The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, November 11, 1896, Image 2

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    The Ashland Advertiser.
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
Published Every Wednesday.
“The people of the United States
should never l>e unmindful of the grati­
tude they owe to the God of nations lor
his watchful care, which has shielded
them from disaster and pointed out to
them the way of peace and happiness.
Nor should they ever refuse to acknowl­
edge with contrite hearts their proneness
to turn awav from God’s teachings and
to follow with sinful pride after their
own devices.
“To the end that these thoughts may l>e
quickened, it is fitting that, on a day es­
pecially appointed, we should join to­
gether in approaching the throne of
grace with praise and supplication.
“Therefore, I, Grover Cleveland,
president of the United States, do here­
by designate and set apart Thursday,
the 26th day of the present month of
November, to be kept and observed as a
day of thanksgiving and prayer through­
out our land. On that day let all our
people forego their usual work and oc­
cupations and assemble in their accus­
tomed places of worship; let them with
one accord render thanks to the Ruler of
the Universe for our preservation as a
nation, and our deliverance from every
threatened danger ; for the peace that
has dwelt within our boundaries ; for our
defence againt disease and pestilence
during the year that has past; for the
filenteous rewards that have followed the
abors of our husbandmen ; and for all
the other blessings that have been
vouchsafed to us.
“And let us through the meditation of
him who has taught us how to pray, im­
plore the forgiveness of our sins and a
continuation of heavenly favor.
nonarch of the Amateurs.
— TERMS. —
Subscription, One Year,................... $.50.
Six Months.................... 25.
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates,
Terms to Agents,
Made known upon
C^’All ads., notices, etc., when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ized agent. The A dvkrtiber is kept on
tile in his office.
The ••ADVERTISER” hafithr Largest Circulation
of any Amateur Newspaper in the World.
ASHLAND,..............WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 1896
The Electoral Vote.
The returns from the recent, presiden­
tial election have reached a definite con­
clusion, and the states carried by the
candidates, with electoral votes, are as
printed below:
M c K inley .—Oregon, 4; California, 9;
North Dakota, 3; Minnesota, 9; Iowa,
13; Wisconsin, 12; Michigan, 14; Illi­
nois, 24, Indiana, 15; Ohio, 23; New
York, 36; Pennsylvana, 32; Vermont,
4; New Hampshire, 4; Massachusetts,
15; Connecticut, 6; New Jersey. 10;
Delaware, 3; Kentucky, 13; West Vir­
ginia, 6; Maryland, 8, Rhode Island, 4;
Maine, 6. Total electoral vote, 273.
B ryan .—Washington, 4; Idaho, 3;
Montana, 3; Nevada, 3; Utah, 3; Wy­
oming, 3; South Dakota , 4; Colorado, 4 ;
Nebraska, 8; Kansas, 10; Texas, 15;
Missouri, 17 ; Arkansas, 8; Louisiana, 8;
Mississippi, 9; Tennessee, 12; Virginia,
12; North Carolina, 11 ; South Carolina,
9; Georgia, 13; Alabama, 11; Florida, 4.
Total electoral vote, 174.
Chrysanthemum Show.
The celebrated DeMoss Family Quar­
tette will give one of their vocal and in­
strumental concerts on Tuesday evening,
Nov. 17th, at the Opera House in Ash­
land. They use forty different in­
struments, and their performance is
George McConnell Sentenced.
George F. McConnell, whose trial was
set for yesterday in Judge Sears’ c< u t,
pleaded guilty, when the case was cal led,
to three indictments, and was sentenced
to three years, two years and one year,
respectively ; but, as the sentences were
ordered to run concurrently, he will
have but three years to serve in the pen­
The indictments upon which McCon­
nell was sentenced are for forgery of a
bill of exchange on the First National
bank of Corvallis for $33 60, and one up­
on the First National bank of Hillslxiro
for $53 93. and the third was larceny bv
bailee of $57 97, money of Blue Mount­
ain lodge, No. 28, K. of I*.
The other two indictments against
him were dismissed, upon motion of the
district attorney .—Oregonian.
Co.D.O.N.G., has been presented
with the large flag that was suspended
across Main street at the opera house.
I'm not Hurt!
‘Howling Success
Wm. Bevener,
The Epworth League, of the M. E.
church, gave a chrysanthemum social
in the Myer block last Saturday night.
The display of flowers was beautiful; the
cold, wet weather Was somewhat of a
drawdack, however. An interesting
program was rendered.
Oysters were First Class
Four prizes were awarded to exhibit­
+ + «•
ors: First prize, for best general dis­
|| Second
play, Miss Emma Ewan; second prize,
for l>est single plant, Mrs. C. Mingus:
third prize, for best bouquet, Mrs. E. A.
| Prices.
Smith; fourth prize, for largest flower,
+ +
Miss Emma Ewan, The prizes were NO C hinese E mployed .
flower vases.
----- ---------------------- ----------- /
The DeMoss Family.
“Let us not forget on this day of
thanksgiving the needy, and by deeds of
charily let our offerings of praise l>o
made more acceptable in the sight of
the Lord.
“Witness my hand and the seal of the
United States which I have caused to be
hereto affixed.
“Done at the city of Washington, this
4th day of November, in the year of our
Lord 1896, and of the independence of
the United States of America, the 121st.
“G rover C leveland .
“By the President,
“R ichard O lney ,
“Secretary of State.”
• • • •
$1.00 a Day
Ashland, Oregon. 3
Ranse Rouse, Prop’r.
Boarding by the Day, Week, or Month.