W. C. T. U. Gleams Blessed be the Lord, who daily load- eth us with benefits.—Psalms 68:19. “God blesses the giving hand, and niaketh it a getting hand.” The cigarette ordinance passed by the city council Wednesday evening is just­ ly a severe one. It should be read by tobacco dealers as well as cigarette smokers, or either may get into trouble. It is very sweeping in its provisions.— Ogle County (Ill.) Press. Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman will speak in the Methodist church, instead of the Chautauqua building as announced last week. Remember the date, Wednesday evening, Feb. 24. Mrs. N. W. Kinney, our state presi­ dent, says of Mrs. Hoffman, “I know her well, and she will do us much good.” Nobody Questions 3 . THE FACT . £ That Wm. Hevener can you monev on New Location : £ ■——---- Crocker Block. There are real causes for popular dis­ content, and until these causes are re­ Ladies Should Call Upon moved it will be impossible, and it would be immoral, to expect stable political conditions. If the republican party is wise, it will not use its victory as an oc­ casion for partisan government. If there • « OPP. CITY MALL, « • is any statesmanship among its leaders, they will take this opportunity to make a searching examination into the causes Fashionable Millinery and of popular discontent, and they will For Dressmaking ----------------------------- frame legislation to remove them.— Outlook. At Reasonable rices FIRST CLASS WORK. Wheat, per bushel,......... Flour, per thousand, .... Mill Feed, per ton,......... Shorts, “ .......... Bran, “ ......... White Middlings, ......... Rolled Barlev. ......... Hav, loose, “ ..... “ baled, “ ......... Oats, per bushel,............. Potatoes, per 100 lbs,.... Corn, “ Eggs, per dozen,............. Butter, per roll,................... 45 $ .60 22.00 14.00 16.00 13.00 18.00 15.00 8.00 10.00 .36 1.25 1.00 .15 @ .50 MEATS. Beef on foot, per pound— Cows,............................ .02 Steers,.......................... .02^ Hogs, on foot, per pound ? Chickens, per dozen, . .2 .75 Turke vs, per pound,. ... .06 Steak, “ .... .08 Veal, .06 Mutton, “ ....... .05 Bacon, “ .... Hams, “ .... Shoulders, “ .... .07 Lard, “ ___ .09 @ @ (a •02>2 .03 .03 3.00 .08 .10 .10 .10 .10 .12X .08 .10 + BLUE FRONT MRS. W. P. PARSONS. ° ' PROMPT SERVICE. A Trial Order Solicited. JO THE CITIZENS OF ASHLAND. I am now prepared to do a G eneral P raying B usiness and solicit your patronage. Leave orders at Wm. Ilevener’s Grocery and they will receive prompt attention. All work done in a sat­ isfactory manner. GEORGE. • • • • STÖÖäüäy NO C hinese E mployed . 5.65 5.40 .45 .40 .10 .10 1.00 .75 .12 .2C o OPPOSITE CITY HALL First Class Accommodations. ♦ + ♦ 1 Second (£ Class @ | Prices. STAPLE GROCERIES. + + Sugar, granulated,....... . 16 lbs. for 1.00 extra C, ........ . 17 •, “ granulate ’ per sack, extra C, “ Coffee, green, per pound ,. 25 “ roasted, “ .25 @ Dried Fruits, “ ......... .08 (òb Canned Veg., “ .......... .08 Ca Rice,.................................. . 14 lbs. for Tea, per pound,............... .25 Honey, “ ......... .10 Chseae “ ......... .15 o o o Bread. Pies. Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oyster». Ashland Market Reports. PRODUCE. 4 Ashland House WB» W W5Á V. «, A Rance Rouse, Prop’r. - ---- r------------------------------------- / Boarding by the Day, Week, or Month. MEALS 25 CENTS. CENTRALLY LOCATED FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. :