Druggist. * Stationer. Eugene A. Sherwin, .... Bookseller. Druggist. PERSONAL. —Mr. and Mrs. May, of Central Point, visited in Ashland yesterday. —Mrs. J. H. Martin returned home on Sunday evening’s train from Califor­ nia, where she has lieen visiting. —Major E. A. Weed, of Portland, passed through Ashland last Friday on his wheel, enroute for the City of Mexi­ co. —Rev. G. N. Annes returned home on yesterday’s train from Salem, where he had lieen attending the Baptist State Conference. —Mrs.C. H. Hargadine. of Klamath county, is expected to arrive here Fri­ day, ti> visit with her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. J. R. Casey. —Mrs. W. B. Ross, of Sacramento, ar- | rived in Ashland Monday evening. She is a sister of Mrs. Foss, of Talent, with whom she is visiting. —Mrs. A. P. Hammond, of Ashland, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Tur­ ner, and will remain alrout ten days.— Dunsmuir (Cal.) Herald. —G. M. Irwin, State Sunt, of Public Instruction, and. Pres. P. L. Campbell, of the Monmouth Normal, arrived in Ashland last Saturday. —Frank Williams returned home Monday from the northern part of the state, where he has been speaking in favor of the free silver side of the cam­ paign issue. —Rev. F. G. Strange and J. M. Luark went down to Medford on Monday eve­ ning’s train to attend an adjourned meeting of the Presbytery of Southern Oregon. They returned Tuesday. —Rev. E. P. Childs, of Ashland, and Rev. Robt. McLean and Rev. R. A. Rowley, l»oth of Portland, returned Thursday afternoon from a trip to East­ ern Oregon, where they have been look- inghfler the inteiesls of Congregation­ alism. Rev. Clyde and wife, of Montana, ar­ rived in Ashland Tuesday Oct. 20, and will reside here for a while. They were formerly residents of Ashland, and for some time have lieen visiting in British Columbia and the Willamette valley, coming here for Mr. Clyde’s health. To Display Old Glory. I'm not Hzirt! r . 'As? * •j! i . i ’ m making a . . “Howling Success » SELLING GROCERIES. ». fr/« •- Ashland, Oregon. ( Win. Hevener, COMB AND GELT MY PRICES. our national honor at home and alrroad, in the maintenance of law and order, and the advancement of our people’s in­ terests and general prosperity, be re­ quested and encouraged to display the national colors from their homes and places of business, and wherever they may be seen. D onald M ackay , H. H. H olmes , Chairman. Secreterv. —Oregonian. Normal School Notes. There will be a lecture on “Physical Culture” at 2:30 Sunday afternoon in the Normal chapel. Everyone invited. Girl in the Bus—“You’ve squeezed my hand all the way out here; now, for iiity’s sake, let go and let me get out” — ^he President rides in the bus. She (Sunday night) — “Won’t you come in, Lester?” Lester—No, thanks. I tell vou that dog of yours ha? had his last lunch off me.” If the “particulars” are desired, inquire of those who were there. She( very confidentially)—“This world is so cold and harsh ! We have so many troubles and cares, and so eften need ad­ vice and some cue to lean on.” He—“ Better go lean against the fence. I think it will hold you.” Curtain. Professor Miles is working up a new profession which he “follows” at inter­ vals, now. Next year he expects to take it up as a regular thing. We will be sorry to lose him, but wish him- suc­ cess in his new profession. Willis English left yesterday to take his brother’s place. In him, the Normal has lost one of its best students. The boys who were severely scalded week before last have succeeded VFry well in covering up their scars and foot­ prints. R. E. P outer . Headquarters Republican City and County Central Committee, Portland, October 24.—This committee, having been directed to give public notice there­ of and to make this request, in accord­ ance with the direction of the republic­ an national committee, does hereby respectfully request that on Saturday, the 31st day of October, and until after our national election, the national colors, flags and buiuing, lie displayed “M & M” means mush and milk. At bv patriotic citizens, and that all citi­ zens who believe in the preservation of the Congregational church November 6. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. HINMAN, Jr., D. D. S., office : MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, ASHLAND, - OREGON. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. DR. C. W. BARR, DENTIST, I. O.O.F. BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. Marriage Paper. Ladies’ ads free. Gents’ ads 12 cent a word. Everything confidential. Send 5 cents for copy. CUPID’S ECHO, (S ta . T) 15, B oston , M ass . Autumn Leaves. Autumn leaves! Nature grieves That they fall, one and all, To the ground’s ample round; There lying: there dying. Autumn’s gold they enfold. Purple dye, azure sky ; Amlier hue, sunlit dew, All beseem radiant lieam. Rainbow tint! Nature meant Then no harm, only charm. When the frost (wanton) burst Fibered stem,— leaves fell then. Smiling dawn ; upward sun ; Sees afar leaves at war. —Only seems, as in dreams: Leaves do fall, that is all. —L eostine .