Don't Get off the Track SHERWIN GIVES YOU THE BIGGEST and . . BEST 5-10-15 and 20 CENT TABLETS • Of ¿xny Ecnefactor in. Oregon. SOI IBS. Pleasant weather of late. Fresh fish every Thursday at Poley & Co.’8. The public schools of Ashland w'ere closed last Monday, Washington’s birth day. Blue Point Oysters, the best on the market, at Wm. Heveners. The new appointment of officers for the local Salvation Army barracks ar rived here a few days ago. Don’t forget the Ashland House for a good square meal. ¿tfT* Remem tier us for J ob P rinting . B. E. Spencer, of Ashland, who is at tending the Eugene State University, ' advises all who have an opportunity to do so, to hear Mrs. Hoffman, who speaks in the M. E. church here tonight. A small organ for sale.— For particu lars, call on S. E. Meminger. A Box Social w ill l>e given in the Con- 1 gregational church next Friday evening. A jolly time assured. Everybody in vited.* Admission free. Boxes with lunch, 10 to 25 cents, If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you don’t get half the news. Subscribe. The sheet and pillow case mask ball given in the opera house last Monday evening by George Gillette’s new or chestra was reported to have been a very enjoyable affair, but not a startling success financially. Don’t forget the A dvertiser office when ordering Job Printing. We guar antee you the best work in the city at the lowest price. Novelty block. Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, a W. C. T. U. worker of note, will deliver an address in the M. E. church of Ashland this (Wednesday) evening. She comes well recommended, ami a lecture of much merit may lx* justly anticipated. Sir Knight Charles A. Luckenbach, of Los Angeles, Cal., General Supervis ing Deputy. K. O. T. M., will deliver a lecture in Ashland, in the interest of the Maccabees, some time in March. The date will be announced later. We are pleased to note that C. P. Jones is rapidly recovering from the last operation performed on his fractured limb. He is now able to make short ex cursions around the house, ami it is hoped that he will soon be out on the streets. The Ashland Athletic Association team will play a match game of football w ith the Central Point eleven next Sat urday afternoon, February 27. The game will lie played on the Central Point fair grounds, ami is to he a con test for the championship of Southern Oregon. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged spectators of the game. PERSONAL. gCONOHY . . . —Hall Barclay was up from Talent — IS A---- yesterday. —J. A. Whitman, of Medford, was in Source of , . Ashland Sunday. - . Wealth.. —Joe Frizelle came up from his ranch below' Medford last Monday. TAKE A LITTLE ADVICE ON FINANCE: —Rev. F. G. Strange was in Jackson ville last Thursday and Friday. Invest 5o — in a vear’s subscription to —T. W. Bryant went down to Central THE ADVERTISER, Point on Sunday evening’s train. and receive “the week’s —Dr. E. B. Pickle came up from Med new’s in a nutshell” regular ford yesterday on a professional call. ly every Wednesday. —L. I). Minkler, accompanied by his wife, arrived in Ashland Sunday from fflF’We turn out the highest grade of Job Printing in the city. Prices the Gold Hill. Lowest. A trial order solicited. . . —Miss Rose Dodge, who is teaching in Phoenix, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Aslib nd. —James Colestock, of Woodville, ar rived in Ashland last Monday and is visiting with friends lor a few days. —Mrs. J. R. Tozer, Mrs. J. R. Casey and Miss Elsie Patterson went over to Jacksonville on Friday evening’s train. —Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, National Recording Secretary of the W. C. T. U., ASHLAND . . arrived in Ashland to-day. She speaks Steam Laundry in the M. E. Church to-night. G. O. VAN NATTA A SON. —A. T. West, formerly of Ashland, now employed as telegraph operator in First class work guaranteed. Portland, has l>oen in Ashland the past Gentlemen’s work a spec few days, visiting relatives and friends. ialty. Try our tine Laun dry soap; only 15 cents a —Walter Walrad, who for the past gallon. z year has been employed in the Ashland MYER BLOCK._______ —- woolen mill, left on today’s train for Santa Rosa. California, where he has ac cepted a position similar to the one he held here. ______________ Novelty Block, - Opposite Botel Oregon. Religious. Contrary to an announcement made in these columns last week, during the absence of the pastor, Rev. E. P. Childs, services in the local Congregational church will not be suspended, but will l>e carried out as usual. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. H1NF1AN, Jr., D. D. S., Ashland Young people’s Christian Societies. office : TOPICS FOR SUNDAY, FEB. 28, 6:30 P. M. MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, M. E. CHURCH. E pworth L eague .—The Christ of Isaiah. ASHLAND, - OREGON. The Resurrected Lord.—Isaiah 15:6-8. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. Leader, Mary Hevener. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. C hristian E ndeavor .—From what does DR. C. W. BARR, Christ save men?—Titus 3:1-7. Lead DENTIST, er, Mabel Cutts. I. O.O.F. BUILDING. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY C hristian E ndeavor .—From what does ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS INSERTED. Christ save men?—Titus 3:1-7. A cordial invitation extended to Dr. B. R. Freeland is located on Oak all to attend. street, opposite Hotel Oregon, Ashland, for the practice of Dentistry. Has had The 8. P. pay ear passed through Ash 34 years’ practice in San Francisco and land on Sunday’s southbound train. Portland.