to par Ukeof food, hoping thereby to get in inch a condition physically a to be sent and w bent. ".wenTpt SSfiSSSSX! nourishment down his throat he set his absolutely and riiFTrft-r ny. m teetl ;h thihtlv toewther snd spat it out. HnallfWtiiiolufJon'to starve ' failed him. 'and be partou of broth and other .tood " 1 .... A railroad wreck In Uenlral Washing ton resulted in the Hcalding ot Engineer Meiuhor and one'nreman. The accident occurred near Almira and was caneed by a snowdrift. Two big rotary anowplow wlieh they Struck an' unusually bV7d;i with such force that the rear engine was orceti completely on top or the forward one. The enormous load was too much mr ine unqef , engine, and both were completely demolished. , The escape ' of the engineers and firemen was miracu lous. Governor Pennnvar haa Ismail a irii. far addressed td the1 various Cotfnty As sessors bf Oregoii rerf)et'Hng 1ho holding oi a convention or Hie Assessors Of ()r- firi 'fdr the purpose Wf secnrlngJ if poset Ic, a mord equitable issoWment of prop erty tliroiiffltout the state, The Governor suggests that such S convention be held In Portland, on Tuesday, February 11th. and requests the presence of the various, Assessors, ii is claimed mat such a con ference would undoubtedly result in se curing more uniform and equitable tax-, ation oi property within the State. :'t K.' Richards presented a 'petition sighed by 100 citiiens to the Santa Clara Board of tinpervisors asking for the in corporation of College Park as a town, provided a majority of College Park vo ters agree. 8. F. Leib opposed the rtl. tlon in a speech before the board, saving that th ' proposed incorporation would ruin llenter school district, The mntter was In'd over oue month, during which time decidedly hot contest Is expected. A number of dan Jos eitisens are in fa vor of enlarging the limits of the city, so aaani'ntilv tl innlllrlft IIIaim .Puvb K... slso East Han Jose ahd the town of Santa Clara. .. '.'.". Xt Olympia, Wash., the house ' doeS not seem to be in favor ot an early ad journment, Kuhn offered a concurrent resolution fixing February 23 at noon as the time of final adjournment, and pro viding that no new business be received after January 31. Geotrheaan 'orTnriwi a substitute' that the legislature N adionrn wlthbnt day on February 20i and shut ting off new business after February 10, Both were laid on the table by a large vote, Grant's resolution providing ' that no new business be Introduced aftor Febr ruarv 1. except by unanltnoni ennmnt ' nareu ine ame laie. A CUP OF TEA w to stab II j-ru parly aad How to SpflUlt. It em a simple thing enough, says th London 'JtUgrapk, yet of th million who use this refreshing and agreeable beverage a rery small pro portion understand how to prepare It. But if not properly made tea is deprived of a great deal of its value and some time rendered absolutely Injurious. Tbs water to be used should boil, and It should be poured on the tea Im mediately it boil; if allowed to over boll tha peculiar property of boiling water which ants upon tea evaporate and ventually dlsni.twtrt. Tea ahould not be a decoction, but an Infusion, if allowed to stew It becomes little better than a decoction of tannic acid. Tea that Is overdrawn Is hurtful to the nerves and to the digestion. As to the precis number ' of minute which should b devoted to th process ot drawing, soma people will say five minute, some seven, soma will per- bps go ss far as ten, but our ex perl- not is in favor or six; tin sumces to bring out the flavor, quality, and stnugth. Just as much tea a is wanted should be made no more Malt fresh tea as often it Is required, Tb replenishing of the teapot with freih but water T very objectionable. As tb thorough beating of th reoep- taol Is of the lint lmortsnce, the tea pot should be made thoroughly hot be fore the tea Is put in it. 'trie earthen ware teapot Is preferred to all other by mny connoisseurs, snd It is super fluous to say that whatever utensil is used for this purpose should be im maculately clean. Tea Is an extremely delicate article, Its susceptibility to the odor of com. modltles near it ia a source of danger and deterioration, at it readily take up tb smell of coffe. cocoa, spice, eheese, bacon, or other articles of pro nounced odor. 1 he complaints some time msde about tea would probably not arts if always kept In places free from icoh contagion. Tea should be stored in a warm dry place: unneces sary exposure to the ir should be avoided. Even when securely packed In th leaden chests In which it arrives In England the change from the glow ing heat of eastern skies to the damn snd humid atmosphere uf this climate deprive tea of much of lis beautiful fragrance. J ea or much better quality than Is generally dispensed at our rail way station and refreshment-rooms can be bought at SI shillings per pound. A pound often would make 12tt cups. This is considerable