W. C. T. U. Gleams. He that walketh uprightly, walketh surely.—Proverbs 10:9. Our battle cry is “For God and Home and Every Land.” Independence and McMinnville have closed everything on Sunday. The year 1897 contains the lucky num- • her 7. May much be accomplished for our cause this year. South Dakota is still a prohibition state. After a heroic effort, the prohib itory article remains in the constitution. “Yoil’ll find it out we’ve come to stay, Until the fight is o’er, We’ll Ne’er give up, until saloons Are driven from our shore.” The moral citizen says: “I am inno cent, because if the church members and Christian ministers are silent on this subject, I do not see why I should be expected to take active part in this agitation.” The passage through the House of the bill for banishing intoxicating liquors from the national capitol building is an impressive sign of the times. For many years our temperance women have peti tioned to this end, but it took the public drunkenness of a member of Congress to starle the House of Representatives to action.—Union Signal. Nobody Questions . THE FACT . That Wm. Hevener can save you înoney on GR.OCEFLIES. New Location : .Crykar Block. ---- Ladies Should Call Upon • • OPP. CITY HALL, • • For Fashionable Hillinery and Dressmaking At Reasonable Prices Bread, Pie.«, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters Ashland Market Reports. FIRST CLASS WORK. PRODUCE. Wheat, per bushel,......... Flour, per thousand, .... Mill Feed, per ton,......... Shorts, “ Bran, “ White Middlings, ......... Rolled Barley, ......... Hay, loose, “ “ baled, “ Oats, per bushel,............ Potatoes, per 100 lbs,.... Corn, “ ... Eggs, per dozen,............ Butter, per roll,............ MEATS. Beef on foot, per pound— Cows,.... ................... Steers,. .. •01V Hogs, on foot, per pound .01V Chickens, per dozen, .. 2.75 Turkevs, per pound,... ..06 << Steak, . .08 <c .06 Veal, <c Mutton, .05 it Bacon, (< Hams, it .07 Shoulders, ll Lard, .09 @ $ .60 22.00 14.00 16.00 13.00 18.00 15.00 8.00 10.00 .36 1.00 1.00 .25 .45 + MRS. W. P. PARSON PROMPT SERVICE. • A Trial Order Solicited. • JO THE CITIZENS OF ASHLAND.__ I am now* prepared to do a G eneral D raying B usiness and solicit your patronage. Leave orders at Wm. Hevener’s Grocery and they will receive prompt attention. All work done in a sat isfactory manner. • • • • GEORGE. -0U4 .02 @ .02 @ 3.00 .08 .10 @ First Class @ .10 @ .10 Accommodations. .10 ♦ ♦ ♦ .12^ II Second (» .08 • Class @ .10 || Prices. STAPLE GROCERIES. + + Sugar, granulated,......... 15 lbs. for 1.00 NO C hinese E mployed . “ extra C, u,......... 16 “ granulate per sack, 6.00 “ extra C, “ 5.65 Coffee, green, per pound, .25 .45 Boarding by the ‘ ‘ roasted, ‘ ‘ .25 . .40 Dried Fruits, “ ......... .08 .10 @ MEALS 25 CENTS. Canned Veg., “ ......... .08 .10 Rice,.................................. 16 lbs. for 1.00 CENTRALLY LOCATED. Tea, per pound,....... ....... 25 .75 Honey, “ ....... 10 .12 Cheese “ ....... 15 .20 Day, Week, or Month ERESH BREAD. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS.