The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, June 23, 1897, Image 3

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    Pont Get off the Track s
. . BEST 5-10-15 and 20 CENT TABLETS
Of any Benefactor in Oregon.
A salmon, four feet long, weighing 55
pounds, was caught at The Dalles Fri­
Have vou tried Peet’s Silk Soap? On
sale at Wm. Heveners.
Klamath Falls, it is said, is preparing to
fight the electric light and water com­
pany of that place, to restrain the com­
pany from collecting interest on $10,000
You can save money on your Fourth
of July fireworks by purchasing'them at
home before going to the celebration.
A complete stock of goods in this line
will l>e found at Bert Sayles candy store.
Miss Jessie Armburst, youngest
daughter of C. M. Armburst, formerly
of Ashland, was married last week to C.
B. Miller, at Matchees,'near Everett,
Fresh fish every Thursday at Foley
During the absence of the editor at
the O. N. G. encampment June 27 to
July 7, Mr. O. B. Allen, of this place,
a competent printer and all around
newspaper man, will have charge of the
A dvertiser office.
In a recent issue of the Oregon Scout,
a correspondent to that sheet attempts
to palm off the follow ing brainless howl
for intelligent sarcasm:
“The little soldier boys of Oregon are
to have an outing at Hood river next
month at the expense of the taxpavers
of the state. Verily the taxpayer groan-
eth under his burden, but the state leg­
islature heedeth him not, but squander­
ed! his hard earnings on decorated dudes
known as the O. N. G.”
(Too bad he is too poor an excuse for
a men to don a uniform.)
—Max Pracht returned home to Ash­
land last Saturday.
—W. J. Virgin was in Roseburg the
first of the week, on business.
—C. B. Jeffreys, of Portland, came
down to Ashland on yesterday’s train.
—Hugh McGuire, of the Pacific Paper
Company, of Portland, was in Ashland
Friday and Saturday.
—C. B. Crisler and John Rodgers re­
turned Friday from a trip throughout
the northern part of California.
—Miss Nora Hulin, of Eugene, came
down to Ashland on Saturday’s train, to
spend the summer at this place.
—E. B. Smith, of Drain, was in Ash-
land last Thursday, on his return from a
trip through Northern California.
—Mrs. D. L. Rice, accompanied by
her children and Miss Lutie Holburg, re­
turned home from Portland last Friday.
—Morey Applegate left this morning
for his home in Klamath county, after a
few day’s visit with relatives in Ashland.
--Isaac Moore, of Snow’, came over to
Ashland last Friday night, summoned
by news of the serious illness of his wife.
—Robt. Shaw came over Saturday
from Elk creek, and reports that some
rich strikes have been made in that sec­
—James and George Wiley will leave
in about two weeks for Fort Klamath,
to commence haying on their ranch at
that place.
M rs. Herrin, of The Dalles, is now as­
sisting in the Ashland photo gallery.
She is a first class artist, and her work
is sure to please. Photos from $3 up.
Waverlev bicycles on easy terms.
The late rains have developed the I
presence of an affectation of fruit on the
trees that causes much uneasiness among
orchardists in this locality. The affecta­
tion resembles the scale, but inspector
J. R. Casey infored an A dvertiser rep­
resentative that, upon close examination,
it is found to be a kind of fungus, and,
at the present development of the crop,
will not prove detrimental to the fruit
later on. The difference between the
scale and this fungus is that the former
has an elevated center, while the center
Waverleys—Ladies’ ’96 model reduced , of
the latter is depressed.
from |75 to $40. A dvertiser office.
Remember us for Job Printing.
The ladies ef the W. C. T. U. have se­
To Camp at Hood River.
cured the hour between 1:30 and 2:30 p.
M.each day during Chautauqua, for their
The local company of state militia is
School of Metlnxls. They are making making active preparation for the en­
preparations for an entertaining and campment which commences at Hood
profitable course of instruction.
River next Tuesday morning June 29.
at this place will be in ser­
C. B. Crisler, who has recently re­ vice troops
—Chas. Harris, who has l>een filling a
from 8:30 o’clock next Sunday
turned from Northern California, in­ morning.
in the Yreka W. U. telegraph
leave on the regular 5:50
forms us that business in that vicinity is overland, They
the past few’ weeks, returned
and will be transferred to a
much better than in Southern Oregon. special train
at some point north of here,
Employes are paid higher wages, and probably at Eugene.
The camp, which
—Mrs. Mamie Culliertson, of Fort
money circulates more freely.
is to be Camp Jackson, continues for six Klamath,
came over to Ashland last
Mrs. Isaac Moore, of Snow, who has days, terminating Sunday evening July Wednesday, and is visiting with her
been in Ashland for the past two months 4th. Troops will return to Portland for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley.
receiving medical treatment, was dan­ the celebration in that city July 5th.
—D. L. Newton, w’ho has had charge
Second Regiment men who w ill go into
gerously ill the past week, and for a
of the Normal School dormitory the past
time her life was despaired of, but she camp from Ashland are as follows:
is now out of danger, and in a fair way
Major C. H. Gillette, First Battalion, year, will leave shortly, with his family,
to recovery.
1st Lieutenant Jesse A. McCall. Engi­ for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to reside.
neer Corp, Staff of Colonel Yoran’s Staff,
—Mrs. G. H. Pael thorp and daughter,
The coroner’s jury, reporting in the Captain
Scruggs-Quieling shooting affair inquest, A. Sutton, 2d Lieutenant J. E. Thorn­ Mabel, of Grant’s Pass, who spent a few
in Ashland last week, left Saturday
found that Dr. A. M. Scruggs, who shot
1st Sergeant W. C. Grubb, Q. M. days
and killed L. C. Quisling, in the Flor­ ton,
Sergeant W.Y.Crowson, Sergeants W. summer. Valley, to remain during the
ence Rock district, Josephine county, B. Pracht, F. M.Carter, H. C. Galey, W.
acted in self-defence.
W. Hevener, Corporals S. F. Ward, Lew
—Rev. F. G. Strange returned home
from the East, where had
Come and seo our new prize baking
been attending the Presbyterian nation­
powder. No chance drawing; you select
Fred Neil, Privates Fox, Crisler, Klum, al convention in Indiana, and visiting
your own prize.
Wm. Hevener.
Wagner, Ulen, Hockett, Herrin,Tiffany, relatives in several other states.
The rainstorm which prevailed in this Hildreth, Taylor, Grubb, Sackett, Fru-
—The family of R. T. Melius is again
vicinity Monday afternoon was very lan, Slocum, Ferrin, Spencer B. E.,
home in Ashland. Mr. Melius came
mild in comparison to the violent down­
pour to which the country near Talent Rose Chas., Rose Geo., Radcliffe, Den­ over from Sisson, California, Sunday,
and Pluvnix was subjected. It is report­ ney, Roblev R. R., Roblev F.G., Con­ Mrs. Melius and son, Earl, came up
ed that during the continuance of the ner, Cort hell, Pracht, Bolton, Neil, Bish from Sacramento on Sunday’s train, and
storm, water Hooded the roads to the J. W., Bish A. P., McCall, Ahlstrom, Nathaniel returned from Los Angeles
Monday evening.
Matthews, Armburst, Moore,
depth of three inches.