less than a farth ing per cup. 1 ou may well ask why it la that we should be still charged 4 penee and 6 pence "for a little hot milk and water slightly flavored with uude sirabls tannin." Science That Need Study. Wilt. .It ttij. Alttlm tf wl for th conveynco of tTie voice In thea ters which no other form of auditorium fiords, still we have never discovered th prlnciple applicable to the propor tion of a great halt by which the voice is spread and conveyed evenly and in tne most perfect manner to an pans. After the building is completed it is confessedly and notoriously a matter of accident and a question to be solved by experiment whether it is "good for sound." When It proves to be defect ive no oue can explain why it is so, or where the defect lies, or prescribe a remedy. Echoc will be found nest ling In one ipot; reverlieratlons confut ing tho voices will he found in another; a person seated thirty feet from the ipoakcr will hear with difficulty while it voice reaches one seated seventy feet away distlctlv. Tho hail contain ing 800,000 cubic feet is easily tilled by th voice while in this smaller ono, not containing 200.000 feet, tha speaker Is at great trouble to make himself heard. 11 acoustics were sn exact science would there be, could there be any doubt or error in these matters? By experiment we are led to boliove that the domed, the arched, tho groined roof is bad for sound, aud therefore in cathedral churches, where It has been found, chanting was used and a musi cal service became ossontial; the long, open, sonorous note. which character is sacred music were, I autcct, an architectural consequence. Those who have listened to a preacher holding forth in a sermon after an anthem may nave noticed how unlit such an audi torium is for speech. Dion Duuoicaull u JPorfA American Review. v The StVstetlo Philosophy. . . .. . doubt that earth is a plane ana no planet, has In it no theories, but estab lishes its couolusions upon facta Alone. Many of these facts are of such, a na ture that not to know all about them will soon be deemed a sign of Ignor ance. The pcoplo should know that the surface of standing water is level, whether it be in tho form of a pond, a lake, a canal, a sea, or au ocean, and that It makes no difference at all how many people, in consequence of false teachings, believe it to be curved; that in no surveyors' operations in tho con struction oi railroads, tunnuls, or ca nals Is any '-allowauco" made for the curvatuse" of tho earth's surface, al though the books tell us that it is ne cessary! that the view from a balloon in th air is that of aflat earth and not of a globe; that the river Paraguay in 800 miles does not fall a foot that tor th last 600 miles the Amazon falls but 10 feet 0 Inohos and that the JS ile in 1,000 miles falls but a foot. Sailors can see the light At Cape Hat ters forty miles out at sea, whereas on the globe theory it onght to be more than 900 foot below the level line ot sight; strain your eyes as you please, you cn never see a slijp coming "up," for at the farthest distance that you can by any means see a ship it is on a level with the eye; the horizon always rises 00 and on Just as you rise on; if the mariner were to take a "globo" with him with whloh to navigate tho ocean b would wreck his ship; meridians are straight lines diverging from the cen tral north toward the south In all di rections horizontally "parallels of lat itude" . only are olrolos, and on a globe the pointing of a compass north and south is clearly impossible; sailing westerly is sailing round horizontally with the north star on your right hand, and sailing easterly is sailing in .the same horizontal mode with the north star on your left and all tho money In th United States treasury would not buy a proof of so much as the bare pos sibility ot sailing down a globe, under a globe, and up the othor sider C'ar- petifer's i'offy. ' An Equine Climber. A horse woighliig 1,100 noumls,owned by a man in Dover, N. H., got hungry in tne mgnt, loic nts stnu, ana cumoou a long, steep, and narrow pair of stairs Into the hay-loft, where he was found th next morning. V EASTERN xEWS. Nev York Supreme 'Judges Dcxa With the Influenza. DISCOVERY OP A VALUABLE HOT SPKIXfl. (ia Wrkt Eisl. , I'iilladelpliia printer hav decided not to strike, though tbelr demands have not bsen mot. - -- ' -, '. : Tbs pope baa finally : approved ' the nomination ot lr. O'lMieity a bishop ol iXJiiOurnlw, y. ; , Tir recently renewed' be vy rain playing havoc aitri tome oi the r hees m outrai tllinot. H. 1). Caldwell of Bulfalo wa elected president of Uie Lake Carrier' aaeocia tion in session at Buffalo, . The German National Bank of Osh kosh, Wis., baa been authorised to do buaines with a capital of 1100,000. At Festimog, in Wales, th gas work exploded. The manager wa blown to atoms and many person Injured. Busines of the New York supreme c wt is nended, every one of the judges being down with the intitienxa. A Chicago paper report that 30,000 S :hool children of Chicago are suffering Ir mi Influenza or complication thereof. ' Witnesses in the West End (London) ncanrial testified that they aero offered . large sum of money to leav the coun try. Near Bunnell, Kan.. John Boler. aoed eighteen, in order to obtain a few dollars, killed bl father aud threw hi body into a well. , Joe Bryant, a prominent cattle king of Northern Texas, has been arrested for murdering a man in the Chickasaw na-.ft, tion. , ...... 