The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, December 28, 1898, Image 4

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T he A shland A dvertiser
Published Everv Wednesday.
W ednesday
D ec . 28. 1898
Edited by the Ladles af the Ashland I aion.
Thou shalt not take the name of the
Lord thv God in vain, for the Lord will
not hold him guiltless that taketh his
name in vain.—Ex. xxtvii.
Frances Willard not only loved the
sentiments of the alxive hymn but lived
it our. in all her beautiful life. Too tnanv
Christians sing the hymn without ever
giving a thought that it should be the
controlling principle of life from day to
Evergreens were first used for decora-
tions, at feasts, by pagan Rome. When
Rome became Christian the pagan festi­
vals were changed to Christian feasts,
decorations and all. In some parts of
the world the holly is called Chrisl’s-
thorn. and has been used for Christmas
decorations from time immemorial.
Emperor William’s journey to the
Holy Land ha3 been marked throughout
by his loyalty and devotion to Christian­
On Sunday morning the royal
party dedicated a new orphan asylum.
In the afternoon the royal knees pressed
the earth of that sacred spot on the sum­
mit of the Mount of Olives, while tears
coursed down the cheeks of the emperor
and empress in contemplation of the last
days of the Master and the ascension of
the glorified Christ from that spot.
Monday following was the grandest day
for Protestantism that Jerusalem has
ever seen, when the emperor took part i
in the consecrating services of the Evan­
gelical church, now the finest and larg­
est church in Jerusalem, which was
filled to its utmost capacity. At the
conclusion of the services the emperor
in a clear, strong voice addressed the
audience, expressing his firm belief in
the Gospel of Christ for the salvation of
a sinful world. Let Cristians rejoice
and praise God that the foremost reDre-
sentative of an intelligent nation should
stand before the world as a witness for
our Lord and Master.
“Ye shall be my witnesses."
Go-To-K londike
“And the time will come—aye, surely!
“—in the history of world-life—
“When nor reconciliation
“Shall persuade man unto priest-chains.
“For the time must come when mankind
“Will convince their souls that Spirit
"Is but dual force in All-ness:
“And that Spirit may claim kindred
"With my Darkness, or yon Splendor.
W. C. T. I’. GI.EAMS.
“To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfill,
Oh may it all niv powers engage
To do my Master s will."
Bv L eostine .
W ithout T arino A lono A
FRon 22
“Further, man will view a reason
‘ For good breeding and good morals.
“Not that he who claims best morals
"Shall find profit to salvation.
“But mat he who lives the life-truth
“And loves all things that are righteous
“ — Acts in harmony w ith All love—
“Shall meet Self in the Hereafter.
"This, in spite of forms and faith-wars;
"This, in spite of creeds and doctrines.
“Where faith-choruses and war-songs
"Mingle tribes in faith—or blood-let;
“Where the later faith-wars argue
"Right of conquest, theft and pillage;
"Rapine, murder, ruin and plunder;
"In the name of foreign missions,
“In the name of God and Christ.-love;
"There Deniers will take profit
“Unto atheistic holdings,
"Saying: where is now your Christ-
A Summer Care.
Picture frames and picture mouldings
at bedrock prices at the Ashland Under­
taking parlors.
are th
M iners
"Speed world-builuing, then, O Pure
"Form your creatures; form your sub­
"But remember ! I hold empire
"With the Mistress of Creation;
"And when you light up the Half­
“I will darken other Half-Spheres.
"Anti as you bring calm and glory,
"So will I bring storm and thunder;
“Lightning, cloud-burst ami destruction,
“ — Wide destruction and upheaval!”
“Thinking Christ will smile his pleasure
"On the later Christian war-sons
“(English. Russian, Latin, German)
"Who. with best, improved man-killers,
“March into the lands of weak-tribes,
Now’ when Evil said debatings,
“Or invade the homes of natives;
Ami gave prophecy containing
“There to kill defenseless pagans,
( Warning of the coming God-wars ;
“Women ami defenseless children.
“O ye race that bring the Christ-faith * He rushed thro’ the fire-kissed Shoreless,
Outward for a hundred seasons.
“Why were you the great Deniers?
And came finally where Darkness
"What then were the wares of faith­ Umpired when lie winged upward
To the Vortex and Tremendous.
“But the bartered cross and creed-sword? But no Darkness now held empire:
"What the protitings of faith-texts,
All-time trembled with vast fire-storm !
"But the purple and tiara?”
"What all conquest for faith-kingdoms,
FranchlM For Women.
"But to gratify ambition?
The Irish local government bill, as
“What all strife in foreign missions,
Amended in committee, will give the
“But to strengthen trade and traffic?
service and lodger franchise to
"What all Christian wars and murders,
women in Ireland, and will also—read
"But to prove men pagan-christians?
in connection with the orders in coun­
“And so various were climates,
issued under it—assure to them,
“And so various were peoples,
married or unmarried, the
"And so various were faith-forms,
right to serve on district councils, both
"And so various were creed-texts,
rural and urban, and on boards of
And so various were world-strifes:
The states in which women have lull < 4 —As uncertain were rewardings.
guardians, on either the local, electoral
suffrage at all elections are Colorado, «i For all nations seemed to prosper
or the residential qualifications. Th:»
Utah, Wyoming and Idaho.
