Everybody get a Benefit at SHERWIN’S 1896 DISCOUNT HOLIDAY SALE. EVERYTHING LOCAL NQL'IBS. Freeh fish every Thursday at Poley & Co.*e. G. P. Van Riper has disposed of his half interest in the firm of Tiffany Van Riper to his partner, O. C. Tiffany. The local election passed off very (juietly yesterday. There was little of the party contention usually prevalent on such occasions. If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you don’t get half the news. Subedit*. We are now settled in our new quar­ ters and in a position to give you better bargains than ever. Wm. Hevener. In the suit of equity in the county court at Jacksonville, W. J. Vir­ gin, R. P. Neil and J. E. Pelton, vs. E. N. Corliss, et al; injunction, the plain­ tiffs were granted judgement for $750. Every thing to suit the traveler, at the Ashland House. First class accommo­ dations. Even the hens share the feeling of confidence in business and are turning out eggs to their full capacity. The new product is alwavs for sale by Wm. Hev- ener. The new road- by our local planing mill was rendered impassible for some time last week, a number of large bould­ ers having rolled down upon it from the mountain side. Last Saturday evening about 7:45 a house in the immediate vicinity of the dei>ot livery stable caught fire on the in­ side from an exploding lamp. The in­ terior of one room was thoroughly ablaze liefore the danger was discovered. Prompt assistance saved any serious re­ sults. Honey, strained or in the comb, at Wm. Hevener’s. Again it becomes necessary to record fire damage to the property of Messrs. Klum A Crisler, our local butchers, This time, the loss is that of a packing house in Talent, used by R. 8. Barclay A Son, of that place, as a store room. The fire occurred last Friday. Trimmed hats at half price till Xmas at Porter A Fox’s millinery store. The first entertainment of the season by our Normal folks was given in Gan- iard’s opera house last Saturday eve­ ning, and, despite the unpleasantness of the evening, a good sized audience turned out to show their appreciation of the efforts of the young people, and the high reputation of the school in no wise suffered by the pleasing array of talent that was put on the stage. Every part of the program was rendered with a precision and confidence, polished by rare ability, that none failed to attract a generous round of applause. Almost of necessity, the scarf drill, by nine young ladies, was the star performance of the evening. SOLD AT 2-3 PEBNONAL. VALUE. ITS pCONOriY . . . —Gus Newbury was in town yester­ --- IS A ---- day. —T. J. Kenney came over from Jack­ sonville Monday. —O. C. Tiffany went down to Gold Hill last evening. TAKE A LITTLE ADVICE ON FINANCE: —J. Leslie Corbett left for Roseburg Invest 50 Cents last Sunday evening. in a year’s subscription to —County Sheriff A. S. Barnes was in THE ADVERTISER, Ashland last Friday. and receive “the week’s —Dr. W. B. Officer came over from news in a nutshell” regular­ Eagle Point last Friday. ly every Wednesday. —Bert Barnes went to Jacksonville on turn out the highest grade of last Saturday evening’s train. Job Printing in the city. Prices the Lowest. A trial order solicited. . . —J. J. Houser, Populist Representa­ tive from Sam’s Valley, is in town. —J. W. Virgin was in Jacksonville the first of the week, cn court matters. —S. C. Coltrin, of Douglas county, ar­ rived in Ashland on Friday’s train. —Mrs. Mark, of this place, went down to Jacksonville last Saturday evening. —E. V. Mills is progressing nicely after his recent attack of heart disease. —Chas. Chitwood, of Medford, is Ashland . . . clerking in E. A. Sherwin’s drug store. Steam Laundry —Miss Mavsie Foster, of Medford, BRADFORD A VAN NATTA, was visiting in Ashland the first of the First class work guarant ed. week. Gentlemen’s work a spec­ —Mrs. Geo. White and little daughter ialty. Try our fine Laun­ Hazel, left last Sunday for SanFrancisco dry soap; only 15 cents a for a visit. gallon. MYER BLOCK. — —AttorneysC. B. Watson and E. D. Briggs went down to Jacksonville last Sunday evening. —Mrs. E. B. Christian, accompanied by her father, Benjamin Sammon, left on Friday’8 train for Sacramento. Novelty Block. • Opposite Hotel Oregon. —C. P. Jones has recovered from his illness to the extent that he is able to sit up each day. He will soon be out on the streets again. —Chas. Cowles, of Maxwell, Iowa, ar­ rived in Ashland on last Saturday’s train. He came in the interest of busi­ ness matters and will remain a week or ten days. Mr. Cowles is a son of Mrs. S. V. Cowles, of this place, up to a couple of years ago, resided here, and his many old friends in this locality are pleased to see him. He is «pending a few’ days of this week in Medford. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. HINnAN, Jr., D. D. S., OFFICE : MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, ASHLAND, - OREGON. PAINLE8S EXTRACTION. DR. C. W. BARR, For Sale at a Bargain, If Taken at Once, DENTIST, I. O.O.F. BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. Two story, 8-room house; good barn and wood house; one acre of land in bearing Dr. B. R. Freeland is located on Oak orchard and small fruits. $500; $300 street, opposite Hotel Oregon, Ashland, down. For particulars, inquire of L. M. for the practice of Dentistry. Has had Goodw’in, or at 34 years’ practice in San Francisco and Hargrove Sisters* Millinery Store Portland.