The Ashland Advertiser. Published Every Wednesday. nonarch of the Amateurs. E ditor , . . P ublisher , P roprietor . — TERMS. — Subscription, One Year,................. $.50. “ Six Months, ................ 25. Sample copies mailed freely. Advertising rates, Made known upon Discounts,.. ........ application. Terms to Agents, First Class Accommodations. + + + II Second Class Prices. + + NO C hinese E mployed . ------------ --------------- / ) II S C Ran8e Rouse, Prop'r. Boarding by the Day, Week, or Month MEALÔ 2Ò CENTS. FRESH BREAD. LW“All ads., notices, etc., when not paid in advance, run until ordered out. Entered at the post-ottice at Ashland, Oregon, as second-class matter. LOCAL SQUIBS. The Ashland creamery made a ship­ P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD- ment of butter to Glendale yesterday. vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­ ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on don’t get half the news. Subscribe. file in his office. Look out for the Y. P. S. C. E. social The “ADVERTISER” han the Idirrest Circulation in the Congregational church Novemlier of any Amateur Newspaper in the World. 6th. Try Hevener’s fresh Eastern Sorghum ASHLAND,.............. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1890 65 cents a gallon. Vote for McKinley, and the nation Last Monday, a blind musician w’as doing the people and “taking in the votes with you, sights” of our city. Vote for Bryan, and you vote alone; Everything to suit the traveler, at the His free silver parties must borrow Ashland House. First class accommo­ their ballots, dations. For they’ve not half enough of their Prof. W. T. VanScoy, of the Ashland own. Normal, delivered the evening sermon in the M. E. church last Sunday. His “W. J. Bryan advocates honest money discourse was good. • and protection to all the people” ap­ Hevener sells good roakted coffee at’ pears on a “free w’ool” banner suspend­ 25 cents a lb; better for 35 cents: and ed across Main street in front of Odd the very best for 40 cants. Fellows’ block, hung there, not through Hard wood for sale. Leave orders at any honest motive, but to deceive the the A dvertise office. Try the Ashland House for a good simple minded and obtain their votes, square meal. as they betray in their every movement, Fresh creamery butter at Wm. Hev­ “if not by fair means, then by foul.” ener ’s Grocery. Their assertion is an open insult to the republican party; since the popo- Wanted to Rent.— a piano. Inquire at the Ashland Hotel. crats, through ignorance or intentional deceit, are unable or unwilling to quote Fresh Cape Cod c/anberries, 15 cents a quart at Wm. Hevener’s Grocery. anything original, (just here it may be stated that a quotation from the true ad­ In the absence of Rev. E. P. Childs, vocations of their candidate w’ouid be Mr. Howell delivered the sermon in the injurious to their object) they make no Congregational church last Sunday morning. scruple to take the advocation of their A number of cases of theft have l>een oponente, which on the free silver ban­ reported from places south-east of Ash­ ner, totters alone, unsupported by any land. The latest is a theft of about ten statement of their leader: hence, every bushels of potatoes from the Sheffield word of it bears on its face the base {dace last Sunday night. Previous thefts lave been of hogs, bacon, vegetables, image of theft and falsehood. etc. Bryan does not pretend to advocate Mrs. Matthes and daughter, .Jessie, anything honest or protective in its now occupy the ground floor of the S. V. nature. He says “the present money is Cowdes residence on South Main Street, too good,” and considers “highway rob­ and Mrs. Cowles and daughter, Mrs. Flo bery more honorable than protection;” Otto, occupy the second floor. Mrs. thus this banner becomes traitor to its Matthes and daughter are recently from Phoenix. cause. ! Y. P. S. C. E. gregational Social in tbe church Con- Friday evening, November 6. Admis­ sion, 10 cents. Further announcements later. Something interesting. Never wm a mor® grievous wrong a one the farmer® of our country than that ao unjustly inflicted during the past three years upon the wool growers. Although among our most useful citizens, their in­ terests hare been practically destroyed —McKinley's letter of acceptance. Normal School Notes. Several new scholars this week. The boy w ho lost so much hair this week will probably profit by the experi­ ence and let the big girls alone. The sermon by Pres. VanScoy last Sunday evening was highly appreciated by the students and others who attended. A big accident seems to have happen- ed last week. We haven’t learned the particulars, but it is rumored that a house fell on one of the students, injur­ ing him quite seriously. Cat serenades seem to lie the thing now, but we hope no more students will be served as the poor fellow was who was mistaken for a real cat and had boiling water thrown over him. Do a couple of our students recognize the following conversation? ----- “There is one thing I like a)»out you, ----- .” ----- “What’s that?” ----- “My arm.” Pupil.— What dees this mean: “The angry girl hurled her words at him vin­ dictively?” Prof.—I suppose the event occurred one of the cold mornings last week, and the words froze on the girls lips so that she broke them off and threw them at him.” The football boys can be seen almost any evening in the full glory of their “uniforms.” So sad that beauty must fade. R. E. P orter . C. B. Watson’s Addresses. C. B. Watson will deliver addresses at the following points in the valley this week: Jacksonville, Wednesday evening. Gold Hill, Thursday “ Woodville, Friday “ Medford, Saturday “ His address at Eagle Point last Friday evening was largely attended, and is re­ ceiving complimentary comment. Last Thursday a couple of miners, having received their month’s wages, were enjoying themselves in Medford, and chanced to fall in with some hoboes, who robbed them of their money, aliout $50. The hoboes were rounded up in Ashland Friday and $23 of the amount recovered. Barbecue at Medford next Saturday. Dinner, political speaking, illuminated parade in the evening. Big time, and a hurrah for Major McKinley.