THE “ADVERTISER" IS MOW ESTABLISHED IB ITS MEW QUARTERS 1» NOVELTY BLOCK, OPPOSITE HOTEL OREGON. Give US a Call. The Ashland Advertiser. rionarch of the Amateurs 11 VOL. IV ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1896. NO. 26. ».Wi THE IlcKINLEY AND HOBART CLUB. An Enthusiastic Meeting in the Chautauqua Building.-»Some Good Remarks. Nothing1 A meeting of the Ashland “McKinley and Hobart Club” was held in the Chau tauqua building last Friday night. The rejxirt of the committee on bv laws was read and adopted. Geo. Lynd was elect Nice ed president of the club; D. F. Fox, vice- president ; C. H. Gillette, secretary; F. Tender Steak D. Wagner, treasurer; P. B. Whitney, sergeant at arms. Executive Commit Purchased of - - r tee: Geo. Lynd, F. D. Wagner, ex-officio, KLU/1 & CRISLER, £ James Chisholm, Geo. Dunn, J. P. Dodge. A vote of thanks was tendered • - DEALERS IN - - the Jacksonville “McKinley and Hobart Fresh and Cured fjeats, 4 Club, ” also the Glee Club, for assistance rendered at the organization of the Ash land club. flAIN STREET, Some appropriate remarks were made by P. B. Whitney and Geo. Dunn. W. Two Doors North of the Post Office. J. Stanley, formerly a silverite, made a good address, stating that he had come to see the money question in the right light, and had joined the happy majority for “McKinley and Hobart.” The regu lar meetings of the Club will be held MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION every Friday evening. BETTER PREPARES YCU FOR THE DAY’S WORK THAN A . . i ; 0 7 k The “Advertiser” in New Quarters. POLEY & CO ■J DfALCfft IN Groceries. Poultry. Eggs. Flour. Feed. Grain. II FRITTS. II VFGI.TABLFS. FTC., A. Millsap’s Old Stand, MAIN STREET, —-----ASHLAND. ORE À Last Thursday and Friday, the A dver moved into the Novelty block, op posite Hotel Oregon, where it is more advantageously located. We are thor oughly established and are prepared to meet the demands of the public in our line. We have a tine stock of commer cial stationery, cards and flat stock of all kinds. Our facilities for composition .and tine printing are unsurpassed in Ashland. We guarantee the best work in the city, at the lowest price. Give us a call ; vou may need printing some time, and previous knowledge may be a source of profit to you. You are invited to inspect our samples. tiser • UNDER - NEW - MANAGEMENT. OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Are You Satisfied? —L arson will have a babies’ day. Bring your baby 011 October 1st or 2nd and get a pheno free. The Ashland water suit was thrown oui of the San F/ancisco court. AdFertibr‘d Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office, Sept. 14, 1896: Barnes, 1 . H., Herron, Jo, Parker, Mrs. W. Persons calling for same will please say “advei tised.” W. H. B runk , P. M. Offic til Score of Go. D, O. N. G. The only change in this report is a new score I y Private R. R. Robley. R iflemen . Points pos: ble, 75. Points required in qualification, 45. ..58 Private W, Y. Crowson,....... ...57 Sergt. A. 0. Dixon, ........... ...57 “ F. »1. Carter,........... ...56 Q. M. Serg . A. E. Hildreth, ...55 1st Sergt. A 7. C. Grubb, .... Private Ch <s. Bolton,... ... 55 ...53 Sergt. W. B. Pracht,......... ...53 Corpl. H. 0. Galey,............ ...53 Private Walter D»‘nny,......... CC W. w’ H vener,’ ...52 “ n. ...52 B. C. 011111.1, Smith,. ............. ... . ..50 2nd Lieut. J. E. Thornton, Private J. W. Bish,.......... .. 50 ...49 H. C. Emery,....... O. W. Fox,............ ...49 John McCall.......... .. .47 F irst C lass . Points possible, 75. Points required in qualification. 30. Private R. R. Robley,........................... 43 Corpl. S. F. Ward,............................... 42 Private E. Corthell............................... 41 cc B.E. Spencer,.......................... 39 * << B. A. Spencer,.......................... 37 Capt. J ---------- . Ala^............ -------- .3/ 1st Lieut. E. O. A. Sutton, 34 » Pvt. Otto Miller,............ 33 *< W. C. Armburst,.. 30 S econd C lass . * Private T. R. Matthews,. . 28 < é — ------- H. H. Gillette, ,.26 * cc F, A. Foster,.. ..26 * c< 99 S F. Foster,.. ♦ C c Chas. Rose,... ..21 * cc F red Ulen,... .17 * cc } . B. Grubb,.. ..14 * Corpi. I . B. Martin,. . 12 * Private 1 . A. Strange, .. 8 ♦Partial «core. Not practiced at all ranges. T ihrd C lass . Men who have not yet practiced on the range. 18 men ren ain ng in this class. If you want water only when the wind blows; if you are satisfied to utilize but i a small fraction of the water in your THE . . . well; if you prefer heavy damages for re pairs after each storm in winter, by all means use a windmill; but if you want water at any time, and up to the full ca pacity of your well, put in an Ajax Coal GEllTRl'DK MA LL A K, Proprietress. Oil Gas Engine, the latest thing in me chanics, an engine that uses common coal oil for fuel, and is built by the well BAKERY IN CONNECTION. known firm of Palmer Key, San Fran cisco, California. . MEALS, . TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. • Has Secured Judgement. S. Hart, a Minneapolis, Minn., mer Boarding by the Day, Week or Month. chant, who was forcibly put off a South ern Pacific train at Albany last January by conductor H. T. Streit, has recently secured judgement against the K. R. T he A dvertiser Co. for $1,000, having sued for $25,000. The aboA e is a correct report of the Hart was put off the train because the result of C j. D’.< rifle practice on the Ono Year, conductor believed he was using a range for the season of 1896 to Sept. 14. ONLY 50 CENTS Six flonths, 25 Cents. “scalped” ticket. J. L. M ay , Captain. NEW WESTERN