The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, June 23, 1897, Image 2

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    furnish all material and labor connected
with the packing, and charge 13Le cents
Published Every Wednesday.
a package loaded on board the cars, this
charge to be deducted from the proceeds
flonarch of the Amateurs.
of the fruit when sold. After the re­
ceiver deducts the freight, refrigerator
E ditor , . .
charges, packing charges and 8 per cent,
P ublisher ,
commission, he will make the returns
P roprietor . direct to the individual grower.”
Mr. Jeffreys would realize a commis­
— TERMS. —
sion of $75 to $80 on each car of fruit,
Subscription, One Year,................... $.50. and requests a guarantee of at least 50
Six Months,................... 25. carloads. While Ashland people are de­
Sample copies mailed freely.
sirous of disposing of their fruit to the
Advertising rates, Made known upon best advantage, they are not eager to pay
$4000 or more for a season’s experience.
Discounts,........ .-.
Another meeting is called for to­
Terms to Agents,
morrow (Thursday) evening.
t?F*All ads., notices, etc., when not
California Shaken by an Earthquake.
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
A report from San Francisco, under
Entered at the post-office at Ashland, date of June 20, says:
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Two sharp and severe shocks of earth­
quake were felt here todav, the official
P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD- time of the first, as taken by the United
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s States bureau, being 12:14:04. It was
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­ followed almost immediately bv a second
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on shock. The vibrations were from west
file in his office.
to east. Clocks were stopped, and sus­
lamps and decorations were
The “ADVERTISER” has the Largest Circulation
some places, but no real dam­
of any Amateur Newspaper in the World.
age is reported. The shock was the
most severe experienced here for many
years. The earthquake was general
Chautauqua, July ioth-22d, 1897. throughout the state.
The Ashland Advertiser.
Prominent speakers: Bryan, Lamar,
Gaston, Misses Benfev and Ackerman;
Joaquin Miller, Rev. Hershey
and others.
Six schools conducted
by Masters. Season tickets $1.50. G<>od
camping, health and wisdom for little
money. Decide to come. Address Pres.*,
Ashland, Oregon.
Attention, Company D!
A rmory C o . D, 2 d I nfty ., O. N. G.,
June 22, 1897.
Company Order No. 26.
1. —In compliance with Orders 3 and 4,
C. S. H. Q. Brigade and R. P. No. 37,
Co. D is hereby ordered into service Sun­
day, June 27, i897, at 8:30 a . m .
2. —Every man on the rolls will report
at that hour fully uniformed and equip­
ped: Fatigue uniforms, black belts, leg­
gins and campaign hats; field belts and
caps will be taken to camp; blankets
and overcoats rolled. Each enlisted man
will take an extra blanket or quilt, 1
extra shirt, 1 extra pair of shoes, change
of underclothing, 6 white collars, 6 pairs
white gloves, 3 pairs socks, (woolen rec-
commended,) and will be allowed a med­
ium sized valise. The kit will contain 1
hair brush and comb, 1 tooth brush, 1
tin plate, 1 tin cup, knife, fork and
spoon, 1 cake soap and 3 towels, provid­
ed by each man.
3. —Each man will report with one
day’s cooked rations.
4. —Service is compulsory, and failure
to report as obove ordered will subject de­
linquents to arrest, fine and imprison­
ment in the county jail.
J. L. M ay ,
Capt. Commanding Co. D.
J. K. Moore and Miss Sadie Deboy at­
tempted to commit suicide in Gold Hill
last Monday.
Neither attempt was
successful. Laudanum was the agency
employed in the first case; strychnine
in the second.
Advertised Letter Liat.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office,
June 21, 1897.
Bailev, V.,
Smith, W. E.,
White, Boyd.
Persons calling for same will please
say “advertised.”
W. H. B runk , P. M.
Citizens of Ashland and Vicinity
are invited to call at the Larson Gal­
lery and see samples of Mrs. Herrin's
photo work. The best work ever
done in Southern Oregon.
Merchant Tailor.
Umbrella Saved Her Life.
Oak Street,
O regon C ity , June 20.—A 12-year-old
daughter of a section foreman fell
through the railroad bridge at the
Clackamas last evening, a distance* of
fully 12 feet, to the jagged rocks below.
She was carrying an umbrella, which
opened as she fell, and served as a para­
chute to ease her fall, and her injuries
consist merely of bruises, from which
she will recover.—Oregonian.
C. H. Jennings, a special officer of the
Wells-Fargo express, arrived in Rose­
burg Sunday morning with Albert Pool,
whom he had arrested in Washington
county, Idaho. Pool will be held for
train robbery in Cow’ eieek canyon, in
A party composed of Misses Jessie
Grant, Irene Mark, Hattie Gleason,
Ethel Cutis, Mrs. Flo Otto, Joseph Mc­
Connell, Homer Loucks, Guy Stone and
Guert McCall, spent Saturday at the
Tollman Soda Springs.
W. J. Virgin, of Ashland, and W. I.
Vawter, of Medford, have purchased the
Central Point Hour mill. We under­
stand that Mr. Virgin bought the Rose­
burg mill yesterday.
Rev. F. G. Strange, who returned to
Ashland yesterday, was given a recep­
tion by the people of the Presbyterian
church last evening. There were about
125 people present.
A little 13-months’ old child of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dye, died at Myrtle
Point Monday, from the effects of acci­
dentally drinking a quantity of concen­
trated ley.
l-ruit Growers’ Meeting.
J. E. Barrett, one the local freight
A meeting of the local fruit growers brakemen, had the fingers of his right
was held in the city hall last evening. hand crushed while coupling cars at
There was a good sized attendance; a Hornbrook, California, Friday night.
number of ladies were present.
Max Pracht, of this place has received
C. B. Jeffreys, of Portland, attended the government appointment of Coast
the meeting, and made the following Agent for the Department of the Interior.
The new Salvation Army officer for the
“ We propose to open packing houses, local barracks arrived this morning.
First ClaHH Work.
Opp. Hotel Oregon.
All Our Work la Guaranteed.
Special Rates on Family Washing.
HINMAN, Jr., D. D. S.,
office :
Dr. B. R. Freeland is located on Oak
street, opposite Hotel Oregon, Ashland,
for the practice of Dentistry. Has had
34 years’ practice in San Francisco and
Wanted-An Idea
Protect your Idea«; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBuRN ft CO.. Patent Attor­
neys, Washington. D. C., for their $1,800 prize offer
and new list of one tbuusaud Invention* wanted.