W. C. T. U. Gleams. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not will­ ing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.—2 Peter 3:9. “It is a great mistake to remember your trials and forget your blessings.”— Ram’s Horn. Make way, make way. ’Tis a time for deeds Of men who are firm and true; Of men who will answer a country’s needs And note that the heart of a people bleeds, That a cancerous growth on the nation feeds; ’Tis a time for men—not you. —California Prohibitionist. The twenty-third annual convention of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will meet in Music Hall, St Louis, November 13-18. gmwwmmmmmmte | I Ladies Should Call Upon Hay, Flour, Feed, Etc. t B. C. R. F. Mill Co.’s =5 È • - OPP. CITY MALL, • • For Fashionable Feed Store Pioneer At Reasonable Prices. Building. FIRST CLASS WORK. J. M. Hicks, flanagr. PROMIT SERVICE. A Pointer. G. W. C rowsox is “in it”—the fruit business—again this year. If you desire a “square deal” on your fruit crop (or what there is of it) see him before completing arrangements for MRS. W. P. PARSONS. Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters. OPPOSITE CITY 11ALI* For First Class Service, . . PRODUCE. + A Trial Order Solicited. The son of Mr. Sewall, National Dem­ ocratic nominee for vice-president, is to stump the state against his father. Man suffrage divides families, therefore men should not have the right to vote.— Union Signal. Ashland flarket Reports. Millinery and Dressmaking TAKE YOUR WASHING o o 9 ^KINS of all kinds Medford. Ore. ¿DrfSSfT of wild «11- • • imals tan­ ---------------- ned and mounted in the liest ami most workmanlike manner possible. >hin nr KK NOWAK, • ________ .50 Wheat, per pushel,......... @ TO THE . . 115.00 Flour, per thousand, .... 14.50 Ashland Steam La undry, Mill Feed, per ton,......... 8.00 Hay, loose, »4 10.00 “ baled, 44 Ferrai A Slusser, I’ropr’s. Berry Crates, Cups, . , 4. 18.00 Shorts, .36 Oats, per bushel,.... J and Box Stuff otthe Potatoes, per 100 lbs • .75 @ 1.00 Special Attention Given Io all Orders. Corn, 1.00 < B. C. R. F. MILL CO.’S FEED STORE. .60 Blacklierries, per crate,.. if— Peaches, per box, 1.00 WORK GUARANTEED. GIVE us a TRIAL. Pioneer Block. Bunch Vegetables, per doz., .25 Eggs, per dozen,............ .15 Butter, per roll,.................. .30 @ .35 meats . Beef on foot, per pound— JO THE CITIZENS OF ASHLAND. Cows,............................01% @ .02 Steers,.......................... 02 @ .02% Hogs, on foot, per pound.02% @ .03 Chickens, per dozen, .. 2.75 — ’ @ : 3.00 I am now prepared to do a G eneral D raying B usiness ami solicit Turkeys, per pound,... ..06 @ .08 your patronage. Leave orders at Wm. Hevener’s Grocery u Steak, ..08 @ .10 44 and they will receive prompt attention. AH work done in a sat­ Veal, . ... .06 @ .10 44 isfactory manner. Mutton, ... .05 .10 44 Bacon, .10 • • • • ^^.L. GEORGE. 44 Hams, •12% • • • • Shoulders, 44 .08 ....... 07 44 Lard, .10 ....... 09 STAPLE GROCERIES. Sugar, granulated,......... 13 lbs. for “ extra C, ......... 14 “ granulated, per sack, “ extra C, “ Coffee, green, per pound, . 25 “ roasted, “ .25 @ Dried Fruits, “ ......... .08 @ Canned Veg., “ ......... .08 M Rice,.................................. 16 lbs. for Tea, per pound,....... ....... 25 Honey, “ ....... 10 Cheese, “ ........15 1.00 6.90 6.55 .45 .40 .10 .10 1.00 .75 .12 .2C FOR FIRST CLASS PHOTOS AT THE LOWEST PRICE, . . GO TO The Larson, . -------------- ------- F. L. CAMPS’ OLD STAND, PPFQBITE j*ÍQTEL PREGON,