The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, December 16, 1896, Image 2

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    Maceo Treacherously Slain by Spaniards.
All Sunday Lectures have been post­
poned until after vacation. The Bell­
A report of the death of Antonio Mac­
Published Every Wednesday.
view literary and students’ reception
suffer likewise. The next Bellview’ eo, the leader in Cuba’s struggle for lib­
meeting is inauguration night. The erty, and his entire staff, is authenticat­
flonarch of the Amateurs.
question for debate: Resolved that our ed by direct information, stating that,
under a pretext of affecting articles of
present prison system is a failure.
reconciliatory agreement, the Spaniards
Roy Wells, of Josephine county, and decoyed the Cubans patriots into
Mr. Stephens, of California, entered their clutches and mercilessly shot them
— TERMS. —
school this w’eek.
down in cold blood. The bodies of the
Subscription, One Year,................ |.5O.
Since the beginning of school, one murdered officers have not been recov­
Six Months,.................. 25. hundred thirty-nine students have been ered, as their assasins will give no in­
formation regarding them.
Sample copies mailed freely.
R. E. P orter .
Of the treacherous deed, the daily
Advertising rates, Made known upon
press says:
Maceo crossed the trocha, going to the
Terms to Agents,
for the meeting. He
The annual election of the city of passed appointed
the Spanish sentinels under
C^*A11 ads., notices, etc., when not Ashland w’as held yesterday, Tuesday,
protection, and they presented
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
December 15, 1896. The event passed arms in his honor. Going forward some
Entered at the post-office at. Ashland, off quietly in all respects. The ticket four miles from the trocha, MaceS and
his staff, numbering 35 men and officers,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
elected is straight republican. The vote came
to a hillside thickly studded with
T P. FISH ER. N E \VSPA PER A D- polled this year is somewhat smaller small pines and underbrush. Here a
Spanish outpost was observed. Maceo
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s than that of last year.
forward his flag, and in a few min­
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
Following is the vote by wards:
utes he was signaled to advance. As he
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
1st w. 2d w. 3d w.
did so, hundreds of Spanish soldiers
file in his office.
M ayor :
TOTAL arose out of the underbrush, surround­
The •‘ADVEKT18KR” han the Larreat ( ircalation
73 I 60 I 215 ing the party. Major Cirujeda galhqied
J. P. Dodge,
of auy Amateur Newspaper in the World.
49 1 22
E. A. Sherwin, 85
156 up and demanded Maceo’s surrender.
“Never,” shouted the intrepit Cuban
ASHLAND,............. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 1896
M arshal :
leader, drawing his sword.
65 I 53 I 216
Geo. Engle,
“Forward, my men ; death to the cow­
Ashland Young People’s Christian Societies.
29 1 156 ards,” shouted Cirujeda.
G. M. Grainger ,70
At this the Spanish soldier poured in
S treet C ommissioner :
of leaden bullets. Maceo fell at
C. E. Hooper, 91
74 I 54 I 219 the first fire and young Gomez next.
39 1 27 1 139 The fire was continued until every man
J. T. Frulan,
E pworth L eague . — “ The Indwelling
Christ. Present by the Holy Spirit.” R ecorder :
was killed, except Dr. Zertucha, whom
John 16:14. Leader, Etta Jonnson.
Cubans »-ay is a traitor. The bodies
Milton Berry, 149 ] 113 1 81 1 343
of Maceo and young Gomez were then
T reasurer :
tie<l the tails of the soldiers’ horses and
C hristian E ndeavok .—“Joys that were
over the field, so as to disfigure
E. V. Carter, 151 1 112 1 76 1 339
born into the w'orld with Christ.”
the Spaniards did not wish to
Luke 2:8-20.—A Christmas song ser­ S urveyor :
have them discovered and identified at
vice suggested.—Leader, Mrs. D. L.
Jesse McCall, 151 108 1 78 1 337 first.
Throughout the southern states of the
C ouncilmen :
companies of American citizens
F. H. Carter, 149
C hristian E ndeavor .—“Joys that were
75 have allied themselves to the Cuban
W. A. Patrick,
born into the world w’ith Christ.”
45 forces to aid them in their patriotic
S. M. Rhodes,
Luke 2:8-20.—A Christmas song ser­
47 cause, so intense is the feeling that has
G. W. Crowson,
vice suggested.—Leader, Jessie Grant.
36 been arr< used by the assassination of
H. S. Evans,
the Cuban leaders.
C j F’A cordial invitation extended to
all to attend.
The gang of opium smugglers operat­
Mayor, J. P. Dodge............................... 59
on Puget sound, with Tacoma as its
Normal School Notes.
Marshal, Geo. Engle,........................... 60 headquarters,
has come to sudden grief.
St. Commissioner, C. E. Hooper,....... 80 Owing to the vigilance of customs offi­
The Normals have been highly com-
in this district, Portland was
pl imented on the success of their recent Councilman, 2nd ward, W. A. Patrick, cials
scratched as a market for contraband
entertainment, and wish to thank the
goods, and Honolulu was made the base
friends and patrons for their support.
Councilman, 3d w’ard, G. W. Crowson, of
Miss Maysie Foster, class of *96, who
It is certain that the Portland Crack­
has been the guest of Rosa Dodge the
The above is the official report of the er Company is iii no wise mixed up in
past week, visited school Friday and re­ votes cast at the polls.
this smuggling business, and, in the
minds of federal officials heie, the eight
marked the improvement over last
year’s w’ork.
Too much cannot be said in commend­ boxes were put aboard the steamer after
her departure frem Portland.—Sunday
Several new’ students will enter after ation of the good work being done here Oregonian.
holiday vacation.
by Evangelist E. A. Ross. The way-
St. Louis Globe-Democrat,—The list
The new German class, under the in­ w’ard boys and girls of our town are re­
serious causalities to football players
struction of Miss Wessela, numbers solving to follow the strait path, and by
Thanksgiving day fills half a column.
fourteen, Ten would-be Germans who the cordial encouragement and fellow­
man died on the field, and probably
board at the dormitory, have made ar­
rangements for their teacher to sit with ship of Christian people, they cannot 30 or 40 were injured for life. An Amer­
them at meals, that they may have the but succeed. We understand that the ican game of football is al>out five times
advantage of German in conversation.
proposed New Year’s ball has been as dangerous as the Spanish bull fight.
The seniors are doing commendable given up. It is stated that the Christ­
W ashington , Dec. 12. — President
work in the model-room. Some of the mas masque will not lie £iven up, how­ Cleveland left Washington this evening
Juniors have been initiated into the ever—that is, if there is anyone that for a shooting trip in South Carolina
will tip the light fantastic.
mysteries of pedagogy.
waters. He was accompanied by Capt.
Rvans, Commander Lamlierton
School will be dismissed on Friday
The real objection to John Wanamak- and D.
physician, Dr. O’Rieily.—Ex.
night for the holiday vacation. Many er obtaining a renatorship is that he
of the students will visit their homes at may try to mark down items of approp­
The county court is in session at Jack-
this time.
riation bills from $2 00 to $1 99.—Ex.
son viile this week.
The Ashland Advertiser.