‘‘In just ratio with invasion ;
is an important advance. Until the re«
In just ratio with their killings.
A woman
said “ ___________
Let me talk to you a
idential qualification was given in Eng­
little, I want to show you a picture of “Mind and morals were retarded!
land the number of women guardians
mv boy. ”
It was a bsautiful face. “Thus shall strife and war-confusion
remained below 200. It now exciteds
Weeping she said “he shot himself in a ‘‘Long time curse the crowded earth­ 900. The Review of Reviews says of
saloon a year ago; he was always a good
the residential qualification, “It will
boy, brought up in a Christian home, ‘‘Peoples shall result of peoples ;
but when about twenty he went twice "Faiths and forms result of faith-forms. permit the candidature of many person­
ally highly qualified women who would
to a saloon with some bad companions. "And the rapid thrones and empires
otherwise be shut out from public ad­
While drinking he became frenzied and “Shall decay with certain movement
put a pistol to bis head and dropped "On the heels of each, preceeding.
ministrative work. ”
dead. Oh 1 cannot bear it.”
"For our dual wars and God-strifes
All kinds of furniture made to order
Fathers and mothers, this may come "Shall confound the earth-sons greatlv,
at the Ashland Undertaking Parlors.
to any of our homes at any time while “So confounding creeds with morals.
the liquor traffic is permitted to run
riot on our streets. A speaker said ac­
cording to statistics “one boy out of
every five in Chicago is destined to be­
come one of the victims.”
Will you
keep quiet and run the risk of its being
your boy? Do you hope it will be your
neighbor’s boy and not your own and ie
this why you stand neutral on this great
question? God forbid.
M rs , J essie B rown H ilton .
Leader Noon Meetings Willard Hall.
—The Appeal.
At this season the health of the baby
beoomes a matter of much care and
should engage the most intelligent
thought of every mother. A well known
physician was recently discussing the
subject with a well meaning but flighty
young mother and expressed himself
thus: “Just leave him alone. Don’t
worry bis temper into a passion and his
nerves into fiddlestrings by fussing.
Have plain clothes—noruflies and laces
that will have to be changed four times
a day. If he belonged to me, he would
have a gingham gown and a sunbonnet
and be turned loose in the garden, there
to stay until the Bun got too hot or
meal or nap time came around. Have
him sleep on a hair mattress and a hair
pillow—no feathers or eider down to
make him agoodsujbect for pneumonia
and sore throat, croup and fever. Don’t
let every woman in the hotel kiss him.
Don’t wheel him around in his carriage
all day. Let him dig and get close to
Mother Earth, and don’t think he will
be quite as white or quite as thin as he
is now when you come back in Septem­
ber. ”
50 — T hey
l>ry, Flo try Hair.
"In case the government weather
breeder continues to give us this horrid,
sticky weather that would take the kink
out of a poodle’s hair, ” said a clever
girl, “I’ll tell you a secret which will
keep the curl in the most hopelessly
straight uair. But it involves a return
to the barbario curl paper, I warn you.
Well, first of all the hair must be thor­
oughly shampooed, and, by the way,
this should not lie done oftener than
onoe In three weeks even in summer. It
not only injures woman’s crowning
glory, but also makes it unmanageable.
At night when retiring that part of the
hair which is worn waved or curled
Bhould be wet in wauir in which a lit­
tle borax has been dissolved and then
rolled up on curl papers. Care should
be taken not to have the hair too wet.
Next morning there is a natural look
ing, light, dry, fluffy curl in the hair
which defies even this sticky, muggy,
curl destructive weather. Even this,
with the intense heat, will not change
the curls into strings before it is time
to confine them in papers again. ”
Hl. Contempt.
"I thought, ” said Dawkins, “that
you said you didn’t think much of Brad
bury as a pianist, and here you have
taken a box for his recital."
"I didn’t know," answered Morley,
"a better way to show my contempt for
him uh a musician than by taking a box
and leaving it empty on the evening of
his recital."—Harper's Bazar
First Caricature.
Probably the fiist caricature in manu­
script is to « found in the Egyptian
papyrus in the British museum, where
the lion and unicorn are represented
playing a game of drafts.
Your Feet
Are Always
on the
A New, Original and Practical Device
Containing more genuine merit than any”other attachment ever produced for the
Bicycle.------- —
Rear Sprocket
Contains an automatic clutch, which is thrown out of gear bv holding pedals still. You can then
Coast with feet on the pedals. Back pressure on pedals applies Fl'mlx q . which is
instantly released by forward movement of pedals.
Good Agents Wanted Everywhere.
Cpni| FOR
1898 Models Ready for Delivery.
Eclipse Bicycle Co.,
Elmira. N Y.