The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, June 02, 1897, Image 3

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    Pont Get off the Track!
. . BEST 5-10-15 and 20 CENT TABLETS
The Oregon National Guard, with the
exception of part of the First Regiment,
will camp at Hood River June 29-July 4.
The troops will l>e in Portland for the
celebration July 5.
Homer Millsap, formerly of Ashland,
is receiving much publicity through the
San Francisco Daily press as “tlw youn­
gest lawyer in the United States.”
Fresh fish every Thursday at Poley A
D. D. Good, who has been conducting
a confectionery store in Ashland for the
past several months, is moving his stock
of goods to Pokegama, California.
The memliers of the graduating class
of the High School went down to Med­
ford last Friday to have the photographs
of the class taken.
Waverley bicycles on easy terms.
A neat little lawn ¡3 lieing constructed
in front of Hotel Oregon, adding much
to the attractive apj>earance of the place.
Don’t l>e bothered with flies, but get a
box of “Tanglefoot” of Wm. Hevener,
and enjoy peace.
Wm. Powell and Mr. Plymouth, who
reside near the depot, had a slight set to
Monday, which resulted in the former
Wing arrested and compelled to pay a
fine of five dollars.
If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you
don’t get half the news. Subscribe.
We acknowledge receipt of a com­
plimentary ticket to the fourth annual
assembly of the Willamette Valley Chau­
tauqua Association, July 13 24. Par­
ticulars of the assembly will be pub­
lished in our next issue.
Waverleys—Ladies* ’96 model reduced
from $75 to $40.
Mrs. Herrin, of The Dalles, is now as­
sisting in the Ashland photo gallery.
She is a first class artist, and her work
is sure to please. Photos from $3 up.
Having just received a car load of fruit
paper, I am prepared to furnish this ar­
ticle in large or small quantities at bed­
rock prices. Fruit boxes, berrv cups and
crates at low rates. G. W. Crowson.
If you can’t drink coffee, try a package
of Acme Koffy. Pure, delicious and
healthful. For sale by Wm. Hevener.
Rev. E. A. Ross, the Evangelist, is
holding religious meetings in Ashland
the first part of this week. His Sunday
evening sermon was delivered in the
Chautauqua tabernacle, and the crowd
that attended completely filled the
building. Other meetings were held in
the M. E. Church. Tonight he delivers
a lecture, “Uncle Sam Needs the Mourn­
ers’ Bench,” in the M. E. church. Mr.
Ross is under ecclesiastical arrest and is
to be tried in Roseburg June 10.
^^’Remember us for Job Printing.
Citizens ol Ashland and Vicinity
ath county last Friday, to look up busi­
ness prospects in that county. They
are inviteli to call at the Larson Gal­ intend to make a ten dajs’ trip.
lery and see samples of Mrs. Herrin’s
—Mrs. S. L. Roberts, of Spokane,
photo work. The best work ever
accompanied by her two little
done in Southern Oregon.
daughters, arrived in Ashland Friday,
for a visit with relatives.
She is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hevener.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ledgerwood
went to Salem on last evening’s tram.
—J. C. Garnette is over from Pelican
First ClasH Work.
Bay looking up livestock interests here.
—H. L. Walters, of Portland, was a
visitor at the Russell home in Ashland
Merchant Tailor.
—Miss Theresa Bryant came ever from
Jacksonville last »Saturday, returning
Oak Street, Opp. Hotel Oregon. ¿
—D. B. McDaniel returned home to
Ashland last evening from his mine on
Beaver creek.
—Evangelist E. A. Ross, accompanied
by his wife, arrived in Ashland last Sat­
urday evening.
—Miss M. E. Griffith, one of the
North School teachers, returned to her
home in Gold Hill last evening.
—Mrs. F. C. Bechdoldt left for Bonan­
za, Klamath county, last Saturday morn­
ing. She will be gone about ten days.
. Ashland .
—Mrs. Ranse Rouse and Mrs. Anna
Chalstrom. of this place, went over to
Redding, California, last Friday to re­
side there.
All Our Work is Guaranteed.
—Master Seymour Washburn leaves
this evening for Sheridan, where he will
make his home with his sister, Mrs. P.
M. Scroggan.
Special Rates on Family Washing.
—Rev. J. A. Crutchfield, of the Med­
ford M. h. Church South, came up to
Ashland yesterday, and was a pleasant
caller at the A dvertiser office.
Chas. Lamb and family, from Monte-
zama, Wash., are visiting in Ashland
with L. M. Goodwin and family. They
are traveling to Modock by wagon.
professional cards .
—Misses Susie Homes and Edith Por­
ter left last Friday for Dunsmuir, Cal. a HINMAN, Jr., D. D. S.,
The young ladies drove over in a buggy,
and expect to be gone about a week.
office :
—Prof. 0. A. Thornton, who has been
teaching in the Astoria public schools
the past year, arrived in last Thursday,
to spend the summer at his home here.
—A. Y. Beach, editor of the Lake
County Examiner, came down from
Portland Monday, and is spending a few’
days in Ashland before returning to his DR. C. W. BARR,
home in Lakeview.
—Prof. A. F. Cornutt, w’ho for the
past two years has lx?en Principal of the
South Ashland Public School, left this
morning for a short trip in California. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS
Mrs. Cornutt leaves on this evening’s
train for Myrtle Creek, to which place
Dr. B. R. Freeland is located on Oak
Mr. Cornutt will soon return to spend street, opposite Hotel Oregon, Ashland,
the summer.
for the practice of Dentistry. Has had
—C. D. Hevener and A. W. Long, two 43 years’ practice in San Francisco and
of Ashland’s merchants, left for Kiaai- Portland.
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