4 It is stated that (Jen. Byng Harm' will succeed Print Edward of Bai, Weimar in command of the forces In Irev land. , The Eriitefubriken hi Pretoria, the largest structure in the Transvaal, ha been destroyed by fire. The loea is flOO.lXO. The Austrian ship Providence, bound from Constantinople to Marseilles, Coun tered l sea in a heavy gale. All on ouard were lout. i eo many representative coai men are rick o( the grip that th proposed con ference in ISew York was adjourned sithoutdate. A general assignment for the benefit of the tits morgan Iron company ha been tiled in Philadelphia. Liabilities, 200,- 000; assets, fAiO.OOO. "Black tongue," a fatal disease, is ep idemic in the mountain district of West Virginia. Many deaths have occurred titiiiii tlie part few days.t The funeral of Airs. Knificn took nlac at Trenton, N. J. . Ur. Kniffen and Miss ruroait --nuin taiteiKani. out .wre tn harge of detectives. v ;( . . . , f Among the bills presented and reierred- in the senate was one by Mr. Faulkner, to provide for a world' exposition at Uie national caiitol in 1892, , The north wall of the old matdiine shops in the yard of the Long Island railroad depot in Long Island City. L. I.. fell, killing three workmen. , While suffering ' of influenza Henry Klein, a Franco l'rusgian veteran, Bought his wife's grave in a Long Island ceme tery, and blew his bead olTwith a gun. A hot spring, wboee water has valua ble medicinal properties, has been dis covered oh the shore of Lake Uarda, one of the meet popular of Italian resorts. The Bohemian conference met again in Vienna aud adjourned. Count von Taafe gave a banquet to the delegates. the emperor will give them a banquet. The railway workmen of Scotland have taken s plebiscite on the ten-honr queg- s tion. The majority are against a strike, and express a desire to confer with the masters. Bv a midden gorging of ice In the Mis souri river above St, Joseph the stage of liter at Kansas l ity has fallen two leet below the average and a water famine ia threatened. The London Daily News corresondeiit at Constantinople says it ib reported that the sultan, on the intervention ot the German ambassador, has ordered a new trial for Moses Boy, Ex-President Cleveland has written a letter ib which he denies having taken a hand in the Ohio eenatonhip conteti' e. and that , ne baa tot bean asked to do bo, The sub-committee of the committee on foreign affairs, which will .hear area- tnents on the location of the w'orld'a fair, stands two for Chicago and one each for ' New York, Washington and St. Loui. A St. Louis paper contains another ex pose of "InxKlliiig" in the city govern ment, This time tha claim is made that $4,000 was paid for passing the union market arcade bill through the house of delegates, George Martin, Washington 'corres- . pondent of the l'itteburg Times and of other western Journals, died in Wash- j tngton of paralysis lie leaves a widow-, ' the daughter ot Congressman James of Hrooklyn. The members of the international American conference are actively at J work, several committees meeting daily, j hearing arguments from merchants and A others intereHted in the subject under onsiderntion. , More fighting is reported in Crete. It iB said that a Turkish force was recently routed by the insurgents; that a large (liiiintity of ammunition was seised by the latter and that many ot the Turks were killed; William W. Wilson, a prominent and prosperous citizen of Spottsylyania ionnty, Va., and for many year justice of tho peace, committed suicide by shoot- . ie .u. i...... ii. irig iiniiwii in me iicaii,, .iq ... diadjt- flve years of age. , The Russian government is displeased with the restrictions of the Turkish gov ernment's tir min in regard to Crete, and has requested the porte to extend amnesty to every one in the Island and to abolibh the state of siege. ; ;v Floods are reported in ' the northwest portion of Queensland. A part of the town of Normanton is submerged, the water in many places being twenty feet deep. All the adjacent territory is under water, The Hoods cover sn area of WO miles. , . Several uuiaware capitalists have or ve or- gnnised a company with $1 ,250,000, tmid in, to build , an nmusirial civ I'iedinont, Ala., with Preston Le Wi mington. IHI.. president. Two ilrnit tlinnuunil dnllara worth of P were sold within an hour from "m inning of the sale. .&0'i 7 ( 1