Stationer. — Druggist. Eugene A. Sherwin, Bookseller. Druggist. — riKMn a i.. —J. R. Casey went to Salem last Sat­ urday. * • — Max Pracht came down from. Port­ land Sunday. He returned Tuesday« — Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Meminger left for Portland on Monday evening’s train. —Mrs. J.M. Wild, returned from a two months' visit to Dunsmuir last Fri­ day evening. —Mrs. Harry Gee returned home on eveners vesteniay’s train from a visit in the Wil­ lamette valley. —Thos. Frisby and family, of Camp Where you Creek, iaine county, arrived in Ashland last Monday evening. —Mrs. Henry Coolidge left last week for her home in Bounepart, Iowa, after several weeks’ visit in Ashland. —Horace J. Hicks went to Portland Central Point Pointres. last Saturday evening. He will attend the grand hxlge of the Knights of Pyth­ George Holmes is able to be around ias. again. — H. L. Barclay, who is stumping the John Mann was a very little better at state for Bryanism, delivered the morn­ ing sermon in the M. E. church last last report. Sunday. L. L. Jacob and wife were visiting in town Sunday. —Mrs. E. J. Muir, of Hepner, this Mr. A. 8. Jacob made a business trip state, returned home Monday from a to Eagle Point one day last week. month’s visit with Mrs. J. R. Casev, of Ashland. A tittle daughter of Earnest Noble is quite ill with typhoid pneumonia. —Harry and Hugh Gee returned Mon- dav evening from Arago, Coos county, Frank Brown, of Eagle Point, came where they have been at work for the over Monday, combining business with past six months. pleasure. Miss Nora Sidon, who is in attendance — Hon. Ben Butterworth, of Cimcin- at the Normal, visited her parent Satur­ nati, Ohio, arrived in Ashland Monday day, returning to school Sunday. and delivered a campaign address in the Chautauqua building in the evening. Bert Clemins, a young man of this place, is very bad with affection of the — Rev. E. P. Childa, of Ashland, Rev. brain which, no doubt, will cause insan­ 1 R. A. Rowley, of Portland, ami Rev. ity. Clapp, of Grant’s Pass, left yesterday Mr. Wm. Holmes, of this place, has for Pelican Bay, to l>e gone a couple of sold his interest in the Hour mill and weeks. Irought a share with his brother 8. B. The regular annual muster and inspec Holmes, of Eagle Point. tion of Co. D, O. N. G., was held in the John Jacobs, with some other Central Company armory last Thursday evening, Pointers, is rusticating for a week of Colonel Jackson, of the U. S. armv, in- two. and his brother N. A. Jacobs, of flpecting. Nothing was known of the in- Medford, fills his place behind the coun­ s|H»ction until the officers arrived on the ter. noon train. In his remarks to the Com­ pany, the Colonel said that Co. D had D ied —Preston Mann, a younger son of, Wm. Mann and brother of John assembled on the shortest notice of any Mann, Friday, Oct. 9, of typhoid fever. Company yet inspected, and the percent Interment in the Central Point of attendance was the largest this year. • cemetery. Hon. Binger Hermann deliverd a cam­ Charles Wimer, a nephew of A. S. paign speech in Medford last Friday afternoon. The citv hall at that place Jacobs, of this place, came down from was crowded full of enthusiastic politi­ the Normal school at Ashland on Friday cians of both sides of the question. Mr. : evening’s train, for a visit with old time Hermann stands for protection and sound money, an i is a good talker. About friends, returning Sunday. fifty republicans of Ashland went down The date of the Barbecue at Medford to hear the speech. The Ashland Glee Club met with the cordial approval of ; has been changed from Octolier 27 to October 24. A “big time” will be had. the Medford ¡»eople. Dont. . . . Howl H ABOUT POOR GOODS . . and HIGH PRICES, / —BUT GO TO---- G rocery , get the worth of your money. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. HINT1AN, Jr., D. D. S., office : MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, ASHLAND, - OREGON. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. DR. C. W. BARR, dentist , • I. O.O.F. BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. Marriage Paper. Ladies’ ads free. Gents’ ads cent a word. Everything confidential. Send 5 cents for copy. CUPID’S ECHO, (S ta . T) 15, B oston , M ass .