W. C. T. U. Gleams. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity (love) ediâeth.—1 Corinthians 8:1. “So let our lips and lives express 7 The holy doctrine we profess.” Miss Belle Kearney, National Organ izer and Lecturer for theW.C.T. U., Is a Source of Much Worry. Spoke in the M.E. Church Sunday af ternoon, June 13, to a good sized audi ence, mostly young people, to whom her lecture was addressed. At the close of WORRY KILLS PEOPLE! Dispense with worry alanit service, 38 persons took the total ab poor goods and high prices, and enjoy a long, stinence pledge. — healthy life by eating — It has well been asked, “Every other crime on the face of the earth that has SUPERIOR GRADES OF GROCERIES ARD PROVISIONS been put down, has been put down by prohibition. Why can not the liquor 9 Purchased of W illiam H evenkr , at bed-rock prices. traffic be treated in the same way?” Æâk.______________________ -___________________________ There be professed advocates who ap parently believe there are such things I as “adorable faults and insupportable virtues,” and accordingly adore high license and refuse to support prohibi tion.—Lilian F. Lewis. With regard to prohibition in Kansas, a banker of Leavenworth, and a leading republican, recently made this statement in Washington: “I do not believe that issue will ever come before the people again. Kansas is practically solid for prohibition, and I see little probability IJ LUE FRONT of a change of sentiment. With the ex ception of two or three cities in the state w am prepared to . X the law is fully operative. In those I repair your old . cities where it is violated, the liquor fl wagon or make. sellers are lined, so that it is equivalent you new one at. MRS. W. P. PARSONS. to paying a license.”—Union Signal. reasonable prices . £ MONEY ON THE RAIN £ £ Ashland Market Reports. HARGADINE STREET. Back of Novelty Block. PRODUCE. Wheat, per bushel,......... Flour, per thousand, .... Mill Feed, per ton,......... Shorts, “ Bran, “ White Middlings, ......... Rolled Barley, ......... llav, loose, “ baled, “ Oats, per bushel,lbs, .... Potatoes, per 100 ... Corn, “ ... Eggs, per dozen,............. Butter, ¡»er roil,.................. 45 @ $ .GO 22.00 14.00 1G.00 13.00 18.00 15.00 8.00 10.00 .36 1.25 1.00 .10 .50 OPPOSITE CITY lì ALI. yo 1 HE CITIZENS OF ASHLAND.___ 1 am now prepared to do a G eneral P raying B usiness and solicit your patronage. Leave orders at Wm. Hevener’s Grocery and they will receive prompt attention. All work done in a sat- isfactory manner. • • • • GEORGE. MEATS. Beef on foot, per pound— Cows,.......................... OS!*' .02»; Steers,........................ 0234 .03 Hogs, on foot, per pound > .03 Chickens, ¡»er dozen, . .2 3.00 Turkevs, ¡»er pound,.. .. .06 (<i .08 Steak, “ .... .OS @ .10 .06 Veal, W .10 Mutton, “ .... .00 .10 (g Bacon, “ .... .10 Hams, “ .... .12'.. Shoulders, “ .... .07 (ft .08 Lard, “ .09 @ .10 STAPLE GROCERIES. Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters. The yl Bicycle Call at A dvertiser Office . ami see . “Model 14” for . . yourself. . Sugar, granulated,........... 1G lbs. for 1.00 “ extra C ......... 17 “ granulated, per sack, 5.G5 “ extra C, “ 5.40 Coffee, green, per pound,. 25 Last Year’s Famous Model, .45 . . .$IOO. “ roasted, “ .25 .40 Greatly Improved, . . Dried Fruits, “ ......... 08 .10 CannedVeg., “ ......... 08 .10 HAS BEEN REDUCED TO $60. BECAUSE NEW MACHINERY WAS NOT Rice,.................................. 14 lbs. for 1.00 NEEDED FOR ITS CONTINUED CONSTRUCTION. THE $100 MODEL Tea, per pound,....... ....... 25 .75 Honey, “ ....... 10 .12 HAS MANY NEW FEATURES. Cheese “ ........15 .2C (ii I $6o. . .