The Ashland Advertiser Published Every Wednesday. flonarch of the Amateurs • L. a / axi i E dito », . . •’ P ublisher , P roprietor . NO — TERMS. — Subscription. One Year................ “ Six Months........... Sample copies mailed freely. First Class Accom modations. + + + || Second • Class | Prices. + + $.50 . • w* 7 Advertising rates, j _ Discounts,........ 3M«d« k,* ? ',"!>on Terms to Agents,' application. Ranse Rouse, Prop'r. C hinese E mployed . ___________ 7 Boading by the Day, Week, or Month. MEALÔ 2Ó CE.NT5. FKE5H BREAD. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. C^"A11 ads., notices, etc., when not paid in advance, run until ordered out. Entered at the post-office at Ashland, Oregon, as second-class matter. P. FISHER^NEWSPAPERAI>- yertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s Exchange, San Francisco, is our author ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on tile in his office. F The ‘•ADVERTISER” has the Largest t'irrulatiou of any Amateur Newspaper in the World. ASHLAND,..............WEDNESDAY. OCT. 14, 1896 For the Young People. “Am I doing inv best?” will be the topic at the C. E. meeting in the Pres byterian church next Sabbath evening at 6:30 o’clock. The Missionary Com mittee will have the meeting in charge. The topic for the Y. P. S. C. E., of the Congregational church next Sundayeve- ning is “Are we doing our best?” and is found in Matt. 5:13-16: 25:14-30. Leader, Miss Lucinda Spencer. The meeting commences at 6:30 o’clock. Normal School Notes. One hundred and eight students this week. Prof. Miles is experimenting with a new kind of complexion beautitier. Seven chickens for Sunday’s dinner at the dormitory. The question is ‘ ‘where did they get them?” “Oh Max!” she screamed, “my neck !” “What’s the matter?” “There’s a pillarcat,ter!” “What----- ??” “A taperkiller!” “What in the world do von mean?” “Oh dear,” she moaned, as she clutched him frantically, “a kitterpal- ler, you know, Max, a patterkiller.” “Ohl” said Max, with evident relief, and he proceeded to brush acatterpillar off Ada’s neck. Prof. Berry must have had poor luck on his bird hunt. There seem to be plenty of birds left to assist in the chapel exercises. As President says: “There’s no woodchuck, like an old wookchuck, for noise.” We wonder how the young man is get ting along who was injured so seriously by being stepped on last Sunday eve ning while the bus was being loaded after church. At last occounts he could hardly walk. R. E. P orter . A “Book Social” will be given at Granite Hall, Oct. 16th, for the benefit of the Ashland Library. Every one is If you don’t read the A dvertiser , von cordially invited to add to the pleasure don’t get half the news. Subscrilie. of the evening by representing in cos B orn .—In Ashland, this Wednesday tume the title of a look. An interest morning, October 14. 1896, to Mr. and ing program will be rendered. Adm'S- sion 15 cts. Refreshments 10 cis. Mrs. Wm. Million, a daughter. Try Hevener’s fresh Eastern Sorghum Hon. Ben Butterwurth. 65 cent8 a gallon. Never Indore was a jiolitica) sj>eech in Mrs. W. N. Luckey gave a nice supper Ashland as largely attended as was that to Messrs. Clarence Lane, Alfred Ahl- of Hon. Ben Butterworth, of Cincinnati, strom, Ralph Hutch and Jay Taylor Ohio, in the Chautauqua building last Monday evening, in acknowledgement Monday evening. The building was of a serenade last Friday evening. crowded full, people from all parts of the Everything to suit the traveler, at the valley attending. Mr. Butterworth is a Ashland House. First class accommo loyal McKinley man, advocating protec dations. tion and sound money the only way to A free membership to the Library for prosperity. His speech appealed to the one year will be given to the person honest consideration and judgement of guessing the greatest number of every true American, free from everv “Books” at the “Book Social” Oct. 16. degree of prejudice, and was the most affecting address delivered in Ashland Hard wood for sale. Leave orders at during this campaign. M> Kinhyism the A dvkrtisr office. takes a fuller breath to day than it evei Try the Ashland House for a good did lief ore. square meal. The free silver men are working hard M arried .—In Jacksonville Monday, to maintain a spirit of Bryanism in Ash October 12, 1896, Mr. —. —. Patrick and land, but are loosing ground steadily. As the Hon. speaker expressed it: Miss Glenn Mills, both of Ashland. The young couple left (or Colorado “Whether she will or nay, Oregon will be blessed with returning prosperity Monday evening. next November l>e:ause the people of Fresh creamery butter at Wm. Hev- these Uni’ed States say ‘protection and ener’H Grocery. sound money’ must prevail.” Some good road work is being done on Cui. W. S. Crowd. South Main street. All the low places are being filled up with stones. County Judge Wm. 8. Crowel, of Med ford, a local democratic politician who Wanted to Rent. — a piano. Inqu're claims to be working for the best inter at the Ashland Hotel. est of home people,—so much so that, Yesterday the A dvertiser received a according to one of his own party, he new supply of leads, brass rule, bonier, sends our county printing to Portland quads and spaces, etc., and we again at a cost of twenty five per cent, more wish to call your attention to the fact than local offices ask for superior woik— that we turn out the liest job printing in delivered a speech in the Chautauqua Ashland. building last evening. Half a dozen se Arrangements have been completed lections by the band had the effect of for the publication of the “Students’ In drawing a crowd half as large as attend tellect, a monthly magazine for the ben ed Hon. Ben Butterworth’s speech the efit of the “Poor Students’ Fund” of the evening before, which speech the Judge Ashland Normal. The publication of made the basis of his remarks. He ac the paper is a worthy movement and its cuses the Hon. Butterworth oi “being a requests for support have been liberally bimetalist,” an accusation to the credit, responded to by our leading merchants of every republican—showing that and townspeople. L. Leo Hopkins has the Judge and most of his “click” are assumed the responsibility of Editor in ignorant of the difference between re Chief, with Percy Newton and Miss Ida publican soundness and popocratic Pearl Thomas as assistants. The publi emptiness—no wonder they want tree cation will appear about the first of each silver and free trade. Mr. Crowd’s ad month, with an average size of sixteen dress was composed entirely of preju pages. The first issue is now in press, diced remarks, ami if a few more speak ers will come here ami advocate and will be out November first. Bryanism, McKinley will have a hand ^flPRemember us for J ob P rinting . some walk-over. LOCAL NOT IBS. •